October 9, 2016 - Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary


October 9, 2016 - Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary
152 Main Street, Brockport, New York
(585) 637-4500
E-mail: [email protected]
Website: www.nativitybrockport.org
Facebook Page: Nativity Brockport
Sacrament of the Eucharist
Saturday Vigil: 4:30 pm
Sunday: 9:00 am, 1:00 pm - Español
Weekday Mass: M-Th—8:00 am, F—Noon
Holydays: Noon & 7:00 pm
We are glad you joined us!
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Friday: 1:00-1:45 pm; Saturday: 3:15-4:15 pm;
or by appointment
Arrangements for the Sacrament of Anointing of
the Sick/Communion, Baptism, and Matrimony
may be made by calling the Parish Office.
Sunday, October 9
Parish Office Hours
Monday –Friday: 9 am—4 pm
Fr. Joseph McCaffrey, Pastor—[email protected]
Deacon Tom Schrage—[email protected]
Deacon Chris Fisher—[email protected]
James Pudetti, Financial Director—[email protected]
Pamela Rickerl, Parish Secretary—[email protected]
Connie Mesiti, Religious Ed Coordinator—[email protected]
Thomas Griffin, Facilities & Grounds/Cemetery Supervisor
Bridget Arbegast, Youth Minister—[email protected]
Grace Adams, Contemporary Choir Director—
[email protected]
Bridget Bishop, Seasonal Choir Director—
[email protected]
Jorge Salgado, Coordinator of Hispanic Ministry—
[email protected]
Pastoral Council
John Lemke, President—[email protected]
Mission Statement/Nuestra Misión
We are a Catholic Community, called to be faithful, caring
and enthusiastic disciples. We build up the kingdom of God
by worshiping and praising God, proclaiming the Good News
of Jesus Christ in word and witness, giving loving service to
our neighbor and strengthening the parish community.
Somos una comunidad católica llamada a ser discipulos
fieles, compasivos y entusiastas. Construimos el Reino de
Dios adorando y alabando a Dios, proclamando la Buena
Nueva de Jesucristo de palabra y con testimonio,
Youth: Grades 8-12
Youth Group meets THIS
Sunday, October 9 in the
Parish Center from 1-3:30
Anyone in grades
8-12th grade is welcome to
come…Bring a friend &
check out what we’re doing!
Church of the Nativity, Brockport, New York
Page 2
Parish Prayer List
We pray for those in our faith community and
those that we hold in our hearts. May God grant them
healing and strength.
Evelyn Battisti; Sr. Piera Baiocco; Milford Bibby;
Muriel Burns; Melanie Cantabrana-Reisman; Helen
Chuma; Carolyn Cole; Katherine Dabney; Nancy
Danko; Dave Ellis; Michael Ferris; Liz Fitzgerald;
Dolores Flow; Nate Foley; Theresa Gusek; Peter
Kemblowski; Tim Krurnowski; Eric LoMonaco; John
Lupisella; Lhessa Lyons; Glenna Matela; Carol
McNeil; Joanne Nicolucci; Pat Nisdeo; Charles
O’Brien; Mary Overmeyer; Tony Pacilio; Alice Ann
Purdy; Beverly Ruggles; Corrine Seever; Ethan
Sentiff; Lorraine Sheflin; Frances Swalbach; Nancy
Walsh; Phyllis Wright; & Fr. Tom from India who was
kidnapped by ISIS.
Names remain on for one month. Please call the
office to add, remove or resubmit a loved one’s name.
October 9, 2016
Office News
The 2017 Mass Book will open after October 17.
Please submit items MONDAY the week before
the weekend you wish it to appear. Please:
1) E-mail it to [email protected] OR
2) Drop it off during open office hours
The bulletin is due at noon on Tuesday, and time is
needed to fit everything in. Your cooperation is
most appreciated!
If a member of your family is in Unity, Strong,
Highland, or General Hospital, please call the
Parish Office a nd let u s k now so Fa ther
Joe can visit.
Catholic Daughters Meeting &
Collection Project
Men’s Fall Retreat
“Our American Catholic Heritage:
Past, Present, & Future”
Conferences will focus on how Catholicism came to
America; how it has evolved, shaped & influenced us as
a nation & individually; as well as the importance of
Catholicism for us now and in the future.
Friday-Sunday, October 28-30, 2016
Notre Dame Retreat House
51551 Foster Road, Canandaigua, NY
For more information contact:
Dave Dobbertin, 313-0040, Parish
Anthony Pacilio, 637-2898, Parish
Nancy Lynch, 394-5770, Notre Dame
Do you like singing?
Our seasonal choir will be
starting up soon! Consider
joining! We will begin to prepare
for Advent and Christmas.
Our first rehearsal this Fall
will be on October 17th and will continue every
Monday evening. Rehearsals start at 7:00 pm in the
church choir loft. Enter through the back parking lot
door. Please come and join us—new members are
always welcome!
Call or email Bridget Bishop (637-2422/
[email protected]) with questions.
The Catholic Daughters of the Americas
Court #931 will meet Thursday, October
13 at 6:30 pm at The Protectives. Newcomers are
The court is looking to donate hand-knitted and
crocheted mittens, scarves & hats to Ginther School
here in Brockport. These items will be given to
students who have lost or simply do not have these
essentials. If you’d like to donate, please
leave these items in the box provided in the
back of the church. “Store bought” is also
appreciated. Boxes will be in the
church until the end of Mass NEXT
WEEKEND October 16.
In today’s gospel, we hear of the ten men afflicted
with leprosy, and the one who glorifies God for
being healed. It is a dramatic scene of gratitude.
But in order for the miracle to happen in the first
place, these men had to start walking in faith
before their diseased conditions changed one tiny
bit. Good stewards of their faith realize that they
cannot wait until their problems are over to start
walking in faith. They praise God even in the
darkest of nights, and in the worst of
circumstances. Do we walk in faith, giving the
Lord our gratitude even when we are in difficult
Page 3
Church of the Nativity, Brockport, New York
October 9, 2016
October 22
9 am-Noon
Like being
outside? Don’t
mind yard work? Need some community service
hours? Mount Olivet Cemetery needs some attention
before winter sets in. Won’t you consider taking a few
hours the morning of Saturday, October 22 to help?
Tom Griffin, cemetery supervisor, has some
tools, but you can bring yoru own gloves and rakes, if
you wish. He hopes to see you there!
Nativity parishioners are planning to attend a
peaceful prayer vigil (1 hour) at Planned Parenthood on
University Avenue in Rochester. Please consider
joining us Thursday, October 13 at 10:30 am. We
will meet in the church parking lot and carpool into the
city. Those of you who cannot make it that day, please
say an extra prayer for the unborn.
Join Us for the Rosary Crusade
Saturday, October 15
1:30 pm
Cold weather is coming…
Nativity Church Front Steps
-If it’s raining, gather inside Church.
The people served by the Ecumenical Clothing Center
will be in need of work boots, rubber boots, longsleeved shirts, flannel shirts, sweatshirts and winter
coats (medium-sized, work pants/jeans (32-36 waist,
30-40 length).
Please consider donating clean, unused, repaired
items to the Center on State Street. Drop off times are
Thursday: 7-8:30 pm and Sunday 3-4:30 pm.
Led by Faith Formation.
Our Lady of Fatima
Items Needed
We are asking for clean, gentlyused comfy couches, chairs and
large pillows to replace the
furniture in the front room of
the Parish Center. This room will be used by our
Confirmation class and Youth Group.
If you are remodeling, have an extra piece of
furniture or would like to make a donation for purchase
of these items, please call or e-mail Bridget Arbegast at
637-4500/[email protected].
Scriptural Readings for the Week
Sunday: 2 Kgs 5:14-17/Ps 98:1-4/2 Tm
2:8-13/Lk 17:11-19
Monday: Gal 4:22-24, 26-27, 31--5:1/Ps
113:1-7/Lk 11:29-32
Tuesday: Gal 5:1-6/Ps 119:41, 43-45, 47-48/Lk 11:37-41
Wednesday: Gal 5:18-25/Ps 1:1-4, 6/Lk 11:42-46
Thursday: Eph 1:1-10/Ps 98:1-6/Lk 11:47-54
Friday: Eph 1:11-14/Ps 33:1-2, 4-5, 12-13/Lk 12:1-7
Saturday: Eph 1:15-23/Ps 8:2-7/Lk 12:8-12
Next Sunday: Ex 17:8-13/Ps 121:1-8/2 Tm 3:14--4:2/Lk
Join your voice with other Catholics
across the country on this day
praying for our nation. America is
at a historic crossroad. We need the
help of Our Lady. Let’s pray the
rosary together...
….to Jan Reding & Peter Selig for
answering the call to help out in the
Parish Office while Pamela is away.
And to Marie Drennen, Barb Kelly,
Gloria Mack & Jackie Schmitz, our ever-so dependable
veteran reception volunteers!
2017 Guidelines
Offering a Mass for a particular intention has been a way
of remembering special people
and special intentions within
the Church for centuries. We try to honor requests for
Mass intentions to the best of our ability and according to
the Code of Canon Law for the universal Catholic Church.
We are finding several factors that affect
scheduling intentions:
 The number of requests for special dates (i.e. special
dates related to the person, Christmas, Easter, etc.)
versus the limited number of Masses celebrated in
our parish.
 Our desire to especially remember those who have
most recently died.
(continued on next page)
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Church of the Nativity, Brockport, New York
The over-loading of the parish Mass schedule so there
are no spaces left for recent deaths.
 The need to follow the Code of Canon Law.
Therefore, we have set these guidelines:
 We can schedule a maximum of six (6) Masses per
year per parishioner/family --two (2) on a weekend
and four (4) weekdays.
 Ordinarily, there can be no multiple Mass intentions
for a Mass. However, to better accommodate the
needs of our parishioners, we will adhere to the following: up to three first names with the same last
name (i.e. John, Paul and Mary Smith) or two last
names only (i.e. Deceased members of the Scott &
Smith Families) will be allowed per intention.
 We can accept Mass intentions only up to 6 months in
advance. The Mass Book will be opened for JanuaryJune the following year in October, and May for JulyDecember.
 After the death of a parishioner, a month’s mind will
be booked by the first person who requests a Mass for
the deceased.
 Loved ones of a deceased parishioner will have first
choice (before the book opens in October & May) to
have a first anniversary or birthday Mass scheduled.
In addition:
 The stipend for each Mass, as determined by Diocesan
policy, is $10.00. However, no one will be denied an
intention because of inability to pay.
 The Christmas Vigil, Christmas Day, Easter Vigil,
Easter Sunday, Mother’s Day and Father’s Day Masses
will always be for the intentions of the Living and Deceased Members of the Parish.
 According to Canon Law, one (1) Sunday Mass per
weekend is offered for the intention of the Parishioners of Nativity, usually the 1:00 pm Spanish Mass.
 The intentions at Beikrich and The Landing, each
once a month, are also available to book.
 Another alternative is the sanctuary candle. There is
one intention per month (following the same no multiple intentions guidelines & opening it up 6 months
at a time). The offering is $40.
 Those who are homebound or unable to visit the office
may call the Parish Office to schedule a Mass/Candle,
then send the stipend in by mail.
 We will accept requests for intentions on a first-come,
first-served basis.
The Mass Book will open beginning Monday,
October 17 for Jan uar y-June of 2017. No need to
form a line—Mass intentions may be made at the Parish
Office (Monday-Friday, 9am-4pm), or by telephone (6374500). Stipends can be collected at the office, by mail or
in a clearly-labelled envelope in the collection.
Mt. Olivet Cemetery
E. Canal Road, Brockport, NY
8 am-dusk, April 1 - November 30; December & April,
weather permitting; Closed January 1 –March 31
Please adhere to the rules & regulations posted.
For information, call the Parish Office at 637-4500.
October 9, 2016
Las clases correspondientes al
otoño de este año empiezan esta
semana. Si quieres profundizar
tu fe, conocer un poco más sobre
nuestra Iglesia Católica, puedes
asistir a las clases que nos
ofrece el Instituto Pastoral
Hispano en Pittsford (120
French Rd.). El curso que se
impartirá este otoño es sobre el
Antiguo Testamento. Se tocarán temas como el
Pentateuco (cinco primeros libros de la Biblia), los
libros históricos, los libros proféticos, los libros
sapienciales, los libros poéticos y el libro de Ruth. Las
clases estarán a cargo del Sr. Jorge Salgado, licenciado
en Teología Bíblica por la Universidad de Salamanca,
España. Así que si para ti leer la Biblia es difícil,
especialmente el Antiguo Testamento, esta es tu
oportunidad para perderle el miedo, y aprender
muchas cosas de las que te quedarás sorprendido/a.
Las clases duran 6 semanas, y se ofrecen los sábados
de 9am a 12pm.
El viernes y sábado 21 y 22 de octubre Carlos Aedo
dará un retiro ignaciano. El viernes es a partir de las
7pm y el sábado a las 9am. Más information la
proximal semana.
FACEBOOK: Dan os un “me gusta” o hazte amigo de
nosotros en facebook. Búscanos en: Ministerio
Migrante Hispano, Brockport, NY. Pasa la voz a tus
amigos y familiares.
- Si te gusta cantar o tocas cualquier instrumento te
invitamos a unirte a nuestro coro, ensayamos los
domingos a las 12:30pm. Necesitamos personas
comprometidas que quieran cantar o tocar algún
- Si quieres aprender a leer la Biblia, conocer la fe
católica y seguir creciendo en tu fe, te esperamos en el
centro parroquial todos los domingos a las 12pm. Si
realmente te importa crecer en tu fe, solamente tienes
que venir el domingo más temprano a la misa. ¡Te
esperamos! Si quieres que lo hagamos en tu casa ponte
en contacto con nosotros y fijamos la fecha y la hora.
- Si conoces alguna persona que es católica y no viene a
misa, que está alejada de la Iglesia, y crees que
podamos visitarla, háznoslo saber.
- Los domingos después de misa tenemos café en el
centro parroquial. Si quieres traer algo para compartir
te agradecemos. Después de la Misa no dejes de ir a
compartir con los hermanos.
- Si tiene algún niño que no esté bautizado, pide la
ficha de inscripción para programar el día y la hora de
la charla y del bautismo.
Church of the Nativity, Brockport, New York
Page 5
October 9, 2016
Sunday Financial Offering
Nativity Calendar
October 2, 2016
Budget amount for weekly collection…...…..$5,950.00
Actual amount received…………………...………$7,015.00
Over (under) budget year to date……...............$859.78
Sunday, October 9
No Religious Education Classes
12-1 pm
Estudio Biblico – Parish Center
1:30-3 pm
Youth Group (Grades 8-12) – Parish
Center Front Room
2 pm
Hisp. Gathering – Parish Center
Monday, October 10 – Columbus Day
Parish Office Closed
Tuesday, October 11
2:00 pm
Landing Mass
7 pm
Contemporary Choir – Church
7 pm
Liturgy Comm. Mtg.—Parish Center
Friday, October 14
12-2 pm
Holy Hour—Church
Saturday, October 15
1:30 pm
Rosary Crusade – Church Front Steps,
Inside if raining
Sunday, October 16
10-11:45 am Religious Education Classes – Church,
Parish Center, Rectory & Office
12-1 pm
Estudio Biblico – Parish Center
2 pm
Hisp. Gathering – Parish Center
Thank you for your continued faithful giving!
Mass Intentions
Saturday, October 8
4:30 pm
Damon Drennen—The Drennen Family
Sunday, October 9—28th Sunday of Ordinary Time
9:00 am
Teresa Martin—Carmela Coccitto
1:00 pm
For the people of the parish
Monday, October 10
8:00 am
David Butler—Butler Family
Tuesday, October 11—St. John XXIII
8:00 am
Leonard Ruggles—Carl & Sharon Wheat
2:00 pm
Landing Mass: Intentions of Arden
Campbell—Marie Elphick
Wednesday, October 12
8:00 am
Andy Virgilio—Irene D’Agostino
Thursday, October 13
8:00 am
Bill Hertweck—Tony & Kathy Pacilio
Friday, October 14—St. Callistus I
12:00 pm
Doris Kepler—Ray & Noreen Ehnot
Saturday, October 15—St. Teresa of Jesus
4:00 pm
Mary Mullen—Quint & Chris Stiefel
Sunday, October 16—29th Sunday of Ordinary Time
9:00 am
Viola LaPierre—John & June Killigrew
1:00 pm
For the people of the parish
There are NO classes
this Sunday, October 9 due
to the Columbus Day
For more information,
please contact Connie
Mesiti, Religious Education
637-4500 or [email protected] .
Please Note: If the w eekend Mass intention is
for your loved one, and you would like to present the
offertory gifts, please notify an usher prior to Mass.
The Sanctuary Candle is bur ning
before the Blessed Sacrament
during the month of October
for Don, Dan & Jim Cole
requested by the family.
29th Sunday in Ordinary Time–October 15 & 16, 2016
As of Tuesday
Saturday 4:30 pm
Sunday 9:00 am
Piano and cantor
Bill & Joyce Mullen (H), Bill & Mary Butler, Rick NEED A VOLUNTEER (H), Jackie H enr y,
Joan Lavell, Marsella Monnier, Bill Wright
Pat Corbin (POF), Marge DeForest
Diane MacEwan, Mary Daniels
Jessica Horn (L), Alexandra Covert (A)
Contemporary Choir
Sacristans/Heads Carmela Coccitto, Carol Rich
Charilla Conner, Dawn Rejewski
John Tombokan, Mary Ziarniak
Dave Dobbertin, Kathy Pacilio
Altar Servers
Josephine Belde, John Galbreth, Liam Nather
Nick Covert, Rachael Hart, Isabelle Stevens

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