Sacred Heart—St. Louis Catholic Parish Parroquia del Sagrado


Sacred Heart—St. Louis Catholic Parish Parroquia del Sagrado
August 21, 2016
Sacred Heart—St. Louis Catholic Parish
Parroquia del Sagrado Corazon—San Luis
Parish Office: 503-792-4231 * Fax: 503-792-3749 * Website:
Office Location: 605 7th Street, Gervais, OR 97026 * Mailing Address: PO Box 236, Gervais, OR 97026
Sacred Heart School: Phone: 503-792-4541 * Fax: 503-792-3826 * Website:
School Location: 515 7th Street, Gervais, OR 97026 * Mailing Address: PO Box 215, Gervais, OR 97026
Mass Schedule
Saturday Vigil: 5:00 pm in English & 7:00 pm in Spanish (Sacred Heart Church)
Sunday: 8:00 am (St. Louis Church) and 10:00 am (Sacred Heart Church)
Tuesday through Thursday: 8:00 am (Sacred Heart Church)
Friday: 8:15 am (School Mass at Sacred Heart Church)
Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration: 24 hours
Sacrament of Reconciliation (Sacred Heart Church)
Wednesday: 5:30 pm —6:30 pm
Saturday: 3:30 pm _ 4:30 pm
Parish Staff
Fr. Chrispine Otieno
[email protected]
Mariana Ruiz
[email protected]
Fran Avery
[email protected]
Youth Ministry
Karen Orton
[email protected]
Faith Formation Coord.
Nanette Kuga
[email protected]
School Principal
Lucy Shawn
[email protected]
Sacred Heart School Staff
Pastoral Council Members
Finance Council Members
Lucy Shawn—Principal
Robert Tesch, Chair
Larry Schiedler, Chair
Mrs. Cindy Schnurbusch—Secretary
Mary Miller, Secretary
Kent Belleue, Secretary
Mrs. Christina Hugulet
Karla Morales
Laura Hagenauer
Mrs. Corina Espericueta
Amy Ferschweiler
Frank Davidson
Mrs. Lucia Ries
Marty Miller
Jerome Rosa
Mrs. Mariana Hill
Amanda Belleque
Mrs. Amy Lear
Mr. Andre Brown
Mrs. Judy Adams
Sunday, August 21, 2016
Twenty First Sunday in Ordinary Time
Isaiah 66:18-21
Hebrews 12:5-7, 11-13 Luke 13:22-30
Brief Reflection: We ar e to str ive to enter
through the narrow gate, that we might be judged
worthy of entering into eternal life.
Jesus teaches in the Gospel that we are to strive to
enter through the narrow gate, that we might be
judged worthy of sharing eternal life in heaven. By
this, Jesus means we should endeavor to travel
lightly, unencumbered by attachments to things of
this world. This will allow us to keep our eyes
firmly fixed on Jesus, and our feet planted on the
path of salvation.
If you work with minors four times a year or mor e in
any parish capacity, you are required to undergo a background check and receive training in the CALLED TO
PROTECT pr ogr am, pr ovided annually thr ough the
parish office.
In addition to the prescribed training, an on-line course
must be completed each year. The course for this year is:
Social Media Safety: Protecting the Y outh in Y our Care.
Contact the Parish Office for information on logging on to
this Armatus Training.
Grade School Faith Formation
(Grades 1-6)
First Communion is a 2 year program
Prayer Intentions
Let us pray for those who are sick in our community. Remember these parishioners and friends of the
Parish in your prayers:
Esther Messer
May you find consolation in knowing that you are
thought of and prayed for in this time of need.
Wednesdays in the Faith Formation Center
meet in the gym at 6:00 pm
Class at 6:30 -7:30 pm
Register now Tuesday to Fr iday 8:30 am to 4:00 pm
$50 (1st & 2nd child, $130 for 3 or more children).
Forms are available at the church, parish office or online
Nanette Kuga 503-792-4231 ext. 310
[email protected];
Money Counters Needed
The parish is looking for money counters. If you
are interested, please call the parish office at
503-792-4231 for more information.
Summer Vacation: Our summer vacation has
begun! There will be someone in the school most
week days from 9 am to 2 pm. We will begin our
2016-2017 school year on August 29. We look
forward to seeing you then.
Registration Packets: Registr ation packets ar e
available in the school office. Come tour the
school and see our loving Catholic environment.
We are now a Pre-K through 8th grade. Our teachers are certified catechists and take great joy in
teaching their students about Jesus and his Church.
Scrip: Scr ip is available over the summer ! It
will be sold after the 8 am Mass at St. Louis and
after the 10 am Mass at Sacred Heart. Scrip will
also be available in the school office. Summer
office hours are usually 9 am to 2 pm.
503-792-4541 [email protected]
Youth Faith Formation (Grades 7-12)
Confirmation is a 2 year program.
Sacred Heart - St. Louis Confirmation Program is a two
year program. Confirmation is intended for high school
students. All high school students are highly encouraged
to register in the fall for classes beginning in September.
First & Third Sunday of the month
In the Faith Formation Center at 11:15 am-12:30 pm
Register now Tuesday to Fr iday 8:30 am to 4:00 pm
Please bring a copy of the baptismal certificate and the
$40 for each student.
Forms are available at the church, parish office or online
Karen Orton, Youth Coordinator (503)792-4231
Ext. # 305 [email protected]
“For it is GRACE, YOU have been SAVED”.
Ephesians 2: 8
Vigésimo Primer Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
21 de Agosto del 2016
Isaías 66:18-21
Hebreos 12:5-7, 11-13 Lucas 13:22-30
Breve Reflexión: Hemos de esforzarnos por entrar
por la puerta estrecha, para que podamos ser juzgados dignos de entrar en la vida eterna
Jesús enseña en el Evangelio que debemos esforzarnos por entrar por la puerta estrecha, para que podamos ser juzgados dignos de compartir la vida eterna
en el Cielo. Con esto, Jesús nos quiere decir que
debemos de tener una carga ligera, libre del apego de
las cosas de este mundo. Esto nos permitirá mantener
nuestros ojos fijos en Jesús, y los pies puestos en el
camino de la salvación.
Grupo de Oración
Los Invita
Retiro Anual
20 y 21 de Agosto 2016
Tendremos como invitados el Padre Antonio Romero,
Miguel Berrios desde Los Ángeles, California,
y el Diacono Irineo Ledezma.
Donación: $10.00 por per sona. El r etir o se llevar a
a cabo en el gimnasio de la Iglesia del Sagrado
Corazón de Gervais.
Sábado, 20 de Agosto de las 8:00 am-6:00 pm
Domingo, 21 de Agosto de las 8:00 am-5:00 pm
Los invitamos al Grupo de Oración los Lunes de las
7:00-9:00 pm. Llame a Maria Rodriguez para mas
información 971-338-8596 o a Yaneli Rodriguez
Si se trabaja con menores de edad cuatr o veces o más
al año en cualquier capacidad de la parroquia, están
obligados a someterse a una verificación de antecedentes
y recibir formación en el Llamados a Proteger programa,
proporcionado anualmente a través de la oficina de la
Además de la formación prescrita, un curso on-line se
debe completar cada año. El curso de este año es: Social
Seguridad Medios: La Protección de la Juventud en Su
Atención. Póngase en contacto con la oficina parroquial
para obtener información sobre cómo iniciar sesión en
esta Formación Armatus.
Formación de Fe
Formación en la Fe primaria (Grados 1-6)
La Primera Comunión es un proceso de 2 años.
Los Miércoles 6:00 pm nos juntamos en el gimnasio
Clase 6:30-7:30 pm
Registrarse el Martes a Viernes 8:30 am - 4 pm
favor de traer el certificado del bautismo con
$50 por cada niño o $130 por tres o más niños.
Nanette Kuga 503-792-4231 ext. 310
[email protected];
Formación de Fe de Los Jóvenes (Grados 7-12)
Domingos 11:15 am - 12:30 pm
Centro de Formación de Fe
La preparación para Confirmación es un proceso de
2 años. Clases son el Primer y Tercer Domingo del Mes.
Registrarse el Martes a Viernes 8:30 am - 4 pm
Favor de traer el certificado del bautismo y $40 por cada
Karen Orton 503-792-4231 ext. #305
[email protected];
“Pues por la BONDAD DE DIOS han recibido
USTEDES la SALVACION por medio de la fe”.
Efesios 2: 8
Calendario de Ministros de Agosto 2016
Sábado, 27 de Agosto
Misa 7:00 pm
Lecturas del Domingo
José Luis & Gina García
Lecturas: Isaías 66: 18-21
Ministros de Eucaristía:
Maria Rodriguez, Mayra Martínez, Nora Estrada
Servidor Principal:
Juan Cárdenas
Samuel Gómez, Catarino Cárdenas
Accomadores y Bienvenida:
Luis Moran, Juan Moran, German Villa
Javier Vazquez
Limpieza de la Iglesia:
Elvira Rios, Flor Manzano
Hebreos 12: 5-7, 11-13
Parish Activities for the Week
Sunday/Domingo, August 21, 2016 School Fund
8 am Mass @ St. Louis
10 am Mass @ SHC Parishioners
8 am-5 pm Annual Grupo Retreat-SHC gym
Chapel of Perpetual Adoration
Capilla de Oración
503-792-4231 ext. 390
Is JESUS important enough to you to set aside one hour
each week to be with Him? In everything you do, put
God first. Please consider one of the MANY open hours.
Monday/ Lunes August 22, 2016
No Mass/Parish office closed
7-9 pm Grupo - church
Open Hours / Horas Disponibles:
Tuesday, August 23, 2016
No Mass
Wednesday, August 24, 2016
No Mass/No Confessions
Thursday/Jueves, August 25, 2016
No Mass
Friday/Viernes, August 26, 2016
7:00-8:00 am
12:00 midnight-1am
2:00-3:00 am
3:00-4:00 am
7:00-8:00 am
2:00-3:00 pm
11:00 pm-12:00 am
No Mass
Chapel Coordinators / Coordinadores de Capilla
Saturday/Sábado, August 27, 2016
12 midnight-5:00 am
6:00 am-12:00 pm
1:00-5:00 pm
6:00-11:00 pm
3:30-4:30 pm Confessions
5 pm Vigil @ SHC Troy
7 pm Spanish Mass @ SHC +Carmen Perez
Carol Kuschnick 503-792-4419
Pilar Zamora 503-792-4424
Carole Rosa 503-423-7663
Sandi Belleque 503-508-0971
Sunday/Domingo August 28, 2016
8 am Mass @ St. Louis Ron & Laura Beyer, Anniv.
10 am Mass @ SHC Parishioners
August 27- - 5:00 pm
August 28 - - 8:00 am
August 28 - - 10:00 am
Reader: Mar ianne Nor r is
Ron Beyer
Dan Saalfeld
Extr Min: Ed Adelman, Laur a Hagenauer Veronica Davidson, Karen Herinckx
David Gonzalez, Bob Nelson, Pati Kiley
Lead Servers: Volunteer s
Peter Bennett
Jordon or Nathaniel Kuga
Altar Servers: (none)
Sarah Saalfeld, Javier Rodriguez
Head Usher: Cam Fer schweiler
Tim Herinckx
Marty Miller
Greeters: Bette Gottsacker
Barb Ferschweiler
Guadalupe Lopez
Cantor & Organist: Pete Petr owski
Toby Saalfeld, Marge Pranger
Melanie Saalfeld
Church Cleaning: Elvir a Rios
Flor Manzano
Save the Date! October 15, 2016
Witnessing the Father’s Mercy
University of Portland
Archdiocesan Catechetical Conference
Hector Molina & Petroc Willey
To learn more, visit
!Guarde la Fecha! 15 de Octubre 2016
Siendo Testigos de la Misericordia del Padre
Universidad de Portland
Conferencia Catequética Arquidiocesana
Héctor Molina & Rubén Quezada
Para aprender mas visite:
Kind reminder to Ushers/ministrants.
Thank you for your ministry in our parish. You help in
collecting the offertory during mass. You are also to
ensure that the collection is put in safety bags in the
sacristy and dropped in the safe. You are required to sign
the collection book as per the policies of the
Archdiocese of Portland testifying that you handled the
funds. Some ushers have been leaving early without
"finishing the job." As a result, Eucharistic ministers and
Lectors have had to step up to drop the collection in the
safe and sign the ushers collection book. Some Sundays,
the book has been left unsigned. Please kindly consider
this safety reminder as you continue to graciously serve
our parish. If the ushers are not available then the
ministers should ensure that the offertory is put in the
safe and the ushers collection book or binder is signed. It
is all about safety and stewardship.
Again, thank you for your service.
Please remember Sacred-Heart-St. Louis Parish
in your Will. Please use the following language
when making your estate plans. “I give, devise, and
bequeath _________ (describe gift and purpose) to
Sacred Heart-St. Louis Catholic Church, Gervais,
Oregon (our official and legal name). It is understood
in making this gift that it can only be used by Sacred
Heart-St. Louis Catholic Church, Gervais, Oregon,
for the purpose stated.”
The bulletin announcements are due on Wednesday
morning for the following week. Thank you.
If you are interested in advertising your business, call
Jack Wallrich at 503-314-9334. Thanks to Edward
Jones for supporting the bulletin.
Estamos publicando los negocios en la ultima pagina
del boletín semanal. Si usted está interesado en
aprender más sobre la publicidad de su negocio, favor
de llamarle a Jack Wallrich al 503-314-9334.
Parish Ministries Coordinators
Adoration Chapel: Carol Kuschnick
Baptism Class (English): Merissa Zielinski
Baptism Class (Spanish):
Catholic Daughters: Marge Pranger
Community: Mary Miller
Comité Hispaño: Karla Morales/Maria Rodriguez
Grupo Carismático de Oración: Maria Rodriguez
Knights of Columbus: Dennis Hagenauer
Liturgy (Spanish): Karla Morales/Maria Rodriguez
Liturgy (English): Pati Kiley ([email protected])
Music coordinators: Toby Saalfeld and team
Stewardship: Marty Miller
St. Louis Altar Society: Anna Mahony
St. Rita’s Altar Society: Marianne Norris
Remember: The par ish office will be closed on
Monday. Office will be open Tuesday to Friday from
8:30 am to 4:00 pm. Thank you.
Recuerdan: La oficina del Sagr ado Cor azón y San
Luis estará cerrada los lunes. La oficina estará abierta
martes a viernes de las 8:30 am-4:00 pm. Gracias.
One (1) month in advance. Un mes de aviso.
English Pre-Baptismal Class (childr en 0-6 years old)
Last Tuesday of the Month 6:30 pm – FFC
Choose appropriate Godparent(s). At least one must be
16 years of age, confirmed and a practicing Catholic. If
married, must be married in the Catholic Church. If
single, must be living a chaste life. Godparents must be
registered and active in a parish for a minimum of
three months and present a letter documenting activity
from their parish. Call to register 503-792-4231.
Clases Pre-Bautismales
(Niños de 0-6 años)
Primer Martes del Mes 6:30 p.m.-Formación de Fe
Elija el Padrino (s) apropiado, al menos uno debe ser
de 16 años de edad, confirmado y católico practicando.
Si es casado, debe ser casado en la Iglesia Católica.
Si solo, debe vivir una vida sola y no cohabitando. Los
padrinos deben estar registrados y activos en una
parroquia durante un mínimo de tres meses y
presentar una carta documentando la actividad de su
parroquia. Favor de llamar para registrarse
Couples must contact the office at least one year in
advance. One party should be registered at our parish.
The Catholic party must be an active Catholic and
participating in the life of the church. If the Catholic
party planning to get married in our parish is not an
active member in our parish, he or she should be
participating actively in another Catholic parish.
(The pastor will request a letter from your parish.)
Las parejas deben ponerse en contacto con la oficina
por lo menos un año adelantado. Una de las parejas
debe estar registrada en nuestra parroquia. La pareja
Católica debe ser un Católico activo y participando en
la vida de la iglesia. Si la pareja Católico planificando
casarse en nuestra parroquia no es un miembro activo,
él o ella debería estar participando activamente en
otra parroquia Católica. (El pastor va a solicitar una
carta de su parroquia.)
1st Annual Holy League Men’s Conference
St. Joseph, Salem
December 16, 2016
6:30 pm-8:45pm
Mass, talks, confession, Adoration, Prayer, meals,
and Mass with Archbishop Sample.
Register on-line at
For more information. Contact James Thurman
503-581-1623 ext. 211
10th Annual Rosary Bowl NW
Saturday, October 1, 2016
Oregon State Fairgrounds Pavilion-Salem
9 am to 4 pm
Doors open 8:30 am
Free Admission
Confessions 9 am
Mass at 10 am with
Archbishop Alexander K.
Honoring The Jubilee Year of Mercy
Rosary Bowl NW, Inc is a registered 501(c)3
Donate online
INFO: 503 851-3111
Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. Let Jesus be the Lord and Savior of your life and marriage. Strengthen,
renew, and rekindle your marriage sacrament by attending a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend
on August 27- 29 at Our Lady of Peace Retr eat Center in Beaver ton or on November 11-13 at Mt. Angel
For more information call 503-853-2758 or apply on-line at Additional dates and
locations are listed on-line.
Northwest Family Services is pleased to offer their Fall 2016 ser ies for lear ning Natural Family Planning
through their SymptoPro Fertility Education program. NFP can be used to avoid pregnancy, achieve pregnancy,
or to understand cycle health! One-time class fee of $110 includes lifetime support. To register visit: or contact Lauren Fuller at [email protected].
NFP Class Series
When: September 6th, 20th, and October 4th, 2016 7-9pm
Where: Northwest Family Services, 6200 SE King Rd., Portland, OR 97222
Contact: Lauren Fuller- [email protected]
Staff Job Opening- Director of Adult Faith Formation-Queen of Peace-Salem, OR
Skills and experience needed: A str ong under standing of the Catholic Faith, and a
desire to serve the Parish. Ability to teach and present, willingness to lead others, experience with current technology, including MAC and PC, Excel, Word, Powerpoint, and A/V tools. Time management and self-directed
work schedule, communication, troubleshooting, and cooperative skills necessary, as well as availability to travel
Hours of Work: This is a Full-Time, salaried position. 40 hours /week with seasonal variation coinciding with
the Liturgical Calendar. Schedule can be flexible as long as it fits within the aforementioned parameters.
If interested, please contact either Fr . Tim at [email protected], or Debbie Davis,
Pastoral Assistant at [email protected], or call the Parish Office at 503-364-7202.

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