Thirty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time November 3, 2013


Thirty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time November 3, 2013
2001 N. Western Ave., Edmond, OK 73012
Office: 405-359-2700 ● Fax: 405-341-0023 ● Rectory: 405-330-2699
Rev. Stephen Hamilton - Pastor
[email protected]
Rev. Cory Stanley - Parochial Vicar
Youth Minister
[email protected]
Lee Hunt - Deacon
[email protected]
Jerry Rakosky - Deacon
[email protected]
Katie Gordy - Pastoral Associate,
Director of Religious Education, Spiritual Counseling
[email protected]
Stacy Sample - Bulletin Editor/Office Manager
[email protected] 359-2700
Sheryl Lacy - Facility Manager
[email protected]
Carmen Snow - Hispanic Ministry/Ministerio Hispano
[email protected]
Marie Connolly - Music Director
[email protected]
Melani Roewe - Music Director
[email protected]
Kenneth & Kelly Hughes - Saturday Choir 341-6549
[email protected]
Kelli Pereira - RCIA Director
[email protected]
24 hours/7days a week
Tuesday, Thursday
By Appointment
5:30 p.m.
5:30 p.m.
5:20 p.m.
5:30 p.m.
7:30 a.m.
5 p.m.
8,10:30 a.m.
1 p.m. Spanish
4:30 p.m.
3:30 p.m.
WEDDINGS Contact church office six months in
BAPTISMS Contact the Church Office at 359-2700
Noon Monday
Bobby Burger, Knights of Columbus
Taylor McGarry, Pastoral Council
St. Vincent de Paul
Thirty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time
November 3, 2013
Wis 11:22--12:2/2 Thes 1:11--2:2/Lk
Rom 11:29-36/Lk 14:12-14
Rom 12:5-16b/Lk 14:15-24
Wednesday: Rom 13:8-10/Lk 14:25-33
Rom 14:7-12/Lk 15:1-10
Rom 15:14-21/Lk 16:1-8
Ez 47:1-2, 8-9, 12/1 Cor 3:9c-11, 1617/Jn 2:13-22
Next Sunday: 2 Mc 7:1-2, 9-14/2 Thes 2:16--3:5/Lk
20:27-38 or 20:27, 34-38
Saturday, November 2
5 p.m.
† Julie Mitchell
Sunday, November 3
8 a.m.
People of the Parish
10:30 a.m.
of Andy & † Mary Cobb
1 p.m.
Tuesday, November 5
5:30 p.m.
Janet Hatcher
Wednesday, November 6
5:30 p.m.
† Sue Schultingkemper
Thursday, November 7
5:30 p.m.
† Dominic Capra
Friday, November 8
7:30 a.m.
† Donna McRee
Saturday, November 9
5 p.m.
† Bradley Koetter
Sunday, November 10
8 a.m.
Janet Hatcher
10:30 a.m.
People of the Parish
1 p.m.
October 26, 27
Sunday Offering .............................. $23,926.78
Less Charity 10% ............................ $2,392.68
Parish Offering ............................. $21,534.10
All St. Monica parishioners are asked to
contribute 8% of their weekly income to the parish.
Give electronically at
and select “online giving.”
2 - November 3, 2013
Sunday, November 3
9 a.m. - Sunday Donuts - Parish Hall
9 & 11:45 a.m. - Lector Training - Church
9 a.m.-1 p.m. - Religious Education
9:05 a.m. - Adult Bible Study - Mother Teresa
2 p.m. - Hispanic Community - Parish Hall
4:30 p.m. - Jr. High Youth - Youth Rm.
5:30 p.m. - Orchestra Rehearsal - Church
6 p.m. - H.S. Youth - 40 Days for Life
Monday, November 4
7 p.m. - Knights of Columbus - St. Michael
7 p.m. - Blue/Gold Banquet Set-Up - Hall/Kitchen
Tuesday, November 5
9 a.m. - Hispanic Community - Mother Teresa
9 a.m. - Women in the Bible Study - St. Michael
4:15-5:30 p.m. - Religious Education
6 p.m. - Blue/Gold Banquet - Hall
7 p.m. - Bible Timeline - St. Anthony
7 p.m. - Spiritual Book Club - St. Michael
Wednesday, November 6
5:15-6:30 p.m. - Religious Education (1st-8th Grade)
7 p.m. - Confirmation II Students/Parents - Parish Hall
7-8:30 p.m. - Religious Education (9th-12th Grade)
7 p.m. - Bell Choir - St. Cecilia
Thursday, November 7
9:30 a.m. - Artist Way Class - St. Michael
4 p.m. - Medjugorje Prayer Group - St. Anthony
7 p.m. - Breaking Open the Word - Mother Teresa
7 p.m. - Talleres de Oracion - St. Michael
7 p.m. - Choir (Spanish) -Church
7 p.m. - Couples in Faith - St. Patrick
Friday, November 8
5:30 a.m. - That Man Is You - Hall/Kitchen
9:30 a.m. - St. Michael
7 p.m. - Familias Para Cristo - Hall
Saturday, November 9
7 a.m. - Talleros de Oracion Retreat - St. Michael
8:30 a.m. - Cleaners - Church/Hall
4 p.m. - H.S. Youth - Youth Fest at St. John’s
6 p.m. - Parents of Young Children
Sunday, November 10
9 a.m. - Pancake Breakfast - Hall/Kitchen
9 a.m.-1 p.m. - Religious Education
9:05 a.m. - Adult Bible Study - Mother Teresa
Noon - NCYC Parents/Youth - Youth Rm.
6 p.m. - Jr. Hi Youth Thunder Watch Party-Youth Rm.
5:30 p.m. - Orchestra Rehearsal - Church
6 p.m. - High School Work Camp Meeting - Hall
Join Father Stephen Hamilton on Thursday, Nov.
14, at 7 p.m. in the Parish Hall for a gathering with
new members of St. Monica. This will be an opportunity to ask questions, meet other new members, as
well as long-time parishioners and to share refreshments and fellowship. Father Hamilton will explain
what it means to be a unique stewardship parish at St.
Monica, how the parish was built, outline Religious
Education programs, review parish committees and
councils and much more.
Children are also invited to attend the meeting and
supervision will be provided. Call Janet Hatcher at 341
-3748 prior to the meeting so accommodations may
be made.
Workcamp and Notre Dame Too!
The Youth will attend Workcamp this year in
Mishawaka, Indiana, from June 14-22. Come work for
the poor, bond with kids from all over the country,
and grow your Faith. We will visit Notre Dame University on our free day. All students going into the
10th grade in the Fall of 2014 are eligible to go.
Come to the meeting on Sunday, Nov. 10 at 6 p.m. in
the Hall. If you know you are going, bring a $150 deposit ($100 for adult chaperones - those going will be
selected in the future - sign up if you are interested),
or just come to get information. THIS MEETING IS
Call Katie Gordy at 359-2700 or email her at
[email protected].
Busy Needles meets the 2nd and 4th Wednesday
of the month. The next gathering will be Wednesday,
Nov. 13, at 11 a.m. in the St. Michael Room. For more
information contact Kathy DiRusso at 216-8983.
Sacred Wash Coordinator Needed. Contact
Sharon Neal at [email protected] or 590-1123.
Bulletin Supporter of the Week
Automatic Fire Control
Dick & Betty Koetter - 677-7485
Please Patronize our Sponsors. Their
generosity makes this publication
available to you at no cost to the
Lector Training
after all weekend Masses
Nov. 2 and 3
Parents of Young Children
St. Monica’s Parents of Young Children will gather
Saturday, Nov. 9, at 6:15 p.m. Those who would like
to join us email [email protected] with the
ages of any children needing childcare by Monday,
Nov. 4. We will be eating out this month. Details to
follow. For more information email [email protected]. We always have a great time.
Hope you can make it.
Mom’s Group
Attention moms! Are you feeling overwhelmed with
all the clutter? Come listen to organizing specialist,
Kathie Grady at our next Moms Group meeting on
Friday, Nov. 8, from 9:30-11 a.m. Babysitting provided. RSVP and submit questions for the speaker to
Dana Williams at [email protected] .
Women in the
New Testament
An eight-week Scripture
Study begins Tuesday, Nov. 5,
and meets on Tuesdays from 910:30 a.m.
This study follows Women in
the Old Testament. It will introduce participants to women
across a variety of connections
to Jesus and the apostles. Encounter their strengths and
needs; discover how women in the holy land during
the time of Jesus and the apostles met the challenges
they faced in responding to Jesus.
Participants will enter into discussion and prayer
about expectant faith, what it means to be touched by
Jesus, and the meaning of discipleship through the
lives of the women who lived in early Christianity.
While some participants have already completed
Women in the Old Testament, it is not a requirement. Please consider joining us for this eight week
study. Call Melani Roewe, facilitator at 282-3140 or
Virginia Osgood at 341-7648. There is no charge for
the class and childcare is provided with RSVP.
November 3, 2013 - 3
Spiritual Book Club
The Light of Faith (Lumen Fidei), the last of three great
encyclicals on the virtues defining the Christian life, is
our book for discussion on Tuesday, Nov. 5, at 7 p.m.
in the St. Michael Room. Not only is this Pope Francis'
first encyclical, it is also the first encyclical to have
Youth Schedule
Sunday, Nov. 3, 6 p.m. - Meet in Youth Room to
carpool to 40 Days for Life in OKC. Email Fr. Stanley
to sign up.
Saturday, Nov. 9, 4 p.m. - Youth Fest at St. John
the Baptist in Edmond, to listen to Fr. Stan Fortuna
and the Adam Bitter Band. Dinner provided. Ends at
10 p.m. If not signed up, email Fr. Stanley.
Sunday, Nov. 10, Noon - NCYC Youth and Parents
- Youth Rm.
Sunday, Nov. 10, 6 p.m. - Catholic Heart Work
Campers and Parents meet in Parish Hall. No H.S.
Youth Group this evening.
Upcoming Events
November - Bon fire with smores, hot chocolate,
and praise and worship; Thunder watch party with an
Italian food dinner; Potato peeling (Wednesday
December - Ugly Sweater Night; Casino Night;
Christmas caroling; Gift Wrap for Santa’s Cause
(weekday event); Ice Skating in Edmond.
Text message updates
send text to: 405-703-6368
with message: @smc2013
Sunday, Nov. 3, 4:30 p.m. - Youth Room. Indoor
games concluding with Family Rosary in the St.
Augustine Chapel (Rosary begins at 5:30 p.m.).
Sunday, Nov. 10, 6 p.m. - Thunder Watch Party
(until 10 p.m.). Italian dinner provided (with other
snacks). Sport your “Thunder-wear” for this evening.
Upcoming Events
November - Bon fire with smores, hot chocolate,
and praise and worship
December - Ugly Sweater Night; Casino Night;
Christmas caroling/gift delivery at local nursing
homes; Ice Skating in Edmond.
Text message updates
send text to: 405-703-6868
with message: @jhyg2013
Youth Minister - Rev. Cory Stanley - 359-2700
[email protected]
4 - November 3, 2013
been openly written by two successors of St. Peter.
Pope Benedict XVI was unable to finish the encyclical,
and Pope Francis took up the task, adding his own insights, themes, and emphases to the work.
Future reading: Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis
The Virtues by Pope Benedict XVI; The Everlasting
Man by G.K. Chesterton.
For more information/questions, please call Ali
Howard at 330-6618.
Music Heals the Heart
A concert for the Fr. Roberto Quant Scholarship
fund benefiting Sacred Heart Catholic School will be
held Friday, Dec. 6, at 7 p.m. at St. James the Greater
Catholic Church, 4201 S. McKinley, Ave., Oklahoma
City. For tickets contact Sacred Heart Catholic
School at 634-5673.
The Central Region Archdiocesan Council
of Catholic Women will meet Saturday, Nov. 16,
at 9 a.m. at the Pastoral Center, 7501 NW Expressway, Oklahoma City. Speaker will be Lisa Chamberlain, Director of the Women’s Development Center.
Donations will be collected at this meeting.
In Our Thoughts and Prayers
Christian sympathy is extended to: Jamie Sparks
at the death of her grandmother, Jessie Mae Fields.
Sick and Suffering: Marjorie Misciagna, George
Wizda, Bobbie Filippo, Georgia Lamirand, Jim and
Janet Hatcher, Lori Ackman, Janice Hardie, Art Hardie, Jon Soerensen, Victoria Brown, Alex Boyd, Ruth
Charbonneau, Brianna Williams, Judy Townsend,
David Welch, Charles Neal, Evelyn Bollenbach,
Marlena Chenault, Gail Norris, Micah Calise, Beth
Jeffcoat, Luke Smith, Mike Kenny, Mary Durand,
Donna Miner, Fayelene O’Connell, Cadie Doyal,
Jacque Lighty, Rita Lawrence, Keaton Barron, John
Nichols, Brock Hart, Dick and Peg Feuerborn, Faye
Norton, Anne Foreman, Pat Lenhart, Emilyn Killough,
Jeanette Bollman, Lisa McLaughlin, Debbie Yandell,
Laura O’Hara, Doug & Marla Robinson, Chester
St. Monica Seminarians: Kelly Edwards, Jerome
Krug, Tomas Sandoval.
Military Overseas: Steve Reny, J.R. DeLeon,
Daniel Broda, Jacob Seibold, Jeremy Easley, George
Perry Jr.
Sunday, November 3, at 7:00 p.m. at
the Warr Acres abortion clinic I will
lead the prayer service that concludes this year’s observance of
Forty Days for Life. You are invited
to come and participate.
This weekend after all Masses we
have lector training. In a particular
way I hope many of our girls and
Fr. Stephen
young ladies will begin to exercise
leadership in this important service
at Holy Mass. We can’t have Holy Mass without the
proclamation of God’s Word. I pray in a particular
way that the example of the Blessed Virgin Mary will
inspire our girls to appreciate a particular gift of the
feminine genius: namely, to receive God’s Word, to
meditate upon it, to nourish it, and to give it flesh
both by proclaiming it in our midst at Holy Mass and
by allowing it to form the witness of their own lives.
This spiritual insight into the example of Mary and the
mystery of the feminine genius is, in part, why I believe that vocations to religious life may more naturally be stirred for our girls by service as lectors.
Please join me in praying for a harvest of such vocations among our young ladies!
Have you ever noticed over the years how our
Catholic sensibility to give our greatest and best to
God in worship often leads to very positive improvements in the sanctuaries of our parishes? Several parishes in the metro area come to mind where great
beauty has been added to the sanctuary over time. St.
John’s in Yukon has been greatly augmented by the
addition of marble and altar furnishings. My home
parish, St. Francis of Assisi in Oklahoma City, a few
years back added color to its beautiful sanctuary and
did the far more substantial work of building a small
altar for the tabernacle so that it could be returned to
its proper place in the center of the sanctuary. The
sanctuary of St. James Church on the southside has
been vastly improved. St. John’s in Edmond over the
years added a marble altar and ambo to improve their
sanctuary. There is an area of our sanctuary that I
think could be improved to lessen distraction in
prayer, especially for those trying to pray in our Adoration Chapel. From inside the main church, I draw
your attention to the back wall of the sanctuary.
You’ll notice all the glass panels on the two slightly
angled side walls. If you have ever tried to pray in the
chapel while RE is meeting in the cry rooms and kids
are moving about the church, or when groups are in
the main church for music practice or activities, you
know how distracting it can be. You try to pray and
focus your attention on the daily Mass altar but you
keep seeing movement and activity through the glass.
From my perspective at the daily Mass altar it can be
very distracting to say Mass while noticing the eyes of
everyone in the chapel following activity through the
glass behind me. I think we can improve this. In fact,
anything we can do to limit distraction in prayer is a
worthy project so that we foster a stronger encounter with the Lord in our beautiful church. My ideal
dream solution would be to replace the plain glass on
the back walls of the sanctuary with stained glass
(perhaps depicting the life of St. Monica and St.
Augustine). However, that would be very expensive
and so (unless a generous donor would like to come
forward) I have sought a more economic solution.
After consultation with the Pastoral Council and several other parishioners we will be putting some window treatments in only the bottom three windows on
each side wall. We have picked a regal looking fabric
that will look good in church. Boards covered with
this fabric will be placed in those windows. We are
doing this only in the bottom three windows on each
side wall. With those bottom three windows treated
people in the chapel won’t have the distraction of
what may be taking place in the main church while
they try to focus on prayer. The rest of the glass will
remain open. This improvement will be taking place
soon. I want you to be aware of the reason. And I
hope you will be able to pray in the chapel with fewer
Sincerely in Christ,
Rev. Stephen Hamilton
Communion to the Homebound
If you or someone you know is ill, in the hospital,
homebound or not able to get to Mass because of circumstances beyond their control, call the church office at 359-2700 so a Homebound Communion Minister may bring them Communion.
November 3, 2013 - 5
St. Monica’s Pastoral Council
Are you Being Called to Serve?
Three new members are needed for St. Monica’s
Pastoral Council. The primary function of the pastoral
council is to develop a life-giving vision of the Church,
be a consultative body for the pastor, be pastoral,
prayerful, representative, discerning, cooperative and
collaborative. Council members must represent the
entire St. Monica community and membership is open
to all of Christ’s faithful who are in good standing with
the Roman Catholic Church, are eligible to participate
in the full sacramental life of the church, are registered members of St. Monica Parish and at least 18
years of age.
Contact Taylor McGarry at 315-7276 if interested
in serving in this ministry.
The Triumph, a powerful new documentary film
investigates a modern-day miracle that has global implications. Choose from 3 showings at AMC Quail
Springs 24 Mall Theater in Oklahoma City:
Sunday, Dec. 8 - 1:30 p.m.; 4 p.m.
Monday, Dec. 9 - 7 p.m.
Deadline to purchase tickets is Friday, Nov. 15.
Cost is $10. Purchase tickets by calling Velma Brandt
at 475-6398, [email protected]; Carolyn Ehli
at 793-7664 or Deana Ginn at 570-2079. No tickets
will be sold at the door. Visit:
Knights of Columbus Selling Christmas Cards
The Knights of Columbus will sell Christmas cards
and yard signs during the pancake breakfast on Sunday, Nov. 10. All proceeds will support the Knights'
charitable activities. Those who are unable to attend
the pancake breakfast but interested in purchasing
Christmas Cards or yard signs, may contact Jim Jeffcoat at 923-7643.
There’s still time to sign up!
Parish women are invited to attend the Fall Retreat
on Saturday, Nov. 23, 9 a.m.-2:30 p.m.
This retreat will use material from Jeff and Emily
Cavins’ Walking Toward Eternity: Making Choices
for Today and will focus on Forgiveness and Thankfulness. A workbook/journal will be provided along
with morning refreshments and a light lunch. Won’t
you join us as we dare to “walk the walk”?
Call Virginia Osgood at 341-7648 or email [email protected] for more information or
to sign up. The retreat site will be at Our Lady of the
Lake Lodge in Guthrie. We will meet at the church at
8:30 a.m. and car-pool/caravan to the lodge.
6 - November 3, 2013
Thirty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time
Children have such great expectations. They often
show an eagerness that marvels adults. They can't
wait to get at the Christmas gifts. They race off to explore new vistas. They dive into new things with an
energy that seems beyond imagining. This exuberant
curiosity that characterizes childhood gets channeled
over time into an exploration of one's place in the
world as teenagers or young adults discover their
own selves and decide what they want to do with
their lives. Sometimes, the intense eagerness of childhood is restrained by the reality of the adult world in
which real limitations are made manifest. Not everything is a game to explore anymore.
In this weekend's Gospel, we have a story of a man
who had to face his own limitations. Zacchaeus was a
short guy. He couldn't see above the crowd. But he
used his own ingenuity in his attempt to see Jesus. He
climbed up a sycamore tree and sat in its branches
because he wanted to catch a glimpse of this prophet
who had come to Jericho. Jesus in turn stops at the
sycamore and invites Zacchaeus to come down.
Whatever limitations Zacchaeus had because of his
height, it didn't seem to affect his business acumen,
for the Gospel tells us that he was a wealthy man. The
people of Jericho seem to think that not all of his
wealth was acquired legitimately. But Zacchaeus
stands his ground, promising to over-compensate anyone whom he may have harmed.
As we move on in life, we may find ourselves at the
point of having lost some of the enthusiasm for what
got us to where we are. Our day-to-day experiences
can sometimes feel like a rut that consumes our energy. The story of Zacchaeus reminds us that there
can be a renewal of grace that enlivens us once again.
We might consider where Jesus is walking by in our
life, and if we have the eagerness to see him.
Adopt a Family for Christmas
Catholic Charities is in need of sponsors for the
Adopt-A-Family Christmas gift program. Each sponsor receives a wish list of items for a family in need,
and then buys the presents and delivers them to
Catholic Charities for delivery to the family. If you
don’t have time to shop for gifts, please consider
donating cash or gift cards. For more information
about becoming a sponsor call 523-3013.
Horario de Ministerios 10 de noviembre
Proclamadores de la Palabra: Sagrario Godinez, Berenice
Ministros de Eucaristía: Aquilino Chaves, Adriana Chaves
Monaguillos: Miriam y Edgar Bárcenas, José Perez
La Próxima clase de Pre Cana, será el 9 de noviembre,
2013 en el Centro Pastoral, 7501 NW Expressway en
Oklahoma City. La inscripción empieza a las 8:30 a.m. y la
clase es de 9:00 am. – 4:00 pm.
Si están interesados o necesitan más información, favor de
llamar a Lisa Carrasco
405) 709-2709. El costo de este programa es de $40.00
por pareja. El almuerzo está incluido. Esta clase también
sirve como un entrenamiento para trabajar en su parroquia
como “padrinos” de matrimonio.
31º domingo en tiempo ordinario
Tema: ¡El amor de Jesús transforma a todas las personas y
todas las cosas!
Apuntes de la Palabra
Texto sugerido para compartir la fe: El Evangelio de hoy
Paso uno: Escuchar la Palabra
Al escuchar la conocida historia en la lectura de hoy, ¿qué
palabra o frase les llamó la atención? ¿Qué imagen de la
historia les impactó?
Paso dos: Examinar su vida
Pregunta para los niños: Jesús mostró que él amaba a Zaqueo al comer con él. ¿Cómo muestra Jesús su amor por
Pregunta para los jóvenes: Jesús vio a Zaqueo como era,
con todo y sus errores, y él te ve a ti de la misma forma.
¿Qué máscaras, si hay alguna, escondes para que otros no
vean quién eres en realidad? ¿En quién confías para que te
vea verdaderamente tal y como eres?
Pregunta para los adultos: ¿Por qué creen que Jesús fue tan
bueno con Zaqueo? ¿Qué lección sacan de esta lectura
sobre aquéllos que hoy se consideran "pecadores públicos?"
En nuestro salón parroquial
Vengan todos, adultos, jovenes, niños a nuestra primera
reunión con Joel de Loera y todo su equipo de servidores .
“Si crees en el Señor Jesús, te salvaras tú y tu familia”.
(Hechos 16:31)
¿Alguna vez ha notado a través de los años cómo nuestra sensibilidad católica de dar nuestro mayor y lo mejor a Dios en la adoración a menudo conduce a mejoras muy positivas en los santuarios de nuestras parroquias? Varias parroquias del área metropolitana vienen a mi mente cuando gran belleza se ha añadido al
santuario a través del tiempo. La Iglesia San Juan en Yukon ha
mejorado en gran medida por el agregado de mármol y muebles
en el altar. Mi parroquia, San Francisco de Asís, en Oklahoma
City, hace unos años añadió color a su hermoso santuario e hizo
una obra de construcción de un pequeño altar en el tabernáculo
para que pueda ser devuelto a su lugar apropiado en la centro
del santuario. El santuario de la Iglesia de Santiago Apóstol en la
parte sur ha mejorado enormemente. La Iglesia San Juan Bautista
aquí en Edmond a lo largo de los años añadió un altar de mármol
y un ambón para mejorar su santuario. Hay una zona de nuestro
santuario que creo que podría mejorar para reducir distracciones mientras estamos en oración, sobre todo para aquellos que
tratan de orar en nuestra Capilla de Adoración. Desde el interior
de la iglesia principal, quisiera llamar su atención sobre la pared
del fondo del santuario. Se dará cuenta de todos los paneles de
vidrio en las dos paredes laterales. Si alguna vez ha tratado de
orar en la capilla mientras las clases de Educación Religiosa se
reúnen en los cuartos en la iglesia, hay movimiento de gente lo
que causa una distracción, o cuando hay practica de música en la
iglesia principal. Es difícil rezar y centrar su atención en el altar
durante la misa diaria debido a la distracción, el movimiento y la
actividad que se puede ver a través del cristal. Desde mi punto
de vista en el altar, durante la misa diaria es una distracción
para el celebrante ver los ojos de las personas en la capilla
cuando miran la actividad a través del cristal detrás de mí. Creo
que podemos mejorar esto. , cualquier cosa que podamos hacer
para limitar distracciones en la oración es un proyecto digno
para fomentar un encuentro poderoso con el Señor en nuestra
hermosa iglesia. Mi sueño ideal sería reemplazar el vidrio en las
paredes traseras del santuario con vitrales (quizás que representan la vida de Santa Mónica y San Agustín). Sin embargo, eso sería
muy caro y por lo tanto ( a menos que un donante generoso se
presente ) he buscado una solución más económica. Después de
consultar con el Consejo Pastoral y otros feligreses vamos a poner una especie de cortinas en las ventanas en la parte inferior,
sólo tres ventanas en cada pared lateral. Hemos elegido un tejido
muy hermoso que se verá bien en la iglesia. Estamos haciendo
esto solamente en la parte inferior de las tres ventanas en cada
pared lateral. De esta manera, personas en la capilla no tendrán
la distracción de lo que está aconteciendo en la iglesia principal,
y podrán concentrarse en la oración. El resto del vidrio permanecerá igual. Esta mejora se llevará a cabo pronto. Es mi deseo
informarles a todos sobre esto y las razones del porqué. ¡Y espero que usted pueda orar en la capilla con menos distracciones!
Sinceramente en Cristo, Padre Hamilton
Radio Católica de Oklahoma KTLR 890 AM
Sintonice su radio a KTLR 890 AM de lunes a viernes de la
1:00 de la tarde hasta el anochecer.
Misa en español cada domingo a las 12:00 del mediodía.
November 3, 2013 - 7
Prepare the Way
Mark Your Calendars! Another Whole Family Catechesis
Event will occur on Sunday,
Nov. 24, between the 8 and
10:30 a.m. Masses in the Parish Center.
Parish talent will share traditions and activities
to assist families Prepare the Way for the Coming of Jesus. This program is geared toward
families with pre-k and grade school children.
Whether you are a parent or grandparent, come
with the children to enjoy this Advent presentation
as we discuss the reason for the season. Watch
for sign up sheets in the narthex. Coffee, juice
and breakfast pastries will be served. Baby sitting
will be provided for kids three and under with reservations.
8 - November 3, 2013
Elaine Yusko
Kelly Grammer
Virginia Osgood
Alan Lipps
Allen family
Pat Leehan
Natalia Wallace
Next week our parish will take up the Collection
for the Archdiocese for the Military Services (AMS).
The guiding mission of the AMS is to provide the sacraments - and the re-affirming Word of Christ - to
men and women serving in our armed forces, patients
in the VA medical centers, civilians working for the
federal government beyond U.S. borders and the families of these populations. To provide this service they
need your help - the AMS receives no federal funding.
Collection envelopes will be on the round table in the
Narthex during all weekend Masses on Nov. 9/10.
SUNDAY, Nov. 10
Wilbert Hundl
Need volunteer
Annita Leehan
Leland Sample
Nikki Schilling
Larry Miller
Scott Schilling
Margie Miller
John Robin
Long Tran
Jerry Krittenbrink
Alice Robin
Cheryl Tran
Cathy Krittenbrink
Mary Ellen Sessa
Fonda Brousseau
Jorge Pereira
Michael Sessa
Tina Moore
Kelli Pereira
Chris Evans
Janette Schwarz
Marita Deatsch
Patricia Haas
Ron Schwarz
Ivan Deatsch
David Haas
Linda Winterscheidt
Jeff Zelnicek
Wayne Cooper
Larry Winterscheidt
Alisa Zelnicek
Debbie Collins
Nick Caporale
Jack Gordy
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
Collection for the Archdiocese
for Military Services
SAT Nov. 9
Sherry Werth
Altar Boys
All men of St. Monica Parish are invited to the new
That Man Is You on Fridays, at 6 a.m. Doors open
for a free light breakfast at 5:30 a.m.
This nationally acclaimed program is open to all
men, regardless of marital status, who are committed
to upholding the Catholic Church’s teachings regarding the sanctity of marriage and family.
This week’s title: The Ultimate Temptation
Join us each week for men’s fellowship with all new
material. For more information contact David
Lassiter at 924-6661 or Jerry Krittenbrink at 3178635.
Beth Goetz
Luke Barron
Larry Steichen
Jennifer Horsley
Mary Steichen
Michele Bardrick
Need volunteer
Aaron Skrok
Need volunteer
Nicole Owens
Hudson Lacy
Conner Blatt
Austin Harkey
Brian Bogumil
Wil Hundl
Martin Samwel
Landon Dowers
Bradley Hundl
Brendan Pedulla
Alec Harkey
Families, couples and single persons
are welcome and encouraged to
spend time before the
Blessed Sacrament
To sign up for a Holy Hour,
contact Toni Harrelson at 341-2199
or [email protected]
November 3, 2013 - 9

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