Vocation`s Day is celebrated in the Piarist Order every year on April


Vocation`s Day is celebrated in the Piarist Order every year on April
Vocation’s Day is celebrated in the Piarist Order every year on April 25. The
Secretariats of Initial Formation and Vocations invite us to pray together, not
only for the vocations of others but also for our own.
This prayer was written by the Piarist novices in Miami in 2015.
Dear Lord,
at the time when we celebrate the
Year of Consecrated Life,
We beseech you the grace of being creative and joyful
to generate a vocational culture
that captivates young people
willing to know you, to love you and to be committed in your service.
Father of all goodness,
in your Word we discover that you reveal yourself
to those who are like children.
We thank you today for calling us
to follow your Son, fragile as we are.
You have believed in us and
Thus we are led to experience
Your love and your mercy.
You have called us to participate
in the building of a more just and fraternal world,
through the legacy of the charism
of our Holy Father Founder, Saint Joseph Calasanz,
through the education of children and Young people
in the spirit of piety and literacy.
We ask this through the intercession of Mary, Our Mother,
who lovingly welcomed the message of the Angel Gabriel,
and remained ever faithful to her Yes to you, by saying:
"Behold the handmaid of the Lord; let it be to me according to your word",
Help us by your grace to be ever faithful
to the gift of the Piarist vocation we have received.
en este tiempo en que celebramos
el Año de la Vida Consagrada,
concédenos la gracia de ser creativos y alegres
y así generar una cultura vocacional
que cautive a jóvenes
que estén dispuestos a conocerte, amarte y comprometerse.
Padre Bueno,
en tu Palabra encontramos
que te has revelado a los sencillos.
Hoy queremos darte gracias
por el llamado que nos has dirigido
a seguir a tu Hijo
a pesar de nuestra fragilidad.
Has creído en nosotros y
esto nos lleva a experimentar
tu amor y misericordia.
Nos has convocado a participar
en la construcción de un mundo más justo y fraterno,
a través del carisma legado
a Nuestro Santo Padre Fundador, San José de Calasanz,
educando a los niños y jóvenes en piedad y letras.
Te pedimos por intercesión de María, Nuestra Madre,
quien acogió amorosamente el anuncio del Arcángel Gabriel,
y se mantuvo siempre firme al Sí que te dio,
cuando te dijo:
“He aquí la esclava del Señor, hágase en mí, según tu Palabra”,
Ayúdanos con tu gracia a permanecer siempre fieles
al don de la vocación que hemos recibido.

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