Bulletin_May 22 2016.pub


Bulletin_May 22 2016.pub
St. Rose of Lima Parish
Parroquia Santa Rosa de Lima
In Christ, We are Bread for one another:
Broken… we gather.
Nourished… we reach out.
En Cristo, Somos Pan para cada uno:
Lo Dividimos… nos juntamos.
Alimentados… tendemos la mano.
The Fullness of Love
May 22, 2016
Throughout the centuries, theologians have made great efforts born of love and
a desire for closeness to God, to approach the Holy Trinity mystery by
formula ng in different concepts the rela onships that bind and dis nguish the
Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Jesus teaches and invites His followers to confidently relate with God as our
Father, faithfully follow the footsteps of God the Son and allow ourselves to be
guided by God the Holy Spirit. Above all, Jesus invites His followers to live as
daughters and sons of a God Who is close, good and tender, one Whom all can
invoke as a dear Father. What characterizes this Father isn’t power and force,
but goodness and infinite compassion. No one is fully alone, for we all have a
Father who understands us, loves us and forgives us like no one else.
Jesus reveals to us the Father’s project of the heart: to build, together with all
God’s sons and daughters, a more human and fraternal world, a world of jus ce
and solidarity, a more dignified life for all, star ng with God’s children who are
poorest, most defenseless and most in need. Jesus calls it “God’s Reign.”
Jesus invites his followers to trust also in Him, “Don’t let your hearts be troubled;
have faith also in me.” He is God’s Son, the living image of His Father. His words
and ac ons reveal to us how the Father loves us. That’s why He teaches us to live
confidently and obediently in serving the Father’s project. With His group of
followers, Jesus wants to form a new family where all seek to fulfill the Father’s
will. This is the inheritance that He wants to leave on the earth, a movement of
brothers and sisters in service to the li le ones, those who are not important in
the eyes of the powerful. That family will be a symbol and seed of the new world
that the Father wants.
That’s why we need to welcome the Spirit, who lives in the Father and in Jesus.
As He told the Apostles, “You will receive the power of the Holy Spirit Who will
come upon you and thus you will be my witnesses.” This Spirit is God’s love, the
breath that the Father and the Son share is the power and vital energy that will
make of Jesus’ followers His witnesses and co-workers in the service of the grand
project of the Holy Trinity, the salva on of all.
God is love. The Three Persons in the Trinity together represent the fullness of
love. The Father loves the Son, the Son loves the Father. The Holy Spirit is their
love for each other. We are made in the image of God as Trinity. God the Father,
Who created us, His Son Who saved us, and the Holy Spirit Who con nues to
guide us. Our lives should reflect the Trinity. We should be always crea ve like
the Father, compassionate like His Son as we
dispose our talents in the service of others like
the Holy Spirit.
11701 Clopper Rd., Gaithersburg, MD 20878-1024
 PHONE: 301-948-7545  FAX: 301-869-2170
 EMERGENCIES (A er Hours): 301-355-8191
 WEBSITE: www.strose-parish.org
Historic Chapel / Capilla Histórica
Monday-Friday................................... 8:30 am (English)
1er Viernes ........................................ 7:00 pm (Español)
Sunday............................................... 7:15 am (English)
1er Dimanche................................... 10:00 am (Français)
2nd Sunday ........................................ 5:00 pm (Tagalog)
Church / Iglesia
Saturday Vigil ..................................... 5:00 pm (English)
Sunday...................................... 8:45 am (English + ASL)
........................................................ 11:15 am (English)
Domingo ........................................... 1:00 pm (Español)
Historic Chapel / Capilla Histórica
Thursday........................ 7:00-9:00 pm (English/Español)
Church / Iglesia
Saturday ..................................... 4:00-4:30 pm (English)
Domingo .................................... 2:15-3:15 pm (Español)
Bap sm Classes
Begin while pregnant or awai ng adop on. Bap sms
will not be scheduled un l classes have been completed.
Parents MUST pre-register to a end. Two sessions are
required. 2016: TBD
Clases para Bau smo
Comience cuando este embarazada o esperando una
adopción. Los Bau zos no se podrán programar hasta
que las clases hayan sido completadas. Los padres
TIENEN que pre-registrarse para atender. Dos sesiones
se requieren. 2016: sep embre 10 y 17, noviembre 5 y
Church / Iglesia
2o Domingo ...................................... 12:00pm (Español)
2nd Sunday ........................................ 12:30pm (English)
Stephen Ministry
Ralph Bally, 301-873-0487 (English)
Zita Tepie, 301-519-1527 (English)
Accessibility / Fácil Acceso
Hearing systems, accessible sea ng, large print worship
guides and an ASL interpreter (8:45am) are available. /
Aparatos ampliadores de sonido y asientos accesibles
están disponibles.
Woodlands Room Rental / Eventos de Alquiler
Maria Cris na Peano, [email protected]
Most Holy Body & Blood of Christ /
San simo Cuerpo y Sangre de Cristo
Cycle C - May 21/22, 2016
Historic Chapel:
Sun., 7:15 am Fr. Francis Russo
Genesis 14:18-20
1 Corinthians 11:23-26
Luke 9-11b-17
Sat., 5:00 pm
Fr. Jus n Huber
Sun., 8:45 am Fr. Jus n Huber
Liturgical Ministers:
Sun., 11:15 pm Fr. Agus n Mateo
Team A
Sun., 1:00 pm Fr. Agus n Mateo
Bread Bakers:
Group 5
Matrimony: Juan Mar n Garcia Torres + Iris Lucia Torres Pinares
Bap sm: Demaya Zekeng Atontsa, Alexa Niah Ednalino Rivera,
Leonardo Rosa, Gabriel Amias Valencia First Eucharist: Noel Javier
Blanco, Erin Lynn Dower, Dawson James Henning, Chris an Raphael
Lanasa, Evan Timothy Moitoza, David Alan Philippon
Confirma on: See page 3.
† Deceased * Living
Mon., 5/23 8:30 HC
Wed., 5/25 8:30 HC
Thu., 5/26 8:30 HC
Fri., 5/27 8:30 HC
Sun., 5/29 7:15 CH
Sun., 5/29 8:45 CH
Sun., 5/29 11:15 CH
Sun., 5/29 1:00 CH
† John Jabbour, by Tom & Zeina Kubarych
Thanks to Infant Jesus, by Marlene O. Prepe t
† James Gray, by Della & Joe Maher
† Roger Evans, by Wayne Cleaver
† Mary Lee, by Phyllis & Eric Kellner
† Iris Aird, by Zita Tepie
† David Cibula, by Colleen Cibula
† José Otoniel Perez Estrada,
by the Sarceño Perez Family
Those who are sick / Aquellos quienes están enfermos:
Zabrina Abad, Louise Adams, Victor Beltran, Nancy Brennan, Jenny
Campoverde, DarLyn Dailey, Patricia Dailey, Suzanne Davis, Daniel
Downey Jr., Aurora Fonseca, Arelys Fonseca, Erina Fonseca, Jan Fuller,
Theresa Garret, Virgilia Pereira de Gazzo , Stan Holliday, Barbara
Homon, Gabrielle Juge, Jessica Juge, Mary Julius, Tom King, James
L’Heureux, Joseph Liekweg, Deacon John Liu, Janet Mastal, Josie
Ma ero, Rosalynn McDaniel, Sarah McGee, Jim Nichter, Gloria
Ortwerth, Anthony Padone, Luis Reyes, Mary Rhoads, Lee Roe,
Stephen Roldan, Esteban Salazar, Fredy Sanchez Campos, Gloria
Sanchez, Fernando Sarasa, Lea Sarceño, Patricia Sa alo, Logan
Schneider, Joseph Seppy, Sheila Shea, David Soles, Juana Solis, Haley
Thompson, Joseph Alcides Torres, Diane Trunk, Arnoldo Villavicencio,
Esperanza Villavicencio, Kathy Wessman & Paula Wilson.
Those who have died / Aquellos que han fallecido:
Adémola Adéniji Adele, uncle of Lola Adélé-Oso; Omada Idachaba,
sister of Chichi Frank; Patrick Ikebeli, brother of Meg Wheelock;
Akintunde Marinho, father of Simi Marinho; Janet Namme, Principal of
Queen’s College; Robert Ortwerth, father of Michael Ortwerth; Sondra
Thompson, friend of the Joseph Family
Honor Mary During May
Weekly Rosary:
Sundays of May, 8:15am, Church
Marian Display:
Church Lower Level,
near the King David Room
Celebración del Mes Mariano:
Mass in Spanish
Sat., May 21, 6:30pm, Historic Chapel
Sat., May 28, 7:00pm, Church
Ministry to the Homebound
We are trying to improve our ministry to the homebound. If
you are currently taking communion to a homebound friend or
family member or if you know of someone who is homebound
and is not currently being served, please let us
know. CONTACT: Fr. Jus n Huber, fatherjus [email protected] or
301-948-7545, x224.
2016 Day of the African Child
Sun., June 12, at the 11:15am Mass. Sponsored by our African
Community. A er Mass, come over to the Woodlands Room
for a taste of African cuisine and culture from the countries
represented by members of St. Rose.
Summer me Evening of Reflec on
Mon., June 20, 7:00-9:00pm, Duggan Rooms. We will spend
me looking at the summer as a me to rest, reflect and
refresh our rela onship with God. INFO & SIGN UP: Chris ne
Jeffrey, cjeff[email protected]
A Call for Piano Players!
Our Music Ministry needs a few more accompanists to serve
with our choirs and cantors at Masses. Sharing your gi s of
music can add to the sacredness, prayerfulness, and joy of our
celebra ons. Music Ministers not only serve the community,
they are o en delighted by the bonus of belonging to a group
who supports one another and enjoys being together.
Mentoring will be provided. If you feel called to serve in this
way or would like more informa on, please contact Remi
Bauer: 301-948-7545, x235, or [email protected].
Funeral Sacristans, Ushers & Acolytes Needed
Are you able to help at our funeral liturgies? We are looking for
people to serve as Acolytes, Ushers and Sacristans. Training will
be provided. INFO: Chris ne Jeffrey, cjeff[email protected]
Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist Needed
There are openings for EMs at the 5:00pm, 8:45am and
11:15am Masses. EMs serve on a rota ng schedule (once every
three weeks). Training is provided. INFO: Mike Ballen ne,
mike_ballen [email protected] (Note underscores in email
Pilgrimage to Rome
Paulist Series: The Journey
St. Rose is going to Rome! We are currently in the planning
stages of a pilgrimage to Rome in May 2017. The trip would
also include me in Assisi (home of St. Francis) and Subiaco
(home of St. Benedict). Guido Adelfio from Bethesda Travel
will present details THIS Sun., May 22, 10:00-11:00am, in the
Duggan Room.
Join Fr. Jus n and other parishioners for this Paulist series. Through the
sessions of The Journey, parishioners and their friends can refresh and
renew their in mate rela onship with Jesus Christ. Friday mornings,
9:30-11:00am, in the Duggan Room. It’s not late - join us this week.
On Love in the Family
Thank You Picnic:
Families with Child/Youth Volunteers
Sun., June 5, 2:30pm. The St. Rose Parish Staff and the Knights
of Columbus would like to extend an invita on to a “Thank
You Picnic” for the families whose children or youth serve the
parish through their volunteer roles (such as music or liturgical
ministries, faith mentoring or other parish ministries). Come
celebrate the service and gi s of our young
parishioners! We’ll gather for food and fun on the grass next
to the parking lot behind the St. Rose House. Bring your
appe te, lawn chairs and a dessert to share! INFO: Parish
Office, 301-948-7545
Picnic de Agradecimiento:
Familias con Niños/Jóvenes Voluntarios
Domingo, 5 de junio, 2:30pm. El Personal de la Parroquia
Santa Rosa y los Caballeros de Colón le gustaría extender una
invitación a un “Picnic de Agradecimiento” para las familias
cuyos niños o jóvenes servir a la parroquia como voluntarios
(como música o litúrgicos ministerios, tutoría fe u otros
ministerios parroquiales). Ven a celebrar el servicio y regalos
de nuestros jóvenes feligreses! Nos reuniremos para disfrutar
de la comida y el compañerismo en la hierba junto a la playa
de estacionamiento detrás de la Casa St. Rose. Traiga su ganas
de comer, sillas de jardín y un postre para compar r! INFO:
Oficina Parroquial, 301-948-7545
Pope Francis has released his second Apostolic Exhorta on, Amoris
Lae a (The Joy of Love). This pastoral document aims to help the
Church pass on the faith and be er serve families. Read Cardinal Wuerl’s
blog: h p://cardinalsblog.adw.org/2016/04/on-love-in-the-family-theapostolic-exhorta on-of-pope-francis/ Read the exhorta on: h p://
w2.va can.va/content/francesco/en/apost_exhorta ons/documents/
papa-francesco_esortazione-ap_20160319_amoris-lae a.html
The Aging Brain: Alzheimer’s/Demen a Discussion
Sun., May 29, 4:00-5:30pm. St. Rose will host a speaker from The
Alzheimer’s Associa on. If you or someone you know is affected by
Alzheimer’s disease or demen a, it is me to learn the facts. This
program will provide informa on on detec on, causes and risk factors,
stages of the disease and treatment. ►HAVE YOU BEEN IMPACTED IN
SOME WAY BY ALZHEIMER’S? We are looking for a few parishioners who
would be willing to share the experiences they have had as a caregiver, a
spouse, a son/daughter or person living with memory loss, demen a or
Alzheimer's. If you are interested in sharing your story, please contact
Sherry Moitoza: [email protected] or 301-948-7545, x228.
2016-17 Religious Educa on Registra on
Visit the parish website to learn about our Religious Educa on Programs
and to register your children for classes: h p://www.strose-parish.org/
registra on-form-for-classes-online
Amilcar Alexis THOMAS AQUINAS Arce Sánchez, Kevin Omar THOMAS AQUINAS Arce Sánchez, Christopher Alexander CECILIA Barron, Lucy
Grace THERESE Brake, Alexander David VITUS Cabrera, Eunice Clarissa TEKAKWITHA Coleman, Londa Maureen JOAN Dadja, Piham Nelson
ISAAC Dadja, Giovani Gustavo MATTHEW Del Granado, Kiara Vanesa CECILIA Díaz, Claire Marie SARAH Dormitzer, Meghan ELIZABETH
Dower, CHRISTIAN Anthony Ramírez Durante, Ethan Alexander SEBASTIAN Encinas, Alexander Michael NICHOLAS Garvey, Alex Edward
NICHOLAS Gowarty, Nicolas Ignacio IGNATIUS Guillamon, Julia Marie MARIA GORETTI Harvey, Madeline Anne GEMMA GALGANI Haynes,
Genevive Diane CATHERINE Ira Bana cla, Luke Paulraj FRANCIS DE SALES Janus, Colin Timothy DOMINIC
Koubek, María Isabel THERESE Lanasa, Nina Rosabella ROSE Lao, Helena Seunghee MARIA GORETTI Lee,
Mackenzie Jane TERESA Leonard, Hadleigh Marie MARY Locraft, Joseph Scott SEBASTIAN Lotier, Sarah Audrey
ELIZABETH McClure, Millie Villavicencio CECELIA McCutcheon, Matthew Kenneth LUIGI SCROSOPPI Moxley,
Stefan Luc JOSEPH Ney, Julia Stohr BRIGID Nonnenkamp, Xhristos Antonio JOSE Papadopoulos Flores, Noah
James AMANDUS Patrick, Matthew Quoc SEBASTIAN Pham, Daniel Giovanni SEBASTIAN Plaza, Zachary Kenneth
PATRICK Proffitt, Shannon Grace MARGARET Roberts, Brandon Joseph PAUL Rodríguez, Adam Yan JOHN PAUL II
Rusak, Nathaniel Bondoc CECILIA Salburo, Henry Elle SEBASTIAN Sánchez Herrera, Arianna Elisa FRANCES Sforza,
Maximilian Kyungsoo FRANCIS Shin, Matthew Alexander SEBASTIAN Skiscim, Nicoletta Marie CECILIA Smith,
María Yanina JOSEPH Soto, John David PATRICK Thomas, Renan Andrés PEREGRINE Vargas, Kenia CECILIA
Vergel, Frank Christopher JOHN Willard, Thomas John SEBASTIAN Williams, Jr., Shelby Rose ELIZABETH ANN
SETON Wilson, Naomi Imara MARIA GORETTI Zarembka
“Welcome Home” Kits Collec on
May 21/22, before/a er Masses. When a homeless individual or
family receives permanent housing through Montgomery County
Coali on for the Homeless (MCCH), many basic items are needed. The
St Rose Outreach Ministry is coordina ng a collec on for two
Welcome Home Kits. Please review the list of needed items and
consider making a dona on through Sign Up Genius link: h p://
www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0544AFAA238-mcch. This link is also
on our St. Rose website homepage. INFO: Regina McCutcheon,
[email protected]
Moment of Mercy Rally
Sun., May 22, 1:30-3:00pm, Wisteria Drive and Execu ve Park Circle,
Germantown. Six women have been sent to hospitals via ambulance
from this abor on clinic in the past four months. Gather in prayer and
public witness to call on State authori es to end abor on. INFO:
www.PrayForGermantown.com. #WomenDeserveBe er
Rally “Momento de Misericordia”
El Domingo 22 de mayo, 1:30-3:00pm, en Wisteria Drive y Execu ve
Park Circle en Germantown. Seis mujeres han mandado al hospital en
ambulancia en menos de 4 meses. Únete a orar y dar tes monio
público para pedirle a las Autoridades Estatales para poner fin el
aborto. #WomenDeserveBe er INFO: www.PrayForGermantown.com
Eco-Ac on Team Giveaway:
Cucumbers, Squash, Tomatoes & More!
Wed., May 25, 7:00pm, Lewis Room.
Master Gardener Erica Smith will discuss
Gardening. She’ll focus on ge ng the
most out of your growing space,
and “farming” in raised beds and
containers. Come enjoy this informa ve
evening and kick start your fresh veggie
summer! INFO: Pat Cuff, pmcuff@aol.com
Pain ng Project Underway
This week, the Woodlands Room and sec ons of the Parish
Centre Foyer will be painted. They need to be maintained
nicely for the many parish events and rental events held
there. These areas of high-use use have become a bit shabby
looking. It has been a good number of years since they were
last painted, so we look forward to freshening them up!
Shelter Week Meals
Jack McKinney, Nelson Castro & Photography Ministry
On June 12-18, St. Rose will provide breakfast and lunch and serve
dinner for 35 women at the Wilkins Avenue Women's Assessment
Shelter in Rockville. Many of the residents, aged 19 to 70, are in
educa onal and voca onal programs to help them transi on into
permanent housing. This is a wonderful opportunity to help! SIGN UP:
►Star ng Tues., May 31, online sign up will be available at h p://
www.signupgenius.com/go/10c0d45adae2aa1f85-shelter2. The link is
also available on the parish website. ►June 4/5: Stop by the sign up
tables a er Masses. INFO: Anna Smink, [email protected] or 301294-3504
The St. Rose Photography Ministry has spent countless
hours in recent weeks, photographing many special
events - First Communion & Confirma on Masses, and
more. They do this free of charge - a real gi to St. Rose!
Brown Bag Summer Lunch Program
The Lord’s Table Soup Kitchen at St. Mar n’s closes during the
summer. Grace United Methodist Church provides bag lunches for
hungry people in Gaithersburg. If you are interested in a fun summer
service opportunity with your family, they are looking for volunteers
to shop, assemble, distribute or provide financial assistance. INFO:
Tammy Ripley, 301-384-2946 or [email protected]
May 7 - 13, 2016
Your Gi s to the Lord
Offertory ........................................................ $19,450
Mortgage Reduc on ......................................... $1,090
Capital Campaign................................................. $445
Direct Debit Capital Campaign ............................. $225
Gi Cer ficate Profit............................................ $130
Our Weekly Tithe
Parish Poor Box ................................................... $973
Upper Mont. Assistance Network (UMAN) ........ $1,000
Financial Fact
Gabriel Project Collec on & Volunteer Opportuni es
The Gabriel Project helps pregnant women in crisis. They are
collec ng gently used and new clothes and accessories for infants and
children of client families. ITEMS NEEDED: diaper bags, receiving
blankets, summer clothing and pj's for boys and girls. SIZES: Infant 14/16, especially boys’ sizes 5 and up. Bilingual volunteers are
needed: prayer supporters, Angel Friends and more. Most tasks take
10-60 minutes weekly. INFO: Natalie Ray, [email protected];
Diane Reinke, 301-946-4815
We received a le er of thanks from the Li le Sisters of
the Poor for your generous dona ons on April 2/3. The
annual collec on amounted to $5,438.65. Your gi s will
help them to provide the best possible care to the many
elderly persons in need who come to make their home
with the Sisters. They have promised to keep you in
their daily prayers for all your many inten ons.
Not all mee ngs & events appear on this calendar!
PARISH OFFICE .........................................................301-948-7545
Rev. Agus n Mateo Ayala.......... x 229 / [email protected]
Rev. Jus n Huber ........................ x 224 / fatherjus [email protected]
Deacon Al Opdenaker ................................ [email protected]
Deacon Leo Schneider.............................. [email protected]
Diácono Mario Moreno [email protected]
K-5 Religious Educa on / 1st Penance / 1st Eucharist
Susan Joseph .................................... x 245 / [email protected]
6-12 Religious Educa on / Confirma on / Youth Ministry
Molly Gradowski Herrera ........... x 225 / [email protected]
K-6 Educación Religiosa
Ivonne Salazar .................................. x 234 / [email protected]
Liturgy & Adult Faith Forma on
Chris ne Jeffrey ................................ x 230 / cjeff[email protected]
Social Concerns
Sherry Moitoza ...............................x 228 / [email protected]
Remi Bauer ........................................ x 235 / [email protected]
Youth & Children’s Music
Jeannie Vanover ..... 240-506-0258 / [email protected]
Mary Carey ....................................... x 221 / [email protected]
Administra ve Assistants
Laura Lowery .................................... x 238 / [email protected]
Tania Murphy ................................. x 223 / [email protected]
Liz Sullivan ....................................... x 232 / [email protected]
Maintenance Team
Michael Berceli ............................... x 287 / [email protected]
Rafael Cas llo .............................................. rcas [email protected]
Pastoral Council Liaison
Mark Moitoza ............................................... [email protected]
Finance Council Chair
Paul Riekhof ...........................................................301-990-1815
Bulle n items due at noon, 2 Fridays before publica on date!
Laura Lowery .................................... x 238 / [email protected]
Serving Grades K-8, Upper Montgomery County Parishes
Michael Friel, Principal ............................................301-869-0940
Website ................................................www.maryofnazareth.org
10:00 am
10:00 am
10:00 am
2:00 pm
2:00 pm
2:15 pm
4:30 pm
6:00 pm
Rome Pilgrimage Information Session (DGN)
Thomas Merton Contemplative Prayer (PAR)
Centering Prayer (HC)
Grupo de Jóvenes (BR)
Youth House Band Rehearsal (YC)
Confessions/Confesiones (CHRR)
CLC Choir Rehearsal (KD)
TLC Choir Rehearsal (CH)
7:00 pm Stephen Ministry Supervision (DGN2/STJ)
1:30 pm Stephen Ministry Leaders (LR2)
10:00 am
6:30 pm
7:00 pm
7:00 pm
9:30 am
7:00 pm
7:00 pm
7:30 pm
Yarn Angels Kni ng & Croche ng (STP)
High School MOHO—Ministry of Hanging Out (YC)
Eco-Action Team: Master Gardener Presentation (LR)
Fiesta Kick-Off Meeting (DGN)
Eucharis c Adora on un l 9:00 pm (HC)
Adult Choir Rehearsal (CH)
Confessions/Confesiones (HCRR)
RCIA Precatechumenate (STP)
10:00 am
5:00 pm
7:00 pm
7:00 pm
7:30 pm
Parish Play Group (OLCC)
African Dance Rehearsal (STP)
Grupo de Oración (DGN/STJ/OLCC)
Taller de Oración y Vida (LR2)
Maria Auxiliadora Coro Prác ca (KD)
8:00 am
8:30 am
9:30 am
10:00 am
4:00 pm
6:00 pm
7:00 pm
Church Cleaning Ministry (CH/CF)
Formación para Lectores: Equipo A (HC)
Lector Forma on: Team A (CH)
Legión de Maria (JE)
Confessions (CHRR)
Mes Mariano: Misa (CH)
Taller de Oración y Vida (DGN2)

Documentos relacionados


FULL MASTER-NEW LAYOUT.pub up to provide food or to deliver and serve food at the shelter. SIGN UP: ►June 4/5: Stop by the sign up tables a er Masses. ►Sign up online: h p://www.signupgenius.com/go/10c0d45adae2aa1f85-shelter...

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Bulletin_Mar 13 2016.pub que las clases hayan sido completadas. Los padres TIENEN que pre-registrarse para atender. Dos sesiones se requieren. 2016: marzo 12 y 19, mayo 14 y 21, sep embre 10 y 17, noviembre 5 y 12

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December 20, 2015

December 20, 2015 Monday-Friday................................... 8:30 am (English) 1er Viernes ........................................ 7:00 pm (Español) Sunday............................................... 7:15 ...

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FULL MASTER-NEW LAYOUT.pub que las clases hayan sido completadas. Los padres TIENEN que pre-registrarse para atender. Dos sesiones se requieren. 2016: enero 9 y 16, marzo 12 y 19, mayo 14 y 21, sep embre 10 y 17, noviembre 5...

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