anuary 17, 2016 - Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary


anuary 17, 2016 - Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary
We are a Catholic Community, called to be faithful,
caring and enthusiastic disciples. We build up the
kingdom of God by worshiping and praising God,
proclaiming the Good News of Jesus Christ in word
and witness, giving loving service to our neighbor
and strengthening the parish community.
Somos una comunidad católica llamada a ser
discipulos fieles, compasivos y entusiastas.
Construimos el Reino de Dios adorando y alabando
a Dios, proclamando la Buena Nueva de Jesucristo
de palabra y con testimonio,
Sacrament of the Eucharist
Saturday Vigil: 4:30 pm
Sunday: 9:00 am, 1:00 pm - Español
Weekday Mass: M-Th—8:00 am, F—Noon
Holydays: Noon & 7:00 pm
Sunday, January 17, 2016
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Friday: 1:00-1:45 pm; Saturday: 3:15-4:15 pm;
or by appointment
Arrangements for the Sacrament of Anointing of the
Sick/Communion, Baptism, and Matrimony may be
made by calling the Parish Office.
152 Main Street , Brockport, NY 14420
Phone: (585) 637-4500
E-mail: [email protected]
Facebook: Nativity Brockport
Monday –Friday: 9 am—4 pm
Fr. Joseph McCaffrey, Pastor—[email protected]
Deacon Tom Schrage—[email protected]
Deacon Chris Fisher—[email protected]
James Pudetti, Financial Director—[email protected]
Pamela Rickerl, Parish Secretary—[email protected]
Connie Mesiti, Religious Ed Coordinator—[email protected]
Thomas Griffin, Facilities & Grounds/Cemetery Supervisor
Jorge Salgado, Coordinator of Hispanic Ministry—[email protected]
Louise Pohl, Contemporary Choir Director
Bridget Bishop, Seasonal Choir Director
Pastoral Council
John LaPierre—President
e-mail: [email protected]
E. Canal Road, Brockport, NY
8 am-dusk, April 1 - November 30; December & April
—weather permitting; Closed January 1 –March 31
For information, call the Parish Office at 637-4500.
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Church of the Nativity, Brockport, New York
Prayer List of the Sick
We pray for those in our faith community and
those that we hold in our hearts. May God grant them
healing and strength.
Cosmo Baglio, Betty Barber, David Bannister, Nancy
Bartlett, Evelyn Battiste, Andrea Campbell, Adaline
Caruso, Nancy Danko, Michael Ferris, Dolores Flow,
Nate Foley, Theresa Gusek, David Kleehammer, Kailee
Kwiecien, John Lupisella, Lhessa Lyons, Mary Ann
McCullough, Carol McNeil, Chuck Muscolino, Joanne
Nicolucci, Pat Nisdeo, Mary Overmeyer, Tony Pacilio,
David Pike, Sara Ridd, Lorraine Sheflin, Frances
Swalbach, Andy Virgilio.
Names remain on for one month. Please call the
office to add, remove or resubmit a loved one’s name.
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Our group meets on the 1st & 3rd
Tuesday mornings from 9:30-11 am in the
rectory living room. We knit and crochet lap robes and
prayer shawls for shut-ins and ill parishioners. In
addition, each child baptized within the parish is given
a handmade white blanket as part of the ceremony.
We would love to have you join us! Just bring
needles or a crochet hook and yarn if you wish.
Each project we do takes 2-3 7 oz. skeins of
knitting worsted. We would be grateful for donations
of yarn. They can be dr opped off at the Pa r ish
Office or given to one of our committee members.
Also, we need your help in identifying people in
our parish who would benefit from a lap robe
or prayer shawl, please let Pam ela, our par ish
secretary, know or call our chairperson: Sheila Dixon
at 494-0491.
Local Deacon Information Sessions
Jan. 28 7:00 pm - St. Mark, Greece OR
Mar. 3 7:00 pm - St. Pius Tenth, Chili
We will provide an overview of the five
year application and formation process
and the time commitment involved and answer
questions about ongoing ministry.
An eligible applicant for permanent deacon
formation is a man of strong and active faith who can
demonstrate a record of service in the communities in
which he lives, works and worships. He must be at
least 35 years of age and no more than 62 years of age
at the time of ordination, in good health, emotionally
mature and stable in his professional and personal
relationships. Men may be single or married.
Interested men and their wives are encouraged to
attend. For more information please contact Deacon
John Brasley, Director of Deacon Personnel &
Director of Deacon Formation, Diocese of Rochester,
585.328.3228 or [email protected].
January 17, 2016
Office News
To schedule a Mass, please stop by the office or call
Pamela during office hours.
Please submit items by Friday THEWEEK BEFORE
the weekend you wish it to appear. Please:
1) E-mail it to [email protected] OR
2) Drop it off during open office hours
The bulletin is due at noon on Tuesday, and time is
needed to fit everything in. Your cooperation is
most appreciated!
If a member of your family is in Unity, Strong,
Highland, or General, please call the Parish Office
and let us know so Father Joe can visit.
Collection Counter Needed
We are in need of a person to complete
a counting team. If you are good with money and are
interested, please give Pamela a call at the Parish
Office and she can fill you in on the details. Thank you!
March for Life in Washington, D.C.
Join pilgrims from around the Diocese at
the annual March for Life in D.C. on
Friday, January 22. Gather for a
Diocese of Rochester March for Life photo on the
steps of the Basilica of the Immaculate Conception,
then join Bishop Matano for Mass at the Basilica.
From there march with the bishop and others from the
Diocese. Buses are leaving from around the Diocese
Thursday night, January 21 and returning Friday
night, January 22. There may still be a seat. Here is
the one in our area:
St Pius X, Chili—Departure: 10:00 pm
Contact: [email protected] or 305-2058
Seat Cost: $65 Adult, $45 Student
Scriptural Readings for the Week
Sunday: Is 62:1-5/Ps 96:1-3, 7-10/
1 Cor 12:4-11/Jn 2:1-11
Monday: 1 Sm 15:16-23/Ps 50:8-9, 16-17,
21, 23/Mk 2:18-22
Tuesday: 1 Sm 16:1-13/Ps 89:20-22, 27-28/Mk 2:23-28
Wednesday: 1 Sm 17:32-33, 37, 40-51/Ps 144:1-2,
9-10/Mk 3:1-6
Thursday: 1 Sm 18:6-9; 19:1-7/Ps 56:2-3, 9-13/Mk 3:7-12
Friday: 1 Sm 24:3-21/Ps 57:2-4, 6, 11/Mk 3:13-19
Saturday: 2 Sm 1:1-4, 11-12, 19, 23-27/Ps 80:2-3, 5-7/
Mk 3:20-21
Next Sunday: Neh 8:2-4a, 5-6, 8-10/Ps 19:8-10, 15/1
Cor 12:12-30 or 12:12-14, 27/Lk 1:1-4; 4:14-21
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Church of the Nativity, Brockport, New York
Father Joe’s Week:
Last Wednesday morning I flew
Delta to San Antonio to see my Mother. I fly Delta because
they have real airplanes and go directly south. Other
airlines go to Chicago or Detroit, and such locales are
chancy, at best, this time of year. It was a good flight, even
though the airplanes were chocked-full, every seat taken. I
got to SAT just in time for rush hour—it took me nearly an
hour to drive the 12 miles from the rental car place to the
Army Residence Community where my Mom lives. I got a
Toyota Camry for the week—with leather and lumbar
support, and lots of toys: nice car…I took my Mother for a
doctor’s appointment on Thursday…Friday we joined a
number of my Mom’s friends for supper at the “Water’s
Edge,” a fancy restaurant at the ARC. Residents can apply
their monthly food allowance for fancy meals—and we
certainly enjoyed the luxury…Saturday afternoon the ARC
has Mass in its chapel—they get retired priests on a
rotating schedule. There are probably 40-50 folks at the
Mass. They also have Mass on First Fridays, celebrated by
a retired military chaplain who lives at the ARC. I joined
my Mother’s friends for supper at their regular dining
room. They have breakfast, lunch and dinner M-Sat, and
brunch and dinner on Sunday. It’s like an ordinary
restaurant, 3-4 specials which change daily, and a dozen
or more regular meals…Sunday we slept in and watched
football. That evening we went out to Soluna, a wonderful
Mexican place. It’s not Tex-Mex, but real Mexican food. I
had Carne Adobada, pork marinated and cooked with
Chile Ancho, Chile Guajillo, bay leaves and cinnamon,
with rice and beans a wonderful meal. Every time I go
there I have something I’ve never had before…Monday
Mom and I went to the Alamo Café for chicken fried
steak…Tuesday we took out some neighbors to a Chinese
place, to thank them for all they do for my Mom…Most of
the time we watched TV—my Mom is big into the Shark
Tank, and it seems to be on all the time. I read a lot, and
went up to the indoor pool…Wednesday I returned to
Rochester, and got home about midnight. Again, a full
flight, but not bad…God bless and have a good week!
Prayer to Protect Life
Loving God, I thank You for the gift You gave
and continue to give to me and to all of us.
Merciful God, I ask Your pardon and forgiveness
for my own failure and the failure of all people
to respect and foster all forms of life in our universe.
Gracious God, I pray that with Your grace, I and all people
will reverence, protect, and promote all life
and that we will be especially sensitive to the life of the
unborn, the abused, neglected, disabled, and the elderly.
I pray, too, that all who make decisions about life
in any form will do so with wisdom, love, and courage.
Living God, I praise and glorify You as Father,
Source of all life, as Son, Savior of our lives,
and as Spirit, Sanctifier of our lives.
January 17, 2016
Únete a los peregrinos de la
diócesis en la marcha anual por
la vida en Washington, DC
enero. Júntate con la diócesis
de Rochester en la marcha para
la foto por la Vida en las
escaleras de la Basílica de la
Luego únete al obispo Matano
en la Misa de la basílica. Desde
allí marcha con el obispo y otras personas de la
diócesis. Los autobuses estarán saliendo de algún
lugar de la diócesis el jueves, 21 de enero por la
noche y regresará el viernes, 22 de enero. Todavía
quedan asientos. Esta es nuestra zona:
San Pío X, Chile-salida: 10:00 pm
Contacto: [email protected] o 305-2058
Costo del asiento: $65 adultos, $45 estudiantes.
Si quieres que visitemos a tu familia y tengamos un
estudio bíblico u oración en tu casa, comunícate con
Jorge Salgado para programar la visita. También, si
conoces alguna familia que debemos visitar para que
vuelva a la Iglesia, háznoslo saber.
FACEBOOK: Dan os un “me gusta” o hazte amigo
de nosotros en facebook. Búscanos en: Ministerio
Migrante Hispano, Brockport, NY.
- Si te gusta cantar o tocas cualquier instrumento te
invitamos a unirte a nuestro coro, ensayamos los
domingos a las 12:30pm.
- Si quieres aprender a leer la Biblia y seguir
creciendo en tu fe, te esperamos en el centro
parroquial todos los martes a las 7pm.
- Todos los domingos, después de Misa, en el centro
parroquial tenemos un compartir.
quieres traer algo para compartir, háznoslo saber.
- Si tiene algún niño que no esté bautizado, pide la
ficha de inscripción para programar el día y la hora
de la charla y del bautismo.
- el tercer domingo de enero celebraremos los
cumpleaños del mes de enero. Por favor hágame
llegar los nombres de todas las personas de la
comunidad que cumplen años en enero. En ese día
oraremos de una manera especial por ellos, y
compartiremos un pastel.
- Ya empezó la inscripción para la preparación de la
primera comunión.
Las clases empezarán el
domingo 6 de marzo, y la Primera Comunión será el
domingo 28 de agosto. Los niños deben de estar en
segundo grado o grados posteriores, y deben asistir
obligatoriamente a todas las clases, y los padres a la
misa dominical. Este año habrá un control estricto.
Solicita tu ficha de inscripción.
Remembrance Tree of Lights
In Memory Of
Deceased members of the Andreassi, Belluomo, & Bleier Families
Dad, Paul R. List
Dad, Paul R. List
James Conner, Margraret DiStefano (Conner), Wilson Billington
Bill & AnnaMay Dragert, Bill Dragert, Jr., Charles H. Greiner,
Lawrence E. Wood, Harold & Gladys Ruggles, and
Leonard & Lenny Ruggles
Paul Foley & deceased members of the Barry Family
Paul Foley
Ben & Rose Gioseffi, Tony & Irma Mazzarella, Louis & Mary
D’Arcadia, Laura Frazer, Frank & Arcangelo Salvagione,
and Vito & Cristina Gioseffi
John Goosley & Peggy Goosley
Joseph B. Harkin, Andrew & Anna De Canio
Connie Honeck & John Honeck
Husband, Paul. R. List
Deceased members of the Hussar & Sorce Families
Deceased members of the Kehoe Family
Lawrence Kemblowski & the deceased members of the Moe Family
Deceased members of the Killigrew & Marshall Families
Anthony & Anne Matela; Russ & Donna Ramer; John & Anne
Marie Kuniskis
Steven Noble; Gene & Elfriede Stirk; Robert & Julie Noble; John
Noble; John & Nellie Hutchinson; Karl Adam; Patricia
Noble & Gert Brady
Charles & Stella Perzik, Thomas Prince, Anna & Myron Alexyn,
and Stella & Nicholas Perzik
Frances Pogroszewski; Stanley Pogroszewski
William & Lenore Rich; Albert & Jean Rich; Allen Conrow
Robert Seever
Robert Seever
Edward O. Stephany
Elfriede Stirk Adam
Bernard & Angela Tavernl
Deceased members of the Tripp & DeBaun Families
Jack Tryka & Anne Walkowiak
Jack Wilson & Eric Wilson
In Thanksgiving For
Many blessings
James & Mary Bleier
Pam, Jim & Paul Morton
Paula, Bill, William & Christian Callahan
Michael & Cheryl Conner
Beverly, Linda & AvaRose Ruggles
Bernadine Foley
James, Mary & Julian Foley & family
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Mazzarella
Mrs. Alice Goosley
Nancy B. Harkin
Richard Honeck
Myrna List
Dorothy & Martha Sorce
Sharon Kehoe
Eva Kemblowski
John & June Killigrew
Anthony & Glenna Matela
Mike, Jean & Connor Noble, Jacob &
Michelle Christ
Patricia Prince
Stan & Pat Galinski
David & Carol Rich
Wife, Corrine
Children & Grandchildren
Arline A. Stephany
Dr. & Mrs. Robert Jones
Pat Coon
DeBaun Family
Anthony & Kathy Pacilio
Janice Wilson
Grace Carson
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Church of the Nativity, Brockport, New York
January 17, 2016
Sunday Financial Offering
Nativity Calendar
January 10, 2016
Budget amount needed per week………………$6,067.00
Actual amount received…………………...…...…$5,670.51
Over (under) budget year to date………..……….$860.77
Sunday, January 17
No religious education classes
10-11:45 am RCIA – Rectory
12-1 pm
Hisp. Gathering – Parish Center
Monday, January 18 – Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Parish Office Closed
Tuesday, January 19
9:30 am
Prayer Shawl Ministry—Rectory
2:00 pm
Beikirch Mass
7:00 pm
Estudio Biblico—Parish Center
Wednesday, January 20
3:30 pm
Finance Council – Conference Room
7:00 pm
Contemporary Choir - Church
Friday, January 22
12-2 pm
Holy Hour – Church
Sunday, January 24
10-11:45 am Religious Education Classes—Church,
Parish Center, Rectory & Office
10-11:45 am RCIA—Rectory
12-1 pm
Hisp. Gathering—Parish Center
Remembrance Tree………………………………..$510.00
Thank you for your continued faithful giving!
Mass Intentions
Saturday, January 16
4:30 pm
Agnes Reding—Catholic Daughters of
the Americas
Sunday, January 17
9:00 am
Rocco Salomone—The Family
1:00 pm
For the people of the parish
Monday, January 18
8:00 am
Lee Scoppa—Mary Frances
Tuesday, January 19
8:00 am
Annina Ciola—Carmela Coccitto
2:00 pm
Beikirch Mass: Deceased members of
Mazzarella Family—The Family
Wednesday, January 20—Sts. Fabian & Sebastian
8:00 am
Charles Perzik—Pat Prince
Thursday, January 21—St. Agnes
8:00 am
Agnes Reding—Larry & Beth Liberatore
Friday, January 22
12:00 pm
Agnes Reding—Jeanne Brightly
Saturday. January 23
4:30 pm
Dorothy Caraccilo—Drennen Family
Sunday, January 24
9:00 am
Rocco Salomone—Cuzzupoli Family
1:00 pm
For the people of the parish
There will be NO Religious education classes this
Sunday, January 17 due to the holiday weekend.
For more information, contact Connie Mesiti,
Religious Education Coordinator, at (585) 637-4500 or
[email protected] for any questions.
Nativity Women: SAVE-THE-DATE
Friday-Sunday, May 13-15
Notre Dame Retreat House, Canandaigua
The Sanctuary Candle is burn ing
before the Blessed Sacrament
during the month of January
for Steven Noble & Elfriede Stirk Adam
requested by the Family.
3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time– January 23 & 24, 2016
*As of Tuesday noon
Saturday 4:30 pm
Sunday 9:00 am
Piano and cantor
Dan & Maria Lincoln (H), June Keller, Corrine Dan & Lisa Zimmer (H), Joan Lavell, Joan
Pat Corbin (POF), Christine McCabe
John Lemke, Trevor Brudz
Marlene Beghini
Sheridan Grady
Organ and cantor
Sacristans/Heads Barbara Montrallo, Carol Rich
Steve Mesiti, Kathy Pacilio
Cheryl Conner, Wayne Hartmann
Dave Dobbertin, Pat Prince
Altar Servers
Jake Burchfield,
Alex Adriana Passalacqua, Isabelle Stevens, Giavanna

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