Dr. Angelino Garzon Former Vice President of Colombia Promoter of


Dr. Angelino Garzon Former Vice President of Colombia Promoter of
Dr. Angelino Garzon
Former Vice President of Colombia
Promoter of “Si por la Paza” (“Yes for the Peace”)
Dear Dr. Garzon,
I should like to join many of my colleagues who have sent their congratulations to you for leading the
“Yes for the Peace” process in Colombia, precisely at the moment where your country is about to get out
from decades of long period of hostilities. I believe that no one in the world understands better the cost
which unjust wars cause in terms of loss of human life and destruction not only of buildings but also of
soul, than we in the Middle East. Moreover, it is fair to say that unless and until there is a peace in the
Middle East, there will never be the peace ins the war.
We believe that south-south dialogue is necessary amongst the countries which have so much in
common and it is for this reason that I was pleased to join South South Cooperation Council on
Sustainable Development ttogether with my friend and its Chairman, Viktor Sebek, who will also address
your conference in Cali.
I am confident that your conference will be a great success. Please share the results with me
Nancy Bakir