Academic and Career Planning - Madison Metropolitan School District


Academic and Career Planning - Madison Metropolitan School District
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First Quarter | Primer Trimestre 2015-2016
The Newsletter of IAE | El Boletín de Noticias de IAE
Academic and
Career Planning
This fall, AERO students began their Academic
and Career Plan (ACP), which is a student-driven,
adult-supported process where students create
and cultivate their own unique and
information-based visions for post
secondary success.
Students across the Madison
Metropolitan School District in
eighth and ninth grade is intended
to follow students as they move
through high school. The ACP is
a tool to help students identify
interests and set goals for their lives
after high school, and steps to
achieve those goals.
Currently, students are focused on section
“Who am I” where students participate
in daily community circles to develop a
shared sense of community, learn social
skills, and share about themselves.
Once a week, students participate in an
ACP specific class, learning how to read
their personal academic record of all the
classes they have taken and the grades
they earned. Students reflect on actions
that they can take to be successful in
classes, as well as understanding how
earning credit will affect not only their
future high school career but also their
graduation date.
Students will also learn about how to apply for a
job electronically and in person. Finally, students
have just recently developed a visual artifact for
continued on page 2
Este otoño, los y las estudiantes AERO comenzaron
con sus planes académicos y vocacionales
(ACP), que consisten de un proceso liderado por
el/la estudiante y con apoyo
de adultos mientras crean y
cultivan visiones personales
bien informadas y su éxito postsecundario.
La intención es avanzar
estudiantes de secundaria a lo
largo del Distrito Metropolitano
Escolar de Madison. El ACP es
una herramienta para ayudar
al estudiante en identificar
sus intereses personales y
objetivos de vida para después de la
secundaria, así como los pasos que
necesitan tomar.
Actualmente, los y las estudiantes están
concentrados en la sección de “Quién
Soy” en la que a través de diálogos
en circulo a diario van construyendo
un sentido de comunidad, aprenden
habilidades sociales y comparten sobre
sí mismos.
Una vez a la semana, los/as estudiantes
participan en una clase específica
de ACP aprendiendo cómo leer su
propia libreta académica y para
todas sus clases, entendiendo las notas
que han obtenido, aprendiendo cómo obtener
créditos afecta su carrera secundaria e incluso
la fecha de su graduación. Así las/os estudiantes
reflexionan sobre acciones que pueden tomar
para tener éxito en sus clases y en adelante.
continua en pág 2

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