curriculum vitae - Facultad de Traducción e Interpretación


curriculum vitae - Facultad de Traducción e Interpretación
Carretera de la Atalaya, 39
35307 Santa Brígida
Las Palmas
Tel (direct line): (0034) 928355322 (home)
(0034) 928452793 (office)
0034 928 356717 (home)
0034 928 458241 (office)
email: [email protected]
[email protected]
European Doctorate
The Difficulties of Translating Contextual Humour: Literary or Literal (two volumes, one in
English, the other in Spanish)
University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
Supervised by Dr. Victor Raskin, University of Purdue, Lafayette, Indiana USA
Examined by Professor Nicholas Round, Professor Albrecht Neubert, Dr. Basil Hatim,
Dr. Zinaida Lvóvskaya and Dr. Patrick Zabalbeascoa. Sobresaliente cum Laude por
Unanimidad (highest accolade possible)
Master Internacional de Turismo
University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain
MA Honours Filología Románica University of Granada, Spain
MA Joint Honours (2,1) French Language and Literature and Hispanic Studies
University of Glasgow, Scotland
Academic Experience
October 2000 to present
Director of PhD Course in Turismo Integral, Interculturalidad y
Desarrollo Sostenible
University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
October 2008 to present
Director of Maestría Internacional de Desarrollo Integral de Destinos
Turístico (version presencial y Blended Learning, semi-presencial)
University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain
Director of the Research Group, Sustainable Tourism and Identity: Migration
and Memory. University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
Member of the research group Cognitive Poetics
October 2005 to present
October 2003-2005
October 2002-2005
Main researcher and coordinator for the EuroMed Heritage II project of
Mediterranean Voices. Built the Las Palmas de Gran Canaria database
contribution to the project now reworked in the ULPGC Library
interactive database, Voces y Ecos.
September 1999 to
Senior Lecturer in Simultaneous Conference Interpreting.
Faculty of Translation and Interpreting, University of Las Palmas de
Gran Canaria, Spain.
October 1989 to
September 1999.
Lecturer in Translation and Interpreting. FTI, University of Las
Palmas de Gran Canaria.
October 1990 to
October 1997
Director of the Translation and Interpreting Service of the University of
Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain
October 1986 to
October 1989
Head of English Department. Escuela Oficial de Idiomas. Las
Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain
October 1982 to
October 1986.
Head of English Department. IB Tomás Morales, Las Palmas de
Gran Canaria, Spain. Simultaneously, lecturer in Filología Inglesa
(English Language and Literature), CULP (Colegio Universitario de Las
Palmas) dependent on University of La Laguna, Tenerife, Spain
October 1981 to
October 1982
Head of English Department. IB Joaquín Artiles, Agüimes, Gran
Canaria, Spain
October 1980 to
October 1981
Contracted English teacher, IB Telde, Gran Canaria, Spain
October 1978 to
October 1979
Supply English Teacher in IB Tomás Morales, Las Palmas de
Gran Canaria
October 1977 to
October 1979
Contracted Lecturer in Medical Translation, Faculty of Medicine,
University of Granada, Spain.
Learning Materials Developed
From 2000 to the present, I have been responsible for the design of the Master/Doctorate
programme in Integral Tourism Solutions, Intercultural Studies and Sustainable Development.
This course was designed in advance of the CEHEF (Common European Higher Education
Framework) to allow postgraduate students to move more rapidly through Doctorate Studies
and, thus, produce their PhD dissertations and improve the local and international tourism
Since becoming the Director of the Maestría de Desarrollo Integral de Destinos Turísticos,
which coincided with a Spanish International Cooperation for Development Award (Ibarra,
Ecuador), I re-designed the blended learning Master/Doctorate course in Integral
Development of Tourist Destinations (60% online) for the 35 postgraduate students of the
first intake. The materials are currently being adapted, linguistically and thematically, to the
demands of the African market in order to train trainers in responsible tourism development.
I was also responsible for steering the Master’s Course through the quality control proceedings
carried out by the Spanish delegation of ACECAU, which the course passed in July 2009.
In my position as Senior Lecturer at the Faculty of Translation and Interpreting at the
University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, responsible for the coordination of Simultaneous
Conference Interpreting, I have been involved on the Committee for Quality Control of the
degree course (passed) and the validation of the new degree and Master programmes in our
I have also been responsible for designing the programme materials of Image-building,
Identity and Intangible Heritage on our tourism Doctorate and Master courses, and have
produced the course materials in Intangible Heritage Interpretation and Innovative Tourism
Products for the Master’s programme in Tourism and Coastal management, and the new
Master’s programme in Tangible and Intangible Cultural Heritage, both at the University of
Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.
At present, I am preparing the materials for the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
Library platform, Jable, in its section, Voces y Ecos. The materials relate to the work carried out
during and after the EU project, Mediterranean Voices, an oral history analysis of the identity and
intangible heritage of the city of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, for which I was responsible as
main researcher and coordinator. The materials (photos, interviews, related documents and
news articles, music and literature) are being uploaded in both Spanish and English. As part of
the Med Voices project, I was responsible for the exhibition: Voces y Ecos: Recuerdos del
Mediterráneo en el Atlántico together with the two 300 page catalogues which accompanied the
exhibition (Spanish and English versions), and the catalogue photo selection for a later
exhibition called Family Album.
Professional Development/Courses Attended
Courses in Women’s Empowerment and Training Women for Leadership in Government and
in the local Community in the Casa África, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, organised by
UNIFEM and the organisation of African and Spanish Women’s Network for a Better World.
Course in MetaLib and how to use online library resources (2008)
Course in how to use MOODLE for distance learning and as a support for graduate teaching
On-line training in Higher Education Quality Assessment and Evaluation (ULPGC 2007-2008)
I, II & III International Seminars on Alternative Energy and Sustainable Development
(Agüimes, 2005, 2007 & 2009)
EuroMed Heritage Regional Management and Support Unit Training Course on Project
Design (Rome, 2005)
EuroMed Heritage Regional Management and Support Unit Training Course on Project
Management (Alexandria, 2005)
Med Voices training course in oral archives and exhibitions (London, 2004)
Med Voices training course in data collection and uploading of video/audio materials for an
interactive bi-lingual database (Cyprus 2003)
The Challenges of Economic and Social Development in Sub-Saharan Africa, Las Palmas de
Gran Canaria, 2003.
New Perspectives for development in Sub-Saharan Africa, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, 2002.
Med Voices training course in video and audio collection for database materials, plus
uploading of images (London 2003)
Specialist areas
Intercultural communication from the linguistic perspective of language and cultural tensions
Intercultural communication and identity: power relations, inclusion and exclusion
Intercultural communication and heritage interpretation: use of the new technologies
Interpreting, democracy and governance.
Tourism, identity and intangible heritage interpretation.
Oral history, identity and tourism.
Gender, intangible heritage and interpretation.
Art forms: cultural translation and interpretation as promotion of identity and difference in
Gender and Neurolinguistics
Intangible Heritage, Sensory Perception and Memory
Globalisation and Identity
Modernisation of Museums and Community Tourism
Selected Guest Lectures and Presentations
9th December 2009
Guest lecture at the Instituto Cervantes on ‘Tourism and Climate Change:
Adapting the Environment in the Canary Islands’. Berlin, Germany.
17th November 2009.
Outreach Course on Intercultural Communications. ULPGC, Spain
12th October 2009
Guest Lecture on “Community Tourism based on Intangible Heritage” in
Ibarra, Pontificia Universidad Católica, Ecuador.
January 2009
Guest speaker at the Inauguration of the Exhibition on Making the
Intangible Tangible, with a presentation under the title of Making
Sense of the Senses in the Casa de Colón, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.
12th November 2008
Guest speaker at the 2º Seminário de Pesquisa em Cultura e Turismo da
UESC in Ilhéus, Brazil with a paper under the title of Haciendo el
Patrimonio Intangible, Tangible: Experiencias en Dar Valor Añadido al Turismo
Cultural. In the Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz, Bahía
10th November 2008
Guest speaker at the VIII Semetur- Seminário Mercado de Trabalho
Turístico with a paper under the title of ‘ A importancia da imagem e da
marca para o desenvolvimento de um destino turístico’. Centro de Convençoes,
Bahía. Organised jointly by Bahiatursa and the faculdad Visconde de
22nd May 2008
Guest speaker at the II Jornadas de Orientación Profesional with a
paper under the title of ‘Los Estudios de Máster y Doctorado para traductores e
4th-8th June 2007
Guest speaker at DestiLink Workshop on Future Framework
Conditions in a Globalized economy in Cork, Ireland, with a
presentation under the title of ‘Re-floating Tourism: Sustainable Identity and
5th6th & 7th July 2007
Guest speaker at the ANESTUR XLIII Conference with a paper under
the title of ‘Anfitriones e Invitados: El Turismo y la Comunicación’.
13th/14th November 2006 Guest speaker at the III Jornadas sobre Desarrollo Sostenible y Turismo
organised by the Fundación Canaria ICSE together with the Fundación
Biodiversidad and the European Social Fund in Las Palmas de Gran
Canaria and Santa Cruz de Tenerife, with a paper called ‘El Ciclo de Vida
de un Destino: Turismo Maduro y Sostenibilidad’.
20th October 2006
Presentation under the title of ‘Talking Heads or What’s in a Name?’ at the
International Conference of Translation and Interpreting at the
Crossroads of Intercultural Communication at the University of Las
Palmas de Gran Canaria (18-20th October)
13th May 2006
Presentation under the title of ‘Interpretation of Alternative Communication’ in
the Seminario sobre Itinerarios Artísticos del Patrimonio Cultural en la
Macaronesia in Vallehrmosa, La Gomera. (11-13th May)
21st April 2006
Presentation under the tile of ‘Is there an Interpretative Community for the
Work of James Joyce?’ at the XVII Encuentros James Joyce at the
University of Las Palma de Gran Canaria (19-22ndApril)
25th May 2006
Presentation in Gáldar, Gran Canaria at the X Symposium of Historical
Centres and Cultural Heritage of the Canary Islands, with a paper under
the title of ‘Archaeological heritage of Gáldar: teaching how to value and interpret
the past in tourist resorts’. Centro Internacional para la Conservación del
October 20th 2005
Presentation of ‘Med Voices: Las Palmas de Gran Canaria’ in the ICME
Conference held in Nafplion, Greece, ‘Can Oral History Make Objects
Speak?’ Peloponnesian Folklore Foundation (October 18-21)
October 28th 2005
Guest Lecture at the II Jornadas Alternativas de Ocio in Tahiche,
Lanzarote with a paper under the title of ‘Las Señas de Identidad y el Sentido
de Lugar: el Patrimonio Intangible y el Turismo Cultural’.
September 15th 2004
Guest Lecture at the Summer Course (Universidad de Verano) in Seville
at the Universidad Internacional de Andalucía with a presentation under
the title of ‘El Patrimonio Tangible e Intangible en un Barrio Histórico: El Caso
de Real Las Palmas.’
July 16th 2004
Presentation at the VII Congreso Internacional de Rehabilitación del
Patrimonio Arquitectónico y Edificación under the title of ‘La
rehabilitación y Preservación del Sentido del Lugar a través del Patrimonio
Intangible.’ Yaiza, Lanzarote .
Also Seminar under the title of ‘Territorio, Turismo y Patrimonio’.
April 1st 2004
Guest Lecture at the Universidad de Invierno Course on La Gestión del
Patrimonio Cultural y el Turismo Cultural, with a presentation under the
title of ‘El Sistema Turístico Canario: sus Rasgos estructurales. Los espacios
turísticos alternativos: territorios, medio ambiente y patrimonio cultural. El
Patrimonio Intangible.’ In Garachico, Tenerife.
November 7th 2003
Guest Speaker at the 7º Encontro Nacional de Turismo com Base Local
in Ilhéus, Bahía, Brazil with a paper under the title of ‘Trabalhando com a
Base Local: Ouvendo à Voz do Pôvo’.
Professional Links & Responsibilities
Member of Tutorial Committee at the Faculty of Translation and Interpreting,
(Current) Coordinating Director for the PhD course in Integral Tourism Solutions, InterCultural Studies and Sustainable Development at the University of Las Palmas de Gran
Canaria (2000 -)
(Current) Director of the Maestría Internacional de Desarrollo Integral de Destinos Turísticos
at the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (2008- )
Co-Director of the Master Internacional de Turismo, University of Las Palmas de Gran
Canaria (1994-2008)
(Current) Director of the Maestría Internacional de Desarrollo Integral de Destinos Turísticos
(blended learning version) (2007- )
Coordinator and Tutor of the Master Internacional de Turismo (blended learning version)
Responsible for the Quality Control documents leading to the Master’s programme being
awarded its quality evaluation.
(Current) Coordinator for Interpreting Studies at the University of Las Palmas de Gran
Canaria (1998- )
Member of the Quality Control Committee at the Faculty of Translation and Interpreting.
(current) UNIFEM interpreter.
(current) Member of the African-Spanish Women’s Network for a Better World.
(current) Founder and President of the two CSOs: Voces Vivas y Memoria and Mediterranean
Voices Las Palmas de GC
(current) Director of the Database Voces y Ecos on the University Library Platform of El
(current) Member of ATLAS and reviewer.
(current) Reviewer for Common Ground publications.
(current) Reviewer for Pasos
(current) Reviewer for Estudios y Perspectivas de Turismo
(current) Reviewer for CULTUR y TURISMO (UESC)
Editorial Board Membership:
PASOS, Journal of Tourism and Cultural Heritage (
Estudios y Perspectivas del Turismo,
CULTUR y TURISMO (Universidade Estádual de Santa Catarina)
Conference Organisation:
• (current) Organisation of the Structural Research Conference of the Area of
Humanities in the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain
• Organising and Academic Committee of the Conference on Active Tourism
(November 2007)
• Organising and Academic Committee of the ANESTUR XLIII Conference (2007)
• Director of own company Consulting Conventions SL devoted to Conference
Organisation (1997- )
• Responsible for the organisation of meetings and conferences held in Las Palmas de
Gran Canaria for the project, Med Voices.
Professional Associations:
ITI (Institute of Translation and Interpreting)
Association for Tourism and Leisure Education (ATLAS) (institutional)
CICOP (Centro Internacional para la Conservación del Patrimonio)
AECIT (Asociación Española de Expertos en Turismo)
UNIFEM (Interpreter)
Casa África (Interpreter)
African and Spanish Women for a Better World
Member of the SEDLL (Spanish Society for the Teaching of Language and Literature)
Member of the Círculo de Arte.
Founder of the CSOs Voces Vivas y Memoria and Mediterranean Voices: Las Palmas de GC
Funded Research Projects
1. (Current and for the third consecutive bid.) Director and Spanish Coordinator of the Spanish
Aid for International Development and Cooperation (AECID) project for the International
Master/PhD Programme in Integral Development of Tourist Resorts (blended learning) in
Ibarra, Ecuador. (December 2007 - ) Budget of approximately 230,000 per year.
2. Coordinator for ATENEA, a project organised under the auspices of the Canary Government
Department for Africa to allow for promotion of postgraduate studies for African students in
the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (money awarded to the CUCID, the Department
for Cooperation for International Development of the ULPGC. Voluntary unpaid
3. Support Coordinator for Desti-Link INTERREG IIIC (European Network on Sustainable
Development of Tourism Destinations) for the BIOGES unit at the ULPGC (2004-2009)
4. Support Coordinator for CopraNet (Coastal Practices Quality) for the BIOGES Unit at the
ULPGC under the EU programme INTERREG IVC.
(June 2002 – December 2006) European Union (EUROPEAID), Euromed Heritage II
Programme. Coordinator and main researcher for Mediterranean Voices: Oral History and Cultural
Practice in Mediterranean Cities ( This project involved a series of
neighbourhood-based ethnographic studies on different aspects of the intangible cultural
heritage in 13 Mediterranean cities (Ancona, Alexandria, Beirut, Bethlehem, Chania, Ciutat de
Mallorca, Granada, Istanbul, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Marseille, Nicosia (North & South)
and Valletta) and London, which consisted in collection of oral histories using ethnographic
research methods, capturing and analysing the same for research purposes on digital media and
distributing in both academic/scholarly formats together with the main framework of the
project, a multilingual database accessible via the worldwide web. Responsible for the products
giving rise to the 20% matched funding, provided by the Cabildo Insular de Gran Canaria: the
exhibition of Voces y Ecos: Recuerdos del Mediterráneo en el Atlántico and the two catalogues (Spanish
and English, 250 pages each) plus the exhibition and catalogue of Family Album Total budget:
3.2 million (80% grant funded) Total budget for Las Palmas de Gran Canaria: 132,000 (+
30.000 matched funding)
Principal responsibilities:
• Collection, analysis and organisation of research data: oral history interviews, photo
archives, video taping, transcription of oral interviews, translation of the same, coding
for research purposes and for database uploading and cross-referencing.
• Management and administration of the project in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria,
including attraction of matched funding and organisation of the project meeting in 2003
• Edition, translation and drafting of the catalogues of the exhibition (in English and
Spanish): Voices and Echoes. (250 pages)
• Liaison with other Spanish researchers in Ciutat de Mallorca and Granada and help with
their translation work.
• Preparation of interim (yearly) and final financial and technical reports for the
coordinators in London.
• Management and local coordination of the project website and database (; uploading of data in English and Spanish; writing editorial and text for the
local partner website.
• Design of the exhibition concept, Voices and Echoes held in the Casa de Colón, Las
Palmas de Gran Canaria (November 2004-February 2005) and responsible for the
Seminars and workshops held in the lifetime of the exhibition ( 3 seminars : Intangible
Heritage and Image Production, Education and Intangible Heritage and the Protection of Intangible
Heritage and three workshops: Remedies of the Past for the Future: protecting the Environment,
Recycling the Past and Souvenirs and Image: Memory Glue)
• Support in coordination tasks to the London team in Turkey, Istanbul.
6. Director of the AECID project to set up the blended learning project of the Master and the
PhD programme of Tourism and Sustainable Development in Nicaragua.(2003-2004)
7. Coordinator of the AECID project for promotion of Latin American students through the
postgraduate process in Spanish Universities and Visiting Lecturer at the Universidade Federal
de Paraná, Curitiba, Brazil.
8. CICOP representative on the ECMADE project under eTEN of the EU. ECMADE is the
European Community Museum for Virtual Design and Architecture Exhibitions(2003-2004)
coordinated by the Arkitekturmuseet, Stockholm.
Research Degrees
PhDs Examined
Secretary of the Board of Examiners for the Viva of D.Agustín Darias Marrero, running under the
title of Interpretación: Tipos de Situación Comunicativa y didáctica (October 2006)
Member of the Board of Examiners for the Viva of María del Pino Rodríguez Socorro, running
under the title of Itinerarios turísticos en áreas protegidas: problemática y metodología
para su realización (2004)
President of the Board of Examiners for the Viva of Marcelo Ribeiro running under the title of El
turismo y las relaciones entre los actores sociales: olvido, inclusión y perspectivas del Río
Grande do Sul, Brasil (2003)
Secretary on the Board of Examiners for the Viva of Marco Aurelio Ávila running under the title of
El Ocio Activo como Factor de Atracción en la Ciudad de Florianópolis (2003)
Secretary on the Board of Examiners for the Viva of José Manoel Gonçalves Gandara running
under the title of La Imagen de Calidad Ambiental Urbana como Recurso Turístico:
el Caso de Curitiba, Brasil (2001)
PhD Supervisions
Supervisor for the thesis of Dña. Domira Fernandes de Araújo (2009) under the title of La Educación
Superior en el Turismo en la Región Noreste de Brasil (Sobresaliente cum laude
por Unanimidad)
Supervisor for the thesis of D. Guillermo Navarro Montesdeoca (2006) under the title of Imagen
Turística Canaria: Estudio semiótico, comunicativo y traductológico(Sobresaliente
cum laude por unanimidad)
Supervisor for the thesis of D. Gustavo da Cruz (2005) under the title of Promoción de Destinos
Turísticos en la Web- Estrategias e Indicadores paraDestinos Turísticos Brasileños
(Notable por Unanimidad)
List of Publications
In press:
Melanie Smith, Nicola MacLeod and Margaret Hart Robertson, (2010) Key Concepts in Tourism
Research. Sage.
Margaret Hart Robertson (ed. 2004)Voices and Echoes: Reminiscences of the Mediterranean in the Atlantic
(260 pages) ISBN: 84-8103-387-1 . Cabildo de Gran Canaria, Spain
• Re-edition (2006) ISBN: 978-84-8103-493-6. Cabildo de Gran Canaria, Spain.
Margaret Hart Robertson (ed. 2004) Voces y Ecos: Recuerdos del Mediterráneo en el Atlántico (260 pages)
ISBN: 84-8103-386-3. Cabildo de Gran Canaria, Spain
Margaret Hart (1993) Gran Canaria. Insight Pocket Guidebooks. ISBN: 9-62421-566-9
Jorge Fernández Martín and Margaret Hart, (1975) English for Teenagers/1. SM Ediciones, Madrid.
ISBN: 84-348-0695-9
Refereed Journals:
Chantal Marie Portillo Stephens and Margaret Hart Robertson (2007)Community and Identity as Sources
of Resilience: How an Oral History Project contributed to forge the Identity of a Community. The International
Journal of Environmental, Cultural, Economic & Social Sustainability, Volume 3, Number 3.
Melbourne, Australia. ISSN: 1832-2077
Margaret Hart Robertson (2006), The Difficulties of Interpreting Mediterranean Voices: Exhibiting Intangibles
Using New Technologies (pp.25-35) International Journal of Intangible Heritage, Volume 1. The
National Folk Museum of Korea. ISSN: 1975-3586
Margaret Hart Robertson (2005), Marginal Re-Presentations: Boundaries on Identity (359-378), Journal of
Mediterranean Studies, Volume 15. No.2. Mediterranean Institute, University of Malta. ISSN: 10163476
Margaret Hart, Guillermo Morales Matos and Mariano Chirivella (1999) Promoción e Imagen del
Turismo en Canarias, Boletín Oficial de Geógrafos Españoles, nº 28, (pp.7-22) ISSN: 0212-9426
Margaret Hart Robertson and Mariano Chirivella Caballero (1996) Market Dynamics: Three ‘S’ Tourism
and the Mature Single Lady (pages 10-14) International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality
Management. Vol.8. Issue 2 ISSN: 0959 - 6119
Book Chapters and Proceedings Publications
Margaret Hart Robertson (2008) El Museo: ¿Archivo o Activador permanente? Nuevas
Modalidades de exhibirse en la edad de las TIC (pages 61-75) in Fernández Betancort (Ed.) Turismo,
Patrimonio y Educación. Los museos como laboratorios de conocimientos y emociones. Escuela Universitaria de
Turismo de Lanzarote. ISBN: 978-84-95938-60-2
Margaret Hart Robertson (2007) A participaçao democrática e o turismo cultural: escutando a voz
do povo (pages 41-55) in Regina Celeste de Almeida Souza (ed.) Turismo cultural:novos desafios. (238
pages) Salvador, Unifacs. ISBN: 978-85-87325-06-8
Margaret Hart Robertson (2006) Talking Heads or What’s in a Name? Interpreting and Translation
Studies (pages ?? ) in Bravo Utrera, S & García López, R (eds). Estudios de Traducción: Problemas y
Perspectivas (??pages) Servicio de Publicaciones, ULPGC. ISBN: 84-96718-27-1
Margaret Hart Robertson (2006) Re-flotar una Isla: El Caso de Gran Canaria en el Siglo XXI (pages
259-265) in Mirallave, V. and Pescador Monagas, F. (eds) El Espacio Litoral: Turismos Insulares. (363
Pages) DACT Publicaciones, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. ISBN: 84-608-0470-4
Margaret Hart Robertson (2004) Destino: Turismo Comúnitario (pages 145-162) in Ensaios Turismo
contemporâneo (164 pages) Papel & Virtual Editora, Río de Janeiro, Brazil. ISBN: 85-5346-987-7
Margaret Hart (1997) La Estilística Contrastiva Aplicada a la Traducción de Textos Científicos
(pp.160-165) in González V. y Bolaños, L. (eds) Actas de las 1as Jornadas Canarias de Lenguas Aplicadas
a la Ciencia y a la Tecnología. ISBN:
Mariano Chirivella Caballero and Meg Hart (1996), Tourism Trends in the Canary Archipelago
(pages 165-173) in François Vellas (ed.) An Encyclopaedia of International Tourism (253 pages) SERDI,
Paris. ISBN 10-0312127235
Margaret Hart (1996) Translating Humour via Scripts, Hooks and Frames or How far can you go in
violating Grice’s Norms? in the proceedings of the 14th ISHS Conference in New South Wales,
Margaret Hart (1995) Nice Work? The Difficulties of Changing Languages in David Lodge’s Small
World. Proceedings of the 13th ISHS Conference, Birmingham.
Margaret Hart (1994) How to use a Mature Tourism Mix towards the healthy Redevelopment of the
traditional Sun and Sand Resorts (pages 436-442) in A.V.Seaton (ed) Tourism: The State of the Art (867
pages). Wiley, Chichester. ISBN: 0-471-95092-0
Margaret Hart (1994) Subtítulos o Doblaje: ¿Cuál cumple mejor con el Trasvase cultural? in the
proceedings of Trasvases Culturales: Literatura, Cine, Traducción. Universidad del País Vasco.
Margaret Hart (1992) Crónica de una Muerte Anunciada: Quinientos Años de Soledad Anunciados por
Gabriel García Márquez (pages 581-584) in Túa Blesa (ed.) Quinientos Años de Soledad (753 pages)
ISBN: 84-922916-1-3
Margaret Hart and Marcos Sarmiento (1992) El Traductor: ¿Un Esquizofrénico sano? EDLL II
Congreso Internacional. Proceedings in El Guiniguada. ISBN
Margaret Hart (1992) Subtitles vs. Dubbing. (pp.343-351) In the Proceedings of the 1st Congrês
Internacional sobre Traducció. Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona
Aldai López, Angel Luis (2009) Vegueta. ISBN: 978-84-936133-4-1
10th International Film Festival of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. Catalogue (275 pages)
Fernández Betancort, H. (ed. 2008) Tourism, Heritage and Informal Learning: Museums as E-Labs
(Emotions as Education) 188 pages. Escuela Universitaria de Lanzarote. ISBN: 978-84-95938-61-9
Gago Vaquero, J.L. (2007) Manuel de la Peña Suárez: Estructuralismo y Experimentación en la Arquitectura
de los 60 (Structuralism and Experimentation in the Architecture of the Sixties).(230 pages) ISBN:
84-89152-87-X. ISBN (13): 978-84-89152-87-8
Ayuntamiento de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (2006) Las Palmas de Gran Canaria: Siglo XXI. (343
pages) ISBN: 84-88979-77-0.
Aldai López, Angel Luis (2006) Imágenes de la Ciencia y la Tecnología en Canarias (Images of Science and
Technology in the Canary Islands) (135 pages). Oficina de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación, Gobierno
de Canarias. ISBN: 84-922935-9-4
Aldai López, Angel Luis (2005) Fuerteventura, Oasis de Luz (160 pages) ISBN: 84-922935-86
6th International Film Festival Catalogue (2005) (275 pages)
5th International Film Festival Catalogue (2004) (275 pages)
COAC (ed. 2004) 10ª Edición del Premio Regional de Arquitectura de Canarias. Manuel de Oráa y Arcocha.
(140 pages) ISBN: 84-923662-2-2
Cartas Urbanas 8 (2003) Sección de Urbanística, DACT, Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran
Canaria. ISSN: 1136-1298
Gago Vaquero, José Luis (2000) Desasosiego de la arquitectura neocanaria (280 pages). Editorial Umbral,
Madrid. ISBN:84-95457-05-9
Cartas Urbanas 5. Planning y Postmodernidad (1998).
Díaz Sosa, Miguel (1997) Callejero Celeste. ISBN: 84-8103-156-9
Cartas Urbanas 4. Tópicos y Paradigmas del Des-Orden Urbano (1997) Centro Atlántico de Arte Moderno.
An Archaeological Guidebook to San Bartolomé de Tirajana (1995). Ilmo. Ayuntamiento de San Bartolomé
de Tirajana.
Aldai López, Angel (1995) Tamarán. Patronato de Turismo. Excmo Cabildo Insular de Gran
Canaria. Ediciones Cabildo de Gran Canaria. ISBN: 84-922935-1-9
Cartas Urbanas 4. Tópicos y Paradigmas del Des-Orden Urbano (1997) Centro Atlántico de Arte Moderno.
Catalogue of Automatismos Paralelos (1992). Centro Atlántico de Arte Moderno.
Catalogue of El Museo Imaginado (1991). Centro Atlántico de Arte Moderno (300 pages). ISBN: 8486022-60-6
Quintana, F. (ed. 1991) Informes Consulares Británicos, 1854-1914. CIES. La Caja de Canarias, Spain.
ISBN: 84-86022-60-6
Cabrera Perera, A. (1988) Las Islas Canarias en el Mundo Clásico. ViceConsejería de Cultura y Deportes
del Gobierno de Canarias. ISBN: 84-505-8039-0.
Conference Papers
Cambio de Destino: Turismo ante el Cambio Climático Instituto Cervantes, Berlin, Germany, 2009
(Changing Destiny and Changing Resorts: Tourism and Climate Change)
Haciendo el Patrimonio Intangible, Tangible: Experiencias en Dar Valor Añadido al Turismo Cultural
Campus Soane Nazaré de Andrade, ILHÉUS, 2008. (Making Intangible Heritage Tangible:
Experiences in Giving Value Added to Cultural Tourism)
A Importancia da Imagen e da Marca para o Desenvolvimento de um Destino Turístico. VIII SEMIETUR
– Seminario Mercado de Trabalho Turístico, Salvador de Bahía, Brazil, 2008. (The Importance
of Image and Brand for the Promotion of a Tourist Resort)
Anfitriones e Invitados: El Turismo y La Comunicación. ANESTUR: XLIII Congreso, Las Palmas de
Gran Canaria, 2007.(Hosts and Guests: Tourism and Communication)
TALKING HEADS: What’s in a Name? Interpreting and Translation Studies Estudios de
Traducción: Problemas y Perspectivas. Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, 2006.
El Ciclo de Vida del Destino: Turismo Maduro y Sostenibilidad. III Jornadas sobre Desarrollo
Sostenible y Turismo Las Palmas de Gran Canaria and Santa Cruz de Tenerife, 2006. (The
Life Cycle of a Tourist Resort: Mature Tourism and Sustainability)
La Lengua como Definición de Identidad y del Perfil Creativo. Silboarte, La Gomera, 2006.(Language as the
Definition of Identity and Creativity)
Is there an Interpretative Community for the Work of James Joyce? XVII Encuentros James Joyce, Las
Palmas de GC, Spain, 2006.
El Patrimonio Intangible y Los Recursos Naturales. IcFem, Fuerteventura, 2006. (Intangible Heritage and
Natural Resources)
Turismo e Participaçao Pública. 1º Congreso Internacional de Turismo y Participaçao Popular. Salvador
de Bahía, Brazil, 2006 (Tourism and Public Participation)
Re-presenting the Past. Turning Back to the Mediterranean: Final Conference of Med Voices.
Alexandria, Egypt, 2005.
Their Past, Your Future: Med Voices ICOM, Can Oral History make Objects Speak? Nafplion, Greece,
La Patria Chica: El Patrimonio Intangible. Med Voices: Mallorca, 2005 (Homelands: Intangible
Re-flotar el turismo en las Islas: El Patrimonio Intangible 1 Jornadas Internacionales del Litoral y el
Turismo. Tenerife, Spain, 2005. (Re-floating Tourism in the Islands: Intangible Heritage)
Las Señas de Identidad y el Sentido de Lugar: el Patrimonio Intangible y el Turismo Cultural. II Jornadas
Alternativas de Ocio: ‘Los Museos: laboratorios de conocimientos y emociones’. Tahiche,
Lanzarote, 2005.(Characteristic Signs of Identity and Sense of Place: Intangible Heritage and
Cultural Tourism)
La Rehabilitación y preservación del sentido del lugar a través del patrimonio intangible. VII Congreso
Internacional de Rehabilitación del Patrimonio Arquitectónico y Edificación, Lanzarote, Spain,
2004.(Rehabilitation and Preservation of Sense of Place through Intangible Heritage)
Patrimonio Intangible y Tangible del Real de Las Palmas. Patrimonio Intangible, multiculturalidad y
turismo cultural en ciudades históricas. Universidad Internacional de Andalucía, Sevilla, 2004. (The
Tangible and Intangible Heritage of Real de Las Palmas)
La Gestión del Patrimonio Cultural Intangible. La Gestión del Patrimonio Cultural y el Turismo Cultural
Garachico, Tenerife, 2004 (The Management of Intangible Cultural Heritage)
Still Visions- Changing Lives. International Conference on Tourism and Photography
Centre for Tourism and Cultural Change, Sheffield Hallam University, 2003
O Turismo e A Inclusao Social. 7º Encontro Nacional de Turismo com Base Local. Ilhéus, Bahía,
Brazil, 2003.(Tourism and Social Inclusion)
Turismo Comunitario: El Caso de la Isla del Hierro. II ATLAS Africa Conference. Arusha, Tanzania,
2003. (Community Tourism: The Case of the Island of El Hierro)
A Imagem do Destino Turístico. SERAE. Roteiros Turísticos Integrados Temáticos. Cascavel,
Costa Oeste de Paraná, Brazil, 2002.(The Image of a Tourist Resort)
A Imagem do Destino Turístico. FUNIBER, Universidade Federal de Santa Caterina.
Florianópolis, Brazil, 2002.(The Image of a Tourism Resort)
La Evaluación Pública y Privada de la Interpretación Simultánea. I Congreso Internacional sobre la
Evaluación de la Calidad en Interpretación de Conferencias. Centre of
Mediterranean Studies, Almuñecar, Spain, 2001. (Public and Private Evaluation
of Simultaneous Interpreting)
Gender and Tourism. 7th ATLAS International Conference. Savonlinna, Finland, 2001
Organising Eco-Tourism in Cape Verde: the Cultural Implications. World EcoTour 2000. Salvador da
Bahía, Brazil, 2000.
Redefinition of Time and Space in the Global Village. Impacts on Tourism. Tourism 2000. Time for
Celebration? University of Sheffield Hallam, UK, 2000.
Gender and Tourism. 7th ATLAS International Conference. Savonlinna, Finland, 2001
Ecoturismo para a Terceira Idade. XIX ENBETUR. Mato Grosso do Sul, Brasil, 1999. (Third Age EcoTourism)
Experiências de Turismo Rural na Espanha. SEBRAE, Curitiba, Brasil, 1997. (Ruiral Tourism
Experiences in Spain)
A Importância das Relaçoes Humanas na Qualidade dos Serviços turísticos. Universidade Federal de Paraná,
Curitiba, Brasil, 1997. (The Importance of Human Relations in the Quality of Tourist Services)
La Estilística contrastiva aplicada a la Traducción de Textos científicos. I Jornadas Canarias de Lenguas
Aplicadas a la Ciencia y la Tecnología. Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, 1997.
(Contrastive Stylistics applied to the Translation of Scientific Texts)
Literary not Literal: Umberto Echoes. Second International Conference on Current Trends in
Translation and Interpreting, Budapest, 1996.
Transporting Humour via Hooks, Scripts and Frames or How far can you go in violating Grice’s Norms? ISHS
XIV Conference. University of New South Wales, Australia, 1996.
Nice Work? The Difficulties of Changing Languages in David Lodge’s Small World. ISHS XIII Conference.
Birmingham, 1995.
How to use mature tourism to re-float 3’S’ tourism. Tourism: The State of the Art Conference. University
of Strathclyde, 1994.
Los subtítulos como Puente Metodológico entre la Traducción y la Interpretación. I Jornadas Internacionales de
Traducción e Interpretación. Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, 1994.(Subtitles as a
Methodological Bridge between Translation and Interpreting)
Humor: No Joke for Translation ISHS XII Conference, Ithaca, New York, 1994.
How to have Sustainable Mass Tourism: The Case of Lanzarote. Tourism in Small Islands and States.
University of Malta, Malta, 1994.
Subtítulos o Doblaje: ¿Cuál cumple mejor con el transvase cultural? Transvases culturales: literatura, cine,
traducción. Universidad del País Vasco, 1994.(Subtitles or Dubbing: which is better for transferring
Los Estereotipos culturales y el Cambio global. XIII Congreso Internacional de Ciencias Antropológicos y
Etnológicos, Mexico City, 1993. (Cultural Stereotypes and Global Change)
El Traductor: ¿un Esquizofrénico sano? EDLL II Congreso Internacional. Las Palmas de Gran Canaria,
1992. (The Translator: a healthy Schizophrenic?)
Crónica de una Muerte anunciada. Congreso Gabriel García Márquez, Quinientos Años de Soledad.
Faculty of Spanish Language and Literature, Universidad de Zaragoza, 1992. (Chronicle of a
Foreseen Death)
Subtitles vs. Dubbing? Take the Former. I Congrès Internacional sobre Traducció. Universidad
Autónoma de Barcelona, 1992.
How to Translate Humor without losing your Wit. I Congrès Internacional sobre Traducció. Universidad
Autónoma de Barcelona, 1992.
The Difficulties of Translating Humorous Texts 1ª Semana Inglesa. Faculty of English Language and
Literature. Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, 1991.
How to keep the Punch in the Punchline 1º Congreso Internacional de Traductología. Department of
French Language and Literature. Universitat de Valencia, 1989
Book Reviews
Review of the book ‘Gay Tourism’ by Kevin Markwell and Gordon Waitt for ATLAS
Other Professional Experience
Anchorwoman on local radio programme relating to identity and tourism.
Practising professional simultaneous conference interpreter, now working for UNIFEM
Professional conference organiser
Other skills and Proficiencies
I speak five languages, studying a sixth (English, Spanish, Italian, French, Portuguese and now
Chinese) which is where my interest for intercultural communication springs from, and
questions relating to cultural embedding, inclusion and identity. Since I am a professional
simultaneous conference interpreter, the questions of working memory, perception, cognition
and memory are essential and occupy much of my research, linking in at an interface with
projection of perceived identity and intangible heritage. Humour, inclusion and exclusion are
also vital areas of research interest.