July 31, 2016 - Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary


July 31, 2016 - Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary
152 Main Street, Brockport, New York
(585) 637-4500
E-mail: [email protected]
Website: www.nativitybrockport.org
Facebook Page: Nativity Brockport
Sacrament of the Eucharist
Saturday Vigil: 4:30 pm
Sunday: 9:00 am, 1:00 pm - Español
Weekday Mass: M-Th—8:00 am, F—Noon
Holydays: Noon & 7:00 pm
We are glad you joined us!
Sunday, July 31, 2016
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Friday: 1:00-1:45 pm; Saturday: 3:15-4:15 pm;
or by appointment
Arrangements for the Sacrament of Anointing of
the Sick/Communion, Baptism, and Matrimony
may be made by calling the Parish Office.
Parish Office Hours
Monday –Friday: 9 am—4 pm
Fr. Joseph McCaffrey, Pastor—[email protected]
Deacon Tom Schrage—[email protected]
Deacon Chris Fisher—[email protected]
James Pudetti, Financial Director—[email protected]
Pamela Rickerl, Parish Secretary—[email protected]
Connie Mesiti, Religious Ed Coordinator—[email protected]
Thomas Griffin, Facilities & Grounds/Cemetery Supervisor
Bridget Arbegast, Youth Minister—[email protected]
Grace Adams, Contemporary Choir Director—
[email protected]
Bridget Bishop, Seasonal Choir Director—
[email protected]
Jorge Salgado, Coordinator of Hispanic Ministry—
[email protected]
Pastoral Council
John Lemke, President—[email protected]
Mission Statement/Nuestra Misión
We are a Catholic Community, called to be faithful, caring
and enthusiastic disciples. We build up the kingdom of God
by worshiping and praising God, proclaiming the Good News
of Jesus Christ in word and witness, giving loving service to
our neighbor and strengthening the parish community.
Somos una comunidad católica llamada a ser discipulos
fieles, compasivos y entusiastas. Construimos el Reino de
Dios adorando y alabando a Dios, proclamando la Buena
Nueva de Jesucristo de palabra y con testimonio,
Mt. Olivet Cemetery
E. Canal Road, Brockport, NY
8 am-dusk, April 1 - November 30; December & April
—weather permitting; Closed January 1 –March 31
Please adhere to the rules & regulations posted.
For information, call the Parish Office at 637-4500.
Church of the Nativity, Brockport, New York
Page 2
Parish Prayer List
We pray for those in our faith community and
those that we hold in our hearts. May God grant them
healing and strength.
Evelyn Battisti; Sr. Piera Baiocco; Milford Bibby;
Muriel Burns; Melanie Cantabrana-Reisman; Helen
Chuma; Katherine Dabney; Nancy Danko; Dave Ellis;
Michael Ferris; Dolores Flow; Nate Foley; Theresa
Gusek; Kailee Kwiecien; Eric LoMonaco; John
Lupisella; Lhessa Lyons; Tim Krurnowski; Glenna
Matela; Carol McNeil; Chuck Muscolino; Joanne
Nicolucci; Pat Nisdeo; Mary Overmeyer; Tony Pacilio;
Jennie Parlato; Alice Ann Purdy; Ethan Sentiff;
Lorraine Sheflin; Frances Swalbach; Phyllis Wright; &
Fr. Tom from India who was kidnapped by ISIS.
Names remain on for one month. Please call the
office to add, remove or resubmit a loved one’s name.
July 31, 2016
Office News
We only have weekday openings until December.
Please stop by or call the Parish Office.
Please submit items by Friday THE WEEK BEFORE
the weekend you wish it to appear. Please:
1) E-mail it to [email protected] OR
2) Drop it off during open office hours
The bulletin is due at noon on Tuesday, and time is
needed to fit everything in. Your cooperation is
most appreciated!
If a member of your family is in Unity, Strong,
Highland, or General Hospital, please call the Parish
Office a nd let u s k now so Fa ther Joe ca n
Wednesday, August 10 w e are
going to Seabreeze Amusement
Park. The cost is $21.75 per
person, a savings from the
regular prices.
Our Altar Servers, Pastoral Council Youth,
Religious Ed & CLOW Aides will be guests of the
parish that day, but other parishioners and guests can
join us. Please contact the Parish Office to make
reservations. All reservations and payments need to
be in the office by NOON on Tuesday the 9th, as
we will be buying the tickets that day.
We will all go to the park separately. But you will
need to pick up your tickets at the Parish Office after
9am on the Wednesday the 10th before you go. The
park opens at 11am and the tickets are good until
10pm. Rain or Shine!
Has expressed an interest in becoming Catholic?
Has a child over the age of seven who has not been
 Was baptized Catholic as a child, but has not celebrated
the Sacraments of Confirmation and Eucharist?
We offer an opportunity to come together in a small
group to learn more about our faith. Sessions focus on the
teachings and experience of Church and prepare individuals
to celebrate the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and
Eucharist during the Easter season. You are welcome to
participate in the process with your questions, your insights
and your faith story in a warm accepting setting.
For information, please contact Father Joe at 637-4500
or [email protected] .
In today’s Gospel, Jesus offers a warning to
those who pursue leisure and pleasure as their goal
in life without concern for the poor and less
fortunate. He tells the parable of the wealthy
landowner who, upon yielding an exceptionally
profitable harvest one year, determines that he will
live the rest of his days in relaxation; to eat, drink
and be merry. God calls the miser a “fool” and lets
him know that his greed and self-indulgence will
not bring him the security he seeks. Good stewards
acknowledge that the money and possessions
entrusted to them are to be used to further the
mission of Jesus Christ. This week let us reflect on
our own daily consumption habits. Do we spend
money on articles that make us better ambassadors
of Christ? Does our personal lifestyle bring “good
news to the poor” (Luke 4:18)?
Page 3
Church of the Nativity, Brockport, New York
Fr. Joe’s Week: Last Th ur sday I w elcom ed
Fr. Drew Christiansen, SJ, from Georgetown
University, who arrived to celebrate Andy Virgilio’s
funeral. Andy was his uncle, and he was able to break
away for a few days and help his family. Fr.
Christiansen was the editor of America Magazine for
several years, and has a distinguished chair at
Georgetown in Ethics and Global Development. I set
him up in the guest room, and then we went to
Andy’s wake. It was a steady stream of mourners,
and then we went to supper at the Millhouse for
supper. I had the turkey dinner, which was
wonderful…Friday morning we had Andy’s funeral,
which was very nice. They went to Holy Sepulchre in
Rochester, but I stayed for the afternoon Mass,
confessions and Holy Hour. After a quick lunch, I
went back to Fowler’s for Bill Hertweck’s wake.
There was a steady stream of parishioners and
friends there too—it was good to see the Knights of
Columbus saying the Rosary all standing around
their friend and brother knight…That night Pat
Prince and I drove to Batavia for the Muckdogs’
game. It wasn’t much of a game, but the weather was
perfect and everyone had a great time—lots of laughs
and a great fireworks show…Saturday morning we
had Bill’s funeral. Everything went very well,
including the internment at Mt. Olivet. I looked
around Bill’s grave and saw so many names I know
well—he’s in a good neighborhood. Then I returned
to celebrate the Mass for Michelle Roberts and
Edward Englerth’s wedding. Deacon Tom Schrage
did all the heavy lifting, I just said the Mass…Sunday
was my mother’s birthday, so I called her. Thanks to
Pamela, I remembered to send flowers. Because
people ask, she is doing very well, thanks…Monday
our Parish Center Planning Committee met with
LaBella. There is a report on that meeting elsewhere
on this page…Tuesday we had Mass at The Landing.
Thanks to the parishioners who came to help. As
always, it was a joy-filled Mass, and we celebrated
the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick…Tuesday
evening Mary Lynne Turner took me to supper at the
StoneYard. There was a steak special. Thanks for
good food and good conversation…Wednesday
morning we had a staff meeting to begin planning for
the fall, then I went to Syracuse for Confession and
Spiritual Direction. I also joined the Jesuit
community at LeMoyne for supper…God bless and
have a good week!
July 31, 2016
Information packets
with registration forms for
2016-17 religious education
classes were sent out THIS
Please take the time
RIGHT AWAY to r ea d
through everything and return the registration form
and tuition payment by MONDAY, AUGUST 22.
We ask you to adhere to the deadline so we can
plan for the number of children in each class and figure
out where to hold each class .
If you are new to the parish or did not receive the
packet, please go to our website HOME page
(www.nativitybrockport.org) a nd click on
“Programs” in the top menu to print out the packet.
If you have questions, please call the Parish Office
and/or Connie Mesiti, Religious Education
Coordinator, at (585) 637-4500 or e-mail her at:
[email protected] .
We look forward to another great year!!!
Call to Nativity
Bob Healy and Jerry DeRomanis from LaBella
Associates came out Monday night with some
preliminary options about our new Parish Center. The
committee was very impressed with the thoroughness
of their approach, the ease of talking and dreaming
along with them, their careful attention to our buildings
and how they are sited, their respect for our history,
just everything! Every meeting with LaBella has
convinced us that we made a good choice. We discussed
all the options they presented and gave them guidance
as to how we saw the strengths and weaknesses of each
one. They will take this input and further develop the
concept over the next month. Our next meeting is at the
end of August. We are pushing ahead with the design
phase so we can be ready whenever we can go ahead
with construction. We ask your continued prayers for
our project, and will keep you informed along the way.
“Strengthen Your Brothers”
Luke 22:32
Saturday, October 1, 2016
St. Jude the Apostle Parish
(4100 Lyell Road, Rochester)
Doors open at 7am; Mass with Bishop Matano at 8 am.
Speakers through the day: Fr. Mitch Pacwa, S.J.,
Deacon Harold Burke-Sivers, and Patrick Coffin.
Early bird tickets: $45 includes lunch. $50 after September 1st.
$25 for youth under 25.
Registration details at: www.exultrochester.org
Page 4
Church of the Nativity, Brockport, New York
A Summer Blessing
May you walk with God
This summer
In whatever you do
Wherever you go
Walking with God means...
Walking with honesty
And with courage,
Walking with love
And respect
And concern for the feelings of others
May you talk to God
This summer
And every day and
In every situation
Talking with God means...
Praying words of praise
For the beauty of creation
Saying prayers of thanks
For friends and good times,
Asking God's help
In all your decisions
Expressing sorrow
When you have failed
May you talk with God
Every day. Amen.
- Author unknown
Acquire the habit of speaking to God
as if you were alone with Him,
familiarly and with confidence
and love,
as to the dearest and
most loving of friends.
~St. Alphonsus Liguori
July 31, 2016
Este año tendremos la Fiesta de
Bienvenida para los trabajadores
inmigrantes del campo, el
domingo 11 de septiembre a
partir de las 2pm. Este día la
Misa empezara a las 2pm,
luego tendremos danzas
mexicanas, y una recepción en
el Senior Center de Brockport. Todos están invitados
a participar, a colaborar en la preparación de este
evento, y a invitar a todas las personas que conocen
para que se una a nosotros en esta celebración.
Los trabajadores inmigrantes estarán llegando a
mediados y finales de Agosto. Ellos tienen un
trabajo duro y, gracias a su esfuerzo, nosotros
podemos tener frutas y alimentos en los
supermercados. Tenemos que reconocer su trabajo.
Si no puedes asistir los viernes al mediodía a la
adoración al Santísimo, lo puedes hacer los jueves
de 7 a 8pm.
FACEBOOK: Danos un “me gusta” o hazte amigo
de nosotros en facebook. Búscanos en: Ministerio
Migrante Hispano, Brockport, NY. Pasa la voz a tus
amigos y familiares.
- Si te gusta cantar o tocas cualquier instrumento te
invitamos a unirte a nuestro coro, ensayamos los
domingos a las 12:30pm. Necesitamos personas
comprometidas que quieran cantar o tocar algún
- Si quieres aprender a leer la Biblia, conocer la fe
católica y seguir creciendo en tu fe, te esperamos en
el centro parroquial todos los domingos a las 12pm.
Si realmente te importa crecer en tu fe, solamente
tienes que venir el domingo más temprano a la misa.
¡Te esperamos!
- Si vives lejos de la parroquia y quieres que
tengamos un estudio bíblico en tu casa, dinos la
fecha y la hora en que podemos ir a tu casa.
- Si conoces alguna persona que es católica y no
viene a misa, y crees que podamos visitarla,
háznoslo saber.
- Los domingos después de misa tenemos café en el
centro parroquial. Si quieres traer algo para
compartir te agradecemos.
- Si tiene algún niño que no esté bautizado, pide la
ficha de inscripción para programar el día y la hora
de la charla y del bautismo.
- Pronto celebraremos la Bienvenida de los
hermanos migrantes del campo. Si quieres colaborar
con la comida que ofreceremos lo puedes hacer
donando productos para hacer los tamales, el arroz,
el pollo, las bebidas, los postres, etc. Este domingo
tendremos, después de Misa, reunión para planificar
esta fiesta, todos están invitados.
Church of the Nativity, Brockport, New York
Page 2
July 31, 2016
Sunday Financial Offering
Nativity Calendar
July 24, 2016
Budget amount needed per week…………..…..$5950.00
Actual amount received…………………...……...$5,555.00
Over (under) budget year to date…….............($952.36)
Sunday, July 31
12-1 pm
Hisp. Comm. 1st Eucharist Prep –
Parish Center
2 pm
Hisp. Comm. Gathering – Parish
Tuesday, August 2
9:30 am
Prayer Shawl Ministry - Rectory
Wednesday, August 3
7 pm
Contemporary Choir – Church
Friday, August 5
Holy Hour – Church
Sunday, August 7
12 pm
Hisp. Comm. 1st Eucharist Prep –
Parish Center
2 pm
Estudio Biblico – Parish Center
Thank you for your continued faithful giving!
Mass Intentions
Saturday, July 30—St. Peter Chysologus
4:30 pm
Mary Mullen—Bill & Pat O’Brien
Sunday, July 31—18th Sunday of Ordinary Time
9:00 am
Agnes Reding—The Reding Family
1:00 pm
For the people of the parish
Monday, August 1—St. Alphonsus Liguori
8:00 am
Loue Lemke—Deacon Tom & Barb
Tuesday, August 2—Sts. Eusebius of Vercelli &
Peter Julian Eynard
8:00 am
May Auble—Deacon Tom & Barb
Wednesday, August 3
8:00 am
Alex Keeny—John Adams
Thursday, August 4—St. John Vianney
8:00 am
Timothy Connors—Noel Myers
Friday, August 5
12:00 pm
Richard Oetinger—Steve & Connie
Saturday, August 6—The Transfiguration of the Lord
12:00 pm
Pasquale Battisti—Lincoln Family
Sunday, August 7—19th Sunday of Ordinary Time
9:00 am
Anne Johantgen—Catholic Daughters
of the Americas
1:00 pm
For the people of the parish
Scriptural Readings for the Week
Sunday: Eccl 1:2; 2:21-23/Ps 90:3-6,
12-14, 17/Col 3:1-5, 9-11/Lk 12:13-21
Monday: Jer 28:1-17/Ps 119:29, 43,
79-80, 95, 102/Mt 14:13-21
Tuesday: Jer 30:1-2, 12-15, 18-22/Ps 102:16-21, 29,
22-23/Mt 14:22-36 or 15:1-2, 10-14
Wednesday: Jer 31:1-7/Jer 31:10-13/Mt 15:21-28
Thursday: Jer 31:31-34/Ps 51:12-15, 18-19/Mt 16:13-23
Friday: Na 2:1, 3; 3:1-3, 6-7/Dt 32:35-36, 39, 41/Mt
Saturday: Dn 7:9-10, 13-14/Ps 97:1-2, 5-6, 9/2 Pt 1:16
-19/Lk 9:28b-36
Next Sunday: Wis 18:6-9/Ps 33:1, 12, 18-22/Heb 11:12, 8-19 or 11:1-2, 8-12/Lk 12:32-48 or 12:35-40
The Sanctuary Candle is bur ning before the B lessed Sacr am ent
during the month of July for Edward O. Stephany requested by wife, Arline.
19th Sunday in Ordinary Time– August 6 & 7 2016
As of Tuesday noon
*New ministers
Saturday 4:30 pm
Sunday 9:00 am
Organ and cantor
Contemporary Choir
Bill & Joyce Mullen (H), June Keller, Bill
O’Brien, Corrine Seever
Carl & Sharon Wheat (H), Val Kumar, Joan Lavell,
John Lemke (POF), Pat Corbin
Jackie Henry, Bob Duff
Sacristans/Heads Barbara Montrallo, NEED A VOLUNTEER
Bill Guilford, Mary Lynne Turner
Carol Rich, Jackie Schmitz
Tina Campbell, Judy Rist-Mrowka
Altar Servers
Jake Burchfield, Theron Colon,* Alex Scaglione
Rachael Hart, Liam Nather,* Jack Sheflin

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