June 16, 2013 - Our Lady of Refuge Church
June 16, 2013 - Our Lady of Refuge Church
The Parish Community of Our Lady of Refuge R.C. Church 2020 Foster Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11210 Phone: (718) 434-2090 Fax: (718) 859-7411 www.olrbrooklyn.org www.Facebook.com/olrbrooklyn Bienvenue ˜ Welcome ˜ Bienvenidos Parish Vision Statement TO GROW IN HOLINESS, TO WORSHIP GOD, AND TO SERVE THE WORLD. PARA CRECER EN SANTIDAD, PARA ALABAR A DIOS Y SERVIR AL MUNDO POU-N GRANDI NAN SENTETE, POU-N BAY BONDYE GLWA E SEVI TOUT MOUN Pastoral Staff MASSES ˜ MISAS ˜ MESSES Pastor: Rev. Michael A. Perry Parochial Vicars: Fr. Rony Mendes Bus. Administrator/Stewardship Coord.: Ms. Judy Agard Parish Musician: Glenn Balck Daily in the Chapel Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday - 9:00AM Wednesday, Friday - 7:00AM First Friday - 7:00AM & 9:00AM Office Hours ˜ Horas de Oficina Heure de Bureau Monday to Friday: 9:00AM - 12:00 Noon; 1:00PM - 9:00PM Saturday: 9:00AM - 7:00PM; Sunday: 9:00AM - 2:00PM Weekend in the Church Saturday: Sunday: Domingo: Dimanche: Religious Education Classes Coordinator: Jennifer Baptiste Children: Sundays - 2 Sessions (1) 8:45AM - 11:00AM or (2) 10:15AM - 12:30PM RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) For adults (18 years of age and older English – Saturday 3:30 – 4:50pm Spanish – Sunday after Spanish Mass Kreyol – as needed Eucharistic Adoration Tuesday to Saturday after morning Mass in the y Chapel until 12:00 Noon. First Fridays after Mass in the Chapel until 10:00PM with Benediction. Parish Membership Our Parish Family invites all of its members to participate fully in our spiritual and social life. Every family moving into the Parish is requested to register at the rectory. Letters of recommendation can be written for registered members. If you move to another parish, or change your address or phone number, please notify us. 5:00PM English 7:00AM & 11:30AM English 8:30AM Español 1:30PM Haïtienne Kreyol Mass is celebrated at the Ditmas Park Care Center (Nursing Home) on the first and third Fridays of each month at 10:30AM. Baptism Bautismo Bapteme Call the rectory..........Informacion en la casa parroquial. Information au presbytere Confessions Saturday, Samedi, Sabado 4:00PM or by appointment Marriage Matrimonio Marriage Call 6 months in advance...Llame 6 meses antes de la fecha. Appelez 6 mois a l’avance. Log on to www.pre-cana.org for marriage preparation details. Ministry to the Sick The Eucharist can be brought to the elderly and those temporarily or permanently homebound. Please call the rectory. This Parish is Clustered with the Following Churches Holy Cross ~ Holy Innocents ~ St. Vincent Ferrer ~ St. Therese of Lisieux ~ St. Catherine of Genoa ~ St. Jerome Notary Public On Staff OUR LADY OF REFUG – 11th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME – JUNE 16th, 2013 cÉÑx YÜtÇv|á [tuxÅâá ctÑtÅA St. Thérèse of Lisieux Academy A Catholic School Committed to Academic Excellence 4410 Avenue D Brooklyn, NY 11203 Phone: (718) 629-9330 Fax: (718) 629-6854 Website: www.scgstl.org FIRST READING 2 Samuel 12:7-10, 13 (93C) David sinned against the Lord, but Nathan answered him: The LORD on his part has forgiven your sin: you shall not die.” SECOND READING Galatians 2:16, 19-21 Paul preached to the Galatians “I have been crucified with Christ; yet I live, no longer I, but Christ lives in me.” GOSPEL READING Luke 7:36-8:3 or 7:36-50 Jesus said to Simon the Pharisee of the women who washed and anointed his feet, “I tell you, her many sins have been forgiven because she has shown great love.” * IMPORTANT INFO * Our Lady of Refuge Food Pantry distributes food packages to needy families on Wednesdays from 9:30AM to 1:00PM. Identification is required. Parishioners are encouraged to give donations of Cash, perishable and non perishable food items and clean plastic shopping bags to support the program. Please call or stop by the Rectory office if you would like to donate. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS meet in our rectory basement on Tuesdays (English) at 6:00PM and Saturdays (English) at 5:30PM. Mondays & Wednesdays (in Spanish) at 6:00PM. ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE-ESL in the school on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6:00pm-9:00pm. During the regular school year. GED PREPARATION & Basic Skills are held Monday to Friday in the rectory basement (entrance on East 21st Street, door B) from 9:00AM during each school semester. Registration is necessary. NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS meet in the Rectory basement every Sunday at 1:00PM in Spanish and 5:30PM in English. PARISH REGISTRATION All parishioners are encouraged to register and to use their offering envelopes as a sign of commitment. If you are not registered we cannot issue testimonial letters in connection with sponsorship for the sacraments of Baptism, and Confirmation. We can give character references for positions, schools etc. only to those who have been registered for at least three months. Please register at the rectory office if you are new to the parish. Please also inform us of any change of address. 1 - 404 OUR LADY OF REFUG – 11th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME – JUNE 16th, 2013 Rosette Box, Bernadette Jerome, Laconic Marceline, Beverly Banyan, Rose Donor, Elba Nunez, Rosanna Clermont, Grace Patricia, Dominick Viscardi, Rita Montes, Ernest Franklin, Evelyne Velez, Manuel Velez, Raymond Rodriguez, Marie Edmee Fenelon, Joseph Philippe, Tasha Sanon, Fritz Galette, Lena Cardinez, Fermine Reid, Jean Bernard Letang, Norma Allenyne, Rose Cesar, Carmelo Montes, Darilyne, M. Griffne, Karoline Picano, Daniel Lynch, Dennis George, Mariabelle Carla Gousse, Chloe Page, Sergio Padilla, Marie A. Emile, Ismay Brown, Altagrace Excellent, Stella Discardi, Rosa Waldron, Amanda J.. COMMUNAUTE HAITIENNE HEURES DE REUNION Le Groupe “la Ste Famille” se reunit chaque Dimanche après la messe Haitienne de 3 heure jusqu’a 5 h du soir. RECTORY BASEMENT Le Groupe Charismatique se reunit chaque Jeudi de 7 heure du soir jusqu’a 9:30pm. Nous vous invitons a venir louer et prier avec nous. La Legion de Marie se reunit chaque Samedi à la Chapelle de 4heure a 5:30pm. Nous avons besoin de nouveaux membres. Nous vous invitons à venir faire route avec Maman Marie. Le Groupe Cell se reunit chaque Mercredi à la Chapelle de 7:30 du soir jusqu’a 9:30pm. Our Lady of Refuge now provides Online Giving, a convenient and safe way to take your Weekly Donations. Getting started is easy, just visit our website: www.olrbrooklyn.org , and click our Online Giving link. When you participate, your gift will be securely transferred directly into the Parish Bank Account. And you won’t have to remember to write a check or stop by the ATM on Sundays! Sight & Sound Theater Lancaster County, PA “NOAH” Date: July 6th, 2013 Time: 7am 1087 Ocean Ave. (In front of the church) Tickets: Adults: $130 Youth(13-17): $90 Kids(3-12): $75 LEGION OF MARY PRAYER GROUP Do you want support in your spiritual life trusting Jesus through Mary? Come, pray and share with us every Thursday 7:008:00 pm in the chapel. Everything included: bus ride, breakfast in the bus, stop at Vanity Fair Shopping Center, Show & Dinner. Easy payment plan Seats are available!!! For more information call: Claire Marie Sejour (646)427-3780 or Lucette Momplaisir (646)626-2721 Our Lady of Refuge Furniture Sale & Flea Market!! Wednesday Night English Prayer Meeting Everyone is invited to join us on Wednesday evenings at 7:30PM in the School Hall. Join us for prayers, worship, bible readings, sharing and intercessory prayers. Saturday- June 22 8am- 4pm Garage/Church Parking Lot 2 - 404 OUR LADY OF REFUG – 11th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME – JUNE 16th, 2013 RINCON HISPANO Cursillistas: se reúnen los martes a las 7:30PM en la Capilla. Círculo de Oración: se reúnen los viernes a las 7:30PM. Sagrado Corazón: se reúnen cada primer domingo de mes después de la misa hispana. Jóvenes de Valor: se reúnen los lunes a las 7PM en la campilla. Si eres mayor de edad 18 años, y no estas bautizados, comunión o confirmación llama a la oficina de la parroquia y se te dará la información necesaria para que puedas hacer tus sacramentos. Las clases son en español. Les pedimos a los feligreses que no están registrados en la Parroquia que por favor se registren en la oficina. Celebrating Lay Ministry: Working in the Vineyard of the Lord Join us for a Cocktail Reception and Evening Vespers on Sunday, June 23rd, 2013 at 4:30pm at the Immaculate Conception Center, Douglaston, NY Honoring Most Rev. Frank J. Caggiano & Our Lady of Refuge Parish Commemorating the 10th Anniversary of the Commissioning of the Class of 2003 There will be Raffle Prizes & much more! Tickets are $100 per person For RESERVATIONS & more information, please contact the Pastoral Institute at (718)281-9556 / Fax: (718)399-5920 Email: [email protected] Nuestra Parroquia esta en Facebook. Jóvenes y adultos que les gusta navegar en la red social, busquen en Factbook a nuestra parroquia www.facebook.com/olrbrooklyn y dale Like. Interesado en solicitar la CIUDADANIA de los EE.UU? Por favor únase a nosotros para un Taller GRATIS para solicitar la ciudadanía organizada por los Servicios Católicos de Migración y la Campaña de los Nuevos Americanos. Viernes 21 de Junio de 10am -4pm Brooklyn Public Library. 10 Grand Army Plaza Los participantes registrados reciben primera prioridad. Para inscribirse en el taller o para obtener más información, por favor llamar a la línea caliente Ya Es Hora (888)839-8682 Our Lady of Refuge Church Summer Session. You are invited to view CATHOLICISM a groundbreaking Documentary Film Series. The DVD episodes take viewers around the world and deep into the faith, spanning over 50 locations in 15 countries. Usted esta invitado a ver CATOLICISMO un documental revolucionario Cine Series. Los episodios de DVD tienen los espectadores de todo el mundo y profundamente en la fe, que abarca más de 50 ubicaciones en 15 países. Vous êtes invités pour voir CATHOLOCISME une série révolutionnaire du film documentaire. Les épisodes DVD prennent téléspectateurs du monde entier et en profondeur dans la foi, s’étend sur plus de 50 sites dans 15 pays. CATHOLICISM illustrates the truth, goodness, and beauty of the Catholic Faith in an epic media experience. You will witness a vision of the Catholic Faith that has never before been seen. See the passion and glory of the Faith that over 1.1 billion of the earth’s people claims. CATOLICISMO ilustra la verdad, la bondad y la belleza de la fe católica en una experiencia multimedia épica. Usted será testigo de una visión de la fe católica, que nunca antes se había visto. Ver la pasión y la gloria de la fe que mas de 1.1 millones en el pueblo de la tierra afirman. CATHOLICISME illustre la vérité, la bonté et la beauté de la foi catholique dans une expérience multimédia épique. Vous assisterez à une vision de la foi catholique qui n’a jamais été vu auparavant. Voir la passion et la gloire de la foi que plus de 1,1 milliard d’habitants de la terre réclamations. June 17, 24, 2013. 7pm to 9pm No Charge/Free will donation Sin cargo/Donación a su voluntad Aucune charge/don de volonté libre ************************************************************** Celebrando el Ministerio Laico: Trabajando en la Viña del Señor Únete a Nosotros a compartir un Cóctel y las Vísperas el Domingo, 23 de junio del 2013 a las 4:30pm en el Centro de la Inmaculade Concepción, Douglaston, NY Honorando a El Rvdmo. Frank J. Caggiano & La Parroquia de Nuestra Señora del Refugio Conmemorando el 10° Aniversario de Comisión de la Clase del 2013 ¡Habrá una Rifa y mucho más! Boletos son a $100 por persona Para RESERVACIONES y más inforamación, favor de comunicarse con el Instituto Pastoral: (718)281-9556 / Fax: (718)399-5920 Email: [email protected] Du Mardi 13 Aout au Samedi 17 Aout 2013 Pèlerinage a l’oratoire St. Joseph Canada. Ste. Anne de Beaupré, Québec. Notre Dame du Cap Trois-Rivières. L’autobus Quittera : Notre Dame du Refuge 2020 Foster Ave. Ocean Ave entre Foster et Farragut. Prix: $390 Pour Réservation Call: Sr. David (718)859-5370 / (646)645-7261, Sr. Nive (347)424-3964 or Sr. Marie Aime (718)444-7613 Groupe La Sainte 3 - 404 OUR LADY OF REFUG – 11th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME – JUNE 16th, 2013 Saturday – June 15th, 2013 5:00pm – Memorial Mass Sunday – June 16th, 2013 7:00am – Marie Dilia Cadestin (dec) as requested by her sister Yamck. 8:30am – Jose Antonio Cortes “Tony” (dec) as requested by his Children Lourdes & Jowee Cortes & grandchildren. – Antonio Cruz & Julia Rivera (dec) as requested by Sammy & Gloria Cruz. – Laurentino Quinines (dec) as requested by his wife Maria & daughter Teresita. 11:30am – Bernadette & Ernst Stimphil & Marcel Garoute (dec) as requested by their children. 1:30pm – All Parishioners. – Octave St. Fleur (dec) as requested by his daughter Aimee St. Fleur. – In thanksgiving to God & birthday blessings for Sandra M. & Erine Laurent. Tuesday – June 18th 9:00am – Atala Valeur (dec) as requested by Andre Jumelle. Wednesday – June 19th 7:00am – 60th Wedding anniversary for Mr & Mrs Ralph Ranghelli Thursday – June 20th 9:00am – In thanksgiving to God as requested by Paulette Gerard. Friday – June 21st 7:00am – Laurentino Quinones (dec) as requested by his wife Maria & daughter Teresita. Saturday – June 22nd 9:00am – Philip Iarino (dec) as requested by his wife Lyn Elizabeth Taylor Iarino. 1Corinthians 6:19-20 NIV states 19. “Do you know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own: 20. “you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.” In an effort to promote health mind, body, and spirit within the parish and the community at large, Our Lady of Refuge RC Church in partnership with Lutheran Family Health Center would like to announce the start of our Parish Nurse Health Ministry Program. The Parish Nurse Program will provide health screenings, preventative health education, and referrals for on going medical services. The program will start Wednesday June 19th, 2013 at the food pantry, during food distribution; and will also be available on the 2nd Sunday of each month starting July 14th, 2013. In order to better assess the needs of the congregation and community during the month of June you will be asked top complete a health assessment survey. The information that you provide on this form is totally confidential and will be used to bring into our church the services and topics that are important to you. On behalf of Rev. Perry we thank you for your cooperation, as we move into developing a stronger and healthier church body. God Bless you! Mass Attendance 06-09-2013 Mass 5:00 PM 7:00 AM 8:30 AM 11:30 AM 1:30PM Adults 150 135 215 172 213 Children 25 24 40 73 12 TOTAL 175 159 255 245 225 THANK YOU FOR YOUR STEWARDSHIP OFFERING ON SUNDAY June 9th, 2013 $6,013.43 Interested in applying for U.S. citizenship? Please join us for a FREE citizenship application workshop hosted by Catholic Migration Services and the New Americans Campaign! Friday, June 21st, 2013 from 10am -4pm Brooklyn Public Library. 10 Grand Army Plaza Registered participants receive first priority. To register for the workshop or for more information, please call the Ya es Hora Hotline at (888)839-8682 4 - 404 ALMAC HARDWARE FRANK J. BARONE INC. FUNERAL HOME Low Cost We Ship Worldwide Your Neighborhood 718-629-2047 Funeral Director 4502 AVE. "D" (At E. 45 St.) Brooklyn JANITOR SUPPLIES • GLAZING LICENSED LOCKSMITH DELIVERIES WE MAKE HOUSE CALLS 2 Newkirk Plaza, Bklyn Corner of East 16th St. Phone: 434-1736 My car went to Heaven! 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Online Catalog • Online Ordering • Online Proofing Auto - Bus - Train & Bike • Wrongful Death Pedestrian Knockdowns • Construction Accidents Dog Bites • Elevator Accidents • Ceiling Collapses Slip & Fall / Sidewalks & Buildings Free Consultation • Home & Hospital Visits Available All Major Credit Cards Accepted • FREE UPS GROUND SHIPPING! Baron Associates P.C. • 718-934-6501 www.baronassoc.com • 2509 Avenue U, Brooklyn NY 11229 Mi govornim po ruskiy. Hablamos Español. Summer Camp Safe, Fun & Affordable Sleep Away Camp Ages 6-13 Teen Adventure Camp Ages 13-16 Swimming, Boating, Nature, Creative Arts, Sports. Overnights, Camp Fires & much more! 2 great locations only 45 mins from NYC Camp Vacamas, West Milford, NJ Top of the Pines, Bear Mountain, NY Transportation from NYC, NJ & Long Is. Income Based Fee Scale, Scholarships Available www.vacamas.org 973-838-0942 404 Our Lady of Refuge, Brooklyn, NY Commercial Rates are at an All Time Low. 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