The Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
The Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
YEAR B fàA fçÄäxáàxÜ Catholic Church Father John F. Kelly, Pastor Father Alvaro Pio González, Parochial Vicar Deacon Charles Sukup Mass Schedule Sat. 4pm Sun. 9am, 11am and Spanish 5pm Mon., Wed., Fri., 8:30am Tue., Thu., 6:00pm Please register at the Welcome Table in the vestibule after Mass or stop by the office. Active Membership is determined by: St. Sylvester Parish Office Phone: 850-939-3020 FAX: 850-936-5366 Website: Email: [email protected] Hours: Monday -Thursday 9:00am to 2:00pm Registration in the parish Faithful attendance at Sunday This Week the Sanctuary Lamp above the Tabernacle burns in Loving Honor of Debbie Cromwell Each week we highlight one of our bulletin sponsors. Because of these ads we are able to get our bulletins FREE. Please Support these businesses. This is our “sponsor of the week”: Loving God, raise them up to eternal life and hold them in the palm of your hand. Mary Klein Aunt of Mary Kort Fanny Velez-Saldarriaga Sister of Aleida Wheatley Total Pledged: $1,355,910 Total Number of Pledges: 417 Percent of Goal Reached: 68% Percent of Parish Participation: 46% FOLLOW OUR PROGRESS AT WWW.STSYLVESTERCAMPAIGN.COM Sacraments and Services Mass and on Holy Days Support of the parish through time, talent and treasure Religious Education Classes Welcome. . . . . New Parishioners: Anointing of the Sick Call the parish office Baptism Must have Baptism Preparation Class English classes on Second Sunday of each month English Baptisms are on Third Sunday of each month English, call Shirley Richards, 850-916-1337 Spanish classes 1st and 2nd Thurs. of each month Spanish, call Kenia Redondo, 850-357-5087 Eucharistic Adoration and Benediction First Fridays, 7:00pm Marriage Arrangements Six months in advance; please call the office Reconciliation English—Saturday 3:00-3:30pm Spanish & English--Sunday 4:30-5:00pm by appointment ROCK (1st-5th) Wednesdays at 6pm EDGE (6th-8th) Sundays at 12:15pm LIFETEEN (9th-12th) Sundays at 3pm ADULT FAITH FORMATION (AFF) Various dates and times check bulletin RCIC (Children) & BC (Basic Catholicism) Wednesdays at 6pm RCIA (Adult) & RCIT (Teen) Wed. at 6pm Children’s Liturgy of the Word (4-6 yrs.) Sundays during the 9:00 or 11:00am Mass. No registration is required. The teacher will call the children to the front of the sanctuary before Mass begins, and they will return during the offertory. Praise the Lord, who heals the brokenhearted. (Psalm 147) Mass Intentions Sunday, February 8 9:00am † Tom Auth 11:00am † Art Guerrera 5:00pm For the Parish by Mark & Sandy Nicholas by Loving Wife Dot Monday, February 9 8:30am † Bob Laverty by Sandra Laverty Tuesday, February 10 6:00pm † Mary Lee Auth by Mark & Sandy Nicholas Wednesday, February 11 8:30pm Lindsey Syzdek by Mom & Dad Thursday, February 12 6:00pm COMMUNION SERVICE Friday, February 13 8:30am COMMUNION SERVICE Saturday, February 14 4:00pm † Debbie by Jim & Monica Nolan Sunday, February 15 9:00am † Infant André LeBeau by The LeBeau Family 11:00am For the Parish 5:00pm † Pablo Hernadez-Santiago by Carmen Carrosquillo If you and/or your family would like to present the GIFTS during Mass, please see the LEAD USHER before Mass. FORTY CANS FOR LENT SPONSORED BY THE KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS COUNCIL 13277 Forty Cans for Forty Days starts the weekend of Feb 21/22 Please be generous! DONATIONS TO THE FOOD PANTRY MAY BE DROPPED OFF IN THE PARISH CENTER VESTIBULE OR THE CHURCH OFFICE. THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT For World Peace, For LIFE, Christians in Iraq and the Sick, Zoe Allen, Rejinaldo Alvarez, Rose Bachus, Nelda & Tommy Balcum, Selena Barthe’, Missy Beasley, Eva Becker, Kathy Benson, Beverly Blackwell, Tom Blaskie, Donna Boldes, Dennis Boyce, Frank & Emily Brehm, Lanie Brewster, Cindy Floda Burleson, Bob & Joyce Burns, Marie LeCroy Burns, Randall & Margie Butler, Mrs. Coleman, Bill Combs, Mike Cox, George & Lorraine Crepeau, Cathy Chrisco, Nancy Daniel, Bob Dasho, John & Lou Detrick, Mario Diaz, Thomas Doherty, Barbara Donahue, Pat Dunn, Lin Dworshak, Elsa Garcia, Alfred & Vivian Gemler, Carrie Grundt, Dot Guerrera, Paul Hanson, The Hoskamer Family, Ann Hurst, Jerry Hutchinson, Fay Johnson, Kim Jones, Joan Koester, Stan Kuhn, Nancy Ludwick, Lanny Lucero, Mary Mahoney, Debbie Martin, Eryn R. Miles, Pat Miller, Carson Morton, Jim Moulton, Fr. Phi Nguyen, Sharon O’Neil & Shawn, My Owens, Simonne Pelley, Dan Ramsey, Scott Rannals, Bill Riley, Odelle Riley, Ralph Riley, Bob Royals, Jereme Simmons, Gerard Simon & Family, Cathy Spoffard, Brayden Starr, Anne Theroux, Carol Tolbert, Donald Varner, Diane Watkins, David & Eric Watts, Sue Whitehead, Woodrow Whitker, Sandy Wyatt and Penny Zickert. Please notify the Parish Office if someone is in need of prayer. Names will remain on the list for four weeks unless the office is notified.. Readings for the week Mon. Tue. Wed. Thu. Fri. Sat. Feb 9 Feb 10 Feb 11 Feb 12 Feb 13 Feb 14 Gn 1:1-19 Gn 1:20 -- 2:4a Gn 2:4b-9, 15-17 Gn 2:18-25 Gn 3:1-8 Gn 3:9-24 Mk 6:53-56 Mk 7:1-13 Mk 7:14-23 Mk 7:24-30 Mk 7:31-37 Mk 8:1-10 Sunday, February 15 Jb 7:1-4, 6-7 1 Cor 10:31 -- 11:1 Mk 1:40-45 REFLECTION…………... Year B Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time Comfort for the sorrowful Readings: Job 7:1-4, 6-7 (Job’s first reply) 1 Corinthians 9:16-19, 22-23 (Paul’s recompense) Gospel: Mark 1:29-39 (cure of Peter’s mother-in-law and other miracles) Key Passage: That evening, at sundown, they brought to him all who were sick or possessed with demons. And the whole city was gathered around the door. And he cured many who were sick with various diseases, and cast out many demons. QUESTIONS? Adult—When have you felt the sadness of Job? When have you felt the joy of those who witnessed the healing works of Jesus? Child— What could you do this week to comfort someone who is sad? Ever wanted to learn to QUILT? WEEK AT A GLANCE Sunday 9 & 11am Sunday Masses Noon EDGE Feb 8 3pm LIFETEEN Fifth 3pm English Baptism Class Sunday in Reconciliation Spanish & English Ordinary 4:30pm 5pm Spanish Mass Time World Marriage Day Mon. Feb 9 Tue. Feb 10 HELLO, we’re dying here, PLEASE pray to end abortion. Daily Mass Rosary Makers Guild Tax Prep AFF: Bible Timeline Grupo Oracion 9:30am 11:30am Fund St. Scholastica 6pm 6pm 6:30pm 6:30pm 7pm Lit’l Saints Play Group Tax Prep Raiser at Vinnie R’s Daily Mass Confirmation Class Zumba Knights First Degree Hispanic Ministry Formation Wed. Feb 11 8:30am 9am Our Lady of Lourdes World Day of the Sick 9:15am 10am 6pm 7pm Daily Mass Hospice workshop and QUILT CLASS AFF: Quick trip through the Bible Tax Prep BC/RCIC/RCIA/ROCK Choir Practice 9:30am 6pm 6pm 6:30pm 7pm Zumba Daily Mass AFF: Catechism Columbiette Meeting Choir Rehearsal 8:30am Daily Mass During our regular HOSPICE WORKSHOP this month, we will add a Thu. QUILTING CLASS to learn how to make Feb 12 Abraham VETERANS QUILTS. Come and join this Lincoln's beautiful group who bring beautiful smiles to Birthday many. Your time and talent is needed, no matter Fri. if you sew or not! Come join us! Feb 13 Feb. 11 at 9am Conference Room I. 8:30am 9:30am 11am 6pm 7:30pm Sat. Feb 14 2:00pm St. Cyril 3pm and St. 4pm Methodius 7pm Columbiettes Women’s Day AFF: Women, Into the Heart Reconciliation Vigil Mass Paradise Productions “USO Show” St. Valentine's Day Sunday 9 & 11am Sunday Masses EDGE Feb 15 Noon 3pm 4:30pm 5pm LIFETEEN Reconciliation Spanish & English Spanish Mass ADULT CONFIRMATION Are you an Adult Catholic that has not received the Sacrament of Confirmation? St. Sylvester Adult Faith Formation will have Adult Confirmation Preparation Classes starting Tues. March 24th at 6:30pm. If you are interested please contact Dan Wade 939-3020. Please mark your calendars for February 14th and “A Day for Shalom.” Shalom is defined as completeness, wholeness, health, tranquility, prosperity, fullness, rest and harmony. Please join the Columbiettes, Saturday February 14th for a Women’s Day event from 9-4 at the Parish--a day focused on total balance and peace, a day for Shalom. We will have two sessions, morning and afternoon, focused on balancing the different areas of our lives. Between the two sessions, a small lunch will be available to purchase and we will have a guest speaker. The two sessions will break out into workshops that will focus on: Balancing our Mental and Physical State; Balancing our Community and Social Life, and Balancing our Well-Being in Financial and Legal Matters. All these areas will be presented and linked back to our central theme of centering ourselves Spiritually, first and foremost. We hope you can join us! More details to follow! CALLING ALL to HELP with the HUNGRY and the POOR! Items needed for the Interfaith pantry in Feb. are: Pancake Mix Pancake Syrup Boxed Potatoes Dried Beans Are you the person you want to be? Are you happy and fulfilled? If you’re wondering if there’s more to life than just getting by and are ready to focus on what really matters, then discover the extraordinary Catholic teaching given to us by Pope John Paul II. Celebrate the Year of Consecrated Life announced by Pope Francis. Register your family to par cipate in the Elijah Cup voca on prayer program of the Serra Club. Each week a family receives a chalice and commits to pray for voca ons to the priesthood and consecrated life throughout the following week. Easy instruc ons and prayers provided. Sign-up forms are available in the back of the church or contact Betsy Bowser, 850-292-8349, email [email protected]. Jelly (No Peanut Butter) Bottled Juice, Canned Juice, Sugar Tea Bags Meats for the freezers: Hamburger Hot Dogs Pork Chicken Please, pray for Interfaith Ministries programs, volunteers and clients. Volunteers are still needed: Call Lynn @ 934-1688. BE THE DIFFERENCE & VOLUNTEER Thank you for your generosity. Congratulations #124 Scott Olschner the $100.00 winner of the Knights of Columbus 4th Sunday of the month calendar drawing that took place 2/1/2015. YOU CAN BE A WINNER TOO!! Knights of Columbus 2015 Calendars are available for a $25.00 donation. This makes you eligible for a $50.00 drawing every other Sunday, $50.00 drawing on 12 Holidays, $100.00 drawing on the first and third Sundays of each month and two $500.00 drawings, one July 4th, the other December 13th 2015. The total to be given away and you will be eligible to win is $5,400.00. All these chances to win equal 66! Still only 400 calendars sold. These make GREAT gifts! 7552 Navarre Pkwy. Harvest Village Navarre, FL 32566 (850) 936-4811 The Time is HERE for the FOURTH ANNUAL DAN ROLLANT Memorial Appreciation & Eleventh Annual St. Sylvester Fund Raiser Dinner Vinnie R’s on Tuesday, February 10, 2015 4PM – 8PM Sign up after ALL Masses during weekend of the Feb 7/8. Review Rules at sign up. All monies go to St. Sylvester Parish. Saturday, February 14th, 7:30pm, Parish Center, "Tribute to the Troops", a USO Style Variety Show. Cost is $20.00 (includes appetizer & dessert). "Support a Soldier" - your $15 donation provides a ticket to a local Airman. “USO STYLE VARIETY SHOW” Tickets on sale after all Masses. Please visit Paradise Productions website for more information: Jubilee MassFeb 15, 2015, 2:30pm Pensacola attheCathedraloftheSacredHeart 1212EMorenoSt.—AbeautifulEucharisticCelebrationinhonorofcouplescelebrating 2015WeddingAnniversariesformarriageofexactly,1,5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,and 50yearsoranyyearover50areinvitedtoregistertoattend.MarriedCouples–Please registertoparticipateinthisevent.Of iceofMarriage,11NorthBSt,Pensacola,Fl32502 ForadditionalinformationpleasecontactSr.BethButlerorAngelaMarks 850.435.3500e‐[email protected] FREE TAX PREPARATION! Beginning February 2, 2015 and continuing through April 15, St Sylvester Catholic Church in Gulf Breeze will again be partnering with United Way of Escambia to offer free tax preparation for taxpayers in the parish and in the Navarre/Midway/Tiger area. IRS Trained and Certified volunteer tax preparers will be available M-T-W in the Activity Center. We can do taxes in both English and Spanish. Hours of operation will be 10AM to 4PM each day. If you need assistance outside of these hours, please give us a call at 850-496-8124 to schedule. During our normal hours on M-T-W, no appointment is needed; just come to the center and bring your SS Card and a picture ID along with your tax information (W-2s, SS payment info, interest statements, last year's return, etc.). The United Way has offered this service in the Pensacola area for several years & regularly prepares thousands of returns for seniors, low and middle income families, students and others looking for help. The expansion of this valuable service to the Navarre area recognizes the growing population of this community and offers residents a way to get free expert help with tax preparation and filing. You do not have to be a member of St Sylvester Parish to get this free tax preparation service. Woe to me if I do not preach the gospel. I have become all things to all, to save at least some (1 Corinthians 9:16-19, 22-23). Congratula ons to Emily Gordey and Gabby Forge - recipients of the St Timothy Award presented at the Diocesan Youth Conference 2015. This award is presented to high school seniors who demonstrate Chris an service, Catholic leadership & good moral values. “Let no one have contempt for your youth, but set an example for those who believe, in speech, conduct, love, faith, and purity.” 1Tim 4:12 News From Sister Margaret Kuntz, ASCJ Young Adult "Life in the Spirit" seminar at the House of St. Joseph the Workman on Racetrack Road in Fort Walton Beach, February 28th, 2015 from 10:00AM to 3:00PM "Life in the Spirit” Seminars help to deepen our individual relationship with God through Jesus. Food will be provided; there will be no cost to attend. Please register by calling (850) 862-9039 or e-mailing [email protected] Faith Study Group will meet on Tuesday, February 10th to study the Augustinian Confession. What’s Next retreat will be Saturday and Sunday, March 28th-29th at Camp Timpoochee in Niceville. Cost is $50. More information to come. The first event in our diocese for this Year of Consecrated Life will be Masses on February 8th at 5:30 pm at the Cathedral with Bishop Parkes and at 6 pm at the Co-Cathedral with Father Philip, the Founder of the Brothers of Hope. Please join in praying for and with the religious of our diocese. Because the year observance is for the entire Church, the Pope urges all Christians “to be increasingly aware of the gift…of our many consecrated men and women, heirs of the great saints who have written the history of Christianity,…a great history still to be accomplished!” The Daughters of Charity are offering a “Come and See” vocation retreat weekend February 13 – 15, 2015. Single Catholic women ages 18-40 interested in a vocation as a Sister are invited to attend. The retreat will be held at the National Shrine of Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton in Emmitsburg, MD. If interested please contact: Sr. Denise LaRock, D.C. at 410-646-2074 or [email protected]. Catholic Sharing Appeal Reflection 2015 In the gospel today, Jesus heals the sick and performs other such miracles. He then tells His disciples that He cannot stay. He must move on to the next town and continue preaching and healing others. “For this purpose have I come,” Jesus says. As Christ’s disciples, it is our purpose and our mission to proclaim the Word of God to the world today. We are, in effect, the hands and feet of Christ, and He calls each one of us to continue His ministry of proclaiming the good news. In fact, that is why He established the Church – to call all men to Himself. Each one of us plays a very important role in the Church’s mission. We are all vital members of the One Church, and the Lord has given us many good gifts with which to carry out this mission. When we live our lives for the glory of God and use our gifts – our time, our talents, and our treasure – to serve the Lord by serving others, people are sure to see Christ in us. People are sure to be drawn to our way of life, to the hope and happiness Christ offers, and men are sure to come to Him. Later in Mark’s gospel, when Jesus tells the apostles, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to the whole creation,” (Mk. 16:15), He was speaking to the whole Church. Let us take ownership of our call. May we all use our God-given gifts, our time, our talent, and our treasure – to proclaim the good news: Christ has come to save all and He offers everyone life everlasting. It is a wonderfully hope-filled message. May our lives reflect its truth! Your support of the annual Catholic Sharing Appeal is critical to the mission of our parish and our diocese. Please don’t forget to make your gift today. Your participation makes a difference in the quantity and quality of ministry we are able to provide. Thank you. 2015 LENTEN SEASON BEGINS † Ash Wednesday is February 18, 2015. Masses and distribution of ashes at 8:30a, Noon and 7:00p. † During the Lenten season, one daily Mass will be added. Masses are: M-W-F at 8:30a and T-W-Th at 6:00p. † Eucharistic Adoration; Tuesdays at 6:30-7:30p (after the 6pm Mass starting Feb. 24th). † Sacrament of Reconciliation; Wednesdays at 6:30-7:00p (after the 6pm Mass starting Feb. 25th). † Stations of the Cross; Fridays at 6:00p, starting February 20th. The Pope’s words of comfort and concern come in his message for Lent 2015 (Vatican Radio) Pope Francis is inviting all believers to open their hearts to God and to overcome a “globalization of indifference” that is threatening to spread a feeling of distress and powerlessness and causing individuals and communities to withdraw into themselves, closing “the door through which God comes into the world and the world comes to him”. 1. “If one member suffers, all suffer together” (1 Cor 12:26) 2. “Where is your brother?” (Gen4:9) 3. “Make your hearts firm!” (James 5:8) BEGINNING AGAIN-If I were to begin life again, I would want it as it was. I would only open my eyes a little more.--Jules Renard K I D S P A G E La Nueva Visión de nuestra NOTICIAS PARROQUIALES Diócesis de Pensacola-Tallahassee VISITA LA PAGINA DEL MINISTERIO HISPANO ¡La Iglesia plenamente viva! A Church Fully Alive! The New Vision of our Diocese Horarios de Misas durante la Cuaresma Miércoles de Ceniza es el 18 de Febrero Festival Internacional Sábado Marzo 7 ¡Ven con tu familia este 2015 a representar a tu país en esta celebración de las diferentes culturas de nuestra parroquia! Tendremos comida, juegos, exposiciones, música, juegos autóctonos y mucho más. Clases de Educación Religiosa Para mayor información ven a la Reunión de voluntarios el 15 de Febrero a las 10:15 en el salón de Conferencias 1 de nuestro Centro de Actividades. Mayores informes Consuelo Floyd en la parroquia ROCK (1-5 grado) miércoles a las 6:00pm EDGE (6-8 grado) domingo a las 12:15pm LIFETEEN (9-12 grado) domingo a las 3:00pm RCIC y BC\ (Catolicismo Básico) miércoles a las 6:00pm RCIA (Adultos), RCIT (Teen) miércoles a las 6:00pm Educación Religiosa Contactar la Oficina de Domingos durante la misa de las 5:00 pm en español No se requiere inscripción. Grupo de 3ra Edad : 3er martes de cada mes 3:00 pm Pastoral de parejas: 3er viernes de cada mes 7:00 pm Grupo de Oración: Lunes 7:30 pm GRUPO DE ORACION: Lunes a las 7:30 pm salón 204 Ven a meditar la palabra de Dios y a orar en comunidad: “NO OLVIDEN HERMANOS QUE ANTE EL SEÑOR UN DIA ES COMO MIL AÑOS Y MIL AÑOS SON COMO UN DIA” (2 Carta de Pedro 3, 8) Rosalina Juárez 850-687-3867 Alma Chávez 850-686-9811 Preparación de Impuestos (Taxes) sin costo alguno: Del 2de Febrero hasta el 15 de abril, 2015 nuestra Parroquia con United Way de Escambia ofrece la preparación de impuestos sin costo alguno dentro de las áreas de Navarre, Midway y Tiger Point. Ofrecen voluntarios entrenados y certificados por el Servicio de Recaudación de Impuestos (IRS por sus siglas en inglés) quienes atenderán los lunes, martes y miércoles en el Centro de Actividades de 10 am a 4 pm sin cita previa Con cita previa llamar al 850-496-8124. Se habla español también. Presentar su tarjeta del Seguro Social, un documento de identidad con fotografia y la información para los impuestos, es decir el formulario W-2s, el pago al seguro social, balances de intereses, declaración de impuestos del año anterior, etc. United Way viene ofreciendo este servicio al área de Pensacola desde hace varios años y con frecuencia prepara los impuestos para las personas de la tercera edad, para familias de ingresos medios, estudiantes y para quienes necesiten asistencia. No es necesario que sea miembro de St Sylvester. Sacramentos y Servicios Imposición de cenizas a las 8:30 am, 12m y 7:00pm Misas Lun-Mié–Vier 8:30 am; Mar-Mié-Jue 6:00 pm Adoración al Santísimo Mar 6:30 pm-7:30 pm a partir del 24 de febrero Sacramento de Reconciliación: Mier 6:30-7:00 pm a partir el 25 de febrero Viacrucis 6:00pm los viernes a partir del 20 de febrero Unción de los enfermos: Llamar a las oficinas de la parroquia 850-939-3020. Bautismo: Clases para la Preparación del Bautismo: primer y segundo jueves de cada mes a las 7:00 pm. Lucero Registrarse primero con Mayra 850-797-0256 o Kenia Redondo 850-357-5087 de lunes a jueves 9:00 am a 2:00 pm. Matrimonio: Con seis meses de anticipación. Favor llamar a las oficinas de la parroquia para una cita Reconciliación o Confesión: Domingos de 4:30 a 5:00pm
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