St. Mary Catholic Church


St. Mary Catholic Church
Requisitos Para Inscribirse Para Clases De Catecismo Las clases de catecismo empiezan el
miércoles el 16 de septiembre a las 6:15 y terminan a las 7:30. Este año empezamos con unas charlas a los padres de familia que darán el párroco Padre Paco con el Coordinador ,Sr. Ron Akerman en la iglesia mientras los alumnos van a
las salas con sus maestros. Favor, los alumnos que asistieron el
año pasado traigan su librito de oraciones bilingües que recibieron. Se terminan las clases el 16 y todas las noches a las 7:30.
La inscripción finaliza después de las Misas el próximo domingo
en el salón Sherlock. No hay una tarifa para inscribir sino, como
el año pasado, los alumnos tienen que comprar un libro para su
clase el cual se puede pagar con plazos antes el fin del mes de
noviembre. Los requisitos para matricularse ya fueron anunciados en este boletín las ultimas cuatro semanas e incluyen que los padres y sus niños asisten regularmente a una
de las Misas el fin de semana acá en Santa María, y también que los alumnos que quisieran hacer este año su
Primera Comunión o la Confirmación, deben presentar una copia del acto del bautismo durante el mes de septiembre. Para más información se puede comunicarse con el Coordinador Ron Ackerman.
El Rito de Iniciación Cristiana para Adultos
Las Próximas Pláticas pre-Bautismales Pa-
(RICA) . RICA es un proceso por el cual una persona
ra el sacramento de bautismo de su niño(a), se requiere que los padres y padrinos asistan en unas
clases pre-bautismales. La próxima
clase toma lugar la noche de miércoles, 9 de septiembre, a las 7:00
en la iglesia. En la noche de clases
hay que proporcionar una copia del
acto de bautismo de su hijo(a). Que
sepan también, que la iglesia pide
que los padrinos sean católicas que
practiquen su fe y si son casados,
que están así por la iglesia . Después de asistir a
las platicas se puede arreglar con el párroco un
sábado para el bautismo.
que desea recibir los sacramentos en la Iglesia Católica
es instruida en la fe Católica y luego recibida como fiel
de la Iglesia. Adultos mayores de 16 años que ya han
sido bautizados y desean recibir la Sagrada Comunión y
el sacramento de la Confirmación pueden participar de
este programa. Los cursos de RICA comienzan en unas
semanas y se reúnen una vez por semana. En cada reunión, el participante tiene la oportunidad de hacer preguntas sobre la fe católica y en oración discernir si él /
ella quiere pasar a la siguiente etapa. No hay una duración fija; cada individuo sigue a la llamada, ya que son
introducidos a los valores del Evangelio y los inicios de
la fe.
St. Mary Catholic Church
332 S. Lee Street, Americus, GA 31709
Parish web page:
Pastor: Father Fran (Padre Paco) Gillespie SJ
email address: [email protected]
Parish Office Hours: Monday - Friday: 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Tel: (229) 924-3495
email address: [email protected]
August 30, 2015, 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time
People brought to Jesus a deaf man who had a speech impediment
and begged him to lay his hand on him.
He put his finger into the man’s ears and, spitting, touched his tongue;
then he looked up to heaven and groaned, and said to him,
“Ephphatha!”— that is, “Be opened!” — And immediately,
the man’s ears were opened and his speech impediment was removed...
Nosotros, los feligreses de la Iglesia Católica Santa
María en Americus, Georgia, compartimos nuestra diversidad mientras abarcando nuestro Bautismo común
adorando a Dios, celebrando la Eucaristía, honorando
María, difundiendo la Palabra, y sirviendo a los demás.
Preparación para los Sacramentos
Próximo Sábado Celebramos el nacimiento
Clases de Preparación Bautismal - Por favor llame
la oficina parroquial para registrarse por las platicas
pre-bautismales a menos un mes antes del Bautismo.
de María, el 12 de Septiembre después de la misa .
Hay comida y juegos gratis para todo la familia en
el parqueo de la iglesia. Se dura
hasta las ocho de la noche.
Clases de Preparación de Matrimonio - Las parejas
necesitan comunicarse con el Padre por lo menos seis
meses antes de la fecha de la boda.
Corresponsabilidad, el domingo 6 de septiem-
Sacramento de la Unción de un Enfermo - Si alguien está muy enfermo, llame el párroco para recibir
este sacramento (y no esperar al ultimo momento).
bre. El buen administrador de los bienes de Dios
no debe mostrar favoritismo. El
rico puede tener muchos dones
materiales para compartir, pero
Los candidatos y catecúmenos calificados son recibidos
Santiago nos recuerda en la segunen la fe en la vigilia de Pascua, el 26 de marzo, 2016.
da lectura que Dios ha elegido a
Para mas información, por favor póngase en contacto
los pobres del mundo para que sean ricos en fe y
ahora con los coordinadores de la RICA, Sara o Raúl
herederos del reino de Dios.
Yanez (938-8713).
Confesión/Reconciliación - Sábado 4:00 pm - 4:30 pm o
por llamar el párroco por una cita particular por confesión.
We, the parishioners of St. Mary Catholic Church
in Americus, Georgia, share our diversity while
embracing our common Baptism by worshiping
God, celebrating the Eucharist, honoring Mary,
spreading the Word, and serving others.
Sacramental Preparation
Baptismal Preparation Class - Please call the church
office to register for the pre-Baptism class at least a
month ahead of the requested Baptismal date.
Marriage Preparation - Couples must contact Father at
least six months before the planned wedding date.
Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick - Those quite
ill, hospitalized, or facing surgery and wish to receive the
Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick, contact the pastor by phone/email (do not wait until it might be too late).
Confession/Reconciliation - Saturday afternoon 4:00-4:30 in the church or call the pastor, Fr. Fran, to set up
an appointment at a mutually convenient time.
Liturgy Schedule
Saturday: 5:00 pm - English
Sunday/Domingo: 8:30 am - Español/ 10:30 am - English
Daily Mass: Tuesday through Friday at 12:00 pm in the chapel
Misa Diaria: Martes a Viernes a las 12:00 pm en la capilla
Parish Fest Next Saturday After Mass: Our annual parish
From The Coordinator Of Faith Formation
Parents and stucelebration of Mary's birth is next Saturdents are notified
day, September 12, in the parking lot after
that our classes
the evening Mass and goes until 8 PM.
begin on WedHamburgers and hot dog dinners plus a
nesday, Septemfeast day cake will be served (all gratis).
ber 16th, with
There will be entertainment for venturesign-ins comsome children of all ages, e.g., The Bounce
mencing at 6 PM. Students who were enHouse, Water Slide and Dunking Booth. All parishioners are
rolled last year are asked to bring on the
welcome so plan now to attend to celebrate our
16th the bi-lingual prayer book they reparish’s feast day in honor of Mary the Mother
ceived last year. Registration takes place
of Jesus. For more info please contact Ron Akafter Masses this weekend then again on
erman: [email protected] or 229Sunday, September 13. There is no regis942-1653.
tration fee; students will need to purchase
their books. Wednesday evening Faith
Mass Intention Requests: Please contact the parish office to Formation classes begin punctually at
arrange a Mass intention (either a weekend or weekday Mass).
6:15, and finish at 7:30. For this 2015-16
Pedida Para Una Misa: Si quisiera pedir una intención por una
year there will be about three dozen sesMisa, favor de llamar la oficina parroquial.
sions. Parents and students are expected
to commit to weekly class attendance;
9/06-11 Mass Intention
Requested by: those who fall behind are at risk of not beSaturday
Mass for the People
ing permitted to continue. On class nights
Sunday +Mary Lou Lara de Picina
Su hija y su hermano our teachers will available starting at 6 PM
+Teague Mc Gill
A relative
and remain until 7:40 PM. Parents are reminded in particular that as “domestic
church”, they are to assist weekly with
Weekly Calendar: August 30-Sept 5th
their children at one of our parish’s three
weekend Masses. Religious Values are
El Jueves
El Liderazgo
Sherlock Hall classroom caught more than taught.
Substitute Teachers are still needed. Sub-
Stewardship Thought for the 23rd Sunday: stitute teachers would be provided Lesson
Stewardship is not job-oriented or project
minded. It is a way of life for a lifetime.
The Holy Father's universal prayer intention for September is: “That opportunities
for education and employment may increase for all young people”.
His intention for evangelization is: “That
catechists may give witness by living in a
way consistent with the faith they proclaim”. Pope Francis invites all to pray
with him throughout this month mentioning his universal and his evangelization intentions.
August 29,30 2,698
Plans to follow thus easing their insertion
into class. They may substitute in any
grade level. VIRTUS certification is a prerequisite. If you can help, please contact
Ron Akerman.
Visit Our Parish Web Page It archives
past and current
parish bulletins and
will soon carry
other items of parish interest. Begin the habit of visiting it
regularly at
Budget/Presupuesto Surplus/Deficit (Sobre/Falta)
(- 663)
2nd Collection
Church in Cordele on September
12th. This training is required for
Safe Environment Compliance
for any adult who will come into
contact with youth as part of their
ministry, and must be completed
before they begin ministry. Also
encouraged to attend are adults
in learning valuable tools to keep
children safe. Seating is extremely limited at this
session (30 seats) so pre-register now by going to, and find the training listed on the
Whom Is The RCIA The Rite of Christian Initiation
Upcoming Events .
of Adults ( RCIA) is for:
+ People who seek baptism or
Hardhships of Christians in Israel
+ are baptized in another Christian religion
Israeli Catholics Demonstrate:
+ Baptized Catholics who have yet to receive the
Giacinto Marcuzzo, Vicar
Sacraments of Communion and/or Confirmation
of the Catholic Patriarchate of Je+Catholics returning to practice their faith
rusalem, participated in a demon+Practicing Catholics who want deepen their knowlstration last Tuesday in Nazareth
edge of the faith are also welcome to RCIA
in front of the Basilica of the Annunciation to protest the Israeli
When does our RCIA begin? Our RCIA begins
policies that are putting the continSunday morning September 27th, in Sherlock Hall
schools at risk. Joining
starting at 9:00 and ending at 10:15 in time for the
10:30 Mass (to which RCIA members are invited.) him were priests, sisters, teachers, students and parents. Bishop Marcuzzo stated that Christian schools
What are some of the stages of the RCIA? do not ask for privileges, but only justice. There are
47 Christian schools in Israel, educating over 33,000
The RCIA process has several stages, the first two
students and employing about 3,000 teachers.
are : Inquiry: the initial period before you decide to (Source:
enter the Catholic Church. You're asking questions
and checking it out, but aren't yet ready to commit. Palestinian Archbishop Protests Israeli Wall
Catechumenate: those who decide to enter the
The emeritus Catholic Patriarch of Jerusalem, MiChurch and are being trained for a life in Christ are chel Sabbah, was among hundreds of persons who
called catechumens, an ancient name from the early demonstrated against the construction of the wall
that will further separate Jerusalem from the occuChurch. In this stage, you're developing your faith
and are being "catechized" — learning catechism, or pied Palestinian territories. After the celebration of
last weekend’s Mass, Palestinian representatives,
the basic points about Catholic faith and life.
religious leaders and the faithful marched on the site
Newcomers having RCIA questions, as well as oth- where the Israeli army bulldozer uprooted several
ers interested in being baptized Catholic or becom- ancient olive trees on Palestinian land to make way
ing fully initiated Catholics by receiving the sacra- for a new section of the wall. Palestinian
Archbishop Sabbah said this land belongs to Palesments of Holy Communion and Confirmation, are
invited to contact RCIA Coordinator, Bernie Bosse: tinians no matter what the Israeli courts rule; “this
land belongs to us and will return to us one day."
229-815-0189;[email protected]. In the meantime, the process can move along in that Bernie can Then turning to the Israeli soldiers, he added: "You
are stronger with your guns, but you are not the
provide now, to interested persons, the required
strongest when it comes to humanity." Along the
Registration Forms for the RCIA (Catholics who
wall there is a series of Israeli settlements which are
will be sitting in on the RCIA need no forms).
illegal under international law. (Source: http://
www.asianews. 8.31.15) Israeli Catholics Demonstrate.