The Gift of Being a Mother Before I was myself you made me, me


The Gift of Being a Mother Before I was myself you made me, me
Sixth Sunday of Easter
May 13, 2012
The Gift of Being a Mother
Before I was myself you made me, me
With love and patience, discipline and tears,
Then bit by bit stepped back to set me free,
Allowing me to sail upon my sea,
Though well within the headlands of your fears.
Before I was myself you made me, me
With dreams enough of what I was to be
And hopes that would be sculpted by the years,
Then bit by bit stepped back to set me free,
Relinquishing your powers gradually
To let me shape myself among my peers.
Before I was myself you made me, me,
For love inspires learning naturally:
The mind assents to what the heart reveres.
And so it was through love you made me, me
By slowly stepping back to set me free.
What is a mother? A mother is someone who’s
wonderful at listening and encouraging and
making a positive difference. A mother is
someone whose life is incredibly full of
responsibilities and joys. People she loves – love
her in return.
– Author Unknown
GROWING IN Spirit, Community, and Service
Congratulations to the children that received First Holy Communion last weekend. We express our
thanks to the children, their parents, the teachers and staff who helped to prepare them for
receiving the sacrament.
Jack Badali
Audrey Dior Balcita
Bianca Maria Barsan
Andrei Batuk
Lena Black
Leya Bou Mojahed
Liam James Alexander Brearley
Santina Jane Domenica Brearley
Arden Chan
Simone Cheng
Nicholas Chow
Diana Vanessa Crasnianu
Emilie Yasmin Darago
Mateo B Delgado
Avery Rose DeMarco
Serena Valerie De Stefano
Sofia Isabella Dininio
Sofia Dutto
Jainna Richelle Fernandez
Owen John Robert Grand
Meaghan Kathleen Hill
Dylan Hillick
Caitlyn Jacqueline Hsu
Julia lantorno
Coel Jackson
Julian Joaquim
Riana Kassam
Amaya Grace Ko
Duide Ezekiel Lagmay
Sean Raymond La Madrid
Sophie Lang
Connor Law
Brian Alexander Lee
Chloe Alexis Lipana
Evan Lobo
Matthew Long
Jack Chin Mackley
Ellie Martin
Amanda Mayer
Isabella McPherson Uribe
Jacob Benito Bernard Meadows
Marcus Mersch
Andrew C Nowak
Braeden Orat-ota
Ella O'Rourke
Aaron Z Paguirigan
Jenna Payette
Frederico Paz
Claudia Beatrix Perez Pavan
Alessandra Camille V Perreras
Tyler Quattrociocchi
Douglas Gifford Rogers
Maria Jose Sanchez
Muredach Shanly
Conrad Stanek
Cassia Sullivan
Nicholas Toews
Nicholas Trombley
Maya Verma
Sonya Verma
Alan Visnovsky
Kaitlyn Wan
Sonya Weerasinghe
Andrew Wright
Samantha Gisela Wright
Luna Utrera
GROWING IN Spirit, Community, and Service
Transitions Retreat for Grades 11 and 12
Sunday, May 27 from 11AM to 2:30PM
What are you doing? Where are you going? Why? If you're wondering what will happen after
graduating high school, join us for a retreat where we will explore all the opportunities available and
how to keep it all in perspective. We have a fantastic speaker lined up and we will finish off the
afternoon with a free BBQ! Please RSVP with Jonathan!
Volunteer Opportunities
If you’re looking for volunteer hours, we’ve been told of some great opportunities with the Knights of
Columbus, our local food bank or with the Ride to Conquer Cancer. Please let Jonathan know if
you’re interested!
Junior Youth Movie Night!
Thursday, May 24 from 6:30PM to 8:30PM
Our Youth Leadership Team is proud to host another fantastic movie night for everyone in
grades 5 to 7. We will be watching Monsters Inc. and there will be lots of popcorn for everyone!
Contact [email protected], visit us at
or call 416 447 5571 x258
St. Vincent de Paul Camps
The Society offers a week long camping experience to children whose families may be experiencing
financial or domestic hardship. Families can contact the Society to determine their eligibility.
Families who qualify can register by calling 416.390.9495 or emailing [email protected].
Spaces are allotted on a first come first served basis. Camp Ozanam is for boy ages 6 – 12, and
Marygrove Camp is for girls, ages 5 – 13.
Hunger Never Takes a Vacation
We ask you to remember those in our community who are struggling to make ends meet and help to
put food on their table. At all weekend masses, a basket of food will be brought to the altar along
with our gifts of bread and wine as a gentle reminder of our love of Christ witnessed in our sharing
with others in need. PLEASE – When you come to Church remember to bring a can of soup,
vegetables or other food staple with you as an offering to God for our sisters and brothers who
need our support.
Homebound Ministry
Please call the parish ministry center if you or someone you know is no longer able to attend
Mass. Both the Friars and several of our parish Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist visit the
elderly and infirm parishioners. Without your assistance, we are at a loss as to who might be missing
from our list and would welcome a personal visit.
Looking for Volunteers – St. Bonaventure Welcoming Committee
We are thankful to God for the wonderful blessing of new parishioners joining our parish as we
recognize that the sign of a viable parish is its witness to the faith which attracts new members and
participants in the community’s faith life. An essential component of inviting new people to join us
in worship is that our parish promotes a Spirit of Welcome to every person choosing to be with us.
So in an effort to help an idea become a reality, our parish community is looking for volunteers
willing to serve on a Parish Welcoming Committee. If you have an interest, please contact Fr. Paul.
GROWING IN Spirit, Community, and Service
Every Wednesday 7:30 pm, Francis Room
AA members meet regularly to help each other recover from alcoholism. The only requirement for
membership is a desire to stop drinking. There are no dues or fees for AA membership. The primary
purpose is to stay sober and help other alcoholics to achieve sobriety.
Living with Gratitude, Every Saturday at 10:00 am, Bonaventure Room
The Al-Anon Family Groups are a fellowship of men, women and children of all ages and backgrounds
whose lives have been affected by the compulsive drinking of a family member or friend. Al-Anon can
help family and friends through the sharing of experience, strength, and hope in order to solve their
common problems.
COME…Journey with us on “The Way of the Saints” in Italy
September 16-27, 2012
St. Anthony of Padua; St. Catherine of Sienna; St. Dominic; St. Francis and St. Clare of Assisi;
St. Benedict and St. Scholastica; St. Rita of Cascia…
This will be an extraordinary journey, with Father Philip Chircop as Chaplain, to Venice, Padua,
Florence, Sienna, Assisi, Norcia, Cascia, Rieti, Amalfi, Sorrento, Capri, Naples and Rome.
BOOK EARLY to reserve your seat
Deadline for sending registration is May 30, 2012
To register, please contact: Joanne Cothran, National Director, Skylink Holidays
Tel: 416 849 6629
Toll Free: 1 866 296 3345
Fax: 416 391 0986
News from St. Clare Inn
Thanks to your ongoing generosity, this year is the 5th anniversary
of St. Clare Inn. Your support continues to make a major impact on
improving the quality of life for the most vulnerable in our society.
Great Deal on Rain Barrels: Now that it is mandatory for City of Toronto property owners to
disconnect their downspouts, a rainbarrel is an excellent and cost efficient way to capture water and
reuse it for irrigation. In gratitude for your support, rain barrels are available for only $60. You can
pre-order at and pick up your rain barrel at St. Bonaventure on
Saturday, May 26. Twenty dollars of every rain barrel sold will go to support St. Clare Inn.
Mark Your Calendar for Linda’s Walk, Saturday, August 11: Donate just one morning of your time
and make a difference in the lives of homeless women. It's an easy 5k walk ending with a free
barbeque. Details and registration information are available at
Marriage Encounter Weekend
Another honeymoon is a perfect way for a couple to celebrate their marriage. Queen of Apostles
Renewal Centre offers married couples the privacy, comfort, hospitality and inspiring program that
encourage couples to continue exploring their lives together. The next weekend is June 15-17. For
information telephone: 905-278-8879, 905-829-0116, 416-694-1742 or register at Queen of Apostles:
GROWING IN Spirit, Community, and Service
Community Consultation Meeting
Monday May 14, 2012 at 7:00pm Main Hall, Parish Centre
Consultation meeting will be held potential replacement for Don Mills Civitan Community
Centre and Arena. Meeting is sponsored by Don Mills Residents Inc.
Help Plant Our Church Gardens
Saturday, May 26, 9:30 am
Each spring, parishioners plant our church gardens, which we all enjoy. Come meet other
parishioners and get a little exercise. We will provide lunch. Call the Ministry Centre if you
can help.
Prayer Requests
For private prayer contact Friar Boniface, 416.447.5571 x 500. Please call Mary Edwards
416.423.5899, to place a request with the Prayer Network.
Meditation Garden
The meditation garden includes a walkway covered in tumbled paving stones. These paving
stones can be used to honour someone on their birthday or anniversary, to remember
deceased loved ones or simply to have your name associated with this place of peace. If you
are interested in buying a brick, please contact the Ministry Centre before May 27, 2012.
A Women's Celebration of Spring
Sunday, May 27, Donalda Club, $35
All women in the parish are welcome to join the CWL for brunch. Call Mary Moyser for further
information 416.444.5118. Tickets will be available after mass.
Hawaiian LUAU and Show
Saturday, June 2, 2012, 6:00 pm - Main Hall
The CWL presents the 2012 Hawaiian Fundraising LUAU and Show at the Parish Centre on June
2, 2012. Proceeds go towards the purchase of the Parish kitchen Appliances. Tickets are 35.00
and they will be sold after masses in May or call Linda Etzkorn at 416-510-0264.
May 6 Sunday Offertory Collection
Regular Collection $12,307
Pre-authorized donations
$2,980 Expenses
$ 2,500
$ 105
Thank you for your generous donations and continued support of our parish.
Second Collection – Sunday May 20, 2012
The Pope’s Pastoral Works
When you consider your estate plans, remember your spiritual family!
Truly your parish has been a part of your faith development, a member of your family. So please, if
you are able, consider this request as a way of guaranteeing the health of your spiritual family long
into the future. Please consider a bequest as part of your plans to benefit your parish. Through your
estate, your membership in our extended community of faith will continue in perpetuity. And may
God who loved you into this life reward your generosity in eternal life. Thank you!
GROWING IN Spirit, Community, and Service
Remembering Loved Ones
Let us remember to pray for all our deceased family members, friends and loved ones
especially our fellow parishioners, and in particular, Lina Stahlschmidt, mother of parishioner
Lisa Stahlschmidt. May God grant them eternal life and love, as well as peace and
consolation to their families and friends.
Ministry Centre Contacts
Friar Paul Lininger, Pastor [email protected]; ext. 234
Friar Daniel Quackenbush, Associate Pastor [email protected]; ext. 233
Friar David Suckling, Pastoral Associate [email protected] ; ext 232
Friar Canice Connors, Sacramental Minister [email protected]
Connie Durante, Parish Manager [email protected] ; ext. 224
Jeanette Williams, Pastoral Assistant [email protected] ;ext. 222
Jonathan Nix, Youth Minister [email protected]; ext. 258
Norman Bell, Franciscans’ Business Administrator [email protected]; ext. 231
This Week in Our Parish
Community Life
9:00 am
† Marie Sullivan
May 14
6:15 pm
7:00 pm
Sparks & Brownies/Francis Room
Community Consultation/Main Hall
9:00 am
† Florence & Clifford
May 15
9:30 am
7:30 pm
Theology & Tea/Francis Room
Small Faith Group/ Bonaventure Room
9:00 am
† Maria Stoff
9:00 am
† Friars, Sisters &
Benefactors of the Order
9:00 am
† Joseph Some
9:00 am
4:00 pm
5:00 pm
8:30 am
10:00 am
12:00 pm
† Gerry Bryan
† Mary Cockburn
† Antonio Lisowicz
† Mark Van Steen
Wednesday 6:00 pm
May 16
7:00 pm
8:00 pm
Thursday 6:30 pm
May 17
May 18
May 19
May 20
9:00 am
9:30 am
10:00 am
11:00 am
DMRI Annual Meeting/Main Hall
Inquiry Meeting/Oak Room
Alcoholics Anonymous/Francis Room
Brownies/Bonaventure Room
Alpha Program/Francis Room
St. John Vianny –SFO/Main Hall
Christian Meditation/Oak Room
Al-Anon / Bonaventure Room
Sunday Coffee
Sanctuary Lamps: † Lina Stahlschmidt
Vigil Candles: The Della Rocca Family
GROWING IN Spirit, Community, and Service
GROWING IN Spirit, Community, and Service