“Today this scripture passage is fulfilled in your hearing.” Luke 4:21


“Today this scripture passage is fulfilled in your hearing.” Luke 4:21
Second Sunday in Ordinary Time—January 20, 2013
“Today this scripture passage is fulfilled in your hearing.”
Luke 4:21
Our first reading and Gospel today witness to the power of
new beginnings arising from divine favor. The period reflected in the reading from Isaiah is just after Israel’s return
from exile. God is starting over with the beloved spouse
Israel, and the reading is full of that joy. The Gospel story of
the wedding at Cana is the first of the signs performed by
Jesus at the beginning of his public ministry. As you listen
to these readings, what new beginnings do you feel that
God has brought about for you?
All Sacrament preparation classes are now two years,
with 1st Communion starting at 1st or 2nd grade and
Confirmation starting at 7th or 8th grade. Contact
Josephine if you have any questions at 707-447-2354.
WOMEN'S WEEKEND RETREAT: Is this the time to take a
deep breath? To get things back in perspective? To simply
rest in the presence of the Lord? Then why not take the
time to encounter the joy of the Lord at our annual parish
women's retreat. The retreat weekend is February 15 to 17
2013, Christ The King Retreat Center in Citrus Heights.
Please call Miriam Roberts at 447-5301 or Marilyn Sponzo at
449-4805. Visit www.passionists.org/christtheking for
additional information.
Nuestra primera lectura y el Evangelio de hoy dan testimonio
de lo poderosos que son los nuevos comienzos que brotan
del favor divino. El período reflejado en la lectura de Isaías es
inmediatamente después que Israel ha regresado de su exilio. Dios comienza de nuevo con su desposada Israel y la lectura está llena de gozo. La historia del Evangelio sobre la boda en Caná es el primero de los signos de Jesús al comienzo
de su ministerio público. Al escuchar estas lecturas considera: ¿Qué nuevos comienzos crees que Dios te ha concedido?
Report for Sunday, Jan 13 , 2013:
Our Sunday Offering
Average Weekly Expenses:
7/1/12thru 1/13/13 Budgeted Income:
7/1/12 thru 1/13/13 Actual Income:
$ 12,058
$ 13,000
$ 365,350
$ 334,515
Thank you for your generous offering. May your love
and sacrifices be greatly rewarded.
Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
Week of January 20, 2013
Theme: Grace is God’s free gift to us.
Question for Adults: God fills each of us
with grace (miracles) and gifts. What is one
grace (miracle) or gift that you have shared
with your family?
Question for Children: What is one special gift that God
has given to you to share with your friends or classmates?
2012 STATEMENTS—We plan to send out contribution
reports only to those who request one. If you need a copy
of your contribution report, please put a note on your contribution envelope , give us a call at 447-2354 or email us at
[email protected]. Thank you.
2013 Contribution Envelopes are in the narthex.
They will be available until the end of January. If
you have any questions, please contact the Parish
Office at 447-2354.
We are continuing to accept applications for our Youth
Ministry position (15hrs/wk). If you are interested in this
position, please pick up an application and job description
at the parish office .
Friday, January 25, 2013
Tickets are on sale in the narthex after each
Mass and may be purchased during the
week at the church office. The price is $45
per person. WE ARE LOOKING FOR: Raffle
items, live and silent auction gifts. Donations can be taken to the Parish Office (9am-4pm). Also,
please sign up if you can bake for the dessert auction. If
you have any questions, call Thomas & Bess Klindworth at
707-277-1182 or email at
[email protected]
Walk for Life 2013 is just around the corner. Mark your
calendars for Saturday, January 26th, 2013 to head down
to San Francisco with St. Joseph’s to walk for life! Come
and be part of the thousands who walk down Market
Street to show that we believe in the right for every unborn child to have life! St. Joseph’s will be chartering a
bus so you don’t have to worry about the drive or parking. Just hop on the bus and enjoy your experience. Tickets are $23 for adults and $15 for kids. For more information and to reserve your spot on the bus, contact My
Catacutan at 707-332-2886 or sign up in the narthex.
On Sunday, January 27, 2013, Notre Dame School will be
celebrating their 25th anniversary by hosting a Wine &
Cheese Social. The event will take place in the St. Joseph
Parish Center from 4pm to 6pm. If you have questions,
please call the school office at 447-1460. All past staff,
families, students and parishioners are invited.
Notre Dame School is having our annual Casino Night
Fundraiser, Feb 2, 2013 from 6-11p.m. Our theme is Super bowl! There will be wonderful tailgate type food,
drink and prizes. We are also holding a Texas Hold'em
tournament. Ticket packages are either 25.00 for a single ticket or 50.00 for two tickets. Both ticket packages include
complimentary drink tickets. The Texas Hold'em buy in cost is
50.00. You are encouraged to wear your favorite team jersey.
Tickets can be purchased in the Notre Dame school office or by
calling me directly. Contact Deborah Indelicato at 707-410-6834
for more information. Hope to see you there!
Last weekend’s food collection for St. Mary’s
Food Locker resulted in 796 canned and packaged food items. Thank you for your generous contributions. Next month’s collection
will be Feb 9/10 .
The Parish Office will be closed on Monday, January
21, 2013 in honor of Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday.
Nuestra tradición de oración invoca el contacto cercano entre
unos y otros. Por medio de nuestra convocación, cantando, orando, compartiendo las bancas, intercambiando la paz y recibiendo la
comunión respondemos a la llamada de Dios para alabar como
miembros del cuerpo de Cristo y ser alimentados con la palabra y la
Eucaristía. Sin embargo, si está preocupado por poder estar enfermo, es un signo de caridad para sus hermanos impedir que la enfermedad se extienda a otros. Para ayudarnos a proteger y cuidar
a nuestros hermanos, el Obispo nos pide: rezar el Padrenuestro
con nuestras manos juntas en lugar de tomarse de las manos con
otros; intercambiar la paz de una manera sin tocar al otro
(¡acuérdate de sonreír!); recibir la Comunión en la forma de pan
solamente (hasta que el tiempo de la gripe ha terminado). Está
enfermo? Deber de: elegir permanecer en casa hasta que esté seguro que no es contagioso; llamar a su parroquia para encontrar
maneras de mantenerse conectado con la comunidad; aprovechar
una misa televisada para continuar alimentándose por la Palabra
de Dios y recibir una comunión espiritual. (KSPX – Canal 29 en Sacramento – a las 9:30 a.m. cada Domingo)
Our tradition of prayer involves close contact with each other.
By gathering together, singing, praying, sharing a pew, exchanging the sign of peace and receiving communion we respond to God’s call to worship as members of Christ’s body and
to be nourished by Word and Sacrament. However, if you are
concerned that you might be ill, it is a sign of charity for your
brothers and sisters to keep that illness from spreading to others. To help us to protect and care for our brothers and sisters,
Bishop Soto is asking us to: pray the Lord’s Prayer with our
hands joined instead of holding hands; exchange a sign of
peace that does not involve touching others (it helps to smile!);
receive Holy Communion in the form of bread only (until flu season has passed). Are you ill? You should: choose to remain at
home until you are sure you are no longer contagious; contact
your parish about ways to remain connected to the community.
Also, take advantage of a televised Mass to continue being
nourished by the Word and making a spiritual communion.
(KSPX – Channel 29 in Sacramento –at 9:30 am every Sunday)

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