Felipe Garcia 4-13 English


Felipe Garcia 4-13 English
Tel: USA +1 5133563542, COL +57 3175131561
Email: [email protected]; [email protected]
More than 15 years of experience in managing environmental, agricultural, social and economic projects. Skilled at
and experienced in understanding complex problems in rural areas with a deep knowledge of the Colombian
landscape and culture. Skilled at gathering different insights focused upon develop sustainable solutions.
Experienced at facilitating social processes with different stakeholders: governmental, local communities and private
sector. Extensive background in consulting and advising diverse organizations in the public, nonprofit, and academic
Sustainable development; rural development; organizational strengthening; participatory planning; social change;
value chains; inclusive business, climate change adaptation.
M.Sc. in Economics, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogota, 2010.
Agricultural Economic Specialist, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogota, 2000.
Agronomist Engineer, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogota, 1995.
ELS Language Centers, English for Academic Purposes (Advanced level), Cincinnati, 2011.
New Field Consulting, The Art of Business Coaching, Bogota, 2009.
Project Manager, Consultant and Facilitator1, 2004 – Present.
Projects with different international and national Non Governmental Organizations, Governmental Organizations and
developing agencies in Colombia, since 2004 until now:
Capacity building projects:
o Action Plan to revitalize two traditional local markets of Bogota, Bogota’s Municipality (2013).
o Planning, monitoring and evaluating of Patrimonio Natural Found (2012).
o Organizational strengthening of High Guapi River Community Council*, WWF Colombia (2010, 2012)
o Socialization strategy of San Francisco – Mocoa highway construction*, WWF Colombia (2011).
o Strengthening capabilities of NGO and local communities in the Sibundoy Valley, High Putumayo
River*, WWF Colombia (2010).
o Organizational strengthening of Nariño’s Association of Artisanal Shell-Pickers, Asconar (2008– 2009)
o Organizational strengthening of five Indigenous Association Authorities from Caqueta, Cauca and
Putumayo Departments*, ACT Colombia (2006 – 2007).
o Organizational strengthening of afro-descendent stakeholders from Nariño’s Pacific mangroves*, WWF
Colombia (2005– 2006)
o Organizational strengthening of Voluntary Forest Certification Group and Yubarta Foundation*, WWF
Colombia (2005 – 2006).
o Planning, monitoring and evaluating system to WWF Colombia*, WWF Colombia (2004 – 2006).
Training courses, workshops and talks designed and facilitated:
o Training strategy in Climate Change for indigenous people from High Putumayo River*, WWF
Colombia (2011).
o Two talks about REDD Colombian strategy with emphasis on legal issues*, WWF Colombia (2011).
o 2nd Workshop in climate change, financial instruments for emission's reductions and local communities
role, ILSA (2011).
Marked projects (*) have been developed as agreements with Equilibrio Foundation, as Executive Director and former Project Manager.
Workshop in Monitoring and Evaluating Strategy Design of WWF Amazon Initiative*, WWF- LAC
o Biodiversity threats and pressure course oriented to local communities and indigenous people of
Caqueta, Cauca, Nariño and Putumayo Departments*, WWF Colombia (2008 – 2009).
o Course in project formulation and management to NGO from Yariguies and Oak Conservation Preserve
regions*, WWF Colombia (2007)
o Training program in strategy planning and project formulation for afro-descendent stakeholders, and
Community Councils from Choco, Valle and Cauca Departments*, WWF Colombia (2007 – 2008).
Consultancies Developed in Organizational Strengthening:
o Operative Handbook for the Endowment Found to Conservation Mosaics Program, Patrimonio Natural
Found (2011).
o Monitoring and evaluating of four projects of the little donations program of The Initiative for
Conservation in the Andean Amazon – ICAA - USAID (2011).
o Methodology to evaluate little NGO and local community capacities in technical and management
aspects to Patrimonio Natural Found (2008).
o Developing a business plan for trading “Piangua: fresh, packed and refrigerated” for Asconar*, WWF
Colombia (2006 – 2007).
Consultancies Developed in agricultural value chains:
o Rural area revitalization strategy for Bogota’s Municipality, Phase I – Phase IV, Bogota’s Municipality
(2008 – 2012).
o Ranking scheme for fruit and vegetables to be exported by ship to USA and UE, FDU-SENA (2009).
o Prospective agenda of research and technological development of a chili value chain, Agricultural
Minister (2008 – 2009).
o Business plan of the Rainforest Alliance certification services, including coffee, cocoa, flowers and
citrics, Natura Foundation (2007 – 2008).
o Economical component and competitiveness analysis of the Horticultural National Plan, CCI (2006 2007).
o Methodology to measure cost – benefit analysis in little farms included in the Ecoandino’s project,
World Food Program (2004).
Consultancies Developed In natural resources and biodiversity sustainable use:
o Financial sustainability strategy for an environmental service's payment in Bogota’s region, Bogota’s
Municipality (2011).
o Financial sustainability mechanism for Black Crab Conservation Program in San Andres and
Providence islands, CORALINA (2010 – 2011).
o Matarredonda’s private reserve Business Plan, Bogota’s Municipality (2009).
o Competitiveness analysis of the Chingaza’s system region, Bogota’s Municipality (2007).
o Facilitated the financial strategy of the environmental sector of Colombia, Environmental Minister
o 2nd phase of the cooperation project to preserve the Colombian Macizo’s region, Environmental
Minister (2007).
o Financial Strategy of the Cauca’s Valley Protected-Area System, CVC (2006 – 2007).
o Technical cooperation strategy project to Nariño’s department, AECID 2006 – 2008 (2006).
Environmental Department, Bogota’s Municipality, Chief Planning Officer CPO, 2004.
Selected accomplishments:
o Facilitated environmental component formulation of the Municipality Development Plan (2004 –
o Developed the Environmental Department Strategic Plan and the Action Plan (2004 – 2008).
o Designed management indicators set to evaluate the Action Plan (2004 – 2008).
o Created an Information System for the Environmental Department (2004).
National Authority of Natural Parks of Colombia, Planning Advisor (1999), Sub-Director Financial Officer CFO,
(2000 – 2002). Chief Planning Officer CPO, (2002 – 2004).
Selected accomplishments
o Facilitated protected area’s component formulation of the Development National Plan (2002 – 2006).
o Created the Planning, Monitoring and Evaluating Information System (2002 – 2004)
o Formulated and managed the Financial Strategy of the Natural Parks System of Colombia (2000 –
Formulated and presented the Protected Areas Found Project to the Global Environmental Facility –
World Bank (2003 – 2004).
Led a strategic group of research and development of economic environmental analysis for the Natural
Parks (2000 – 2004).
Environmental Department, Bogota’s Municipality; Rural Economy Advisor, 1998.
Created a conservation incentives scheme to the rural component of the Land Use Plan of Bogotá.
Fundación Equilibrio – WWF Colombia (2011) “Más allá de una vía: Construcción de la Variante San Francisco
Mocoa”. Cartilla.
Fundación Equilibrio – WWF Colombia (2009). “Modulo 4: Presiones y Amenazas”, En Escuela para la
Conservación del Piedemonte Andino – Amazónico
García F. (Compilador) (2008) Proyecto “Conservación de los Páramos y Bosques Montanos del Macizo
Colombiano – Biomacizo. Resultados, Acciones y Lecciones Aprendidas.
García F., Isaacs F., Calvo C., Restrepo S., Velastegui G., Becerra P., Castro L., Rueda C., y Trujillo M. (2007).
Plan Hortícola Nacional, Legis.
García F., Guerrero G. y Hernandez M. ¿Cuál es la estrategia de sostenibilidad del SIDAP Valle del Cauca? En:
Construcción colectiva del sistema departamental de áreas protegidas del Valle del Cauca (SIDAP): Propuesta
conceptual y metodológica. Santiago de Cali: CVC, 2007.
García F. (autor y compilador) y Carrillo R. (2006) Planeación y Seguimiento Operativo en la Unidad de
Parques. Panamericana.
García F.(2004) “Financial Strategy for Colombian’s National Parks System (SPNN)”, En:
García F. (autor y editor), Rincón M., Alterio H., Martínez Z., Rey C., Trujillo M. Y Gaviria D. (2002) Bases
para una Estrategia financiera del Sistema de Parques Nacionales Naturales. UAESPNN, Minambiente,
Corporación para la Protección Ambiental, WWF y The Nature Conservancy.
García F. (2001), “Estrategia de Sostenibilidad Financiera del SPNN”. En: Política de Parques con la Gente,
Avances de la política de participación social en la conservación. UAESPNN –Minambiente, GTZ, Somos
García F., Hernández S., Cárdenas J.C., Ramos A., Mira J.C., Rudas G., Pimiento S., y Rincón M. (2000)
Incentivos para la conservación y uso sostenible de la biodiversidad. Instituto Humboldt, DNP, WWF,
UAESPNN-Minambiente, Red de Reservas. Bogotá.
García F., Martínez E, Riveros D. Y Riascos J.C. (1998) “Sistemas de Planificación y Ordenamiento Predial”.
En: Planificación Ambiental y Ordenamiento Territorial. FESCOL, DNP Y CEREC.

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