April 17, 2016
April 17, 2016
SAINT PETER THE APOSTLE B W F C E C W S D 16-17 A S T E P , 2016 O P E Pastor Deacon Deacon School Principal Pastoral Associate Children Faith Formation Formación de Fe para Niños Youth Minister Liturgy Coordinator Coordinador de Música Bulletin Editor M T M P Fr. Ramón R. Marrufo 760.689.6205 Don Jensen 760.689.6220 Daniel Rosas 760.689.6200 Linda McCotter 760.689.6250 Meg Long-Eastman 760.689.6208 Denell Robles 760.689.6212 Petra Díaz 760.689.6211 Daniel Andrus 760.689.6213 Valerie Kahle 760.689.6207 Juan Domingo 949.614.6205 Steve Zimmerle [email protected] S /H S C S S T S S -W -T -F 8:30 V S 4:30 7:30 & 11:00 I 450 S. S M 2 S H D O 8:30 & 6:00 (E C L F V D S T /D M 6:30 D 9:00 S & 1:00 ,C P 7:30 P P / S 10:30 A : 760.689.6250 : 760.689.6240 V S D P –T S F A P 760.468-5718 P A F 760.689-5255 520 S. M S ,F T : 760.728.7012 6:00 5:00 ) -C -V [email protected] M W C O /L -12:00 -6:00 /S A F W M H H -F 8:00 1:00 (E ) 92028-2457 T www.stpeter-fallbrook.org B M H A O S : 760.689.6200 F 760.689.6208 760.689.6200 760.689.6205 760.689.6200 :760.689.6230 16-17 April 2016 S F S Page/Página 2 When he called out, they simply got to their feet and came with him, through the sheep-gate. R E Greet Him If we pay attention we can learn a lot about animals and about their humans. Think of the endearing way domestic beasts recognize their owners. Dogs collapse into a frenzy of delight when you come home, even if you have been gone for fifteen minutes. The new heaven has arrived in their midst, and hysterics are the least they can do. Somewhere there may be a cat like this, but most of them have a different reaction than the heartsick dogs. “Oh it’s you again,” they seem to say. I know some exceptions. Though my cousin’s cat does model indifference with most people, but when I walk into the house it makes a quiet bee-line to where I am sitting, making no secret of how it enjoys being petted by me. I have never been quite sure whether to be complimented. Nor can I explain it. There might be months between visits and still this cat makes its way to the petting machine, with both dignity and quiet craving. Judging from his stories, Jesus paid a lot of attention to animals and to their humans. He watched sheep many times on his trips through the lands and he observed their ways. They were not cat-like or dog-like, but were heartfelt in a different way. The sheep followed as the shepherds made them safe, guarded them, led them to food and drink. Jesus even compared a milling crowd of people to “sheep without a shepherd.” But I have been told that, in the Jerusalem of Jesus’ day, there was only one sheepfold. Various flocks would arrive, along with their respective shepherds, and all these flocks were funneled into the one sheepfold. This made for a rather large gathering, and there wasn’t any practice of branding or marking in order to tell one from the other. What's more, sheep, unlike dogs, do not make themselves joyous when their shepherd walks up. Smartness was not a noticeable trait in them. Then how could each shepherd reclaim his own sheep? Two ways. One, the shepherd already knew them by heart. He might even have a special name for each character in the flock. And two, the sheep themselves recognized the voice of their master. Jesus refers to this reaction in Sunday’s short Gospel. “My sheep hear my voice; I know them, and they [know] me,” he says. Haven’t you ever craved the voice of someone who would make things right, would lift the burden from your shoulder? Someone who knows you by name and loves you? Jesus is that someone, he tells you. You “shall never perish,” he says, and then he steadies you with his hands. The Father has given you to Jesus. Who could revoke that gift? I have a hunch you do recognize Jesus’ voice when you hear it. Your feelings move when you listen trustingly to a certain Gospel, for instance. Or when you receive the bread of everlasting life and the cup of salvation—not as a stranger might, but as a member of a well-fed and greatly cared for flock. What about trying, Sunday, to notice whether your spirit inclines to Jesus? Maybe you will settle into his lap for comfort. Your soul seeks him always, you know. And finds him. John Foley, SJ Fr. John Foley, SJ is a composer and scholar at Saint Louis University. Copyright © 2015, John B. Foley, SJ All rights reserved. Permission is hereby granted to reproduce for personal or parish use. Do not feel totally, personally, irrevocably responsible for everything . . . That’s my job. —God— St. Peter the Apostle Catholic Parish F S Page/Página 3 M .L E READINGS FOR THE WEEK Sunday: Acts 13:14, 43-52; Ps 100:1-3, 5; Rv 7:9, 14b-17; Jn 10:27-30 Monday: Acts 11:1-18; Ps 42:2-3; 43:3, 4; Jn 10:11-18 Tuesday: Acts 11:19-26; Ps 87:1b-7; Jn 10:22-30 Wednesday: Acts 12:24 — 13:5a; Ps 67:2-3, 5-6, 8; Jn 12:44-50 Thursday: Acts 13:13-25; Ps 89:2-3, 21-22, 25, 27; Jn 13:16-20 Friday: Acts 13:26-33; Ps 2:6-11ab; Jn 14:1-6 Saturday: Acts 13:44-52; Ps 98:1-4; Jn 14:7-14 Sunday: Acts 14:21-27; Ps 145:8-13; Rv 21:1-5a; Jn 13:31-33a, 34-35 Join Us in Celebrating the Fortieth Anniversary of Ordination to the Priesthood of Our Pastor Father Ramón R. Marrufo Friday, May 6th 2016 450 S. Stage Coach Lane Fallbrook, California 92028 M C ,P 760.689.6250 [email protected] Please join the school children in the Church, as they lead us in Praying the Rosary at 2:30pm on the following date: May 13th. Mrs. Kahle’s 4th grade class has been busy meeting people all across the world through Classroom Mystery Skype! During the first four Mystery Skype games, the students met other classes from Virginia, Pennsylvania, Oregon, and Oklahoma. Each class asks yes or no questions about their location and whichever class is the first to guess the other’s location is the winner. The students are taking learning into their own hands as they use critical thinking skills to solve the mystery. After the game is over, there is a chance for both classes to ask each other more questions about their state, city, and school. The fourth graders have successfully guessed the locations of individuals in Germany and Australia. The group from Australia used an interactive presentation called Zeetings. During that session they focused on the importance of technology and how it has changed over the years. The fourth graders are looking forward to meeting many more people across the globe and expanding their global awareness. St. Peter the Apostle Catholic Parish presents: The Taste of the Islands Caribbean, Hawaii, Philippines, Jamaica, Majorca, Australia, Fiji, Guam, Japan, Saipan Eucharistic Celebration 5:30 pm Saturday, April 23 Followed by Dinner in the Parish Hall $20.00 per guest Please R.S.V.P by 25 April 2016 760.689.6200 or 760.689.6270 Doors open at 5:30pm for this family event—bring the kids, friends, neighbors, relatives! YOUTH MINISTRY - D A 760.689.6213 [email protected] Admission: $20 for adults; $10 for 1st child, $5 for each additional child (child ticket = 3-10 years old) Kids ages 1-3 are FREE!! Keep the flame burning! Check out these events for High School Youth in the Bosco Center! Bring your friends! Tickets go on sale March 19! Guys and Girls Bible Study - every Monday night 7pm-8:30pm F U E L High School Youth Group - every 2nd and 4th Wednesday - 7pm-9pm Open Gym - every 1st and 3rd Wednesday - 7pm9pm Guys Hoops - every Thursday - 7pm-9pm Movie Night - last Friday of the month - 7pm-9pm Next “IGNITE” Mass May 8th - 4:30pm Save-the-Date We are celebrating the end of the school year with a BIG BANG! On Friday, May 20 join us for our Annual Spring Swing Golf Tournament at the Golf Club of California here in Fallbrook, followed by our End of the Year family friendly BBQ and Movie Night here on the school campus! More information will be available at the end of April. The Small Faith Communities of SPACP send thanks to Miss Frances Jones and her Jr. High students for producing those crazy, colorful fork buttons promoting Renewal 2016. “Well done!" Parroquia San Pedro Apóstol Page/Página 4 FORMACIÓN DE FÉ PARA NIÑOS (FFN) P D —760.689.6211 Felicidades a los que recibieron sus Sacramentos en la Vigilia Pascual y a susFamilias. Sacramentos de Iniciación: Primera Comunión y Confirmación: Que el Espiritu Santo los anime a seguir adelante sirviendo al Señor. Juan Pablo Aguilar Julian Aguilar Ruby Refugio Blanca Gonzalez Aracely Palma Cesar Montejo (y Matrimonio) Maritza Galván (y Matrimonio) Susana Galván (P.C. y Matrimonio) Jesús Flor (Conf. y Matrimonio) José F. Flor Profesición de Fe Alexis Mancilla Guillermo Montillo Jorge Bautista Viviana Villa Dayannara Jaime Unase a nosotros para celebrar los 40 años del Aniversario de la Ordenación Sacerdotal de nuestro Pastor Padre Ramón R. Marrufo Viernes 6 de mayo 2016 450 S. Stage Coach Lane Fallbrook, California 92028 Celebración Eucarística a las 5:30pm Seguida de una Cena en el Salón Parroquial $20 por persona Por favor hacer reservaciones antes del 25 de abril 760-689-6270 or 760-689-6200 Preguntas de la Semana 17 de Abril C D P LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA Domingo: Hch 13:14, 43-52; Sal 100 (99):1-3, 5; Ap 7:9, 14b-17; Jn 10:27-30 Lunes: Hch 11:1-18; Sal 42 (41):2-3; 43:3, 4; Jn 10:11-18 Martes: Hch 11:19-26; Sal 87 (86):1b-7; Jn 10:22-30 Miércoles: Hch 12:24 — 13:5a; Sal 67 (66):2-3, 5-6, 8; Jn 12:44-50 Jueves: Hch 13:13-25; Sal 89 (88):2-3, 21-22, 25, 27; Jn 13:16-20 Viernes: Hch 13:26-33; Sal 2:6-11ab; Jn 14:1-6 Sábado: Hch 13:44-52; Sal 98 (97):1-4; Jn 14:7-14 Domingo: Hch 14:21-27; Sal 145 (144):8-13; Ap 21:1-5a; Jn 13:31-33a, 34-35 Parish Registration/Registro Parroquial Welcome to St. Peter the Apostle Catholic Parish! Please take a moment to complete the following form, if applicable, and return by mail or drop it in the Sunday collection basket. ¡Bienvenidos a la Parroquia San Pedro Apóstol! Para inscribirse como miembro de esta iglesia llene esta forma y devuélvala por correo o depositela en la canasta de la colecta dominical. __ I am new to the Parish/Soy nuevo a la parroquia __ Change of Address or Phone # __ Cambio de Domicilo/Numero de teléfono __ I would like to volunteer as: ______________________________________________ __ Me gustaria ser voluntario de: ______________________________________________ Name/ Nombre________________________________________ Address/ Dirección_______________________________________ Adultos: "¿A quien proteges de la misma manera que Cristo te protege a ti? ¿de qué manera?" City/Ciudad______________________ Niños: ¿de que manera puedes proteger a alguien de la misma manera que Cristo te cuida a ti? Telephone/Teléfono__________________________ Zip/Codigo Postal_______________ Parroquia San Pedro Apóstol H C D P El Reto del Buen Pator Este Cuarto Domingo de Pascua abre nuevas posibilidades, no todas muy agradables, para nosotros que compartimos la misión y ministerios de la Iglesia. Debíamos haber notado que las lecturas después del Domingo de Resurreción hablan de eventos bastante desagradables. Los discípulos reciben golpes y están encarcelados, el Cordero Pascual (Jesús mismo) es sacrificado, y el Buen Pastor nos informa que unos adversarios nos intentarán quitar del abrazo de Dios. Nada de esto ayuda para un paso tranquilo del Antiguo al Nuevo Testamento. Sospecho que la Iglesia cita estas escrituras con el propósito de quitarnos nuestra euforia inicial sobre la Resurrección de Jesús. Las distintas narraciones de la Resurrección, sea de Marcos, Mateo, Lucas o Juan, existen para enviarnos a funcionar en un mundo que duda de nuestros motivos. Al invitarnos a participar en el Concilio Vaticano Segundo, el papa Juan XXIII informó a los miembros de la Iglesia que nuestra reunión tenía que ofrecer al mundo una alternativa a las injusticias, al agoísmo y apatía que lo oprimía. El se quejaba de las tecnologías desarrolladas después de la Segunda Guerra Mundial que habían mejorado la vida a unos cuantos comercios y naciones dejando a grandes poblaciones en la miseria. Hoy vemos el resultado de las causas analizadas por él al medir la riqueza conjunta de sólo doce familias particulares en los Estados Unidos que controlan 42% de todo lo que existe dentro de sus fronteras sin hablar de sus negocios en otros lugares. ¿No escandaliza esto más que acercarse a la comunión sin haberse confesado? Estas lecturas claramente revelan que las normas para compartir la comunión en “la fracción del pan” se basaron, no en la limpieza del alma individual, sino en la disposición del pueblo reunido a compartir el pan de su propia vida. No fue la confesión de pecados la que encadenó los tobillos de San Pablo, sino su insistencia en la igualdad entre todos los que compartían la vida del Resucitado. Su prédica fue herejía para las religiones históricas y subversión para los gobiernos arbitrarios. Pablo y Bernabé fueron echados de la ciudad, Antioquía de Pisidia, insultados y condenados. Según los Hechos de los Apóstoles, si no hubieran salido, la gente los habría matado. Una pregunta: ¿Qué dicen los líderes eclesiásticos hoy sobre la realidad del sexismo, racismo y privilegio económico que los apóstoles declararon muerta con Cristo, desapareciendo para siempre en su resurrección? Page/Página 5 El Libro de Revelaciones es un texto apocalíptico tejido de los símbolos presentes en el Antiguo Testamento para subvertir el Imperio Romano. Somos injustos al leerlo como una profecía moderna. Nos presenta un hecho cumplido; Cristo, a pesar de todo el mal que nos rodea, ya ha ganado la batalla en contra de las opresiones impuestas sobre los pueblos y el mundo. ¿Nos pone incómodos saber que nuestra importancia hoy se determina por el deseo de teñir nuestra ropa con la sangre del Cordero? ¿A quién pertenecemos? ¿Somos el último elemento del mundo corrompido y fragmentado o el primer elemento que proclama su redención y sanación? La tercera lectura es del Evangelio según Juan. Se selecciona de un texto que se encuentra exactamente a la mitad del libro. El Buen Pastor nos informa que él es, a la vez, Pastor, puerta del redil y el cordero degollado. También él se declara una misma cosa con el Padre. El pasaje tiene un solo propósito; nos dice que ha comenzado el proceso en nosotros que nace de la Encarnación. Como la Palabra de Dios se ha humanizado, nosotros nos divinizaremos, amando como Dios ama. Ya vivimos por igual la vida de Cristo Resucitado, esta vida responsable del Buen Pastor quien es una misma cosa con el Padre. Esta humanidad compartida de Cristo tiene el poder de transformar el mundo como Juan XXIII quería. Ya podemos amar, abrazar y sostenernos, los unos a los otros como Dios siempre lo ha hecho. Pero hay que preguntarnos: ¿Podemos aceptar el reto que Dios nos da en Cristo Resucitado, siendo y haciendo para los demás lo que Dios ha sido y hecho con nosotros? ¿No es esto el verdadero desafio en el tríptico divino de la Creación, la Encarnación y la Resurrección? Donaldo Headley Donaldo Headley se ordenó al sacerdocio en 1958. Se graduó con MA en filosofía y STL en teología de la Facultad Pontificia del Seminario de Santa María del Lago en Mundelein, Illinois. Derechos de Autor © 2015, Donaldo Headley. Todos los derechos reservados. Se concede permiso para la reproducción para uso personal o uso parroquial. No te sientas total, personal e irrevocablemente responsable por todo. . . Ese es mi trabajo. —Dios— St. Peter the Apostle Catholic Parish U E Page/Página 6 …. PLEASE REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS: POR FAVOR RECORDAR EN SUS ORACIÓNES: SAVE THE DATE! Mark your Calendars for these Events The Sick / los enfermos… Regina Grevatt, Valerie Ann Kahle, Dorothy Romani, Barbara Hudson, Herminio Gastellum, Feliza Santoyo, Richard Hayes, Tom Jones, Barbara Hudson, Maria Luz Rosales, April 23rd - Tastes of the Islands! Come “vacation with us and sample the tastes of the Island! April 29th - Knights of Columbus Spring Golf Tournament! May 20th - Golf/BBQ What better way to end the school year than with a day of golf, followed by a great BBQ dinner! Preparations are underway for next year’s Paris Event Calendar (2016-2017). Parish Ministry and Organization leaders are asked to please stop by the Parish Office to pick up a Calendar Request form and return them to the office no later than Monday, April 18th. Forms are also available online at www.stpeter-fallbrook.org The Deceased / los difuntos … Rafael Becerra, Walter and Hazel Bednarski, Jose and Amancio Rosas, Margarita Cortez Rodriguez, Doreen Le Cakes, Maria Rantz, Brad LeMoine, Mary Ann Gunther, Maria Del Carmen Perez, Lazaro Jimenez, Ann Dilks, Apolinar Vargas, Cloyde and Mary Jane Pierce, Karen Elaine Pang, Emily Van Eysden, Honorata and Victorino Sianghio, Louise Goulet, Cecelia Baquero, Mary Jane Pierce, Sixtos Rojas, Helen and Vincent Spanier, Luis and Engracia Diaz, Ofelia Oliveras, Jose Armando and Tranquilino Chavez, Nancy Cooke, Margaret Kennedy, Paul Butter, Hans Van Dooremolen, Vincent Calvanese, Teodoro Padilla, Francisco Andres Gonzalez, Infant Baptism Preparation Seminar The next Infant Baptism preparation seminar for parents and Godparents will be held on Saturday May 14, 2016 at 9:00 a.m. This seminar may be attended while you are expecting your child. It is also for those who are planning a baptism in the coming months. You must register before the class. The parish shares your joy as you prepare to baptize your child. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS “Fr. Ramon Classic” GOLF TOURNAMENT Friday, April 29, 2016 Castle Creek Golf Club Join us for a fun day of Golf sponsored by the Knights of Columbus. All are welcome, Knights, Ladies and Guests. The cost is $45 and includes green fees, golf cart and cash prizes. The first tee time is 10:15 a.m. The Callaway System of scoring is used and, therefore, you do not have to be a good golfer to win a prize. Sign up individually or as a foursome of your choice. It is truly a fun day of golf! Please make your reservations early by calling any of our co-chairmen: Ed Erzen, (760) 728-3960; Tom Beyer, (760) 723-7873; Joe Bator, (760) 451-5090; Ross Bergantine, (760) 731-6309; Ron Morosetti, (760) 731-7474. Make Checks payable to: "KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS, Council 7069" Saint Peter's Soup Kitchen Ministry invites interested stewards or groups to prepare and serve soup at the Soup Kitchen located in the Parish Office. We currently have openings on the following days: the 1st Friday and the 4th Wednesday of each month. Soup is served for breakfast at any time between 7 and 8 AM. Soup supplies are available at no charge. It is a wonderful way to reach out to the hungry and enrich our community. So if you or your Small Faith Community is interested in helping, please contact Mary Jo Bacik at 760- 451-9394. Thank you in advance and God Bless. M I M Saturday, April 16 4:30pm, † Rafael Becerra 6:00pm, Ricardo Alvarez Sunday, April 17 7:30am, † Walter & Hazel Bednarski 9:00am, † Jose & Amancio Rosas 11:00am, † Margarita Cortez Rodriguez 1:00pm, † Missa Propopulo Monday, April 18 8:30am, † Doreen LeCakes Tuesday, April 19 6:30pm, † Maria Rantz Wednesday, April 20 8:30am, Eileen Nelson Thursday, April 21 8:30am, Kay Ballota Friday, April 22 8:30am, Diane Dooley Happy Birthday Saturday, April 23 4:30pm, Missa Propopulo 6:00pm, † Regula Rodriguez Caregivers Support Are you a caregiver for a spouse, child, sibling or a friend? Come and share a cup of coffee or tea with others who are on the same journey who understand the responsibilities that go beyond being a wife, husband, a daughter or a son. An informal gathering will be held on Wednesday, April 20th, from 10 AM to 12 PM. Please call Nancy at (760) 731-2757 for additional information. Page/Página 7 Thank you for your faithful stewardship of treasure April 9th-10th Offering General Fund:$19,282.50 Debt Reduction:$12,750.00 Gracias por su más fiel tesoro de Administrador We at St. Vincent De Paul resale store are located in Fallbrook. Open 6 days a week 10am-3pm Monday thru Friday and 10am2pm on Saturday. The store needs stewards part-time or full time. We would appreciate any hours you can give. SVDP gives back to the community in Fallbrook. We assist people in need; help the Soup Kitchen; donate to Fallbrook Food Pantry and give assistance to St. Peter’ Catholic School. It is a great place to meet and greet new people and the work is very gratifying. Please contact Lucy Alvarez at (760) 723-1093. ATTENTION NEW PARISHIONERS!! This weekend after Mass Please stop by the "WELCOME TABLE" Meet members of our Welcome Ministry and order your St. Peter the Apostle name tags, so we may greet you by name. WE ARE HAPPY TO HAVE YOU WITH US! O P …. SISTER SERVANTS OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT CONVENT TOUR We invite you to tour three very different convents in San Diego! For the first time the general public is offered guided tours of the San Ysidro, Bonita, and El Cajon convents! Visit convents in any order. Time for prayer in each chapel. Saturday, April 30, 2016, Tour hours: 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM Tickets: $25 suggested donation (includes all convents) $30 on day of tour For tickets and more information visit www.sisterservantssjs.org Scroll down and click on Convent Tour Ticket or sign up by phone at (619) 292-2971. See you then! Blessed be God! W S —E S Monday April 18 / Lunes 18 de Abril Boy’s Scout meeting: 6:30pm-8:00pm; Loft Tuesday April 19 / Martes 19 de Abril WWJD Jr. High Youth Group: 6:30pm-8pm; Bosco Center Wednesday April 20 / Miércoles 20 de Abril Women of the Bible: 9:15am-10:30am; Conference room Men’s Prayer Group: 7:00pm-9:00pm; Upper room Thursday April 21 / Jueves 21 de Abril Catholic Bible Study: 9:30am-11:30am; St. Andrew Center Catholic Bible Study: 6:00pm-8:00pm; St. Andrew Center Friday April 22 / Viernes 22 de Abril Eucharistic Adoration: 9:00am-9:00pm; Church STEWARDSHIP CORNER It is not easy being Christian and Catholic in today’s world. Our society, because of the critical nature of the media in large part, tends to view people of faith and morals with some distrust. That is a challenge for us. Paul and Barnabas experience something similar in today’s First Reading from the Acts of the Apostles. The people of Antioch in Pisidia “expel (them) from the territory.” No one likes or appreciates rejection. It is humiliating and discouraging. There may be times in our own lives when we follow firmly our Catholic beliefs and experience something similar. However, like Paul and Barnabas, we need to become even more determined in our desire to be a Disciple of the Lord. In their case, they moved on to Iconium and continued their ministry and their message. In fact, Holy Scripture adds, “The disciples were filled with joy and the Holy Spirit.” We, too, need to seek that joy and to understand that we have been blessed and empowered by the Holy Spirit. Blessed Mother Teresa said, “Give yourself fully to God. He will use you to accomplish great things on the condition that you believe much more in His love than in your own weakness.” Like Paul and Barnabas, and Mother Teresa, we need to seek and utilize God’s strength. Acts 13: 14, 43-52; Ps 100: 1-3, 5; Rev 7: 9, 14B-17; Jn 10: 27-30 - See more at: http://www.thecatholicsteward.com -The Catholic Steward, Reflection on Lectionary Readings - Q W A 17, 2016 Adults: "Whom do you try to protect as Christ protects you? How do you do that?" Youth: "Since Christ is constantly protecting you what are some of the ways you can protect others who may be at risk?"
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