Phone: (803) 359-4391 - Corpus Christi Catholic Church


Phone: (803) 359-4391 - Corpus Christi Catholic Church
Corpus Christi Catholic Church
2350 Augusta Highway
Lexington, South Carolina 29072
Fax: (803) 359-8885
(803) 359-4391
E-mail: [email protected]
Diocese of Charleston, S.C.
November 30, 2014
First Sunday of Advent
Saturday Vigil
5:00 PM
8:00 AM, 11:00 AM & 5:00
Daily Masses
Monday, Thursday, Friday
8:30 AM
Tuesday—6:30 p.m.
with Confession from 5:30
until 6:20 p.m.
Wednesday—12:15 PM
Eucharistic Adoration
following Mass ending with
at 7:15 pm
3:30-4:30 PM or by
Mission Statement
We are one body in Christ and
individually parts of one another.
Vision Statement
To be a community that is nurtured
through the Eucharist and
empowered by the Holy Spirit to
serve God and neighbor.
The Liturgy of the Day
Welcome to Advent, the beginning of
another year in the Church!
How quickly time has flown this
autumn! Here we are, starting our
annual preparation for Christmas,
even though the television ads for
Christmas began a month ago. How
do we reconcile these two worlds?
How can our Advent spiritual
preparation acknowledge and even
benefit from the Christmas frenzy
around us? Maybe it is the alarm bell
that we need to hear, to alert us to the
coming of our Lord.
a la Liturgia del Día
. ¡Bienvenidos
al Adviento, el
comienzo de otro año en la Iglesia!
¡Cómo ha volado el tiempo este
otoño! Aquí estamos, empezando
nuestra preparación anual para la
Navidad, aunque los comerciales
navideños en la tele comenzaron ya
hace un mes. ¿Cómo reconciliar estos
dos mundos? ¿Cómo puede nuestra
preparación espiritual del Adviento
reconocer y aun beneficiarse de la
histeria que nos rodea? Tal vez sea la
alarma que necesitamos escuchar
para advertirnos de la venida del
First Sunday of Advent
November 30, 2014
Parish Staff—803-359-4391
Rev. Raymond J. Carlo, Pastor — x30
Deacon Dale Palmer — 803-687-3257
Deacon Coleman Parks — [email protected]
Deacon Jack Crocker — [email protected]
Scott Kramer, Director of Faith Formation — x26
Dr. Charles Renick — 803-422-2681
Vicky Reese, Parish Secretary — x22
Gerry Prestia, Director of Operations — x23
Susan Kantra, Director of Finance — x21
Tom Jones, Director of Community Life —x24
Brigette Hemming, Director of Youth Ministry —
Organization/Ministry Contacts
Parish Staff E-Mails
Altar Servers—Rev. Raymond J.
Carlo—[email protected]
803-657-6798—Meet every Tuesday
at 3:00 p.m. in the parish hall.
Rev. Raymond J. Carlo, Pastor
[email protected]
Altar Society —Barbara Lux—803359-3377
Mass Greeters - JoDee Douda– 803359-4897
Men of St. Joseph - Tony Mancini [email protected]
Vicky Reese, Parish Secretary
[email protected]
Assistance Ministry—Maryann
Schaum—359-6927 open Tuesday
thru Friday 9:00 a.m. until Noon.
Food drop-off box available 24-7.
Parish Pastoral Council - Mark
Bible Study —Fran Jones —440-669 Prayer Line—Betty Peterson—
CGA (50 plus) - Mary Jane Gavin
R.C.I.A.—Joshua Gehling—
803-951– 8547—2nd Wednesday of [email protected]
each month in the parish hall starting
Respect Life—Jeff Hemming—
in September and ending in May.
[email protected]
Children’s Liturgy—Joan &
Ushers—Herb Johnson—
Fleming Boineau
Eucharist Adoration—Dan Goering
Tom Jones—Eucharistic Adoration
following Wednesday—12:15 P.M.
Mass ending with Benediction at 7:15
Finance Council—Wade Fisher
Hispanic Ministry—Claudia Garcia
[email protected] and
Ana Andrew—[email protected]
Mary Sutton—803-359-5294—
Meet on the last Monday of the
month at 6:30 p.m. in the parish hall.
Youth Ministry—Brigette
Hemming—318-3633—check Youth
Please remember—Contact information is
for Parish use only.
Knights of Columbus Council—
Craig Viers—
[email protected]—Officers
meet on the 2nd Thursday of the
month at 7:00 p.m. and Council Hospital and Nursing Home Visits
Members meet 3rd Thursday of the Due to privacy laws, Father may
month at 7:30 p.m. in the parish hall. not know that you or a family
member have been hospitalized or
moved into a nursing home.
Please e-mail the parish office at
[email protected]
or call
Legion of Mary— Millie Hoerner—
K of C 4th Degree—Gerry Spragg
—[email protected]—Meet on
the fourth Monday of the month at
7:00 p.m.
Gerry Prestia, Director of Operations
[email protected]
Susan Kantra, Director of Finance
[email protected]
Scott Kramer, Director of Faith
[email protected]
Tom Jones, Director of Community Life
[email protected]
Brigette Hemming, Director of Youth
Ministry - [email protected]
Dr. Charles Renick, Director of Music
[email protected]
Community Contacts
Corpus Christi Assistance Ministry.359-6927
Catholic Charities-Midlands.....855-377-1357
LICS ..216 Harmon St….Lexington..957-6656
[email protected]
His House( dispatch 791-0557).…….957-1052
Family Shelter……...………..……...771-7040
Home Works……………………..…781-4536
Lexington Medical Center………....791-2000
St. Francis Catholic Shop……..…....561-9733
Parents wishing to have their child
baptized must contact the Parish
Office at 359-4391. Baptismal
Preparation is held on the 1st Tuesday
of each month at 7:00 p.m. in the
Parish Hall. Sponsors are required to
Couples who are planning to get
married in the Church should contact
the Pastor at least 6 months before
their wedding date.
Preparation with Pre-Cana is required.
The sacrament is administered the 2nd
Wednesday of the month during the
12:15 p.m. Mass, and by appointment
with the Pastor.
—R.C.I.A.— Rite of
Christian Initiation of Adults
Interested in becoming Catholic? If
so, the R.C.I.A. process is the BEST
place to be. For more information,
please contact Scott Kramer at
[email protected].
Come join us each Wednesday after
the 12:15 p.m. Mass ending with
Benediction at 7:15 p.m. To sign up
for an hour, please call Tom Jones at
359-4391 x24.
Pre-school aged children are welcome
to participate during the Liturgy of the
Word on Sunday at the 11:00 a.m.
Question of the Week
Whatever the feelings we ourselves may
bring to this year’s real-world “Advent,”
how can we “step outside ourselves” to
become Jesus’ Advent “servants on the
watch” to transform someone else’s
anxiety and fear into promise and hope?
Mass Intentions &
Scripture Readings
Year B/
November 30, 2014
First Sunday of Advent
Is 63:16b-17, 19b; 64:2-7; Ps
80; 1 Cor 1:3-9; Mk 13:33-37
Saturday Vigil
5:00 PM
 Janet Mikula ,
by Thomas & Elaine Peromple
8:00 AM
11:00 AM
5:00 PM
8:30 AM
6:30 PM
12:15 PM
8:30 AM
8:30 AM
For the Parishioners
 John Rives,
by Fran Rives
 Billy Frost
by Joyce Huggins
Is 2:1-5; Ps 122; Mt 8:5-11
 Peggy Searles,
by Justine Sutkus
Is 11:1-10; Ps 72; Lk 10:21-24
Saint Francis Xavier, priest
Is 25:6-10a; Ps 23; Mt 15:29-37
Following Mass there will be
Eucharistic Adoration until
7:15 PM closing with Benediction
 Rita B. Cote,
by Mr. & Mrs. Floyd Vassalotti
Saint John Damascene, priest and
doctor of the Church
Is 26:1-6; Ps 118; Mt 7:21, 24-27
 Lawrence Resler,
by Joel Daves
Is 29:17-24; Ps 27; Mt 9:27-31
Saint Nicholas, bishop
Is 30:19-21, 23-26; Ps 147;
Mt 9:35—10:1, 5a, 6-8
 denotes a deceased intention
Feast of the Immaculate Conception
Monday, December 8th
Is a Holy Day of Obligation
Mass will be celebrated at 8:30 AM
and 7:00 PM.
Holy God, I praise your name. Lord of
all. I bow before you. All on earth do
praise your name. All in heaven above
adore you. I revere your mystery and
rejoice in your boundless love for me.
Your are my one and only God. To you
alone be glory.
Readings - 992
Service Music:
“Corpus Christi Mass” - Renick
Entrance Hymn - 414
“The King Shall Come”
Advent Wreath Service - Kyrie
Alleluia - Corpus Christi Mass
Offertory Hymn - 405
“Advent Gathering Song”
Holy - Corpus Christi Mass
Memorial Acclamation Corpus Christi Mass
Amen - Corpus Christi Mass
Lamb of God - Corpus Christi Mass
Communion Hymn - 407
“ People of the Night”
Recessional Hymn - 404
“When the King Shall Come Again”
Sunday, November 30, 2014
9-2:00 PM K of C Blood Drive
9:15 AM NO -Religious
6:15 PM NO -High School
Youth Group Meeting
Monday, December 1, 2014
Tuesday, December 2, 2014
3:00 PM Legion of Mary
6:30 PM Medicare Workshop
in the Parish Hall
Wednesday, December 3, 2014
9:00 AM
Medicare Workshop
in the Parish Hall
12:15 PM Mass followed by
Eucharistic Adoration until 7:15
PM closing with Benediction.
5:30 PM Children’s Christmas
Program Rehearsal
6:00 PM Middle School Youth
Group Meeting
7:30 PM Men of St. Joseph
Thursday, December 4, 2014
Friday, December 5, 2014
Saturday, December 6, 2014
First Sunday of Advent
November 30, 2014
Whether you are a new parishioner or just visiting, we hope you feel welcomed and hope you will join us in
our many parish activities. Registration forms are available in the vestibule, parish office, and online.
Please fill one out, drop it in the collection basket, or return it to the parish office. Office hours are Monday
to Thursday 9 a.m. until 4 p.m. and Friday 9 a.m. until Noon. Visitor envelopes are in the church vestibule.
We are glad that you have joined us in our celebration today!
Proyecto de Homilía
compasivos y llenos de fe, el
comercialismo ansioso que
precede la Navidad en el
mundo secular tiene bastante afinidad con los anhelos
sagrados del Adviento. Israel anhela la venida del
Mesías; la Iglesia anhela que vuelva el Señor.
Algunos corazones se emocionan ansiando las
reuniones festivas; otros se apenan por los seres
queridos distantes o difuntos. En algunos hogares el
cinismo de los adultos se transforma en asombro a
medida que el entusiasmo va creciendo en el corazón
de los niños. En otros hogares unos padres están
nerviosos y atemorizados de que las esperanzas
inocentes se conviertan en deseos insatisfechos
debido a los tiempos difíciles.
• ¿Cómo hemos llegado nosotros a este Adviento?
¿Como el “barro” de Isaías, poniéndonos
confiadamente en las manos del Alfarero, con la
seguridad de que somos la obra amorosa de Dios
todavía en curso? O llegamos como el “trapo
asqueroso” y menos agradable del que habla Isaías,
empapados de pecados y dudas, y sintiendo una
inutilidad que no podemos sacudir? ¿Tal vez
“marchitos como las hojas” y las esperanzas
congeladas por las corrientes de la confusión, los
vientos climáticos y los vendavales de los conflictos?
Aun cuando tiene que lidiar con las contiendas y
desavenencias de los corintios, Pablo se mantiene
increíblemente positivo: Dios “ha enriquecido con
abundancia” a la comunidad cristiana y sus miembros
“no carecen de ningún don”. Es más, Jesús “los hará
permanecer irreprochables hasta el fin, hasta el día de
su advenimiento”.
• El consejo de Jesús para el Adviento acopla el
anhelo de Isaías y la confianza de Pablo en un doble
desafío: “Velen”, pero también “estén preparados”.
Siervos que trabajan en las áreas asignadas. La mejor
manera de prepararnos para la segunda venida de
Jesús es prepararnos para la venida diaria de Jesús.
En la oración silenciosa del Adviento anhelemos la
segunda venida de Jesús. Pero en las tantas
ocupaciones que preceden la Navidad, estemos
conscientes de que Jesús ya está aquí, en espera de
nuestro servicio y entrega dentro de la familia y a los
amigos, al vecino y al extraño.
Nuestra Senora de Guadalupe
Viernes, 12 de Diciembre a
las 7:00
p.m. Recepcion y Comida a las 8:00
Misas en español primer
semestre del
Domingo, 18 de Enero a la 1:00pm
Miercoles, 18 de Febrero misa bilingue para tomar
la ceniza
Domingo, 15 de Marzo a la 1:00pm con recepcion
y comidaa las 2:00pm
Domingo, 5 de Abril a la 1:00pm misa de Pascua
Domingo, 10 de Mayo a la 1:00pm misa del dia
delas madres con recepcion y comida
a las 2:00pm
Domingo, 14 de junio a la 1:00pm.
No falten, los esperamos!!
Hispanic Ministry
Claudia Garcia—[email protected]
Ana Andrew—[email protected]
**Mark your calendar Middle School Youth Group meets every Wednesday for Fun and Activities at 6:00 p.m. in the Parish Hall.**
First Sunday of Advent
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
It has been a while since I wrote in the bulletin
asking for feedback on my idea of removing the
trailers and making the rectory building the Parish
Office. I received a lot of feedback. Also, in that
time period, the number of students in our Sunday
School classes has grown greatly. At the end of the
last school year, in early May, we had around 200
students in kindergarten through eighth grade. Now
we have around 290 students. Our youth group has
grown as well. The parish has been trying to make
our high school youth a priority, and a year ago we
put a large sum of money into the “youth space” in
the trailers. So, in light of these things, the plans have
At this point, I think we need to concentrate on
the Church building, so we can do the work needed
for God’s house first before anything else. We will
put on the new roof that has been needed for a while
due to hail damage, etc. We will also repair the
sheetrock inside the church that was not installed
correctly when the building was constructed and is
now showing the obvious problems. We will also
move the tabernacle to the center on a new marble
altar, and introduce some color into the church to
enhance and warm up our worship space. While we
are concentrating on the church building, a new longrange planning committee will begin to develop a
master plan for the parish campus. WE NEED TO
This is very important! So, in 2015 we will
concentrate on bringing God’s house up to its
potential, especially performing the needed repairs.
While we are doing so, we will plan for our future
November 30, 2014
needs. After your good feedback, and the growth in
numbers of our youth, this seems to be the best plan
of action for the immediate future.
Thank you very much for your prayers and
support. I will do my best to keep our parishioners
informed on the various projects that will be taking
place in the new year (church roof, sheetrock, church
interior, columbarium construction.) Please continue
to give me any and all feedback, as well as your own
suggestions and concerns. May we work and pray
together to be Our Good Lord’s instruments in
building up His Church in this little corner of God’s
vineyard, Corpus Christi parish! May God bless you
In Christ Our Lord,
Father Ray
Advent Penance
Service for the
surrounding area
December 1, Monday
Our Lady of the Hills-—————--7:00 PM
December 2, Tuesday
St. John Neumann—-—————-*6:30 PM
December 9, Tuesday
Our Lady of the Lake-—————--7:00 PM
December 10, Wednesday
Transfiguration————————--7:00 PM
December 15, Monday
Our Lady of Perpetual Help———-7:00 PM
December 16, Tuesday
St. Martin de Porres -------------—-7:00 PM
December 17, Wednesday
St. Peter’s--------------------------------- 7:00 PM
December 18, Thursday
Corpus Christi--------------------------- 7:00 PM
*Mark your calendar for our Corpus Christi Advent Penance Service Thursday, December 18th at 7:00 PM*
Corpus Christi Parish Mission
Our Lady of Guadalupe Feast Day
A big “Thank You” to the good ladies of our
Women’s Group for providing the delicious snacks
at our Parish
Mission this past
was very happy
with our good
estimates that we
had 350 people a
Pax et
bonum (that is the
Franciscan motto
which is Latin for
“peace and all
This is the day in Mexican history when the Blessed
Mother appeared to Saint Juan Diego.
In Mexico City a catholic church
was eventually built on Tepeyac
Hill, the site of her appearances
in 1538.
The Hispanic Community of
Corpus Christi Catholic Church
invites the whole parish to join
us on the feast of Our Lady of
Guadalupe with a Mass on
Friday, December 12, 2014 at
7:00 pm followed by a traditional
Fiesta in the Parish Hall.
This holiday will be celebrated with delicious food,
an altar of flowers and candles, traditional music
(mariachi) and dances in honor Our Lady.
Fiesta del Dia de la Virgen de Guadalupe
En este dia en la historia Mexicana, se cree que fue
la aparicion de la Virgen de Guadalupe a Juan
Diego. En la Ciudad de Mexico, se construyo una
iglesia catolica en el Cerro del Tepeyac el mismo
sitio donde fueron las apariciones en el año de 1538.
La Comunidad Hispana de la Iglesia Catolica de
Corpus Christi tiene el gusto de invitarlo a celebrar
con nosotros la Fiesta de Nuestra Señora de
Guadalupe q se llevara a cabo el Viernes 12 de
Diciembre, 2014. A las 7:00pm seguido por una
recepcion en su honor.
Celebraremos con deliciosa comida,un altar a
nuestra Virgen, musica tradicional con Mariachi y
You are invited bailes en su honor. No faltes!! Te esperamos
to join other
parishioners who WORKSHOP OFFERED on the MAJOR CHANGES
of Workshops will address major changes affecting
exciting novels, Medicare, healthcare expenses not covered by Medicare,
fiction and true life stories contained in books, and options to fill in the financial gaps.
with good fellowship in between.
Two 45 minute workshops will be delivered by
Richard VanDerGeest, parishioner.
We invite you to become a part of the Book Club
6:30 PM, Tuesday, 2 December
here at Corpus Christi. Join us on December 4th
9:00 AM, Wednesday, 3 December.
at Noon in the Parish Hall for our Christmas
803)605-3685 and/or
Potluck Book Club meeting. Pease, call Vicki
McClure at (803) 785-0109 for more information . [email protected] to reserve a seat.
Look forward to having you join us.
*Feast of the Immaculate Conception Monday, December 8th Masses at 8:30 AM & 7:00 PM*
First Sunday of Advent
Returning a portion of what has been freely given.
Thank you for your generosity!
November 23, 2014.................$
Second Collection for Campaign for Human Development
November 23, 2014……..$
Available Banking Online through your Bank and
Online Giving is available on Corpus Christi’s
web site
November 30, 2014
Around the Diocese
The Corpus Christi
Giving Tree will be in
the vestibule of the
church the day after
Friday, November 28th.
Help a person in need
to get something special
for Christmas.
We invite all parishioners to take a tag from our
Giving Tree and purchase a gift. All gifts need to be
wrapped with the Giving Tree Tag securely attached
to the wrapped gift. The gifts need to be returned by
the weekend of December 13th & 14th. The
suggested price per gift is $20.00 .
We will have our Corpus Christi Assistance Ministry
envelopes on the table next to the Giving Tree Sign. If
If you prefer not to have your contact information in you would like to make a donation, please use the
the new parish directory please e-mail corpusmail@ envelopes. or call the parish office at 803-359-4391.
New Parish Pictorial Directory

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Corpus Christi Catholic Church

Corpus Christi Catholic Church Altar Servers—Rev. Raymond J. Carlo—[email protected] Altar Society —Barbara Lux—803359-3377 Assistance Ministry—Maryann Schaum—359-6927 open Tuesday thru Friday 9:00 a.m. until Noon. Food drop-of...

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Phone: (803) 359-4391 - Corpus Christi Catholic Church

Phone: (803) 359-4391 - Corpus Christi Catholic Church Altar Servers—Rev. Raymond J. Carlo—[email protected] Altar Society —Barbara Lux—803359-3377 Assistance Ministry—Maryann Schaum—359-6927 open Tuesday thru Friday 9:00 a.m. until Noon. Food drop-of...

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