Untitled - Sacred Heart Church


Untitled - Sacred Heart Church
Sunday, June 12, 2016
Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time
2 Samuel 12:7-10, 13
Galatians 2:16, 19-21 Luke 7:36; 8:3 or 7:36-50
Brief Reflection: Our God is mer ciful and
Today’s Gospel offers us some important reminders about forgiveness. We are to forgive others as
God has forgiven us. God’s mercy is boundless
and he will forgive us for any sin if we place our
trust in him, love him and humbly ask for forgiveness. Upon being forgiven, we are to generously love and forgive others.
Child Protection Requirements for
All Volunteers and New Employees
Archdiocese requirements to be completed this year!
1. Standard of Conduct—All clergy,
All Employees and All Volunteers
2. Course of Bullying Prevention.
1.Type http://armatus2.praesidiuminc.com/armatusUser/
login into the address line for accessing a web page.
2. Enter your user name and password.
3. Click submit.
4. Choose the course entitled Preventing Bullying and/or
Standards of Conduct
Please contact the parish office for questions.
Congratulations: Congr atulations to David
Gonzales and Isabel Vasquez on their graduation
from Sacred Heart Catholic School. We have
watched them grow spiritually, socially and
academically. We are so proud of the young
people they have become. We wish them many
blessings as they continue on to the next phase
of life.
Summer Vacation: Our summer vacation has
begun! There will be someone in the school most
week days from 9 am to 2 pm. We will begin our
2016-2017 school year on August 29. We look
forward to seeing you then.
Thank you: Thank you to ever yone who has
volunteered at our school this year. We appreciate
all the time and energy that is spent on us.
Registration Packets: Registr ation packets ar e
available in the school office. Come tour the
school and see our loving Catholic environment.
We are now a Pre-K through 8th grade. Our teachers are certified Catechist and take great joy in
teaching their students about Jesus and his Church.
Scrip: Scr ip is available over the summer ! It
will be sold after the 8 am at St. Louis Mass and
after the 10 am at Sacred Heart Mass. Scrip will
also be available in the school office. Summer
office hours are usually 9 am to 2 pm.
503-792-4541 [email protected]
Youth Faith Formation (Grades 9-12)
Confirmation is a 2 year program.
First & Third Sunday of the month
11:15 am-12:30 pm
In the Faith Formation Center
“Be merciful as your Father is merciful.” Lk 6:36
Karen Orton, Youth Coordinator (503)792-4231
Ext. # 305 [email protected]
Grade School Faith Formation
(Grades 1-8)
First Communion is a 2 year program
6:00 pm meet in the gym
Class at 6:30 -7:30 pm
Are you proud to be a Catholic? If so, what better way to
pass that on to your children – Enroll them in our ongoing
Faith Formation Program, which supports our strong Catholic tradition and values. Registration is open to all students
1st – 8th grades. Class size is limited so please register early.
Register now by coming into the Faith For mation Center
on Wednesdays from 1– 6pm.
Early Registration Discount until J uly 27th
$40 (1st & 2nd child, $100 for 3 or more children).
After July 27th
$50 (1st & 2nd child, $130 for 3 or more children).
Nanette Kuga 503-792-4231 ext. 310
[email protected]; www.shstl.org
Undécimo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
12 de Junio del 2016
2 Samuel 12: 7-10, 13
Gálatas 2:16, 19-21 Lucas 7:36, 8: 3 o 7:36-50
Breve Reflexión: Nuestro Dios es misericordioso y
El Evangelio de hoy nos ofrece algunos recordatorios
importantes sobre el perdón. Debemos perdonar a los
demás como Dios nos ha perdonado. La misericordia
de Dios es infinita y él nos perdonará cualquier
pecado, si ponemos nuestra confianza en él, lo
amamos y humildemente le pedimos perdón. Al ser
perdonados, debemos amar y perdonar a los demás
con generosidad.
Colecta de Peter’s Pence El 25 y 26 de Junio
Sea testigo de la caridad del trabajo de Papa Francisco.
Domingo, 12 de Junio
San Vicente-Salem, OR
Grupo de Oración-Los invitamos al Grupo de Oración
los Lunes de las 7:00-9:00 pm. Llame a Héctor Mora
para mas información al 503-902-2358.
Formación de Fe
Formación en la Fe primaria (Grados 1-8)
La Primera Comunión es un proceso de 2 años.
Los Miércoles 6:00 pm los juntamos en el gimnasio
Clase 6:30-7:30 pm
Es usted orgulloso de ser Católico? Si, que mejor manera
de pasarle eso a sus niños---Inscribanlos en nuestro Programa de Formación de Fe, cual apoya nuestra tradición,
y valores católicos. Registración está abierta para todos
los estudiantes del grado 1-8. El espacio de clase es limitado, por favor de registrarse temprano.
Regístrese hoy en el Centr o de For mación de Fe
durante los miércoles de 1 – 6 p.m.
Descuento par a los que se r egistr an antes del día 27 de
julio. Costo será $40 por cada niño o $100 por tres niños
o más.
Después del día 27 de julio, el costo ser á $50 por cada
niño o $130 por tres o más niños.
Nanette Kuga 503-792-4231 ext. 310
[email protected]; www.shstl.org
Muisca, Baile, Juegos,
Comida Americana, Mexicana, Filipiña y Salvadoreña
Todo el dinero recaudado en el evento apoya
la Iglesia de San Vicente.
Desea Usted Conocer Algunos
de los Principios Fundamentales
de la Iglesia Católica?
Durante los miércoles de junio de
6:30 pm hasta las 8:00 pm los
siguientes temas serán:
Formación de Fe de Los Jóvenes (Grados 9-12)
La Confirmación es un proceso de 2 anos.
Los Domingos 11:15 am-12:30 pm
Karen Orton al 503-792-4231 ext. #305
[email protected]; www.shstl.org
8 de junio
15 de junio
22 de junio
29 de junio
Misterio Pascual
La Iglesia como Dispensadora de los misterios
La Iglesia el Cuerpo Místico de Cristo
Presentado por la Hermana Guadalupe Medina, OSF.
Para más información llame al 503-792-4231.
Dónde: Centro de Formación de Fe en el cuarto de los Jóvenes.
Calendario de Ministros de Junio 2016
Sábado, 18 de Junio
Misa 7:00 p.m.
Lecturas del Domingo
Alicia Huapeo G., Pilar Zamora
Lecturas: Zacar ías 12: 10-11, 8-9
Ministros de Eucaristía:
José Luis García, Belén Estrada, Nora Estrada
Servidor Principal:
Leo Duarte
Catarino Cárdenas
Accomadores y Bienvenida:
Clemente Calleja, Arcadio García, Luis García
Javier Vazquez
Limpieza de la Iglesia:
Aurelia Mora, Piedad Rodriguez
Gálatas 3: 26-29
Margaret Mary Scott
Peter’s Pence Collection
June 25 & 26, 2016
Be a witness of charity for Pope Francis’s work!
Parish Activities for the Week
Catholic CD of the Week
Being All In: From NFL Playing Field to the Mission
Field-By Eric Mahl
Eric Mahl, was signed by the Cleveland Browns in
2005. He recounts how he disposed of all of his belongings to give himself fully to the Lord and live out the
messages of Divine Mercy. He currently works and
serves with the Marian Missionaries of Divine Mercy
in Stockbridge, Massachusetts.
Sunday/Domingo, June 12, 2016
8:00 am Mass @ St. Louis +Patty Mucken
10:00 am Mass @ SHC Parishioners
Monday/Lunes, June 13, 2016
NO Mass
7:00-9:00 pm Grupo-church
Chapel of Perpetual Adoration
Capilla de Oración
503-792-4231 ext. 390
Is JESUS important enough to you to set aside one hour
each week to be with Him? In everything you do, put
God first. Please consider one of the MANY open hours.
Tuesday, June 14, 2016
8:00 am Mass @ SHC
Wednesday, June 15, 2016
8:00 am Mass @ SHC
1:00 pm-4:00 pm Food Bank
5:30 pm-6:30 pm Confessions
Thursday/Jueves, June 16, 2016
8:00 am Mass @ SHC
Friday/Viernes, June 17, 2016
8:00 am Mass @ SHC
Saturday/Sábado, June 18, 2016
3:30-4:30 pm Confessions
5:00 pm Vigil @ SHC Eva Rosa
7 pm Spanish Mass @ SHC +Lorenzo Martinez Segura
Sunday/Domingo June 19, 2016 School Collection
Happy Father’s Day!
8:00 am Mass @ St. Louis Fathers
10:00 am Mass @ SHC Parishioners
Open Hours / Horas Disponibles:
7:00-8:00 am
1:00-2:00 pm
Wednesday/Miércoles 1:00-2:00 am
2:00-3:00 am
3:00-4:00 am
6:00-7:00 pm
7:00-8:00 am
2:00-3:00 pm
2:00-3:00 am
3:00-4:00 am
Chapel Coordinators / Coordinadores de Capilla
12 midnight-5:00 am
6:00 am-12:00 pm
1:00-5:00 pm
6:00-11:00 pm
Carol Kuschnick 503-792-4419
Pilar Zamora 503-792-4424
Carole Rosa 503-423-7663
Sandi Belleque 503-508-0971
June 18- - 5:00 p.m.
June 19 - - 8:00 a.m.
June 19 - - 10:00 a.m.
Reader: Mar ianne Nor r is
Susan Belleque
Dan Saalfeld
Extr Min: J udy Br utka, Laur a H
Nathan & Heather Fitzpatrick
Steve Utterback, Bob Nelson, Pati Kiley
Lead Servers: Volunteer s
Peter Bennett
Alex Contreras
Altar Servers: (none)
Diego & Sofia Contreras
Head Usher: Dennis Hagenauer
Andy Steinkamp
Brian Belleque
Greeters: Lar r y & Laur a Schindler
Gene Ferschweiler
Cantor & Organist: Pete Petr owski
Carrie Strong
Carrie Strong
Church Cleaning: Aur elia Mor a
Piedad Rodriguez
Margaret Mary Scott
Coffee Tuesdays—Join us on Tuesday for 8:00 am
Morning Mass, followed by coffee, sometimes treats
but always great company.
Food Bank-Open 1st & 3rd Wednesday of the Month
from 1:00-4:00 pm June 1 & 15, 2016
Rosary Thursdays—Join us for the Holy Rosary
each Thursday, immediately after Mass.
Welcome to Sacred Heart-St. Louis Parish!
You may register here at Sacred Heart-St. Louis,
just fill out a registration form and drop it in the
collection box or bring to the parish office, or mail
it to the parish. Forms are available at the back of
church. If you have any questions, please call the
parish office at 503-792-4231.
Please remember Sacred-Heart-St. Louis Parish
in your Will. Please use the following language
when making your estate plans. “I give, devise, and
bequeath _________ (describe gift and purpose) to
Sacred Heart-St. Louis Catholic Church, Gervais,
Oregon (our official and legal name). It is understood
in making this gift that it can only be used by Sacred
Heart-St. Louis Catholic Church, Gervais, Oregon,
for the purpose stated.”
The bulletin announcements are due on Wednesday
morning for the following week. Thank you.
We now have advertising on the back of the weekly
bulletin. If you are inter ested in advertising your
business, call Jack Wallrich at 503-314-9334.
Thanks to Johnson Funeral Home for supporting the
Estamos publicando los negocios en la ultima pagina
del boletín semanal. Si usted está interesado en aprender más sobre la publicidad de su negocio, favor de
llamarle a Jack Wallrich al 503-314-9334.
Parish Ministries Coordinators
Adoration Chapel: Carol Kuschnick
Baptism Class (English): Merissa Zielinski
Baptism Class (Spanish): Sr. Guadalupe Medina
Catholic Daughters: Marge Pranger
Community: Mary Miller
Comité Hispaño: Karla Morales/Maria Rodriguez
Grupo Carismático de Oración: Héctor Mora
Knights of Columbus: Dennis Hagenauer
Liturgy (Spanish): Karla Morales/Maria Rodriguez
Liturgy (English): Pati Kiley ([email protected])
Music coordinators: Toby Saalfeld and team
Stewardship: Marty Miller
St. Louis Altar Society: Anna Mahony
St. Rita’s Altar Society: Marianne Norris
One (1) month in advance. Un mes de aviso.
English Pre-Baptismal Class (childr en 0-6 years old)
Last Tuesday of the Month 6:30 p.m. – FFC
Choose appropriate Godparent(s). At least one must be
16 years of age, confirmed and a practicing Catholic. If
married, must be married in the Catholic Church. If
single, must be living a chaste life. Godparents must be
registered and active in a parish for a minimum of
three months and present a letter documenting activity
from their parish. Call to register 503-792-4231.
Clases Pre-Bautismales
(Niños de 0-6 años)
Primer Martes del Mes 6:30 p.m.-Formación de Fe
Elija el Padrino (s) apropiado, al menos uno debe ser
de 16 años de edad, confirmado y católico practicando.
Si es casado, debe ser casado en la Iglesia Católica.
Si solo, debe vivir una vida sola y no cohabitando. Los
padrinos deben estar registrados y activos en una
parroquia durante un mínimo de tres meses y presentar una carta documentando la actividad de su parroquia. Favor de llamar para registrarse 503-792-4231.
Couples must contact the office at least one year in
advance. One party should be registered at our parish.
The Catholic party must be an active Catholic and
participating in the life of the church. If the Catholic
party planning to get married in our parish is not an
active member in our parish, he or she should be
participating actively in another Catholic parish.
(The pastor will request a letter from your parish.)
Las parejas deben ponerse en contacto con la oficina
por lo menos un año adelantado. Una de las parejas
debe estar registrada en nuestra parroquia. La pareja
Católico debe ser un Católico activo y participando en
la vida de la iglesia. Si la pareja Católico planificando
casarse en nuestra parroquia no es un miembro activo,
él o ella debería estar participando activamente en
otra parroquia Católica. (El pastor va a solicitar una
carta de su parroquia.)
Sunday, June 12—10 am to 4 pm
St. Vincent de Paul Church parking lot
1010 Columbia St. NE, Salem
Music/Dancing/Games/Face Painting
American, Filipino, Mexican and Salvadorian Food
Attention all Catholic young men ages 13-18!
Do you know where you are going in life? The Lord Jesus
has a great plan for you! You are invited to attend Quo
Vadis Days camp to spend some time with other young
men your age looking at the Lord’s call in your life while
having a great time. Ouo Vadis Days is sponsored by the
Office of Vocations and is led by priests and seminarians
of the archdiocese. Quo Vadis Days will be held from
June 20-23 at Camp Howard. The cost is only $50.00.
Scholarships are available for those in financial need.
Please visit www.qvdays.org for more information and to
Right to Life is in need of helpers during
the week of June 13 to 18 for its Annual
Rummage Sale.
Our location this year is First Baptist Church.
395 Marion St NE, by the bridge. The sale
will be in their parking lot off Union between
Commercial and Liberty, and in the gym that
is reached from the parking lot.
(The signs say Union and Liberty.)
Starting Monday, June 13, at 7 am, we will
be setting up. We will be working all week
from 7 am to 9 pm. Sale is Thursday, Friday
and Saturday.
It is a big job and many hands are needed in
setting up all the stuff. Any help is welcome.
Come when you can (as God inspires
you) Choose what you would like to do to
help. (use your gifts)
We especially need a cleanup crew Saturday
June 18.
Contact me to help, or just come. Thanks.
5th Annual Catholic Women Rejoice conference
"Rejoice and Be Free"
Join us on August 19 & 20 at St. Anthony Catholic
Church in Tigard. Starts with Mass with Archbishop
Alexander K. Sample, Confession, vendors, door prizes,
keynote speakers Hallie Lord (www.hallielord.com),
Mary Lenaburg
(www.passionateperseverance.blogspot.com), MC/Event
Founder Heather Renshaw, and more! Group discounts
and Early Bird pricing are available. For event schedule
and registration, visit: www.catholicwomenrejoice.com
MARRIED COUPLES-Jesus loves us so much. Let His
love fill your marriage to new life. Strengthen, renew, and
rekindle your marriage sacrament by attending a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend on August 27-29 at
Our Lady of Peace Retreat Center in Beaverton, Oregon.
For more information call 503-853-2758 or apply on-line
at www.rediscoverthespark.org. Additional dates and locations are listed on-line.
Regina Mueller
Salem Right to Life
503-585-7856 or 503-364-6743
Grief Recovery Weekend
A grief recovery Weekend, for those grieving the loss of a marriage by death, divorce or
permanent separation, will be held June 24-26
in Milwaukie, near Clackamas Town
The retreat consists of presentations by Beginning Experience team members, periods
for private personal reflection and sharing in
small groups. The cost of $195 includes lodging for 2 nights in a double room, meals and
resource materials. Single rooms are available for an additional $20.
For more information, please contact Judith
by phone: 503-949-4592 or email
[email protected]

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