Apr 10 - St. Joan of Arc Catholic Church
Apr 10 - St. Joan of Arc Catholic Church
Welcome to April 10, 2016 SAINT JOAN OF ARC Catholic Church “We are the Catholic Community of St. Joan of Arc, united in our journey of faith and spiritual growth, by proclaiming and giving witness to Christ’s love for all persons.” “Jesus appears to the disciples by the Sea of Tiberias.” John 21:1-19 [1-14] Most Reverend Peter J. Jugis JCD Bishop of the Diocese of Charlotte Fr. Dean Cesa, Pastor 768 Asbury Road Candler, NC 28715 Phone: (828) 670-0051 Fax: (828) 670-0052 Email: [email protected] On the Web: stjoanofarccandler.org Office Hours: Monday-Friday, 9:00am-12:30pm / 1:30pm-4:30pm Serving the Communities of West Asheville, Candler, Enka and Beyond! MASS SCHEDULE Saturday: 5:00pm Sunday: 10:00am (English) and 12:00pm (Spanish) Monday: 9:00am Mass Tuesday: 12:00pm Communion Service Wednesday: 12:00pm Mass Thursday, Friday & Saturday: 9:00am Mass Holy Days: To be announced Reconciliation: Saturday, 4:00pm—4:45pm, or by appointment. SACRAMENTS Baptism Preparation required; call parish office to make arrangements 2 months prior. Bautismo 2 meses de preparación. Deben ser miembros de la comunidad parroquial. Favor de hablar con el padre después de la misa. Matrimony Couples planning marriage must contact parish priest at least six (6) months in advance of the marriage. Matrimonio 6 meses de preparación. Deben ser miembros de la comunidad parroquial. Favor hablar con el padre después de la misa. CALENDAR OF EVENTS & MASS INTENTIONS PASTORAL TEAM Pastor, Fr. Dean Cesa................................................. 670-0051 In Case of Emergencies ............................................ 670-0053 Pastor’s Secretary, Carol Wald................................. 670-0051 Bookkeeper, Linda Frady .......................................... 670-0051 Parish Pastoral Council Doug Bailey (Chairperson).………………………...…697-7849 Rob Berls, Tonya Kelley, Joseph “Jody” Lawrence, Edward Lopez, Dennis Mehring, Jim Pacquet, Jeanne Schlesinger and Marge Turcot Finance Council, Paul LeSchack (Chairperson)…….665-9809 Terry Rafinski, Katie Boyea, John Gales, Jeanne Duncan, & Linda Frady Buildings & Grounds Commission Mike Andreucci (Chairperson) ................................ 683-9978 Evangelization & Ecumenism Commission Rob Berls (Chairperson)……………………………545-2433 Caring Hearts Ministry, Paul LeSchack ...................... 665-9809 Bright Blessings Ministry, Paul LeSchack..………….665-9809 Faith Formation Commission Tim Kelley (Commission Leader)…………………777-1514 Maria Eva Tabora (Faith Formation Coordinator) Liturgy and Spiritual Life Commission, and Music Ministry Linda Gaines (Director)........................................... 273-4103 Altar Society, Nina Quinlan………………………..665-7229 Women’s Spirituality Group Elaine Lovelace .................................................. 545-3251 Praying Hearts Elaine Lovelace ................................................. 545-3251 Parish Life & Fellowship Commission Jo MacWilliam (Chairperson) ................................. 777-6096 Bereavement Ministry Barbara Buell …………………………………..712-0122 Nina Quinlan …………………………………..665-7229 Young at Hearts, Pauline Tennant ........................... 298-1227 Stewardship Committee Doug Bailey (Chairperson)…………….…………..697-7849 Kim Hayden, Eva DeSantiago & Lizzy Desantiago-Tabora Catholic Daughters, Diane Clarke-Hawkins ............ 667-0236 Knights of Columbus, John Gales…………………..667-0097 Ministerio Hispano, Antonio Garcia ........................ 670-0051 St. Vincent DePaul, Pager No. ................................. 775-1933 Catholic Charities ..................................................... 255-0146 50 Orange Street, Asheville, NC 28801 (ccdoc.org) Saturday, April 9 8:00am-4:00pm Hispanic Youth Gathering (Fellowship Hall) 9:00am Mass Intention for George & Kathy Carpenter, by Fr. Dean Cesa 4:00pm-4:45pm Confession; 4:30pm Rosary 5:00pm Mass In Memory of Joanie Zima + By Chester Zima 5:30pm Bright Blessings Committee Meeting (Conference Room) 7:00pm—11:00pm Hispanic Youth Celebration (Fellowship Hall) Sunday, April 10 9:30am Rosary 10:00am Mass (English) In Memory of Jessie L. Israel, Jr. + By Fr. Dean Cesa 11:00am Catholic Daughters Bake Sale (Narthex) 12:00pm Mass (Spanish) For the People 1:00pm Hispanic Community Food Sale (Fellowship Hall & Kitchen) Monday, April 11 9:00am Mass Intention for Joey Zima, by Fr. Dean Cesa 6:30pm Hispanic Cursillo Group Meeting (Meeting Room # 2) Tuesday, April 12 12:00pm Communion Service 5:30pm-7:00pm Quinceañera Rehearsal (Fellowship Hall) 6:30pm Choir (Church) Wednesday, April 13 12:00pm Mass Intention for Dave Campbell, by Fr. Dean Cesa 1:00pm Young at Hearts Luncheon (Ryan’s Restaurant) 6:30pm Faith Formation Classes (All Rooms) 6:30pm Adult Study Program (Fellowship Hall) Thursday, April 14 9:00am Mass Intention for Ann Cook, by Fr. Dean Cesa 5:30pm Finance Council Meeting (Conference Room) 7:00pm Coro (Church) 7:00pm Spiritual Life & Worship Commission (Conference Room) Friday, April 15 9:00am Mass Intention for Pat Corcoran, by Fr. Dean Cesa 7:30pm Hispanic Youth Group (Fellowship Hall) Saturday, April 16 QUINCEAÑERAS: Favor avisar con minimo 4 meses de anticipación. La preparación dura aproximadamente un mes. En la Iglesia hay unas formas que debe llenar, en ellas encontrara mayor información. COMMUNION CALLS AND HOSPITAL CALLS: Please call Parish Office to request the Sacraments of Communion or Anointing at home or in the hospital. SACRAMENTO DE LOS ENFERMOS: llamar a oficina a cualquier hora. REGISTRATION: New parishioners please register at the Parish Office. Notify the office of any changes to help keep our records up to date. 9:00am Mass Intention Zerrany Delatorre, by Fr. Dean Cesa 10:00am Knights of Columbus 1st Degree (Meeting Room # 2 & # 3) 1:00pm Quinceañera 4:00pm-4:45pm Confession; 4:30pm Rosary 5:00pm Mass In Memory of Eugene Stanley + By The Narcisco Family Knights of Columbus Clothing Drive (Narthex) Sunday, April 17 Knights of Columbus Clothing Drive (Narthex) Knights of Columbus Pancake Breakfast (Fellowship Hall) 9:30am Rosary 10:00am Mass (English) In Memory of Cecelia Norton + By Fr. Dean Cesa 11:30am Catholic Daughters Meeting (Conference Room) 12:00pm Mass (Spanish) For the People 2:00pm Comité (Conference Room) PRAYER LIST April 10, 2016 3rd Sunday of Easter Please pray for those who have died, and those in nursing homes, hospitals, the homebound, and for the sick, especially: TODAY’S READINGS Pete Anest, Kevin Bailey, Don Blaser, Geri Brower, John Cain, Wayne Calhoun, Iris Campbell, David Carman, Carol, George & Kathy Carpenter, Kaylee Castillo, Dorothy Collins, Ann Cook, Pat Corcoran, Zerrany Delatorre, Trish Farrell, Ortenzio “Art” Filotei, William Fleming, Amelia Gentry, Ann Gibbs, Barbara Granville, Joasia Halka, Cathy Henderson, Mary Hueber, Easton Hugg, Grace Hunter, Jerry Hunter, Bill Kalarovich, Lori Joens, Janice Kelley, Maria del Carmen Lanese, Dick Lamb, Maria Lopez-May, Bole & Juli Mathis, Carolyn Mattox, Tommy Meadows, Mark McGuire, Megan McKiernan, Diane McKinney, Karen & Mike McNair, Ruby Melton, Carla Michelle, Joshua Midgley, Robin Minniti, Virginia Morales, Brian Notzon, Steve Novotny, Carl & Peggy Obuchowski, Mary Ollis, Isabelle Ortiz, Santos Pacheco, Shirley Pfeffer, William Reid, Margaret Reilly, Rosemary Russell, Neil Roblero, Dick Schwartz, Ricky Smith, Leo Stone, Mary Jane Straub, Mary Triana, Jerry & Ruth Ventricelli, Tibbi Vest, Vicki, Cathy Weber, Ana Zabel, Joey Zima First Reading — Brought before the Sanhedrin, the apostles give witness to Jesus Christ. (Acts 5:27-32, 40b-41). Psalm — I will praise you, Lord, for you have rescued me (Psalm 30). Second Reading — In his vision John sees all in heaven and on earth give honor and glory to the one on the throne and to the Lamb (Revelation 5:11-14). Gospel — Jesus appears to the disciples by the sea of Tiberias (John 21:1-19 [1-14]). The English translation of the Psalm Responses from the Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved. Please pray for our armed forces and diplomatic personnel, and missionaries serving our Church, both here and abroad: Sgt. Jason Pallack (Army), Ft Stewart, GA, son-in-law of Ellen Dame Capt. David Smestuen, (USMC), Camp LeJeune, nephew of Mina Sweeney Maj. Randall J. Sweeney, (Army), Philadelphia, PA, son of Mina Sweeney Specialist David Middleton (Army), home from Afghanistan and now stationed at Ft. Bragg, nephew of Kathy & Mark McGuire Warrant Officer Michael Warren (Army), stationed in Iraq, son of Patricia Crook (Warren) Christopher Matthews (USAF), following his tours in England, Afghanistan and Africa, is now stationed stateside in Arizona, he is the grandson of Monica Matthews Pray for peace in the Mid-East, Africa, Korea, the Ukraine and South America. Pray that Christ will save those whose lives are shattered by natural disasters and famine. READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Acts 6:8-15; Ps 119:23-24, 26-27, 29-30; Jn 6:22-29 Tuesday: Acts 7:51 — 8:1a; Ps 31:3cd-4, 6, 7b, 8a, 17, 21ab; Jn 6:30-35 Wednesday: Acts 8:1b-8; Ps 66:1-3a, 4-7a; Jn 6:35-40 Thursday: Acts 8:26-40; Ps 66:8-9, 16-17, 20; Jn 6:44-51 Friday: Acts 9:1-20; Ps 117:1bc, 2; Jn 6:52-59 Saturday: Acts 9:31-42; Ps 116:12-17; Jn 6:60-69 Sunday: Acts 13:14, 43-52; Ps 100:1-3, 5; Rv 7:9, 14b-17; Jn 10:27-30 NECESSARY Grace is necessary to salvation, free will is equally so; but grace in order to give salvation, free will in order to receive it. —St. Bernard Faith Formation Page Tour of the Church Faith Formation Commission Chair Emeritus Mary Ann Wharton will be providing a “tour of the church” during Faith Formation classes on April 6 & 13. She will be showing some of our students the different things we see in our church every week, but may not have known what they are. Any parishioners who would like to take this tour with Mary Ann are welcome to come on either of those evenings at 6:30. Comisión de Formación de Fe Presidente Emérito Mary Ann Wharton estará proporcionando un "tour de la iglesia" durante las clases de Formación de Fe el 6 de abril y 13. Ella estará mostrando algunos de nuestros estudiantes de las diferentes cosas que vemos en nuestra iglesia todas las semanas, pero puede no serlo han conocido lo que ellos son. Cualquier feligreses que deseen participar en esta excursión con Mary Ann son bienvenidos a venir en cualquiera de esas tardes a las 6:30. Jubilee Year of Mercy The seventh Spiritual Work of Mercy is “praying for the living and the dead.” Prayer is one of the most powerful ways we can support others. Joining together in prayer for the living and the dead entrusts us all to God’s care. Request a mass intention for a friend or family member who is going through a tough time. Request a mass intention for a friend or family member who has passed away. Keep your own book of prayer intentions, writing down the names of those who you are keeping in your prayers. Ask a friend or family member if there is anything you can pray for them about. Through prayer, entrust your cares and concerns for those around you to God. El séptimo trabajo espiritual de la Merced está "orando por los vivos y los muertos." La oración es una de las maneras más poderosas que podemos apoyar a otros. Unirse en oración por los vivos y los muertos nos confía al cuidado de Dios. Solicitar una intención de misa para un amigo o miembro de la familia que está pasando por un momento difícil. Solicitar una intención de misa para un amigo o familiar que ha fallecido. Mantenga su propio libro de intenciones de oración, anotando los nombres de los que se están manteniendo en sus oraciones. Pídale a un amigo o miembro de la familia si hay Holy Father’s Prayer Intentions of the Month algo que usted puede orar por ellos sobre. Universal Intention: That small farmers may receive A través de la oración, confiar sus inquietudes y a just reward for their precious labor. preocupaciones de los que te rodean a Dios. Intention for Evangelization: That Christians in Africa may give witness to love and faith in Jesus Christ amid political-religious conflicts. Group B meets this Wednesday El grupo B se reúne este miércoles The St. Joan of Arc Adult Study Program meets each Wednesday, following the Noon Mass, in the Conference Room; and the evening class meets at 6:30pm in the Fellowship Hall. All are invited. We will be looking at THE CHURCH OF MERCY, by Pope Francis. DIOCESAN SUPPORT APPEAL Weekly Offering Summary April 2 & 3, 2016 Amount Collected Weekly Budget Amount Offering $5,121.47 $4,230.77 + $890.70 Mortgage Reduction $240.00 $650.00 - $410.00 2016 Priests’ Retirement Collected YTD $1,302.83 Difference Your pledge to the Diocesan Support Appeal is shared with the educational, multicultural, vocational, housing, and social service ministries of the diocese. Thousands of people depend on your generosity. You may complete a pledge envelope and return it to the Parish Office or go to www.charlottediocese.org/dsa to make a gift online. Su donación al DSA se utilizará solamente para los ministerios educativo, multicultural, vocacional, y social de la diócesis. Miles de personas dependen de su generosidad. 2016 Priests’ Retirement Assessment Balance to be Collected t/b/a t/b/a Catholic Charities Part-Time Direct Assistance Coordinator Description: Catholic Charities seeks a professional to coordinate the regional direct assistance program that serves individuals and families with a variety of services such as emergency food, financial, holiday, and burial assistance. This person would also manage a caseload of persons served through the regional direct assistance program and employ case coordination procedures and principles to assist clients in improving their economic situation. Four year degree preferred. At least two years of relevant job experience is required. Equivalent combination of education and experience in case coordination will be considered. For further information see Job Description at ccdoc.org/about-us/jobs. Qualified applicants should send resume and cover letter to Justin Reilly at: [email protected] Justin Reilly Regional Office Director Catholic Charities Diocese of Charlotte 50 Orange St. Asheville, NC 28801 P: 828.255.0146 | F: 828.253.7339 | C: 803.730.2948 / [email protected] ccdoc.org 2016 GOAL FOR ST. JOAN OF ARC AMOUNT PAID TO DATE BY 60 DONORS STEWARDSHIP CORNER Stewardship opens an avenue of thought that allows us to give without always questioning what we will get in return. April 10, 2016 WEEKLY KNIGHT State Raffle Tickets are now on sale for the annual North Carolina Knights of Columbus state raffle. The raffle is the largest source of funds for the Knights in North Carolina. Half of the cost of every ticket stays with your local council to assist them with their programs in our church and in the community. Tickets are $5 each and they offer prizes of an Alaskan cruise (1st prize), a Caribbean cruise (2nd prize), or $200 in cash (3rd – 7th prizes). Please speak to a Brother Knight if you would like to purchase tickets. Las entradas están ya a la venta para los caballeros anuales de Carolina del Norte de la rifa del estado de Columbus. El sorteo es la mayor fuente de fondos para los caballeros en Carolina del Norte. La mitad del costo de cada boleto se queda con su consejo local para ayudarles con sus programas en nuestra iglesia y en la comunidad. Los boletos cuestan $ 5 cada uno y que ofrecen premios de un crucero por Alaska (1er premio), un crucero por el Caribe (2º premio), o $ 200 en efectivo (3º - 7º premios). Por favor, hablar con un hermano Caballero si le gustaría comprar boletos. Pancake Breakfast After taking a break in March for St. Patrick’s Day and Holy Week, we are back in April with our monthly pancake breakfast. We will be serving up our delicious pancakes, sausages, and orange juice next Sunday, April 17, after both Masses. Please join us for food and fellowship. Spaghetti Dinner Save the date: Saturday, April 30, we will be holding our annual spaghetti dinner fundraiser after the 5:00 Mass. We hope you will join us. Please ask a Brother Knight about ticket information. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS/CABALLEROS DE COLON THIS IS AN OPEN INVITATION FOR ALL PRACTICING CATHOLIC MEN OVER THE AGE OF 18 TO JOIN US AND BE A KNIGHT. NAME: ____________________________ ADDRESS: ___________________________________________ PHONE: _______________________ ESTO ES UNA INVITACIÓN ABIERTA PARA TODOS LOS HOMBRES CATÓLICO PRACTICANTE MÁS DE 18 AÑOS PARA INSCRIBIRSE EN NOSOTROS Y SER UN CABALLERO. NOMBRE: __________________________ DIRECCIÓN: __________________________________________ TELÉFONO: _______________________ CATHOLIC DAUGHTERS OF THE AMERICAS COURT ST. JOAN OF ARC # 2471 Weekly Reflection—The Catholic Daughters is one of the oldest and largest organizations of Catholic women in the Americas. We work both in our parish and in our community to live our motto, In Unity and Charity. We undertake many service projects and fundraisers throughout the year and woud like to take this space in our bulletin to tell you a little more about who we are and what we do. Can You Top This? Last month you contributed 217 pounds of food to Loving Food Resources. The need continues to provide nutritional food to those living with HIV/AIDS and those in Home Hospice. Thanks to your generous contributions many people don't have to choose between purchasing needed medication or purchasing healthy food. Please bring in non-perishable food and place it in the collection basket in the Narthex next weekend, April 16 & 17. Thank you for your ongoing support of this unique and much needed ministry in our community. LITURGICAL MINISTER SCHEDULE SATURDAY, APRIL 16 & SUNDAY, APRIL 17 Saturday 4/16/16—5:00pm Lectors: Doug Bailey & Linda Bailey Altar Server: Jo MacWilliam Hospitality: Susan Jones & Sharon Crawford EM: Shelley Glanton, Tonya Kelley & Tim Kelley Sunday 4/17/16—10:00am Lectors: Audra Holden & Lois Davis Altar Servers: Gaiva Holden & Chester Zima Hospitality: Terry Rafinski & David Hayden EM: Sonia LeSchack, Greg Holden & Jean Gales YOUNG AT HEARTS . . . YOUNG AT HEARTS WILL MEET WEDNESDAY, APRIL 13TH AT RYAN’S ON BREVARD RD FOLLOWING NOON MASS. WE WILL BE COLLECTING SNACK ITEMS FOR PISGAH ELEMENTARY SCHOOL. SPECIAL NOTE: Ryan’s will be assisting “Bright Blessings” by offering the Buffet & Beverage at $10.00 You will receive this discount with a contribution to “Bright Blessings”. Please join us in supporting this ministry. Discussion Questions Third Sunday of Easter April 10, 2016 First Reading / Acts 5:27-32, 40b-41 1. The Sanhedrin says, “We gave you strict orders, did we not, to stop teaching in that name.” Why the negative attitude and all the objections? How are you with interpretations of God’s word that are different from your own? 2. The apostles rejoiced that they had been found worthy to suffer dishonor. When you encounter suffering in your life is there anything that helps you accept it? What would make a person “embrace” suffering? Do you know anyone who suffers but also exudes a kind of spiritual joy? Second Reading / Revelation 5:11-14 1. Why does John say that he heard every creature in the universe cry these words, “To the one who sits on the throne and to the Lamb be blessing and honor, glory and might, forever and ever.” How does the environment “cry out” and glorify God? How do birds and beasts? How do you? 2. The Israelites slaughtered and ate a lamb at the time of the Passover, and were protected from harm by the lamb’s blood on their doorposts. The mystery of divine love is that Christ, the Lamb, was slain out of love for us. How are cross and resurrection made one in the image of the Paschal Lamb? Is this image a model for the Church? Gospel / John 21:1-19 or 21:1-14 1. Jesus was on the shore. John and the other disciples were in the fishing boat. Why do you think John recognized Jesus before the others? Discuss. There are four stories in this Gospel: the appearance of Jesus to the disciples, the large catch of fish, the meal, and Peter’s commissioning. Which do you like to think about? Why? 2. Below, Pope Francis suggests that future Vatican diplomats cast their nets in a certain place. Where? And where do you think “less obvious seas” are? The Holy Father also asked that the future apostolic nuncios not look for “fish in aquariums or farms,” but that they “instead have the courage to leave behind the safe margins of what is already known and to cast your nets and rods in less obvious seas.” We are looking for volunteers to be trained as Hospitality Ministers. This is an easy job, but an important one, since you will be greeting people as they enter the Church, taking up the offering, distributing the bulletin. If you would like to become a part of this ministry, please contact Linda Gaines at 273-4103, or call the parish office at 670-0051. DeColores . . .Have you ever wondered what Cursillo is? Come join our ULTREA persevere (to persevere) to find out. All are welcome to come, Friday April 22, 2016 starting at 6:30pm with pot luck. Bring something to share OR if you can’t make the POT LUCK come join us at 7pm in the IMMACULATA SCHOOL GYM, 711 N.BUNCOMBE ST., HENDERSONVILLE, NC 28791. Do you feel called to a deeper commitment to your faith? Do you want to more fully understand the mission you are called to through your Baptism? Are you looking for a way to sustain your Christian journey? Come join us, bring your spouse or a friend and we can share together. Questions, please call Dave at 828 808 3358.
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