31 March, 2010. Dear Parents, We have been informed by the San


31 March, 2010. Dear Parents, We have been informed by the San
31 March, 2010.
31 de marzo de 2010
Dear Parents,
Estimados Padres,
We have been informed by the San Jorge
Village Administration that until the
works carried out on ‘calle San Martín’
have been completed the guards have
been relocated to another post.
Therefore, as from Monday 5 April, the
Security Guard who was posted at the
pedestrian crossing which leads to the
Primary school from the road to the
Pavilion will no longer be posted there.
Hemos sido informados por la
Administración del Village que mientras
se estén efectuando las obras sobre la
calle San Martín, se han reubicado a los
consiguiente, a partir del lunes 5 de
abril, el guardia que estaba ubicado en
el cruce del sendero que va desde el
colegio hasta el Pavilion, ya no lo
We will be talking to the children about
taking care when crossing this Village
road in particular, and other roads in
general. We ask you to do the same and
to please drive very carefully when
passing this area and at all times.
Estaremos manteniendo conversaciones
con los alumnos sobre el correcto modo
de cruzar las calles. Les solicitamos que
uds. hagan lo mismo y que manejen con
sumo cuidado cuando estén circulando
por esa zona.
Thank you very much.
Muchas gracias.
Yours sincerely,
I D Tate

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