04/5 - St. Anne`s Mission


04/5 - St. Anne`s Mission
APRIL 05 2015
"Give praise to the God and
Father of our Lord
Jesus Christ. In his great
mercy he has given us a new
birth and a hope that is alive.
It is alive because
Jesus Christ rose from the dead"
(1 Peter 1:3).
St Mary Catholic Church
4200 88th Street NE
Marysville, WA 98270
Fax: 360 658-7439
Website: www.stmary-stanne.org
Email: [email protected]
St Anne Mission
7231 Totem Beach Rd.
Tulalip, WA 98271
A warm welcome to those of you visiting us this weekend. We are
pleased to worship the Lord by your side. Thank you for joining us. If
you are a new member of our worshiping community, please take the
time to register with the parish. Pick up a registration form at the Parish
Office, fill it out and return it in the collection basket or by mail.
We are a Roman Catholic sacramental people led by the Holy Spirit, seeking to grow together in
faith, love and charity. We are called by God the Father to be a welcoming presence of Jesus
Christ in our parish and community through worship, fellowship, and service. Somos un pueblo
sacramental guiados por el Espíritu Santo, que buscan crecer juntos en la fe, el
amor y la caridad. Somos llamados por Dios Padre para ser una presencia acogedora de
St Mary Mass Times:
St Anne Mass Times:
Monday, Thursday and Saturday: 9:00 am
Wednesday and Friday: 7:30 am
Sunday: 8:00 am, 10:00 am & 12:00 pm (Spanish)
Eucharistic Adoration 1st Friday: 8:30 am - 5:00 pm
Reconciliation Saturday: 10:00 am
Wednesday: 9:00 am
Thursday: 9:00 am
Friday: 9:00 am
Sunday: 10:00 am
Saturday Vigil Mass: 5:30 pm
Reconciliation Saturday: 4:00 pm
Fr. Dwight’s Message
“Sunday is the Lord’s DAY; not the Lord’s HOUR!”
The suffering of CHRIST is the truth that sets us free. The crucifixion of CHRIST is the death
that sets us free. The resurrection of CHRIST is the LIFE that renews all humanity to graceful
relationship with The BLESSED TRINITY. The Light of CHRIST has come into the world and it is a
light which will NEVER be extinguished. New life has been given by Jesus our Messiah and we
are saved by the power of the God. Sing Alleluia! ALLELUIA!! For the Lord is TRULY RISEN and
For 50 days we will celebrate Easter RESURRECTION JOY! Sing Alleluia! ALLELUIA!!
HAPPY EASTER TO ALL OF YOU, my dear parishioners of St Mary's and St. Anne Mission.
God's Richest Blessings!!
El sufrimiento de Cristo es la verdad en ella nos hace libres. La crucifixión de Cristo es el dat
muerte nos hace libres. La resurrección de Cristo es la vida se renueva en él toda la humanidad
a la relación agraciado con la Santísima Trinidad. La luz de Cristo ha entrado en tje mundo y es
un dat luz NUNCA será extinguido . Nueva Vida se ha dado a Jesús, nuestro Mesías y somos
salvos por el poder de los dioses . Canta Aleluya! Aleluya!! Porque el Señor ha resucitado
verdaderamente y NUNCA MAS MUERTE triunfará!Cristo está vivo y HOPE SPRINGS Anew! Durante 50 días vamos a celebrar la Pascua RESURRECCIÓN ALEGRÍA!Canta Aleluya! Aleluya!! FELIZ PASCUA A TODOS USTEDES , queridos feligreses de María y San San Misión Anne. Ricas
bendiciones de Dios !!
God Bless,
Fr. Dwight
24 Hour Adoration - Holy Rosary Chapel
Volunteers needed for Stewardship of Adoration Hours. Shift sheets are in the Parish Office & Our
Lady of the Rosary Adoration Chapel. A staff member will contact you with hours/code.
Rice Bowls!!
Don’t forget to turn in your rice
bowls next Sunday, April 12th.
Plato de Arroz!!
No se olvide de entregar su
Plato Arroz próximo Domingo,
12 de Abril.
Bea DuFor, Pat & Mark Mantow, Pam Stephson & Family, Hadsell Family & their
unborn child, Bill & Connie Stolcis, Chris Stoles & Family, Cheryl & Troy LaBrum & Family, Clifton & Stacy Cowin &
Family, Anna M. Diner, Carlefa Sjodin, Beca Hertzog, Richard Jacobs, Rosie Nash, Carol Dollar, Shirley Dockendorf,
John De Polo, Crisatomo De Leon, Egidio Paquera, Mary Taylor, Jules Sicotte, Caiden Selia, Jody Labrum, Dianna DeCaro,
Nina Gonzales, Antonia Seyler, Caroline Ochs, Margie Manvione, John Swain, Desirae Williams, Lucy Young, Jim Brauch, Pat McCabe,
Annabelle Snook, Glenda Snook, Andrea Cantrell, Doris Smith, Rose Coffman, Stephanie Pruitt, Bob Dixon, John D.Graveley
Brian, Joe Abrenilla, Beverly Hill, Salvador Perez, Teresa Puckett, Sabina Cerny, Connie Desrosier, Ervin Leuze, Carlos Felix, Arturo
Gomez, Michael Vincent Selden, Amado De Leon, Vincent Meno, Juan Sicotte, Robert Sicotte, Rita Sicotte, Jim Pfeifer, Dennis Mehar,
Jeanette McGourty, Juan Ocaya, Maura Ocaya, Rosario Storm, Charles Miller, Deidra Murphy, Gerry Francisco, Doris Smith,
Augusto Castro, Estelita Soriano, Ofelia Barajas, Jose Maria Barajas, Guadalupe Lopez, Ann Maria Ramirez de Lamas, Dennis Kendall.
Mary Queen of Peace Columbaria
A final resting place for our loved ones
who desire to be cremated is finally here
in our St. Mary Catholic Cemetery. Plan
your funeral now. Give 25% down and
the remaining balance in 10 mo. installRow 1—$ 3,000.00 ments.
Row 2—$ 2,800.00
Row 3—$ 2,600.00 Contact the
Row 4—$ 2,400.00 Parish Office for
St Anne Mission News
Fr Emmanuel Iweh
(360) 386-7425
Email: [email protected]
Sunday 10:00 am
Saturday 5:30 pm Wednesday 9:00 am
Thursday 9:00 am
Friday 9:00 am
We continue to build and nurture healthy spiritual relationships with our Tulalip family and to support those
in need through prayers, outreach and good works of service.
Baptismal Classes
Classes are held every 1st Saturday of
the month at 3:00 pm.
Faith Formation Classes
Faith Formation classes are held every Tuesday
evening from 5:30—6:45pm.
Clases de formacion en la Fe.
Confirmation Classes
These classes are held every Wednesday evening from
5:30—6:45 pm. Classes are now up and running with
students so far. More are welcome!
Please call Lesa Roerich at 360-581-8212 or contact
Father Iweh for more information.
Healing Mass
St. Anne’s has a Healing Mass on the 1st
Friday of every month at 7:00 p.m.
Family and friends ...Welcome.
Please Include the Following
Names in your prayers:
Larry Negretti, Larry Martin, Stan Kleisath, Elaine
Ruddell, Jules Sicotte, Don Francisco, Costa & Carol
Ann Lazzaretti, Jose & Edlin Narvaez, Antonia
Seyler, Don Hatch, Brian Thomas.
St Anne Needs More Participation!
In the after Mass Potluck’s both Saturday and Sunday,
as well, as in cleanup. Please bring a DISH to Share
with the fellowship of others in the community.
Free Health Check
Tulalip Tribe will continue free health checks the 1st Friday
of every month at 10:00 am in the Sterling Hall. Have your
blood pressure and blood sugar tested.
This is open to the public!
Please bring family & friends!
Stewardship of Treasure
March 29, 2015
$ 1022.00
Thank You!
From our Holy Father,
Pope Francis
A sweet sign of hope: Pope's envoy returns to Iraq with
Easter cake .
By Elise Harris
Ref: Vatican City, Mar 29, 2015 / 06:32 am
(CNA/EWTN News).
Pope Francis' personal envoy to Iraq will return to the country during Holy Week,
bringing with him the pontiff's love and solidarity along with a special gift from
the diocese of Rome: cake. “During Holy Week, which is now close, these families are
sharing with Christ the unjust violence of which they are victims, and participating
in the pain of the same Christ,” a March 27 statement from the Vatican read. Cardinal
Fernando Filoni, head of the Vatican's Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples, traveled to Erbil as Pope Francis' personal envoy in August of last year. He
returns to Iraq in order to “stand beside the families” who have been forced out of
their homes due to extremist violence. With the funds taken up from a special collection, the families of the diocese of Rome will also show their solidarity with those
suffering in Iraq by sending an Easter cake “to share the joy of Easter” based on
faith in the Resurrection of Christ. The gift being offered to refugee families is a
traditional Italian sweet baked during Easter called a “Colomba” cake, which is
formed in the shape of a dove.
Enviado personal Francisco 'a Irak volverá al país durante la Semana Santa,
trayendo con él el amor del pontífice y la solidaridad, junto con un regalo
especial de la diócesis de Roma: la torta. "Durante la Semana Santa, que ahora
está cerca, estas familias están compartiendo con Cristo la violencia injusta
de la que son víctimas, y la participación en el dolor de la misma Cristo",
una declaración 27 de marzo del Vaticano leer. Cardenal Fernando Filoni,
director de la Congregación vaticana para la Evangelización de los Pueblos,
viajó a Erbil como enviado personal Francisco 'en agosto del año pasado.
Regresa a Irak con el fin de "estar al lado de las familias" que han sido
obligadas a abandonar sus hogares debido a la violencia extremista. Con los
fondos tomados a partir de una colección especial, las familias de la diócesis
de Roma también mostrarán su solidaridad con los que sufren en Irak enviando
un pastel de Pascua "para compartir la alegría de la Pascua", basada en la fe
en la Resurrección de Cristo. El regalo que se ofrece a las familias de
refugiados es un tradicional dulce italiano al horno durante Pascua llama una
torta "Colomba", que se forma en la forma de una palom
Refierase a http://w2.vatican.va/ para leer el resto de esta homilia.
St. Mary’s News
Homeless Shelter Project— Friday our parish will help our fellow brothers and sisters that seek shelter.
If you are interested in helping, please contact our Parish Office.
Confirmation– Youth who are registered for Confirmation should be sure to attend youth group on
Sunday. Questions? Contact Michael at [email protected], or at (360) 653-9400.
Lector’s Needed—Share Time & Talent & bridge between the Scriptures & Faithful – Charlotte 360-659-1101.
Food Bank is looking for volunteers. Contact us at 360-658-1054.
Pregnancy Aid of Snohomish County benefits so many women & children-Call Roberta Wolcott.
Adult Confirmation
Preparation Classes
Classes begin Thursday, April 9th for
4 consecutive weeks at 7pm in the Parish
Hall. If you are an adult who has received Baptism and
First Communion but have not received Confirmation,
please contact Christian Spencer to register.
[email protected] or 360-653-9400
What is the Legion of Mary?
The Legion of Mary is a lay association dedicated to
spreading the Gospel message through prayer,
evangelization and works of mercy, under the special patronage of our Blessed Mother. Legion groups place themselves at the service of their pastor and work under the direction of a
spiritual advisor. Fr. Dwight is the director of our group. Members
meet once a week and agree to perform a couple of hours work each
week. Evangelization is a primary focus. The Legion of Mary is a great
way to live out your Christian vocation.
How can I join? Call Charles Newton at 425-760-6267.
All graduating high school seniors, who are members of St.Mary/St.Anne:
Applications for the 2015 Knights of Columbus scholarship are available in the Parish
Office or may be obtained by calling 360.659.3366. Completed application must be
submitted to the Knights of Columbus by April 15, 2015. CHARITY is the first principle of the Knights of Columbus.
Knights are practicing Catholic men, 18 years or older, who volunteer their time to serve our parishes and our communities. If you’re interested in helping those in need, serving your parish, and growing in your faith, join this organizaSTUDENTS/ADULTS!
The Food Bank is looking for volunteers.
We are in need of helpers in all
departments. We’ve raised an estimated 349
lbs of food were donated for the month of
March. Thank you for your donations.
Contact us at 360-658-1054, or come to the food
bank at 4150 88th St. NE
St. Vincent de Paul Conference
Thank you for your generous and continuing
support for the less fortunate in our
community. Your generosity to those we serve gives
hope to experience Jesus in their daily lives, by assisting families to provide food, utilities, rent, transportation, and medical bills etc. You help them to know that :
“God is in the midst of them”.
Thank you everyone for your continues support
towards the Homeless Shelter Project. Please find it in
your heart to continue to supply this project with the
following items: Individual Toothbrushes, Deodorant,
Face Towels, Comforters, Pillows, Protector Sheets,
Non-perishable Foods, disposable razors for men/women and shaving
cream, Face cleanser/cleanse wipes, or monetary donations. Please
leave all items in the Parish Office.
Funeral Ministry
We need volunteers to
help donate food and
help with the reception.
(360) 653-9400
Contact the office for more information.
More St. Mary’s News
Easter Offerings
The Office
Parishioner and volunteer, Virginia
Grace, handing out homemade Greek
Easter breads to Parish staff and
Photo courtesy : Erin Grace
Also pictured in photo: Charlotte Maine
Parish volunteers working hard
to make Father Dwight’s vision
for our Easter celebrations
reality as they assemble the
stunning panels that are to hang
in the church.
Parish Library
The Parish Library is open after the 8 and 10 am Masses
each Sunday. Please stop in and borrow something from our
large selection of books. We also have DVDs and Blu Ray.
We are located inside Room 3 in the Parish Hall.
Closed Easter Sunday.
Religious Education
St. Mary’s Faith Formation
No Faith Formation classes this week! Happy Easter!
Faith in the home tip- Easter is more than a day, it’s 50 day
season! Celebrate it like that! Read a Resurrection passage
from one of the gospels before your main meal each day
Youth Ministry
No Youth Group This Week! (Since it is Spring Break, no
Confirmation Class or Sacraments Class either). BUT
hall! All Middle School and High School Youth and their
families are invited! Bring Food and drinks to share!
For updates, Like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter:
@Youth_StMarys! Spread the word!
Michael has started a youth ministry blog on the parish website!
Check it out at http://stmary-stanne.org/category/youthprograms/
Interested in Teen Choir? Email [email protected]!!!
Please consider signing up to provide snacks for Youth Group!
We feed their hearts and minds with the Word, you feed their
stomachs! Contact Michael to pick a date!
We are still in dire need of adult volunteers. If interested, please
contact Michael at [email protected] or at (360) 6539400 ext 103
Providing food, toiletries and other necessities for the weekends to homeless
and needy children in our community.
The anniversary of our Backpack Ministry is April 11, 2015. On Sunday,
May 3rd, we will have a joyful celebration of the anniversary. All proceeds
from the following activities will be used to purchase food for the homeless
and needy children in our community:
scrumptious breakfasts after the Masses.
RAFFLE -- We will be selling raffle tickets for dinner & movie packages, gift
cards to restaurants and stores, gourmet food and wine baskets, outdoor items,
individual and family entertainment packs, plus much more for men, women and
children. If you would like to donate an item, please contact Darlene at
360.659.3366 or [email protected]. A receipt for your charitable donation
will be provided.
BAKE SALE -- Many fresh homemade pies, cakes, breads, cookies, gourmet
candies, lumpia, and snack items will be available. Buy something for Mother’s
Day. If you’d like to provide an item, please contact Pam at:
[email protected].
…a DVD of volunteers in action, interviews and other information will be
available for viewing. The Backpack Ministry Committee and volunteers look
forward to meeting with you and hearing your suggestions/comments.
We’ll have free items of interest to children and adults.
Readings for Daily Mass
April 6
April 7
April 8
April 9
April 10
April 11
ACTS 2:14, 22-33; MT 28:8-15
ACTS 2:36-41; JN 20:11-18
ACTS 3:1-10; LK 24:13-35
ACTS 3:11-26; LK 24:35-48
ACTS 4:1-12; JN 21:1-14
ACTS 4:13-21; MK 16:9-15
Pope Francis Pilgrimage to Philadelphia:
September 23 thru September 29
Call Parish Office for details.
Faith Formation Staff
Children Faith Formation/Sacrament:
(Kindergarten through 5th grade)
Debra Hart
Email: [email protected]
Clase de Formacion para los Ninos:
Sabado con Hector Paz
Email: [email protected]
Marriage Requirements:
Registered with the Parish
Appt: Fr Lewis 6 months prior
March 29,2015
Sacrificial Donations:
Pregnancy Aid:
St Joseph House:
Pastoral Assistant for
Faith Formation & Youth Minister: Fish Fry:
Soup/Bread (For SVDP):
Michael Schmitz
Easter Lilly Offering:
Email: [email protected]
Rice Bowl:
Parish Staff
(360) 653-9400 Fax (360) 658-7439
Office Hours: Monday-Friday 8:00am – 7:00pm
Priest Administrator:
Fr. Dwight Lewis
360 653-9400 Ext 109
Email: [email protected]
Parochial Vicar:
Rev Emmanuel Iweh
360 386-7425
Email: [email protected]
Thirty Minute Appointments:
Wednesday 1:00 to 4:00 pm & Thursday 10:00 am to 12:00 pm
Deacon: Antonio Cavazos
[email protected]
Pastoral Assistant for Administration:
Christian Spencer
Email: [email protected]
Administrative Assistant/Bookkeeper:
Music Director
Spanish Choir
Gloria Valdez-Guillen
Email: [email protected]
Lester Letoto
[email protected]
Amadeo Miramontes
[email protected]
Administrative Assistant:
Eva Wilson
Email: [email protected]
P. A. for Communications
Erin Grace
Email: [email protected]
Administrative Assistant
Facilities Manager II:
Rafael Robles, Jr.
Email: [email protected]
John Hodgins
Email: [email protected]