Saint Mary Roman Catholic Church


Saint Mary Roman Catholic Church
Saint Mary Roman Catholic Church
1000 North Jefferson Avenue, Goldsboro NC 27530-3141
Rev. Alex Gonzalez, Pastor
Deacon Webster James
July 24, 2016—Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Saturday Vigil
5:00PM English
7:00PM Spanish
10:00 AM English
1:00 PM Spanish
Fin de Semana
Sábado ~ 5:00 PM En Inglés
Sábado ~ 7:00 PM En Español
Domingo ~ 10:00 AM En Inglés
Domingo ~ 1:00 PM En Español
Días de Semana
9:00 AM Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday
Lunes, Martes, Miércoles, Viernes
7:00 PM Jueves en Español
No 9 AM Mass on Thursday
No hay Misa los Jueves a las 9 AM
Holy Days check inside Bulletin
Días Santos revisar el interior del Boletín
First Friday Adoration begins after morning Mass
and ends with Benediction at 9:30 PM.
Todos los viernes primero de mes de 10:00 AM Adoración
al Santísimo a 9:30 PM.
New members may register by calling the parish
office (weekdays from 8:30 AM to 4:00 PM).
Para registrarse hablar con Elvira Ponce
o llamar a la oficina
Mission Statement
Saint Mary is a diverse Catholic community working
together to live the Gospel, grow in faith through the
Eucharist, and share our gifts in service to others.
Misión de la Parroquia
La parroquia de Santa María es una comunidad
católica y diversa que trabaja unida para vivir el
evangelio, crecer en fe por la Eucaristía y compartir
nuestros talentos en servicio a otros.
Saint Mary Roman Catholic Church
Mass Intentions and Readings
for July 23 to July 31
Office (Oficina): 919 734-5033
FAX: 919 580-0730
[email protected]
Rev. Alex Gonzalez, Pastor…..ext. 27
Deacon Webster A. James...….ext. 29
Director of Faith Formation
Mrs. Carole Sears……………...ext. 34
Liturgy Coordinator
Mrs. Debbie Gambella,
Parish Secretary…………....…ext. 10
Mrs. Diana Ponce,
Parish Secretary…….....…......ext. 26
Mrs. Tracey Davis,
Parish Bookkeeper…..…...…..ext. 28
Mrs. Vicki Ellis,
Choir Director, 10:00 AM
Mr. Philip Eubanks, Organist
Mr. Mike Nault, Organist & Choir
Director, 5:00 PM
Mr. Van Tran, Sacristan
Office: 919 735-1931
FAX: 919 735-1917
[email protected]
[email protected]
Mrs. Lynn Magoon,
Principal…………………........ext. 22
Mrs. Anne Marie Gambella,
Admn. Assistant………….......ext. 11
Mr. Harold Jones,
Supervisor………………….….ext. 31
Mr. Larry Jones,
Assistant………...………….....ext. 31
Goldsboro, N. C.
Jeremiah 7:1-11; Psalm 84:3-6a, 8a, 11; Matthew 13:24-30
Amy Peart Harl, dec. by Bill Smyk
Pro Populo
Genesis 18:20-32; Psalm 138:1-3, 6-8; Colossians 2:12-14;
John George Vavro, dec. by Bob & Gerry Cracker
2 Corinthians 4:7-15; Psalms 126:1bc-6; Matthew 20:20-28
For a Special Intention by Kuczynski Family
Jeremiah 14:17-22; Psalms 79:8, 9, 11, 13; Matthew 13:36-43
Anna Kuczynski dec. by Kuczynski Family
Jeremiah 15:10, 16-21; Psalms 59:2-4, 10-11, 17-18; Matt
Rita & Baltazar Castillo, dec. by Jim & Elena Cobb
Jeremiah 18:1-6; Psalms 146:1b-6ab; Matthew 13:47-53
For Souls in Purgatory by Gia Nquyen
Jeremiah 26:1-9; Psalms 69:5, 8-10, 14; John 11:19-27 or
Luke 10:38-42
Robert Voissem, dec. by George & Marianne West
Jeremiah 26:11-16, 24; Psalms 69:15-16, 30-31, 33-34; Mat
thew 14:1-12
Charles Jones, dec. by Bobby & Anne Marie Gambella
Pro Populo
Ecclesiastes 1:2; 2:21-23; Psalms 90:3-6, 12-14, 17; Colossians
3:1-5, 9-11; Luke 12:13-21
Joseph (Randy) Ruggery, dec. by Frank De Lorenzo
Penance and Reconciliation
Saturday ~ 4-4:40PM and by appointment.
Baptisms are during Mass the third weekend of each month. Preparation is required
before scheduling the time and date.
The Sanctuary Lamps for the
week of July 23 to July 30
The Church Lamp is lit in Loving
Memory of John George Vavro by
Margaret Sadler.
Chair Harold Breindel, Vice-Chair Gene
Seward, Secretary Sharon Thomas
Finance Council Chair John Heeden,
John Beatty, Pat Emery, Lonnie Fissori,
Anne Hurrey, Paula Long, Carlos Morales
-Barrientos, Phyllis Radford, Donna Stevenson.
Contact the Deacon six months in advance of
the ceremony.
The Parish Advisory Council meets August through May. Our next meeting will
be August 23, at 6:00 p.m. in the JPII
Conf. Room. All parishioners are invited
to attend.
If you wish to receive communion from a
Eucharistic Minister due to illness, age, or
handicap, please call the office. These visits are made after the Mass has been celebrated.
Sacrament of the Sick
If you wish to receive the sacrament of the
sick during a prolonged illness or before
surgery, please call the office.
Chapel Lamp In honor of
Danielle Makdad’s 16th Birthday by
her family The Makdad’s.
Altar Flowers
In Loving Memory of John George
Vavro by Margaret Sandler.
Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
July 24, 2016
Parish Calendar
Sunday, July 24-17th Sunday in Ordinary Time
* Spanish Language Choir Practice
after 1:00pm Mass
Summer Hours for the Parish
Monday, July 25
* K of C Director’s Meeting
7:00 pm
Bag with necessities...
Tuesday, July 26
* SVDP Meeting
* Perpetual Novena
* Legion of Mary
6th Grade Room
Wednesday, July 27
* 27:17 Fellowship (Men’s Group)
5 Star Restaurant
* 10:00am Choir Practice
Friday, July 29
* Spanish Language Choir Practice
Saturday, July 30
* 5:00pm Choir Practice
The Parish Office will close at
2:00pm Friday, July 29.
Youth Ministry
Let's help farm workers in North
Carolina by donating and collecting
the following hygiene articles and
grooming items in a plastic zip lock
bag. Place them in the box located at
the entrance of the church. Please
turn them in by July 31, 2016. Items
needed are: Sunblock, tooth paste,
toothbrushes, shampoo, deodorant,
shaving cream, disposable razors,
soap, hand and body lotion, combs
and brushes.
Help Wanted…
Our Society of St. Vincent de Paul is
seeking volunteers to accompany a
case worker on visits to the client’s
home. The time commitment is flexible and no experience is required—
ideal opportunity for a stay-at-home
parent, teachers out for the summer,
shift workers, the self-employed, retirees, etc. to express their Catholic
faith ‘in a very special way’. For
more information or to leave your
name and number contact the church
office or a SVDP member, leave a
message at 919-922-4216, or email
[email protected]
Our next Scrip order goes in on Tuesday, July 26th at 8:30am. If you
would like to order Scrip please, be
sure to have your order in the Parish
Office on Tuesday, July 26th by
If you are traveling this summer and
staying in a hotel and don’t use the
travel toiletries provided, please remember to bring them with you and
donate them to St. Vincent de Paul.
We use them in the Christmas personal care bags.
Thursday, July 28
Sunday, July 31—18th Sunday in Ordinary Time
* Spanish Language Choir Practice
Find Mass while travelling this
summer by going to
Just enter the zip code you are in and
Mass time & location information is
To see the world in a grain of sand
and a heaven in a wildflower,
hold infinity in the palm of your
hand and eternity in an hour.
--William Blake
Faith Formation Classes Registration...
We will start our enrollment for
Faith Formation classes for
2016/2017 sessions on Saturday,
August 13, after 4:00 pm and 7:00
pm Masses. On Sunday, August 14,
the after 10:00 am and 1:00 pm
Masses in the cafeteria. Copies of the
registration form will be in Bulletin
on pages 5 and 6 starting next week.
To register your child for Faith Formation classes just come to the cafeteria after all Masses listed above.
after 1:00pm Mass
Salesian Missions…
The mission is the U.S.– bases,
nonprofit, Catholic organization is
to raise funds for international programs that serve youth and families
in poor communities around the
These programs are run by Salesian
missionaries– priests, brothers, sisters, and novices, as well as laypeople-all dedicated to caring for the
poor children throughout the world
in more then 130 countries. They
specialize in helping young people
become self-sufficient by learning to
trade that will help them gain
Employment and more.
Offertory Report
July 10
($ 901.64)
Second Collection July 31: 2016
Missionary Coop.– Salesian Missions– Visiting Priest.
Saint Mary Roman Catholic Church
In our thoughts and prayers:
Pray for the intentions of those in
nursing facilities, the homebound,
the chronically ill, and those who
are critically ill.
Please remember in a special way
the following parishioners who
have requested your prayers:
Santiago Acevedo, Dolores &
Gary Barton, Jesse Brickhouse,
Marco Castaneda, Stephen Cecil,
Judy Cordeiro, Maria del Socorro
Cruz, Lee & Sarah Davis, Marjorie Dixon, Mary Lindsey Edwards, Elaine Evans, Sr. Maryla
Farfour, IHM, Gustavo Gonzalez,
Johan Gonzalez, Agnes Harris,
Mary Hayman, Chuck & Mary
Hansen, Rogisides Jaimes, Laura
Jones, Snag Kannan, Dianne Kendall, Gloria Kennedy, Bertha
Kish, Chuck Kirk, Emma Lampson, Erma Lawrence, Diana Lewis, Dorothy Lewis, Pat Marguglio,
Lisa Maccaro, Billie Myers, Betty
Paquette, Wilbert & Mary Perry,
Brando Quinn, Benjamin Raposa,
Nellie Ryan, Angela Scalia, Kevin
Ulrey Natalie Ulrey, Azeneth
Viafara, Richard Wagner.
If you would like your name included in the Prayers for the Sick
in the Bulletin please contact our
coordinators for “Prayers for the
Sick”, Gloria at 919-734-3810 or
Barbara at 919-751-0024.
Please, pray the
Rosary for an end
to abortion.
Sometimes when bishops are consecrated, they are not given the
care of a diocese as an "ordinary."
A very old tradition, however, assures that they are invested with a
"see," a link with a local church.
Many hundreds of places around
the world were dioceses at one
time, but are no longer. In England, for example, some of the historic dioceses such as London,
Salisbury, and Manchester ceased
to be Catholic at the Reformation
and their cathedrals passed to the
Church of England. The reestablishment of the Catholic Church in
the nineteenth century meant that
new dioceses had to be created,
such as at Liverpool and Westminster. Similarly, in Scandinavia the
ancient Catholic dioceses vanished
under Lutheranism. In North Africa, tiny dioceses disappeared under
the sands or were swept away by
In the United States, some original
dioceses never really developed as
population centers, such as the old
dioceses of Bardstown, Vincennes,
Sault Ste. Marie, or Walla Walla.
The tradition of "titular sees" assures that the ancient churches are
always held in prayer, as the bishop celebrates Mass in its memory a
few times a year.
--Rev. James Field, Copyright (c) J.
S. Paluch Co.
Goldsboro, N. C.
Jubilee Year of Mercy
July 24, 2016
Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
World Youth Day in Krakow:
"Blessed are the merciful, for they
will be shown mercy"
This week, the universal Church
focuses in prayerful solidarity on
World Youth Day in Krakow,
where WYD's founder, Saint John
Paul II, served as archbishop. Its
theme coincides with that of Pope
Francis' Jubilee Year of Mercy:
"Blessed are the merciful, for they
will be shown mercy" (Matthew
5:7). Today's Gospel echoes the
same theme, as Jesus unites prayer
with mercy in "The parable of the
persistent friend." Jesus teaches us
not only what words to pray, but
what deeds must match authentic
prayer. How beautifully down-toearth is Jesus' portrait of a God
who can be trusted to do what is
best for us. A pesky neighbor disturbs a sleeping friend and disrupts
the household. Yet beautiful images unfold. Persevering prayer receives active, practical mercy in
loaves of bread, recalling Luke's
unique expression for the Eucharist, "the breaking of bread" (Luke
24:35; Acts 2:42). WYD, the Jubilee, and Jesus thus unite to define
perfect prayer as persevering communion with God and unconditional mercy toward our neighbor.
--Peter Scagnelli, Copyright (c) J.
S. Paluch Co., Inc.
SVDP is in desperate need of
the following items…
Spaghetti, canned vegetables other
than green beans and corn, canned
meats other than chicken or tuna,
and canned soups other than tomato
or chicken noodle. Thank you in
advance for your assistance in helping us to serve those in need in
Wayne County.
If things created are so full of loveliness, how resplendent must be the
One who made them! The wisdom of
the Worker is apparent in such handiwork.
--St. Anthony of Padua
Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Love Can Make The
“Unwanted Child” Wanted!
"One hundred fifty years ago,
President Abraham Lincoln issued
the Emancipation Proclamation
declaring that slaves held in Confederate territory were free men
and women. One hundred fifty
years later, children in every part
of the country still face the degradation and hopelessness of the
practice President Lincoln sought
to end.....For the last 40 years and
even earlier in some states, many
of our judges and lawmakers have
treated people like property.
They’ve held babies in the womb
to be like chattel, possessions to be
discarded or destroyed, with their
mothers cast as owners.
These officials, along with the
abortion industry itself, feign ignorance of the unborn child’s humanity....We can’t stop all evil in
this fallen world, but we can fight
it in our own neck of the woods
with love. Love never ends. Love
can save lives.
Love declares that there is no such
thing as an unwanted child....With
love, children are adopted, not
aborted. With love, children are
cherished, not abused. With love,
there is less room for the oppressor
because his hunting grounds are
smaller....We simply need to see
no child as unwanted.... And it
can start with just one. One life
loved can make all the difference.
After all, one life changed the entire world."
Alveda King, niece of Dr. Martin Luther
King, Jr. King.
Alveda King is a leading pro-life voice who
formerly had two abortions before having a
faith conversion.
St. Monica, whose feast we celebrate in August, is often known as
"the persistent mother." She
watched her oldest son, Augustine, turn his back on his Christian
Monica was exasperated. For
years she gave up talking directly
to her son on the advice of a local
bishop, who told her that it was
better to talk to God about Augustine then to Augustine about God.
The mother never gave up praying
for her son. Eventually Augustine
gave up his wild ways, was baptized, and later ordained and
named bishop of Hippo. St. Augustine went on to become one of
the Church's greatest scholars.
Today's readings address the importance of persistent prayer.
Abraham, in spite of trepidation
that he is bothering the Lord, continues to ask about the fate of Sodom and Gomorrah. Jesus, in
Luke's Gospel, tells his disciples to
"ask and you will receive; seek
and you will find; knock and the
door will be opened to you" (Luke
11:9). This is our charge: keep
Copyright (c) J. S. Paluch Co.
July 24, 2016
Diocese of Raleigh
The next Worldwide Marriage
Encounter weekends are: Sep 30
- Oct 2, 2016 in Myrtle Beach,
SC and Nov 4-6, 2016 in Atlantic
Beach, NC. Early sign up is recommended. For more information visit our website at:
https:// or
contact us at [email protected]
g or 704-315-2144.
Bishop Michael Burbidge invites
all couples celebrating 25, 50 or
more years of marriage to honor
their vocation of marriage. The
Wedding Anniversary Mass will
take place on Sunday October 16
at 4:00pm at Saint Michael the
Archangel Catholic Church, 804
High House Road, Cary. Please
register for this special Mass
through your Parish office or online at Family members are welcome to attend. Questions please call the
Office of Marriage and Family at
Ignited by Truth…
Ignited By Truth Speaker Series
Saturday, October 22, 2016 6:309:30pm St. Mark Catholic
Church, Wilmington. Hector
Molina, Proclaiming the Fullness
of Truth with Passion and Purpose. $10 online or $15 at the
door. Includes dinner! Program
will also be offered in Spanish on
Sunday, October 23, 2016 3:005:30pm with free admission
sponsored by St. Mark’s
Saint Mary Roman Catholic Church
Goldsboro, N. C.
Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
July 24, 2016
A brief biography on Fr. Brache S.D.B.
My full name is Fr. Francisco M. Brache S.D.B. My religious Salesian life is just like a billiards game.
At the age of 14, after finishing my first year of high school in my hometown I entered the Salesian seminar in the city of
Jarabacoa, Dominican Republic. I attended there for three years.
Afterwards, I went to Havana, Cuba to finish high school and completed one year of novitiate. I studied 4 years on philosophy at the Catholic University of Ponce, in Puerto Rico.
In 1965 I went back to the Dominican Republic. I then spent 3 years as a teacher in Italy (Turin). The next 4 years were spent
completing Theology studies and priesthood ordination at the shrine of Mary Help of Christians.
In 1971 I went back to the Dominican Republic and preformed pastoral work and served as rector of polytechnic high schools
in Santo Domingo city, Mao, Santiago, La Vega.
In 1995 I went to Israel (Jerusalem) and spent 3 years at the Salesian International Institute of Theology.
In 1998 I went back to the Dominican Republic, to the city of Moca, and spent 7 years at the Shrine of the Sacred Heart of
Jesus. At the present time, I am working in the City of Santiago as a counselor for two public governmental and technological
high schools entrusted to the Salesian Society. There are 1,504 students both male and female.
That is why I say: “My religious life is just like a billiards game.”
Una breve biografía sobre el P. Brache S.D.B.
Mi nombre completo es P. Francisco M. Brache S.D.B. Mi vida religiosa salesiana es como un juego de billar.
A la edad de 14 años, después de terminar mi primer año de la escuela secundaria, en mi ciudad natal, entré en el seminario
salesiano de la ciudad de Jarabacoa, República Dominicana. Asistí allí durante tres años.
Después, fui a La Habana, Cuba para terminar la escuela secundaria y complete un año de noviciado. Estudié 4 años de filosofía en la Universidad Católica de Ponce, en Puerto Rico.
En 1965 volví a la República Dominicana. Luego pasé 3 años como maestro en Italia (Turín). Los próximos 4 años los pase
completando los estudios de Teología y la ordenación sacerdotal en el santuario de María Auxiliadora.
En 1971 volví a la República Dominicana y realice trabajo pastoral, y fui rector de los institutos politécnicos en la ciudad de
Santo Domingo, Mao, Santiago, La Vega.
En 1995 fui a Israel (Jerusalén) y pase 3 años en el Instituto Internacional de Teología Salesiana.
En 1998 volví a la República Dominicana, a la ciudad de Moca, y pasé 7 años en el Santuario del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús.
En la actualidad, estoy trabajando en la ciudad de Santiago como un consejero para dos escuelas secundarias gubernamentales y tecnológicas públicas encomendadas a la Sociedad Salesiana. Hay 1,504 estudiantes de ambos sexos.
Por eso digo: "Mi vida religiosa es como un juego de billar."
Iglesia Católica Romana Santa María
Padre John Alexander Gonzalez
919 734-5033 ext. 27
Bautismos—Elvira Ponce 919-252-0768
Bautismo: Asistir a la preparación, padres y padrinos y
fijar la fecha con el sacerdote.
Confesión: Sábados de 4:00pm a
Para enfermos en el hospital o en casa
comuníquese con la parroquia.
Unción de los Enfermos: Si usted quiere recibir el sacramento por enfermedad
u operación favor de comunicárnoslo.
Comunión para enfermos: Si tiene algún familiar en el
hospital o en casa que desee recibir la
comuníquese con la parroquia.
Matrimonios: Iniciar la preparación
con seis meses de anticipación.
Platicas Pre-Bautismales
∗ Asistir a las pláticas, padres y padrinos.
∗ Traer copia del acta de nacimiento
del niño (a).
∗ Traer copia del acta de matrimonio
de los padrinos.
∗ Llenar una solicitud por niño.
∗ Estar registrados o registrarse en la
Estar bautizado.
Haber hecho la primera comunión.
Ser mayor de 15 años.
∗ Solicitarla 2 meses antes.
∗ Estar bautizado (a).
∗ Donación
∗ Se hacen en la Misa del sabado o
XV Años
Si cumples y/o deseas celebrar tus XV
años en los primeros 6 meses del año te
invitamos a inscribirte para la preparación:
∗ Estar bautizada
Haber hecho la primera Comunión
Inscribirse con 4 meses de anticipación con María la coordinadora.
Asistir a la preparación
Llevarse un volante de información
y seguir las reglas.
Por siglos, Latinoamérica ha desarrollado una larga tradición religiosa con
mitología espléndida. La palabra
"religión" del verbo latín religere significa "atar" o "enlazar". Su función es
unir seres humanos, los unos con los
otros, con lazos de caridad y justicia.
Una vez enlazados en comunidad, la
religión los une al poder divino que
rige el universo.
Entre las culturas andinas se encuentran mitos religiosos que muestran la
importancia de este enlazamiento.
Según la mitología Inca el universo
esta compuesto por tres mundos: el
cielo (Janan pacha), la tierra (Cay pacha) y el bajo tierra (Ucu pacha). Estos
tres mundos están unidos por dos
grandes serpientes, Yacú-mama (ríos)
y Sacha-mama (árboles), símbolos de
la fecundidad.
Muchos piensan que los mitos son
leyendas cuya función es el entretenimiento. En realidad los mitos no son
fábulas, son historias que explican la
verdad profunda del universo. Nos
muestran como unirnos y enlazarnos
para vivir una vida fecunda. En esta
época de secularización, los cristianos
no podemos olvidar ni la religión ni la
mitología si queremos dar fruto como
Jesús nos lo pide.
--Fray Gilberto Cavazos-Glz, OFM,
Copyright (c) J. S. Paluch Co.
Goldsboro, N. C.
Año Jubilar de la Misericordia
Año Jubilar de la Misericordia
24 de julio de 2016
Decimoséptimo Domingo del Tiempo
Jornada Mundial de la Juventud
Cracovia, "Bienaventurados los misericordiosos, porque ellos alcanzarán
Esta semana la Iglesia universal se
encamina solidariamente en oración
hacia la Jornada Mundial de la Juventud a realizarse en Cracovia, la
ciudad donde fue arzobispo san Juan
Pablo II el fundador de este evento
mundial para jóvenes. El tema de este
año de la Jornada Mundial de la Juventud coincide con el del Año Jubilar de la Misericordia:
"Bienaventurados los misericordiosos,
porque ellos alcanzarán misericordia" (Mateo 5:7) El Evangelio de hoy
hace eco al mismo tema, como Jesús
une la oración con la misericordia en
"la parábola del Amigo Persistente".
Jesús nos enseña además de las
palabras para orar, aquellas acciones
que deben coincidir con una autentica
oración. Que hermosa es la imagen
que Jesús presenta de Dios en quien
se puede confiar hacer aquello que es
lo mejor para nosotros. Un vecino
inoportuno que va a despertar a su
amigo e irrumpe en su casa. Aún así
surgen bellas imágenes. La oración
perseverante tiene una respuesta activa, recibe misericordia en panes; recordando de Lucas la única referencia
a la Eucaristía "al partir el
pan" (Lucas 24:35, Hechos 2:42). La
JMJ16 Cracovia, el Jubileo, y Jesús
de este modo se unen para definir la
perfecta oración como una comunión
perseverante con Dios y la misericordia incondicional hacia nuestro
--Peter Scagnelli, Copyright (c) J. S.
Paluch Co., Inc.
Bolsa con artículos de primera necesidad Ministerio Juvenil...
Ayudemos a los trabajadores agrícolas de Carolina del
Norte, con la donación de los siguientes artículos de higiene y aseo personal poner los artículos en una bolsa de
plástico con cierre hermético. Dejar la bolsa con artículos
en la caja localizada en la entrada de la iglesia. Entregar
para el 31 de Julio del 2016. Artículos: Bloqueador solar,
pasta de dientes, cepillos de dientes, champú, desodorante, crema de afeitar, Rastrillos desechables, jabón,
loción de manos y cuerpo, peines y cepillos
Decimoséptimo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
24 de Julio del 2016
Lecturas De La Semana
2 Corintios 4:7-15; Salmos 126 (125):1bc-6; San Mateo 20:20-28
Jeremías 14:17-22; Salmos 79 (78):8, 9, 11, 13; San Mateo 13:36-43
Miércoles: Jermías 15:10, 16-21; Salmos 59 (58):2-4, 10-11, 17-18; San Mateo
Jeremías 18:1-6; Salmos 146 (145):1b-6ab; San Mateo 13:47-53
Jeremías 26:1-9; Salmos 69 (68):5, 8-10, 14; San Juan11:19-27 o San
Lucas 10:38-42
Jeremías 26:11-16, 24; Salmos 69 (68):15-16, 30-31, 33-34; San Lucas
Felicitamos a Stephanie Chrystal Maldonado Pineda, Hija de Margarito
Maldonado y Lilia Pineda, que fue
bautizada en 2 de Julio de 2016.
Domingo: Eclesiástico 1:2; 2:21-23; Salmos 90 (89):3-6, 12-14, 17;
Colosenses 3:1-5, 9-11; San Lucas 12:13-21
La Inscripción….
Vamos a empezar nuestra inscripción para las clases de Formación de Fe para las sesiones de 2016/2017 el Sábado 13
de Agosto, después de la misa de 4:00pm y 7:00pm. El Domingo, 14 de Agosto, después de la misa de las 10:00am y
la misa de 1:00pm en la Cafetería. Copias del formulario de
inscripción estarán en Boletín en las páginas 5 y 6 empezando la siguiente semana. Para entregar la forma de inscripción de a su hijo o hija para las clases de Formación de Fe entregarla en la oficina
o llévala en la fechas indicada mencionada anteriormente.
Felicitamos a Stephanie Chrystal Maldonado Pineda, Hija de Margarito
Maldonado y Lilia Pineda, que fue
bautizada en 2 de Julio de 2016.

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Saint Mary Roman Catholic Church

Saint Mary Roman Catholic Church Supervisor………………….….ext. 31 Mr. Larry Jones, Assistant………...………….....ext. 31 PASTORAL ADVISORY COUNCIL Chair Harold Breindel, Vice-Chair Gene Seward, Secretary Sharon Thomas Finance Council Chair J...

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