this week`s bulletin - Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish
this week`s bulletin - Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish
Our Lady of Perpetual Help Saint Nicholas Church + On the Web: 146 S. Pitney Road Galloway, NJ 08205 + Church of the Assumption Email: [email protected] Parish Staff Rev. Nicholas Dudo ................................................. Pastor Rev. Vincent Orum AJ ........................... Parochial Vicar Rev. Armando Rodriguez Montoya ...Hispanic Ministries Rev. Yvans Jazon ..................................Haian Ministry Mr. Frank Cerullo ............................ Permanent Deacon Mr. Michael Guerrieri.................... Permanent Deacon Kristy Torres .................................................... Bookkeeper Rebecca Moore ..................................... Parish Secretary Joe Picardi................................ Administrave Assistant Nancy Riddell................ Dir. of Youth Faith Formaon Terri Moncrief ............. Religious Educaon Secretary Rich Sooy..................................Maintenance Supervisor Donna Marie Berchtold................. .. ......Music Director Mass Schedule ASSUMPTION CHURCH 146 S. Pitney Road Galloway, NJ 08205 Saturday Evening .............................................. 4:00 pm Sunday ...................................................8:30 & 11:00 am Holy Days...................... as announced in the bullen Weekdays Monday - Friday .............................................. 8:00 am Tuesday, Thursday ....................................... 12:15 pm ST. NICHOLAS CHURCH 525 St. Louis Ave. Egg Harbor, NJ 08215 Saturday Evening ............................. 4:30 pm (English) Sunday .................................................. 8:45 am (English) Sunday .............................................. 10:30 am (Spanish) Holy Days...................... as announced in the bullen Weekdays Monday, Wednesday, Friday...................... 7:00 am Spanish Mass ...................................Tuesdays, 6:30pm Religious Education Phone .........................................609-652-0008 ext. 208 Fax ................................................................ 609-652-0883 Email ........................ [email protected] Hours Monday-Wednesday ................. 7:00 am - 4:00 pm Thursday ........................................ 8:00 am - 4:00 pm Sacraments BAPTISMS: Arrangements must be made through the parish office. PRE-BAPTISM WORKSHOPS: Pre-registraon is required through the parish office. CONFESSIONS: Saturdays at 3:00 pm - Assumpon Church; Saturdays at 3:30 pm - St. Nicholas Church or by appointment with a priest. MATRIMONY: Arrangements must be made one year in advance. Please call the parish office to make an appointment with one of our parish priests. LOW-GLUTEN HOSTS ARE available at both of our parish's worship sites. Please see an usher 15 minutes before Mass for further instrucons. For your convenience, our parish now parcipates in ELECTRONIC GIVING – Visit our website and click on the “Parish Giving” logo on the le side for further informaon. SERVICIO PASTORAL A LA COMUNIDAD HISPANA Misa dominical a las 10:30 am en la iglesia. Ultreya de Cursillo todos los Martes a las 7:30 pm. Misa a las 6:30 pm en español. Confesión antes de la misa o por la cita con el sacerdote. PARISH CENTER 146 S. Pitney Road, Bldg 1, Galloway, NJ 08205 Phone ........... 609-652-0008 Fax ............. 609-652-0883 Hours ............................................................. 8:00 am - 4:00 pm Assumption Regional Catholic School Information 146 S. Pitney Road, Galloway, NJ 08205 Mary Ellen Schurtz, Principal Phone ................................................................ 609-652-7134 Fax ...................................................................... 609-652-2544 On the Web Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time July 24, 2016 MASS INTENTIONS SATURDAY July 30, 2016 4:00 PM (A) Gerry Hand/ Phillips Family Dec’d members of Guerrieri Family/ Charles Guerrieri Jennie Hahn/ McMahan Family Jackie Clark/ Lorraine & Hank Kolb Joyce Calise/ her sister Pat Doerr Capistrano P. Luzano, Sr./ wife Teresita 4:30 PM (SN) Mary Ann Gatto/ Ethel & Andy Merlock SUNDAY July 31, 2016 8:30 AM (A) Harold (Randy) Hagar/ Le Family 8:45 AM (SN) Jeannette Weachock/ Carlene Moloney Robert Hare/ Joyce & Bob Petrosh George McDermott/ Torres Family Domingo Descartin/Paul & Lady Haes William Haes/ Paul & Lady Haes Alexander Boaggio/ Marie Gurick 10:30 AM (SN) Albita Cotes/Ivia & Tony Ruiz Special intentions of Yamelyn Fuentes and Frankie Fuentes/ La Familia Fuentes Hipolito Reyes Falcon/ Iraida Melendez 11:00 AM (A) John Goggins/ Jordal Family 12:45 PM (A) Mass in Creole (Haitian Community) MONDAY August 1, 2016 7:00 AM (SN) Jeannette Weachock/ Family 8:00 AM (A) Laura Frantz/ Jim & Bobbie Tarby TUESDAY August 2, 2016 8:00 AM (A) Special intentions of Andy Mahieu Birthday/ Mom & Dad 12:15 PM (A) Michael Cleary/ Mom & Dad 6:30 PM (SN) People of the Parish WEDNESDAY August 3, 2016 7:00 AM (SN) Maria De los Angeles “Gela” Vargas/ Lopez Family 8:00 AM (A) Joseph Trotter/ Dorothy Lairdiesen THURSDAY August 4, 2016 8:00 AM (A) James McDevitt/ Mike & Ellen Tobia 12:15 PM (A) George Dudo/ Pat & Neil Spencer FRIDAY August 5, 2016 7:00 AM (SN) Anicasia Torres/ Family 8:00 AM (A) Josefina Marcelo/ Family SATURDAY August 6, 2016 9:00 AM (A) Mary Ann Gatto/ Jeri-Lynn & Walter Vernon 4:00 PM (A) Ray Kartanowicz/ Dolores and kids 4:30 PM (SN) Ernesto Torres/ Family Helen Schairer/ Evonne Kaminski Marie Stuckel/ Marty & Judy Roesch & Family Rosina McGeary/ Perna Family John Ganiel II/ Jim & Helen Berchtold Bruce Kienzle/ Paul & Elaine Rundio & Family SUNDAY August 7, 2016 8:30 AM (A) Fernand E. Allgeyer/ Wife and Family Nancy King/ Schurtz Family Jennie Hahn/ Michael Feeney Helen & Albert Schenkel/ Family Francis & Catherine Callahan/ Schurtz Family Janet Lentz/ Long Family 8:45 AM (SN) George Dudo/ Olivia Torres & Family 10:30 AM (SN) Maria Vargas/ daughter Marisol 11:00 AM (A) Michelle Wezgrzyn/ Jim & Janice LaGreco 12:45 PM (A) Mass in Creole (Haitian Community) READINGS FOR SUNDAY, AUGUST 7, 2016 WISDOM 18:6-9 (117C) HEBREWS 11:1-2, 8-19 OR 11:1-2, 8-12 GOSPEL: LUKE 12:32-48 OR 12:35-40 Pray For Our Sick Let us remember the sick of our community that they may receive healing of body, soul and spirit Andy Mahieu, Tom Iannaccio, Melvin Manning, Margaret Butler, Caroline McClure, Carmen Ramirez, Jessica Weeks George Link, Abel Pencheff, Joseph Banger, Carlos Rivera, Emil Cypra, Joanne Gazo, Joseph LoPiccolo, Luke Thomas Colluzzi, Dorothy Young, Roy Havelin, Sharon Armhold, Brennan Camp, Betty Ann Rundio, Ronald Clarke, Esther Frontuto, Judy Medrano, Ronnie Garbutt Jr, Mary Emma Sartorio, John Guerra, Jim Colaianni, Marcia Ireland, Blaise Verret, Nick DeMatteo, Peter Perry, Maria Grecia Loracle, Maria & Charles Conrad, Donald & Patricia Venice, Nancy, Teddy and Arnie Cunningham, Donald Sandberg, Irene Dingman, Emma Diegelman, Joseph Husta, Cecelia LeFevre, Leo Gaudette, Lillian Smith, Betty Zakopcsan, Debbie D’Olio, Sylvia DiIanni, Peter Perry, Gerry Campbell, Marilyn Ann Kahill, Jay Darcey, Flo Pagliuco, Keith Steffler, Holly Taggart, Jackie Bauman, Jack Guenther, Rene Doan, Tom Jordan, Jr., Christine Logan & Margie Spataro. COMMUNION SERVICE – Every Saturday at 8:00 am, St. Nicholas Church. All are welcomed. ALTAR & ROSARY SOCIETY – Meets on the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 7:00 pm, St. Nicholas Church Grotto to pray the rosary for the summer months. Please bring a lawn chair. CAP CLASSES – The schedule can be found on the Diocesan website: if you would like to attend a class or call 856-583-6165. ADORATION OF THE MOST BLESSED SACRAMENT is held weekly on Wednesdays (A) from 8:30 am ending with Benediction at 6:00 pm. If you would like to volunteer, please call the parish office. CHARISMATIC PRAYER GROUPS – Meets every week at two locations. Monday’s at 7:30 pm, St. Nicholas Rectory and Wednesdays at 7:15 pm, Assumption’s Church Narthex. MONTHLY ROSARY - We invite everyone to come to our first Friday of the month Rosary at 7:00 pm, Assumption site Chapel Next rosary will be August 5, 2016. ALTAR LINENS: St. Nicholas Church August – Mary Emma Sartorio THE SANCTUARY CANDLES THIS WEEK (ASSUMPTION – CHURCH) In memory of Robert Wainen Requested by: Wife Dolores (ASSUMPTION – CHAPEL) In memory of Franca Vespe Requested by: Vitello Family Exciting New Program AT OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP, GALLOWAY! On Monday, August 15 (the Feast of the Assumption of Mary), the Bishop of Camden will celebrate a Mass for a couple thousand people at Boardwalk Hall (home of the world's biggest organ). At noon, an introductory program will precede the Mass with a VIP speaker and the National Anthem sung by a former Miss America. After the Mass, the bishop and the Mayor of Atlantic City will lead a procession to the surf for the "wedding" of the city and the sea. It's based on an ancient Venetian tradition, with a lifeboat instead of a gondola. Then the festival begins a couple of blocks away at St. Michael's Church. Ten restaurant vendors and a beer garden, live music, children's games, face painting, balloon artist. Food includes Italian, Hispanic, Vietnamese, seafood, and gourmet desserts. Even if you don't come for the ceremony, come for the festival. It runs from 12:30 to 6 PM. PLUS there's a military parade on the Boardwalk at 6 PM. AND we're having a service for veterans at St. Nicholas of Tolentine Church the following day, Tuesday, August 16, at 10:30 AM. St. Nicholas is the St. Patrick's Cathedral of Atlantic City. There's a free lunch for vets afterward. This event is sponsored by the NJ American Legion and Catholic Charities. The Atlantic City Airshow is Wednesday, August 17, so you could stay for a few days. You can friend us on Facebook: Starting Thursday, September 8, 2016, the Church Ministry Institute of Camden (CMIC) is happy to launch a series of courses on basic theology at Our Lady of Perpetual Help in Galloway. The first course will be “Old Testament.” Subsequent courses, taught by a variety of Masters level instructors, will include Scripture, Morality, Ministry Skills, Catholic Social Teaching, Lay Ministry, Church History, Eucharist, and much more. These courses are excellent for adults seeking to learn about their faith as well as for catechists and parish ministers seeking certificates. There are no tests or term papers – only great information! Each course runs six Thursdays from 6:30 pm to 9:00 pm and will be held in the Media Center at the Assumption Regional Catholic School. Cost per course is $60 – or $250 pre-paid for five courses. Catechists or for those who will are willing to volunteer as a catechist the parish will contribute half of the tuition of $30.00. After completion of one level (5 courses) tuition paid by the participant will be reimbursed. For more information and to register, contact JoLynn Krempecki, Director of Lay Ministry Formation, at 856-583-2905 or email [email protected] OR Nancy Riddell at our parish office, 609-652-0008, ext 208. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION NEWS! The Religious Education Office is now taking registrations for the weekly and Monthly Family sessions starting in the fall. Registrations may be downloaded from the parish web site or obtained from the Religious Education Office during normal office hours. Please call us with any questions at 609-652-0008 extension 207 or 208. House of Charity Update We made it to over 80% of our House of Charity goal with contributions from only 16% of our parish families! That’s incredible for those who contributed and a challenge to step up for those who haven’t given. Even if you can do a one-time gift and can’t fit a year-long pledge in your budget, every bit counts to help our parish do its part in the diocese. From youth ministry, campus ministry, serving people with disabilities, encouraging vocations, and ethnic ministry outreach, this annual fund helps in this parish and beyond. Please search within and see if you can afford to support the many efforts of the Camden Diocese through your home parish. We also thank those who have contributed for your extreme generosity. DOMINICAN COLLEGE – An information session interested in Undergraduate and Graduate Degrees is scheduled for Wednesday, August 10, 2016. Further information got to: THE 48TH ANNUAL PARISH CHICKEN BARBECUE will take place 1pm-6pm on Sunday, August 21st, at St. Gianna Beretta Molla Parish, 1421 New Road, Northfield. Tickets are $15 adults, $7 children (12 & under). Take-outs are available. For more information call 609.646.5611 and ask for Nancy MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER - Don’t take a summer vacation from caring for your marriage. Bring a breath of fresh air to your relationship. The next Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekends are: Sept 30-Oct 2 and Dec. 9-11, 2016. Call 609-7418012 for information or email: [email protected] or visit our website: BINGO - Our next Bingo will be on Thursday August 4th. The doors will open at 5:30 pm in the St. Nicholas school cafeteria. Games will begin at 7 p.m. $1,000 in prize money. Cakes, snacks & hot dogs will be available as well as coffee and soda. Come out and enjoy the fun. Anuncios Para La Comunidad Hispana • Spanish Community News BIENVENIDOS a todos de parte del Párroco Nick Dudo, Rev. Vincent Orum, AJ, Rev. Armando Rodríguez Montoya y todos los miembros de la Parroquia de Nuestra Señora del Perpetuo Socorro – OLPH. Iglesia San Nicolás. Gracias por su presencia. NOTICIAS IMPORTANTES: Rectoría: (609) 652-0008 -Favor de hacer cheques a “Our Lady of Perpetual Help” o simplemente: OLPH. 1. ATENCION: Todas las intenciones de misa serán aceptadas por una ofrenda mínima de $15.00 por cada tarjeta. Se pueden echar en la colecta con la información y dinero. Ponerle “Mass Card – Misa Hispana” afuera del sobre. Cheques a nombre de OLPH. Para más información llamen a la rectoría: 652-0008. recuerden de notar si es para difunto, enfermo, o cumpleaños, NO se permitirán peticiones el mismo día de las misas. Esto lleva todo un proceso. Para las misas de los Domingos y Martes, si tiene alguna intención, favor de enviarla por lo menos 3 semanas de anticipación, para que pueda salir en el boletín. Por favor escriba su numero de teléfono por si acaso necesitan comunicarse con ustedes. Gracias 2. LECTORES Y MINISTROS EXTRAORDINARIOS: NO SE OLVIDEN, las reuniones serán, el tercer martes de mes después de la misa para ambos. Por favor traten de asistir a estas reuniones son bien instructivas. Necesitamos que todos asistan! Si NO pueden leer los días que están asignados o participar en la eucaristía, favor de ver a Yolanda! Es bien importante que todos tengamos comunicación! 3. HORA SANTA: Se celebra en el primer martes de mes después de la misa. 4. BAUTISMO: Todo aquel que este interesado en bautizar, tendremos las clases de catequesis para padres y padrinos el segundo martes de cada mes, comenzando a las 5:30pm y terminando con la Santa misa 5. FESTIVAL: Necesitamos voluntarios para el festival, que se celebrara en Septiembre 18, 2016. Las reuniones son el primer martes o miércoles de mes a las 7pm en la cafetería. Si estas interesado/a en pertenecer al comité, por favor vea a, Yolanda López o Denise Chávez. LANCASTER BUS TRIP - Merry Christmas! Join us on our Parish Christmas bus trip on Tuesday December 27th to see 'Winter Wonderland' at the American Music Theatre in Lancaster, PA. Cost for this great time is $99 for adults, $82 for teens age 13-17, and $68 for children age 3-12 and includes show, bus, tour of The National Christmas Center, dinner at Miller's Smorgasbord and all tips. This makes a great family Christmas present! For reservations contact Joe Picardi at 652-0008 Ext. 205 or email at [email protected]. Do not delay, last years’ trip was a sellout. BREVE COMENTARIO A LA LITURGIA DE HOY EL HACENDADO NECIO Con frecuencia nos sucede el apego a bienes materiales y la sed por tener cosas buenas y nuevas, que con mayor rapidez pierden su valor, volviéndose obsoletas rápidamente. La excelente computadora que compramos hace apenas cinco años ahora es un vejestorio, comparada con la que acaba de salir al mercado. La ropa que tanto nos entusiasmaba el día que la compramos ahora ya no la queremos usar. Y tristemente, nuestra seguridad y estado de ánimo muchas veces depende de que podamos tener la capacidad para comprarnos todas estas cosas. San Juan de la Cruz, al hablar de su camino espiritual decía: "Desde que me he puesto en nada, hallo que nada me falta". Meditemos en esto con seriedad y nos daremos cuenta que sentirnos nada es una sabia respuesta a las exigentes reglas de la sociedad insaciablemente consumista de nuestros días. Por supuesto que nadie quiere sentirse nada; todos queremos ser algo o alguien. De hecho, no sería muy sano querer ser absolutamente nada; debemos tener nuestra autoestima saludablemente resguardada. El punto radica en no ambicionar lo que no nos ayuda a crecer como personas. Un filósofo lírico argentino, de nombre Facundo Cabral, muerto hace unos pocos años, decía entre tantas cosas: "Deseo poco. Y lo poco que deseo lo deseo poco". Si él, que normalmente no tenía razones religiosas para sus razonamientos hablaba de esta manera, por algo ha de ser. El evangelio de este Domingo último del mes de Julio nos advierte sobre la equivocación que existe al vivir acumulando cosas como si la muerte no fuera a llegar jamás, o como si tener fuera más importante que ser. Egoísmo y Codicia son dos pecados, que aunque no son literalmente catalogados dentro de los pecados capitales, bien podríamos asegurar que son los padres de estos pecados; pues podríamos reflexionar que todo pecado se desprende de estos dos: quien miente prefiere que la verdad no se sepa (egoísmo); el fornicador busca su placer y no el verdadero bien de la otra persona involucrada (otra vez egoísmo); el que roba lo hace por que quiere conseguir bienes que le gustan y que no puede tener por medios lícitos (codicia), o tal vez robe por afición y placer (egoísmo). En suma, los bienes materiales son buenos para tener una buena calidad de vida, pero el apego a ellos nos arruina la vida. Seamos más libres, mediante una moderada posesión y uso de estos bienes. Women's Retreat The Fall Women's Emmaus retreat will be held in Vineland from Sept. 23-25, 2016. All women 18 years and older are invited to join in this uplifting, Spirit-filled, womenserving-women weekend. For further info or an application, please call Julie at 404-0677 or Diane at 335-7599 email: [email protected]. – 652-7134 To date ARCS will be welcoming 50 new students this September when we open our doors for the new school year! With a max of 50 students in each grade (2 classes per grade). We are beginning to fill up. There’s still time to register! 3 spots are available in PREK3 (Part-time program) 2 spots are available in KINDERGARTEN 10 spots are available in GRADE 2 10 spots are available in GRADE 3 3 spots are available in GRADE 7 Mark Your Calendars DATE: PLACE: TIME: MENU: SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 18TH ST. NICHOLAS CHURCH GROUNDS 525 ST. LOUIS AVENUE EGG HARBOR, NJ 08215 1 PM - 5:00 PM PLENTY OF FOOD VOLUNTEERS NEEDED • • • • • • Assumption Regional Catholic School offers a quality education for students in grades: PreK3 part-time program, PreK4 full Day, Grades Kindergarten (full day) through 8th grade New families registering their students in grades 1-7 will receive the following reductions off their tuition for their first year: First child current tuition $4,825 - $1,500 (grant) = $3,325 for the year or $332.50 for 10 months Second child current tuition $3,825 - $1,189 (grant) = $2,636 for the year or $263.60 for 10 months Third child + current tuition $3,200 - $990 (grant) = $2,210 for the year or $221 for 10 months If you know anyone who may be interested let us know!!! For additional questions or to schedule a tour please call (609) 652-7134 or email [email protected]. Collections JULY 3, 2016 2016 - $14,835.14 2015 - $15,493.38 Star Herald 2016 - $2,144.39 2015 - $2,439.37 JULY 10, 2016 2016 - $14,553.44 2015 - $14,526.53 2nd Collection 2016 - $2,669.00 – Air Conditioning 2015 - $2,537.75 – Pastoral Solidarity Africa JULY 17, 2016 2016 - $13,032.48 2015 - $13,849.88 2nd Collection 2016 - $2,657.13 – Pastoral Solidarity Africa 2015 - $2,641.88 – Air Conditioning FOOD SERVICE GAMES LOGISTICS SET UP AND BREAK DOWN PUBLIC RELATIONS RECORDING SECRETARY “Wish List” Sternos Aluminum Pans – full and half Lettuce, sliced tomatoes, sliced onions Cheese Cans of soda, Bottled water Capri Sun or juice boxes Powered lemonade mix or ice tea mix Coffee both regular and decaf, Tea 7 & 9 oz cold cups, coffee cups Dessert plates , large plates, napkins “mini Moos” (individual dairy creamers) Jars of Salsa If you can help us out with any of the above, please complete the slip below and drop in the offertory basket or bring to the parish office. A member of the committee will be calling you as to where the drop off will be. All items are due by September 1st. We appreciate and thank you for any help you can give us. Mother Teresa once said, “We can do NO great things, only small things with great love.” NAME: ______________________________________________ EMAIL: ______________________________________________ PHONE: _____________________________________________ ITEM OR TASK: _______________________________________ ____________________________________________________ 1 8 7pm Baptism Workshop (PO) 7pm Prayer Group (SNR) 6:30pm HispTeacher Class (SNS) 7pm K of C Mtg E.H. 7pm Prayer Group (SNR) MON 2 10am Haitian Prayer Group (A) 10am Women's Faith Sharing (PO) 6pm SVDP Meeting (PO) 6:30pm Spanish Mass (SN) 7pm Emmaus Men's Group (AC) TUE 9 10am Haitian Prayer Group (A) 10am Women's Faith Sharing (PO) 6:30pm RCIA 6:30pm Spanish Mass (SN) 7pm Emmaus Men's Group (AC) 7pm Festival Meeting (SN) 7pm Rosary St. Nicholas Grotto 14 15 16 11:00 am Mass Feast of Assumption 10am Haitian Prayer Group (A) Not a Holyday of Instillation of 10am Women's Faith Sharing (PO) obligation - Masses Stephen Min. 6:30pm Spanish Mass (SN) 7am (SN) 8am (A) (A) 6:30pm Youth Ministry Meeting 6:00 pm (A) Social Sunday (SN) & (A) (A) 7pm Prayer Group (SNR) 7pm Emmaus Men’s Grp (AC) 21 22 23 8:45 am Mass 7pm Prayer 10am Haitian Prayer Group (A) Instillation of Group (SNR) 10am Women's Faith Sharing (PO) Stephen Min. 7:30p St. Catherine 6:30pm RCIA (SN) Sienna Group 6:30pm Spanish Mass (SN) 12P Baptisms (AC) 7pm Emmaus Men's Group (AC) (A) 7pm Festival Meeting (SN) 28 29 30 12pm 6:30pm Pastoral 10am Haitian Prayer Group (A) Baptisms (A) Council Meeting 10am Women's Faith Sharing (PO) 6:30pm RCIA (PO) (SNS) 6:30pm Spanish Mass (SN) 7pm Prayer 7pm Emmaus Men's Group (AC) Group (SNR) 7 SUN the month of the Immaculate Heart of Mary WED 26 9:30am Haitian Council Mtg. (PO) 7pm Women's Emmaus (AC) 25 6:30pm Hispanic Choir (SN) For more up-to-date listings, check the online calendar at Assumption Church (A) St. Nicholas Church (SN) Parish office (PO) Assumption Chapel (AC) St. Nicholas Rectory (SNR) St. Nicholas Café (SNS) Assumption School (ARCS) 27 9am Altar Serving Training 9:30am Haitian Children & Adult Choir (A) 3pm Confessions (A) 3:30pm Confessions (SN) 20 9:30am Haitian Children & Adult Choir (A) 3pm Confessions (A) 3:30pm Confessions (SN) 19 18 6 8am Communion Ser. (SN) 9am 1st Sat. Mass (A) 9:30am Haitian Children & Adult Choir (A) 3pm Confessions (A) 3:30pm Confessions (SN) SAT 17 8:30am Adoration (AC) 6pm Benediction (AC) 6:15pm Scripture (AC) 6:30pm Hispanic Choir (SN) 6:30pm Evangelization Meeting (PO) 7:15pm Prayer Meeting (AC) 24 8:30am Adoration (AC) 6pm Benediction (AC) 6:15pm Scripture (AC) 6:30pm Catechist Meeting (PO) 7pm Environment Mtg (A) 7:15pm Prayer Mtg (AC) 31 8:30am Adoration (AC) 6pm Benediction (AC) 6:15pm Scripture (AC) 6:30pm Hispanic Choir (SN) 7:15pm Prayer Mtg (AC) 5 7pm Monthly Rosary (AC) FRI 11 12 13 7pm Women 9:30am Emmaus Group Haitian Council 9:30am Haitian Children (AC) Mtg (PO) & Adult Choir (A) 3pm Confessions (A) 3:30pm Confessions (SN) 4 7pm BINGO – SNS Doors open at 5:00 pm THU 10 8:30am Adoration (AC) 6pm Benediction (AC) 6:15pm Scripture (AC) 6:30 pm RCIA Team Mtg (PO) 7pm Communication Meeting (PO) 7:15pm NO Prayer Meeting (AC) 3 8:30am Adoration (AC) 6pm Benediction (AC) 6:15pm Scripture (AC) 7pm Hospitality (PO) 7:15pm NO Prayer Meeting August CALENDAR NOVENA TO THE IMMACULATE HEART OF MARY O Most Blessed Mother, heart of love, heart of mercy, ever listening, caring, consoling, hear our prayer. As your children, we implore your intercession with Jesus your Son. Receive with understanding and compassion the petitions we place before you today. BUTTERHOF’S FARM & HOME SUPPLY Coming in August 965-1198 5715 WHITE HORSE PIKE OPEN 7 DAYS 609-646-3600 Galloway 6 Weeks Karate $69 with Uniform 626 S New York Rd • Galloway 609-226-2945 [email protected] LIST & SAVE THOUSANDS IN COMMISSION!! Quality Professional & Full Service 2% 609-652-6690 Diversified Realty BHHSDIVERSIFIED.COM 28 S. New York Rd., Galloway PARSELS 155164 LIVESTOCK FEEDS & SUPPLIES DOG & CAT FOOD SUPPLIES LAWN & GARDEN SUPPLIES ECHO POWER EQUIPMENT Harold Turner 609-385-0126 ©2015 Allstate Insurance Co. THE SMITHVILLE INN SUNDAY BRUNCH 10:00 am - 1:30 pm LUNCH & DINNER SERVED DAILY Located Within The Smithville Village. 60 Shops & 7 Eateries Something For the Whole Family. 652-7777 Rt. 9 & Moss Mill Rd., Smithville, NJ 08205 324 N E W J E R S E Y A V E N U E • A B S E C O N , NJ 08201 (609) 641-0071 Our family proudly serving Absecon, Galloway and the surrounding communities for over 100 years. Providing Insurance and Financial Services ...and Wonderful ... Chocolates ! "#$%'*+./* Steven Matis, Mgr. N.J. Lic. No. 4129 Email: [email protected] 24 Hour Good Neighbor Service® HARDWOOD • CERAMIC LAMINATE • CARPET KITCHEN CABINETS • GRANITE HUNTER DOUGLAS BLINDS BACKSPLASHES VCT • LVT STONE • VANITIES We Have It ALL! 3339 S. WHITE HORSE PIKE • HAMMONTON, NJ 08037 FREE ESTIMATES 609.561.5300 SHOP AT HOME SERVICE 027+(5·6'$<*,)76 &+2&2/$7(',33('675$:%(55,(6 %/8(%(55,(6%$1$1$6'$,/< &$5$0(/$33/(6Ã%((5-(//<%($16 6$/7:$7(57$))< -2+1621·6323&251 &2&21870$&$52216<80 :(6+,3(9(5<:+(5( Denise Irvin, Agent Bus 609-748-7888 • Fax 609-748-7805 Guaranteed Pre-arrangement Plans Available Shipping Available Local Delivery Available State Farm® Funeral Home Risley Square • 609-568-6020 Leeds Point Shoppes • 609-748-1600 +2856021'$<)5,'$<$030Ã6$785'$<$030 609.652.2888 THE VILLAGE GREENE • STORE 94 615 MOSS MILL ROAD · SMITHVILLE, NJ 08205 HOMEMADE ICE CREAM & WATER ICE Now with 2 Locations to serve you better SARACENO FUNERAL HOME Mom & Pop Shop Our 25th Year 1114 White Horse Pike • Egg Harbor City, NJ 08215 We Make It All Right Here Ice Cream Cakes · Pizza & Cupcakes No Fat Yogurt Pies Fresh Baked Belgian Waffles 652-6020 J L &P R ·G IMMIE EEDS ITNEY OADS ALLOWAY 609-965-0381 LOWENSTEIN-SARACENO FUNERAL HOME 58 S. New York Road • Galloway, NJ 08205 609-652-8330 Claudia P. Saraceno, Manager.........N.J. Lic. # 4701 John A. Saraceno, Director.........N.J. Lic. # 4713 When honesty, trust, compassion and price matters most. ATTIC INSULATION SPECIAL 856-885-6677 Family owned and operated. O.L.P.H. Parish Member Licensed & Insured $500 OFF coupon for jobs over $5,000 coupon must be present at time of purchase - not valid with other offers or prior sales Keith Emmons, Owner expires 03/31/16 NJ#13VH01345700 PA#PA072374 Pre-Arrangement Counseling No matter what your choice is Burial or Cremation, we can help make a difficult time easier. We serve all faiths. DE#2012101056 C40235 (JR) - Our Lady of Perpetual Help, Galloway 926-6898 Timothy McGowan, B.S.B.M. McGowan Landscaping 303 2nd Avenue • Egg Harbor Township, NJ 08234 FOR ADVERTISING INFORMATION CALL: (800) 883-4343 • BON VENTURE SERVICES, LLC • P.O. Box 850, Flanders, N.J. 07836 inside PICK-UPS DELIVERY OPEN 7 DAYS 11 AM-8 PM 742 Ohio Ave.645-0500 ASUNCION FAMILY DENTAL Patrick Einwechter 167 S. NEW YORK RD. / RTE. 9 / GALLOWAY GENERAL AUTO REPAIRS• ASE Certified SCHEDULED MAINTENANCE• Fully Insured COMPUTER DIAGNOSTICS & ELECTRICAL• AIR CONDITIONING & HEATING• STATE EMISSION REPAIR FACILITY• Adams-Perfect Funeral Homes, Inc. 1650 New Road, Northfield, NJ 08225 5 North Second Street, Pleasantville, NJ 08232 CONSTRUCTION CO., INC. New Home Builder JOSEPH M. TRAMA Additions • Remodeling • Home Repair (609) 748-3933 (609) 965-1146 John J. Keating D.M.D. “A Family Business That Cares” DENNIS CONNELLY Realtor Associate Specialty Lic.#3012 529 New Jersey Avenue · Absecon 609-645-3311 (609) 652-2122 WE SELL OIL & PROPANE HASLETT CHIROPRACTIC CENTER From Pain Relief to Wellness Care Back, Neck & Headache Relief Non-Surgical Back Care · Auto Work Injuries Evening & Saturday Available 1 N. NEW YORK RD. GALLOWAY 609-231-8315 E-mail: [email protected] RELOCATING TO HARBOR PLAZA (NEAR INCOLLINGO’S) 609-965-5084 Galloway * Between Pitney Rd. & Rt. 9 542 E. JIMMIE LEEDS RD., ABSECON We Install & Service Heating & Air Oil & Gas WHITE HORSE Auto Repair 24/7 TOWING • AUTO & TRUCK SERVICE 748-1444 SENN OIL CO. David N. Blyler, Jr., Mgr. NJ Lic. No. 3945 Buyers • Sellers • Renters PEDIATRIC DENTISTRY Andrew P. Asuncion DMD Jill Longo Asuncion RDH 76 West Jimmie Leeds Road Suite 101 • Galloway, NJ Serving all of Atlantic County (609)-641-0065 Francis D. Perfect Founder Same Name, Same Service Extended Menu 637 W. White Horse Pk., Egg Harbor City WAFFLE HUT (609) 593-3913 965-0365 WE DELIVER SELF SERVE FROZEN YOGURT • BREAKFAST • LUNCH • DINNER • IdaAlice Thrift Store Galloway Diner Smithville Square Reopening in March 45 So. New York Road Smithville NJ 245 W. White Horse Pike • Galloway 609-593-6887 • 1000 Boardwalk at Taj Mahal 609-345-SUBS Mississippi & Arctic Avenue Atlantic City 609-345-8599 609-345-1564 / Pick Up ATLANTIC COUNTY CREMATION SERVICE We Come To You Personal WE DO PARTIES, FUNDRAISERS & MORE! BRIAN K. DALY, MGR. NJ LIC. NO. 3723 Arrangements may be made in the comfort of your home. 652-3321 MAIN OFFICE 206 LACEY RD FORKED RIVER, NJ 08731 A Trusted Name in Funeral Care for Three Generations RICHARD M. POLHEMUS Owner/Manager 203 Main Street • • Mark A. Conover, PLS, PP, President NJ Lic. No. 4000 West Creek NJ 08092 *Convenient In-Home Appointments* 609-294-8000 Memorial Services • Advance Planning C40235 (JR) - Our Lady of Perpetual Help, Galloway 609-241-8177 # R.W. BROWN LANDSCAPING CO., LLC DESIGN & BUILD FIRM est. 1976 (609) 965-2297 Galloway Township, NJ Family Parish Member FUNERAL HOME Locally Owned & Operated Lloyd A. Wimberg, Manager, N.J. Lic. No. 3050 Diane Rhea-Collins, Funeral Director, N.J. Lic. No. 4644 211 E. Great Creek Rd. Galloway Township 609-641-0001 400 Liverpool Ave. Egg Harbor City 609-965-0357 FOR ADVERTISING INFORMATION CALL: (800) 883-4343 • BON VENTURE SERVICES, LLC • P.O. Box 850, Flanders, N.J. 07836 outside