saint joan of arc - St. Joan of Arc Catholic Church
saint joan of arc - St. Joan of Arc Catholic Church
Welcome to June 5, 2016 SAINT JOAN OF ARC Catholic Church “We are the Catholic Community of St. Joan of Arc, united in our journey of faith and spiritual growth, by proclaiming and giving witness to Christ’s love for all persons.” Serving the Communities of West Asheville, Candler, Enka and Beyond! MASS SCHEDULE Saturday: 5:00pm Sunday: 10:00am (English) and 12:00pm (Spanish) Monday: 9:00am Mass Tuesday: 12:00pm Communion Service Wednesday: 12:00pm Mass Thursday, Friday & Saturday: 9:00am Mass Holy Days: To be announced Reconciliation: Saturday, 4:00pm—4:45pm, or by appointment. “I will praise you, Lord, for you have rescued me.” Psalm 30 Most Reverend Peter J. Jugis JCD Bishop of the Diocese of Charlotte Fr. Dean Cesa, Pastor 768 Asbury Road Candler, NC 28715 Phone: (828) 670-0051 Fax: (828) 670-0052 Email: [email protected] On the Web: Office Hours: Monday-Friday, 9:30am-12:30pm / 1:30pm-4:30pm SACRAMENTS Baptism Preparation required; call parish office to make arrangements 2 months prior. Bautismo 2 meses de preparación. Deben ser miembros de la comunidad parroquial. Favor de hablar con el padre después de la misa. Matrimony Couples planning marriage must contact parish priest at least six (6) months in advance of the marriage. Matrimonio 6 meses de preparación. Deben ser miembros de la comunidad parroquial. Favor hablar con el padre después de la misa. CALENDAR OF EVENTS & MASS INTENTIONS PASTORAL TEAM Pastor, Fr. Dean Cesa................................................. 670-0051 In Case of Emergencies ............................................ 670-0053 Pastor’s Secretary, Carol Wald................................. 670-0051 Bookkeeper, Linda Frady .......................................... 670-0051 Parish Pastoral Council Doug Bailey (Chairperson).………………………...…697-7849 Rob Berls, Tonya Kelley, Joseph “Jody” Lawrence, Edward Lopez, Dennis Mehring, Jim Pacquet, Jeanne Schlesinger and Marge Turcot Finance Council, Paul LeSchack (Chairperson)…….665-9809 Terry Rafinski, Katie Boyea, John Gales, Jeanne Duncan, & Linda Frady Buildings & Grounds Commission Mike Andreucci (Chairperson) ................................ 683-9978 Evangelization & Ecumenism Commission Rob Berls (Chairperson)……………………………545-2433 Caring Hearts Ministry, Paul LeSchack ...................... 665-9809 Bright Blessings Ministry, Paul LeSchack..………….665-9809 Faith Formation Commission Tim Kelley (Commission Leader)…………………777-1514 Maria Eva Tabora (Faith Formation Coordinator) Liturgy and Spiritual Life Commission, and Music Ministry Linda Gaines (Director)........................................... 273-4103 Altar Society, Nina Quinlan………………………..665-7229 Women’s Spirituality Group Elaine Lovelace .................................................. 545-3251 Praying Hearts Elaine Lovelace ................................................. 545-3251 Parish Life & Fellowship Commission Jo MacWilliam (Chairperson) ................................. 777-6096 Bereavement Ministry Barbara Buell …………………………………..712-0122 Nina Quinlan …………………………………..665-7229 Young at Hearts, Pauline Tennant ........................... 298-1227 Stewardship Committee Doug Bailey (Chairperson)…………….…………..697-7849 Kim Hayden, Eva DeSantiago & Lizzy Desantiago-Tabora Catholic Daughters, Diane Clarke-Hawkins ............ 667-0236 Knights of Columbus, John Gales…………………..667-0097 Ministerio Hispano, Antonio Garcia ........................ 670-0051 St. Vincent DePaul, Pager No. ................................. 775-1933 Catholic Charities ..................................................... 255-0146 50 Orange Street, Asheville, NC 28801 ( QUINCEAÑERAS: Favor avisar con minimo 4 meses de anticipación. La preparación dura aproximadamente un mes. En la Iglesia hay unas formas que debe llenar, en ellas encontrara mayor información. COMMUNION CALLS AND HOSPITAL CALLS: Please call Parish Office to request the Sacraments of Communion or Anointing at home or in the hospital. SACRAMENTO DE LOS ENFERMOS: llamar a oficina a cualquier hora. REGISTRATION: New parishioners please register at the Parish Office. Notify the office of any changes to help keep our records up to date. Saturday, June 4 Ongoing—Hispanic Men’s Retreat (All Rooms) 9:00am Mass Intention for Barbara Granville, by Fr. Dean Cesa 4:00pm-4:45pm Confession / 4:30pm Rosary 5:00pm Mass In Celebration of Chet & Arlene Gronke’s 50th Wedding Anniversary, by the Gronke Family Recognition of Graduates at 5:00pm Mass 2nd Collection ABCCM & St. Vincent de Paul 50/50 Raffle Tickets on Sale Sunday, June 5 Recognition of Graduates at All Masses Final Day of Hispanic Men’s Retreat (All Rooms) 9:30am Rosary 10:00am Mass (English) Intention for Bill Kalarovich, by Fr. Dean Cesa 12:00pm Mass (Spanish) For the People 1:00pm Hispanic Community Food Sale (Fellowship Hall & Kitchen) 2:30pm Retreat Mass (Church) Monday, June 6 9:00am Mass Intention for Jane Roberts, by Fr. Dean Cesa 6:30pm Hispanic Cursillo Men’s Meeting (Meeting Room # 2) 7:00pm Parish Life “Calendar Meeting” for January 2017 through June 2017 (Fellowship Hall) Tuesday, June 7 12:00pm Communion Service 4:30pm-6:30pm Catholic Charities Workshop on Elder Law, Real Estate, Benefits (Fellowship Hall & Kitchen) 6:30pm Choir (Church) Wednesday, June 8 12:00pm Mass Intention for Barbara Buell, by Fr. Dean Cesa 12:45pm Adult Study Program (Conference Room) 6:30pm Adult Study Program (Fellowship Hall) Thursday, June 9 9:00am Mass Intention for Jerry Hunter, by Fr. Dean Cesa 5:30pm Finance Council Meeting (Conference Room) 7:00pm Coro (Church) Friday, June 10 9:00am Mass Intention for Mark McGuire, by Fr. Dean Cesa 7:00pm Comunidad Mass 7:30pm Hispanic Youth Group (Fellowship Hall) Saturday, June 11 9:00am Mass Intention for Iris Campbell, by Fr. Dean Cesa 10:00am Presentation 1:00pm Edwards / Korac Wedding 4:00pm-4:45pm Confession / 4:30pm Rosary 5:00pm Mass In Memory of Dick Lamb + By Carolin Mattox 50/50 Raffle Tickets on Sale Sunday, June 12 / KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS PANCAKE BREAKFAST HAS BEEN CANCELLED FOR THIS MONTH 50/50 Raffle Tickets on Sale 9:30am Rosary 10:00am Mass (English) In Memory of Carol Buckland + By The Buckland Family 11:30am-5:00pm Catholic Daughters Afternoon Tea (Fellowship Hall & Kitchen) 12:00pm Mass (Spanish) Intention for Jordy Lopez, by Fr. Dean Cesa PRAYER LIST Please pray for those who have died, especially those in nursing homes, hospitals, the homebound, and for the sick, especially: Pete Anest, Kevin Bailey, Don Blaser, Geri Brower, Barbara Buell, John Cain, Wayne Calhoun, Iris Campbell, David Carman, Carol, George & Kathy Carpenter, Kaylee Castillo, Dorothy Collins, Ann Cook, Pat Corcoran, Zerrany Delatorre, Trish Farrell, Ortenzio “Art” Filotei, William Fleming, Amelia Gentry, Ann Gibbs, Barbara Granville, Joasia Halka, Cathy Henderson, Joan Howard, Mary Hueber, Easton Hugg, Grace Hunter, Jerry Hunter, Bill Kalarovich, Wayne Kelver, Lori Joens, Janice Kelley, Sophie Ledzian, Jordy Lopez, Maria Lopez-May, Bole & Juli Mathis, Carolyn Mattox, Tommy Meadows, Mark McGuire, Megan McKiernan, Diane McKinney, Karen & Mike McNair, Ruby Melton, Carla Michelle, Joshua Midgley, Robin Minniti, Virginia Morales, Brian Notzon, Steve Novotny, Carl & Peggy Obuchowski, Mary Ollis, Isabelle Ortiz, Santos Pacheco, Shirley Pfeffer, Samuel Quain, William Reid, Margaret Reilly, Jane Roberts, Rosemary Russell, Neil Roblero, Cesar Rodriguez, Dick Schwartz, Ricky Smith, Leo Stone, Mary Jane Straub, John Sweeney, Mary Triana, Jerry & Ruth Ventricelli, Tibbi Vest, Vicki, Cathy Weber, Ana Zabel, Joey Zima Please pray for our armed forces and diplomatic personnel, and missionaries serving our Church, both here and abroad: Sgt. Jason Pallack (Army), Ft Stewart, GA, son-in-law of Ellen Dame Capt. David Smestuen, (USMC), Camp LeJeune, nephew of Mina Sweeney Maj. Randall J. Sweeney, (Army), Philadelphia, PA, son of Mina Sweeney Specialist David Middleton (Army), home from Afghanistan and now stationed at Ft. Bragg, nephew of Kathy & Mark McGuire Warrant Officer Michael Warren (Army), stationed in Iraq, son of Patricia Crook (Warren) Christopher Matthews (USAF), following his tours in June 5, 2016 Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time TODAY’S READINGS First Reading — Elijah revives the son of a widow (1 Kings 17:17-24). Psalm — I will praise you, Lord, for you have rescued me (Psalm 30). Second Reading — Paul explains God’s call to him to preach to the Gentiles (Galatians 1:11-19). Gospel — Jesus raises from the dead the son of a widow in the city of Nain (Luke 7:11-17). The English translation of the Psalm Responses from the Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved. READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: 1 Kgs 17:1-6; Ps 121:1bc-8; Mt 5:1-12 Tuesday: 1 Kgs 17:7-16; Ps 4:2-5, 7b-8; Mt 5:13-16 Wednesday: 1 Kgs 18:20-39; Ps 16:1b-2ab, 4, 5ab, 8, 11; Mt 5:17-19 Thursday: 1 Kgs 18:41-46; Ps 65:10-13; Mt 5:20-26 Friday: 1 Kgs 19:9a, 11-16; Ps 27:7-9abc, 13-14; Mt 5:27-32 Saturday: Acts 11:21b-26; 13:1-3; Ps 16:1b-2a, 5, 7-10; Mt 5:33-37 Sunday: 2 Sm 12:7-10, 13; Ps 32:1-2, 5, 7, 11; Gal 2:16, 19-21; Lk 7:36 — 8:3 [7:36-50] England, Afghanistan and Africa, is now stationed stateside in Arizona, he is the grandson of Monica Matthews Pray for peace in the Mid-East, Africa, Korea, the Ukraine and South America. Pray that Christ will save those whose lives are shattered by natural disasters and famine. GOD’S PRESENCE Realize above all that you are in God’s presence empty yourself completely and sit waiting, content with the grace of God, like a chick who tastes nothing and eats nothing but what its mother gives it. —St. Romuald Faith Formation Page Holy Father’s Prayer Intentions of the Month Confirmation Universal Intention: That immigrants and refugees may find welcome and respect in the countries to The retreat for the Confirmation class of 2016 will be which they come. held June 17-18. We will meet at St. Joan of Arc at 6:00 PM on Friday, June 17, and proceed to Catholic Intention for Evangelization: That the personal en- Conference Center in Hickory. We will return in time counter with Jesus may arouse in many young people to pray the Rosary and attend 5:00 Mass on Saturday, the desire to offer their own lives in priesthood or June 18. Parents, please plan on picking up your chilconsecrated life. dren following the 5:00 Mass on Saturday. The Confirmation Mass with Bishop Jugis will be held Wednesday, September 14, at 7:00 PM. El retiro de la clase Confirmación de 2016 será celebrada en junio. 17-18 Nos encontraremos en San Juan del arco a las 6:00 pm el viernes 17 de junio, y proceder a Catholic Conference Center en Hickory. Vamos a regresar a tiempo para rezar el Rosario y asistir a Misa de 5:00 pm el sábado, 18 de junio Los padres, por favor planean recoger a sus hijos después de la Misa de 5:00 pm el sábado. La misa de confirmación con el Obispo Jugis será el miércoles, 14 de septiembre a las 7:00 PM. Did you know that you don’t have to be a catechist Congratulations to the following eight graduates, who to be on the Faith Formation Commission? Our will be recognized at the 12:00 Mass this weekend. next meeting is Tuesday, June 21, at 6:00 PM. Anyone interested in Faith Formation is welcome to Felicidades a los graduados ocho siguientes, que serán attend and participate. reconocidos en la misa de 12:00 este fin de semana. ******************************************* Ozzy Bastardo Lizzy Desantiago Ricardo Herrera Diana Saabedra Angel Sanchez, Jr. Vividiana Santana Alejandra Uriostegui Maria Uriostegui 50/50 RAFFLE TICKETS ARE IN THE MAIL AND EXTRA TICKETS WILL BE ON SALE FOLLOWING ALL MASSES. Make plans to attend this FREE presentation on “Prevention of Elder Investment Fraud and Financial Exploitation.” It is hosted by Catholic Charities at St. Joan of Arc Catholic Church. DIOCESAN SUPPORT APPEAL Your pledge to the Diocesan Support Appeal is shared with the educational, multicultural, vocational, housing, and social service ministries of the diocese. Thousands of people depend on your generosity. You may complete a pledge envelope and return it to the Parish Office or go to to make a gift online. Su donación al DSA se utilizará solamente para los ministerios educativo, multicultural, vocacional, y social de la diócesis. Miles de personas dependen de su generosidad. 2016 GOAL FOR ST. JOAN OF ARC 2016 AMOUNT DONATED BY 84 HOUSEHOLDS The St. Joan of Arc Adult Study Program meets each Wednesday, following the Noon Mass, in the Conference Room; and the evening class meets at 6:30pm in the Fellowship Hall. All are invited. We will be looking at THE CHURCH OF MERCY, By Pope Francis. STEWARDSHIP CORNER Giving of our time, talent and treasure is not about giving until it hurts. Rather, it is about giving until you feel good about what you have given. CATHOLIC DAUGHTERS OF THE AMERICAS COURT ST. JOAN OF ARC # 2471 Ladies of all ages, you are invited! Catholic Daughters of the Americas Court St. Joan of Arc Annual Tea Party Sunday, June 12, 2016_ 2:00pm 768 Asbury Road, Candler, NC Guest speaker is Mason McDowell who moved his family to Chad, Africa, to work at a medical mission. RSVP Diane Clarke-Hawkins [email protected] or 828-337-7714 LITURGICAL MINISTER SCHEDULE SATURDAY, JUNE 11 AND SUNDAY JUNE 12 Saturday 6/11/16—5:00pm Lectors: Doug Bailey & Linda Bailey Altar Server: Jo MacWilliam Hospitality: Nina Quinlan & Elise Henshaw Eucharistic Minister: Connie Cathey, Jeff Boyea & Kathy Boyea Sunday 6/12/16—10:00am Lectors: Tracy Burchell & Audra Holden Altar Server: Chester Zima & Sophia Loeffler Hospitalty: None Listed Eucharistic Minister: Nina Quinlay, Cyndi Williams & Bernie Dreher Children’s Liturgy: Jo MacWilliam Weekly Reflection—The Catholic Daughters is one of the oldest and largest organizations of Catholic women in the Americas. We work both in our parish and in our community to live our motto, In Unity and Charity. We undertake many service projects and fundraisers throughout the year and would like to take this space in our bulletin to tell you a little more about who we are and what we do. JUNE 5TH PRIEST APPRECIATION DAY Sunday, June 5th is Parish Priest Appreciation Day. To show our love and gratitude for Fr. Dean Cesa, who cares so deeply for the spiritual growth of all St. Joan of Arc parishioners, the Catholic Daughters of America has placed a lovely bird cage in the narthex for all who would like to place cards of thanks or other gifts. These cards and gifts go directly to Fr. Dean, and would be a lovely way for St. Joan parishioners to show how much we appreciate the hard work, dedication and patience he gives to all of us. Thank you for your kindness. Bridget LaCivita Catholic Daughters of the Americas Court 2471 June 5, 2016 WEEKLY KNIGHT Weekly Offering Summary May 28 and 29 Congratulations Amount Collected The 96th Annual convention of the North Carolina Knights of Columbus was held in Winston-Salem two weeks ago. Congratulations to our council on having achieved the Charity Award for the third consecutive year. This award is given to councils who demonstrate a high level of service in six different areas: Church, Community, Council, Culture of Life, Family, and Youth. Congratulations on receiving a Membership Award for the third consecutive year of continuous growth of the council. There are now 55 Brother Knights in the St. Joan of Arc Council. La convención anual de 96º de los Caballeros de Colón de Carolina del Norte se llevó a cabo en Winston-Salem hace dos semanas. Felicitaciones a nuestro ayuntamiento por haber conseguido el Premio de la Caridad, por tercer año consecutivo. Este premio se otorga a los consejos que demuestran un alto nivel de servicio en seis áreas diferentes: la iglesia, la comunidad, del Consejo, cultura de la vida, la familia y la juventud. Felicidades por recibir un premio de membresía para el tercer año consecutivo de crecimiento continuo del Consejo. En la actualidad hay 55 Hermanos Caballeros de la Santa Juana de Arco Consejo. Weekly Budget Amount Difference Offering $5,766.69 $4,230.77 + $1,535.92 Mortgage Reduction $305.00 $650.00 - $345.00 2016 Priests’ Retirement Collected YTD $1,845.83 2016 Priests’ Retirement Assessment Balance to be Collected T/B/A IN JULY 2016 Pancake Breakfast The Pancake Breakfast originally scheduled for next Sunday, June 12, has been cancelled due to calendar conflicts. There will be no Pancake Breakfast in June. Our next Pancake Breakfast will be held Sunday, July 16. Please join us then. El desayuno de la crepe originalmente programado para el próximo domingo, 12 de junio ha sido cancelado debido a conflictos de agenda. No habrá ningún desayuno de la crepe en junio. Nuestro próximo desayuno de panqueques será a cabo el domingo 16 de julio Acompáñenos a continuación. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS THIS IS AN OPEN INVITATION FOR ALL PRACTICING CATHOLIC MEN OVER THE AGE OF 18 TO JOIN US AND BE A KNIGHT. NAME: ____________________________ ADDRESS: _____________________________________________ PHONE: _______________________ CABALLEROS DE COLON ESTO ES UNA INVITACIÓN ABIERTA PARA TODOS LOS HOMBRES CATÓLICO PRACTICANTE MÁS DE 18 AÑOS PARA INSCRIBIRSE EN NOSOTROS Y SER UN CABALLERO. NOMBRE: __________________________ DIRECCIÓN: ____________________________________________ TELÉFONO: _______________________ HOPE AND LIFE Today’s readings tell the story of two widows. The first reading relates the plight of the widow with whom the prophet Elijah stayed; the Gospel tells about the widow of Nain. In each story, the widow’s only son had died. For people who lived in those cultures, the son was the only support of a widow, and the carrying on of the family name by the son was equal to immortality. A widow whose only son has died could lose all hope. Elijah and Jesus are the restorers of hope; they bring the sons back to life. Saint Paul was metaphorically raised from the dead when he experienced the conversion and call from God that he describes in today’s second reading. What are Christians called to do today? We may not be able to raise the dead, but perhaps we can rekindle hope for a single parent. We may not be able to convert a persecutor like Paul, but if we speak the gospel openly and gently with our lives, we might touch a life with the Good News. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
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