Dossier - Intransit


Dossier - Intransit
Santander, 1989
Licenciada en Bellas Artes por la Universidad de Salamanca, es becada para
cursar los dos últimos años en Aalto University of Art and Design Helsinki y
la Universidad de Barcelona. Posteriormente reside en Amsterdam con una
beca Leonardo Da Vinci. Su trabajo trata cuestiones como lo real y lo virtual, la experiencia a través de las imágenes, el estatus de lo material, nuestras
nociones actuales de lo histórico o lo individual frente a lo colectivo, para lo cual
emplea el video y la instalación como medios.
[email protected]
Tras el juego
Impresiones sobre papel 90x200cms, Proyección HD 4’
Proyección HD 4’, loop , folleto 29x21 cms.
Figure 5 shows that short term memory has been supplanted by a categorizing process that
refers to the disposition and classification of the elements in the different neurological levels.
With this metaphor a level of association above the perceptive and conceptual order is achieved.
The problem of division is one of the most relevant ones. The hierarchy of the different peripheral
levels and the unconscious reasoning are emphasized. They are linked as a basis for the suitable
development of the personality with the kind of capacities that let us be functional in society. The
visual information which is filtered by the long term memory has a very specific learning style
remarked. It is similar to the digital mark that defines the personal shape in which the
information was processed. This characteristic is represented by figure 3. Although the styles of
exercitation are not a characteristic of the system process, it shows very valuable information
about what happened between the operative memory and the knowledge levels, providing
specific ideas for improving the process.
Image 5 demonstrates that the transmitter of level linked to the inferior segment could be
sending a sign that provisionally controls the level valve in the superior part of this specific
system. Also it could be deducted that the sign transmitter in the central part could be a fraction
of the image control system that permits proceed to the delivery and modeling of temporary
diagrams of that same production chain. If we base only in the diagram 2, it is not very clear
which is the place the flow transmitter is sending the sign in all the precision line previous to the
functioning of this kind of deductive concretion. This level of uncertainty is perfectly acceptable,
because its purpose is simply exhibit the general movement of this just process and only a
minimum of instrumentation of control.
Tierra de Campos
Video HD 10’, Impresiones 3D
Universidad Complutense de
Carlos Andradas Heranz
Vicerrectorado de Extensión Universitaria, Cultura y Deporte
Centro de Arte Complutense
Vicerrectora de Estensión
Universitaria, Cultura y Deporte
María Nagore Ferrer
Pista 34
Comisión técnica 2015
Jefe Unidad Técnica de Cultura
José María Martínez Madrigal
Coordinador de Relaciones
Juan Manuel Pérez Pérez
c arte c
(Centro de Arte Complutense)
Iñigo Larrauri De Terán
Raisa Maudit, artista visual
Bruno Leitão, comisario independiente
Cristina Anglada, comisaria independiente
Ignacio García Sánchez, Julio Sarramián, Esther Gatón, Izaro Ieregi, Amaia
Molinet, Clara Sánchez, Hector Hernández, Alicia Way, Blanca Ulloa y
Virginia Samper Carcasona, Sara Munguía, Ana De Fontecha, Laura Torres
Bauzà, Aris Spentsas y Rosana Sánchez, Miriam Fernández Lara, Lucas
Agudelo, Sofía Montenegro, Álvaro Valls Rueda, Pablo García de Durango,
María de las Nieves Vergara, Colectivo PPS (María Remedios Silvestre,
Andreu Porcar y Eduardo Peral)
Con el patrocinio de
MECD Subdirección General de
Promoción de las Bellas Artes
Con la colaboración de
Facultad de Bellas Artes UCM
La Casa de Velázquez

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