Phone: (803) 359-4391 - Corpus Christi Catholic Church


Phone: (803) 359-4391 - Corpus Christi Catholic Church
Corpus Christi Catholic Church
2350 Augusta Highway
Lexington, South Carolina 29072
Fax: (803) 359-8885
(803) 359-4391
E-mail: [email protected]
Diocese of Charleston, S.C.
December 14, 2014
Third Sunday of Advent
Saturday Vigil
5:00 PM
8:00 AM, 11:00 AM & 5:00
Daily Masses
Monday, Thursday, Friday
8:30 AM
Tuesday—6:30 p.m.
with Confession from 5:30
until 6:20 p.m.
Wednesday—12:15 PM
Eucharistic Adoration
following Mass ending with
at 7:15 pm
3:30-4:30 PM or by
Mission Statement
We are one body in Christ and
individually parts of one another.
Vision Statement
To be a community that is nurtured
through the Eucharist and
empowered by the Holy Spirit to
serve God and neighbor.
The Liturgy of the Day
Today is often called Gaudete or
“Rejoice” Sunday, because the
entrance antiphon begins with the
word “Rejoice” and we are halfway
through Advent—so much closer to
Christmas. Today’s second reading
also begins with “Rejoice.” On this
Third Sunday of Advent, what do you
have to rejoice about? How are your
Advent preparations for Christmas
going? Let us pray today for that
extra boost of joy in this season of
watchful waiting for the coming of
the Lord.
a la Liturgia del Día
Con frecuencia este domingo de hoy se
conoce como Gaudete o domingo de la
“alegría”, porque la antífona de entrada
comienza con “estén siempre alegres”
porque nos encontramos a mitad de
camino del Adviento, por tanto mucho
más cerca de la Navidad. La segunda
lectura de hoy también comienza con
la exhortación de “vivan siempre
alegres”. En este Tercer Domingo de
Adviento, ¿de qué tienes que alegrarte?
¡Cómo van tus preparativos de
Adviento para la Navidad? Oremos
hoy a fin de que se nos dé ese refuerzo
adicional de alegría en este tiempo de
vela y espera para la venida del Señor.
Third Sunday of Advent
December 14, 2014
Parish Staff—803-359-4391
Rev. Raymond J. Carlo, Pastor — x30
Deacon Dale Palmer — 803-687-3257
Deacon Coleman Parks — [email protected]
Deacon Jack Crocker — [email protected]
Scott Kramer, Director of Faith Formation — x26
Dr. Charles Renick — 803-422-2681
Vicky Reese, Parish Secretary — x22
Gerry Prestia, Director of Operations — x23
Susan Kantra, Director of Finance — x21
Tom Jones, Director of Community Life —x24
Brigette Hemming, Director of Youth Ministry —
Organization/Ministry Contacts
Altar Servers—Rev. Raymond J.
Carlo—[email protected]
Altar Society —Barbara Lux—803359-3377
Assistance Ministry—Maryann
Schaum—359-6927 open Tuesday
thru Friday 9:00 a.m. until Noon.
Food drop-off box available 24-7.
at 3:00 p.m. in the parish hall.
Mass Greeters - JoDee Douda– 803359-4897
Men of St. Joseph - Tony Mancini [email protected]
Parish Pastoral Council - Mark
Prayer Line—Betty Peterson—
Bible Study —Fran Jones —440-669
R.C.I.A.—Joshua Gehling—
CGA (50 plus) - Mary Jane Gavin
[email protected]
803-951– 8547—2nd Wednesday of
each month in the parish hall starting Respect Life—Jeff Hemming—
[email protected]
in September and ending in May.
Children’s Liturgy—Joan &
Fleming Boineau
Eucharist Adoration—Dan Goering
Tom Jones—Eucharistic Adoration
following Wednesday—12:15 P.M.
Mass ending with Benediction at 7:15
Ushers—Herb Johnson—
Mary Sutton—803-359-5294—Meet
on the last Monday of the month at
6:30 p.m. in the parish hall.
Youth Ministry—Brigette
Finance Council—Wade Fisher
Hispanic Ministry—Claudia Garcia
[email protected] and
Ana Andrew—[email protected]
Knights of Columbus Council—
Craig Viers—
[email protected]—Officers
meet on the 2nd Thursday of the
month at 7:00 p.m. and Council
Members meet 3rd Thursday of the
month at 7:30 p.m. in the parish hall.
K of C 4th Degree—Gerry Spragg
—[email protected]—Meet on
the fourth Monday of the month at
7:00 p.m.
Please remember—Contact information is
for Parish use only.
Hospital and Nursing Home Visits
Due to privacy laws, Father may
not know that you or a family
member have been hospitalized or
moved into a nursing home.
Please e-mail the parish office at
[email protected]
or call
Legion of Mary— Millie Hoerner— (803) 359-4391 to let him know.
803-657-6798—Meet every Tuesday
Parish Staff E-Mails
Rev. Raymond J. Carlo, Pastor
[email protected]
Vicky Reese, Parish Secretary
[email protected]
Gerry Prestia, Director of Operations
[email protected]
Susan Kantra, Director of Finance
[email protected]
Scott Kramer, Director of Faith
[email protected]
Tom Jones, Director of Community Life
[email protected]
Brigette Hemming, Director of Youth
Ministry - [email protected]
Dr. Charles Renick, Director of Music
[email protected]
Community Contacts
Corpus Christi Assistance Ministry.359-6927
Catholic Charities-Midlands.....855-377-1357
LICS ..216 Harmon St….Lexington..957-6656
[email protected]
His House( dispatch 791-0557).…….957-1052
Family Shelter……...………..……...771-7040
Home Works……………………..…781-4536
Lexington Medical Center………....791-2000
St. Francis Catholic Shop……..…....561-9733
Parents wishing to have their child
baptized must contact the Parish
Office at 359-4391. Baptismal
Preparation is held on the 1st Tuesday
of each month at 7:00 p.m. in the
Parish Hall. Sponsors are required to
Couples who are planning to get
married in the Church should contact
the Pastor at least 6 months before
their wedding date.
Preparation with Pre-Cana is required.
The sacrament is administered the 2nd
Wednesday of the month during the
12:15 p.m. Mass, and by appointment
with the Pastor.
—R.C.I.A.— Rite of
Christian Initiation of Adults
Interested in becoming Catholic? If
so, the R.C.I.A. process is the BEST
place to be. For more information,
please contact Scott Kramer at
[email protected].
Come join us each Wednesday after
the 12:15 p.m. Mass ending with
Benediction at 7:15 p.m. To sign up
for an hour, please call Tom Jones at
359-4391 x24.
Pre-school aged children are welcome
to participate during the Liturgy of the
Word on Sunday at the 11:00 a.m.
Question of the Week
Who is the “poor” person—specifically,
by name and type of poverty—to whom
the Spirit is sending me, this week? The
broken-hearted person? The captive?
What specifically are the “glad tidings” I
will bring?
Mass Intentions &
Scripture Readings
Year B/
December 14, 2014
Third Sunday of Advent
Is 61:1-2a, 10-11; Lk 1; 1
Thes 5:16-24; Jn 1:6-8, 19-28
Saturday Vigil
5:00 PM
 Mae McClanahan
by Kim Grantham
8:00 AM
Richard & Maryann Schaum,
by Joyce Huggins
11:00 AM
 Mary Ella Entzminger,
by Emy & Marv Douda
5:00 PM
For the Parishioners
Nm 24:2-7, 15-17a; Ps 25;
Mt 21:23-27
 Dan Lehman.
by Lauren & Gene Alexander
8:30 AM
6:30 PM
Zep 3:1-2, 9-13; Ps 34; Mt 21:28-32
Jeff Hemming,
by Staff
12:15 PM
Gn 49:2, 8-10; Ps 72; Mt 1:1-17
Following Mass there will be
Eucharistic Adoration until
7:15 PM closing with Benediction
 Deceased Members of the Boulet
& Colley Families
by Jim & Betty Boulet
8:30 AM
Jer 23:5-8; Ps 72; Mt 1:18-25
Anwar Paz & Lilian Lopez,
by Nancy Lopez
8:30 AM
Jgs 13:2-7, 24-25a; Ps 71; Lk 1:5-25
Scott & Erin Duncan Family,
by Joan Patrick
Is 7:10-14; Ps 24; Lk 1:26-38
 denotes a deceased intention
Corpus Christi
Advent Penance
All are invited to
attend the
Corpus Christi Advent
Penance Service
on Thursday,
December 18th
at 7:00 PM
Readings - 998
Service Music:
“Corpus Christi Mass” - Renick
Entrance Hymn - 416
“A Voice Cries Out”
Advent Wreath Service Kyrie
Alleluia - Corpus Christi Mass
Offertory Hymn - 395
“O Come, O Come Emmanuel”
Holy - Corpus Christi Mass
Memorial Acclamation Corpus Christi Mass
Amen - Corpus Christi Mass
Lamb of God - Corpus Christi Mass
Communion Hymn - 407
“ People of the Night”
Recessional Hymn - 418
“On Jordan’s Bank”
Sunday, December 14, 2014
9:15 AM Religious Education
6:15 PM High School
Youth Group Meeting
Monday, December 15, 2014
Tuesday, December 16, 2014
3:00 PM Legion of Mary
Wednesday, December 17, 2014
12:15 PM Mass followed by
Eucharistic Adoration until 7:15
PM closing with Benediction.
5:30 PM Children’s Christmas
Program Rehearsal
6:00 PM Middle School Youth
Group Meeting
7:30 PM Men of St. Joseph
Thursday, December 18, 2014
7:00 PM Corpus Christi
Penance Service
7:30 PM Knights of
Columbus Council Meeting
Friday, December 19, 2014
Saturday, December 20, 2014
Third Sunday of Advent
December 14, 2014
Whether you are a new parishioner or just visiting, we hope you feel welcomed and hope you will join us in
our many parish activities. Registration forms are available in the vestibule, parish office, and online.
Please fill one out, drop it in the collection basket, or return it to the parish office. Office hours are Monday
to Thursday 9 a.m. until 4 p.m. and Friday 9 a.m. until Noon. Visitor envelopes are in the church vestibule.
We are glad that you have joined us in our celebration today!
Proyecto de
• ¿Quién eres
tú? El cuarto
llama a Juan el
Bautista sino el
Testigo, o sea
alguien que ve y
“testifica” sobre lo que ha visto. El vocablo griego
para testigo es mártir, lo cual sugiere el costo de dar
testimonio, y el Evangelio de hoy usa verbos que le
hacen eco a la pasión de Jesús: preguntó, respondió,
afirmó, no negó. Cuando los interrogadores de Juan le
preguntan por qué bautiza, Juan testifica: “alguien
que viene detrás de mí” (al fin del mundo, al final de
nuestra vida) ¡ya está aquí!
• ¿Quién es él? Hace tres domingos, en la solemnidad
de Cristo Rey, Jesús se identificó a sí mismo: “Estuve
hambriento y me dieron [o no me dieron] de comer,
sediento y me dieron [o no me dieron] de beber, era
forastero y me hospedaron [o no me hospedaron],
estuve desnudo y me vistieron [o no me vistieron],
enfermo y me visitaron [o no me visitaron],
encarcelado y fueron a verme [o no fueron a verme]”.
Las ovejas a la derecha del Rey preguntaron:
¿Cuándo te vimos y te socorrimos? Los cabritos a la
izquierda: ¿Cuándo te descuidamos?
• ¿Quiénes somos nosotros? Isaías y Pablo sugieren
maneras de “dar testimonio” con nuestra vida de que
Cristo ya está en medio de nosotros. Por haber sido
bautizados en Jesús hemos sido ungidos con el
Espíritu “para anunciar la buena nueva a los pobres
[material, emocional o espiritualmente pobres], a
curar a los de corazón quebrantado, a proclamar el
perdón a los cautivos, la libertad a los prisioneros”.
¡Y cuán variados son nuestros “cautiverios” y
Nuestra misión en el Adviento y nuestra vocación en
la vida: alegría perdurable, oración incesante,
continua acción de gracias y una santidad integrada
de espíritu, alma y cuerpo.
Pregunta de la Semana
¿Quién es la persona “pobre” (específicamente con su
nombre y tipo de pobreza) a la cual el Espíritu me
envía esta semana? ¿La persona descorazonada? ¿La
cautiva? ¿Cuáles, específicamente, son las “buenas
nuevas” que le llevaré?
Misas en español primer
semestre del 2015
Domingo, 18 de Enero a la 1:00pm Miercoles, 18
de Febrero misa bilingue para tomar la ceniza
Domingo, 15 de Marzo a la 1:00pm con recepcion
y comidaa las 2:00pm
Domingo, 5 de Abril a la 1:00pm misa de Pascua
Domingo, 10 de Mayo a la 1:00pm misa del dia
delas madres con recepcion y comida a las 2:00pm
Domingo, 14 de junio a la 1:00pm. No falten, los
Hispanic Ministry
Claudia Garcia—[email protected]
Ana Andrew—[email protected]
**Mark your calendar Middle School Youth Group meets every Wednesday for Fun and Activities at 6:00 p.m. in the Parish Hall.**
Third Sunday of Advent
December 14, 2014
*Mark your calendar for our Corpus Christi Advent Penance Service Thursday, December 18th at 7:00 PM*
You are invited to join the Bible Study Ministry and continue your spiritual journey.
Bible Study (The Letter to the Hebrews) will have two sessions a week. We will begin with orientation
(Introduction) for the evening session on Tuesday 01/06/2015 at 7:15 pm and the morning session,
Thursday 01/08/2015 at 9:30 am; both held in the parish hall. Study Guides will be needed for the class
and will be available for pick-up on orientation day. Bible Study (The Letter to the Hebrews) will end
for the evening session on Tuesday 02/17/2015 and the morning session 02/19/2015.
Signup sheets are in the vestibule. Questions, contact Fran Jones Bible Study
Coordinator 440-669-2576
****Family Honor “Real Love & Real Life” deadline for registeration is Thursday, January 7, 2015****
Third Sunday of Advent
Returning a portion of what has been freely given.
Thank you for your generosity!
Offertory November 30, 2014.................$11,874.01
December 7, 2014.................$
Second Collection for Retirement Fund for Religious
December 7, 2014……..$
Available Banking Online through your Bank and
Online Giving is available on Corpus Christi’s
December 14, 2014
What’s Happening
Thank you for your wonderful
generosity in our Giving Tree
effort at Corpus Christi! Your
love will help brighten Christmas for many, many,
needy children and adults. Please remember to return
the gifts by this weekend, December 13th & 14th so we
can get them to the pople in time for Christmas Eve.
And remember to tape your tags to the gifts.
Confirmation Class Reminder
Our next Confirmation Class is this Sunday,
December 14th at 6:15 PM. We will meet in the
High School Youth Group Room for a meal then
proceed to the old church building for class.
New Parish Pictorial Directory
If you do not want your contact information in
the New Parish Directory please, contact the
parish office at(803) 359-4391 or e-mail the
office at [email protected].

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Corpus Christi Catholic Church

Corpus Christi Catholic Church Altar Servers—Rev. Raymond J. Carlo—[email protected] Altar Society —Barbara Lux—803359-3377 Assistance Ministry—Maryann Schaum—359-6927 open Tuesday thru Friday 9:00 a.m. until Noon. Food drop-of...

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Phone: (803) 359-4391 - Corpus Christi Catholic Church

Phone: (803) 359-4391 - Corpus Christi Catholic Church Altar Servers—Rev. Raymond J. Carlo—[email protected] Altar Society —Barbara Lux—803359-3377 Assistance Ministry—Maryann Schaum—359-6927 open Tuesday thru Friday 9:00 a.m. until Noon. Food drop-of...

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Phone: (803) 359-4391 - Corpus Christi Catholic Church

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