Resurrection Catholic Church


Resurrection Catholic Church
“For three years now I have come in
search of fruit on this fig tree but have
found none. So cut it down. Why should
it exhaust the soil? He said to him in reply, “Sir, leave it for this year also, and I
shall cultivate the ground around it and
fertilize it; it may bear fruit in the future.
If not you can cut it down.”
Luke 13:1
Resurrection Catholic Church
Serving Others We Are Serving God
1211 Winter Garden Vineland Road, Winter Garden, Fl 34787
Office 407-656-3113— Fax 407-654-4935
E-Mail: [email protected] 
Mass Schedule:
Saturday: 5:00pm
7:00pm Spanish
9:30am and 4:30pm Spanish
7:30pm Portuguese
Vigil of Holy Day: 7:30pm or
Weekday Mass: 8:00am
Wednesday: 7:30pm Spanish
Half hour before
all weekend Masses
Staffed by the Missionaries of
St. Charles /Scalabrinians
Fr. Carlos Anklan, c.s.
Parochial Vicar:
Fr. Vincenzo Ronchi, c.s.
Assisting Priest:
Fr. Robert Kurber
Fernando Fred Molina:
[email protected]
Ministry Coordinator:
Kathy Molhem
Faith Formation Director & RCIA:
Sr. Pat Sipan, SND
Religious Education Coordinators:
English - Mary Ann McFerrin
Nancy Parker
Spanish - Silvia Aguilar
Religious Education Facilitator:
Terry Virgona
Youth, Liturgy & Music:
Jon Sarta
Pre-K Director:
Denise Williams
Business Manager:
Bob Pautienus
Sunday, February 28, 2016
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Mass Intentions
Saturday, February 27
5:00 PM
7:00 PM
Sunday, February 28
8:00 AM
9:30 AM (Spanish)
11:30 AM
4:30 PM (Spanish)
7:30 PM
Monday, February 29
8:00 AM
Tuesday, March 1
8:00 AM
Wednesday, March 2
8:00 AM
7:30 PM
Thurs., March 3
8:00 AM
Friday, March 4
8:00 AM
Saturday, March 5
9:00 AM
5:00 PM
7:00 PM
Lenten Weekday
+Anna & Michele Nardulli
Divino Niño Jesus
+Cesar Ramirez Chima
Maria & Felix Marte (special
Third Sunday of Lent
+John Sullivan
Souls in Purgatory
+Jose Federico Betancour
+Hugo Campos
+Silvia Alves
Norma Nevado (Birthday)
+Constanza Elena Rodriguez
+Jose Albino Bracho
For all the Parishioners
Lenten Weekday
John Michel Night (health)
Lenten Weekday
Souls in Purgatory
Lenten Weekday
Souls in Purgatory
+Jose de Laguna
+Carmelo Celeste
Souls in Purgatory
St. Katharine Drexel, Virgin
+Joseph Nhat
St. Casimir
+Mary Vu Thuan
Lenten Weekday
Dr. Khouzam’s family (First
+Adella Peterkin
+Federico Ortiz
+Luis Antonio Rodriguez
+Maria Rosa Gary
“Well done my good and faithful servant”
Families contributing by
using envelopes………………..359
Offertory 02/21/16….…$12,295.57
Online Giving……………….$2,708.17
: We welcome you to our Parish
Community. Please complete a registration form
available at the entrance of the church and put it in
the collection basket or stop by the church office
Monday through Friday 9:00am-4:30pm.
Preparation classes are required for Baptism. The classes are required for parents and Godparents. Parents must be registered, participating
members of the parish for at least two months,
Godparents must be practicing Catholics who
have received Baptism, Eucharist and Confirmation, and if they are couples must be married by
the Catholic Church.
Please call the church office at least four
to six months in advance. A pre-marriage program is
required. Call parish office for more information.
(Christian Initiation for adults and children 7 years and older):
For more information please call at 407-656-3113.
Please notify us when you would like a hospital
or home visit.
In this jubilee year of
mercy Pope Francis is
asking each parish worldwide to open their doors for
24 hours so that the faithful might encounter Jesus
Christ anew in the Sacrament of Penance and Eucharistic Adoration. "24 hours for the Lord" will begin on Friday, March 4th with Mass at 8am and end the following
Saturday March 5th, at 8am. For more information,
contact Rita Freitas (407) 451-3098.
These weeks of Lent, our Catechumens are preparing for
the celebration of the Easter sacraments of Baptism,
Confirmation and Eucharist. This is the time of intense
preparation. During the Scrutiny Rites they look deeply
into their hearts to see what need to be transformed in
order to let God be the center of their lives. We will
celebrate the Scrutiny rites at the English Masses and
the Spanish Mass on February 27, March 5 and March
13. We will also be welcoming several Candidates to
full communion. They will make a profession of faith,
and receive Eucharist for the first time on April 30.
They will receive Confirmation on May 2 with our
teens. Please pray for these young men and woman
that they have the graces of these sacraments in abundance. That they may live out their lives witnessing to
Christ and supported by our church community. Please
notice their pictures in the back of church.
3rd Sunday of Lent
Page 3
James Colaianni tells this story. A rather famous painting shows
a young man playing chess with the devil. They are playing for
possession of the young man's soul. The painting portrays the
devil as having just made a brilliant move. Chess players who
study the arrangement of the chess pieces in the painting feel
immediate sympathy for the young man. For he has been put in
a hopeless situation. He has been led down a blind alley with
no exit.
Paul Murphy, a former world-class chess player, became intrigued by the painting. One day, while studying
the arrangement of the chess pieces, he saw something that no one else did. Excitedly, he cried out to the
young man in the painting, "Don't give up!
That story fits in beautifully with the point that Jesus makes in the parable of the fig tree in today's gospel.
Like the young man in the painting, the fig tree seems hopelessly lost. It is about to be cut down. Then,
suddenly, a ray of hope breaks through. Like the young man in the painting, the fig tree is not doomed after all. It gets a last-minute reprieve. It gets a last-minute "second chance."
The story of the young man in the painting and Jesus' parable of the fig tree in the gospel contain an important message for us. Because of Jesus Christ, we are never doomed, no matter how bad things seem.
Because of Jesus Christ, there is still hope for us, no matter what situation we find ourselves in. Because of
Jesus Christ, there is always one "more move left to make, no matter how late in the game it is.
(Illustrated Sunday Homilies by Mark Link, S.J., 1991).
English—Every Friday 7:00pm
Spanish-Every Friday 7:30pm (Eucharistic Stations of
the Cross)
Spanish—Every Wednesday 8:00pm
Portuguese—Every Sunday 7:00pm
Every Friday during Lent (NO Good Friday)
With Father Giles Schinelli, TOR
March 5th
- Operation Rice Bowl
-40 days for Life
Sunday, February 28, 2016
Page 4
at 7:00am followed by Mass at 8:00am
Members monthly meeting the 1st Monday of the
month at 7:00pm in the parish hall. Light meal
served at 6:30pm before the meeting.
Scrambled eggs, sausage, pancakes, biscuits
and gravy, fruit, pastries, unlimited coffee
and O.J.
Adults: $5.00; Kids: $2.00; Families $ 15.00
Omelets made to order: $2.00 extra
Time: 9:00am-10:30am
Thank you for your support
Have you never had a chance to educate yourself with our Holy
Bible? or Are you an
experienced Bible reader?
We are beginning the Book of Exodus
Mondays at 1:00 PM, Room 10.
All are welcome to join us as we begin our study!
Next week, our parish will take up the Catholic Relief
Services Collection. This collection supports six Catholic
agencies that touch more than 100 million lives around
the world. The funds from this collection help provide
food to the hungry, support to displaced refugees, and
Christ’s love and respect to al people. Next week, please
give generously to the Catholic Relief Services Collection
and help Jesus in disguise.
with the traditional
foods and prayers along with a Christian remembrance.
The Sedar meal is the celebration Jesus and his apostles
had as they gathered for the Last Supper on Passover.
Any parishioners are welcome to join us for this memorial
celebration. We ask you to call for reservations. 407-6563113 x 4. If you can participate in this Sedar meal, you
can expect that this experience will enhance your appreciation of the Mass and Last Supper. We ask for a
donation of $4 per person.
We light a wax candle to indicate the presence of
Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. This week (Feb. 28
-March 5) will be for deceased Adella Peterkin.
Thank you for your generous response to Our Catholic
Appeal, 2016. Thanks to your sacrificial giving, we are
over half way in making our assessment. For those who
hve not had the opportunity to make a pledge, envelopes are in the back of the church and side tables so
that you can contribute to the important programs and
ministries supported by Our Catholic Appeal.
To date only 24% of our parish family has responded to this important
campaign Please consider making
your commitment today to help us
achieve our goal.
Only 24% of our
We have reached
57% of our
Every first Sunday of the month we ask
for a donation of food for the poor. Next Sunday, March 56 is a great day to share and stock the shelves of our
Christian Service Center. When you BOGO: Buy one, get
one perhaps buy one and share one.
The Sewing Ministry have put together a "Names
of Jesus" quilt which is offered to the parish in a
raffle. The proceeds will be used to purchase new
altar linens and vestments. Tickets are on sale
before and after each mass in the back of the
church where the quilt is on display. During the
week tickets will be available in the church office.
Just $5 a ticket of 3 for $10 can win. Drawing held after the 7pm
mass on March 13th. Quilt appraised at $1,000.
The Mobile Medical MMU will provide physical exams
for adults (18 up) and treat symptoms. To make an
appointment for the MMU, please call 407-2457341. Leave your name and phone number where you can be
reached and someone who is bilingual will return your call.
Attention: starting in April, the bus will be coming on the first
Friday of each month.
3rd Sunday of Lent
Page 5
A misericórdia de Deus sempre nos oferece um nova oportunidade. Deus não se cansa de acreditar
na conversão do coração humano. O tempo da Quaresma favorece a conversão e nos desafia a buscar
uma vida nova. Precisamos ser incansáveis em produzir bons frutos de justiça e paz, vivendo a fé que
professamos através de gestos concretos.
Neste Ano Santo da Misericórdia, gratos pela misericórdia infinita de Deus para conosco, temos
uma oportunidade de graça especial para estender a misericórdia aos nossos irmãos. A paciência
misericordiosa de Deus, diante de nossas falhas, deve inspirar misericórdia para com os que estão ao
nosso lado.
Eis aqui modos concretos de viver a misericórdia nesta quaresma:
Obras de Misericórdia Corporais:
Obras de Misericórdia Espirituais:
1ª Dar de comer a quem tem fome;
2ª Dar de beber a quem tem sede;
3ª Vestir os nus;
4ª Acolher os estrangeiros e peregrinos;
5ª Assistir os enfermos;
6ª Visitar os presos;
7ª Enterrar os mortos.
1ª Dar bom conselho;
2ª Ensinar os que não sabem;
3ª Corrigir os que erram;
4ª Consolar os aflitos;
5ª Perdoar as injúrias;
6ª Sofrer com paciência as limitações do próximo;
7ª Rogar a Deus pelos vivos e pelos mortos.
Obrigado por ser
O dízimo de 21 de
fevereiro foi $765.
Sunday, February 28, 2016
Page 6
James Colaianni cuenta esta historia. Una pintura famosa
muestra a un hombre joven que juega al ajedrez con el
diablo. Ellos están jugando por la posesión del alma del
joven. La pintura muestra el diablo teniendo justamente
una movida brillante. Los jugadores de ajedrez que estudian la disposición de las piezas de ajedrez en la pintura
sienten simpatía inmediata por el joven. Este se encuentra en una posición de falta de esperanza. Ha sido llevado
a un callejón sin salida.
Paul Murphy, un ex jugador de ajedrez de clase mundial, empezó a interesarse por la pintura. Un
día, mientras se estudiaba la disposición de las piezas de ajedrez, vio algo que nadie más lo hizo.
Con emoción, gritó al joven en la pintura: ¡No te rindas!
Esa historia encaja perfectamente con el punto que hace Jesús en la parábola de la higuera en el
Evangelio de hoy. Como el joven en la pintura, la higuera parece irremediablemente perdida. Está
a punto de ser cortada. Entonces, de repente, un rayo de esperanza se abre paso. Como el joven
en la pintura, la higuera no está condenada, después de todo. Se puso un aplazamiento de último
momento. Un último momento "una segunda oportunidad".
La historia del joven de la pintura y la parábola de la higuera en el Evangelio de Jesús contiene un
mensaje importante para nosotros. Debido a Jesucristo, nosotros no estamos condenados, no importa lo mal que parezcan las cosas. Debido a Jesucristo, todavía hay esperanza para nosotros, no
importa en la situación en que nos encontramos. Debido a Jesucristo, siempre hay un "movimiento
más hacia la izquierda para hacer, no importa lo tarde que estés en el juego.
(Homilias dominicales Ilustradas de Mark Link, S. J., 1991).
Catholic Relief Services Colecta Especial de marzo 5-6
Durante el fin de semana del 5-y 6 de marzo tendrán la
oportunidad de apoyar a nuestros hermanos y hermanas
en el extranjero a través de colecta especial. La colecta
de Catholic Relief Services apoya a las organizaciones de
la Iglesia Católica que llevan a cabo los esfuerzos internacionales de ayuda y solidaridad. Los programas incluyen
el alivio y el reasentamiento de las víctimas de la persecución, la guerra y los desastres naturales; proyectos de
desarrollo para mejorar las condiciones de vida de los
pobres; servicios legales y de apoyo a los inmigrantes
pobres; la paz y la reconciliación de trabajo para las personas que sufren de la violencia; y la defensa en nombre
de los que no tienen poder. Esta colecta proporciona fondos para Catholic Relief Services; las oficinas de la USCCB
de Justicia y Paz Internacional, Servicios de Migración y
Refugiados, y la Pastoral para los Migrantes y Refugiados;
el trabajo de ayuda del Santo Padre; y la Red Católica de
Inmigración Legal.
Presentado por el Departamento de Policia de Winter
Garden. Para mas informacion, favor de comunicarse con el
official Nefty al 407-656-3636 ext. 4012
Para obtener más información sobre cómo pueden ayudar
a Catholic Relief Services comuniquese con la Oficina de
Defensa y Justicia: 407-658-1818 x1084.
3rd Sunday of Lent
Page 7
Estas se llevan a cabo el último sábado de cada mes
de 9:00 AM a 1:00 PM, en los salones 10 y 11. Todos
están cordialmente invitados. “Lo que buscáis leyendo
lo encontrareis meditando” San Juan De la Cruz. Para
más information llamar a Juan Carlos Hernández al
El grupo de oración carismático se reúne todos los lunes a las 7:30pm en la Iglesia. Todos están cordialmente invitados. Para más información favor llamar la
Sr. Helton Blanco al 407-936-8655.
Invitamos a aquellas personas interesadas en aprender sobre la humildad y servicio de Nuestra Madre la Virgen María a
que asistan a las reuniones que se llevan
a cabo los miércoles de 5:30pm a 7:00pm
en el salón numero 2. Para más información favor de comunicarse con la Sra.
Adriangela Esposito al 407-288-0620.
En este año júbilar de la
misericordia El Papa Francisco está pidiendo que cada parroquia a nivel mundial abra
sus puertas durante 24 horas para que los fieles puedan encontrar a Jesucristo en el Sacramento de la Penitencia y en
la Adoración Eucarística. "Las 24 horas para Él Señor"
comenzará el viernes 4 de marzo con la misa a las 8am y
finalizará el día siguiente sábado 5 de marzo a las 8am. Para
más información comuníquese con Rita Freitas (407) 4513098.
Exposición al Santísimo Sacramento
Todos están cordialmente
Todos los Viernes
de Cuaresma
El movimiento Juan XXIII se reúne todos los martes a
las 7:00pm en el Centro Parroquial. Para más información pueden llamar a Cruz Sánchez al teléfono 321297-0693.
Los devotos de la Devoción a la Divina Misericordia se
reúnen en la iglesia todos los lunes a la 6:30pm para
rezar el rosario de la Divina Misericordia. Para más
información favor de comunicarse con Hilda Pérez al
La Unidad Medica Movible proveerá exámenes físicos, tratamientos de síntomas, y
evaluaciones para adultos (18 años hacia
arriba). Para hacer citas favor de llamar a la Unidad
Medica Movible al teléfono 407-245-7341. Deje su
nombre y numero de teléfono donde usted pueda ser
contactado y una persona de habla hispana le regresara su llamada. Aviso: Empezando en el mes de abril El
Autobús Medico vendrá los primeros viernes del mes.
Donación de
Domingo, 6 de marzo del 2016
Todos los donantes recibiran un
boleto gratis para el chine y un
examen de salud que incluye presion sanguinea, pulso, temperature, nivel de hierro y
Ingles—viernes 7:00pm
Viacrucis Eucaristico (Español)-viernes 7:30pm
Español—miercoles 8:00pm
Portugues—domingos 7:00pm
Todos los Viernes de cuaresma (NO Viernes Santo)
(Retiro en Ingles)
Con Padre Giles Schinelli, TOR
5 de marzo
Operacion Caja de Arroz
40 para la vida