St. Therese


St. Therese
17th-Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion-Be sure to attend
Mass together as a family and place the palms you receive
throughout your home. Today begins Holy Week. What
special thing are you going to do as a family?
18th-Passover begins at sundown – this is a Jewish feast
that Jesus would have celebrated. Talk about this feast as a
family. Find out what a “Seder” is.
19th-Feast of St. Emma – who was known for her care of
the poor. Make a donation to your local food pantry in
honor of her.
20th-National Look-Alike Day – Talk about “who” in your
family that each of you look the most like. Be sure to
include grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins.
213 E. Wisconsin Avenue • Appleton, WI 54911 -4875
April 17, 2011
Palm Sunday
Holy Thursday-Be sure to attend the “Mass of the Lord’s
Supper” together as a family. Before the Mass share with
your children how this is related to the Jewish feast of
Passover, what the “Washing of the Feet” means and what
the Holy Oils that are presented are for.
Good Friday-Attend Good Friday services together as a
family. Put a crucifix in the middle of your meal table with
flowers around it.
Holy Saturday-Go to Mass as a family. This is a beautiful
evening with the “Service of Light” where the fire is
blessed and the new Easter candle is lit. Plus, there will be
new members joining your parish family.
Be sure to “welcome” them after the Mass.
Easter Sunday-Attend Mass together as a family and
sing “Alleluia”. Discuss as a family what the first Easter
Sunday must have been like. Have the children pretend
that they are one of the women or
one of the Apostles who went to the tomb.
What do they think that would have been like?
Seder Meal at St. Therese
Celebrate our history-as
Jesus did at the Last supper
Wednesday, April 20th • 6:30 pm •
Family Room
Prayers & foods help tell the Exodus story.
This is a ceremonial meal with a Christian crossover. You will be sampling herbs, lamb, matzo,
boiled eggs & more.
Families are welcome.
A free-will offering will be taken.
Please RSVP to the office: 733-8568
Miércoles, 20 de abril • 18:30
en la Sala de Familia
Las oraciones y los alimentos nos ayudan a contar
la historia del Exodo. Esta es una comida ceremonial con un cruce cristiano. Usted probará muestras
de hierbas, cordero, matzo, huevos cocidos y más.
Las familias son bienvenidas. Se le pide una
donación voluntaria. Por favor llame a la o! cina si
piensa asistir al 920-739-0794. Mil gracias.
It’s Lent
Spend some
quiet time
with Jesus
Welcome to St. Therese Parish · Appleton, WI
“Notes from Fr. Bill”
We are Remembering
We are not re-enacting, we are remembering. Remembering two journeys of Jesus: the entrance into Jerusalem,
and the way to Calvary. We’ve heard the telling of these
journeys before, it’s not the first time. What more is
there to say? You can’t tell the truth too often, especially
when it’s a truth that changed the world in an instant.
We might note two details that are unique to Matthew’s Gospel. Only his Gospel reports the suicide of Judas; might this
not be the ultimate betrayal? Was he shocked by his own actions? Did he realize what evil he had done? But even so, he
still failed to trust the one he betrayed, the teacher who preached
the availability of forgiveness, the God who is love. Judas
failed to believe in mercy.
Another detail unique to Matthew is the torn curtain. In the
temple, beyond the heavy curtain was the Holy of Holies, entered only once a year, on Yom Kippur, by the High Priest.
This was the dwelling place of the Spirit of God. When Jesus
died on the cross, the curtain was rent from top to bottom and
the Spirit of God was no longer confined to a place, but now
dwells with people …all people. Paul refers to this when he
writes that our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit.
Two journeys …but, the same crowd! That’s a detail that
merits our reflection. Remember, one moment we’re holding
palms in our hands, and in the next we’re shouting “Crucify
"Hosanna to the Son of David;
blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord;
hosanna in the highest."
And when he entered Jerusalem the whole city was
shaken and asked, "Who is this?" And the crowds replied, "This is Jesus the prophet, from Nazareth in
Galilee." - Mt 21:9-11
Palm Sunday: Your Attitude Must Be Christ's
We hear in sacred scripture this weekend how Christ redeemed us not by a one-time small gift, but by becoming
one of us and giving His whole self even unto death on a
Cross. Through our support of Operation Rice Bowl,
Catholic Relief Services gives more than short term assistance to poor countries; it establishes long term, personfocused, sustainable programs that provide better opportunities for each individual, and it remains in communities
to help these efforts succeed.
Parish Office Closed to observe Good Friday
Friday, April 22nd all day
Parroquia Oficina Cerrada
viernes 22 de abril
Estamos Recordando
No es un drama que estamos presentando, estamos
recordando. Recordando dos caminatas de Jesús: la
entrada en Jerusalén, y el camino hacia el Calvario.
Hemos escuchado la lectura de estas caminatas antes,
no es primera vez. ¿Qué más puede uno decir de ellas?
No puedes decir la verdad demasiada veces, especialmente
cuando es una verdad que cambió al mundo en un instante.
Podemos notar dos detalles únicos en el Evangelio de
Mateo. Solo su Evangelio nos cuenta del suicidio de Judas;
¿no es su traición final? ¿Fue asustado por sus acciones?
¿Es que realizó el mal que había hecho? Aún así, faltó en
confiar en El que traicionó, el Maestro que predicó el
perdón, un Dios que es Amor. Judas falló en creer en la
Otro detalle único en Mateo es la cortina rasgada. En el
templo, atrás de la cortina estaba el Santo de los Santos,
donde el Sumo Sacerdote entraba una sola vez en el año, en
Yom Kippur. Fue donde se hallaba el Espíritu de Dios.
Cuando Jesús murió en la cruz, la cortina se razgó en dos y
el Espíritu de Dios ya no estaba limitado a un solo lugar,
pero ahora habita con personas … cada persona. Pable hace
referencia a esto cuando escribe que nuestros cuerpos son
templos del Espíritu Santo.
Dos caminatas …pero, la misma turba de gente! Eso sí es
un detalle que merece nuestra reflexión. Recuerdas, en un
momento tenemos las palmas en nuestras manos, y en el
otro estamos clamando “Crucifícalo!
"¡Hosanna! ¡Viva el Hijo de David! ¡Bendito el que
viene en nombre del Señor! ¡Hosanna en el cielo!"
Al entrar Jesús en Jerusalén, toda la ciudad se
conmovió. Unos decían: "¿Quién es éste?" Y la
gente respondía: "Este es el profeta Jesús, de
Nazaret, de Galilea". - Mt 21, 10-11
Domingo de Ramos: Su actitud debe ser la de
CristoEn la Sagrada Escritura de este fin de semana
escuchamos cómo Cristo nos redimió, no por medio de
un solo pequeño regalo, sino convirtiéndose en uno de
nosotros y entregándose por completo incluso hasta la
muerte en la Cruz. Gracias al apoyo que damos a
Operación Plato de Arroz, Catholic Relief Services no
se limita a dar una ayuda puntual a los países pobres;
desarrolla programas de larga duración, sustentables y
centrados en el individuo, al que proporcionan mejores
oportunidades para cada uno de los miembros de la
comunidad, permaneciendo en éstas para poder
alcanzar sus objetivos.
Palm Sunday ·● April 17, 2011
Actividades Ministerio Hispano
Días Santos: Jueves 21 de Abril misa 7 pm.
Viernes 22 Viacrucis en vivo a las 12 pm,
Adoración Santa Cruz a las 1 pm, Sábado 23
Vigilia pascual a las 8 pm.
Virtus en Español. Prevención y conciencia sobre
el abuso sexual. Sábado 11 de Junio a las 9
am. Salón de la familia.
Clases de Guitarra. Todos los Domingos después de Misa. Manuel
González. 1-414-739-4886
Hispanic Ministry
Spanish Virtus. Sexual abuse awareness and prevention. Saturday
June 11th at 9am. Family Room.
Guitar Classes. Every Sunday after 11 am mass. Contact Manuel
González at 1-414-739-4886
Wanted: Used and/or broken ceramic, glass, jewelry
and more for a community mosaic in Arbutus Park
Over the past several years, neighbors from the area just to
the south of St. Therese have been working hard to improve
their neighborhood. The neighbors’ goal has been to revitalize Arbutus – to make it a beautiful “urban oasis” where
kids and families can again feel safe and welcome.
All of our mosaic materials are being solicited from community
members. Do you have anything to share? Feel free to be creative
with what you donate, as long as it is made of metal, ceramic, stone,
colored glass or plastic. Here are some ideas, all of which can be broken
or whole: china, ceramic plates, cups, etc., buttons, beads, jewelry, ceramic tiles, colored glass, small pebbles, shells, or stones, small parts of
toys or games, broken marbles, coins, small hardware pieces, keys.
Your donations can be delivered to St. Therese, where the staff has
generously agreed to store them. Please be sure your name is somehow
attached with the donation so we can acknowledge your contribution! If
you would like to learn more about the project contact Julie at 284-5404
Good Friday Collection/Del Viernes Santo
On Good Friday, our parish will take up the annual Good Friday
collection for the Holy Land your financial contribution helps to
support the struggling Christian Community and to protect
Christianity’s holiest places. Envelopes at the back of church.
El Viernes Santo, nuestra parroquia lllevará a cabo la colecta annual del
Viernes Santo para la Tierra Santa. Su contribución monetaria,
ayuda a apoyar a la comunidad Cristiana que pasa necesidad y
a proteger los lugares más santos de la cristiandad.
Mother/Daughter Retreat
Plan a special Mother's Day Treat for Mom! Take her to the Mother/
Daughter Retreat at Holy Name Retreat House located on Chambers
Island. Meet Miss Teen Wisconsin, Samantha Pallini, along with her
mother, Tina, and share in a weekend that
celebrates the special bonds of Mother/Daughter love.
This retreat will be held in July. For information on this retreat please
check out our page on the web at:
Welcome New Members
Margarito Arroyo family
Tricia Haferbecker Family
Viola Herrick
Carlos Munoz Family
Valentin Ocampo Family
Banns of Marriage /Amonestaciones Matrimoniales
Bann II-Gerardo Garcia & Ana Cecilia Vera
Wedding Anniversaries / Aniversarios de Matrimonio
Sergio & Maria Granados 4/18/1999
12 Yrs.
Antonio & Teresa Ferrel
31 Yrs.
Luis & Oliva Hernandez
9 Yrs.
Jose & Maria Rios
4/21/2000 11 Yrs.
Ricardo & Gloria Osorio
4/21/1977 34 Yrs.
Miguel & Daysi Ruiz
5 Yrs.
Freddie & Patricia Orozco 4/22/2006
5 Yrs.
Jose & Rosalva Hernandez 4/23/2003
8 Yrs.
Jose & Virginia Abella
13 Yrs.
“Mert & Gen Schulz”
Their family invites you to celebrate with
Gen & Mert on May 1st at St. Pius X from
1-4 pm “Open House.”
5:00 to 7:00 pm Private Confessions
8:00 am Lauds / Morning Prayer
7:00 pm Mass of the Lord’s Supper (bi-lingual)
8:00 am Lauds / Morning Prayer
12:00 noon Stations of the Cross
(outside, in Spanish)
4:00 pm The Lord’s Passion
8:00 am Lauds / Morning Prayer
8:15 pm Easter Vigil Mass
5:00 a 7:00 pm Confessiones
8:00 am Laúdes (inglés)
7:00 pm Misa de la Ultima Cena
8:00 am Laúdes
Via Crucis (afuera)
1:00 pm Celebración de la Pasión
8:00 am Laúdes (inglés)
8:15 pm Misa de la Vigilia Pascual
St. Therese Parish
Appleton, WI
Stewardship / Colecta
The Week Ahead / Esta Semana
“How shall I make a return to the Lord
for all the good He has done for me?”
Monday, 4/18
5-7:00 pm ........................................ Confessions/Reconciliación
7:00 pm ..................................................................... Handbells / PC
Tuesday, 4/19
8:00 am Mass ..................................................Len Nussbaum
Collection / Colecta Date .......................................... $5,646.17
YTD / Año...................................................................$230,838.89
Budgeted / Presupuestado....................................$250,730.58
Japan Relief........................................................................ $963.89
“Fatima Days”
The World Apostolate of Fatima will be hosting “Fatima
Days” at the Shrine of Our Lady of Good Help on May
13th, 2011. To celebrate the Messages given by our
Blessed Mother to the children at Fatima, a special day
is planned on the 13th day of each month from May
until October, 8:00 A.M. – 3:00 P.M. The day will
consist of Confession, Mass, Adoration, Rosary, and talks
on the Fatima message by Fr. Anthony Cirignani,
Spiritual Director for the Green Bay division
of the World Apostolate of Fatima.
For further questions please call Karen at 920 866-2571.
Please remember to turn in
your “Rice Bowls” before
Easter. Thank you for your
generosity to help the underprivileged and poor.
“Tootsie Roll” Weekend Fundraiser
April 30th & May 1st
This statewide fund drive will aid Citizens with
cognitive/intellectual disabilities.
Minister Schedule / Horario para los Ministros
4 / 23 & 24, 2011
4:00 pm
9:00 am
5:30 pm
Cruz / Macario / Lupita / Pedro / Gisel
11:00 am
Dora W. / Martha F. / Maria V.
Rosa / Jovita / Marta /Ricardo / Cecilia
Marisol M. / Lizette M. / Tania H.
Silvestre / Lupita / Melchor /
Ricardo / Moises / Omar
Wednesday, 4/20
8:00 am Mass ................................................................................ 
9:30 am ....................... Communion Service @ “Randall Ct.”
3:00 pm...............................................................Mass @ “A.R.C.”
6:00 pm ...............................................................Sedar Meal / FR
Thursday, 4/21 HOLY THURSDAY / Jueves Santo
8:00 am .............................................. Morning Prayer /Laúdes
7:00 pm................Mass of the Lord’s Supper (bi-lingual)
..............................................................Misa de la Ultima Cena
Friday, 4/22
GOOD FRIDAY / Vienes Santo
8:00 am .............................................. Morning Prayer /Laúdes
Noon .............. Stations of the Cross (Outside, in Spanish)
1:00 pm............................................... Celebración de la Pasión
4:00 pm ......................................................... The Lord’s Passion
Saturday, 4/23 EASTER VIGIL / de la Vigilia Pascual
8:00 am ............................................... Morning Prayer /Laúdes
8:15 pm ..... Easter Vigil Mass / Community of St. Therese
Sunday, 4/24 HAPPY EASTER / ¡ Felices Pascuas!
9:00 am Mass ........................O’Laughlin Families (living)
10:00 am ............................................................................... Baptism
11:00 am Misa ................................................................................. 
....................................................................................... w/ Bautizo
7:00 pm Misa..........................................Father Bill Birthday
The entrance gate of Heaven is always open
The exit gate of Hell is always closed.
Spring Rummage Sale
April 28th @ 6:00 am - 4:00 pm
April 29th @ 8:00 am-Noon
4/30 &31 after the weekend masses.
Please bring your gently used or
new treasures
to the Parish Center Office.
Si usted tiene cosas para donarnos,
se lo vamos a agradecer.
“Name that Baby!”
What a cute, precious baby!
This past week’s baby of the week was:
“Joan Meagher”
Please, remember to pray for unborn children.
who are in danger of abortion.