News from the Principal
News from the Principal
News from the Principal May/June 2012 Newsletter Jeff Pesta, Principal 507.663.0650 Attendance Office 507.663.0655 Activities Line 507.645.3559 Student Support Services Office 507.663.0664 Here comes summer! This May/June newsletter will be mailed out to all incoming sixth through eighth grade students’ homes. We will also be mailing out our August Back to School edition to the same addresses. As part of a successful budget reduction goal, all school year editions will be posted on the district and middle school websites for viewing. A Skylert message will be sent out to parents notifying them when the newsletters are posted. Any family that would like a paper version of a newsletter may pick one up at school or call and request that a copy be mailed to their home. Parent Night will be held on Wednesday, August 29 from 5:00-7:00 p.m. This parent only event provides a unique opportunity to walk through your child’s schedule and meet all of their teachers. Parent Night serves as a sneak preview and parent orientation prior to the first day of school on September 4th. On August 30, we will enthusiastically host our WEB (Where Everybody Belongs) orientation program for 6th graders. The event will run from 8:00 a.m. to noon and will provide students with a chance to become comfortable with school operations and meet their new classmates. Bus transportation is available; however the routes will be determined by requests submitted by June 4th. Please return the postcard that your child received at their elementary school to request transportation or call our main office at 663-0650 to make a reservation. Information about 6th grade instructional programs and faculty is posted on our website. It is necessary to submit all special requests for 6th grade team placement and any other grade level teacher requests via letter or e-mail by June 4th. Please provide the educationally relevant reasons supporting your request. Scheduling a school of this size with many electives is a challenging process which begins in early June. We are not able to fulfill special requests after the master schedule has been created and balanced. The middle school will be hosting many summer programs. However, the middle school administrative office hours will vary as our staff is either off contract or blending in their vacation times. All messages will be returned in a timely manner and you can expect full service with any assistance that you may need throughout the summer break. I will be using some vacation time to travel to Mexico to conduct my doctoral research beginning June 23rd. The ultimate goal of my project is to complete an ethnography that will help our district to better serve our students and families with roots in the State of Veracruz. I believe that the net result of this research will make our programming for all students stronger in the long run. I will attempt to keep up on school business during those two weeks. Please have patience if I am not able to fully address your requests until mid-July. Please remember that middle school students will be dismissed two hours early on the final school day. Students will eat lunch at school and our buses will begin loading at 12:51 p.m. This has been an awesome year and our community should be very proud of the accomplishments of all 900 NMS students! It has been our pleasure to serve them. Visit us on the web Jeff Pesta, Principal May /June 2 01 2 Noticias del Director ¡Ya llega el verano! Este boletín de noticias de mayo y junio se enviará por correo a las casas de todos los estudiantes que van a ir al middle school de sexto a octavo el próximo año escolar. Así mismo enviaremos nuestra edición de agosto sobre Vuelta a la Escuela a la misma dirección. Como parte de nuestros esfuerzos por ahorrar en los presupuestos los boletines de noticias durante el año escolar se podrán encontrar y leer en las páginas de internet del distrito y del middle school. Todas las familias recibirán un mensaje de Skylert para advertir a los padres de que los boletines de noticias están en internet para que los puedan leer. Todas aquellas familias que necesiten una versión imprimida en papel de los boletines pueden recogerla en la escuela o llamar a la escuela para que les envíen una copia por correo a casa. La noche de los padres será el miercoles 29 de agosto de 5:00 a 7:00 PM. Este es un evento solo para padres y proporciona una oportunidad única para tener una idea del horario de su hijo o hija y para conocer a todos sus maestros. La noche de los padres sirve para que los padres conozcan la escuela y como una orientación antes del primer día de escuela el 4 de septiembre. El 30 de agosto ofrecemos con gran entusiasmo el programa de orientación WEB para los estudiantes que empiezan en 6º grado, WEB (Donde todos tienen su lugar- Where Everybody Belongs). Este evento, que es solo para los estudiantes, empezará a las 8:00 AM hasta las 12:00 PM y ayuda a los estudiantes a sentirse cómodos con el funcionamiento de la escuela y les ayuda a conocer a los otros estudiantes. Quien lo necesite puede solicitar el servicio de los autobuses escolares para ir al evento en el middle school pero las rutas se van a crear con las peticiones que lleguen antes y hasta el 4 de junio. Por favor, si necesitan el autobús, devuelvan la tarjeta que su hijo o hija recibió en su escuela de primaria a su escuela para pedir el autobús o llamen a la oficina del middle school para hacer su reserva al teléfono 663-0650. La información sobre los programas académicos y sobre los maestros se puede encontrar en nuestra página de internet. Es necesario enviar todas las peticiones especiales para el equipo que crea los grupos para los salones de clases y cualquier otra petición de maestros por carta o por correo electrónico antes del 4 de junio. Por favor, especifique las razones específicas de por qué hacen una petición especial. Organizar los horarios en una escuela tan grande como es el middle school y con muchas asignaturas optativas a elegir es algo muy complicado y es un proceso que empieza a principios de junio. No podemos incluir las peticiones especiales una vez que el horario esté creado y equilibrado. En el middle school van a tener lugar numerosos programas de verano. Sin embargo, la oficina administrativa del middle school no siempre va a estar abierta a las mismas horas. Los horarios van a cambiar para incluir los diferentes horarios de los empleados de la administración ya que algunos habrán terminado su contrato y otros estarán organizando sus vacaciones. Intentaremos contestar a todos sus mensajes lo antes posible y pueden contar con nuestra completa asistencia y servicio en cualquier asunto que necesiten durante todas las vacaciones de verano. Parte de las vacaciones de verano las voy a usar para viajar a México y realizar investigación para mi tesis doctoral a partir del 23 de junio. La meta de mi proyecto es completar una etnografía del estado de Veracruz que va a ayudar a nuestro distrito escolar a servir mejor a nuestros estudiantes y familias con raíces en el estado de Veracruz. Estoy convencido de que los resultados de mi investigación van a ayudar a que a largo plazo los programas académicos para todos los estudiantes sean más fuertes y sólidos. Por favor, tengan paciencia si no puedo prestarles la debida atención a sus peticiones hasta mediados de julio. Por favor, recuerde que los estudiantes del middle school saldrán dos horas antes el último día de escuela. Los estudiantes tomarán el almuerzo en la escuela y nuestros autobuses empezarán a salir a partir de las 12:51 PM. ¡Este ha sido un año estupendo y toda la comunidad debe sentirse orgullosa de los éxitos alcanzados por los 900 estudiantes del middle school! Ha sido un placer para todos nosotros servirles. Jeff Pesta, Director Traducción: Mar Valdecantos 2 May /June 2 01 2 Student Support Services Summer is almost here! Students and staff are preparing for a few months of rest from the busy school year. Here are a few dates to keep in mind this summer: Informal open houses: Families are welcome to tour the building. There will be maps available near the main office. Feel free to look around. The times are as follows: August 21: Self Guided Tours (10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.) August 23: Self Guided Tours (10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.) St. Dominic and New Student Orientation: August 23rd The Guidance Office will hold an orientation session for all new 7th and 8th grade students and St. Dominic students from 11-12PM in Room 162/163. 6th grade WEB Orientation: August 30th More information about WEB is included in this newsletter. If you are requesting transportation, please fill out the purple card you received. Please remember to put your child’s name and address on the card. Jenny Streefland and Cori Oian Middle School Counselors WEB - Where Everybody Belongs Sixth Grade WEB Orientation Day Thursday, August 30th, 2012 7:55 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. On Thursday, August 30th, Northfield Middle School will kick off its forth annual Sixth Grade WEB Orientation to welcome our new 6th grade students to the middle school. Sixth Grade Orientation Day will begin at 7:55 a.m. and will end at 12:00 p.m. Please mark this important date on your calendar! The Sixth Grade WEB Orientation begins with a large group assembly. Students participate in a series of spirited and interactive activities designed to make them feel comfortable in their new school and educate students with strategies that will help them be successful throughout their middle school years. Following the assembly, students are organized into smaller groups led by two 8th grade WEB leaders. During their small group time, the 6th graders have the opportunity to meet new people, participate in team building activities, and learn about their new school through a guided tour. The orientation concludes with a second large group assembly that leaves the incoming 6th graders feeling energized and excited about the new school year ahead. They will leave Orientation Day equipped with information and strategies that will help them be successful and the feeling of connectedness to their new school. Each student will also receive their class schedule and have time to practice his/her locker combination. already request and are in need of transportation, contact the main office at 6630650 immediately. Families requesting transportation will be notified of the busing routes this summer. Incoming 6th graders will receive an official invitation to WEB Orientation Day in August. We are looking forward to meeting our incoming sixth graders! Have a fun and relaxing summer! J NMS WEB Coordinators Cori Oian, Krista Betcher, & Rhea Mehrkens Limited transportation is available through Benjamin Bus. Transportation request cards are due in the NMS office on May 25th. However, if you did not 3 May /June 2 01 2 Nurse Notes Immunizations: Required shots for students going into 7th grade in the fall of 2012: TD (tetanus/ given as Tdap) If the student did not have a Tdap after their 7th birthday, then a new one is needed. Chicken Pox status: Either the disease date verified by your physician OR 2 Varicella vaccines Hepatitis B series completed (3 shots given over 5-6 mos.) Must have 2 MMR shots on record (measles, mumps, rubella) OR, an Exemption on file For more information check the Minnesota Department of Health website. Summer is a good time to get Dental check ups, Vision check ups and Physicals done. Middle School students who will be participating in High School sports are required to have a sport physical on file before participating. A copy should be given to the High School Ac- tivities Office and one given to the Middle School for your students health file. Those are good for 3 years. Students taking medication daily in the nurse office are required to provide a Physician order each year and a new order for dosage changes. School Physician order forms are available on the School District Website. Medications such as anti-depressants, ADD-ADHD meds, seizures meds, etc. are to be brought to the school by the parent or guardian and kept in the nurse office . Students are not allowed to carry those medications during the school day for safety reasons. Over the counter medication must be accompanied by a parent/physician permission note and should be in the original container for the nurse to dispense to the student. Asthma inhalers and emergency allergy medication may be carried by the student with parent/physician/nurse permission. You may contact the health office during the school year, if your student has specific health needs. Please remember that school nurses are staffed only during the school year and are not in the buildings during the summer months. Nancy Becker,RN Middle School Health Services 2200 Division St. South Northfield, MN 55057 Phone# 507-663-0656 Attendance Please call the attendance line each day your child is absent. You may reach the 24-hour voice mail system by dialing 6630655. E-mailing teachers is okay, but DOES NOT count as official notification to the school. When calling, please leave your student’s name, grade, reason for absence and your relationship to the child. If calling in an illness, please leave information regarding symptoms. Our health services staff is required to file a report with the State Health Department if there is an unusual increase in certain illnesses. Students who are not called in will be considered unexcused until a par- ent/guardian notifies us. If you should forget to call in, your child may turn in a note to the attendance window outside the office when he/she returns to school. Students may not call in their own absences. If your child is absent for three consecutive days, you may leave a request for homework on the attendance line when you call in your child’s absence information on the third day. Requests should be made by 9:00 a.m., so teachers can use their prep time to gather work. Homework will be requested on your behalf and any available homework will can be picked up between 3:00-4:00 p.m Attendance Line 663-0655 4 May /June 2 01 2 Northfield Middle School 2011-2012 Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday Period Schedule 1 7:57-8:55 2 8:59-9:50 3 9:54-10:45 4A 10:48-11:13 4B 11:15-11:40 4C 11:42-12:07 5 12:10-1:01 6 1:05-1:56 7 2:00-2:51 Wednesday Late Start Schedule Period Schedule 1 8:57-9:45 2 9:49-10:30 3 10:34-11:15 4A 11:18-11:43 4B 11:45-12:10 4C 12:12-12:37 5 12:40-1:21 6 1:25-2:06 7 2:10-2:51 5 May /June 2 01 2 Volunteer We raised $1200 in the "Trash for Cash" Competition in April. Thank you to everyone who sent in milk caps, box tops and the many other items we collect. The winners for the Dairy Queen treats were: Shania Moon, Danny Allin, Joe Kreis, Jarrod Gross, Sheerah Gebhard, and Anna Hruza, and their study hall teachers. Please continue to collect the "Trash for Cash" items as we still accept those items anytime at the front office. The Site Improvement Team approved three funding requests at the meeting on April 16, so the money is being used to improve the Middle School. The Media Center and Tattered Pages is having their Annual Mother's Day Sale May 3-11. Please consider dropping off your good, used books at the Media Center so the students can "buy" books, using their coupons, for their mothers and other women in their lives. Finally, May 10 is Staff Appreciation Day where lunch is provided. The Student Council is providing the main dish for this lunch, and parents are providing the side dishes, salads and desserts. I may have already filled up the food needs by the time the newsletter goes out, but if you would like to contribute a dish/ dessert, please e-mail me. [email protected] I am looking for parents who are interested in committing one hour/week, starting next school year 2012-2013, to tutor a student or be paired up with a teacher. E-mail me if you are interested. Thank you for all of your support of the Middle School! Carol Myint Thank Yous Thank You to so many who have volunteered at Northfield Middle School this year. Your gift of time and talent was greatly appreciated. Special thanks to our parent representatives who served on our Site Improvement Team this year: Jill Ponder, Karen Roback, Katie Vondrasek, Mary Hillmann, Adam Dowd, Angie Denardo- Meagher, Heather Stanga and Sara Pratt. The Site Improvement Team plays a very valuable role in setting and reviewing progress toward our achievement and climate goals for the school year. This is one of the most impactful contributions any parent can make to our school. Any community member or parent is welcome to join us on next year’s team. Our work is conducted over a series of four or five after school meetings throughout the year. Contact Jeff Pesta with any questions you may have. Karen Roback, Katie Vondrasek, Mary Hillmann, Adam Dowd, Angie DenardoMeagher, Heather Stanga and Sara Pratt. El equipo de mejoras del lugar juega un papel muy importante al establecer y revisar el progreso en los logros y el ambiente que queremos en la escuela durante el año escolar. Cualquier miembro de la comunidad o padres pueden unirse al equipo para el próximo año escolar. El trabajo se realiza a lo largo del año en una serie de cuatro o cinco reuniones después del horario de la escuela. Pónganse en contacto con Jeff Pesta si tienen preguntas al respecto. Muchas Gracias Muchas gracias a todos los que han sido voluntarios en el Northfield Middle School este año. ¡Les agradecemos enormemente su dedicación con su tiempo y conocimientos! Queremos darles las gracias especialmente a los padres representantes en el equipo de mejoras del lugar (Site Improvement Team) este año: Jill Ponder, 6 May /June 2 01 2 Media Center I’m writing this May newsletter with one eye looking out the beautiful window in the Media Center. The sky is brilliant blue with a few billowy clouds passing by. The lawn is filled with students doing nature experiments. I am so fortunate to be working in such a fabulous school, with such smart and generous students. Spring is a busy time in the Media Center. After nearly two weeks of testing, students are flocking in today for book check-out. The annual Tattered Pages Mothers Day Sale/Cinco de Mayo celebration took place on Thursday, May 3rd. It was a fun evening filled with books, food, dancing, crafts, and music! Thanks to all that came out to enjoy in the celebration, the night was a great success! The annual “Two for the Price of One” Scholastic bookfair began on April 30. This is a wonderful time to help your child stock up on good summer reading. All books are “buy one, get one free”! Students entering grades 6-8 next year may be interested in learning more about our video-streamed news show, The Morning News. Information about this, and other wonderful opportunities, can be found on the Media Center webpage. Check it out! Parents interested in touring the Media Center, watching the news show live, checking out The Tattered Pages or getting more information, can just drop in anytime. Someone is always available to meet with you and show you around. As the school year comes to an end I am reminded how quickly time passes. Try to find some time to read with, or to, your child this summer. Warm wishes, Amy Sieve Middle School Media Specialist Yearbook—How to Place an Order Dear middle school parents, The yearbooks will be distributed to students during 7th hour on May 31st as well as on the last day of school, June 1st. There will be a limited supply of year- books for sale during those two school days. Please contact me if you have any questions. Thank you, Sarah Van den Akker Musical We hope you attended our recent production of “The Musical Adventures of Flat Stanley, Jr.” Thank you to volunteer choreographers: Jana Hirsch, Megan Proft, Mary Hahn and Christina Schwietz. Elizabeth Christensen designed the sets and Dale Turnacliff and Mark Penning did the building of the sets. Amy Allin, Suzanne Proctor, and Christina Schwietz gathered props and costumes and then volunteered their time backstage the last few weeks for supervision and management of the cast. Pat Shelby used his “green screen” to make the video of the bus stop scene which the kids enjoyed making as much as the audi- ence enjoyed watching! Thanks to Lynn Baggot, Brenda Shelby, Jill Mahr, Elizabeth Leer, Kelly Foster, Christina Schweitz, Lynn Soderlund, Cindy Penny, and Elizabeth Evenson for providing bars and supervision for the party before our final dress rehearsal. We wish to thank the administration, faculty and staff for their support of the cast as students were excused for two preview performances. Mostly we wish to thank the parents and families of the cast and crew of Flat Stanley. Without your support and guidance the show would not have been the same. We were delighted to bring this musical experience to North- field Middle School. Rose Turnacliff and Cathy Penning 7 May /June 2 01 2 Choir Thank you to all the parents that stopped by at Spring Conferences and also for all the support you continue to give the Music Department at the Middle School! Your children are great to work with and are getting excited for all the spring choir events. The following are a list of the recent choir events. Watch for updates of things scheduled for the spring to be coming home. Concert Choir Tour for all 7th & 8th Grade Choirs Tuesday, May 1th Choir Concert for all 6th, 7th, &8th Grade Choirs Thursday, May 3, 7:30pm. • Friday, May 4-Critique parties 6, 7 & 8th grade Maroon Choirs • Monday, May7-Critique parties 6, 7 & 8th grade Gold Choirs May 7th to the end of the school yearsmall ensembles and or solos-sign up for your voice lesson if you haven’t yet. May 17, 7:10am., and 3pm Or May 18, 3pm.Honors Choir Try-outs Select 40 auditioned voice group that performs at special events throughout the school year for this year’s 6th & 7th graders to be a part of next year. Concert Tour for all 7th & 8th Grade Singers – Tuesday, May 1th Our 7th & 8th grade choirs traveled up to Eagan to perform a concert at an elementary school. After the morn- ing performance, we traveled to Mall of America for a possible flash mob dance, lunch/rides/and or shopping before heading back to Northfield. Concert Dress for girls- PLAIN WHITE top, (no tank tops or spaghetti straps, top needs to cover to the shoulder) BLACK PANTS OR SKIRTS(skirts must be long enough so that all undergarments are covered when sitting, stand, or reaching) Concert dress for boys -Plain white collared shirt and tie, black pants, and dark shoes. Any questions contact; Mrs. Cathy Penning, Vocal Music 663-0675, e-mail [email protected] Band The middle school concert bands are working hard in preparation for their final concert of this school year. The concert is on Tuesday May 15th at 7:00 PM in the Middle School Auditorium. We will be using the same format as we did in the last concert, with the 6th Grade band playing at 7:00, 7th Grade Band at 7:30, and the 8th Grade Band at 8:00. Please have your son or daughter at the Middle School 15 minutes before their performance time. Everyone is encouraged to watch the entire concert, but to ease overcrowding, we are no longer requiring students to attend the parts of the concert where they are not performing. If 7th or 8th Grade students arrive more than fifteen minutes before their performance, they should be in the auditorium enjoying the other bands and not in the music area where there will be limited supervision. The Jazz Bands had their final concert on Thursday, April 26th at 7:00 PM in the Middle School Auditorium. hard work. We also want to thank parents for encouraging their kids to practice and participate in the band program. Have a great summer! Mr. Beck, Mr. Freier Summer lesson sign up sheets are coming! Look for the application forms to come home with your son/daughter in May. Summer is a great time to take music lessons because there is usually more free time for practicing. The sooner the application forms are returned to us, the better chance you have of reserving your ideal time. The students have made incredible progress again this year and we want to thank all of them for their continued 8 May /June 2 01 2 Orchestra The last NMS Orchestra Concert for this year is Monday, May 21 at 7:00 pm in the Middle School Auditorium. This concert will also feature the 4th and 5th grade orchestras. skills. Lesson time slots are scheduled in the order in which the registrations are returned. The sooner the form is returned, the better the chance of having your 1st choice lesson time. We will again be offering lessons during the first part of the summer. Students will receive summer lesson registration forms in early May. This is a great opportunity for your son or daughter to continue to build their string playing I am proud of the progress the NMS orchestras have made this year! Thank you for supporting your child and the Northfield Orchestra Program. I look forward to more music in the fall! Have a wonderful summer! Mrs. Olivier Professional Learning Communities Most community members are aware of the purpose behind the Wednesday morning late starts. It is also important to know that the Professional Learning Community (PLC) process is transparent and accountable to the citizens of the school district. Each PLC maintains weekly meeting documents that are reviewed by administration. Every group also posts an Evidence of Practice in Action document on the school district website at the end of each semester. The second semester summary will be posted by June 30. One more visible level of accountability is the school board meeting presentations. Each site or program is scheduled to share a summary of their PLC work with the superintendent and school board. This year the middle school Physical Education and 6th Grade PLC's will be featured in our presentation to the board on May 29. The public may attend the meeting, watch a local cable broadcast of the meeting, or stream video of the board meeting from our middle school website. Feedback about the PLC process and the work available for public review is always welcome. Community Services The Northfield Public Schools Community Services summer brochure is out and registration in open! This brochure offers a number of summer activities for middle school students such as beginner and immediate guitar lessons, science programs, jam camp, tennis, little league softball and baseball, basketball, football, track, volleyball, lacrosse, martial arts, swimming lessons, trap shooting, and archery. To register or learn more about any programs visit us at (Community Ser- vices link to online registration) or call 507.664.3649. Scholarships are available for all programs. 9 May /June 2 01 2 Upcoming Events ~ 2011-2012 School Year (Calendar may be subject to change. Please check website for updates.) May 8 - 9 Gr. 6, Concordia Language Village Field Trip May 10 HS Latino Drama Class Performance, 8:30 a.m., Lompart, MS Auditorium May 14 School Board Mtg., 7:00 p.m., H.S. Media Center May 15 Gr. 8 MN Twins Weather Day Field Trip May 15 MS Spring Band Concert, 7:00 p.m., MS Auditorium May 17 8th Grade Awards, 7:00 p.m., MS Auditorium May 21 MS Orchestra Concert, 7:00 p.m., MS Auditorium May 21 - 25 MAP Testing – Math May 24 WEB Leader Bowling Celebration, 3:00 – 5:00 p.m., Jesse James Lanes May 28 No School, Memorial Day May 30 Gr. 6 Movie Event, 11:45 a.m., MS Auditorium May 31 Gr. 6 Team 1 – The Works Field Trip May 31 Gr. 8 Valleyfair Field Trip June 1 LAST DAY OF SCHOOL – Two Hour Early Release (12:51 p.m.) 2012-2013 School Year (Calendar may be subject to change. Please check website for updates.) August 21 Fall Sports Registration August 21 Self Guided Tours for Incoming Students 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. August 21 NMS Picture Day – Grades 7 & 8 (Day 1) August 22 New Teacher Orientation August 23 Self Guided Tours for Incoming Students 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. August 23 New Student Orientation, 11:00 – 12:00, Room 161 August 23 NMS Picture Day – Grades 7 & 8 (Day 2) August 24 W.E.B. Leader Training, 8:00 – 12:30 p.m. August 27 W.E.B. Leader Training, 8:00 – 2:30 p.m. August 28-31 Teacher Workshop Days August 29 MS Parent Night, 5:00 – 7:00 p.m. August 30 W.E.B. Orientation, Grade 6, 7:55 a.m. – Noon September 3 No School, Labor Day September 4 First Day of School / Beginning of 1st Quarter September 25 NMS Picture Day – Grade 6 September 25 NMS Picture Day – Grade 7 & 8 (Day 3) October 11 MS Conferences, 4:00 – 8:00 p.m. October 16 MS Conferences, 4:00 – 8:00 p.m. October 18-19 No School, Education MN October 25 NMS Picture Re-Take Day – All Grades Oct. 31- Nov. 2 Gr. 7, Eagle Bluff Field Trip November 2 End of 1st Quarter November 5 No School / Teacher Workshop November 6 Beginning of 2nd Quarter November 13 Gr. 7, Vision and Hearing Screening November 21 No School / Teacher Workshop November 22-23 No School / Thanksgiving Break Dec. 24-Jan. 1, 2013 No School / Winter Break January 18 End of 2nd Quarter / End of First Semester January 21 No School / Teacher Workshop / Martin Luther King January 22 Begin 3rd Quarter / Second Semester January 28 No School / Teacher Workshop March 5 7th Grade Courage Retreat March 22 End of 3rd Quarter March 25-29 No School / Spring Break April 1 No School / Teacher Workshop April 2 Begin 4th Quarter May 16 8th Grade Awards, 7:00 p.m., MS Auditorium May 27 No School / Memorial Day June 4 Last Day of School / 2 Hour Early Release (12:51 p.m.) End of 4th Quarter / End of Semester 10 Actions Taken at the April 23 Board Meeting x May 2012 Newsletter x Main Office 507.663.0600 Chris Richardson, Superintendent of Schools 507.663.0629 Donita Delzer, Admin. Assistant to the Superintendent & School Board 507.663.0629 x Buildings & Grounds 507.663.0610 Business Office 507.663.0626 Community Services Division & Community Relations 507.664.3650 x Curriculum Office 507.663.0622 Food Service 507.663.0618 Health Services 507.645.1205 Payroll Office 507.663.0628 Personnel Office 507.663.0627 Student Services 507.645.3410 Technology Services 507.645.1260 At their meeting Monday, school board members approved modifications to Policy 514 – Bullying Prohibition, requested by principals to more clearly define bullying. The updated policy, which can be found on the district’s website, articulates key components that must be in place for an act of bullying to occur. At their meeting Monday, school board members approved the creation of a new centralized special education classroom under the category of Developmental Cognitive Disability: mild/moderate, for special education students who need more support than the district’s current resource rooms, but are higher functioning than students served in the district’s Low Incidence classroom. Staffing will be accomplished through the realignment of current staff across the three elementary schools. The program will be housed in available space at Sibley Elementary School. At their meeting Monday, school board members approved the addition of a full-time ESL teacher at Greenvale Park Elementary to support English language needs. This addition will provide staffing equity between the three elementary buildings, balance student teacher ratios, and provide support to English language learners with the highest instructional needs. At their meeting Monday, school board members approved, on a 5-to-2 vote, the Activities Advisory Committee’s recommendation to change how waiver fees are administered beginning in fall 2012 as follows. Under the current school year’s Free or Reduced Meal Program Guidelines, as administered by the district’s Child Nutrition Department: x Students who qualify for the Free Meal Program will be required to pay 20% of the total cost of the activity for which they are enrolling. x Students who qualify for the Reduced Meal Program will be required to pay 40% of the total cost of the activity. x Families who qualify for the Free Meal Program will be required to pay 20% of the family full fee limit. Families who qualify for the Reduced Meal Program would be required to pay 40% of the family full fee limit. x Students who do not qualify for a Free or Reduced Meal Program, but who have a financial hardship, will submit an application for a scholarship, and if granted, will be required to pay at least 20% toward the activity fee. Announcements from the April 23 Board Meeting x x x Seven Northfield Middle School students participated in the 2012 National High School Chess Tournament in April: Christof Zweifel, Henry Ganey, Jackson Hillmann, Evan Jasnoch, Leif Berdahl, Jasper Egge and Gus Ohnesorge. Team 1 (under 800 rating), with Jasper, Jackson, Christof and Evan, took 10th place. Jasper also received an individual trophy for placing 20th. Team 2 (unrated players), with Gus, Henry and Leif, took 25th place. Daniel Cloherty represented the high school in the under 1200 division and Kai Pei represented the high school in the championship bracket. Rebecca Messer is the coach and David Ludescher is the assistant coach. Bravo to the cast, crew and volunteers of the Northfield Middle School production, The Musical Adventures of Flat Stanley Jr. Faculty directors Cathy Penning and Rose Turnacliff guided over 50 student participants through two successful performances. Congratulations to the Northfield High School Knowledge Bowl Team and Coach Troy Cohrs for qualifying and competing at the state level. Team members include Eduardo Jaramillo, Connor Rowher, Chris Hager, Tom Dobrow and Muriel Carpenter. DISTRICT NEWS Northfield Youth Organizations 5th Bridge Big Brothers/Big Sisters Bowling Boy Scouts Cannon Valley Youth Orchestra Carleton ACT Center Check it Out Singers Community Resource Bank Junior Board Dance 'N Fitness Girl Scouts Healthy Community Initiative Jr. Curator Program Just for Kix Leo Club Advisor Library Teen Advisory Board Making Waves Swim School Northfield Area Family YMCA Northfield Arts Guild Northfield Basketball Association Northfield Community Chinese School Northfield Dance Academy Northfield Fastpitch Softball Assoc. Northfield Gymnastics Club Northfield Hockey Association Northfield Lacrosse Association Northfield Library Northfield Mentoring Coalition Northfield Police Dept Explorers Northfield Skating School Northfield Soccer Association Northfield Swim Club Northfield Tennis Association Northfield Union of Youth Northfield Volleyball Club Northfield Youth Baseball Assoc Northfield Youth Choir Northfield Youth Wrestling Project Friendship Rainbow Saddle Club Reaching Our Goals - St. Olaf College Rice County Extension - 4 H St. Olaf Volunteer Network Candy Taylor Jenna Herzog Terry Heilman Sam Trebnick Dora Barvir Laura Riehle-Merrill Todd Thompson Christina Jerome Colleen Day Nicole Anderson Zach Pruitt Nfld Historical Society Liz Rohach Alice Nasby Kathy Ness Cindy Varley Virginia Kaczmarek Sheryl Joy Kevin Rodgers Gao Hong Kristin Lauenstein Mark Pritchard Melissa Bernhard Marietta Ruppe Natalie Marfleet Kathy Ness Zach Pruitt Sgt. Mark Murphy Carey Tinkelenberg Paula Manor Troy Nystuen Kit O'Brien Amy Merritt Tim Wilgohs Roger/Kim Thompson Liz Shepley Shaun Murphy Kathy Lansing Nancy Becker Education Dept. Kelly Chadwick Kris Vatter 507.663.1505 507.414.0308 507.645.8322 651.254.9120 507.645.4311 507.646.4028 507.645.5397 507.645.3125 507.663.7814 507.645.6603 507.664.3524 507.645.9268 507.271.3316 507.645.7398 507.645.1804 507.645.4623 507.645.0088 507.645.8877 507.664.9108 612.385.3893 507.645.4068 507.645.1365 507.663.7772 507.645.7310 507.645.4035 507.645.1804 507.664.3524 507.645.4475 508.887.2551 507.645.8577 507.663.1926 507.581.4428 507.663.0715 507.645.5860 507.301.9746 507.645.4194 507.645.2326 507.645.6762 507.645.4336 507.786.3245 507.332.6163 507.786.3999 To update contact information, please call 507.645.3406 or email [email protected] with changes. Non Profit U.S. Postage PAID Dundas, MN Permit No. 19 Have a safe and healthy summer! School Begins September 4, 2012 13
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