April 7 - Saint Rita Catholic Church
April 7 - Saint Rita Catholic Church
ST. RITA CHURCH ALEXANDRIA, VIRGINIA The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass MONDAY, APRIL 8 THE ANNUNCIATION OF THE LORD 7:00 AM ELIZABETH T. BURKE (L) 7:30 PM SANTIFICATION OF PRIESTS TUESDAY, APRIL 9 EASTER WEEKDAY 7:00 AM MATTHEW FOLEY (D) WEDNESDAY, APRIL 10 EASTER WEEKDAY 7:00 AM THE HUGHES FAMILY (L) EUCHARISTIC ADORATION ~ 7:30AM-8:00PM CONFESSIONS HEARD FROM 7:00-8:00PM. 10:00 AM MS. DELSEY ALVAREZ (L) School Mass THURSDAY, APRIL 11 ST. STANISLAUS, BISHOP AND MARTYR 7:00 AM TOM HUGHES (L) 7:30 PM LADISLAUS ZAJAC (D) Traditional Latin Mass FRIDAY, APRIL 12 EASTER WEEKDAY 7:00 AM TINA MOORE (L) SATURDAY, APRIL 13 ST. MARTIN I, POPE AND MARTYR 8:00 AM ROB LUCIER (D) 5:00 PM MARIE WILLY (D) SUNDAY, APRIL 14 THIRD SUNDAY OF EASTER 7:15 AM ELIZABETH MILLS-GRACEY (L) 8:30 AM MARY KETCHEM (D) 11:00 AM Missa Pro Populo—Mass for the People 1:00 PM CELEBRANT’S INTENTION HE IS RISEN! Rejoice and be glad! PARISH FINANCIAL UPDATES Regular collection for March 25-26 … $12,149 Additional R&R donations … $48 Holy Thursday … $243 Good Friday … $223 Easter Flowers … $397 Easter Offering … $290 Miscellaneous second collections … $13 Cascia Account ~ Poor Box … $403 Our Faith does not lack humor … but abounds in it, the most tender, most cheery, most lasting humor. St. Lawrence, directing the roasting of his own body with the nicety of a cook; the Irish peasant who gives thanks in feeling a bit more rheumatism today than yesterday; and the elderly nuns who can be merry in the abode of death. In it’s fullness, perhaps only the saints have it, those serene beings who laugh at the follies and pettiness that surrounds them, to whom no adversity can dishearten and no suffering sour; whose eyes are bright with eternal merriment looking on the fashion of this world which quickly passes away. Lord, grant us this “cheery” Faith, so badly needed in our day! View this bulletin online at www.TheCatholicDirectory.com APRIL 7, 2013 Parish Updates Thank you so much for your continued interest in our Parish Booklet Rack. Just a reminder that all items in the Booklet Rack are for sale and are clearly marked as such. Payment envelopes can be found in the upper right hand corner; follow the instructions for their return. God bless you+ Bishop’s Lenten Appeal 2013: Saint Rita Parish is holding steady in having reached 96% of its goal of $134,000. The next report should (hopefully!) announce our success at 100% or more. It’s never too late to pledge; look for the pledge envelopes in both the church pews and vestibules. Now that the Lenten Season is past, we have returned to our usual Confession schedule as found on the front cover of the bulletin. Our generous clergy provide the Sacrament seven times each week. The Church strongly encourages monthly confession. Look for the Examination of Conscience forms located in each vestibule year round. Feeding the Hungry: For over 25 years members of Saint Rita Parish have provided bag lunches for the hungry: street people, mothers and their children, older adults— anyone who asks, receives. Each volunteer makes 10 bag lunches every 8 weeks. Lunches consist of a sandwich, fruit, cookies, and whatever else the volunteer wants to include. The bagged lunches are brought to the Salvation Army Family Service office on Bellefonte Street, where they are distributed on a daily basis. If you would like to join this ministry, please email [email protected] or call her at 703-683-5138. The Saint Rita School’s 13th Annual Silent Auction — Great Gatsby Gala will be held next week, Saturday, April 13th, at The Carlyle Club in Old Towne Alexandria. Over $65,000 was raised at this event last year. These funds constitute a vital piece of the school budget, providing for operating expenses as well as capital investments such as computer laptops, science equipment, classroom Bibles, and playground and recess equipment. And the Gala is a wonderful event spent with members of our Parish community. We hope you’ll consider making a reservation today! Register Online at saintrita-school.maestroweb.com. Refer all your aucti on questi ons t o Leigha Doerrer at [email protected]. The Respect Life Mass for April will be celebrated on Saturday, April 27th, at 8:00AM. The Rosary will follow at the Duke Street abortion facility. The Respect Life intention for April is for our Lord’s final Respect Life victory — through the dauntless efforts of Holy Mother Church and her faithful people. The May Baptism class will be held on Thursday, May 2nd, at 7:30PM in the Parish Center Lounge. Please call Joanne for more information and to register, 703-836-1640, x10. March 31, 2013 Dear Brothers and Sisters in the Risen Lord Jesus, This year, our annual Lenten retreat and Holy Week have been taking place in a uniquely different setting: within the Year of Faith. This Year is a priceless opportunity for each one of us to deepen our relationship with the Lord Jesus within the Community of His Disciples, the Church. He reaches out to embrace us with His ever-faithful merciful love, inviting from us a response of love: love for Him and for one another. The central mystery of our faith – the Dying and Rising of Jesus Christ – proclaims clearly and intensely how much God loves us! Through the suffering, death and Resurrection of His Onlybegotten Son, Whom He sent to be our Redeemer and Saviour, the love of God is revealed and made present. The Risen Lord Jesus stands before us on Easter as once He stood before His Disciples in the Upper Room, proclaiming peace and pointing to the wounds in His hands, feet and side, enduring signs of His love poured out to save us. In the face of such love, how can we not but offer Him our love: love for Him and, because of Him, for all our brothers and sisters? In the face of such love, how can we not discover enduring hope even in humanly impossible situations, the desire to be as faithful as we can to our individual vocations, the strength to witness to Truth and to live Charity in daily life? In the face of such love, how can we not recommit ourselves to living the Faith by deepening our relationship with the Lord Jesus within the Community of His Disciples, the Church? Yes, the love of the Risen Lord Jesus embraces us and unites us to be His disciples, living our Faith daily! Assuring you of my prayers on Easter and throughout the Easter Season, and also reaffirming my pastoral love for each of you, I remain, Faithfully in the Heart of Christ, Most Reverend Paul S. Loverde Bishop of Arlington View this bulletin online at www.TheCatholicDirectory.com 31 de marzo del 2013 Queridos hermanos y hermanas en el Señor Jesús Resucitado, Este año, nuestro retiro anual de Cuaresma y la Semana Santa han tenido lugar en un ambiente singularmente distinto: dentro del Año de la Fe. Este año, cada uno de nosotros tiene una oportunidad invalorable de profundizar nuestra relación con el Señor Jesús dentro de la Comunidad de Sus Discípulos, es decir, dentro de la Iglesia. Él se acerca para abrazarnos con Su Amor Misericordioso, siempre fiel, y nos invita a darle una respuesta de amor: amor por Él y de los unos por los otros. La Muerte y Resurrección de Jesucristo, el misterio central de nuestra fe, proclaman de forma clara e intensa ¡cuánto nos ama Dios! A través del sufrimiento, la muerte y la resurrección de Su Hijo Unigénito, enviado por Dios como nuestro Redentor y Salvador, se revela y se hace presente el amor de Dios. El Señor Jesús Resucitado aparece ante nosotros en la Pascua como lo hiciera una vez ante Sus Discípulos en el Cenáculo, proclama la paz y muestra las heridas de las manos, los pies y el costado, señales perdurables del amor que nos dio para salvarnos. Ante tanto amor, ¿cómo podemos dejar de ofrecer nuestro amor a Dios: nuestro amor por Él y, por causa de Él, por todos nuestros hermanos y hermanas? Ante tanto amor, ¿cómo podemos dejar de descubrir la esperanza perdurable aun en situaciones humanamente imposibles, el deseo de ser tan fieles como podamos a nuestras vocaciones individuales, la fortaleza de dar testimonio de la Verdad y de practicar la Caridad en nuestra vida diaria? Ante tanto amor, ¿cómo podemos dejar de renovar nuestro compromiso de vivir la Fe profundizando nuestra relación con el Señor Jesús dentro de la Comunidad de Sus Discípulos, es decir, dentro de la Iglesia? Sí, el amor del Señor Jesús Resucitado nos abraza y nos une para que seamos Sus discípulos y vivamos nuestra fe a diario. Al reiterarles mis oraciones durante la Pascua y la temporada pascual y mi amor pastoral por cada uno de ustedes, me es grato suscribirme, Fielmente en el Corazón de Cristo, Monseñor Paul S. Loverde Obispo de Arlington View this bulletin online at www.TheCatholicDirectory.com SECOND SUNDAY OF EASTER—DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY Divine Mercy Sunday and the Extraordinary Grace Promised by Jesus On April 30, 2000, His Holiness John Paul II, in response to the wishes of the Christian faithful, declared “the second Sunday of Easter henceforth throughout the Church will also be called Divine Mercy Sunday” (cf. Homily: 30 April 2000 and Decree: Congregation of Worship). The desire for this celebration was expressed by our Lord to Saint Faustina, and can be found recorded in her Diary: … My daughter, tell the whole world about My inconceivable mercy. I desire that the Feast of Mercy be a refuge and shelter for all souls, and especially for poor sinners. On that day the very depths of My tender mercy are open. I pour out a whole ocean of graces upon those souls who approach the fount of My mercy. The soul that will go to Confession * and receive Holy Communion [on this day] ** shall obtain complete forgiveness of sins and punishment. On that day all the divine floodgates through which graces flow are opened. Let no soul fear to draw near to Me, even though its sins be as scarlet. My mercy is so great that no mind, be it of man or an angel, will be able to fathom it throughout all eternity … The Feast of mercy emerged from My very depths of tenderness. It is My desire that it be solemnly celebrated on the First Sunday after Easter. Mankind will not have peace until it turns to the Fount of My Mercy (Diary #699). *Confession within a reasonable time before the Feast is sufficient. One must be in the state of grace to receive the extraordinary grace promised by our Lord. **Diary #300 Our parish painting of Divine Mercy, now on display in the Sanctuary, is the original image of Jesus, The Divine Mercy, painted in 1934 under Saint Faustina’s direction by Eugene Kazimirowski. Have you prayed your ROSARY today? LOST AND FOUND: Don’t hesitate to call Joanne for assistance, 703-836-1640, x10. All found items are bagged and dated, with unclaimed items being kept for a period of three months. We hope to repeat these ads on a more frequent basis in the hopes of forestalling any disappointment! To all Parish Women: We need your ideas! Our parish is planning to form a new group for all parish women and your input is needed. Please come join us for wine and hors d’oeuvres and meet with Father Gee on Friday, April 19th, at 8:00PM in the Parish Center to share and discuss ideas. The meeting will be preceded by recitation of the Rosary in the church at 7:30PM (please enter through one of the side doors of the church). To assist the process, please complete a survey of your preferences and interests prior to the meeting. To receive a copy of the survey, please email Cindy Hart at [email protected]. Surveys are also available in the Russell Road vestibule (with a box for their return). Completed surveys are needed by Wednesday, April 17th. You are invited to complete the survey even if you are unable to attend the meeting. For more information, please email or call Cindy Hart at 703-739-1541. Thank you for your help as we seek to form this new ministry for women! ** The attached letter from Bishop Loverde dated March 31 arrived too late for our Easter bulletin! As its message embraces the entire Easter Season, we are happy to present it to you this Divine Mercy Sunday. News From Elsewhere Retreat planned at Loyola On the Potomac: Saint Rita parishioners are invited to participate in a coed retreat at Loyola on the Potomac, an idyllic setting for quiet recollection and deeper prayer. This Jesuit retreat house is in a secluded location directly across the Potomac River: 9270 Loyola Retreat Road, Falkner, Maryland 20632. They can be reached at 301-392-0819 or toll free at 866-277-2668 (Lisa) … or check them online at: www.loyolaonthepotomac.com. (Complete retreat schedule found here.) Leo Lewis is the local contact and can be reached at 703836-8632. The retreat will be held April 26-28 with the theme being, “Speaking As One Friend to Another.” (Spiritual Exercises #54) ** Take note of the side bulletin board ads regarding the following events: • Internet and Mobile Safety Workshop for parents; held at Bishop Ireton High School on Wednesday, April 17th, at 6:30PM. “Must-have” information for parents wanting to educate and protect their children in today’s digital world. • “The Incredible Shrinking Person: Dementia and Personhood Debate” with national pro-life activist and speaker, Father Paul Schenck. This event will be held at the Saint Mary Church Lyceum in Alexandria on Friday, April 19th, at 7:30PM. 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