March 6, 2016 - Sacred Heart Church


March 6, 2016 - Sacred Heart Church
(See back page )
Youth Day 2016
Saturday: 5:30pm
Sunday: 6:45am, 8:00am, *9:30am
11:00am, 5:30pm *Signed for hearing impaired
Domingo: 12:45pm & 2:30pm (Español)
(Days of Obligation)
English - Vigil: 5:30pm
7:00am, 9:00am, 12noon, 5:30pm
Español: 7:30pm
Mon-Fri: 7:00am & 5:30pm
Weekdays: 6:30am & 5:00pm
(20 min. before Mass)
Saturday: 4:00pm - 5:00pm & 8:00pm
By appointment, 6-month advance notice.
Fr. Tom Baker
Fr. Gerald Osuagwu
Fr. Raymont Medina
English: 3rd Saturday of each month.
Call 948-3011.
Spanish: El primer Sabado de cada mes.
Llame 942-7853.
Pastors Corner
March 6, 2016
Page 2
Fourth Sunday in Lent
When God Ran
In today‘s gospel we hear the story of the prodigal
son. This story not only reveals the conversion of the young
man but it also reveals the tremendous mercy and forgiveness of the father. God is that Father and we are those
who leave His presence and go our own way. In the story it
tells how upon seeing his son returning, the father ―was
filled with compassion. He ran to his son and embraced him
and kissed him.‖ What an incredible Father we have! After
all the son had done, after all we do, God, our Father, still
waits for our return. And when He sees us returning, He
runs to us and embraces us. He runs to us, WOW!
There is a Christian song written by Benny Hester reflecting on this aspect of God and the song title is:
―When God Ran.‖ God has tremendous love for each one of us and is patient in awaiting our return from our
own paths. But when we do return, He cannot contain His joy and excitement and He runs to embrace us.
Let this Lent surprise us by such wondrous love and let us commit ourselves more fervently to the path
of God. Let us run our lives by His ways and direct our choices along His paths. During this Year of Mercy
may we who have received such incredible mercy form God our Father, extend it toward those who most
need it. May our lives bring blessings to others and honor and praise to our God. Peace. Fr. Tom
Cuando Dios Corrió
En el Evangelio de hoy hemos escuchado la historia del Hijo Prodigo. El hecho no sólo nos revela la conversión de aquel joven, sino que también nos revela la misericordia y el perdón amoroso del Padre. Dios es Padre y nosotros somos los que abandonamos Su presencia o seguimos nuestro propio camino. La historia del
Hijo Prodigo nos enseña como el hijo regresa al padre, y ―fue lleno de compasión. Él corrió hacia su hijo y lo
colmo de besos‖. ¡Que Padre tan maravilloso tenemos! Después de todo lo que el hijo había hecho, después de
todo lo que hacemos nosotros, aun así, Dios, nuestro Padre, todavía Él, espera nuestro regreso. Y cuando Él ve
que nosotros regresamos a Él, corre como un Padre amoroso hacia nosotros, ¡WOW!
Hay una canción cristiana escrita por Benny Hester donde reflexiona sobre Dios, la canción se llama:
―Cuando Dios Corrió‖. Realmente, Dios tiene un amor muy especial por cada uno y Él es paciente en la espera
del regreso de cada uno de nosotros. Cuando nosotros regresemos a Su ceno amoroso, Él no puede contener Su
alegría y entusiasmo y corre hacia nosotros para abrazarnos.
Hermanos y hermanas: que esta Cuaresma seamos sorprendidos por el maravilloso amor de Dios y que
nos comprometamos con nosotros mismos a ser más fervientes en el camino de Dios. Corramos por los caminos de nuestra vida, tomando buenas decisiones a lo largo de nuestras rutas. En este Año de la Misericordia,
los que hemos recibido el maravilloso regalo de la Misericordia de Dios, nuestro Padre, extiendan Su misericordia a quien más la necesita. Nuestra vida puede traer bendición a los demás y honor y alabanza a nuestro
Dios. Paz. P. Tomás.
Oremos Por Las Vocaciones—Por favor oremos por más vocaciones al sacerdocio y a la vida religiosa. La
vocación puede ser un regalo maravilloso para la Iglesia. Por favor pase a la oficina de la Iglesia para que se
lleve a su casa un ―Cáliz Vocacional‖ y oren como familia por las vocaciones durante toda la semana.
The Happenings
March 6, 2016
Page 3
Fourth Sunday in Lent
40 Days for Life
From February 10 - March 20 the Antelope Valley has joined with hundreds of other cities for 40 days for Life. This prolife effort has seen 11,165 babies saved from abortion, 127 abortion worker conversions, and 64 closed abortion centers. Pray
and get involved in this life-saving effort. Below are pictures of the Mid-Campaign Gathering & Jericho Prayer Walk that
took place on Saturday, February 27th. The End of Campaign Jericho Prayer Walk is Saturday, March 19th at 10:00am on 5th
St. East, next to Planned Parenthood (533 E. Palmdale Blvd., Suite 533-A1). For more information see the website: or call (661)524-6763.
Ministry News
Page 4
Sacred Heart School
Tues., March 8: Science Family Fun Night
and Used uniform sale 6-7:30PM
Wed., March 9: Lenten Mass at 7AM
Thurs., March 10: Student Council ―Pay for
Free Dress‖ $1.00
Fri., March 11: School Mass at 10:45AM by
the 3rd grade; Student and athlete of the
month awards
Rosary Rally
Youth Nights
Youth Night: Monday, March 7. 6:30pm to 8:30pm, Kennedy center. Theme: God
wants me to do what?
Sisters of Strength: Wednesday, March 9. 6:30pm to 8:00pm, Youth House.
Band of brothers: Thursday, March 10. 6:30pm to 8:00pm, Youth House.
Confirming Disciples
YEAR ONE- Faith Day: Sunday, March 13, 12:00pm to 2:15pm. Teens
only .
Our Lady of Fatima Rosary Crusade will
hold their annual Public Square Rosary Rally for Traditional Marriage.
Date: Sat., March 19 (Feast of St. Joseph)
Time: 12 Noon
Location: Boeing Plaza (on the corner of
Lancaster Blvd. and Sierra Hwy)
The intentions for this Rosary Crusade are
to beg God , Our Lady and St. Joseph to protect and preserve the family and traditional
marriage. All are welcome to join us in praying the rosary to our Blessed Mother!
Stations of the Cross
On the Fridays of Lent the Stations of the
Cross will be held at 7:30pm in the Church.
Fish Fry
When: Feb. 12, March 4, 11, 18 at 5pm-7pm
Where: Knights Hall 719 Columbia Way
Cost: $8 Adults, $5 Children under 12
Contact: Joe or Debbie Owens 948-0908
YEAR TWO- Faith day with sponsors: Sunday, march 13 2:45pm to
6:30pm. Please notify your sponsor so they have time to plan to spend
this afternoon with you! The rite of acceptance will take place during
the 5:30pm mass.
Parent Meeting regarding the sacrament of confirmation: Tuesday,
march 15. Kennedy center, 6:30pm
City of Saints Teen Conference
City of Saints is a Catholic teen conference hosted by Archbishop Gomez and the
Youth Ministry Division of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. This even is a wonderful and LOCAL opportunity for young people to deepen their relationship with Jesus.
The dates are from August 5-7, 2016 at UCLA. The fee is $225.00 per person for the
entire weekend! This includes housing and all your meals.! There are dynamic
speakers, Liturgy, prayer spaces, etc.
Fundraising opportunities are available to help pay a partial amount of the fees. A
$50.00 deposit is required to reserve your space. There are only 20 spaces reserved
for our parish so register soon! You can learn more by visiting the website
at Be a Saint!
Ministry News
St. Vincent de Paul
Food Drive
Today we are passing out bags at the
doors. Please bring it back next week
for our food drive. We will have trucks
at the entrances of the church. If it is
more convenient for you please bring
your monetary gift in the envelope attached to the bag and put it in the
Church baskets. We only have two food
drives a year, Easter and Thanksgiving,
so please be generous. We would like to
include a ham or turkey with each Easter
food bag that we give away. If you cannot bring it in with the food that weekend, please bring it to our Center before
April 4th. If you or your children need
service hours, have them come to our site
1 location at 45058 Trevor Ave. on Sunday, March 13th to help sort the food.
Then you and your children may also
come to our site 2 location 44721 Trevor
on March 26th, 8am- 12noon, to help
pack the food and help the people take
the food to their cars. If you have questions please call 942-3222on M, W, Th,
or Sat 9am-12noon. We sincerely thank
Page 5
Archdiocesan Council of
Catholic Women North
San Fernando District
Lancaster Knights of Columbus Hall
719 W. Columbia Way (Avenue M)
Palmdale, CA 93551
Thursday, March 17, 2016
9:00am – 2:30pm
Retreat Speaker: Rev. Francis Benedict,
O.S.B., Abbot Emeritus St. Andrew‘s
Schedule for the Day:
10AM Morning Talk
1:30PM Lunch
2:30PM Adjournment
Cost: $25.00per person (Pre-paid)
Please make checks payable to and mail
to: Barbara Ballman
715 W. Avenue H-8
Lancaster, CA 93534
Questions: Call Barbara at: (661) 9422080. Reservations deadline: Thursday,
March 10, 2016
Rite of First Reconciliation,
March 12, 10am. Please arrive at
9:30am at the Kennedy Center.
Family Last Names beginning
with the letters A-L
Rite of First Reconciliation,
March 12, 2pm. Please arrive at
1:30pm at the Kennedy Center.
Family Last Names beginning
with the letters M-Z.
Year 2 RCITeen, March 13, 3rd
Scrutiny, Students w/ sponsors,
11:00am Mass.
In the Spotlight
Metanoia= to use the Greater mind.....Mind of Christ
By Egren Gomez, Pastoral Intern
Lent is a time of the year that allows us turn around and change our minds. This shift is one that allows us to
see, think, and to love like Christ. I like to think of it as a turning around, so that instead of facing the world and the
attachments that make us happy here, we shift, pivot, and turn ourselves around to face God. We do a 180 degree
This change occurs when we understand that Jesus has a transformative mission for us. You see, this is central
to the teachings of Jesus, so much so, that He made this call to change, His very first message in the Gospels. Unfortunately, many of us miss this because the Greek has been transliterated as ―convert,‖ ―repent,‖ or ―reform‖ (Matthew 4:17,
Mark 1:15). Yes, it is through our repenting of our sins that we change, but the fuller meaning of what Jesus was talking
about is best understood when we use the Greek word, metanoia, which quite literally means to "change your mind‖.
Jesus‘ first word to us was ―change!‖ — and mind change at that! Reducing this word to merely "repent‖, which denotes
a moralistic connotation is not enough to see what Christ is offering us in His being.
This turning around is what awakens this Transformation, and when it arises in our lives, it is what makes being a Christian so desirable to those around us. He transforms our minds when we turn away from our small thinking
and begin to use the META-MIND, in other words the GREATER MIND, which is the Christ center within each of us.
His desire for us is to change our hardened and even stubborn ways, and this metanoia occurs when we draw intimately close to Christ. When we see the Presence of Christ, we will see the GREATER MIND within, this my friends, will
transform us!
Our Parish Family
Palm Sunday
Year of Mercy
On Palm Sunday Sacred Heart Parish
will be celebrating the Jubilee Year of
Mercy in a special way. We will be collecting intentions to be prayed for during
Holy Week, distributing Mercy Prayer
Cards, offering opportunities for participating in corporal works of mercy,
providing a children‘s corner, free refreshments, and an opportunity for fellowship. This will take place at the end
of each Mass on Palm Sunday. We are
looking forward to constructing a culture of Mercy together as a parish!
Page 6
Women’s Silent Retreat
April 22-24, 2016
Located in the beautiful and serene
grounds of the Sacred Heart Retreat
House, Alhambra.
Retreat Master:
Rev. David Kueter, OMV
―I have loved you with an everlasting love‖
Jer. 31:3
The retreat begins at 5pm on Fridary
and ends at 12:30pm on Sunday.
Reservation application and payment
deadline is March 15, 2016.
The Ronald Reagan Presidential Library and Museum is the exclusive
West Coast destination for Vatican
Splendors: A Journey Through Faith
and Art. This 12,000 square foot exhibition, comprising one of the largest
Vatican collections ever to tour the
United States, includes an extraordinary collection of historical and religious objects, some of which date to
the first century, as well as works of
art by Michelangelo, Bernini, Guercino and others. For a limited time our
parish can purchase tickets at a $5
discount by entering the
Please make your check payable to,
‗Sacred Heart Retreat House‘ and
turn it in with the reservation form
(found in the vestibule of the Church)
to the Office of Religious Education,
Attn Shelley Urmanski (661)948-3011.
Lay Fraternity of
Charles de Foucauld
The Lay Fraternity of Charles de
Foucauld will have its next monthly
meeting on Sunday, March 20th at
2:00 p.m. We will meet at the facilitator's home for Scripture/Faith
Sharing followed by Eucharistic Adoration at St. Junipero Serra Church
and dinner. For more information,
contact Arlene Moeller
at [email protected] or call (661)
The AV Blanketeers are local women 361-4096.
who volunteer to make blankets, booties, hats, & scarves for the AV Pregnancy Clinic, Active Duty Military at
Edwards AFB, Camp Pendelton, LA
Foster Care programs, Domestic Vio- ―Pray with great confidence, with
lence Shelter, and troops in Afghani- confidence based upon the goodstan/Iraq. Yarn or monetary donations ness and infinite generosity of God
will be greatly appreciated for our and upon the promises of Jesus
ongoing work. We need your help. Christ. God is a spring of living waPlease contact Sylvia Darrock: 948- ter which flows unceasingly into
6855 or Diane Charters: 718-2757. the hearts of those who pray.‖
Thank you!
-St. Louis de Montfort
AV Blanketeers
The Voice of the
Tony Melendez
“A Gift of Mercy”
Sunday, March 12, 2016 at 7:30pm
Saint Mary’s Church
Ticket Donation: $15.00
VIP Donation$30.00
For more information please call:
Religious Education Office
(661) 273-5554 or Parish Office
(661) 947-3306
Masses for the Week
March 5—March 11, 2016
5:30pm Alexander & John Zanderzuk, Liv
Azeez Bacchus, RIP
Peter Knaggs, RIP
Frances Estrada, RIP
11:00am Elena Arellano, RIP
12:45pm For All Parishioners
2:30pm Guadalupe Valverde, RIP
5:30pm Guadalupe Gutierrez, RIP
Maria Semana, RIP
5:30pm Helen Kakic, RIP
Nora Crann, Liv
Page 7
For those among us who are sick, that they
know Christ’s comforting presence, in our
community’s care : Lester Gilbert, Jan Oies-
tad, Tony Sablan, Maria Dorado, Robert
Brink, Jose David Giron, Chris Macora, Cheri
Bertola, Tony Gaeta, Joan Maliaros, Enrique Quintanilla.
Readings for the Week
Is 65:17-21; Ps 30:2, 4-6, 11-13b; Jn 4:43-54
Ez 47:1-9, 12; Ps 46:2-3, 5-6, 8-9; Jn 5:1-16
Wednesday: Is 49:8-15; Ps 145:8-9, 13cd-14, 17-18;
Jn 5:17-30
Ex 32:7-14; Ps 106:19-23; Jn 5:31-47
Wis 2:1a, 12-22; Ps 34:17-21, 23;
Jn 7:1-2, 10, 25-30
Jer 11:18-20; Ps 7:2-3, 9bc-12; Jn 7:40-53
Is 43:16-21; Ps 126:1-6; Phil 3:8-14; Jn 8:1-11
5:30pm Personal Intention
Wednesday 7:00am
Today’s Gospel
Tony Lizama, Liv
We must rejoice when our brother who was dead in sin repents and comes back to life (Luke 15:1-3, 11-32).
5:30pm Jeana Rodgers, Liv
Takako Cardenas, Liv
5:30pm Margeline Lizama, RIP
Aubrey Abel, Liv
Evangelio de Hoy
Debemos celebrar cuando nuestro hermano se arrepiente y
vuelve a la vida (Lucas 15:1-3, 11-32).
5:30pm Josephine Chang, RIP
Parish Information
Parish Office
Phone: (661) 942-7122 / 942-4830
Fax: (661) 945-4255
[email protected]
Facebook: Sacred Heart Catholic
Church, Lancaster-CA
Hours: Mon- Sat 10:00am-5:00pm
(closed 12 - 1pm)
Religious Education
Phone: (661) 948-3011
Download the app: Sacred Heart ORE
Hours: Mon-Thurs 8:00am-5:00pm
(closed 12 - 1pm). Closed Friday.
Sacred Heart School
Phone: (661) 948-3613
Principal: Mr. David Schatz
Hours: Mon - Thurs 7:30am- 3:30pm;
Fri: 7:30am - 2:00pm
Youth Ministries
Phone: (661) 945-8743
Catholics in Action
Confirming Disciples
Hispanic Ministry
Pastoral Intern: Egren Gomez
Perpetual Adoration
Sunday 7:00pm– Saturday 9:00am
Saturday 7:00pm– Sunday 6:00am
Encargado: Heriberto Cayetano
Phone: (661) 942-7853
Hours: Mon - Fri 10:00am - 5:00pm
(closed 12 - 1pm)
Novena- Tuesday : 6:00pm
Saturday: 4:00pm –7:00pm
Sunday:7:30am –7:30pm
Closed during Masses
Please call the parish office 942-7122
Building Campaign
Phone: (661) 947-7122
Facebook: Build Sacred Heart Church
Deacon Greg Halamicek
Deacon Fermin Herrera
Deacon Dale Reynolds
Deacon Ron Routolo
Deacon Jason Schalow
Liturgy of the Hours
Weekdays: 5:00pm
Gift Shop
Anointing of the sick/
Ministry to the sick
Please call the parish office to arrange for
anointing for someone who is seriously ill
or preparing for surgery. If ill, homebound
or hospitalized we can visit upon request.
Safeguard the Children
Linda Gonzalez: (661) 949-8890
March 6, 2016
Fourth Sunday in Lent
Youth Day 2016 Anaheim
―My young friends, stay close to Jesus. Learn about his teachings and his life by reading the Gospels. Talk to
him all the time in your prayer. Come to him often in the Eucharist where he is present in his Body and Blood,
Soul and Divinity.‖- Archbishop Gomez
Darby Alva with Archbishop Gomez!
Diana Blancarte giving her witness talk to 15,000 teens!
Sacred Heart's youth band meets Steve Angrisano!

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