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Jaime Andrés Cárdenas Contreras: Biólogo, Investigador asociado
a ASOLINNEO; Grupo de Investigación en Orquídeas, Ecología
y Sistemática Vegetal, Departamento de Ciencias Biológicas,
Universidad Nacional de Colombia Sede Palmira.
Mail: [email protected]
Resumen: New records of Solenidium portillae for Colombia in anticipation of
the revision of the subtribe Oncidiinae for Valle del Cauca. The material examined is deposited in the herbarium CUVC “Luis Sigifredo Espinal Tascon”
of the Valle of University.
Key words: records, Solenidium, Colombia.
Solenidium portillae Dalström & Whitten
Description of the plant: Epiphyte,
pseudobulbs elliptic, caespitose, winged, roughly sulcate, ca 1,08 x 3,5 cm
long, unifacial, basally subtended by
3-4 distic pods; leaves: conduplicate,
elliptical, acute, groomed, ca 2,4 cm x
8,4 cm long; inflorescences axillary, in
cluster 12 cm long with 8 flowers 1 2,5 cm long, appressed bracts 0,3 - 0,7
cm, pedicels 1,4 - 1,7 cm long; flowers
bell-shaped, fragrant that smell like
vanilla, brown sepals with yellow edges; dorsal sepal unguiculate, obovate, undivided, ca. 0,5 x 1 cm long
elliptical, lateral sepals slightly oblique
ca. 0,4 cm x 1 cm; lateral petals brown
with yellow edges, obovate, undivided, slightly oblique baseline, ca. 0,4
x 1 cm; lip gamopetal, sub-sacciform
to ovate with basal lobes fused to the
sides of the column, ovate, lateral lobes undifferentiated, white appearance, puberulous with purple red spots
between the margins, erect, slightly
wavy, lamina near apex concave on
surface, wavy, obtuse to truncate;; lip
0,5 x 0,9 cm long with 2 corns on the
basis ca. 0,2-0,3 cm extending over
the sheet ending in fleshy denticles;
column reddish appearance with yellow lateral lobes, yellow anther; puberulous, ventrally canaliculated, with
rounded lobes on either side ca 0,6
cm long; anther end, bilobed, with an
intermediate lobe, with inwardly curled edges; pollinarium cleft, 2 pyriform
pollinia, slightly obovate, ca. 0,13 cm
long, estipete and viscidium brown.
bibliogRaPhic RefeRences
See spanish version
new record of Solenidium portillae
(Orquideaceae) for Colombia

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