saint peter the apostle - St. Peter the Apostle Parish
saint peter the apostle - St. Peter the Apostle Parish
SAINT PETER THE APOSTLE B W T T E C W S D 9-10 A S T E P , 2016 O P E Pastor Deacon Deacon School Principal Pastoral Associate Children Faith Formation Formación de Fe para Niños Youth Minister Liturgy Coordinator Coordinador de Música Bulletin Editor M T M P Fr. Ramón R. Marrufo 760.689.6205 Don Jensen 760.689.6220 Daniel Rosas 760.689.6200 Linda McCotter 760.689.6250 Meg Long-Eastman 760.689.6208 Denell Robles 760.689.6212 Petra Díaz 760.689.6211 Daniel Andrus 760.689.6213 Valerie Kahle 760.689.6207 Juan Domingo 949.614.6205 Steve Zimmerle [email protected] S /H S C S S T S S -W -T -F 8:30 V S 4:30 7:30 & 11:00 I 450 S. S M 2 S H D O 8:30 & 6:00 (E C L F V D S T /D M 6:30 D 9:00 S & 1:00 ,C P 7:30 P P / S 10:30 A : 760.689.6250 : 760.689.6240 V S D P –T S F A P 760.468-5718 P A F 760.689-5255 520 S. M S ,F T : 760.728.7012 6:00 5:00 ) -C -V [email protected] M W C O /L -12:00 -6:00 /S A F W M H H -F 8:00 1:00 (E ) 92028-2457 T B M H A O S : 760.689.6200 F 760.689.6208 760.689.6200 760.689.6205 760.689.6200 :760.689.6230 9-10 April 2016 S T S Page/Página 2 E Ok. But yet again, not just twice but a third time, the tender but unnerving question, before you have had time to settle your mind and heart. R Do You Love Me? Jesus asks Peter a pointed question in Sunday’s Gospel. How would you feel if he asked the same question of you? Here is the story. With Jesus dead, the disciples were milling around on the shore of the Sea of Tiberius. They had not yet received the Holy Spirit and were left at loose ends. Peter got tired of this standing around so he said, I’m going fishing, anybody want to come? They joined him gladly and they fished all night. All night is unreasonable from our point of view, but not in a fishing society. The break of day revealed a man standing on shore. In the boat, John, the mystic, the one Jesus loved especially well, whispered hoarsely, “It is the Lord”!! Peter hurled himself into the water and wobbled the hundred yards to shore, leaving to someone else the job of bringing in the boat. It seems that Peter, the denier, actually loved Jesus very much. By name he asks, “ _______ , Do you love me?” Let the question echo inside you. Consider your daily attitude toward Jesus and toward God. Do not say your answer lightly. Give it quietly in prayer to Jesus, or out loud if you wish. Take your time. Pay attention to how it feels to say it. Maybe you will reply as Peter did, “Lord, you know everything, you know that I love you.” Or do you have another answer? Something like, “Lord, you know everything, you know that I want to love you, but also I want to have a reasonably good life. You can see the fear and the running away and distraction I live by—are you going to condemn me for them? I want to love you but maybe not yet.” Jesus answers, “Feed my lambs.” Stay with it. Think about it. Pray about it. And that is the question. Can you say you love Jesus very much? Does it mean that we who are sinful can be part of Jesus’ mission? We don’t have to be perfect? We are forgiven? If the answer is yes, then let us consider what the Body of Christ calls us to. He looks at your face and addresses you by your name. “ _______ , do you love me more than these?” Feed his lambs. __________ Such a question. What will you say? Give the answer to the Lord when you are ready, even if it isn't perfect. Put it into words. Don’t read further till you have done this. *Notice that there are two lengths for the Gospel for this Sunday, the long version and the short. Unfortunately, if your parish needs to use the short one, you will not hear the part about the Jesus' question. You can read it, though, at John 21:15. John Foley, SJ Then, when he hears your answer, listen to him say to you, “Feed my lambs.” Phew. Thank God the trial is over and you don’t have to deal with more questions like that. But he asks you again, by name, “ _______ , Do you love me?” What does the repeated question do to you? He said loudly, “Yes, Lord, you know that I love you.” Our hearts go out to him, and also to you since you also have been asked a second time. What is your answer now? Take your time. After your answer Jesus replies, “Tend my sheep.” Fr. John Foley, SJ is a composer and scholar at Saint Louis University. Copyright © 2015, John B. Foley, SJ All rights reserved. Permission is hereby granted to reproduce for personal or parish use. Grace is necessary to salvation, free will is equally so; but grace in order to give salvation, free will in order to receive it. —St. Bernard— St. Peter the Apostle Catholic Parish T S Page/Página 3 M .L E READINGS FOR THE WEEK Sunday: Acts 5:27-32, 40b-41; Ps 30:2, 4-6, 11-13; Rv 5:11-14; Jn 21:1-19 [1-14] Monday: Acts 6:8-15; Ps 119:23-24, 26-27, 29-30; Jn 6:22-29 Tuesday: Acts 7:51 — 8:1a; Ps 31:3cd-4, 6, 7b, 8a, 17, 21ab; Jn 6:30-35 Wednesday: Acts 8:1b-8; Ps 66:1-3a, 4-7a; Jn 6:35-40 Thursday: Acts 8:26-40; Ps 66:8-9, 16-17, 20; Jn 6:44-51 Friday: Acts 9:1-20; Ps 117:1bc, 2; Jn 6:52-59 Saturday: Acts 9:31-42; Ps 116:12-17; Jn 6:60-69 Sunday: Acts 13:14, 43-52; Ps 100:1-3, 5; Rv 7:9, 14b-17; Jn 10:27-30 Join Us in Celebrating the Fortieth Anniversary of Ordination to the Priesthood of Our Pastor Father Ramón R. Marrufo Friday, May 6th 2016 450 S. Stage Coach Lane Fallbrook, California 92028 Eucharistic Celebration 5:30 pm Followed by Dinner in the Parish Hall $20.00 per guest Please R.S.V.P by 25 April 2016 760.689.6200 or 760.689.6270 YOUTH MINISTRY - D A 760.689.6213 [email protected] Keep the flame burning! Check out these events for High School Youth in the Bosco Center! Bring your friends! M C ,P 760.689.6250 [email protected] Please join the school children in the Church, as they lead us in Praying the Rosary at 2:30pm on the following dates: May 13 We Need Your MAJOR MARKET RECEIPTS! We receive a percentage of your shopping total from your receipts! This is free money to us!!! THANK YOU MAJOR MARKET! Just drop them off at the Scrip Table or bring them to the School Office! THANK YOU! Science Fair Update! CONGRATULATIONS to Dylan Taitano! His Science Fair Project was selected to go to the next level at the California State Science Fair in May! Save-the-Date We are celebrating the end of the school year with a BIG BANG! On Friday, May 20 join us for our Annual Spring Swing Golf Tournament at the Golf Club of California here in Fallbrook, followed by our End of the Year family friendly BBQ and Movie Night here on the school campus! More information will be available at the end of April. St. Peter the Apostle Catholic Parish presents: The Taste of the Islands Caribbean, Hawaii, Philippines, Jamaica, Majorca, Australia, Fiji, Guam, Japan, Saipan Saturday, April 23 Guys and Girls Bible Study - every Monday night 7pm-8:30pm F U E L High School Youth Group - every 2nd and 4th Wednesday - 7pm-9pm Open Gym - every 1st and 3rd Wednesday - 7pm9pm Doors open at 5:30pm for this family event—bring the kids, friends, neighbors, relatives! Guys Hoops - every Thursday - 7pm-9pm Movie Night - last Friday of the month - 7pm-9pm Admission: $20 for adults; $10 for 1st child, $5 for each additional child (child ticket = 3-10 years old) Kids ages 1-3 are FREE!! Next “IGNITE” Mass May 8th - 4:30pm Tickets go on sale March 19! Parroquia San Pedro Apóstol Page/Página 4 FORMACIÓN DE FÉ PARA NIÑOS (FFN) P D —760.689.6211 RETIRO NIÑOS DE PRIMERA COMUNION Y PADRES Sábado 9 de Abril 2016 8:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Centro Bosco (todos los niños) DEBEN asistir acompañado por sus padres. ***************************************************************** RECORDATORIO: SABADO 16 DE ABRIL, 9:00 A.M. SERVICIO DE RECONCILIACION. TODOS LOS NIÑOS DE PRIMERA COMUNION. ***************************************************************** Felicidades a los que recibieron sus Sacramentos en la Vigilia Pascual y a susFamilias. Sacramentos de Iniciación: Primera Comunión y Confirmación: Juan Pablo Aguilar Julian Aguilar Ruby Refugio Blanca Gonzalez Aracely Palma Cesar Montejo (y Matrimonio) Maritza Galván (y Matrimonio) Susana Galván (P.C. y Matrimonio) Jesús Flor (Conf. y Matrimonio) José F. Flor Profesición de Fe Alexis Mancilla Guillermo Montillo Jorge Bautista Viviana Villa Dayannara Jaime Que el Espiritu Santo los anime a seguir adelante sirviendo al Señor. Preguntas de la Semana 10 de Abril Adultos: "No tenemos miedo porque conocemos la misericordia de Dios hacia nosotros. ¿Cual es tu experiencia de ésta misericordia?" Niños: "¿De que manera te ayuda tu fe en el amor misericordioso de Jesús a lidiar con los temores de tu vida? Estamos empezando las preparaciones para el Calendario de los eventos de la Parroquia para el siguiente calendario anual (2016-2017). Les pedimos a los líderes de los ministerios de la parroquia y organizaciones que por favor pasen a la oficina de la parroquia para recoger las formas de solicitud de calendario y devolverlas a la oficina a no más tardar del 18 de abril. “Digno es el Cordero, que fue inmolado, de recibir el poder y la riqueza, la sabiduría y la fuerza, el honor, la gloria y la alabanza”. — Apocalipsis 5:12— T D P LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA Domingo: Hch 5:27-32, 40b-41; Sal 30 (29):2, 4-6, 11-13; Ap 5:11-14; Jn 21:1-19 [1-14] Lunes: Hch 6:8-15; Sal 119 (118):23-24, 26-27, 29-30; Jn 6:22-29 Martes: Hch 7:51 — 8:1a; Sal 31 (30):3cd-4, 6, 7b, 8a, 17, 21ab; Jn 6:30-35 Miércoles: Hch 8:1b-8; Sal 66 (65):1-3a, 4-7a; Jn 6:35-40 Jueves: Hch 8:26-40; Sal 66 (65):8-9, 16-17, 20; Jn 6:44-51 Viernes: Hch 9:1-20; Sal 117 (116):1bc, 2; Jn 6:52-59 Sábado: Hch 9:31-42; Sal 116 (115):12-17; Jn 6:60-69 Domingo: Hch 13:14, 43-52; Sal 100 (99):1-3, 5; Ap 7:9, 14b-17; Jn 10:27-30 Cobijas de Fallbrook – Un Proyecto En Marcha Fallbrook está participando en Hay Que Calentar a América y tú puedes ser parte en ayudar a nuestros hermanos y hermanas menos favorecidos a mantenerse calientitos Teje un rectángulo 7” X 9” usando hilo acrílico lavable y colócalo en la canasta cercana o en la iglesia officina de St. Peter’s y Centro de Personas de la Tercera Edad o en la biblioteca de Fallbrook. El parche puede ser de cualquier color, o combinación de colores, cualquier puntada, no importa el diseño. Tejado con hilo acrílico de estambre pesado, utilizando un tamaño G en gancho Tejido con tamaño 7 de agujas. Pueden utilizar cualquier hilo gratis en la canasta cercana o si le gustaría donar estambre, por favor de ponerlo en la canasta. Su parche, junto con muchos otros 7 X 9 parches se unirán para crear una cobija única y calientita. Una cobija complete contiene 56 parches, es individual y mide 49 X 72 pulgadas. Las cobijas terminadas estarán en exhibición en la biblioteca antes de ser lavadas y donadas para personas en necesidad en la Despensa de Alimentos en Fallbrook, Línea de Familia y Vida y Refugio para Mujeres en el Norte del Condado u otra organización de caridad. Secciones terminadas pueden ser entregadas en la canasta localizada en la biblioteca de Fallbrook, Senior Center y Academia de Baile de Bonsall del Norte del Condado. Se necesitan voluntarios para coser las secciones juntas para hacer las cobijas y para ensenar a coser o tejer en el centro para adultos de la tercera edad o en la biblioteca. Donaciones de estambre acrílico siempre son bienvenidos. Adicionalmente, se ha creado un Nuevo grupo Espanol de coser y tejer en la biblioteca, se juntan cada viernes de 10AM a 12PM. Y un grupo English cada lunes de 10 AM a 12 PM. Todos estamos bienvenidos en cualquier grupo. Durante este tiempo puede aprender o volver aprender a como coser o tejer, ayudar a coser una cobija o simplemente conversar mientras trabajas en tu propio proyecto. Para más información, favor de contactar a Alina Rowe al (760) 731 -4640 o en [email protected] Parroquia San Pedro Apóstol H T D P Voy a Pescar Simón Pedro, el líder controversial de los discípulos de Jesús, aquel que cuestionaba todo y, por esto, fue nombrado por Jesús para que confirmara la fe del grupo, había perdido su bravura. Ya regresaba a su lago para hacer lo que mejor entendía; iba a pescar. Seguir a Jesús no hacía la vida ni fácil ni cómoda, pero todos los discípulos, varones y mujeres, habían caminado llenos de sueños de un mundo cambiado. Creían que el mundo perdería su manto de opresiones y la sombra de la muerte. Era lo que Jesús anunciaba y ellos confiaban en él. Sin embargo, todo les había salido mal y no valía la pena quedarse en Jerusalén esperando apariciones del Señor. Para la población general, Jesús ya era otro profeta que había muerto con sus palabras de esperanza en la boca. Convencidos de la resurrección, pero desilusionados, los discípulos regresaron a su tierra natal para esperar a Jesús. Sólo su presencia palpable era capaz de cambiar su vida. Pedro siempre había sido independiente. Su negocio de la pesca con Zebedeo había dado mucho resultado. Pero hoy él no vuelve a la pesca por motivos de negocios, sino para escapar de sus sentimientos. Jesús no se veía. Desilusionados, todos deseamos volver al mar, la tierra o la familia, a cualquier cosa sin complicaciones. Pedro quería volver a lo que mejor entendía. Pedro conocía el arte de la pesca. Pero Jesús le había dado la habilidad de pescar a las personas. No era una tarea fácil, pero todos los discípulos habían aprendido algo de esa vocación y ministerio. Page/Página 5 Todos nosotros, junto con la jerarquía, los consejos pastorales, los comités litúrgicos y los catequistas debemos aprender que la Iglesia nunca es primero institución ni estructura aunque estas expresiones de su vida tengan importancia. Al contrario, el Concilio Vaticano Segundo evita definir la Iglesia como institución porque espera ver en los pueblos una acción creadora que renueva toda institución en base de sus experiencias al compartir la vida del Resucitado. Al prepararse los padres de familia para bautizar o para orientar a sus hijos en plan de primera comunión, al aprender unos novios que el matrimonio es más importante que la boda, y al averiguar los adolescentes la importancia de un proceso que los confirma en su sentido de servicio para con los demás, comenzamos a ver la Iglesia como un proceso actual y no sólo como una institución histórica. Una institución siempre tiende a defender los privilegios de sus miembros más acomodados, pero un proceso sobrevive sólo en la base de compartir confianzas y compañerismo. Un proceso no permite que la verdad sea un regalo del pasado, sino siempre un tesoro buscado por los que se juntan en el camino y el diálogo. Esto es lo que Pedro busca al aproximarse de nuevo a la pesca. De nuevo, Jesús le dirá por dónde echar las redes y, una vez más, los peces saltarán a su llamado. Las razones son sencillas. Jesús vive y, por su alegría, atrae a todos; las instituciones son secas y muertas, ahuyentando a muchos. Jesús es el sacramento que nos muestra el mundo de Dios como debe ser; él nos abre la posibilidad de ser una humanidad diferente y solidaria, creadora y responsable. Pescar, como anunciar el reino de Dios, no era como sembrar y cosechar en el campo. Con la pesca y el reino, nadie sabe dónde buscarlos. Siempre son búsquedas de fe. ¿Por qué no vamos con Pedro a pescar para poder compartir algo de las A la vez, hay otra comparación que se hace entre la pesca y el anuncio del Reino de Dios. Los dos representan, no una institución, sino un proceso dentro de la misma vida. Jesús escogió a unos pescadores como sus discípulos para que se entusiasmaran más por el proceso de la evangelización que por las instituciones que esa evangelización creara. Claro que es bueno encontrar lo profundo y bello de gente que quiere vivir el reino de Dios por adelantado. Pero también se revela la maravilla del proceso del acompañamiento que produce ese resultado. Donaldo Headley se ordenó al sacerdocio en 1958. Se graduó con MA en filosofía y STL en teología de la Facultad Pontificia del Seminario de Santa María del Lago en Mundelein, Illinois. Donaldo Headley Derechos de Autor © 2015, Donaldo Headley. Todos los derechos reservados. Se concede permiso para la reproducción para uso personal o uso parroquial. La gracia es necesaria para la salvación, e igualmente el libre albedrío; pero la gracia da la salvación, y el libre albedrío la recibe. —San Bernardo— St. Peter the Apostle Catholic Parish U E Page/Página 6 …. SAVE THE DATE! Mark your Calendars for these Events April 15th - “Renewal 2016” April 23rd - Tastes of the Islands! Come “vacation with us and sample the tastes of the Island! April 29th - Knights of Columbus Spring Golf Tournament! May 20th - Golf/BBQ What better way to end the school year than with a day of golf, followed by a great BBQ dinner! Preparations are underway for next year’s Paris Event Calendar (2016-2017). Parish Ministry and Organization leaders are asked to please stop by the Parish Office to pick up a Calendar Request form and return them to the office no later than Monday, April 18th. Renewal 2016: share faith stories over appetizers, desserts, beverages. Outstanding guest speaker shares his faith journey. HUGE hit last year! Experience the New Evangelization at its most enjoyable! Friday, April 15th, 6:30 - 8:30 p.m., Parish Hall. Doors open at 6:00 for appetizers, beverages and conversation. FREE CHILDCARE (reserve at: [email protected]) KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS “Fr. Ramon Classic” GOLF TOURNAMENT Friday, April 29, 2016 Castle Creek Golf Club Join us for a fun day of Golf sponsored by the Knights of Columbus. All are welcome, Knights, Ladies and Guests. The cost is $45 and includes green fees, golf cart and cash prizes. The first tee time is 10:15 a.m. The Callaway System of scoring is used and, therefore, you do not have to be a good golfer to win a prize. Sign up individually or as a foursome of your choice. It is truly a fun day of golf! Please make your reservations early by calling any of our cochairmen: Ed Erzen, 760/728-3960; Tom Beyer, 760/723-7873; Joe Bator, 760/451-5090; Ross Bergantine, 760/731-6309; Ron Morosetti, 760/731-7474. Make Checks payable to: "KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS, Council 7069" PLEASE REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS: POR FAVOR RECORDAR EN SUS ORACIÓNES: The Sick / los enfermos… Dorothy Romani, Barbara Hudson, Herminio Gastellum, Feliza Santoyo, Richard Hayes, Tom Jones, Barbara Hudson, Daniel Andrus, Maria Luz Rosales, Lines Cormier, Elisa Mendoza, Regina Grevatt, Valerie Ann Kahle (daughter-in-law)... The Deceased / los difuntos …Brad LeMoine, Mary Ann Gunther, Maria Del Carmen Perez, Lazaro Jimenez, Ann Dilks, Apolinar Vargas, Cloyde and Mary Jane Pierce, Karen Elaine Pang, Emily Van Eysden, Honorata and Victorino Sianghio, Louise Goulet, Cecelia Baquero, Mary Jane Pierce, Sixtos Rojas, Helen and Vincent Spanier, Luis and Engracia Diaz, Ofelia Oliveras, Jose Armando and Tranquilino Chavez, Nancy Cooke, Margaret Kennedy, Paul Butter, Hans Van Dooremolen, Vincent Calvanese, Mary Ann Gunther, Eva and Carl Patz, Maria Antonio Francisco, Teodoro Padilla, Francisco Andres Gonzalez, Bob Selsor, Dr. Faustino Escalera, Jr., Lucy Meyer... Saint Peter's Soup Kitchen Ministry invites interested stewards or groups to prepare and serve soup at the Soup Kitchen located in the Parish Office. We currently have openings on the following days: the 1st Friday and the 4th Wednesday of each month. Soup is served for breakfast at any time between 7 and 8 AM. Soup supplies are available at no charge. It is a wonderful way to reach out to the hungry and enrich our community. So if you or your Small Faith Community is interested in helping, please contact Mary Jo Bacik at 760- 451-9394. Thank you in advance and God Bless. M I M Saturday, April 9 4:30pm, † Mary Ann Gunther 6:00pm, † Maria Del Carmen Perez Sunday, April 10 7:30am, Women’s Guild 9:00am, † Lazaro Jimenez 11:00am, Missa Propopulo 1:00pm, † Apolina Vargas Monday, April 11 8:30am, † Cloyde & Mary Jane Pierce Tuesday, April 12 6:30pm, † Karen Elaine Pang Wednesday, April 13 8:30am, † Emily Van Eysden Thursday, April 14 8:30am, † Victorino Sianghio Friday, April 15 8:30am, Jennifer & Lisa Jorritsma Saturday, April 16 4:30pm, † Rafael Becerra 6:00pm, Ricardo Alvarez Caregivers Support Are you a caregiver for a spouse, child, sibling or a friend? Come and share a cup of coffee or tea with others who are on the same journey who understand the responsibilities that go beyond being a wife, husband, a daughter or a son. An informal gathering will be held on Wednesday, April 20th, from 10 AM to 12 PM. Please call Nancy at (760) 731-2757 for additional information. Page/Página 7 Thank you for your faithful stewardship of treasure April 2nd-3rd Offering General Fund:$18,179.00 Debt Reduction:$4,899.00 Gracias por su más fiel tesoro de Administrador We at St. Vincent De Paul resale store are located in Fallbrook. Open 6 days a week 10am-3pm Monday thru Friday and 10am2pm on Saturday. The store needs stewards part-time or full time. We would appreciate any hours you can give. SVDP gives back to the community in Fallbrook. We assist people in need; help the Soup Kitchen; donate to Fallbrook Food Pantry and give assistance to St. Peter’ Catholic School. It is a great place to meet and greet new people and the work is very gratifying. Please contact Lucy Alvarez at (760) 723-1093. Fallbrook Blankets – An Ongoing Project Fallbrook is now participating in Warm-Up America and you can be a part of helping our less advantaged brothers and sisters stay warm and cuddly. Knit or crochet a 7” X 9” rectangle using washable acrylic yarn. The patch can be any color, or combination of colors, any stitch, any design. Crochet using a size G crochet hook. Knit with size 7 needles. If you use wool or cotton yarn, please label it so it can be used in the same type of blanket. Your patch, along with many other 7 X 9 inch pieces will be sewn together to create a warm and unique blanket. A completed blanket contains 56 patches, is twin-bed size and measures 49 X 72 inches. Finished patches can be placed in the basket located in the St. Peter’s Church office, the Fallbrook Library, the Senior Center or North County Academy of Dance in Bonsall. You may also use any free yarn in those baskets. Volunteers are always needed to crochet the patches together to create the blankets. Donations of acrylic yarn are always welcome. Each completed blanket will be on display for one week at the library before being washed and donated to a needy person at the Fallbrook Food Pantry, women’s/ family shelters in Oceanside, Vista, or Escondido or a veterans help agency. W S —E S Monday April 11 / Lunes 11 de Abril Boy’s Scout meeting: 6:30pm-8:00pm; Loft Tuesday April 12 / Martes 12 de Abril WWJD Jr. High Youth Group: 6:30pm-8pm; Bosco Center Wednesday April 13 / Miércoles 13 de Abril Women of the Bible: 9:15am-10:30am; Conference room Thursday April 14 / Jueves 14 de Abril Catholic Bible Study: 9:30am-11:30am; St. Andrew Center Catholic Bible Study: 6:00pm-8:00pm; St. Andrew Center Friday April 15 / Viernes 15 de Abril Eucharistic Adoration: 9:00am-9:00pm; Church STEWARDSHIP CORNER There is much to digest (literally) in today’s Gospel Reading from St. John. It reports the third time that Jesus appeared to His Apostles. The Lord appears on the shore of the Sea of Tiberias, which is another name by which the Sea of Galilee is known. It is early in the morning, and Peter and the others had been fishing unsuccessfully, and obviously were near to the shore, but at Jesus’ urging they cast their nets again and caught many fish, which they then brought to shore. According to the Gospel Jesus had breakfast with them, and then He poses the question to Peter specifically, “Do you love me?” The exchange between the Lord and Peter is carefully narrated, as are Jesus’ responses. However, at the end of the Gospel Reading for today, Jesus says two simple words to Peter, “Follow Me.” Of course, these are the same two words with which we are familiar that Jesus used to call Peter and the others in the beginning. We need to understand that these instructions from Jesus are not just for the Apostles but for us as well. How have we responded to that call? Our reaction does not have to be as dramatic as Peter’s and the others, who abandoned their lives and their livelihood and became total followers of Christ. However, we, too, need to find the strength and the commitment to follow the Lord. How we carry that out is our stewardship, how we live our lives. - See more at: -The Catholic Steward, Reflection on Lectionary Readings Acts 5: 27-32, 40B-41; Ps 30: 2, 4-6, 11-13; Rev 5: 11-14; Jn 21: 1-19 In addition, two knitting/crocheting groups have been formed at the library: English speaking every Monday 10AM to 12 Noon and Spanish speaking on Fridays 10 AM to 12 Noon. During these times you can learn or re-learn to knit or crochet, help sew a blanket together or simply sit and chat while working on your own yarn project. Adults: "We fear not because we know God has mercy on us. What is your experience of this mercy?" For more information, contact Carmen Willard at 314-803-0986 or [email protected]. Youth: "How does your faith in Jesus' merciful love help you to deal with the fears in your life?" Q W A 10, 2016
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April 23rd - Tastes of the Islands! Come “vacation with us and sample the tastes of the Island! April 29th - Knights of Columbus Spring Golf
Más detallessaint peter the apostle - St. Peter the Apostle Parish
The Callaway System of scoring is used and, therefore, you do not have to be a good golfer to win a prize. Sign up individually or as a foursome of your choice. It is truly a fun day of golf! Pleas...
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