St. James Cathedral - St. James Catholic Cathedral


St. James Cathedral - St. James Catholic Cathedral
St. James Cathedral
215 N. Orange Avenue, Orlando FL 3280 Phone: 407-422-2005—Fax: 407-422-2009
September 11, 2016
Bishop of Orlando
Most Reverend John Noonan
David Gray , Carlos Sola &
Patrick McAvoy
School Principal:
Dawn Helwig
Reverend John McCormick
Parochial Vicars:
Rev. Serge Pardo
Rev. Martin Nguyen
Fr. Andy O’Reilly, C.PP.S.
Why attend a Parish Mission?
This is a special time in a parish where we focus on the status of our relationship with God, on the quality of family
and individual lives and on our service to the parish and community. It is a time to celebrate Jesus’ never-failing
mercy and love in our lives. It’s a time to answer once again, important questions such as: How is God working in
my life? How can I experience greater joy and peace? It’s a time to grow stronger in our faith in God and in our
love for each other!
Each evening we will begin with a dinner in the Social Hall at 6 PM. Childcare is available following dinner for
children under the age of 7. Both dinner and childcare are free of charge, but REGISTRATION IS
REQUIRED. At 7:00 PM we will move into the Cathedral to hear Fr. Andy talk about accepting the gift of
God’s Mercy and God’s personal love for each person. He will delve into removing the barriers to accepting
God’s love and God’s never-ending forgiveness.
On day 2 following dinner, Fr. Andy will speak about sharing the Gift of God’s Mercy and the freeing
power of forgiveness. The importance of letting go of life’s hurts and the challenge of reconciliation and
how we are empowered to forgive by God!
After dinner in the Social Hall, Father Andy will how we can live the gift of God’s mercy. How you can be a
living sign of His mercy and the compassionate body of Christ. Compassion can be gratitude for God’s mercy
and it is our mission to make the Kingdom of God alive!
Join St. James Women’s Bible Study
A Way Of Life For A Grateful Disciple
This 24-week study will
show how Jesus, the
promised Messiah, lived the
life and struggles of Israel
to become the victorious King. You will come to
view Jesus in a new way through the book of Matthew
and discover what His life and teachings mean for us
Location: Winter Park near Corrine Drive
Day/Time: Wednesdays 9:30-11:30 am
Session 1: September 14-November 23, 2016
Session 2: January 11 - April 12, 2017
Email Joy at [email protected] or call 772-4539335 for information and registration.
“Everything I have is yours.”
Luke 15:31
Our Heavenly Father gives us everything, including
the chance to share in His eternal kingdom. Yet, like
the Prodigal Son, we are often lured away by the
materialism of our society. Do we really want to turn
our backs on all that God offers in exchange for a
material wealth that has no lasting value?
Stewardship September 3 & 4 $35,633.30
St. Vincent de Paul $2,804
For your convenience, electronic fund transfers and credit
card giving is available at
Thank you for placing God first!
Calling all men of St.
James! TMIY's fall semester
"special afternoon time-slot"
starts up tomorrow Monday,
September 12 at 4:30pm over
at St. James School
gymnasium. Session 2 for the Friday early birds will
be this Friday, September 16 at 6:30pm in the Social
Hall as usual. We'll be unpacking an exciting study by
Dr. Scott Hahn called The Bible & The Virgin
Mary. See you there!! Check us out on the St. James
website or Facebook at
Please remember in your prayers
our parishioners who are ill,
Barb Berryman, Sherrie Jones
Saints On A Road 7-12 grade students
Sunday September 11 Youth Ministry
Registration after the 9 & 10:30 AM
Masses. Forms can be found on the
website, Cost is $25 for t-shirt and lowers
the cost of events. If you have any
questions please email [email protected]
Sunday, September 25 SOAR KICK-OFF! Join us
in the school gym at 6 PM, meet the adult core
team and peer ministers, play games, eat and pray.
Wear comfortable clothes, we’ll provide dinner.
Check the website for details!
Follow us on Instagram at sjcsoar
We are looking for
parishioners who
would be willing to
assist with Coffee and
Donuts. If you are
able to offer just one Sunday per month,
please email Steve at
[email protected]
If you’ve never attended a Prime
Timers luncheon, now is the time!
Get your fingers and toes tapping
as Heimatland Musikanen entertains
everyone with their stirring
Oktoberfest music when the St.
James Prime Timers kick -off their
2016/17 year at their luncheon on Monday,
September 19 at 1 PM in the Social Hall. All are
invited to enjoy delicious German style food and
traditional Oktoberfest music featuring a favorite, Dan
Witucki! Reservations are required no later than
Monday, September 12. For reservations, phone
Mary Alice at 407-423-4433 and leave a voice-mail.
Cash donations for lunch will be accepted at the door.
To avoid delays at the luncheon, members are asked to
submit their membership renewals early, either by mail
or drop-off at the Cathedral office.
On August 9, we celebrated the feast
day of St. Teresa Benedicta of the
Cross, Edith Stein, a Carmelite nun of
Jewish origin who was martyred at
Auschwitz. Her writings are a school
of prayer for all Christians and
especially for the Carmelite who desires to offer
constant prayer to God whether in solitude or in
active life. Here are Edith Stein’s words on prayer:
“Prayer is the communication of the soul with God.
God is love, and love is goodness giving itself away.
[God’s Love] is a fullness of being that does not want
to remain enclosed in itself, but rather to share itself
with others, to give itself to them, and to make them
happy. Prayer is the highest achievement of which
the human spirit is capable.” Prayer is at the heart of
Carmelite spirituality. For more information on the
Lay Carmelite Community at St. James or on the
Carmelite Order to which we belong, please contact
Kathleen at 407-421-7769, [email protected] or see
Bishop John Noonan invites the
community to join their voices in
prayer on the Feast of St. Michael
the Archangel, on Thursday,
September 29 at 12:10 PM. We
pray for the safety of our dedicated
first responders who put their lives
in harm’s way for our protection.
Sometimes things can go very wrong in a
marriage. Retrouvaille is a program to
help heal and support married couples
experiencing difficulties, couples broken,
lonely and hurting. It’s also for couples
who have separated or divorced and want
to try again. Our next program begins
September 23. For more information
and registration, call 352-274-4614. All
calls and names are held in strictest confidence.
You are invited to visit the website at
Friends Of the Music Ministry
(FOMM) is starting a new
season in just a couple weeks!
Set your calendar for Monday,
September 26 and bring your
family and friends to the
membership dinner and concert
by jazz singer-sensation, Natalie Cordone & Joshua
Glenn Wilson Jazz Trio. Doors open at 6 PM in
the Social Hall. Annual Memberships
for as low as $20 (which include the
Membership Dinner), single tickets
and donations can be purchased at St.
James' website or FOMM's Facebook
page. See you there!
Blessed Are You Who Mourn, you shall be
comforted is a six week faith-based bereavement
support offered at St. Margaret Mary in Winter Park.
If you are grieving the death of a loved one, this is a
group that can offer you hope, strength and
consolation during this difficult time. The meetings
are held Monday evenings from 7-8:30 PM, beginning
October 3, from 7-8:30 PM. To register, call Bill at
407-647-3392 or email [email protected].
Those wishing to schedule a Mass Intentions for
2017, can do so beginning on October 4. Please
contact Jessica at 407-422-2005 or email
[email protected]. Payment will be
due at the time of scheduling.
The Cornell Fine Arts
Museum at Rollins College
has invited local Catholics
to an exhibit running from
September 17 thru
December 18, titled, In the
Light of Naples: The Art of
Francesco de Mura.
Francesco de Mura was one of the greatest painters in
the golden age of Naples and all of de Mura’s
religious works were done in the service of the
Catholic Church to reflect the Catholic faith and
values. Admission is free, for further information call
407-646-2526 or go to
Monday, September 12
7:00 AM Julia Gildmen †
12:10 PM Saundra Trulove
Tuesday, September 13
7:00 AM Van Applegate
12:10 PM Tom Connors †
Wednesday, September 14
7:00 AM Thomas McCrea †
12:10 PM Jaime Siao †
Thursday, September 15
7:00 AM
12:10 PM Tom Connors †
Friday, September 16
7:00 AM
12:10 PM Anthony “Tony” Encinias †
Saturday, September 17
8:00 AM Margaret Ewell †
4:00 PM Frank Sevick †
Sunday, September 18
7:30 AM Pepito Banias †
9:00 AM Vicki Beaumont †
10:30 AM James F. Griffin Jr. & III
12:15 PM Paola “Sonny” Garcia
5:00 PM Donald Edwards Drake †
Joyful Again!
If you are Irish-born or of Irish descent and an active
Roman Catholic, the Ancient Order of Hibernians
could be just the organization for you. This fraternal
and service organization can trace its roots 400 years
back to Ireland. In addition to new men we are
looking for brothers who currently belong to
divisions elsewhere, or whose membership has
lapsed. Now is your chance to become a charter
member of this new development. For more
information, contact Patrick at 352-391-5291 or
San Pedro Center will be offering a two day retreat
on October 1 & 2. This is a nationally recognized
retreat that provides the widowed with support from
others who understand the loss associated with the
death of a spouse and who want to resolve the grief
they feel inside and begin to live again after the death
of their spouse. The retreat emphasizes self-help,
personal growth skills, and personal spiritual practices that will enable the participant to take the healing
journey. For more information, call Sharon at 386717-4452.
Vigil (Saturday) 4 PM, Sunday: 7:30 AM, 9 AM, 10:30 AM, 12:15 PM (Spanish),
5 PM, 6:30 PM (Kreyole)
Weekdays: 7 AM, 12:10 PM Saturdays: 8 AM
Confessions: Monday-Friday: 11:30 AM Saturdays: 3 PM, Spanish: Sunday, 11:45 AM
Adoration and Exposition: Monday-Friday: 7:30 AM-noon Pro-life Holy Hour Wednesday 6 PM
Mis hermanos y hermanas en Cristo,
Ora conmigo. Enséñame, Dios, sus leyes. Ayúdame a
formar mi conciencia por el ayuno y la oración, pidiendo
a Usted, nuestro amoroso y misericordioso Dios, que me
dará la posibilidad de anunciar eficazmente el Evangelio
de Jesucristo a través de mi testimonio diario de nuestra
fe y de sus enseñanzas.
Francisco dijo en la Evangelii Gaudium, "una auténtica
fe. . . siempre implica un profundo deseo de cambiar el
mundo, para transmitir valores, para dejar esta tierra de
alguna manera mejor de como lo encontramos. Nos
encanta este magnífico planeta en el que Dios nos ha
puesto, y nos encanta la familia humana, que vive aquí,
con todas sus tragedias y luchas, que esperanzas y
aspiraciones, sus fortalezas y debilidades. La tierra es
nuestro hogar común y todos somos hermanos y
hermanas ".
Como las elecciones locales y nacionales próximo, que
están llamados a traer nuestra fe y servir al bien común
con la alegría y la esperanza, la confianza de que Dios,
que Dios desea que nos ayudará a construir un
Jesús nos obliga a "ir por todo el mundo y proclamad la
Buena Nueva a toda la creación" (Mc 16,15). "Aquí,"
Francisco dice, " 'la creación' se refiere a todos los
aspectos de la vida humana; en consecuencia, "la misión
de anunciar las buenas nuevas de Jesucristo tiene un
destino universal. Su mandato de la caridad abarca todas
las dimensiones de la existencia, todas las personas, todas
las áreas de la vida comunitaria, y todos los pueblos.
Nada de lo humano puede ser ajeno a ella. ' "
mandato de Jesús incluye nuestra participación en la vida
política. He aprendido que la responsabilidad de tomar
decisiones en la vida política recae en cada individuo en
función de su conciencia, rectamente formada, y que la
participación va más allá de la emisión del voto en una
elección en particular.
Las realidades políticas de nuestra nación nosotros, un
pueblo de fe presentan, con oportunidades y desafíos. El
derecho a la vida en sí misma no está totalmente
protegido, especialmente para los niños aún no nacidos,
los enfermos terminales, y los ancianos, los miembros
más vulnerables de la familia americana. A menudo nos
encontramos divididos a través de líneas de raza, etnia, y
la desigualdad económica. Somos una nación de
inmigrantes, luchando para hacer frente a los retos de
muchos de los nuevos inmigrantes en nuestro medio.
Somos una sociedad basada en la fuerza de nuestras
familias, fue llamado a defender el matrimonio y ofrecer
apoyos morales y económicos de la vida familiar. Somos
una nación poderosa en un mundo violento, frente al
terrorismo y tratando de construir un mundo más justo,
más pacífico más seguro. Estamos llamados a atender a
las personas sin alimento y refugio.
Nuestra fe nos enseña acerca de la dignidad de la persona
humana, sobre lo sagrado de toda vida humana, porque
somos de Dios. Este es el núcleo de la enseñanza moral y
social católica. Debido a que somos personas de fe y la
razón, es apropiado y necesario para nosotros para llevar
esta verdad esencial sobre la vida humana y la dignidad
de la plaza pública. Estamos llamados a practicar el mandamiento de Cristo de "Amaos los unos a los otros" (Jn
13,34). También estamos llamados a promover el bienestar de todos, para compartir nuestras bendiciones con los
más necesitados, de defender el matrimonio, y para proteger las vidas y la dignidad de todos, especialmente de
los más débiles, los vulnerables, los sin voz.
Algunos se preguntan si es apropiado para la Iglesia jugar
un papel en la vida política. La obligación de enseñar las
verdades morales que deben dar forma a nuestras vidas
es fundamental para la misión dada a la Iglesia por Jesucristo. Si somos un pueblo de fe, ¿cómo no llevar el centro de nuestro ser en todos los aspectos de nuestra vida,
incluyendo la vida pública? la tradición de nuestra nación
del pluralismo se ve reforzada, no amenazaba, cuando los
grupos religiosos y personas de fe llevar a sus convicciones y preocupaciones en la vida pública. De hecho, las
enseñanzas de nuestra Iglesia está de acuerdo con los
valores fundamentales que han dado forma a la historia
de nuestro país: "la vida, la libertad y la búsqueda de la
Vamos todos tomamos muy en serio la urgencia de nuestra vocación de vivir en el servicio a los demás a través
de la gracia de Cristo y pedir humildemente en oración
por una efusión de la gracia del Espíritu Santo en los Estados Unidos de América.
Mis hermanos y hermanas en Cristo, rezan conmigo. Enséñame, Dios, sus leyes. Ayúdame a formar mi conciencia por el ayuno y la oración, pidiendo a Usted, nuestro
amoroso y misericordioso Dios, que me dará la posibilidad de anunciar eficazmente el Evangelio de Jesucristo a
través de mi testimonio diario de nuestra fe y de sus enseñanzas.
Obispo John Noonan Diócesis de Orlando
Conferencia de Salud con el Doctor especializado
en Medicina de Familia
El Domingo 18 de Septiembre inmediatamente después
de la Misa de 12:15 PM, el Doctor Oliu estará ofreciendo
una charla de salud en el salón social, a la cual quedan
todos cordialmente invitados. El tema de la conferencia
será: “El papel de la nutrición en la prevención y manejo
de la Diabetes.”
Corresponsabilidad una forma de vida para un
discípulo agradecido
Colecta: 4 de septiembre……$2,481.05
¡Gracias por colocar a Dios primero!