Bulletin_Mar 13 2016.pub


Bulletin_Mar 13 2016.pub
St. Rose of Lima Parish
Parroquia Santa Rosa de Lima
In Christ, We are Bread for one another:
Broken… we gather.
Nourished… we reach out.
En Cristo, Somos Pan para cada uno:
Lo Dividimos… nos juntamos.
Alimentados… tendemos la mano.
Come Forth!
March 13, 2016
Jesus’ miracle of raising Lazarus from the dead led people to applaud Him on his
way to Jerusalem. However, this miracle is what ignited the events that lead to
Jesus’ arrest and death. Yet, with all of its power and drama, this miracle carries
a teaching of Jesus that is central to Lent, to Easter and to the Chris an life.
Many Chris ans readily believe that Jesus will give them eternal life when they
die, but they live as if He has no power to give them new life right now. They are
like Martha saying, “Lord, I know that Lazarus will rise on the last day,” not
realizing that Jesus could raise him that very moment. If Jesus has the power to
give us life a er we are dead, then He certainly has the power to give us life here
and now. Jesus raises Lazarus from the dead in such a public and drama c way
to show His power over all kinds of life and over all kinds of death.
There is not only biological death, but also spiritual death, when our life may
have lost purpose and direc on. We can be among the living dead - those who
live in tombs. From these tombs, Jesus calls us to come forth.
When Jesus says that He is the Resurrec on and the Life, the Lord is teaching us
that the cri cal moment in every human life is not the moment of puberty, not
the moment of our first job, not the moment of a promo on, not the moment of
marriage, not the moment of giving birth, not even the moment of death, but
the moment when we turn from unbelief to real belief in Jesus Christ. From Him,
we receive a new kind of life that is stronger than death because it is Jesus’ own
life that we call grace.
When we place ourselves in the hands of Christ and His truth, we start to emerge
from the darkness. Jesus calls out to us, “Come forth!” ...in Bap sm, from the
tomb of separa on from God to union with God ...in Confirma on, from the
tomb of private spirituality to a public expression of Faith ...in Reconcilia on,
from the tomb of sin to a renewed life of grace ...in the Eucharist, from the tomb
of isola on to a life of communion with Him and His Church ...in Anoin ng of the
Sick, from the tomb of anxiety in illness to joining our illness to His redeeming
work ...in Marriage and Holy Orders, from the tomb of self-absorp on to
sacrificial love.
We know Jesus can bring people to new life. We have heard their stories. The
history of the Church and of every parish is filled with empty tombs. Jesus can do
that for you and me.
The point of this Lazarus Gospel is that
Jesus is indeed the Resurrec on and the
Life, our Resurrec on and our Life! And
maybe, this year this church will be our
Bethany where we will come back to life!
11701 Clopper Rd., Gaithersburg, MD 20878-1024
 PHONE: 301-948-7545  FAX: 301-869-2170
 EMERGENCIES (A er Hours): 301-355-8191
 WEBSITE: www.strose-parish.org
Historic Chapel / Capilla Histórica
Monday-Friday................................... 8:30 am (English)
1er Viernes ........................................ 7:00 pm (Español)
Sunday............................................... 7:15 am (English)
1er Dimanche................................... 10:00 am (Français)
2nd Sunday ........................................ 5:00 pm (Tagalog)
Church / Iglesia
Saturday Vigil ..................................... 5:00 pm (English)
Sunday...................................... 8:45 am (English + ASL)
........................................................ 11:15 am (English)
Domingo ........................................... 1:00 pm (Español)
Historic Chapel / Capilla Histórica
Thursday........................ 7:00-9:00 pm (English/Español)
Church / Iglesia
Saturday ..................................... 4:00-4:30 pm (English)
Domingo .................................... 2:15-3:15 pm (Español)
Bap sm Classes
Begin while pregnant or awai ng adop on. Bap sms
will not be scheduled un l classes have been completed.
Parents MUST pre-register to a end. Two sessions are
required. 2016: May 14 & 21, more TBD
Clases para Bau smo
Comience cuando este embarazada o esperando una
adopción. Los Bau zos no se podrán programar hasta
que las clases hayan sido completadas. Los padres
TIENEN que pre-registrarse para atender. Dos sesiones
se requieren. 2016: marzo 12 y 19, mayo 14 y 21,
sep embre 10 y 17, noviembre 5 y 12
Church / Iglesia
2o Domingo ...................................... 12:00pm (Español)
2nd Sunday ........................................ 12:30pm (English)
Stephen Ministry
Ralph Bally, 301-873-0487 (English)
Zita Tepie, 301-519-1527 (English)
Accessibility / Fácil Acceso
Hearing systems, accessible sea ng, large print worship
guides and an ASL interpreter (8:45am) are available. /
Aparatos ampliadores de sonido y asientos accesibles
están disponibles.
Woodlands Room Rental / Eventos de Alquiler
Maria Cris na Peano, [email protected]
Palm Sunday / Domingo de Ramos
Cycle C - March 19/20, 2016
Historic Chapel:
Sun., 7:15 am Fr. Jus n Huber
Sat., 5:00 pm
Sun., 8:45 am
Sun., 11:15 am
Sun., 1:00 pm
Fr. Quinn Conners
Fr. Jus n Huber
Fr. Agus n Mateo
Fr. Agus n Mateo
Luke 19:28-40
Isaiah 50:4-7
Philippians 2:6-11
Luke 22:14-23:56
Liturgical Ministers:
Team C
Bread Bakers: Group 6
Sta ons of the Cross for Families
Good Friday, March 25, 10:00am, rain or shine. Journey the
Way of the Cross on parish grounds and contemplate the
passion, death and resurrec on of our Lord. We will begin in
the Church. A keepsake symbol for each sta on will be given
out. 15 Families are needed to take turns carrying the cross.
INFO: Susan Joseph, [email protected]
Men’s Retreat 2016:
Man on a Mission – Men of Mercy
Sat., Mar. 19, 7:30am-3:30pm, at St. John Paul II Na onal
Shrine. Join with other men from the Archdiocese for this day
of retreat. COST: $20. INFO: h p://adw.org/manonamission/
† Deceased * Living
Mon., 3/14 8:30 HC * Jean-Auguste, Joseph, Sarah & Maria Harb,
by Carmen Harb
Tue., 3/15 8:30 HC † Thomas O’Conner, by John Santell & Lee Wilson
Wed., 3/16 8:30 HC † Brigida & Jacinto Camomot, by Vilma Wi en
Thu., 3/17 8:30 HC † Ryan Family Members, by Chris ne Jeffrey
† Howard Doescher, by Barb & Jim Gibney
Fri., 3/18 8:30 HC † Jazmin Aristorenas, by Family Members
Sat., 3/19 5:00 CH † Maja Camacho, by Leonard & Marie a Orcino
Sun., 3/20 7:15 HC † Nancy L. Brune, by Leo & Elaine Schneider
Sun., 3/20 8:45 CH † Thomas O’Conner, by John Santell & Lee Wilson
Sun., 3/20 11:15 CH † Hector Patel, by Nancy Hurwitz
Sun., 3/20 1:00 CH † Martha Lidia de Soto, by Emma Soto
Those who are sick / Aquellos quienes están enfermos:
Zabrina Abad, Patricia Aravena, Rev. José Jesús Arriaga, Nenita
Bagasbas, Will Bauman, Clint Botkin, Jose Cabrera, Jean Calder, Kari
Conklin, Frances Davis, Daniel Downey Jr., Mary Elko, Tim Feldman,
Stephen Franklin, Jan Fuller, Gladys Garate, Gary Greenbaum, Rich
Haske, Carolyn Hoyle, Randa Jabbour, Gabrielle Juge, Peter Kilcullen,
Mar n Kilmer, Taegon Jerome Kim, Janet Mastal, Josie Ma ero,
James McDermo , Valen na Nuñez, Chris ne Opdenaker, Gloria
Ortwerth, Aida Parra, Iris Pinares, Lucio Pinares, Luis Ramos, Luis
Reyes, Mary Rhoads, Esteban Salazar, Fernando Saraza, Lea Sarceño,
Patricia Sa alo, Joseph Seppy, Andres Sierralta, Sydney Nadine
Therwanger, Flora Tolendino, Marilyn Tripoli, Fernando Velasquez,
Mel Vineyard, Kathy Wessman, Paula Wilson & Alice Wright.
Liturgical Ministers for Triduum & Easter
Liturgical ministers are needed for Holy Thursday, Good Friday
and Easter Vigil liturgies. Please sign up on the sign up board.
Team A Ministers are expected to serve their scheduled
assignment for Easter Sunday liturgies, but addi onal liturgical
ministers are needed! Please sign up using Sign Up Genius:
h p://www.signupgenius.com/go/20f0e49aea629a1f94-easter.
The link is also on our website.
Celebrate the Sacraments with
Our Adap ve Religious Educa on Students!
This year 12 students par cipated in our new Adap ve
Religious Educa on Program, which offers catechesis to
students who have special needs in a small group/one-on-one
se ng, op mizing their learning. Twenty teen faith mentors
have journeyed with these students. On Sat., April 9 at the
5:00pm Mass, three students will receive Confirma on and
eight will receive First Communion. Please join us in celebra ng
with our young friends and share with them the sense of
belonging here at St. Rose.
The Light Is On For You: Experience God’s Mercy
During Lent, experience God’s loving mercy in the sacrament of
Reconcilia on. In addi on to our regular Confession schedule
(Sat., 4:00–4:30pm, CH; Thurs., 7:00-9:00pm, HC; Sun., a er the
1:00pm Mass, CH), confessions will be heard on Sundays, 10:00
-11:00am and Wednesdays, 6:30-8:00pm, in the Church.
Those who have died / Aquellos que han fallecido.
Lenten Pilgrimage for Young Adults
March 19. Young adults (20s-30s) are invited to join the Annual
7 Church Walk. Make a Lenten pilgrimage to seven downtown
DC churches. INFO & REGISTRATION: www.DCCatholic.org
Li le White Books for Easter
A limited number of these seasonal daily reflec on booklets
have been ordered. To reserve a copy, please send an email to
cjeff[email protected], with “White Easter Book” in the Subject
line of the email.
Lenten Fish Fry Dinner Update
Summer Religion Camp Registra on
Join our Knights of Columbus for a Lenten Fish Fry Dinner on
Friday, March 11. Meal includes Fish, French Fries, Cole Slaw,
Green Beans, Macaroni & Cheese, Fruit Cocktail, Iced Tea &
Lemonade. Tickets will be sold this weekend and at the door on
event dates. COST: $10/Adult, $6/Child, $25/Family. ►NOTE TO
March 4 Fish Fry was cancelled, ckets will be honored at the
March 11 Fish Fry or you can be reimbursed.
Online registra on for St. Rose parishioners is now underway. Camp is
open to children ages 3 to 17. Leadership Training Camp is for rising
5th to rising 8th graders. High School students lead Camp, alongside
adult volunteers. Teens/Adults: Sign up to volunteer using the camp
registra on form. THEME: Cathle cs - Training To Be Champions For
Christ. CAMP DATES: Mon., July 25 - Fri., July 29, 9:00am-12:00pm.
COST: $50/child. REGISTRATION: h p://www.strose-parish.org/
summer-camp-registra on INFO: Kathryn Heetderks, Camp Director, 1
-520-SRL-CAMP (1-520-775-2267) or [email protected]
O.W.L.S. St. Patrick's Pot Luck & Sing-a-Long
Tues., Mar. 15, 12:00pm, Duggan Room. Join the Older, Wiser,
Loving Seniors (OWLS) for corned beef and cabbage, followed
by an Irish songfest. Bring a side dish or dessert to share. Friends
are welcome! RSVP: Linda LeBlanc, [email protected] or 301963-1269
Youth Ministry Spring Retreat 2016
April 15-17, at Camp Wabanna Retreat Center,
Edgewater, MD. Are you red? Do you need a
break from the business of the every day
rush? All 9th-12th grade students are
invited to join us for a weekend retreat
surrounded by the water! COST: $120
or Molly Gradowski, [email protected]
Ministry of Hanging Out for Teens (MOHO)
All 8-12 grade students are invited to join the youth group for
MOHO every Wednesday in the Youth Room, 6:30-8:30pm. INFO:
www.strose-parish.com/youth-ministry or Molly Gradowski,
[email protected]
Lighthouse CDs Are Back!
These CD’s are a way to help you know more about your faith. In the
back of the church, you will see a display offering different CD tles
and different pamphlets. We ask for a dona on of $3.00 per CD and
$.50 per pamphlet so that we may con nue this program.
Defend Life Talk:
The Church & Contemporary Culture on Sexual Morality
& Abor on - Bridging the Great Divide
Thurs., Mar. 17, 7:30pm, St. Jude Church, Rockville. Presented by Fr.
Peter Ryan, S.J. Execu ve Director of the Secretariat of Doctrine and
Canonical affairs of the USCCB. INFO: www.DefendLife.org
Morning Retreat at St. Rose:
Transforma on - The Goal of Chris an Spirituality
Sat., April 2, 8:30am, Duggan Room. Join our Flower of Carmel Lay
Carmelite Community for this morning retreat, featuring keynote
speaker The Most Reverend Father Joseph Chalmers, O. Carm. INFO:
Nancy Buschman, 301-258-2958; flowerofcarmellcc.weebly.com;
fl[email protected]
Year of Mercy Resources
The Aging Brain: Alzheimer’s/Demen a Discussion
Sun., May 29, 4:00-5:30pm. St. Rose will host a speaker from The
Alzheimer’s Associa on. If you or someone you know is affected
by Alzheimer’s disease or demen a, it is me to learn the facts.
This program will provide informa on on detec on, causes and
risk factors, stages of the disease and treatment. INFO: Sherry
Moitoza, [email protected]
Fin de Semana del Encuentro Matrimonial Mundial
Así como las plantas necesitan agua y sol para crecer, los
matrimonios necesitan momentos de reencuentro para renovar y
hacer crecer su amor sin importar los años que tengan de
casados. El Fin de Semana es una experiencia enriquecedora para
todo matrimonio. Las fechas de los próximos Fines de Semana
son: 9 y 10 de abril; y 21 y 22 de mayo de 2016. INFO &
REGISTRACIÓN: Baltazar y Gloria Or z, 301-879-4411, o Fidel y
Edis Granados, 301-252-2946
Throughout the Jubilee of Mercy, the USCCB
is pos ng monthly reflec ons based on
Scripture passages that Pope Francis uses in
his Bull, Misericordiae Vultus. . . (MV). By
beginning with a scripture passage and a
reference to paragraphs in Misericordiae
Vultus, each reflec on offers a way to more
deeply embrace the call to embody mercy
that is asked of every Chris an. h p://
www.usccb.org/beliefs-and-teachings/howwe-teach/new-evangeliza on/jubilee-ofmercy/medita ons-on-mercy.cfm
Lenten Book Discussion: The Name of God is Mercy
Tuesdays of Lent, 12:00-1:00pm, Byron Room. Bring your own lunch
and join us for a discussion of Pope Francis’ new book, The Name of
God is Mercy. Bring your own copy of the book, which you can find
easily on Amazon in the version you like. Each week a new chapter and
its prac cal implica ons will be discussed. Come ready to learn more
about Mercy! INFO: Sherry Moitoza, [email protected]
Emergency Assistance Volunteers Needed
St. Rose works closely with and financially supports the Upper
Montgomery Assistance Network (UMAN), which provides local
residents in need with emergency assistance. They are seeking intake
volunteers to work out of the Gaithersburg office one day per week
for 2-4 hours. All training is provided. UMAN is also in urgent need of
an experienced bookkeeper to work on Wednesdays. INFO: Gina,
[email protected] or 301-926-4422
Panhandling at the Parish
For the safety of all people involved, we ask that you kindly not offer
money to people who are panhandling on parish property. If a person
approaches you, please hand them a yellow Emergency Assistance
card (available in the Church Foyer). These cards list local
organiza ons that can assist them with a variety of needs (food,
shelter or clothing). Direc ng our needy brothers and sisters towards
agencies set up to assist them will help reverse the downward cycle
of poverty. Thank you for your assistance with this situa on. INFO:
Sherry Moitoza, [email protected]
Hungering to Grow a New Tomorrow
This week’s CRS Rice Bowl country is the island na on of Madagascar,
where we’re reminded of the important role farmers play in caring
for God’s crea on. As we prepare our meals throughout the week, let
us reflect on where our food comes from and what role we can play
in caring for our environment. INFO: crsricebowl.org
Lenten Speaker Series: Living Lives of Mercy
Tuesdays of Lent, 7:30pm (following Evening Prayer), Historic Chapel.
A variety of speakers will challenge us in “Living Lives of Mercy.” THIS
WEEK: Special Needs Ministry, presented by teen faith mentors from
our Adap ve Religious Educa on Program. INFO: Sherry Moitoza,
[email protected]
Become an Outreach Commi ee Volunteer!
The St. Rose Outreach Commi ee supports community ac vi es such
as food collec ons, shelter week meals, the holiday gi ing tree and
more. It takes a lot of volunteers to make these efforts come to
frui on. If you are interested in receiving communica on about these
rewarding opportuni es, please send your email address to
[email protected]
Benefit Concert for Gaithersburg HELP
Sat., Mar. 19, 6:00pm, First Bap st Church of Gaithersburg, 200 W.
Diamond Ave. The magnificent Na onal Chris an Choir will perform a
concert at this benefit event for Gaithersburg HELP. Please come
early to bid in the silent auc on that will include sports memorabilia,
jewelry, spa packages, and many other goodies. Don't miss this
wonderful event. The choir will perform a wide range of musical
styles, so all can enjoy. TICKETS: $15/person, available online at
www.gaithersburghelp.org or at the door.
Spring Shape Up Day
Sat., Apr. 9, 9:30am-2:30pm. (Rain Date: Sat., Apr. 16) Lots of
hands are needed to beau fy our grounds and facili es! A
light breakfast and hearty lunch will be served. Please bring
tools and work gloves. Students: Earn community service
credits! Get pre-approved and
bring your form. SIGN UP: A er
Masses on March 19/20 and April
2/3, in the Church Foyer. INFO:
Stan Fisher, sfi[email protected]
Dia de Limpieza Primaveral
El sabado, 9 de abril, 9:30am2:30pm. (En caso de lluvia: el
sabado, 16 de abril.) ¡Se necesita
de muchas manos para embellecer las áreas verdes e
instalaciones! Se servirá un desayuno ligero y copioso
almuerzo. Por favor traiga herramientas y guantes de trabajo.
Estudiantes: ¡Adquiera créditos de servicio comunitario! No
se olviden de tener una pre-aprobación y traigan su forma.
ANOTESE PARA AYUDAR después de la misa el 19/20 de
marzo y el 2/3 de abril. INFO: Stan Fisher,
sfi[email protected]
Women’s Faith Li Presenters & Team Members
Thanks to Susan Timoney, Alice Houk, Michaela
Johnson, Chris ne Jeffrey, Kathryn Heetderks, Tania
Murphy, Kathy Wessman & Carolyn Stamatakis for
sharing their faith and gi s with parish women at the
retreat last Saturday.
February 27 - March 4, 2016
Your Gi s to the Lord
Offertory ........................................................ $17,277
Mortgage Reduc on ............................................ $640
Capital Campaign................................................. $445
Social Ac on Fund ............................................... $100
Gi Cer ficate Profit............................................ $175
Our Weekly Tithe
Parish Poor Box ................................................... $864
Gaithersburg HELP ............................................... $500
Financial Fact
On Sundays we offer child care during the 8:45 and
11:15am Masses. We also provide child care during
Bap sm prepara on sessions and 1st Penance and 1st
Communion retreats. Our child care providers are paid
hourly. This past fiscal year (July 2014-June 2015), the
cost to St. Rose for this service was $4,499.
Not all mee ngs & events appear on this calendar!
PARISH OFFICE .........................................................301-948-7545
Rev. Agus n Mateo Ayala.......... x 229 / [email protected]
Rev. Jus n Huber ........................ x 224 / fatherjus [email protected]
Deacon Al Opdenaker ................................ [email protected]
Deacon Leo Schneider.............................. [email protected]
Diácono Mario Moreno [email protected]
K-5 Religious Educa on / 1st Penance / 1st Eucharist
Susan Joseph .................................... x 245 / [email protected]
6-12 Religious Educa on / Confirma on / Youth Ministry
Molly Gradowski Herrera ........... x 225 / [email protected]
K-6 Educación Religiosa
Ivonne Salazar .................................. x 234 / [email protected]
Liturgy & Adult Faith Forma on
Chris ne Jeffrey ................................ x 230 / cjeff[email protected]
Social Concerns
Sherry Moitoza ...............................x 228 / [email protected]
Remi Bauer ........................................ x 235 / [email protected]
Youth & Children’s Music
Jeannie Vanover ..... 240-506-0258 / [email protected]
Mary Carey ....................................... x 221 / [email protected]
Administra ve Assistants
Laura Lowery .................................... x 238 / [email protected]
Tania Murphy ................................. x 223 / [email protected]
Liz Sullivan ....................................... x 232 / [email protected]
Maintenance Team
Michael Berceli ............................... x 287 / [email protected]
Rafael Cas llo .............................................. rcas [email protected]
Pastoral Council Liaison
Terri Meyer .................................................. [email protected]
10:00 am
11:30 am
12:00 pm
12:30 pm
2:00 pm
2:15 pm
5:00 pm
6:30 pm 6-12 Religious Education (LR/BR/YC/PCW)
6:30 pm K-6 Educación Religiosa (RTH/JE/SAR/IS/STP/STJ/DGN1)
7:00 pm Stephen Ministry Class (KD) & Supervision (DGN2/STJ)
12:00 pm
12:00 pm
6:30 pm
6:30 pm
7:00 pm
7:00 pm
7:45 pm
OWLS Pot Luck Luncheon & Sing-a-Long (DGN)
Lenten Book Discussion: The Name of God is Mercy (BR)
6-12 Religious Education (LR/BR/YC/PCW)
K-5 Religious Educa on (JE/RTH/DGN/STJ/STP/IS)
Lenten Evening Prayer & Speaker Series (HC)
Pastoral Council Execu ve Commi ee (OFC)
Scripture Ins tute (STJ)
6:30 pm
6:30 pm
7:00 pm
7:00 pm
7:00 pm
7:30 pm
Confessions/Confesiones (CHRR)
High School MOHO - Ministry of Hanging Out (YC)
French Choir Rehearsal (KD)
Liturgical Ministries Commi ee (BR2)
Flower of Carmel Evening Prayer & Mee ng (HC/DGN2)
Pax Chris (STP)
9:30 am
7:00 pm
7:00 pm
7:00 pm
7:00 pm
7:00 pm
Eucharis c Adora on un l 9:00 pm (HC)
Adult Choir Rehearsal (CH)
Stephen Ministry Class (DGN1)
Adult Confirma on Prepara on (STJ)
Ensayo de Via Crucis en Vivo (PCW)
Confessions/Confesiones (HCRR)
9:15 am
7:00 pm
7:00 pm
7:00 pm
7:30 pm
7:30 pm
Catholicism Series (DGN1)
Sta ons of the Cross (CH)
Taller de Oración y Vida (LR2)
Via Crucis (HC)
Misión Cuaresmal (PCW)
Maria Auxiliadora Coro Prac ca (KD)
Finance Council Chair
Paul Riekhof ...........................................................301-990-1815
Bulle n items due at noon, 2 Fridays before publica on date!
Laura Lowery .................................... x 238 / [email protected]
Serving Grades K-8, Upper Montgomery County Parishes
Michael Friel, Principal ............................................301-869-0940
Website ................................................www.maryofnazareth.org
K-5 Religious Education (LLCH/BR/LR/PCF)
K-6 Educación Religiosa (LLCH/BR/LR)
Reunión de Nuevos Miembros (DGN)
Newcomer’s Gathering (DGN)
Grupo de Jóvenes (BR)
Confessions/Confesiones (CHRR)
Filipino Mass (HC)
7:00 am
8:00 am
8:15 am
8:30 am
9:30 am
10:30 am
2:00 pm
4:00 pm
7:00 pm
Re ro Primera Comunión (PCW/STP/STJ)
Church Cleaning Ministry (CH/CF)
RCIA Retreat (LR)
Formación para Lectores: Equipo C (HC)
Lector Forma on: Team C (CH)
Preparación para Bau zo: Sesión 2 (CH)
Entrenamiento de Música (RTH)
Confessions (CHRR)
Taller de Oración y Vida (STJ)

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