Saint Eugene Parish Parroquia de San Eugenio


Saint Eugene Parish Parroquia de San Eugenio
Saint Eugene Parish ~ Parroquia de San Eugenio
Saint Eugene Catholic Church
72 Culvern Street
Asheville, NC 28804
Phone: 828-254-5193
Office Hours:
9:00am-4:00pm Monday-Friday
Fax: 828-254-5797
If you have a Sacramental Emergency after
office hours, please dial:
Emergency Cell: 828-231-8645
Email: chur [email protected] g
Website: www.steugene.or g
Facebook: St. Eugene Catholic Chur ch
Asheville Catholic School
Catholic Campus Ministry
Catholic Charities
Parish Pastoral Council
Tracey Barnes, Chair
[email protected]
Mass Schedule
8:30 & 11:00am English
1:30pm Spanish
Saturday Vigil: 5:30pm
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday: 8:00am
8:00am Communion Service
Eucharistic Adoration and Benediction:
Every Friday when school is in session from
10:00am - 12:00 Noon
Rosary: First & Third Monday of every month
at 7:00pm, every Wednesday following the 8am
Mass and every Friday at 8:30am
Reconciliation: Saturday 4:00-5:00pm
We are glad you are worshiping
with us and would like to help you
any way we can. Please call or stop
by the Parish Office so we may
meet and greet you in a personal
way. We encourage you to register
with us soon. Registration forms
can be obtained from the Parish
Office or in the Narthex.
February 14, 2016
Putting God to the Test
I always thought of the temptations in the desert as part of
Jesus' growth in "wisdom, age, and grace" (Luke 2:52). They
show how Jesus was tempted to be a Messiah in a way that
matched human expectations--those of Jews waiting for a
messiah--instead of doing what His Father wanted. So He could
have provided for all our needs (turn stones into bread,) brought
peace to the world as a great leader (worship the devil,) or been
a superhero (jump off the temple without harm). But I also
wonder if these temptations are what we expect of God.
Do we expect God to provide for our needs by turning
stones into "bread" (i.e., money)? When we ask God to help us
by doing everything for us, we are tempting the Lord. God does
help us with our troubles, but usually by giving us the strength
to get through them with our God-given abilities. This might
mean finding a better job that uses more of our talents. It might
be forgiving us, if we are the cause of our own troubles, and
giving us the courage to start over. It might be a friend who
helps us find the right doctor for a medical problem.
Or do we expect God to bring peace to the world by
instantly removing all nuclear weapons or capturing all
terrorists? When we pray for peace, we could pray that God
show us what we can do to bring about that peace. We could
follow Jesus' command to love those around us, so that peace
spreads from our actions. We could be generous in giving to the
poor, especially where poverty is the cause of war.
Maybe we expect God to be a superhero for us, curing
diseases, stopping hurricanes or earthquakes, and strengthening
our faith with spectacular miracles. Jesus would tell us the same
thing He told the devil: "Don't put the Lord your God to the
test" (see Luke 4:12). Instead, as we take time to pray over the
scriptures, read spiritual books, and share our faith with others,
we will find our faith growing and know that the Lord has been
with us all along the way.
Tom Schmidt, Copyright (c) J. S. Paluch Co.
February 14, 2016
Saint Eugene Catholic Church
Rev. Patrick Cahill, Pastor
[email protected]
Ext. 15
Rev. Dr. Michael Zboyovski, Deacon Ext. 20
Pastoral Associate to Sick & Homebound
[email protected]
Mechelle Kobar, Administrative Asst.
[email protected]
Ext. 14
Tracy Jedd, Coordinator of Elementary Ext. 21
Faith Formation & EDGE
[email protected]
Carole Marrs, Music Director
[email protected]
Ext. 18
Andrea Robles-Leon, Youth Minister
[email protected]
Ext. 30
Fr. Doug May, Maryknoll
Mission Education & Promotion
[email protected]
(914) 419-3858
Because of the important community nature of the
celebrations of BAPTISM and MARRIAGE in the church,
interested parties are expected to make advanced
arrangements to allow for appropriate preparation programs
to be completed. For Baptism, at least two months and for
Marriage, at least six months notice is required. Thank you!
Please call Parish Office.
Dt 26:4-10; Ps 91:1-2, 10-15;
Rom 10:8-13; Lk 4:1-13
Lv 19:1-2, 11-18; Ps 19:8-10, 15;
Mt 25:31-46
Is 55:10-11; Ps 34:4-7, 16-19; Mt 6:7-15
Jon 3:1-10; Ps 51:3-4, 12-13, 18-19;
Lk 11:29-32
Est C:12, 14-16, 23-25; Ps 138:1-3, 7c-8;
Mt 7:7-12
Ez 18:21-28; Ps 130:1-8; Mt 5:20-26
Dt 26:16-19; Ps 119:1-2, 4-5, 7-8;
Mt 5:43-48
Gn 15:5-12, 17-18; Ps 27:1, 7-9, 13-14;
Phil 3:17 -- 4:1 [3:20 -- 4:1]; Lk 9:28b-36
If you would like to dedicate a Mass for someone, it may be
scheduled either by stopping by the parish office or calling.
Since a Mass Stipend is truly an offering, the amount is
entirely up to the individual scheduling the intention. The
only insight we can offer is that the average stipend is
approximately $10.00 per scheduled Mass. The offering is
truly up to you. Consideration: A Mass stipend is not
required, rather it is a customary offering to the Priest. The
spiritual value is in the Mass itself. The inability to offer a
stipend should never deter someone from scheduling a Mass.
Saturday, February 13
2:30pm Spanish Literacy Ministry - SEYH
3:00pm Baptisms - C
4:00pm Reconciliation - RR
5:30pm Mass/Elaine Manfred †- C
5:30pm Grupo de Oración Carismática (Servidores)- SEYH
7:00pm Grupo de Oración Carismática - C, SH
Sunday, February 14
8:30am Mass/Evan W enczel †- C
9:45am RCIA - P
9:45am Faith Formation– ACS
9:45am Peace & Justice - Rm.2
10:00am Choir Rehearsal - Rm.1
11:00am Bilingual Mass– Misa Bilingüe/Mary Dennigan † - C
3:00pm ESL– Rm. 2
Monday, February 15– Presidents’ Day
8:00am Mass/Joseph Dever †- ASC
9:00am Parents’ Morning Out– N
10:00am Crafty Ladies - Rm.2
3:30pm SSL - Rm.2,P
5:00pm SSL - Rm.2
6:00pm Society of St. Vincent de Paul - P
6:00pm SSL - Rm.2
6:30pm Protegiendo Los Niños de Dios - SH
7:00pm St. Eugene Rosary - ASC
Tuesday, February 16
8:00am Mass/George Adamson † - ASC
9:00am Parents’ Morning Out– N
11:00am ESL– Rm.2
3:00pm Mary Matters CDC - SH
7:00pm KOC– SH
Wednesday, February 17
8:00am Mass/Irene Hawtak † - ASC
8:30am Recitation of the Rosary - C
9:00am Parents’ Morning Out– N
6:00pm SSL - Rm.2,P
6:00pm Conoce Tus Derechos/ Hispanic Ministry Meeting – SH
7:00pm Choir - Rm.1
7:00pm Coro en Español - C
7:00pm Catecismo de Adultos en Español– SEYH
Thursday, February 18
8:00am Communion Service– ASC
8:30am Faith Sharing– P
9:00am Parents’ Morning Out– N
10:00am Bible Study Group– SEYH
7:00pm Cursillos de Hombres– SEYH
Friday, February 19
8:30am Rosary– CC
9:00am Parents’ Morning Out-N
9:00am Mass/People of St. Eugene- C
11:00am ESL– Rm.2
12:15pm Stations of the Cross - C
6:00pm Enriquecimiento Matrimonial - SEYH
6:00pm Cursillos de Mujeres– P
Saturday, February 20
10:00am Confirmation Retreat - C, SH, K
2:30pm Spanish Literacy Ministry - SEYH
4:00pm Reconciliation - RR
5:30pm Mass/St. Eugene V olunteers - C
5:30pm Grupo de Oración Carismática (Servidores)- SEYH
7:00pm Grupo de Oración Carismática - C, SH
ACS-Asheville Catholic School ASC-All Saints Chapel C-Church
CC-Children’s Chapel CR-Conference Room GP-Gathering Plaza
GS-Gathering Space K-Kitchen SEY-St. Eugene Youth SEYH-St. Eugene
Youth House N-Nursery P-Parlor RR-Reconciliation Room SH-Social Hall
February 14, 2016
Saint Eugene Catholic Church
Dear Parishioners,
Happy Lent! As I write this, I feel dejected and little bit
like Lent began last night when it became clear the
Broncos were going to be an extremely tough matchup for
our Panthers! I guess that’s how it goes - because I’m sure
the folks in Denver are celebrating like it’s the Easter
season!! In any event, this is a blessed time of year and we
have a lot of great opportunities to grow this Lent.
Monday evenings are going to be our focus this year. We
have guest speakers discussing spirituality. Sister Peggy, a
Sister of Mercy, begins the series on Monday, Feb 22.
Then we have Fr. Robert, a Franciscan, on
Monday, Feb. 29. Then, I will be presenting
on “Diocesan Priest Spirituality” on Monday,
March 7th. I’ve had so many people ask
about my trip to the missions in India, so I
have a feeling that my presentation may
morph into/include a slideshow presentation
of the trip. The format for these three nights
will be a soup supper at 6:00pm in the social
hall followed by the talk at 7:00pm in the
Church. Lastly, there will be a Lenten
Penance Service on Monday, March 14th at 7:00pm. As
mentioned, if it’s a Monday in Lent, there’s a high
probability there’s something being offered for you to
grow spiritually here at St. Eugene.
In Christ,
Father Pat
●Abstinence from meat is observed
on Ash Wednesday, Good Friday,
and all the Fridays of Lent by all
Catholics 14 years of age and
●Fasting is observed on Ash
Wednesday and Good Friday by all
Catholics who are 18 years of age
but not yet 59 years of age. Those
bound by this rule may take only
one full meal. Two smaller meals
are permitted as necessary to
maintain strength according to
one’s needs, but eating solid foods
between meals is not permitted.
●The special Paschal fast and
abstinence are observed on Good
Friday and, where possible, on
Holy Saturday. On these days,
Christians prepare themselves by
Estimados Feligreses,
Feliz Cuaresma! Mientras escribo esto, me siento abatido y
me siento como si la Cuaresma comenzó anoche, cuando
se hizo evidente que los Broncos iban a ser un equipo muy
difícil para nuestras Panteras! Supongo que así son las
cosas - porque estoy seguro de que la gente en Denver está
celebrando como si fuera la temporada de Pascua !! En
cualquier caso, La Cuaresma es un tiempo del año muy
bendito y tendremos muchos eventos y oportunidades para
crecer en esta Cuaresma. Lunes por la noche será nuestro
enfoque este año. Tendremos presentadores invitados que
hablaran sobre la espiritualidad. Hermana Peggy, una
hermana de la caridad, iniciara con la series el lunes 22 de
febrero. Después tendremos a el Padre Roberto, un
Franciscano, el lunes 29 de febrero. Por ultimo, yo hablare
sobre "La Espiritualidad de Un Padre Diocesano" el lunes
7 de marzo. Mucha gente me a preguntado acerca de mi
viaje a las misiones en la India, así que tengo la sensación
de que mi presentación se transformara en o incluyen una
presentación de mi viaje. El formato de estas tres noches
será una cena de sopa a las 6:00 pm en el salón social y
seguida la charla a las 7:00 pm en el Santuario. Por último,
habrá un servicio de Penitencia Cuaresmal el lunes 14 de
Marzo a las 7:00 pm. Como se ha mencionado, si se trata
de un lunes de Cuaresma, hay una alta probabilidad de que
hay algo para el desarrollo Espiritual aquí, en San Eugenio.
En Cristo Jesus,
Padre Pat
these disciplines in anticipation of
the renewal of their baptismal
commitment on Easter. From its
earliest days, the Church has urged
the baptized and the catechumens
to observe the threefold discipline
of fasting, almsgiving, and prayer
as a preparation for the celebration
of Easter. Failure to observe
individual days of penance is not
considered serious, but failure to
observe any penitential days at all
or a substantial number of such
days must be considered serious.
During Lent, the Church
encourages attendance at daily
Mass, self-imposed times of
fasting, and generosity to local,
national, and worldwide programs
of sharing.
An up coming class on “Mary, the
Mother of Our Lord, is a central
figure in Christian Theology.”
Instructor: Rev. Brent Norris from
St. Mary’s Episcopal Church.
Location: St. Eugene
Catholic Church.
When: 3:00-4:30 pm
Tuesday, February 16
through March 15,
2016. To register call
(828) 230-8818 or email
[email protected]
Lent calls us to prayer, fasting and
almsgiving… to be good stewards
of our time, talent and treasure, using our gifts for the building of the
February 14, 2016
Saint Eugene Catholic Church
PLEASE PRAY FOR: Tonya Ar gueillo, Rosemar ie
Ball, Joan Birmingham, Josh Brown, Ray Browne,
Nathan and Sandy Buchanan, Jim & Jeanne Bucher,
Let us pray for all those who serve our
Elizabeth Buckley, Jay Clark, Patricia Clarke, Gary
country in the military at home and abroad;
Collins, Kathie Coltellino, Karen Corbett, Olga
and their families; especially:
Deubel, Nick Derchak, Jennifer Faulstich, Austen
Faulstich, Anne Fitzgerald-Smith, Michael Fleming,
Maj. Michael E. Korte, Army, Kuwait
Jeannie Gleason, Bill & Mary Hayes, Margaret Irwin,
M/Sgt Joe Quigley, USA
John Kampmans, Tommy Knapp, Grace Knutelsky,
Navy HA Casey Mulloy, San Diego
Allison Kobar, Martha Kobar, Kristin Kraft, Tonya
Shawn Sinclair, Fort Bragg, NC
Kriezel, Jon & Cristy Ledford, Maureen Lewis, Aidan
Dr. LTC Parnell Mattison, USA
Luckadoo, Lisa Mason, Brigid McCarthy, Jack
Dr. CMDR Timothy Mattison, USA
Mitchel, Leonard & Kathy Moon, Allen Moore, Tom
1LT Kent England, Army, USA
Pena, Jan Perrigeaux, Brandon Pruitt, Rick Raube,
HN Connor Sullivan, USN, Jacksonville, FL
Joette Reid, Knobby Riedy Jr., Ashliegh Riddle, John
LT Col. Jon Christian McDaniel, Camp LeJeune
Riddle, Jonathon Riddle, Sara Riddle, Kevin Roberts,
Senior Chief Bruce Bartlett, USN Kings Bay, GA
John Schantz, Lillie Simons, Fred Spuhler, Doug &
Maj. Chris Wagar, Africa
Lyn Stoodley, Emily Student, Jim Torpey, Joshua
LCpl Ryan Stoodley, USMC, Yuma, AZ
Private Jarrod Stoodley, USMC, Camp LeJeune, NC
Townsend, Anne Tremblay, Maudeb Vandermeer,
Julianne Watson, Jeanne Werth, Rob Weed, Ben &
Sam Wilde, and Ronnie Williams.
Ministerio Hispano
Padre Patrick Cahill, Pastor 828 254-5193 ext.15, [email protected]
Antonio Garcia, Diocesan Hispanic Ministry, 828 333-5120, [email protected]
Misa en Español Todos los Domingos de 1:30pm Confesiones todos los Sábados de 4:00pm- 5:00pm
Estamos muy contentos de llegar hacia usted por medio del presente boletín. Su participación es muy importante e imprescindible. Le
pedimos por favor registrarse en nuestra parroquia. Usted puede acercarse en cualquier momento a la oficina y llenar la registración.
Servicios Parroquiales
Formación de la Fe.-Para niños de 4 años a 5- grado llamar a
Andrea Robles León, 828 254-5193 ext: 30 o Tracy Jedd, 828 254
-5193 ext: 21
Platicas para el Bautismo: Par a mas infor mación llamar a
Martha Gonzales, 828 450-7835
Primera Comunión: Par a niños de 1 y 2 gr ado llamar a
Andrea Robles León, 828 254-5193 ext: 30 o Tracy Jedd, 828
254-5193 ext: 21
Confirmación: Par a jóvenes de 8 y 9 gr ado Llamar a Andrea Robles León, 828 254-5193 ext: 30 o Tracy Jedd, 828 2545193 ext: 21
Para Quinceañeras y Matrimonios: Llamar Andr ea Robles
León, 828 254-5193 email: [email protected].
Para matrimonios se tiene que llamar con 6 meses de
Para alguna otra información que no se dio por favor llame a
Andrea Robles León 828 254-5193 email: [email protected]
Los Ministerios Hispanos en esta Parroquia:
Nuestra vida parroquial se nutre a través de la participación de
nuestros miembros. Aquí están los ministerios en los que se les
invitan a la participación (por favor, póngase en contacto con los
líderes que se indican a continuación para obtener más
Ministerios de Adoración:
Ministerio Eucarístico: Araceli León, 828 251-1228
Ministerio de Lectores: Raúl Cervantes, 828 280-3215
Ministerio de Hospitalidad: .Abel Melo, 828 989-4191
Ministerio de Música Hispana: Samuel Robles, 828 209-7369
Sonido y luces: Enedino Tepetate, 828 337-2471
Otros ministerios importantes:
Ministerio Matrimonial: Arely Romero, 828 702-6529
Comunidad de Oración Hijos de Maria: Luisa León 828 7135802
Movimientos de Cursillistas para varones: Raúl Cervantes, 828
Movimiento de Cursillistas para Mujeres: Patricia Baca, 828 2733606
Clases de Protegiendo a los niños de Dios: Olga Camacho, 828
Las clases de R.C.I.A. en español: Martha Gonzáles, 828 4507835
Estudio Bíblico: Walkiria Almonte, 828 707-8907 - 787 5290160
Coordinadora de Eventos Especiales: Alma Maldonado, 828 3294403
Clases de ESL:
Ingles como Segunda Lengua
Llamar a Bruce Cahoon, 828 269-5326 email:
[email protected]
Domingos: 3:00pm - 5:00pm Hay Cuidado de niños
Miércoles: 6:30pm-8:30pm- Hay cuidado de niños
Español como Segunda Lengua:
Nivel de Principiantes: Con Walkiria Almonte - Deliz Romero:
Lunes, 3:00pm-4:30pm y de 6:00pm-7:00pm Llamar a 828 7078907 -787 529-0160
Nivel Intermedio: Danithza Baker - Antonio Bird: Miércoles de
6:30pm-7:30pm Llamar a 828 318-3847
Danithza Baker: Redactora del boletín de la comunidad Latina
February 14, 2016
Saint Eugene Catholic Church
La doctrina social
católica nos guía en
nuestras vidas y
trabajos. En este
principio, Opción por
los pobres, Jesús nos
dice que debemos cuidar de aquellos
que más lo necesitan en el mundo. Él
nos recuerda nuestro deber cristiano de
dar voz a los que no son escuchados y
The Knights of Columbus are hosting a ayudar a los que son más vulnerables.
Por favor, recogan sus Platos de
free breakfast after the 8:30
Arroz después de la Misa en el Nartex.
and 11:00 am Masses on
Sunday, February 21. The
EDGE-Middle School
menu will include eggs, pancakes,
(Grades 6TH- 8TH)
sausage, and home fries. The Knights PATHS: AN INTRODUCTION TO
Sundays, 5:00pm to 7:00pm
will be graciously accepting donations
February 13 - Edge Ski Trip
with net proceeds going to the
February 14 - No EDGE
March 8-13, 2016 in Cherokee, NC
Asheville Area Catholic Campus
February 21– EDGE Night
Ministry supporting Catholic students with Native American presenters. Topics include Cherokee history,
at local universities and
religious beliefs, cultural expressions
colleges. Please plan to attend, enjoy
fellowship, and help support our young and Historical Grief and Intergenera(Grades 9th-12th)
men and women. If you are a Catholic tional Trauma, which outlines how NaSundays, 5:00pm to 7:00pm
tive Americans lost their sense of idenman, 18 years of age and older, and
February 13 - SEY Ski Trip
would like more information about the tity through government policies of
February 14 - NO SEY
forced assimilation into the dominant
Knights of Columbus, please contact
February 21– SEY Night
culture. We’ll visit Kituwah, the
Jim Venglarik at 808-8824 or Tom
Mother Town of the Cherokee People,
Kotz at 645-9857.
and observe how the Cherokee lanCANCELATIONS
guage is being taught to the next generRICE BOWLS
To receive alerts via text for Sunday
ation. Each day the group will particiOPTION FOR THE POOR
School text the message @ffavl to
pate in Theological Reflection with Fr.
Catholic social
81010 , for Edge text the message
teaching inspires and John Rausch to integrate the experi@edgeavl to 81010, and for SEY text
guides how we are to ence with our faith life. Cost is $350
the message @seyavl to 81010.
which includes lodging, all activities
live and work in the
and some meals; a private room is
world. In this
$500. Cost for commuters is
principle, Option for the Poor, Jesus
tells us to care for those who are most $200. Limited partial scholarships are
Presentation on Christians
in need. He reminds us of our Christian available. DEADLINE FOR REGISin the Holyland, Thursday
TERING IS FEBRUARY 27. Sponduty to give a voice to those who are
March 10, 7:00pm -9:00pm unheard and to help those who are
sored by Catholic Committee of Appawith Fr Doug May M.M.
lachia. For more info, contact Mary
most vulnerable. Please pick up your
Please join us in the church, for the
Herr at 828-497-9498 or maryRice Bowl after Mass in the Narthex.
movie “The Stones Cry Out” followed
[email protected] or check
by a discussion. website.
Go to to obtain
the registration forms. You can mail
the forms, drop them in the collection basket at Mass, attention Tracy
Jedd or Andrea Robles-Leon, or
come by the church office.
(4yrs - 5th grade)
Sundays, 9:45am-10:45am
At Asheville Catholic School.
February 14 - Regular Classes
February 21 - Regular Classes
The Military Ministry is requesting
updates to the Military Prayer List in
the weekly bulletin. We would like to
know the current status of the Active
Duty names presently in the bulletin,
and welcome any new names anyone
wishes to add. Forms are available in
the Social Hall. Please complete and
place in the Military Ministry Box.
February 20th 5:30 pm Mass Followed by Potluck. The Mass intention for the 5:30 pm Mass on February 20th will be for All the
Eucharistic Ministers, Lectors, and Hospitality Ministries. Please join your fellow ministers at a Potluck Sipper in the Social Hall
After Mass. Las intenciones para la Misa de las 5:30pm el 20 de Febrero será para Todos los Ministros de Eucaristía, Lectores y
Ministros de Hospitalidad. Por favor acompañen a todos sus compañeros ministros en una Cena de Traje (Cooperación) en el Salón
Social después de Misa.
February 14, 2016
Saint Eugene Catholic Church
Please be generous to the Diocesan Support Appeal.
Your contribution to the Diocesan Support Appeal is a
way to show mercy to your brothers and sisters
throughout the diocese and continuing the saving work
begun by Jesus. You may complete a pledge envelope
and return it to the Parish Office or go to to make a gift online
Sons, Fathers, Husbands, Brothers, Men! – Join us for
the 6th Annual Catholic Men’s Conference, Step up
and Find Your Strength. The conference will be on
Saturday, February 27th, at St. Matthew Catholic
Church from 8:00 AM to 3:30 PM. Mass will be
celebrated, confession heard, and a dynamic line-up of
speakers is scheduled, including Brian Pusateri, Joe
McClane and Fr. Chris Alar aka; Fr. Joseph. Bishop
Curlin will lead a Holy Hour reflection as well.
Advance ticket price is $35 for adults, with discounts
available for seniors and students. Price includes
breakfast and lunch. For registration please visit our
website at
Join us for Annual Gala for Hope fundraiser dinner/
dance to support the programs and clients of the
Western Regional area of Catholic Charities Diocese
of Charlotte: Saturday, March 12, 2016 6:00-10:00
p.m. @ Crowne Plaza, Asheville. Event includes
cocktail & social hour, seated dinner & entertainment
by Kat Williams. You will have an opportunity to
donate or pledge your financial support of our
programs and our clients. This is a non-ticketed event
but reservations are required. You may follow this
link to register.
Questions or need help to register? Please contact
Holly Carter 828-255-0146 Ext
12, [email protected] .
We have emailed Parish Giving Statements to all parishioners who have given us their email address.
Occasionally when large bulk emails go out, they will go to your junk/spam mail folder. Please check there if
you haven’t received it. If you would like to receive the statement either by email or by U.S. Mail, please call
the church office. We prefer to email statements to save money on postage as well as office supplies.
NAME:_____________________________________________________________ENV #__________
(Please print as printed on your church giving envelope)
Please check manner of delivery
□ EMAIL:_________________________________________________________________________
□ ADDRESS:______________________________________________________________________
Please tear off and place in the collection plate. Also, you may call the office and request your statement
be sent to you or e-mail Mechelle Kobar at [email protected].
February 14, 2016
Saint Eugene Catholic Church
Our weekly sessions for R.C.I.A. (Rite of Christian Initiation
for Adults) have begun. Sessions will take place on Sundays, in
the parish parlor, from 9:40 to 10:40am. The journey of faith
begins with questions - your questions. What do Catholics believe? How does Catholicism fit in with other faith traditions?
The process begins with an “inquiry” period when questions
lead to exploration. Please join us for a fun-filled, faith-filled,
Spirit-filled gathering. If you would like to begin this journey
of faith, please call our parish office and provide your contact
information. (Name, phone number, email address, etc.). A
member of the RCIA team will contact you with further
information. We will look forward to meeting you and
answering your questions. Deacon Mike Zboyovski/828-2545193, ext. 20.
All items found on our church grounds can be found in our Lost &
Found section located at the Coat Rack in the Social Hall not in the
church office. You may search this area Monday-Friday 9am-4pm or
when the church is open. All items not collected by the end of each
month will be donated to Catholic Charities.
NOTE: Please be aware that our bulletin is posted on our
website; therefore, any information in the bulletin is out
there in cyberspace, accessible to anyone. Please let the
office know if this is an issue for you.
Yes, our church is now looped! If you have hearing
aids with t-coils, please turn them on. If you have a
hearing loss, please ask for a Receiver from one of the
Greeters/Ushers before you go into the Sanctuary. We
want everyone to hear the Word!
HOME: We would encour age you to celebr ate the sacr ament
Anointing of the Sick prior to your admission or extended
convalescence. Please give us a call to arrange a time and date.
Also, you may be unaware that hospitals, by law, will not
automatically inform us of your presence there - even if you state
your religious affiliation as Catholic on an entrance form.
Whether you are hospitalized, recuperating, or simply unable to
attend parish services, you or your family member is required to
inform us as to your desire for visitation and/or reception of
Communion. We will be happy to arrange visitations and
reception of Communion once the parish office is notified
regarding your wishes. It is our most sincere desire to keep our
parish family connected and included, especially in times of
dealing with health and recovery issues.
A simple call or email is all it takes. Celebration of Sacrament of
Anointing of the Sick: 828-254-5193 or to arrange a hospital or
home visitation and communion: Deacon Mike - 828-254-5193
ext. 20 or [email protected]

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