Confirmaon 2013


Confirmaon 2013
51 Prospect Street, White Plains, New York 10606
July 28, 2013
Confirma on
Rev. Robert J. Morris
Pastor &
Director of Rel. Ed.
Verónica Melendez
Office Manager
Jennifer Frias
The Little Disciple
Learning Center
Maria Mendez
of Religious Education
Parish Trustees:
Elizardi Castro
Millie Castro
5:30 pm
9:00am, 10:30am,
Saturday 4:00-5:00 pm
Back on Saturday, June 22nd the Church of
St. Bernard celebrated the Sacrament of
Confirma on. Thirty nine of the students
in our Religious Educa on Program received the Sacrament of Confirma on.
Bishop Gerald T. Walsh was the celebrant.
Students and parents were invited to a
beau ful recep on at the gym a er the
ceremony which was prepared by the Religious Educa on Sta .
El sábado, 22 de junio la Iglesia de San Bernardo celebro el Sacramento de la Confirmación. Treinta y nueve de nuestro estudiantes en nuestro Programa de Educación
Religiosa recivieron el Sacramento de la Confirmación y disfrutaron tener al Obispo Gerald T. Walsh como el celebrante. Los estudiantes y los padres fueron invitados a una
recepción en el gimnasio despues de la ceremonia el cual fue preparado por el personal
de Educación Religiosa.
Confirma on 2013
Page 2
Seventeenth Sunday
in Ordinary Time
Decimosép mo Domingo del
Tiempo Ordinario
In the first reading from Genesis today, we hear one of
the most protracted deal-making scenes between a human and God in all of the Bible. It was this sort of courageous standing toe-to-toe with the Almighty that helped
earn Abraham the reputa on of being a fearlessly faithful man, one who lived his end of the covenant and, in
deep, trus ng faith, would call upon the Lord to live up
to the other end. Other ancient religions had accounts of
mortals bartering with the divine, but for a mere man to
whi le down the divinity’s requirements, to stay the
wrathful hand of the heavens for the sake of a handful
of the innocent, was new and remarkable. Abraham began the trajectory that would find a pinnacle in Christ on
the cross, where his own “faith in the power of
God” (Colossians 2:12) would lead him not to care how
many innocent there were, but to o er himself as a sacrifice so that all might be forgiven their transgressions
and allowed to live in life eternal.
En nuestra primera lectura de hoy, tomada del libro del
Génesis, escuchamos una de las escenas de regateo más
largas de toda la Biblia, entre Dios y un ser humano. Fue
esa clase de osadía –la de atreverse a regatear con el
Todopoderoso– lo que le ganó a Abraham la reputación
de ser un hombre de una fidelidad sin miedo, un hombre
que cumplió fielmente su parte de la alianza y que, con
fe y confianza ilimitadas, le exigió al Señor que también
cumpliera la suya. Se dan ejemplos en otras religiones de
la an güedad de seres mortales que se atrevían a regatear con sus dioses. Pero el que un mero hombre se pusiera a rebajar poco a poco las exigencias de su Dios y a
frenar la mano airada del Señor por causa de unos pocos
inocentes –eso era algo nuevo e insólito. Con Abraham
comenzó una trayectoria que había de culminar en Cristo crucificado, cuya fe en el poder de Dios (véase Colosenses 2:12) lo llevaría a no pensar en cuántos inocentes
habría o no habría, sino a ofrecerse en sacrificio para
que a todos los culpables se les perdonaran sus crímenes
y pudieran entrar en la vida eterna.
In teaching his disciples how to pray, Jesus gives them
the benefit of the doubt: “Forgive us our sins, for we
ourselves forgive everyone in debt to us” (Luke 11:4). It
is not too di cult to imagine Jesus looking around at his
followers rather pointedly as he says this, eyebrows
arched, perhaps emphasizing the word “everyone” as he
spoke. This, when truly prayed, is a scary invita on (or
challenge) to God: forgive us in the same way and to the
same degree that we forgive others. Perhaps we count
on the Almighty to live up to the forgiveness end of the
bargain even when we fail to; we, therefore, don’t really
seem to believe the fact that God can reserve the right
to say “OK” to this invita on at any me, and make us
bear the consequences. A good barometer of whether or
not we’re truly sincere in our invita on might be whether or not we break out in a cold sweat when we pray it.
Can we always count on God to be merciful and forgiving? Yes. Can we always count on God to honor every
agreement God enters into? Again, yes.
Today’s Readings: Genesis 18:20–32; Psalm 138:1–3, 6–8; Colossians 2:12–14; Luke 11:1–13
Copyright © World Library Publica ons. All rights reserved.
Cuando Jesús enseñó a sus discípulos a rezar, les dio una
frase que nos debe asustar bastante: “Perdónanos nuestros pecados, porque también nosotros perdonamos a
todo el que nos ofende” (Lucas 11:4). No es di cil imaginar a Jesús mirando a su alrededor con una mirada penetrante a cada uno de ellos mientras dice esas palabras,
tal vez arqueando las cejas y recalcando la frase “a todo
el que nos ofende”. Esto es un trato escalofriante, pues
estamos invitando a Dios (o tal vez retándolo …) a que
nos perdone de la misma manera y en el mismo grado
que nosotros perdonamos a los demás. Tal vez contamos
conque el Señor cumplirá su parte del trato y nos perdonará, aun si nosotros no cumplimos la parte nuestra.
Parece, por lo tanto, que no creemos del todo que Dios
puede reservarse el derecho de aceptar nuestra invitación y dejarnos sufrir las consecuencias. Un buen barómetro para medir nuestra sinceridad al hacer esta invitación a Dios, podría ser el ver si estas palabras producen
escalofríos en nosotros al pronunciarlas. ¿Podemos contar con que Dios siempre es misericordioso y perdona?
¡Sí! ¿Podemos asimismo contar conque Dios cumple todos sus tratos? Pues, ¡también, sí!
Lecturas de hoy: Génesis 18:20–32; Salmo 138:1–3, 6–8; Colosenses 2:12–14; Lucas 11:1–13
Copyright © World Library Publica ons. All rights reserved.
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NFP Awareness Week
7/21-7/27, 2013
Natural Family Planning (NFP)…makes a good marriage
GREAT! NFP is good news for marriages. It is a natural,
safe, healthy and reliable method of family planning that
can help married couples either achieve or postpone
pregnancies, and “…the essen al quali es of selfrestraint, self-discipline, mutual respect, and shared responsibility carry over to all facets of our marriage, making our rela onship more in mate.” (Faithful to Each
Other Forever, 44). There are many young adults and
married couples in our diocese who are already embracing the beauty of NFP. We also encourage our own parishioners to learn more about the countless blessings of
NFP. To learn more or for ques ons about NFP, please
contact our Parish NFP Coordinator, Josie Velez, RN,
FCP, at 914-564-3413
St. Bernard’s Capital Campaign
So far over $386,601 have been pledged to the St. Bernard’s Capital Campaign! Thank you so much to all parishioners that made a pledge. If you have not already
had a chance to return your pledge card please do so as
soon as possible. Please consider a sacrificial pledge to
the St. Bernard’s Capital Campaign to make all needed
Na onal Night Out
The White Plains Police Department and the Department
of Public Safety will be par cipa ng in the Na onal Night
Out Program on August 6, 2013 from 6:00 pm to 9:00
am. This Na onal Night Out program is designed to generate support for, and par cipa on in local an -crime
e orts in the City of White Plains. They will be hos ng
the event in front of the White Plains Public Safety building, located at 77 S. Lexington Ave.
Upcoming Parish Mee ngs
Divine Mercy Mee ng Today Sunday, July 28th at
1:00 pm at the Guadalupe Room.
♦ Señor de los Milagros Mee ng Today Sunday, July
28th at 1:00 pm in the Community Room.
♦ Youth Group mee ng on Thursday, August 1st at
7:00 pm in the Recrea on Room.
♦ Divine Infant Jesus Mee ng on Sunday, August 4th
at 1:00 pm in the Guadalupe Room.
Li le Disciple Learning
Center Registra on
The Li le Disciple Learning Center 2013-2014 registraon is now open. At the Li le Disciple Learning Center
your child will experience a peaceful, respec ul, and
caring classroom where they can develop socially,
emo onally, cogni vely, and physically; through the
explora on ac vi es and interac on with their peers.
Your child will acquire the founda on needed for successful social interac on and future school experiences. With the op on of a 3 day or 5 day program your
child will be able to interact with students of di erent
ages and learning experiences. Three or five consecuve days of daily a endance will give your child me
to grow, me to explore emerging concepts and me
to reinforce growing skills. The program is open for
students of the age of 3 and 4. For registra on informa on please contact Jennifer Frias at 914-428-4727
For the 2013-2014 Academic Year the monthly tui on
for the full 5–day program will be $600 and the
monthly tui on for the full 3 – Day program will be
$360. Early Drop-O and Extended-Day op ons are
also available. If you have any ques ons please contact
The Li le Disciple Learning Center at 428-4727.
Catholic Chari es
Catholic Chari es Community Services provides a range
of programs and services to assist the poor and vulnerable, non-Catholics and Catholics alike. Families who are
confronted by a crisis o en feel helpless, overwhelmed,
and not aware of the resources available to them. They
are seeking for volunteers who are compassionate, paent and willing to assist people in need through outreach for the Supplemental Nutri on Assistance Program (SNAP). There are many ways to share your me
and talent with Catholic Chari es, and in turn, help
those in need in our community. Training is provided
and volunteer hours can be flexible. To a end a volunteer orienta on, please contact Rebecca Vargas at: [email protected] or (914) 476-2700, x 212
Page 4
Semana nacional de la PNF
7/21- 7/27, 2013
La planificación natural de la familia (PNF)... ¡hace que
un buen matrimonio sea un GRAN matrimonio! La PNF
es una buena no cia para los matrimonios. Es un método natural, seguro, sano y confiable de la planificación
familiar que puede ayudar a las parejas casadas ya sea
lograr o posponer el embarazo, y "... las cualidades
esenciales de autocontrol, autodisciplina, el respeto mutuo y la responsabilidad compar da se transfieren a todas áreas de nuestro matrimonio, haciendo que nuestra
relación sea más ín ma." (Faithful to Each Other Forever (fieles el uno al otro para siempre), 44). Hay muchos
jóvenes adultos y parejas casadas en nuestra diócesis
que ya están disfrutando de la belleza de la PNF en sus
matrimonios. También animamos a nuestros feligreses a
aprender más acerca de las innumerables bendiciones
de la PNF. Para obtener más información o si ene preguntas sobre la PNF, por favor póngase en contacto con
nuestra Coordinadora de la parroquia de PNF, Josie Velez, RN, FCP, al 914-564-3413
Campaña Capital
Si usted no ha tenido la oportunidad de regresar su tarjeta de compormiso por favor hagalo lo mas antes possibe . Por favor considere hacer un sacrifisio de promesa
a la Campaña Capital para hacer reparamientos necesarios.
Noche Nacional
El Departamento de Policía de White Plains y el Departamento se seguridad Publica estará par cipando en el
programa de la noche nacional el 6 de Agosto del
2013, de las 6:00 pm a 9:00 am. Esta Noche Nacional
esta diseñada para generar soporte y par cipación en
la lucha contra la delincuencia de la Ciudad de White
Plains. Ellos estarán presentando el evento en frente
del edificio de Seguridad Pública de White Plains, localizado en la calle 77 avenida Lexington.
Proximas Reuniones
Reunión de la Divina Misericordia hoy domingo, 28
de julio a las 1:00 pm.
♦ Reunión Senor de los Milagros hoy domingo, 28 de
julio a las 1:00 pm en el Salón de la Comunidad.
♦ Reunión del Grupo de Jóvenes el jueves, 1 de agosto
a las 7:00 pm en el Salón de Recreación.
♦ Reunión del Divino Niño Jesus el domingo, 4 de agosto a las 1:00 pm en el Salon de Gudalupe.
Registraciones del Centro de Aprendizaje de los Pequeños Discipulos
Las registraciones del El Centro de Aprendizaje de los
Pequenos Discipulos 2013-2014 ya están abiertas. En
el Centro de Aprendizaje su hijo va a experimentar un
aula pacífica, respetuosa y solidaria, donde pueden
desarrollarse social, emocional, cogni vo y sico, a
través de las ac vidades de exploración y la interacción
con sus compañeros. Su hijo va a adquirir la base necesaria para la interacción social exitosa y experiencias
escolares futuros. Con la opción de un programa de
días 3 días o 5 su hijo será capaz de interactuar con
estudiantes de diferentes edades y experiencias de
aprendizaje. Tres o cinco días consecu vos de asistencia diaria le dará a su niño empo para crecer, empo
para explorar conceptos y empo para reforzar las habilidades de crecimiento emergentes. El programa está
abierto a estudiantes de la edad de 3 y 4. Para información de registro, por favor póngase en contacto con
Jennifer Frias al 914-428-4727.
Para el año académico 2013-2014 la matrícula mensual
para el programa completo de los 5 días seta $600 y la
matrícula mensual para el programa completo de los 3
días será $360. Opciones de dejarlos (a los niños) temprano y día extendido también están disponibles. Si
ene alguna pregunta por favor contactar al Centro de
Aprendizaje de los Pequeños Discípulos al 428-4727.
Caridades Catolicas
El Servicio comunitario de Caridades Catolicas ofrece
una amplia gama de programas y servicios para ayudar a
los pobres y vulnerables, los no católicos y católicos por
igual. Las familias que se enfrentan por una crisis a
menudo se sienten impotentes, abrumado, y no tanto
de los recursos disponibles para ellos. Están buscando
voluntarios que estén compasivo, paciente y dispuesto a
ayudar a las personas necesitadas a través del alcance
del Programa de Asistencia de Nutrición Suplementaria
(SNAP). Hay muchas maneras de compar r su empo y
talento con Caridades Católicas, ya su vez, ayudar a los
necesitados en nuestra comunidad. Se imparte formación y horas de trabajo voluntario puede ser flexible.
Para asis r a una orientación para voluntarios, por favor
póngase en contacto con Rebecca Vargas en: Rebecca.vargas @ o (914) 476-2700, x 212 Page 5
Parish Schedule - Horario de la Parrroquia
Sunday, July 28, 2013
Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
8:00am Spanish RCIA - Guadalupe Room
9:00am Family Mass
10:15am Spanish Bible Study-Guadalupe Rm.
10:30am English Mass
10:30am Cursillistas Meeting - Chapel Hall
12:00pm Spanish Mass
1:00pm Divine Mercy Meeting
1:0pm Senor de los Milagros Meeting
Monday, July 29, 2013
St. Martha-Memorial
9:00am Communion Service-Chapel Hall
Tuesday, July 30, 2013
St. Peter Chrysologus, Bishop & Doctor of
the Church
10:30am Communion Service-Chapel Hall
7:30pm English Bible Study - Fatima Room
8:00pm AA Meeting - Chapel Hall
Wednesday, July 31, 2013
St. Ignatius of Loyola, Priest-Memorial
9:00am Mass- Chapel Hall
4:00pm Spanish Bible Meditation - Guad. Rm.
5:30pm Youth Choir Practice - Music Room
6:30pm Spanish Bible Meditation - Guad. Rm.
7:30pm Adult Choir Practice
Thursday, August 1, 2013
St. Alphonsus Liguori Bishop & Doctor of
the Church-Memorial
7:00pm Youth Group Meeting7:00pm Spanish Bible Meditation –Guad. Rm
Friday, August 2, 2013
St. Eusebius of Vercelli, Bishop, St. Peter
Julian Eymard, Priest-Memorial
9:00am Mass-Chapel Hall
6:30pm English Classes-2nd Fl. Classroom
7:00pm Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
Saturday, August 3, 2013
10:30am Youth Choir Practice - Music Room
4:00pm Confessions
5:30pm Vigil Mass
Sunday, August 4, 2013
Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
8:00am Spanish RCIA
9:00am Family Mass
10:15am Spanish Bible Study– Guadalupe Room
10:30am English Mass
12:00pm Spanish Mass
1:00pm Divine Infant Jesus Meeting
Sunday, August 11, 2013
Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
8:00am Spanish RCIA - Guadalupe Room
9:00am Family Mass
10:15am Spanish Bible Study
10:30am English Mass
10:30am Cursillistas Meeting - Chapel Hall
12:00pm Spanish Mass
1:00pm Marriage Spirituality MeetingMonday, August 5, 2013
Corazones Unidos
The Dedication of the Basilica
Monday, August 12 2013
of St. Mary-Memorial
St. Jane Frances de Chantal, Religious9:00am Communion Service– Chapel Hall
9:00am Communion Service– Chapel Hall
Tuesday, August 6, 2013
The Transfiguration of the Lord-Feast
Tuesday, August 13, 2013
9:00am Communion Service-Chapel Hall
St. Pontian, Pope, & Hippolytus, Priest,
9:30am Ladies of Charity Meeting
7:30pm Our Lady of Guadalupe Meeting
9:00am Communion Service –Chapel Hall
8:00pm AA Meeting - Chapel Hall
8:00pm AA Meeting Chapel Hall
Wednesday, August 14, 2013
Wednesday, August 7, 2013
St. Sictus II, Pope, & Companions, Martyrs; St. Maximilian Kolbe, Priest & MartyrObligatory Memorial
St. Cojetan Priest-Memorial
9:00am Mass– Chapel Hall
9:00am Mass -Chapel Hall
4:00pm Spanish Bible Meditation –Guad. Rm
4:00pm Spanish Bible Meditation
5:30pm Youth Choir Practice - Music Room
5:30pm Youth Choir Practice - Music Room
6:30pm Spanish Bible Meditation - Guadalupe Rm. 6:30pm Spanish Bible Meditation –Guad. Rm
7:30pm Adult Choir Rehearsal-Music Room
7:30pm Adult Choir Practice
8:00pm Virgin of Caacupe MeetingThursday, August 8, 2013
Community Room
St. Dominic, Priest-Obligatory Memorial
Thursday, August 15, 2013
9:00am Mass -Chapel Hall
The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin
7:00pm Youth Group Meeting
Mary-Solemnity (Holyday of Obligation)
9:00am Mass– Chapel Hall
Friday, August 9, 2013
7:00pm Youth Group Meeting
St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross, Virgin &
Martyr– Memorial
Friday, August 16, 2013
9:00am Mass -Chapel Hall
St. Stephen of Hungary-Memorial
6:30pm English Classes - 2nd Fl. Classrooms
9:00am Mass– Chapel Hall
Saturday, August 10, 2013
6:30pm English Classes - 2nd Fl. Classroom
St. Lawrence Deacon & Martyr-Feast
8:00pm Midnight Run
9:30am Westchester Putnam right to Life-Guad.Rm Saturday, August 17, 2013
10:30am Youth Choir Practice - Music Room
10:30am Youth Choir Practice - Music Room
4:00pm Confessions
12:00pm Spanish Baptisms
5:30pm Sunday Vigil Mass
3:00pm Wedding
4:00pm Confessions
5:30pm Sunday Mass
Page 6
Invest just five minutes a day, and
your faith will deepen and grow—a
day at a time.
SUNDAY, JULY 21, 2013
It will be on your desk in the morning
A rabbi once described the Sabbath in this way. Imagine
a desk full of all the things you have to do. They demand to be done though
you feel you don’t have enough time and energy to do them, and the farthest
thing from your mind is taking time away from getting through them. Then,
despite all that, imagine sweeping everything away and clearing a space—
only for a day. That’s what the Sabbath is like. No matter how many your
responsibilities, take one day to make some room for God, for those closest
to you, for service to others, and for rest. Each week the Sabbath offers this
chance to re-ground yourself in what’s most important.
TODAY’S READINGS: Genesis 18:1-10a; Colossians 1:24-28; Luke 10:38
-42 (108)
“Martha, Martha, you are anxious and worried about many
and your family. The Lebanese monk Sharbel Makhlûf had a strong devotion
to the Blessed Sacrament and followed a strict regimen of fasting. He learned
that God provided where he could not. As a grown-up you may have lost sight
of what it means to be provided for in your life. Today show your need for
God by saying a prayer asking God for help in fasting from harmful habits.
TODAY’S READINGS: Exodus 16:1-5, 9-15; Matthew 13:1-9
“This is the bread which the Lord has given you to eat.”
Be blind to ambition
In an impromptu interview with a group of students, one young girl asked
Pope Francis whether he had wanted to become pope. Francis laughed and
said a person who wants to be pope doesn’t have his own best interest at
heart: “God does not give him His blessings.” Ambition is not an ideal characteristic for leadership, Francis warned later in a meeting with his papal nuncios. Bishops should “not be ambitious” rather they should be “pastors close to
the people . . . gentle, patient and merciful.” True pastors keep their “gaze
fixed on Christ.” It appears Jesus’ servant leadership is still in vogue.
TODAY’S READINGS: 2 Corinthians 4:7-15; Matthew 20:20-28 (605)
“The Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve and to
give his life as a ransom for many.”
Watch out for identity theft
You’ve probably heard the horror stories of people who have had their identities stolen by scammers who then wreak havoc on a person’s finances
through fraudulent purchases and the like. Mary Magdalene, were she alive
today, would sympathize. Her reputation has taken a beating over the centuries. A persistent legend in the church has it that she was the unnamed
“sinful woman” who anointed the feet of Jesus. Instead she turns out to have
been the first witness of the Resurrection, rightly called “apostle to the apostles.” It pays to look carefully at the evidence before judging anyone’s behavior harshly—some day it may be your own identity that has been hijacked!
TODAY’S READINGS: Exodus 14:5-18 (395); John 20:1-2, 11-18 (603)
In praise of grandparents
“Grandmother, Grandfather, what was it like when you were growing up?”
Thus begins many a conversation between a young child and his or her
grandparents. Grandparents link the generations in a special way, spooling
out the thread of tradition that is handed down from parent to child to grandchild over the ages. They are the keepers of memory, reminding us of how
things “used to be.” Without this perspective, each generation would have to
start from scratch, making the same mistakes and learning the same painful
lessons. If we take the time to really listen to what our parents’ parents have
to say, we might just build a better world for our children’s children.
TODAY’S READINGS: Exodus 20:1-17; Matthew 13:18-23 (399)
Give God a try
From the moment we’re born we all face challenges in life. We learn how to
walk—and we take some tumbles. We allow ourselves to fall in love—and
we experience heartache. We work hard to be better people—and we sometimes fall short. It takes faith to attempt things without knowing how they’ll
turn out. Fear can tempt us to not try hard at anything. Yet we’re all called by
God to do and be more than we can envision! We see that in stories of our
ancestors in faith, such as Moses, who, by the grace of God and the willingness to try, achieved remarkable things. How have you allowed God to work
in and through you today?
TODAY’S READINGS: Exodus 14:21-15:1; Matthew 12:46-50 (396)
Mary is our model
You may be familiar with the 16th-century Litany of Loreto, which gathers
wonderful images of Mary such as Mystical Rose, Tower of Ivory, Ark of the
Covenant, Gate of Heaven, and Morning Star. Saint Francis of Assisi in the
13th century had a similar litany, his “Salutation of the Virgin,” which hails
Mary as Christ’s Palace, Tabernacle, Home, Robe, Handmaid, and Mother, but
perhaps the most striking is Mary as “Virgin made church”: Mary as the model for all Christians to pray, “Let it be done unto me according to God’s word”
and who is always directing us toward her son, saying again and again, “Do
what he tells you.”
TODAY’S READINGS: Exodus 24:3-8; Matthew 13:24-30 (400)
“Jesus said to her, ‘ . . . Go to my brothers and tell them.’ ”
“Moses stretched out his hand over the sea, and the Lord swept
the sea with a strong east wind throughout the night and so
turned it into dry land.”
You can depend on it
Through earning your first paycheck as a teenager or young adult
you learned the value of being able to earn a living. You became
more self-reliant as an adult and began to provide for yourself
“The seed sown on rich soil is the one who hears the word and
understands it.”
“We will do everything that the Lord has told us.”
©2013 by TrueQuest Communications,
Page 7
Mass Intentions for the Week
Last Sunday’s Collec on :
Saturday, July 27, 2013
5:30 Paolo Misciana
Sunday, July 28, 2013
9:00 Frank Mostoloni
First Collec on:
Second Collec on:
Today’s Second Collec on is for Maintenance. Next
week’s second collec on will be for Air Condi oning.
Thank you for your generous support of our parish.
10:30 For the people
12:00 Norberto Sanchez
Monday, July 29, 2013
La segunda Colecta de hoy es para el Mantenimiento.
La segunda colecta de la proxima semana sera para el
Aire Acondicionado.
Gracias por sus generosas
contribuciones a nuestra parroquia.
9:00 Communion Service
Tuesday, July 30, 2013
9:00 Communion Service
Wednesday, July 31, 2013
9:00 Nicola Scarano
Thursday, August 1, 2013
9:00 Virginia Kernathan
Friday, August 2, 2013
Archdiocese of New York
9:00 Jean M. Keefe
Saturday, August 3, 2013
Eleanor Zodda
Sunday, August 4, 2013
Angelo & Anna Barberio
10:30 Toni Delaney Mayo
The Archdiocese of New York takes the stewardship of
your dona ons and its resources seriously. If you have
knowledge of financial misconduct or suspect that it
might be occurring, please report your concerns via a
told free hotline, at 877-820-0541, or on the internet, at
h p:// Both are available 24 hours per day.
12:00 For the people
Arquidiócesis de Nueva York
Prayers for the Sick
Please remember in your prayers those who are ill and
those who serve them. Recemos por todas las personas
de nuestra parroquia quienes se encuentran enfermas.
Addy Browning
Charlene Browning
Teresa DeQuina
Charlie Ginter
La Arquidiócesis de Nueva York lleva la administración
de sus donaciones y sus recursos en serio. Si usted ene
conocimiento de irregularidades financieras o sospecha
que puede estar ocurriendo, por favor no quelo de
inmediato a través de una línea telefónica gratuita, al
h p:// Ambos están disponibles las 24 horas del día.
Hymns in Spanish - Can cos en Español
E. 633
O. 657
C. 586
S. 613
Himno de la alegría
Arriba los corazones
Te damos gracias
Page 8
The program will be o ered once again Monday –
Thursday from 4 to 5 p.m. star ng September 16th. Kindergarten students will a end Mondays and Wednesdays and first grade students Tuesdays and Thursdays. If
you are interested in registering your child, call the Center 289-0500 as soon as possible.
El programa se ofrecerá nuevamente de lunes a jueves
de 4 a 5, comenzando el 16 de sep embre. Los estudiantes que están en Kindergarten asis rán lunes y miércoles, y los de primer grado martes y jueves de 4 a 5. Si
desea matricular a su niño en el programa, llame al Centro, 289-0500 lo antes posible.
EL Centro Hispano will be o ering a new cycle of Beginners Computer Classes star ng September 1. The class
will be o ered Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6:30 p.m.
to 8:30 p.m. The course will last 16 weeks and the cost is
$140. If you are interested, come to El Centro Hispano to
register as soon as possible. . We can only accept 18 students
El Centro Hispano comenzará un nuevo ciclo de clases
de computación para principiantes el 1 de sep embre.
Las clases serán los martes y jueves de 6:30 a 8:30 p.m.
El curso durará 16 semanas por un costo de $140. Si
está interesado, pase por El Centro Hispano lo antes posible. Sólo podemos aceptar 18 estudiantes.
Thanks to the generosity of a orney Elizardi Castro,
star ng July 10th, El Centro Hispano will o er FREE general legal consulta ons ( NO IMMIGRATION NOR DIVORCES) on WEDNESDAYS from 4:00 – 6:00 p.m. by APPOINTMENT ONLY. Please contact El Centro Hispano if
you need this service.
Gracias a la generosidad del licenciado Elizardi Castro, El
Centro Hispano ofrecerá consultas legales (EXCEPTO DE
4:00 a 6:00 CON CITAS. Por favor llame al Centro Hispano si necesita este servicio.
El Centro Hispano will be distribu ng fresh food on the
following Thursdays: August 8, 22, September 12, 26.
The refrigerated truck from Food Bank for Westchester
will be at the parking lot near Centro Hispano from 4:00
to 6:00. All are welcome to benefit from this program.
Please bring a bag.
El Centro Hispano distribuirá alimentos frescos los siguientes jueves: agosto 8 ,22; sep embre 12, 26.
El camión refrigerado de Food Bank for Westchester estará estacionado cerca del Centro de 4:00 – 6:00 p.m.
Todos están invitados a beneficiarse de este programa.
Por favor traiga bolsa.
If you are older than 50, do not have health insurance,
and you are in need of ge ng a colonoscopy, mammography or Pap smear please contact El Centro Hispano as
soon as possible at 289-0500. You can get these tests
done at a very low cost or at no cost at all.
Si es mayor de 50 años, no ene seguro médico, y ene
que hacerse una colonoscopia, mamogra a o Papanicolaou, por favor llame al Centro Hispano lo antes posible
al 289-0500. Es posible que se pueda hacer estas pruebas gra s o a bajo costo.
Page 9

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