

Archdiocese of Galveston Houston
Rev. Sunny Joseph, OSH, Pastor
R e v . J o y J a m e s , O S H , P a r o c h i a l Vi c a r
O b l a t es o f t h e S a c r e d H e a r t
Growing Together in Christ
Creciendo Unidos en Cristo
S u n d a y M a ss e s
Daily Masses
Saturday Vigil.……5:30 pm
M o n d a y … …… . . …. . 8 : 4 5 a m , 1 2 : 1 0 p m
Sunday…7:30 am, 9:00 am,
T u e s d a y … … … … … 8:45 am, 7:00 pm
1 0 : 4 5 a m , 1 2: 3 0 p m (Español),
Wednesday………..6:30 am, 8:45 am
5:30 pm.
T h u r s d a y … . . . … …. . 8 : 4 5 a m ,
7 : 0 0 p m (Español)
S a t u r d a y 4 : 0 0 p m - 5 : 0 0 p m . F r i d ay … … . . . . . . . . . . . . 6: 3 0 am , 8 : 4 5 a m
O r a ny t i m e b y a p p o i n t m e n t - S a t u r d a y … . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 : 4 5 am
Rosary after 8:45 am Daily Mass
C a l l t h e C CE O f f i c e w e e k days, 9:00 am-4:00 pm.
Anointing of the Sick
(281) 499-4612
Call (281) 499-9688
Contact the Parish Office at least
H e a l i n g M a ss 4 t h T u e s d a y of
six (6) months prior to the wedding
each month - 7:00 pm
date. (281-499-9688). Please attend the information session every
1st Sunday of the month at 4:00
F i r s t F r i d ay , 8 : 4 5 a m M a s s u n p m i n t h e P ar i s h O f f i c e .
til 8:00 pm Benediction, Chapel
Other Services
“Thank You” to John Janik & sons,
Holly Family Golf Tournament 2015
PPaarriisshh O
Gail H
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Fr. Biondi Library &
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Religious Articles Sundays
Hiissppaanniicc M
After all Masses
G eorg
e o r g iin
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Quinceaños contact the CCE
D r .. A
n d r ee LLaCour
Office, (281) 499-4612
incceenntt ddee PPaauull
Non-Catholics who wish to join SSoocciieettyy ooff SStt.. V
David Perez
Mar ilyn O’Laugh lin
our faith community RCIA
Yoouutthh M
(Rite of Christian Initiation of
Je a n e t te V el asq u e z
Adults) is a process to welcome Melissa
F i n a n c eHagen
Dianr raenl lc eG rC
o voeusn, cCihl a i r m a n
you into our faith, contact the
T( 2er
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5 0 2Ch a i r ma n
CCE Office, (281) 499-4612
Religious Education contact the P a s t o r a l C oouunncciill
John Louis, Chairman
CCE Office, (281) 499-4612
( 2o8r1a) P
4 9e 9r a- 3l ta
1 5,6Ch a ir w o ma n
Society of St. Vincent de Paul
(281 ) 844-6087
(281) 499-6246
Our Parish Vision Statement: O u r p a r ish vision is t o
b u i l d u p o n , t o n u r t u r e a n d t o e x h i b i t t h e v i r t u es o f f a i t h ,
hope and charity to all in the spirit of unity through one
fai th , o n e f a mily .
D e c l a r a c i ó n d e la M is i ó n P a r r o q u i a l : L a m i s i ó n d e n u e s t r a p a r r o q u i a e s c o n s t r u ir e n n u e s t r a t r a d i c i ó n , a l i m e n t a r y
m o st ra r las vi rtud e s d e f e , esp er a n za y car idad co n e l
espíritu de unidad basado en una fe, una familia.
[email protected]
May 3, 2015 Fifth Sunday of Easter
“Children, let us love not in word or speech but in deed and truth.” John’s words come to us on this day when the
Gospel passage presents us with the great image of the vine and the branches. Jesus uses the image as a warning to those
who have begun to distance themselves from the way of the Lord. One of the ways this happens is when we love God
and others “in word or speech” instead of “in deed and truth.” What does it mean for us to “remain in Christ”? In an extension of the metaphor, the Lord gives us an example. If we remain in him, we will bear much fruit. As the branches,
we draw strength from Christ who is the vine. This strength enables us to bear fruit—to do the work of true discipleship.
Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
First Reading — Barnabas reported to the apostles how Saul had seen the Lord on the way (Acts 9:26-31).
Psalm — I will praise you, Lord, in the assembly of your people (Psalm 22).
Second Reading — This is God’s commandment: that we may believe and love (1 John 3:18-24).
Gospel — I am the true vine; whoever remains in me will bear much fruit (John 15:1-8).
The English translation of the Psalm Responses from the Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved.
Fifth Sunday of Easter
Cinco de Mayo
Thursday: National Day of Prayer
Domingo: Quinto Domingo de Pascua
Martes: Cinco de Mayo
Día Nacional de Oración
3 de Mayo, 2015 Quinto Domingo de Pascua
“Hijos míos: No amemos solamente de palabra; amemos de verdad y con las obras”. Las palabras de Juan nos llegan hoy cuando el pasaje del Evangelio nos presenta con la gran imagen del viñedo y las ramas. Jesús usa la imagen
como un aviso a los que se han empezado a distanciar de la senda del Señor. Esto sucede cuando amamos a Dios y a
otros “con palabras o dichos” y no con “la verdad y las obras”. ¿Qué significa para nosotros “permanecer en Cristo”? El Señor nos da un ejemplo con la extensión de la metáfora. Si permanecemos en él, daremos mucho fruto. Como
ramas sacamos la fuerza de Cristo que es la viña. Esa fuerza nos facilita dar fruto –hacer el trabajo de los verdaderos
discípulos. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
Primera lectura — Bernabé explica a los discípulos en Jerusalén la conversión de Pablo (Hechos 9:26-31).
Salmo — Bendito sea el Señor. Aleluya (Salmo 22 [21]).
Segunda lectura — Dios nos ordena que creamos en el nombre de Jesucristo y que nos amemos como él nos ama
(1 Juan 3:18-24).
Evangelio — Los que viven en Jesús y Jesús vive en ellos producen mucho fruto (Juan 15:1-8).
Knights of Columbus Educational Scholarship
Awards… The Knights of Columbus, Holy Family,
Council 7728 is again, this year, offering three $1,000
educational scholarships to high school graduates. The
following are two basic requirements but more details are
available on the application forms. The applications are
available at the parish business office or by contacting
any Knight of Columbus at Council 7728:
* Must be a Holy Family Parishioner.
* Must be graduating from one of our Fort Bend
County High Schools which includes SMSD.
* Write or type a 500 word or less essay on “Spirituality
of Communion” (more details in application form)
* Deadline to turn in complete application for official
evaluation and consideration is Friday, May 15th ,
7:00 pm
Please note that these scholarships are made available by
our Knights of Columbus Council 7728 members and our
worthy patrons that support and attend our annual Valentine’s Day Scholarships Dinner/Dance held each year on
or around St. Valentine’s Day. Your continued support is
very much appreciated as we strive to do our part in offering our children some financial assistance to further
their education at colleges or universities.
Mother’s Day Flowers...Remember your mother or
grandmother on Mother’s Day, May 10, 2015 with a carnation on the Altar in her honor. The Altar Society is
selling carnations for $2.00 each; white for the deceased
and pink for the living. Envelopes are available at each
entrance to the church. You may drop your envelope in
the collection basket or bring to the Parish Office by
Monday, May 4th. Please make your check payable to
Holy Family Altar Society.
St. Agnes Academy is offering a great two week summer enrichment program called “Be the Change” for
6th & 7th grade girls wo do not have the financial means
to attend a private catholic school. The program will be
from 8:00 am until 5:00 pm each day, June 8th - 19th.
Please visit or call Debbie Sieck at 713-219-5442 for more information.
The Guadalupe Society invites you to the Holy Hour
on Saturday, May 9, at 7:30 pm in the Chapel. You are
also invited to the monthly meeting on Sunday, May 17,
at 11:00 am in Meeting Room A/B.
Prayer of Thanksgiving...O God, of whose mercies
there is no number, and of whose goodness the treasure is infinite; we render thanks to Your most gracious majesty for the gifts You have bestowed upon
us, evermore beseeching Your clemency, that as You
grant the petitions of them that ask You, You will
never forsake them, but will prepare for the reward
to come. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Mass Intentions
May 4 - 10, 2015
May 4th, Monday, Easter Weekday; Jn 14:21-26
8:45 am Raniel & Dr. Emily Peralta Sarinas (-)
by Mom, Nora Peralta
Chukwuemeka, Ume Ezeoke (-) by God’s Protection
12:10 pm Natividad Hernandez (+) by Rosie & Mary
Chikosow Ughanza (+) by Lilian Ekwealor & Family
May 5th, Tuesday, Easter Weekday; Jn 14:27-31a
8:45 am Margarita Pruneda (+) by Family
Eric Gobencion (-) by Bert & Beth Gobencion
7:00 pm Joy & Gracy Thomas (-) by Family
Sylvaline Ojukwu O. (-) by Lilian Ekwealor
May 6th, Wednesday, Easter Weekday; Jn 15:1-8
6:30 am Unlimited Help Nursing Services by Lilian Ekwealor
The Ekwealor Family (-) by Family
8:45am Mathew Francis (-) by Elsy Francis
Marcial & Virginia Castro (+) by Thelma Stern
May 7th, Thursday, Easter Weekday; Jn 15:9-11
8:45 am Elsy Francis (-) by Family
Deceased Members of the Failla Family
by Mamie Mercatante
7:30 pm Luis Velasquez (+) by Rosie Velasquez & Children
Santan Gois (+) by Family
May 8th, Friday, Easter Weekday; Jn 15:12-17
6:30 am Helen Russell (+) by Friend
T. O. Mathew (+) by Anthony Thaliachary
8:45 am Kunjamma Paulose (+) by Helen Paul
George Toro (+) by Sonnia Toro
May 9th, Saturday, ; Vigil, 6th Sunday of Easter;
8:45 am Domingo Goncena (+) by Nancy Goncena
Deceased Members of the Agnello Family
by Mamie Mercatante
5:30 pm For All Mothers, Living & Deceased
May 10th, 6th Sunday of Easter; Mother’s Day
7:30 am For All Mothers, Living & Deceased
9:00 am For All Mothers, Living & Deceased
10:45am For All Mothers, Living & Deceased
12:30 pm For All Mothers, Living & Deceased
5:30 pm For All Mothers, Living & Deceased
A 7.8 magnitude struck Nepal in the late morning of
April 25th, toppling buildings and homes, causing
widespread panic and claiming thousands of lives.
Our church mourns the terrible suffering of our brothers
and sisters affected by powerful earthquake. Please join
with the Catholic community across the United States in
responding to this crisis through today’s 2nd collection
for the work of the Catholic Relief Service in Nepal.
CRS is the official humanitarian agency of the Catholic
community in the US and is already responding to the
urgent needs for shelter, water and food in Nepal. Please
be generous. For more information please go to
The Body,
though one,
has many parts
AYC (Archdiocesan Youth Conference)- This confer ence is open to all youth in grades 9th-12th, this includes
incoming 9th graders and outgoing seniors. This year's
theme is “Become One”, 1 Peter 3:8-9. The conference
will be from Friday, July 31st - Sunday, August 2nd,
2015 at the Hilton Americas Hotel in Downtown Houston. The total cost for the weekend is $195 which includes registration, meals, conference and t-shirts. We
will have fundraiser opportunities but you need to sign up
in the CCE office with a deposit of $75 to be a part of
them. See future bulletins for registration information or
call the CCE Office, 281-499-4612.
The Centennial Cook Books are beautifully wrapped and
ready for Mother's Day. The price is right: $25 for one, or
$40 for 2. Come to the Gift Shop and see the wonderful
recipes from our deacons and parishioners -- some are
recipes you can't find anywhere else! Get a book or two
for the special cooks in your life.
A Cookbook “Tasting”….TODAY, May 3r d, after the
7:30, 9:00, 10:45 and 12:30 masses we will have some
special treats for you to sample. All the recipes for the
“delicious treats” can be found in our Centennial Cookbook. Our table will be located in the breezeway near the
Gift Shop and Centennial Room.
Gift Shop news -- New inventory arrives weekly. Come
see our holy cards, prayer books, crosses, religious jewelry, etc. If you are interested in working in the gift shop,
please leave your name and number at the check out desk.
Who will be the next Mister and Miss Holy Family King and Queen? Calling all gir ls and boys belonging to Holy
Family Parish, ages 4 – 17, grades Pre-K -12th.
Fill out your application and turn it in to the CCE office or the Rectory. Deadline for the application is Saturday,
May 9, 2015. The 1st parent and contestant meeting will be held during the week of May 11 – 15, 2015.
If you wish to make an announcement, such as birthdays, anniversaries,
sick, etc., submit a written note no later than Monday pm to the office.
Please, no advertisements.
Please pray for the sick of our Parish especially: U.S. Tr oops and civilian per sonnel over seas; Fr . Phi; Deacon
Alfred Abrams; Johnnie Baiamonte; Sheila McCabe; Bertha Silva; Liana Mikulenka; Michael Oparaji, Sr.; Robert Miller; Ron Carter; Mary Lou Reumont; Betty Bath; Eddie Borrego; Lindy Halloran; Ruben Velasquez; Veronica Lyon;
Pete Guajardo; John Delome; Frances Castillo; Alice Boroski; Carl Anthony Cangelosi; Pat Trail; Edwin Fos; Israel R.
Carranza; Charles Ferro; Deacon Jim Wright; Dr. Octavia Kennedy; Vernita Guillory; Stacy Lynch; Vince Mulle; Reynaldo Taupo; Melvin Carron; Deacon Gerald DuPont; Idalia Tenoria; Joseph Patriarca; John Guidry; Helen Cervenka;
Ricky Martinez; Charles Clark; Sally Vu; Bonifacio Figueroa; Fr. Ken Decker, CSB; Isabel Guajardo; Eva Guevara;
Arthur Hauptman; Georgia Sladecek; Bernice Buri; Velma Packard; Martha & Alvin Kocich; Milton Bath; Alfonso
Austria; Greg Alquiza; Mary Nieto; Mary Rios; Joseph LaCour; Sam Campbell; Magan Rychlik; Beto Mendoza; Mary
Margaret Trevino; Bill Bates, Jr.; Julius Dumapit; Linda Delgado; Rosie Capalad; Tommy Hill; Ed James; Elizabeth
Battle; Alejandra Mandujano; Jyoti Americas; Kenneth Frazier, Sr; Mary Soza; Jose Pedraza; Jose Angel Garcia; Frank
Golemi; Naty Piguerra; Larry Gancarz; Kenneth Pumphrey; Angel Andrade; Alejandro Salazar; Silma Salazar; Isabel
G. Cruz, Jr; Gilda Salazar Herrera; Bob Wise; Connie Ramirez; Mary H. Ortiz; Lee Rychlik; Henry Miranda; Julio
Gonzalez; Terry Mirelles Bornhill; Brian Andrew Hickey; Joe Morales; Larry Morales; Fred Nemec; Joey Salinas; Jean
Harris; Christine Spray; Agnes Sampson; Steve Barta; Justin Rodriguez; Basil Rojas; Sandy Melchor; Alejandro
Mandojano; Lois Guillory.
DECEASED: Virginia Medrano; Laura Hernandez; Joe Failla; Dolores Giles; Dora Galindo; Gabriel Barrera;
Anthony Louis; Aurora Barrera
May their souls and the souls of all the faithful departed rest in peace.
held on Saturday, May 9 from 2:00 - 4:30 pm; sign-in:
1:30 pm at St. Bernadette Catholic Church (Parish Life
Center), 15500 El Camino Real, Houston. The program is
for girls ages 9-12 and their mothers or significant mother-figure. The program fosters an atmosphere of love and
understanding in discussing God’s plan for the gift of
human sexuality and the challenges of living chastely.
There is a program fee of $35/family which includes refreshments and take-home resources. Registration is limited to 50 families for each program.
This program is sponsored by the Archdiocesan Office of Adolescent-Catechesis and Evangelization.
To register, go to for Sexuality Catechesis or for more information contact Mark
Ciesielski at 713-741-8792 or [email protected]
ACTS - Adoration – Community – Theology - Service
We continue to seek members of our parish family who
would like to serve on an ACTS retreat team. The only
requirement is that you have already lived an ACTS retreat. Visit to find an upcoming
retreat that fits with your schedule. For more information,
please contact Edna Martinez, 713-480-5887.
An ACTS retreat is a three day and three night Catholic
lay retreat presented by fellow parishioners. Talks and
activities during the retreat focus on Adoration, Community, Theology, and Service, from which the ACTS acronym is derived. The retreat is designed to help the participants enter into a new or deeper relationship with our
Lord and our fellow parishioners.
ACTS - Adoración, Comunidad, Teología y Servicio
Vengan a descubrir, renovar, y reforzar su relación con
Dios Padre. Pronto se llevara acabo nuestros retiros de
ACTS. Los participantes saldrán de nuestra parroquia el
jueves por la tarde y regresaran el domingo a la misa de
español de 12:30pm. El costo es de $190 por participante e incluye todo: transportación, comidas, y hospedaje.
El costo se puede pagar en abonos en cuanto se entregue
la forma de inscripción con depósito de $50.
Retiro de Hombres: 25 - 28 de junio
Para mayor información, se puede comunicar con:
Rafael Sanchez: 281-785-1482 / Jesus Cantu: 832-2754720
Retiro de Mujeres: 6 - 9 de agosto
Para mayor información, se puede comunicar con:
Laura Cantu: 832-275-4724 / Pilar Salas: 713-515-2126
Over time, the crisis of last illness and the way the
faithful met death changed. In earliest times, a sickbed
vigil was an occasion for the community to gather and
strengthen the dying person with assurances of love. A
thousand years ago, in part because of massive upheavals
in society, a new emphasis on individual repentance captured the imagination of millions. Death was to be feared,
because it was about judgment. The delights of heaven’s
banquet dimmed, since most people saw God’s just judgment and inevitable punishment intervening. If a community gathered at all, it was not to express faith in the Resurrection, but to seek forgiveness for those who were
powerless to help themselves. The dead couldn’t improve
their situation, but their loved ones, by expressing sorrow
for sin, could. Better yet, the clergy could, if they intervened in a timely fashion, provide the absolution needed
for everyone to relax. Ministry to the sick shifted away
from a ministry of consolation toward a challenge to repent before it was too late.
As the sense grew that most people died with their
work of repentance incomplete, the color black was reintroduced to funerals. It was the old pagan way of expressing despair. No wonder they call this time in history the
“Dark Ages.” Many layers have had to be peeled away to
reveal the deepest, most positive expressions of our tradition of care for the dying.
—Rev. James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
Durante la Última Cena, Jesús dijo a sus apóstoles:
“Yo soy la vid, ustedes son los sarmientos” (Juan 15:5).
Jesús añade que los sarmientos (ramas) que permanecen
en él, dan mucho fruto. Según la agricultura, la vid es una
parra, es decir, una planta perenne de ramas frondosas.
Una parte importante de la vid son las hojas. Es obvio que una vid tiene hojas, pero Jesús no las menciona,
prefiere enfocarse en los sarmientos. Las partes de la vid
son las raíces, tronco, sarmientos, hojas, flores y fruto.
Según esta división Jesús sería el tronco, pero él dice ser
la vid completa. Esta es una imagen de la unidad que Jesús quiere entre sus seguidores. Recordemos que Jesús
celebra la Última Cena con sus discípulos. La comunidad
de discípulos unidos a Jesús formamos la vid. Los sarmientos o ramas conducen agua y minerales a las hojas,
flores y frutos, y son útiles en tanto estén unidos a la vid.
Lo mismo vale de los cristianos, discípulos de Jesús. Son
ellos y ellas los que hacen presente y le dan vida a Jesús
en el mundo de hoy.
—Fray Gilberto Cavazos-Glz, OFM, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
Each small task of everyday life is part of the total
harmony of the universe.
—St. Thérèse of Liseux
Cada pequeña tarea de la vida cotidiana es parte de
la armonía total del universo.
—Santa Teresa de Lisieux
Teach me Wisdom,
Knowledge and
281 499-4612
CCE Activities…
Sunday, May 3rd
10:00 am Spanish RICA - Room #3
10:00 am English Sunday Family CCE & Groups I & II
Centennial, Assembly, Meeting Room A/B &
Rooms #2 - 12
1:30 pm
Spanish Sunday Family CCE & Groups I & II
Centennial, Assembly, Meeting Room A/B,
Parish Hall & Rooms #2 - 12
1:30 pm
Spanish Baptism Preparation Class Meeting Room A/B
2:00 pm
Spanish Group Baptisms - Church
A message from Melissa Hagen, Director of Youth
Thank you so much to everyone at Holy Family for the
warm Texas welcome that you have given me since I arrived. I have had the pleasure of meeting many of you,
and I look forward to meeting many more of you at parish
One big event we have this weekend is Confirmation II
retreat. Please pray for our teens as they strive to grow
closer to God and prepare to receive the Sacrament of
Confirmation on June 1st.
Tuesday, May 6th
6:00 pm
Middle School & High School CCE Assembly & Meeting Rooms, Rooms 2 & 3
6:00 pm
Spanish Sacramental Preparation Class Room #7
Please feel free to stop by and say hi at the CCE office or
give me a call at (281) 499-4612, ext. 317 for more information about upcoming youth ministry events. Thanks
again, and God bless each of you abundantly!
Wednesday, May 7th
5:00 pm
Spanish Sacramental Preparation Class Room #7
6:00 pm
Pre-K, Kinder & Elementary CCE Classes Rooms #4-12
First Communion for Spanish Sunday Family CCE
2nd/3rd Graders will be Satur day, May 9, 2015 at
11:00 am.
Friday, May 8th
6:00 pm
Spanish First Communion rehearsal Hall & Church
Saturday, May 9th
11:00 am First Communion Mass Spanish 2nd & 3rd
graders (Meet in Parish Hall by 10:00 am
before Mass)
Sunday, May 10th
Happy Mother’s Day to all the Mothers in our Parish!
2:30 pm
English Group Baptisms - Church
Family CCE for English & Spanish...last two class
dates will be May 3rd & May 31st. This will conclude
our Sunday Family CCE program for the 2014/15 year.
Please remember to register your children for the next
school year that will begin in September 2015.
CCE Parents, CCE Fees Are Due...a reminder to those
parents who still need to pay their CCE Fees, please do so
by the end of May and avoid a “Past Due Notice”. For
balance information please call, 281-499-4612
High School Confirmation will be Monday, J une 1,
2015 at 7:00 pm. Rehearsal will be on Sunday evening,
May 31st, at 6:30 pm.
Please mark your calendars for these important events!
St. Vincent de Paul Shoe & Sock Give Away...Par ents
of CCE children are invited to obtain a School Payless
Shoe Voucher for back-to-school shoes & socks for children of all ages. Come by the St. Vincent de Paul Office
on Tuesdays or Thursdays from 10:00 am until 1:00 pm
during the months of May and June. Items will be ready
for pick-up in the middle of August.
... and Treasure
Extraordinary Ministers Of Holy Communion
5:30 pm Sat
7:30 am Sun
9:00 am
10:45 am
12:30 pm
5:30 pm Sun
Brenda Carlyon
Mary Helen Hoelscher
Marilyn O’Laughlin
Laurice Rochard
Jacqueline Harleaux
Anthony Thaliachary
Philomina Waturuocha
Sandy Laran
Regina Flores
Sr. Ancilla Uchendu
Cassie Levy
Wilton Broussard
Pat Duplechain
John Kunnakat
Mary Paul
Carmen Tristan
Dina Morales
Laura Cantu
Santiago Romero
Julia Aguirre
Gloria Gutierrez
Martha Riley
Wes Barta
Kathy Mroczkowski
Mandy Blanco
Josefa Maghuyop
John Parris
Jessie Gibson
David Perez
Rani Thaliachary
Ledie Amon-Leavings
James Thurmond
Marina Beltran
Alfreda Broussard
Catherine Inoma
Franca Okonkwo
Adelaida Reyes
Florissa Castillo
Petra Enriquez
Jesus Cantu
Alba Martinez
Vicky Melendez
Graciela Martinez
Katie Barta
Mary Carmen dela Cruz
Ugo Nweke
Financial Support For
Church Operations
Total For March 2015
Need Monthly/Operations
Faith Direct (EFT)
Donations, All other
Monthly Total
Altar Servers
5:30 pm Sat
7:30 am Sun
9:00 am Sun
10:45 am Sun
12:30 pm Sun
5:30 pm Sun
Sat 5:30 pm
Sun 7:30 am
Sun 9:00 am
Sun 10:45 am
Sun 12:30 pm
Sun 5:30 pm
Zen Badavi
Don dela Torre
Bill Long
Helen Fadri
Gloria Almeida
Mike Mikulenka
William Barre
Michael Stuckert
Natalie Ledesma
Eric Anumnu
Katie Brent
Michael Saenz
Daryl Tenio
Anjolina Jimenez
Jheripye Reyes
Henry Machala (Lead)
Michael Barone
John Ferro (Lead)
Gilbert Colunga (Lead)
Jose Velasquez (Lead)
Wen Guerra
Inger Louis
Gabriel Waturoucha
Sheila Dubey
Tony Andal
Maraceli Barron
Kevin Riley
Trinity Guzman
Ronnie Brent
Darian Tenio
Rizzy Reyes
Carl Mouton
Bob Mejia
Joe Macias
George Thomas
Fabian Yanez (Asst)
Jimmy Williams
Cumulative Year to Date
2nd Collections for:
Building Fund
St Vincent DePaul
Catholic Relief Service
March Building Fund Payments/
Donations $37,824
Current Parish Mortgage Balance
2015 DSF Goal
5:30 pm Sat
7:30 am Sun
9:00 am Sun
10:45 am Sun
12:30 pm Sun
5:30 pm Sun
2015 Parish Lenten Project Total as of
April 26, 2015: $33,049
Have you signed up with Faith Direct
yet? With Faith Direct, you can make
your offertory contributions, as well as your
Building Fund contributions, to Holy Family Parish using your credit/debit card or
bank account. Please enroll in this program
by picking up an enrollment form from the
church office, or by visiting to enr oll secur ely on
line. Our parish code is TX364.
Growing Together in Christ Capital
Campaign/Increased Sunday Offertory
… it’s not too late to make a pledge.
Pledge cards are in the pew racks and at the
entrance to the church.
Check out our new &
improved web site,!
Bulletin Advertisements: Patr onize the sponsor s who adver tise in our bulletin, thank them for their suppor t . To advertise on the back of
the bulletin please contact J. S. Paluch Co. Inc. 1-800-833-5941.
Holy Family Church #003462
1510 5th Street
Missouri City, TX 77489
281 499-9688
Gail Hutchins
MSPublisher 2013
Adobe Acrobat 9.0
Windows Vista Business
Hp Laserjet 2100
Wednesday 12:00
May 3, 2015
1 through 8
If not received by Wednesday 3:00 pm, please call Parish Office, 281 499-9688.
Or Gail’s cell phone, 281 851-6568
Archdiocese of Galveston Houston
Rev. Sunny Joseph, OSH, Pastor
R e v . J o y J a m e s , O S H , P a r o c h i a l Vi c a r
O b l a t es o f t h e S a c r e d H e a r t
S u n d a y M a ss e s
Daily Masses
Saturday Vigil.……5:30 pm
M o n d a y … …… . . …. . 8 : 4 5 a m , 1 2 : 1 0 p m
Sunday…7:30 am, 9:00 am,
T u e s d a y … … … … … 8:45 am, 7:00 pm
1 0 : 4 5 a m , 1 2: 3 0 p m (Español),
Wednesday………..6:30 am, 8:45 am
5:30 pm.
T h u r s d a y … . . . … …. . 8 : 4 5 a m ,
7 : 0 0 p m (Español)
S a t u r d a y 4 : 0 0 p m - 5 : 0 0 p m . F r i d ay … … . . . . . . . . . . . . 6: 3 0 am , 8 : 4 5 a m
O r a ny t i m e b y a p p o i n t m e n t - C hSaapt u
e lr d a y … . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 : 4 5 am
Rosary after 8:45 am Daily Mass
C a l l t h e C CE O f f i c e w e e k d a y s , 9 : 0 0 a m - 4 : 0 0 p m .
(281) 499-4612
Anointing of the Sick
Contact the Parish Office at least
Call (281) 499-9688
six (6) months prior to the wedding date. (281-499-9688). Please attend the information session every 1st Sunday of the month at 4:00
H e a l i n g M a ss 4 t h T u e s d a y of
p m i n t h e P ar i s h O f f i c e .
each month - 7:00 pm
F i r s t F r i d ay , 8 : 4 5 a m M a s s u n til 8:00 pm Benediction, Chapel
Growing Together in Christ
Creciendo Unidos en Cristo
Other Services
“Thank You” to John Janik & sons,
Holly Family Golf Tournament 2015
Fr. Biondi Library &
Religious Articles Sundays
After all Masses
Quinceaños contact the CCE
Office, (281) 499-4612
Non-Catholics who wish to join
our faith community RCIA
(Rite of Christian Initiation of
Adults) is a process to welcome
you into our faith, contact the
CCE Office, (281) 499-4612
Religious Education contact the
CCE Office, (281) 499-4612
Society of St. Vincent de Paul
(281) 499-6246
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Our Parish Vision Statement: O u r p a r ish vision is t o
b u i l d u p o n , t o n u r t u r e a n d t o e x h i b i t t h e v i r t u es o f f a i t h ,
hope and charity to all in the spirit of unity through one
fai th , o n e f a mily .
D e c l a r a c i ó n d e la M is i ó n P a r r o q u i a l : L a m i s i ó n d e n u e s t r a p a r r o q u i a e s c o n s t r u ir e n n u e s t r a t r a d i c i ó n , a l i m e n t a r y
m o st ra r las vi rtud e s d e f e , esp er a n za y car idad co n e l
espíritu de unidad basado en una fe, una familia.
May 10, 2015
[email protected]
May 10, 2015 Sixth Sunday of Easter
Last Sunday we heard the familiar passage from John’s Gospel in which Jesus uses the metaphor of the vine and the
branches. In that passage we were told that if we remained in Christ we would bear much fruit. Today’s Gospel tells us
just what that fruit is: love. Today’s second reading and Gospel together create a great hymn to love. The chorus of this
hymn is simple—God loves us so much that Jesus was sent into the world so that we would have life. The Lord Jesus,
who last week told us to remain in him, this week tells us to remain in his love. In a world marked by division and terrorism, the Lord’s final words in today’s Gospel are a great challenge: “This I command you: love one another.”
Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
First Reading — The gift of the Holy Spirit was poured out on the Gentiles also (Acts 10:25-26, 34-35, 44-48).
Psalm — The Lord has revealed to the nations his saving power (Psalm 98).
Second Reading — God is love (1 John 4:7-10) or 1 John 4:11-16.
Gospel — No one has greater love than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends (John 15:9-17) or
John 17:11b-19.
The English translation of the Psalm Responses from the Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved.
Sixth Sunday of Easter; Mother’s Day
Ss. Nereus and Achilleus; St. Pancras
Wednesday: Our Lady of Fatima
Thursday: The Ascension of the Lord
(unless transferred to Sunday)
St. Isidore
Saturday: Armed Forces Day
Domingo: Sexto Domingo de Pascua;
Día de las Madres
Martes: San Nereo y san Aquiles; san Pancracio
Miércoles: Nuestra Señora de Fátima
La Ascensión del Señor
(a menos que sea transferida al domingo)
Viernes: San Isidro, labrador
Sábado: Día de las Fuerzas Armadas
10 de Mayo, 2015 Sexto Domingo de Pascua
El domingo pasado escuchamos el familiar pasaje del Evangelio de san Juan en el que Jesús usa el símbolo de la
viña y las ramas. En ese pasaje escuchamos que si permanecemos en Cristo daremos mucho fruto. El Evangelio de hoy
nos dice cuál es ese fruto: el amor. La segunda lectura de hoy junto con el Evangelio crean un gran himno de amor. El
coro de este himno es sencillo –Dios nos ama tanto que envió a Jesús al mundo para que tuviéramos vida. El Señor Jesús que nos dijo la semana pasada que permaneciéramos en él, esta semana nos dice que permanezcamos en su amor.
En un mundo marcado por las divisiones y el terrorismo, las últimas palabras del Evangelio de hoy son un gran reto:
“Esto es lo que les mando: que se amen los unos a los otros”.
Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
Primera lectura — Mediante las prédicas de Pedro, el Espíritu Santo viene a los gentiles
(Hechos 10:25-26, 34-35, 44-48).
Salmo — El Señor nos ha mostrado su amor y su lealtad. Aleluya (Salmo 98 (97)).
Segunda lectura — Dios es amor y Dios nos ama (1 Juan 4:7-10) o 1 Juan 4:11-16.
Evangelio — Jesús da este mandamiento a sus discípulos: ámense unos a otros como yo los he amado (Juan 15:9-17) o
Juan 17:11b-19.
Knights of Columbus Educational Scholarship
Awards… The Knights of Columbus, Holy Family,
Council 7728 is again, this year, offering three $1,000
educational scholarships to high school graduates. The
following are two basic requirements but more details are
available on the application forms. The applications are
available at the parish business office or by contacting
any Knight of Columbus at Council 7728:
* Must be a Holy Family Parishioner.
* Must be graduating from one of our Fort Bend
County High Schools which includes SMSD.
* Write or type a 500 word or less essay on “Spirituality
of Communion” (more details in application form)
* Deadline to turn in complete application for official
evaluation and consideration is Friday, May 15th ,
7:00 pm
Please note that these scholarships are made available by
our Knights of Columbus Council 7728 members and our
worthy patrons that support and attend our annual Valentine’s Day Scholarships Dinner/Dance held each year on
or around St. Valentine’s Day. Your continued support is
very much appreciated as we strive to do our part in offering our children some financial assistance to further
their education at colleges or universities.
A Prayer for Mothers
All loving God, we give you thanks and
praise for mothers young and old.
We pray for young mothers, who give life
and count toes and tend to our every need.
May they be blessed with patience and tenderness to care for their families and
themselves with great joy.
We pray for our own mothers who have
nurtured and cared for us; May they
continue to guide in
strong and gentle ways.
We remember mothers who are separated
from their children because of war, poverty or conflict; May they feel the loving
embrace of our God who wipes
every tear away.
We pray for women who are not mothers
but still love and shape us with motherly
care and compassion.
We remember mothers, grandmothers and
great grandmothers who are no longer with
us but who live forever in our memory
and nourish us with their love. Amen.
Mass Intentions
May 11 - 17, 2015
May 11th, Monday, Easter Weekday; Jn 15:26—16:4a
8:45 am Judith Macalino (-) by Bert & Beth Gobencion
M/M Louis Zatopek (+) by M/M Bernard Kallus
12:10 pm Natividad Hernandez (+) by Rosie & Mary
Soledad Quezada (+) by John & Carmen Tristan
May 12th, Tuesday, Easter Weekday; Sts. Nereus &
Achilles, martyrs; St. Pancras, martyr; Jn 16:5-11
8:45 am Reynaldo Mendoza (+) by Siegfred Mendoza
Francisco Pena (+) by Mamie Mercatante
7:00 pm Frances Fonseca (+) by Joe & Olga Longoria
Peter Ezieke (-) by Bon & Judy Ikwuagwu
May 13th, Wednesday, Easter Weekday; Our Lady
of Fatima; Jn 16:12-15
6:30 am Chantal D. Nwabuoku (-) by Lilian Ekwealor
8:45am Bob Breaux (+) by Family
Fausta Chinwe Oparaji (-) by Judy Ikwuagwu
May 14th, Thursday, The Ascension of the Lord; Jn 15:9-17
8:45 am Eugene Gerla (+) by Tobi Gardner
Robert Breaux (+) by Jim & Marci Breaux
7:00 pm Maria Dolores Estrada (+)
by Dolores Coward & Family
May 15th, Friday, Easter Weekday; St. Isidore; Jn 16:20-23
6:30 am Antonina Miclat (+) by Bert & Beth Gobencion
Joannes Edwards (+) by Verna Edwards
8:45 am Margarita Q. Schultz (+) by Margaret White
Robert Breaux (+) by Jim & Marci Breaux
May 16th, Saturday, ; Vigil, 7th Sunday of Easter;
8:45 am William Trick (+) by Margaret & Eugene Trick
Bernice Rychlik (+) by Doretta Rychlik
5:30 pm Donato Cortez, Sr (+) by Debbie Cortez
Linda Morales (+) by Husband, Joe Morales & Family
May 17th, 7th Sunday of Easter
7:30 am Oscar Pena (+) by Marta A. Pena & Family
Tom Colley (+) by Wife, Terry Colley
9:00 am For All Our Parishioners, Living & Deceased
10:45am Gabriel Barrera )(+) by Pete & Mary R. Guajardo
Xavier Rocha (+) by Ermalinda Rocha & Daughters
12:30 pm Miembros de la Inmaculada Concepcion,
Vivos y Difuntos
Miembros de Sociedad de Guadalupe,
Vivos y Difuntos
5:30 pm Christina Ofoma (+) by Augusta Anyama
Theddius Ofoma (+) by Augusta Anyama
Sanctuary Candle Intention
May 11 - 17, 2015
Special Intention for Jeremy & Jodi
By Jess & Didi Reyes
The Body,
though one,
has many parts
RESPECT FOR LIFE...the WPC is holding it's annual fundraiser THE BABY BOTTLE BONANZA from
Mother's Day to Father's Day this year. Please help women in unplanned pregnancies by taking a bottle, saving
your coins in it and returning the bottle on Father's Day to
the Church or to the Parish Office during the week of
June 21st.
A WALK FOR LIFE is being held on Satur day, May
16 at 10am, at The Bridge Fellowship-802 Brooks St in
Sugar Land-just off Highway 6 near the SW FRWY (59).
Exercise for a great cause-the WOMEN'S PREGNANCY
CENTER, Fellowship, Prizes, and Food (Banh Mi Sandwiches). Collect pledges and donations from family,
friends and co-workers and help the WPC impact the
lives of unborn children and their families. Call or e-mail
Kathy for more info and pledge forms. 281-223-2442 or
[email protected]
Gift Shop news ...Great News! The Gift Shop is open
this weekend for any last minute gifts for the special
mother in your life. We have gift cards, unique religious
jewelry, statues, prayer books, etc.
The Filipino Community is sponsoring a Sock-Hop
Dinner Dance on May 16th at 7:00 pm in the Par ish
Hall. Proceeds will benefit the Building Fund. Tickets
are $20. Everyone is invited to come for a fun evening
and some really good “oldies but goodies” music and
BCMG is sponsoring a Zydeco Dance Satur day J une
20, 2015 in the Parish Hall Time 8:00 pm to 12:00 midnight. Proceeds will benefit the Building Fund.
ALL Parishioners, 50 years of age and older are encouraged to come for some great fellowship and good
food to the Golden Fr iendship Gr oup meeting in the
Parish Hall this coming Wednesday, May 13 at 11:30 am.
Luncheon will follow at noon. Bring a dish to share.
Bingo will begin at 9:30 am.
If you wish to make an announcement, such as birthdays, anniversaries,
sick, etc., submit a written note no later than Monday pm to the office.
Please, no advertisements.
Please pray for the sick of our Parish especially: U.S. Tr oops and civilian per sonnel over seas; Fr . Phi; Deacon
Alfred Abrams; Johnnie Baiamonte; Sheila McCabe; Bertha Silva; Liana Mikulenka; Michael Oparaji, Sr.; Robert Miller; Ron Carter; Mary Lou Reumont; Betty Bath; Eddie Borrego; Lindy Halloran; Ruben Velasquez; Veronica Lyon;
Pete Guajardo; John Delome; Frances Castillo; Alice Boroski; Carl Anthony Cangelosi; Pat Trail; Edwin Fos; Israel R.
Carranza; Charles Ferro; Deacon Jim Wright; Dr. Octavia Kennedy; Vernita Guillory; Stacy Lynch; Vince Mulle; Reynaldo Taupo; Melvin Carron; Deacon Gerald DuPont; Idalia Tenoria; Joseph Patriarca; John Guidry; Helen Cervenka;
Ricky Martinez; Charles Clark; Sally Vu; Bonifacio Figueroa; Fr. Ken Decker, CSB; Isabel Guajardo; Eva Guevara;
Arthur Hauptman; Georgia Sladecek; Bernice Buri; Velma Packard; Martha & Alvin Kocich; Alfonso Austria; Greg
Alquiza; Mary Nieto; Mary Rios; Joseph LaCour; Sam Campbell; Magan Rychlik; Beto Mendoza; Mary Margaret Trevino; Bill Bates, Jr.; Julius Dumapit; Linda Delgado; Rosie Capalad; Tommy Hill; Ed James; Elizabeth Battle; Alejandra
Mandujano; Jyoti Americas; Kenneth Frazier, Sr; Mary Soza; Jose Pedraza; Jose Angel Garcia; Frank Golemi; Naty
Piguerra; Larry Gancarz; Kenneth Pumphrey; Angel Andrade; Alejandro Salazar; Silma Salazar; Isabel G. Cruz, Jr;
Gilda Salazar Herrera; Bob Wise; Connie Ramirez; Mary H. Ortiz; Lee Rychlik; Henry Miranda; Julio Gonzalez; Terry
Mirelles Bornhill; Brian Andrew Hickey; Joe Morales; Larry Morales; Fred Nemec; Joey Salinas; Jean Harris;
Christine Spray; Agnes Sampson; Justin Rodriguez; Basil Rojas; Sandy Melchor; Alejandro Mandojano; Lois Guillory;
Isabelita Bernardo; Esther Rodriguez
DECEASED: Milton Bath; Rita Cabrera Morales
May their souls and the souls of all the faithful departed rest in peace.
Who will be the next Mister and Miss Holy Family
King and Queen? Calling all gir ls and boys belonging
to Holy Family Parish, ages 4 – 17, grades Pre-K -12th.
Fill out your application and turn it in to the CCE office
or the Rectory. Deadline for the application is Tuesday,
May 12, 2015. Watch the bulletin for the 1st Parent
Meeting date.
ACTS - Adoration – Community – Theology - Service
We continue to seek members of our parish family who
would like to serve on an ACTS retreat team. The only
requirement is that you have already lived an ACTS retreat. Visit to find an upcoming
retreat that fits with your schedule. For more information,
please contact Edna Martinez, 713-480-5887.
An ACTS retreat is a three day and three night Catholic
lay retreat presented by fellow parishioners. Talks and
activities during the retreat focus on Adoration, Community, Theology, and Service, from which the ACTS acronym is derived. The retreat is designed to help the participants enter into a new or deeper relationship with our
Lord and our fellow parishioners.
With June not far off, attention in the parish turns to
the celebration of weddings. Perhaps no other area of parish life is more shaped or challenged by the expectations
of our culture. An old Irish proverb, “Marry in Lent and
you’re soon to repent,” is amplified by another warning:
“Marry in May and rue the day!” Memories of old pagan
parties in May endured, and the Irish felt wedding receptions in May would be a stress on community morals.
Queen Victoria did not approve of May weddings either,
and her influence is still felt on family calendars, as is her
daughter’s introduction of the white wedding gown.
Sometimes we mistake customs and curiosities for tradition. Tradition with a capital “T” has to do with Christ’s
miraculous rescue of the wedding feast at Cana, his affirmation of a man and woman pledging lifelong fidelity at
the heart of a community’s feast. The Church cherished
that memory over time, but it took a millennium for us to
think of marriage as a sacrament. Much of the rest of
what we associate with weddings has to do with culture,
customs, and family practices. A wise rabbi once said
that “tradition is not wearing your father’s hat; tradition is
having a child.” Don’t let Queen Victoria reign over your
wedding plans!
—Rev. James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
ACTS - Adoración, Comunidad, Teología y Servicio
Vengan a descubrir, renovar, y reforzar su relación con
Dios Padre. Pronto se llevara acabo nuestros retiros de
ACTS. Los participantes saldrán de nuestra parroquia el
jueves por la tarde y regresaran el domingo a la misa de
español de 12:30pm. El costo es de $190 por participante e incluye todo: transportación, comidas, y hospedaje.
El costo se puede pagar en abonos en cuanto se entregue
la forma de inscripción con depósito de $50.
Retiro de Hombres: 25 - 28 de junio
Para mayor información, se puede comunicar con:
Rafael Sanchez: 281-785-1482 / Jesus Cantu: 832-2754720
Retiro de Mujeres: 6 - 9 de agosto
Para mayor información, se puede comunicar con:
Laura Cantu: 832-275-4724 / Pilar Salas: 713-515-2126
St. Agnes Academy is offering a great two week summer enrichment program called “Be the Change” for
6th & 7th grade girls wo do not have the financial means
to attend a private catholic school. The program will be
from 8:00 am until 5:00 pm each day, June 8th - 19th.
Please visit or call Debbie Sieck at 713-219-5442 for more information.
My mother was the most beautiful woman I ever saw.
All I am I owe to my mother. I attribute all my success in
life to the moral, intellectual, and physical education I
received from her.
—George Washington
Gracias a los grupos, asociaciones y movimientos
tenemos muchos movimientos evangélizadores dentro de
la Iglesia católica. Movimientos como Cursillos de Cristiandad, Talleres de Oración, S.I.N.E., la Renovación Carismática, Espiritualidad de la Cruz, Jornadas de Vida
Cristiana, que dependen de himnos religiosos o de un
canto lema para ir formando una conciencia cristiana en
sus miembros o seguidores. Esta formación se basa en
una relación íntima y emocional entre Jesús y sus seguidores.
Un himno carismático dice así: “Yo tengo un amigo
que me ama”, y otro de ellos dice: “Él es mi amigo Jesús,
él es Dios, él es rey, es amor y verdad”. Estos dos himnos
de autor desconocido, enfatizan lo bello que es tener una
relación íntima con el Señor, mejor dicho, con nuestro
amigo Jesús. Jesús mismo enfatiza este tipo de relación
cuando dice: “No los llamo ya siervos... a ustedes los he
llamado amigos” (Juan 15:15).
Toda amistad se basa en una mutua atracción, simpatía y reciprocidad. Jesús dice que somos sus amigos 1)
cuando hacemos lo que nos manda y 2) porque nos enseña lo que recibe de su Padre. La amistad con Jesús, es
más que una emoción, se basa en el compromiso y la perseverancia.
—Fray Gilberto Cavazos-Glz, OFM, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
Teach me Wisdom,
Knowledge and
281 499-4612
CCE Activities…
Sunday, May 10th
2:30 pm
English Group Baptisms - Church
Tuesday, May 12th
6:00 pm
Middle School & High School CCE Assembly & Meeting Rooms, Rooms 2 & 3
Last class for this school year.
Wednesday, May 13th
6:00 pm
Pre-K, Kinder & Elementary CCE Classes Rooms #4-12
Thursday, May 14th
7:00 pm
Spanish Prayer & Life Workshop - Assembly
Friday, May 8th
6:00 pm
Spanish First Communion rehearsal Hall & Church
Sunday, May 17th
YOUTH AYC Rosary Sale after all Masses in the
10:00 am High School Confirmation I & II
Assembly Room & Centennial Room
10:45 am English Children’s Liturgy of the Word
during Mass - Room #12.
12:30 pm Spanish Children’s Liturgy of the Word
during Mass - Parish Hall
2:00 pm
Spanish Group Baptisms - Church
St. Vincent de Paul Shoe & Sock Give Away...Par ents
of CCE children are invited to obtain a School Payless
Shoe Voucher for back-to-school shoes & socks for children of all ages. Come by the St. Vincent de Paul Office
on Tuesdays or Thursdays from 10:00 am until 1:00 pm
during the months of May and June. Items will be ready
for pick-up in the middle of August.
Family CCE for English & Spanish...last class will be
May 31st. This will conclude our Sunday Family CCE
program for the 2014/15 year.
Please remember to register your children for the next
school year that will begin in September 2015.
CCE Parents, CCE Fees Are Due...a reminder to those
parents who still need to pay their CCE Fees, please do so
by the end of May and avoid a “Past Due Notice”. For
balance information please call, 281-499-4612
AYC (Archdiocesan Youth Conference)- This confer ence is open to all youth in grades 9th-12th, this includes
incoming 9th graders and outgoing seniors. This year's
theme is “Become One”, 1 Peter 3:8-9. The conference
will be from Friday, July 31st - Sunday, August 2nd,
2015 at the Hilton Americas Hotel in Downtown Houston. The total cost for the weekend is $195 which includes registration, meals, conference and t-shirts. We
will have fundraiser opportunities but you need to sign up
in the CCE office with a deposit of $75 to be a part of
them. See future bulletins for registration information or
call the CCE Office, 281-499-4612.
Attention H.S. Students: Upcoming AYC Diocesan
Youth Conference July 31 - August 2nd here in Houston,
Tx. If you need help with finances for that weekend, please consider helping in the fundraisers offered by
the CCE Office. We are planning a "Rosary and Bracelet Sale and Bake Sale" on May 17 and June 7. Students
helping and participating will be able to share in the proceeds from the fundraisers for the conference. We are
also accepting donations from the parish as sponsors for
these students. Cost is $195.00 per person. For more info
please call the CCE Office at 281-499-4612.
High School Confirmation will be Monday, J une 1,
2015 at 7:00 pm. Rehearsal will be on Sunday evening,
May 31st, at 6:30 pm.
Graduation Mass will be Sunday, J une 7th at the
10:45 am and 12:30 pm Masses. Graduating Seniors are
asked to wear their cap & gown. Cake & punch reception
in the Assembly Room following those masses.
Vintage Fitness Class...low impact and str ength tr aining classes are offered weekly for adults on Mondays and
Wednesdays, 10:30 - 11:15 am in the Assembly Room.
No charge, bring yourself and a bottle of water. All are
Welcome to the Newly Baptized: Andrea Hernandez:
Parents, Alberto & Herlinda Hernandez; Godparents,
Andres & Veronica Hernandez. Jaylah Hernandez:
Parents, Luis & Alma Hernandez; Godparents, Javier M.
Sanchez & Fatima Casteneda Hernandez.
... and Treasure
Altar Servers
Extraordinary Ministers Of Holy Communion
5:30 pm Sat
7:30 am Sun
9:00 am
10:45 am
12:30 pm
5:30 pm Sun
Alberto Gobencion
Dave Gallagher
Jim Keenan
Marilyn O’Laughlin
Guillermo Garza
Monica Medina
Anthony Thaliachary
Delores Uhyrek
Barbara Janda
Sr Ancilla Uchendu
Mona Washington
Inger Louis
Gloria Colunga
Rose Garcia
Caroline Okpara
Doretta Rychlik
Arnulfo Zamora
Carmen Tristan
Gloria Almeida
Petra Enriquez
Edgar Gonzales
Gloria Gutierrez
Julia Aguirre
Kathy Mroczkowski
Mary Gobencion
Gretchen Pyle
Kevin Riley
Bernice Chaloupka
Elizabeth Gobencion
Josefa Maghuyop
Mary Lemos
Maria Ramsey
Rani Thaliachary
Lucio Avellaneda
James Thurmond
Margie Villarreal
Ijeoma Akuechiama
Pat Duplechain
Thresiamma George
Chinwe Osondu
George Thomas
Rosie Rodriguez
Jeanette Velasquez
Benito Salazar
Graciela Martinez
Tomasa Lazo
Alba Martinez
Gloria Espinosa
Edna Kemavor
Martha Riley
Nancy Isla
Mattie Ford
Peter Udeh
Michelle Sanchez
Patti Molina
John Pyle
Zen Badavi
Angie Perez
Ugonma Anyanwu
Joseph Akuechiamma
Moises Castellon
Gwen Reinke
5:30 pm Sat
Albert Gomez
G’iona Collins
Joseph Udeh
Justine Udeh
Munachi Akuechiamma
Jenna Llamas
Malcolm Bailey
Erica Maldonado
Michael Stuckert
9:00 am Sun
10:45 am Sun
12:30 pm Sun
5:30 pm Sun
Sat 5:30 pm
Sun 7:30 am
Sun 9:00 am
Sun 10:45 am
Sun 12:30 pm
Sun 5:30 pm
Henry Machala (Lead)
Michael Barone
John Ferro (Lead)
Gilbert Colunga (Lead)
Jose Velasquez (Lead)
Wen Guerra
Need Monthly/Operations
Faith Direct (EFT)
Donations, All other
Monthly Total
Cumulative Year to Date 07/14 - 04/15
2nd Collections for:
Building Fund
St Vincent DePaul
Catholic Home Missions
Holy Land Collection
April Building Fund Payments/
Donations $21,578
Current Parish Mortgage Balance
5:30 pm Sat
7:30 am Sun
9:00 am Sun
10:45 am Sun
12:30 pm Sun
5:30 pm Sun
7:30 am Sun
Financial Support For
Church Operations
Total For April 2015
Joshua Udeh
Chinyere Akuechiamma
Katia Maldonado
Carl Mouton
Bob Mejia
Joe Macias
George Thomas
Fabian Yanez (Asst)
Jimmy Williams
2015 DSF Goal
2015 Parish Lenten Project Total as of
April 2015: $33,049
Have you signed up with Faith Direct
yet? With Faith Direct, you can make
your offertory contributions, as well as your
Building Fund contributions, to Holy Family Parish using your credit/debit card or
bank account. Please enroll in this program
by picking up an enrollment form from the
church office, or by visiting to enr oll secur ely on
line. Our parish code is TX364.
Growing Together in Christ Capital
Campaign/Increased Sunday Offertory
… it’s not too late to make a pledge.
Pledge cards are in the pew racks and at the
entrance to the church.
Check out our new &
improved web site,!
Bulletin Advertisements: Patr onize the sponsor s who adver tise in our bulletin, thank them for their suppor t . To advertise on the back of
the bulletin please contact J. S. Paluch Co. Inc. 1-800-833-5941.
Holy Family Church #003462
1510 5th Street
Missouri City, TX 77489
281 499-9688
Gail Hutchins
MSPublisher 2013
Adobe Acrobat 9.0
Windows Vista Business
Hp Laserjet 2100
Wednesday 12:00
May 10, 2015
1 through 8
If not received by Wednesday 3:00 pm, please call Parish Office, 281 499-9688.
Or Gail’s cell phone, 281 851-6568
Archdiocese of Galveston Houston
Rev. Sunny Joseph, OSH, Pastor
R e v . J o y J a m e s , O S H , P a r o c h i a l Vi c a r
O b l a t es o f t h e S a c r e d H e a r t
Growing Together in Christ
Creciendo Unidos en Cristo
S u n d a y M a ss e s
Daily Masses
Saturday Vigil.……5:30 pm
M o n d a y … …… . . …. . 8 : 4 5 a m , 1 2 : 1 0 p m
Sunday…7:30 am, 9:00 am,
T u e s d a y … … … … … 8:45 am, 7:00 pm
1 0 : 4 5 a m , 1 2: 3 0 p m (Español),
Wednesday………..6:30 am, 8:45 am
5:30 pm.
T h u r s d a y … . . . … …. . 8 : 4 5 a m ,
7 : 0 0 p m (Español)
S a t u r d a y 4 : 0 0 p m - 5 : 0 0 p m . F r i d ay … … . . . . . . . . . . . . 6: 3 0 am , 8 : 4 5 a m
O r a ny t i m e b y a p p o i n t m e n t - S a t u r d a y … . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 : 4 5 am
Rosary after 8:45 am Daily Mass
C a l l t h e C CE O f f i c e w e e k days, 9:00 am-4:00 pm.
Anointing of the Sick
(281) 499-4612
Call (281) 499-9688
Contact the Parish Office at least
H e a l i n g M a ss 4 t h T u e s d a y of
six (6) months prior to the wedding
each month - 7:00 pm
date. (281-499-9688). Please attend the information session every
1st Sunday of the month at 4:00
F i r s t F r i d ay , 8 : 4 5 a m M a s s u n p m i n t h e P ar i s h O f f i c e .
til 8:00 pm Benediction, Chapel
Other Services
Welcome Home!
PPaarriisshh O
Gail H
u ttch
c hi ns,
d mimin
n i s tistrator
in s,AAd
iouuss Ed
Fr. Biondi Library &
a n d aa Pe
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Religious Articles Sundays
Hiissppaanniicc M
After all Masses
G eorg
e o r g iin
n aa RRo
r oro
Muussiicc M
Quinceaños contact the CCE
D r .. A
n d r ee LLaCour
Office, (281) 499-4612
incceenntt ddee PPaauull
Non-Catholics who wish to join SSoocciieettyy ooff SStt.. V
David Perez
Mar ilyn O’Laugh lin
our faith community RCIA
Yoouutthh M
(Rite of Christian Initiation of
Je a n e t te V el asq u e z
Adults) is a process to welcome Melissa
F i n a n c eHagen
Dianr raenl lc eG rC
o voeusn, cCihl a i r m a n
you into our faith, contact the
T( 2er
r y) 7Mo
5 0 2Ch a i r ma n
CCE Office, (281) 499-4612
Religious Education contact the P a s t o r a l C oouunncciill
John Louis, Chairman
CCE Office, (281) 499-4612
( 2o8r1a) P
4 9e 9r a- 3l ta
1 5,6Ch a ir w o ma n
Society of St. Vincent de Paul
(281 ) 844-6087
(281) 499-6246
Our Parish Vision Statement: O u r p a r ish vision is t o
b u i l d u p o n , t o n u r t u r e a n d t o e x h i b i t t h e v i r t u es o f f a i t h ,
hope and charity to all in the spirit of unity through one
fai th , o n e f a mily .
D e c l a r a c i ó n d e la M is i ó n P a r r o q u i a l : L a m i s i ó n d e n u e s t r a p a r r o q u i a e s c o n s t r u ir e n n u e s t r a t r a d i c i ó n , a l i m e n t a r y
m o st ra r las vi rtud e s d e f e , esp er a n za y car idad co n e l
espíritu de unidad basado en una fe, una familia.
[email protected]
May 17, 2015 The Ascension of the Lord
Today we celebrate one of the tenets of our creed: that the Lord ascended into heaven. From Mark’s Gospel we hear
the final words Jesus spoke to his disciples shortly before he ascended into heaven. Those were words of commissioning, no less real for us today than they were to the disciples then. We are called to “proclaim the gospel to every creature.” For the vast majority of us, this means that we proclaim the gospel by the witness of our everyday lives. Treating
others with dignity and respect, providing for those less fortunate than ourselves, being good stewards of the many gifts
showered on us, coming together as God’s family in worship and praise—these are all signs that the gospel has taken
root in our lives. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
First Reading — This Jesus who has been taken up from you into heaven will return in the same way as you have seen
him going into heaven (Acts 1:1-11).
Psalm — God mounts his throne to shouts of joy: a blare of trumpets for the Lord (Psalm 47).
Second Reading — God seated Jesus at his right hand in the heavens (Ephesians 1:17-23) or
Ephesians 4:1-13 [1-7, 11-13].
Gospel — The Lord Jesus was taken up into heaven and took his seat at the right hand of God (Mark 16:15-20).
The English translation of the Psalm Responses from the Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved.
The Ascension of the Lord;
World Communications Day
St. John I
Wednesday: St. Bernardine of Siena
Thursday: St. Christopher Magellanes and
Companions; Julian Calendar Ascension
St. Rita of Cascia
Saturday: Vigil of Pentecost; Shavuot (Jewish
observance) begins at sundown
Domingo: Séptimo Domingo de Pascua;
Jornada Mundial de las Comunicaciones
San Juan I
Miércoles: San Bernardino de Siena
San Cristobal Magallanes y compañeros;
La Ascensión en el calendario juliano
Viernes: Santa Rita de Casia
Sábado: La Vigilia de Pentecostés;
Shavuot (festividad judía) empieza al atardecer
17 de Mayo, 2015 La Ascension del Senor
El domingo pasado escuchamos las últimas palabras pronunciadas por Jesús antes de su ascensión a los cielos que
nos recuenta san Marcos. Hoy escuchamos porciones de lo que se conoce como “el último discurso” de Jesús en el Evangelio de san Juan. Una vez más, las palabras del Señor contienen el encargo a los discípulos para que sean servidores del
mundo. Parte importante del discurso es la oración de Jesús por la unidad: “Padre santo, cuida en tu nombre a los que me
has dado, para que sean uno, como nosotros”. Con el fin del Tiempo de Pascua, un tiempo que nos ha llevado a profundizar nuestra comprensión del misterio de la Pascua, es apropiado que escuchemos hoy esta oración por la unidad que debe
haber entre los seguidores del Señor. Celebremos la unidad de la que gozamos con otros cristianos y trabajemos juntos
para atender a la gran misión de llevar la Buena Nueva a nuestro agobiado mundo. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
Primera lectura — Los apóstoles eligen a Matías para reemplazar a Judas y seguir con doce miembros
(Hechos 1:15-17, 20a, 20c-26).
Salmo — Bendigamos al Señor. Aleluya (Salmo 103 [102]).
Segunda lectura — La persona que vive en amor vive en Dios y Dios vive en ella (1 Juan 4:11-16).
Evangelio — “Padre, cuida en tu nombre a los que me has dado para que sean uno, como nosotros” (Juan 17:11b-19).
Mass Intentions
May 18 - 24, 2015
Loving Embrace Support Group...meets 3r d Thur sday, each month, 7:30-9:00 pm, monthly meeting rotation: Couples Dinner, Ladies Dinner, and Couples Discussion. Loving Embrace is a Catholic educational support
group for couples who have endured or are presently enduring the pain and suffering of infertility. The group provides support for coping with infertility and explores resources, methods, and options that are morally faithful to
the teachings of the Catholic Church. For rotation information contact Shannon Lassen at 832-978-6716 or
May 18th, Monday, Easter Weekday; St. John I, pope &
martyr; Jn 16:29-33
8:45 am Francisco Pena (+) by Parents, Bernardo & Olivia Pena
Judy April N. Oparaji (-) by M/M Michael Oparaji
12:10 pm Berman Toro (+) by Sonnia Toro
Domingo Goncena (+) by Nancy Goncena
THIS SUMMER...Sign up for fr ee (beginning, inter mediate and advanced) Spanish classes this summer, offered through Learn Spanish Ministry. Classes will be
held at St. Laurence Catholic Church, Monday and Thursday evenings from 7:00-8:30 pm and are open to priests,
deacons, religious, missionaries and those active in parish
ministries. Classes will be June 8-August 3. For more
info, to register or to volunteer as a teacher, contact Adriana Gutierrez, Learn Spanish Ministry Coordinator at
-265-5419 or [email protected].
May 20th, Wednesday, Easter Weekday; St. Bernardine of
Sienna, priest; Jn 17:11b-19
6:30 am Thanksgiving by Anthony Thaliachary
8:45am Francisca Regino Ramirez (+)
by Tony, Jr & Jay Guajardo
Virginia Medrano (+) by Dave & Laurice Rochard
ACTS - Adoration – Community – Theology - Service
We continue to seek members of our parish family who
would like to serve on an ACTS retreat team. The only
requirement is that you have already lived an ACTS retreat. Visit to find an upcoming
retreat that fits with your schedule. For more information,
please contact Edna Martinez, 713-480-5887.
An ACTS retreat is a three day and three night Catholic
lay retreat presented by fellow parishioners. Talks and
activities during the retreat focus on Adoration, Community, Theology, and Service, from which the ACTS acronym is derived. The retreat is designed to help the participants enter into a new or deeper relationship with our
Lord and our fellow parishioners.
ACTS - Adoración, Comunidad, Teología y Servicio
Vengan a descubrir, renovar, y reforzar su relación con
Dios Padre. Pronto se llevara acabo nuestros retiros de
ACTS. Los participantes saldrán de nuestra parroquia el
jueves por la tarde y regresaran el domingo a la misa de
español de 12:30pm. El costo es de $190 por participante e incluye todo: transportación, comidas, y hospedaje.
El costo se puede pagar en abonos en cuanto se entregue
la forma de inscripción con depósito de $50.
Retiro de Hombres: 25 - 28 de junio
Para mayor información, se puede comunicar con:
Rafael Sanchez: 281-785-1482 / Jesus Cantu: 832-2754720
Retiro de Mujeres: 6 - 9 de agosto
Para mayor información, se puede comunicar con:
Laura Cantu: 832-275-4724 / Pilar Salas: 713-515-2126
May 19th, Tuesday, Easter Weekday; Jn 17: 1-11a
8:45 am Debbie Arroyo (+) by Husband
Shirley Houston (+) by Wilma Nazareth
7:00 pm Living & Deceased Members Bilski Family
by Al & Barbara Janda
Shibu Itty (-) by Rainu
May 21st, Thursday, Easter Weekday; St. Christopher
Magallanes, proest & companions, martyrs; Jn 17:20-26
8:45 am Eli Fos (+) by Sister, Nora Peralta
Mary W. Clark (+) by Charles Clark
7:00 pm Alfonso Cerda, Jr (+) by Rosie Velasquez & Family
Laura Rojas Martinez (+) by Pete & Mary R. Guajardo
May 22nd Friday, Easter Weekday; St. Rita of Cascia,
religious; Jn 21:15-19
6:30 am Anna Mary Nwokenkwo (+) by Scholastica Iwune
Ezenna Emuka (-) by Mother. Rosita Emuke
8:45 am Natividad Hernandez (+) by Rosie & Mary
Margarita Q. Schultz (+) by Margaret White
May 23rd, Saturday, ; Vigil, Pentecost Sunday;
8:45 am Oscar Pena (+) by Marta A. Pena & Family
Catherine Inoma (-) by Chris Inoma & Family
5:30 pm Hilario Flores Canales (+) by Arturo Canales
Debra Gaytan (+) by Arturo Canales
May 24th, Pentecost Sunday
7:30 am Natalie Ledesma (-) by Marmie & Grand Poo Carney
Fr Ken Decker, CSB (-) by Pete & Mary R. Guajardo
9:00 am Eugene Gerla (+) by Sam & Theresa Cangemi
Joby & Ann Kottoor (-) by Ann Kottoor
10:45am Francisca Regino Ramirez (+)
by Pete & Mary Guajardo
Joey Longoria (+) by Parents, Joe & Olga Longoria
12:30 pm For All Our Parishioners, Living & Deceased
5:30 pm Ann Mary Nwokenkwo (+) by Ikedi Malokwu
Isabelita Bernardo (-)
by Tom & Looie Reyes & Family
Sanctuary Candle Intention
May 18 - 24, 2015
In Loving Memory of
Francisca Regino Ramirez
By Tony, Jr & Jay Gua
The Body,
though one,
has many parts
Who will be the next Mister and Miss Holy Family
King and Queen? Calling all gir ls and boys belonging
to Holy Family Parish, ages 4 – 17, grades Pre-K -12th.
Fill out your application and turn it in to the CCE office
or the Rectory. Deadline for the application is Tuesday,
May 12, 2015. Watch the bulletin for the 1st Parent
Meeting date.
The Church is like a great ship being pounded by the
waves of life’s different stresses. Our duty is not to abandon ship, but to keep her on her course.
—St. Boniface
La Iglesia es como una gran barca combatida por las
olas de los vendavales de la vida. Nuestro deber es no
abandonarla sino mantenerla en su curso.
—San Bonifacio
BCMG is sponsoring a Zydeco Dance Satur day J une
20, 2015 in the Parish Hall Time 8:00 pm to 12:00 midnight. Proceeds will benefit the Building Fund.
Gift Shop news ...Great News! The Gift Shop is open
this weekend. We have gift cards, unique religious jewelry, statues, prayer books, etc. for that special graduate,.
St. Agnes Academy is offering a great two week summer enrichment program called “Be the Change” for
6th & 7th grade girls wo do not have the financial means
to attend a private catholic school. The program will be
from 8:00 am until 5:00 pm each day, June 8th - 19th.
Please visit or call Debbie Sieck at 713-219-5442 for more information.
Welcome to the Newly Baptized: Elinora Hong An
Codd: Parents, Daniel Richard Eric Codd & Trinh Bang
Vu; Godparent, Trang Vu. Sabrina Nicole Medina
Herrera: Par ents, Wilfr edis J . Medina Melendez &
Angelica M. Herrera Medina; Godparents, Rafael Herrera
& Patricia Medina. Elizabeth Galicia: Parents, Jesus &
Olga Galicia; Godparents, Alejandro Lopez & Elizabeth
Maldonado. Luis Fernando Gonzalez Chalico, Jr; Parents, Luis F. & Carolina Gonzalez; Godparents, Javier
Gonzalez & Ma. Dolores R. Montenegro. Genesis Isamar
Nunez: Par ents, Felix Nunez & Mar ia E. Mir anda
Pacheco; Godparents, Basilio & Idalia Barron. Isabella
Aalyah Perez: Par ents, Emmanuel A. Per ez Acosta &
Marisol Perez Chavez; Godparents, Luis Perez & Carina
Vigil. Nikolay Leo Shawn McMillian; Parents, Carlios
D. & Romica D.McMillian; Godparents, Gerald Joseph
& Andreana Hebert.
If you wish to make an announcement, such as birthdays, anniversaries,
sick, etc., submit a written note no later than Monday pm to the office.
Please, no advertisements.
Please pray for the sick of our Parish especially: U.S. Tr oops and civilian per sonnel over seas; Fr . Phi; Deacon
Alfred Abrams; Johnnie Baiamonte; Sheila McCabe; Bertha Silva; Liana Mikulenka; Michael Oparaji, Sr.; Robert Miller; Ron Carter; Mary Lou Reumont; Betty Bath; Eddie Borrego; Lindy Halloran; Ruben Velasquez; Veronica Lyon;
Pete Guajardo; John Delome; Frances Castillo; Alice Boroski; Carl Anthony Cangelosi; Pat Trail; Edwin Fos; Israel R.
Carranza; Charles Ferro; Deacon Jim Wright; Dr. Octavia Kennedy; Vernita Guillory; Stacy Lynch; Vince Mulle; Reynaldo Taupo; Melvin Carron; Deacon Gerald DuPont; Idalia Tenoria; Joseph Patriarca; John Guidry; Ricky Martinez;
Charles Clark; Sally Vu; Bonifacio Figueroa; Fr. Ken Decker, CSB; Isabel Guajardo; Eva Guevara; Arthur Hauptman;
Bernice Buri; Martha & Alvin Kocich; Alfonso Austria; Greg Alquiza; Mary Nieto; Mary Rios; Joseph LaCour; Sam
Campbell; Magan Rychlik; Beto Mendoza; Bill Bates, Jr.; Julius Dumapit; Linda Delgado; Rosie Capalad; Tommy Hill;
Ed James; Elizabeth Battle; Alejandra Mandujano; Kenneth Frazier, Sr; Mary Soza; Jose Pedraza; Jose Angel Garcia;
Frank Golemi; Naty Piguerra; Kenneth Pumphrey; Isabel G. Cruz, Jr; Gilda Salazar Herrera; Bob Wise; Mary H. Ortiz;
Lee Rychlik; Henry Miranda; Julio Gonzalez; Terry Mirelles Bornhill; Brian Andrew Hickey; Joe Morales; Larry Morales; Fred Nemec; Joey Salinas; Jean Harris; Christine Spray; Agnes Sampson; Justin Rodriguez; Basil Rojas; Sandy
Melchor; Alejandro Mandojano; Lois Guillory; Isabelita Bernardo; Esther Rodriguez; Dorthea Scaglione
Surprisingly, the church moved very slowly in claiming marriage as a focus of attention and care. Nearly everywhere in the Roman world, citizens agreed on how to
celebrate marriage. Consent of the man and woman is
what made a marriage valid in the eyes of the law, and
although there was a traditional ceremony, it was
home based and optional. The ceremony was for showing the social status of the families involved (the procession ideally detoured through crowds), and for reminding
the woman of her legal transfer from her father’s control
to her husband’s. The “big moment” of the ceremony had
nothing to do with vows, but with the bride’s donning the
yellow veil with red highlights that was the daily wear of
married women. A wedding feast included soothsayers
and animal sacrifice to the new household’s gods. Christians found that distasteful, of course, but since marriage
was a family matter, they could edit things out. The
church was comfortable with this, and sometimes recommended that the couple seek the advice of the bishop. His
permission was only required for the marriage of a cleric,
or for a marriage Rome didn’t recognize, such as between
a free woman and a slave. There was no blessing, no liturgy, no priest. Christians followed the customs of the day,
but they knew that custom and relationships were transformed from within themselves by the fact of their baptism. Outwardly, Christians married exactly as their pagan
neighbors, but they certainly invested the usual gestures
with a dynamic sense of Christ’s presence.
Our Lady Star of the Sea, 1401 Fidelity St, Houston
77029 and the Knights of Peter Claver & Ladies Auxiliary
(Council & Court #139) will present a Prayer Breakfast/
Lunch on Saturday, June 13, 9:00 am until 1:00 pm.
The guest speaker will be Rev Rodney J Armstrong, SSJ.
The topic is “Controlling Your Tongue / Loose Talk / Vicious Talk”. For information contact: Grand Knight
Michael Daigle –832-352-5679 or Grand Lady Delois
Semien –832-640-9353. RSVP Deadline in June 7.
Donation is $10
"We do not come to church to attend the service as a
spectator, but in order, along with the priest, to serve
God. Everything we do—our entering, being present, our
kneeling and sitting and standing, our reception of the
sacred nourishment—should be divine service. This is so
only when all we do overflows from the awareness of a
collected heart and the mind’s attentiveness."
— Fr. Romano Guardini,
The Catholic TV Network, America’s Catholic Television Network, is now available to cable and satellite
providers in our area. Please help provide this upbeat,
youthful and exciting Catholic network and a powerful
resource to the people of our area and the entire nation.
—Rev. James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
Después de los eventos del Viernes Santo los discípulos
se encerraron en el Cenáculo porque tenían mucho miedo.
Estaban precisamente ahí, donde habían celebrado la Última Cena con Jesús. Según los relatos que nos presentan los
evangelios, Jesús se les aparecería en ese mismo lugar. De
hecho, cuarenta días después de su muerte, Jesús ascendió
al cielo. Luego de que Jesús ascendiera al cielo, los discípulos se quedaron atónitos viendo hacia arriba. El famoso
“Himno a la alegría” nos invita a ver “más allá de las estrellas”. Sin embargo, los ángeles le dicen a los seguidores de
Cristo que dejen de ver las nubes y se pongan a trabajar
(Hechos 1:11).
Al regresar a su Padre, Jesucristo envió su Espíritu sobre la comunidad cristiana primitiva haciéndolos testigos de
su resurrección. De esta manera dieron inicio a la canción
que dice: “Que esperan un nuevo día”, y esperando van
cantado el mensaje de aquel que estando en el cielo puede
vivir en el corazón de los que le aman.
—Fray Gilberto Cavazos-Glz, OFM, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
Important Notice: Help us keep our pews clean! If
you must eat or drink during Mass, please eat in the Narthex or feed infants & children in the Cry Room. Food &
Drink are NOT permitted in the church or the chapel.
Please deposit all gum in the trash cans located outside
the church and chapel.
Teach me Wisdom,
Knowledge and
281 499-4612
CCE Activities…
Sunday, May 17th
YOUTH AYC Rosary Sale after all Masses in the
10:00 am High School Confirmation I & II
Assembly Room & Centennial Room
10:45 am English Children’s Liturgy of the Word
during Mass - Room #12.
12:30 pm Spanish Children’s Liturgy of the Word
during Mass - Parish Hall
2:00 pm
Spanish Group Baptisms - Church
Monday, May 18th
5:30 pm
High School Confirmation II Students Confession in Chapel
Wednesday, May 20th
6:00 pm
Pre-K, Kinder & Elementary CCE Classes Rooms #4-12. Last class for this school
Sunday, May 24th
Memorial Weekend - No CCE activities or baptisms
Monday, May 25th
Memorial Day Holiday - All Parish Offices Closed!
AYC (Archdiocesan Youth Conference)- This confer ence is open to all youth in grades 9th-12th, this includes
incoming 9th graders and outgoing seniors. This year's
theme is “Become One”, 1 Peter 3:8-9. The conference
will be from Friday, July 31st - Sunday, August 2nd, 2015
at the Hilton Americas Hotel in Downtown Houston. The
total cost for the weekend is $195 which includes registration, meals, conference and t-shirts. We will have
fundraiser opportunities but you need to sign up in the
CCE office with a deposit of $75 to be a part of them.
For registration information please call the CCE Office,
make a donation to help send our youth to this conference, please call the CCE Office. Thank you!
Attention H.S. Students: Upcoming AYC Diocesan
Youth Conference July 31 - August 2nd here in Houston,
Tx. If you need help with finances for that weekend, please consider helping in the fundraisers offered by
the CCE Office. We are planning a "Rosary and Bracelet Sale and Bake Sale" TODAY and June 7. Students
helping and participating will be able to share in the proceeds from the fundraisers for the conference. We are
also accepting donations from the parish as sponsors for
these students. Cost is $195.00 per person. For more info
please call the CCE Office at 281-499-4612.
St. Vincent de Paul Shoe & Sock Give Away...Par ents
of CCE children are invited to obtain a School Payless
Shoe Voucher for back-to-school shoes & socks for children of all ages. Come by the St. Vincent de Paul Office
on Tuesdays or Thursdays from 10:00 am until 1:00 pm
during the months of May and June. Items will be ready
for pick-up in the middle of August.
Reminder…. High School Confirmation will be Monday, June 1, 2015 at 7:00 pm. Rehearsal will be on Sunday evening, May 31st, at 6:30 pm.
Family CCE for English & Spanish...last class will be
May 31st. This will conclude our Sunday Family CCE
program for the 2014/15 year.
Please remember to register your children for the next
school year that will begin in September 2015.
Please mark your calendars for these important events!
CCE Parents, CCE Fees Are Due...a reminder to those
parents who still need to pay their CCE Fees, please do so
by the end of May and avoid a “Past Due Notice”. For
balance information please call, 281-499-4612
Graduation Mass will be Sunday, J une 14th at the
10:45 am and 12:30 pm Masses. Graduating Seniors are
asked to wear their cap & gown. Cake & punch reception
in the Assembly Room following those masses.
Don’t forget to register your children for
the 2015/2016 CCE classes. Classes will
begin in September 2015.
... and Treasure
Extraordinary Ministers Of Holy Communion
5:30 pm Sat
7:30 am Sun
9:00 am
10:45 am
12:30 pm
Altar Servers
5:30 pm Sun
Bernice Chaloupka
Brenda Carlyon
Mary Helen Hoelscher
Jessie Gibson
Angie Perez
Laurice Rochard
Rafaela Laran
Regina Flores
Sandy Laran
Mary Paul
Wilton Broussard
Walburga Bullock
Caroline Okpara
Doretta Rychlik
Arnulfo Zamora
Carmen Tristan
Gloria Almeida
Petra Enriquez
Edgar Gonzales
Gloria Gutierrez
Julia Aguirre
Mary Jo Barta
Helen Fadri
Ugo Nweke
Mandy Blanco
Rudy Cruz
Mike Mikulenka
Jacqueline Harleaux
David Perez
Philomina Waturoucha
Ledie Amon-Leavings
Barbara Janda
Crescy Lobo
Ijeoma Akuechiama
Alfreda Broussard
Mary Guerrero
Chinwe Osondu
Carmen Zamora
Rosie Rodriguez
Jeanette Velasquez
Benito Salazar
Graciela Martinez
Tomasa Lazo
Alba Martinez
Mary Carmen dela Cruz
Edna Kemavor
5:30 pm Sat
7:30 am Sun
9:00 am Sun
10:45 am Sun
12:30 pm Sun
5:30 pm Sun
Nancy Isla
Gabriel Waturuocha
Joel Battle
Renee Lovelace
Patti Molina
Nikki Sadeghi
Debbie Cortez
June Anderson
Judy Ikwuagwu
Franca Okonkwo
Moises Castellon
Lilian Ekwealor
5:30 pm Sat
William Barre
Michael Saenz
Natalie Ledesma
Anjolina Jimenez
Davon Sanchez
Chinwe Akuechiamma
Gerrard Tyler
Brisa McCann
Mary Ann Ogwuru
Chismidi Okpara
7:30 am Sun
9:00 am Sun
10:45 am Sun
12:30 pm Sun
5:30 pm Sun
Sat 5:30 pm
Sun 7:30 am
Sun 9:00 am
Sun 10:45 am
Sun 12:30 pm
Sun 5:30 pm
Henry Machala (Lead)
Michael Barone
John Ferro (Lead)
Gilbert Colunga (Lead)
Jose Velasquez (Lead)
Wen Guerra
Kyle Olivier
Chinyere Akuechiamma
Isla McCann
Carl Mouton
Bob Mejia
Joe Macias
George Thomas
Fabian Yanez (Asst)
Jimmy Williams
Financial Support For
Church Operations
Total For April 2015
Need Monthly/Operations
Faith Direct (EFT)
Donations, All other
Monthly Total
Cumulative Year to Date 07/14 - 04/15
2nd Collections for:
Building Fund
St Vincent DePaul
Catholic Home Missions
Holy Land Collection
April Building Fund Payments/
Donations $21,578
Current Parish Mortgage Balance
2015 DSF Goal
2015 Parish Lenten Project Total as of
April 2015: $33,049
Have you signed up with Faith Direct
yet? With Faith Direct, you can make
your offertory contributions, as well as your
Building Fund contributions, to Holy Family Parish using your credit/debit card or
bank account. Please enroll in this program
by picking up an enrollment form from the
church office, or by visiting to enr oll secur ely on
line. Our parish code is TX364.
Growing Together in Christ Capital
Campaign/Increased Sunday Offertory
… it’s not too late to make a pledge.
Pledge cards are in the pew racks and at the
entrance to the church.
Check out our new &
improved web site,!
Bulletin Advertisements: Patr onize the sponsor s who adver tise in our bulletin, thank them for their suppor t . To advertise on the back of
the bulletin please contact J. S. Paluch Co. Inc. 1-800-833-5941.
Holy Family Church #003462
1510 5th Street
Missouri City, TX 77489
281 499-9688
Gail Hutchins
MSPublisher 2013
Adobe Acrobat 9.0
Windows Vista Business
Hp Laserjet 2100
Wednesday 12:00
May 17, 2015
1 through 8
If not received by Wednesday 3:00 pm, please call Parish Office, 281 499-9688.
Or Gail’s cell phone, 281 851-6568
Archdiocese of Galveston Houston
Rev. Sunny Joseph, OSH, Pastor
R e v . J o y J a m e s , O S H , P a r o c h i a l Vi c a r
O b l a t es o f t h e S a c r e d H e a r t
S u n d a y M a ss e s
Daily Masses
Saturday Vigil.……5:30 pm
M o n d a y … …… . . …. . 8 : 4 5 a m , 1 2 : 1 0 p m
Sunday…7:30 am, 9:00 am,
T u e s d a y … … … … … 8:45 am, 7:00 pm
1 0 : 4 5 a m , 1 2: 3 0 p m (Español),
Wednesday………..6:30 am, 8:45 am
5:30 pm.
T h u r s d a y … . . . … …. . 8 : 4 5 a m ,
7 : 0 0 p m (Español)
S a t u r d a y 4 : 0 0 p m - 5 : 0 0 p m . F r i d ay … … . . . . . . . . . . . . 6: 3 0 am , 8 : 4 5 a m
O r a ny t i m e b y a p p o i n t m e n t - C hSaapt u
e lr d a y … . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 : 4 5 am
Rosary after 8:45 am Daily Mass
C a l l t h e C CE O f f i c e w e e k d a y s , 9 : 0 0 a m - 4 : 0 0 p m .
(281) 499-4612
Anointing of the Sick
Contact the Parish Office at least
Call (281) 499-9688
six (6) months prior to the wedding date. (281-499-9688). Please attend the information session every 1st Sunday of the month at 4:00
H e a l i n g M a ss 4 t h T u e s d a y of
p m i n t h e P ar i s h O f f i c e .
each month - 7:00 pm
F i r s t F r i d ay , 8 : 4 5 a m M a s s u n til 8:00 pm Benediction, Chapel
Growing Together in Christ
Creciendo Unidos en Cristo
Other Services
Welcome Home!
Fr. Biondi Library &
Religious Articles Sundays
After all Masses
Quinceaños contact the CCE
Office, (281) 499-4612
Non-Catholics who wish to join
our faith community RCIA
(Rite of Christian Initiation of
Adults) is a process to welcome
you into our faith, contact the
CCE Office, (281) 499-4612
Religious Education contact the
CCE Office, (281) 499-4612
Society of St. Vincent de Paul
(281) 499-6246
PPaarriisshh O
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Our Parish Vision Statement: O u r p a r ish vision is t o
b u i l d u p o n , t o n u r t u r e a n d t o e x h i b i t t h e v i r t u es o f f a i t h ,
hope and charity to all in the spirit of unity through one
fai th , o n e f a mily .
D e c l a r a c i ó n d e la M is i ó n P a r r o q u i a l : L a m i s i ó n d e n u e s t r a p a r r o q u i a e s c o n s t r u ir e n n u e s t r a t r a d i c i ó n , a l i m e n t a r y
m o st ra r las vi rtud e s d e f e , esp er a n za y car idad co n e l
espíritu de unidad basado en una fe, una familia.
[email protected]
May 24, 2015 Pentecost Sunday
Dear sisters and brothers of Holy Family,
"If we live in the Spirit let us also follow the Spirit" (Galatians 5, 25). On this
Pentecost Sunday as we celebrate the giving of the Holy Spirit by the risen Jesus
to His disciples We are reminded about the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, the divine
life in us.
We all received the gift of the Holy Spirit in our baptism and strengthened with the gifts of
the Holy Spirit in our confirmation. When we live the wondrous mystery of the Spirit dwelling
in us we will produce the fruits of the Holy Spirit. "The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, pa
tience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, self control" (Galatians 5, 22-23). "We cannot
love another if we do not give of ourselves to others. We cannot have joy if we are turned in on our
selves, we cannot have peace if we are distracted by getting and doing only what we want. We cannot
have patience if we do not respect the dignity of others. We cannot have gentleness if we do not see the need
in others. We cannot have self control if we don't put the good of others first" (Living Liturgy year B- 2015,
P.138). Let us pray to the Holy Spirit to guide us in our ways, "come Holy Spirit, make our ears to hear, make
our eyes to see, make our mouths to speak, make our hearts to reach out and touch the world with love.
Amen" (Cardinal Newman's little favorite prayer).
On behalf of our parish family I express our heartfelt thanks to Anne Carney for her amazing and fabulous service as Liturgy coordinator for the last four years as she expressed her desire to spend more family time and
concentrate more on the library and gift shop ministry, scripture study adult catechesis. We owe a huge thanks
for her hard work especially when we moved our church to parish hall and moved back to the newly remodeled church. We hope and pray that she will continue to help us with her knowledge and expertise in Liturgy.
We collected $33,655 for our Lenten collection this year to finish the second phase repair of the Confirmation
and The Eucharist (Alpha & Omega) window. I thank you for your great sacrifice and generosity in responding to the need of our parish family. I thank also in a very special way all those who work hard in all our special fundraising projects to reduce our debt especially the golf committee, Filipino group (Sock hop dance)
Guadalupe Society (Cinco de mayo dance, cash for clothes), Anne Carney and gift shop stewards, Georgina
Romero and the Hispanic ministry (breakfast and food sale), Choir members (Concert), Gospel choir (Mr. &
Miss Holy Family pageant). May the good Lord bless you and the Holy Spirit guide you and strengthen you in
all your endeavors!
Wishing you all the blessing of the Pentecost,
Fr. Sunny.
24 de Mayo 2015 Domingo de Pentecostes
Hermanos y hermanas de Holy Family,
“Si ahora vivimos según el Espíritu, dejémonos guiar por el Espíritu” (Gal 5:25).
En este domingo de Pentecostés, al celebrar el día en que se entregó el Espíritu por
medio de Jesús Resucitado a Sus discípulos; se nos recuerda del hogar en nosotros del
Espíritu Santo, la vida Divina en nosotros.
Todos recibimos el regalo del Espíritu Santo por medio de nuestro bautismo y reforzado por
los regalos del Espíritu Santo durante nuestra Confirmación. Cuando vivimos el maravilloso miste
rio del Espíritu vi viendo en nosotros, podremos producir los frutos del Espíritu Santo. El fruto del Es
píritu es caridad, alegría, paz, comprensión de los demás, generosidad, bondad, fidelidad, mansedum
bre y dominio de sí mismo… (Gal 5:22-23). Nosotros no podemos amar a alguien más si no damos parte
de nosotros a otros. No podremos tener alegría si no compartimos con otros, No podremos tener paz si nos
distraemos y solamente hacemos lo que nos interesa. No podremos tener paciencia di no respetamos la dignidad de otros. No podremos ser bondadosos si no podemos verlas necesidades de otros. No podremos tener
mansedumbre si no ponemos al frente las necesidades y bienestar de otros. (Parte de la Liturgia Viva del Año
B, 2015, Pg.138). Oremos al Espíritu Santo para que nos guíe nuestros caminos, “Ven Espíritu Santo, has que
nuestros oídos escuchen, has que nuestros ojos vean, has que nuestras bocas hablen, has que nuestro corazón
se extiendan al mundo con amor. Amen (oración favorita del Cardenal Newman)
En nombre de la familia parroquial, expreso mi agradecimiento de todo corazón a Anne Carney por su maravilloso y fabuloso servicio como coordinadora de la Liturgia los últimos cuatro años. Ella ha expresado su
deseo de pasar más tiempo con su familia y concentrarse más en la administración de la biblioteca y tienda de
regalos y catequesis para adultos. Le debo una nota grande de agradecimiento por el arduo trabajo que ella y
todos en su equipo hicieron al mover el templo al Centro Parroquial y al regreso al remodelado Templo. Espero y oro que ella continúe ayudándonos con su experiencia y conocimiento en la Liturgia.
Colectamos un total de $33,655 en el Proyecto de Cuaresma año para finalizar con la segunda fase de reparación del ventanal de la Confirmación y la Eucaristía (Alfa y Omega). Yo les agradezco por su gran sacrificio y generosidad al responder a la necesidad de la familia parroquial. También de una manera especial
agradezco a todas esas personas que trabajan arduamente en todos esos proyectos especiales para recaudar
fondos destinados a reducir la deuda, especialmente al comité del golf, Grupo Filipino (Baile Sock Hop), Sociedad Guadalupana (Baile del Cinco de Mayo y Colecta de Ropa), Anne Carney y los trabajadores de la Biblioteca/ Tienda de Regalos), Georgina Romero y el Ministerio Hispano (Venta de Comida), Coro
(Concierto), Coro Espiritual (Rey y Reina de Holy Family), Que el Buen Señor los bendiga y el Espíritu Santo
los guíe y refuerce en todos los trabajos.
Deseando a todos muchas bendiciones del Pentecostés,
Fr. Sunny.
ACTS - Adoration – Community – Theology - Service
We continue to seek members of our parish family who
would like to serve on an ACTS retreat team. The only
requirement is that you have already lived an ACTS retreat. Visit to find an upcoming
retreat that fits with your schedule. For more information,
please contact Edna Martinez, 713-480-5887.
An ACTS retreat is a three day and three night Catholic
lay retreat presented by fellow parishioners. Talks and
activities during the retreat focus on Adoration, Community, Theology, and Service, from which the ACTS acronym is derived. The retreat is designed to help the participants enter into a new or deeper relationship with our
Lord and our fellow parishioners.
ACTS - Adoración, Comunidad, Teología y Servicio
Vengan a descubrir, renovar, y reforzar su relación con
Dios Padre. Pronto se llevara acabo nuestros retiros de
ACTS. Los participantes saldrán de nuestra parroquia el
jueves por la tarde y regresaran el domingo a la misa de
español de 12:30pm. El costo es de $190 por participante e incluye todo: transportación, comidas, y hospedaje.
El costo se puede pagar en abonos en cuanto se entregue
la forma de inscripción con depósito de $50.
Retiro de Hombres: 25 - 28 de junio
Para mayor información, se puede comunicar con:
Rafael Sanchez: 281-785-1482 / Jesus Cantu: 832-2754720
Retiro de Mujeres: 6 - 9 de agosto
Para mayor información, se puede comunicar con:
Laura Cantu: 832-275-4724 / Pilar Salas: 713-515-2126
THIS SUMMER...Sign up for fr ee (beginning, inter mediate and advanced) Spanish classes this summer, offered through Learn Spanish Ministry. Classes will be
held at St. Laurence Catholic Church, Monday and Thursday evenings from 7:00-8:30 pm and are open to priests,
deacons, religious, missionaries and those active in parish
ministries. Classes will be June 8-August 3. For more
info, to register or to volunteer as a teacher, contact Adriana Gutierrez, Learn Spanish Ministry Coordinator at
-265-5419 or [email protected].
Offices Closed…. All Parish Offices will be closed on
Monday, May 25th, in observance of the Memorial Day
holiday. The offices will reopen at their usual times on
Tuesday, May 26th. Only one Mass will be celebrated
on Memorial Day at 8:45 am in the Chapel.
Mass Intentions
May 25 - 31, 2015
May 25th, Monday, Weekday; Memorial Day; Mk 10:17-27
8:45 am Esperance & Donnell Phillips (+) by Family
Thanksgiving by Carmelita Partible
NO 12:10 Mass
May 26th, Tuesday, St. Philip Neri, priest; Mk 10:28-31
8:45 am Tony Leal (+)
by Wife, Theresa Leal & Tony & Michael
Holy Souls in Purgatory by Verna Edwards
7:00 pm Thanksgiving by Shibu Itty Family
Caroline Obiora (-) by Marcelina Loka
May 27th, Wednesday, Weekday; St. Augustine of
Cantebury, bishop
6:30 am Jimmy Peralta (+) by Wife, Nora Peralta
Thanksgiving by Nancy & Robert Isla
8:45am Hilda Garcia (+) by Wilma Nazareth
Charito Kuylen (+) by Sister, Cherry Medrano
May 28th, Thursday, Weekday; Mk 10:46-52
8:45 am Joey Longoria (+) by Parents, Joe & Olga Longoria
Lillian Poncik (+) by Family & Friends
7:00 pm Theresa Gasper Pereira (+) by Family
Laura Rojas Martinez (+) by Pete & Mary R. Guajardo
May 29th, Friday, Weekday; Mk 11:11-26
6:30 am Thanksgiving by Ronan & Hannah Isla
8:45 am Leonor Macalino (+) by Bert & Beth Gobencion
Helen Russell (+) by Dave & Laurice Rochard
May 30th, Saturday, Weekday;
Vigil, The Most Holy Trinity
8:45 am Thomas George (+) by Joy Family
Bernardo Pena, Jr (-) by Parents
5:30 pm Betty Marek (+) by Husband & Family
Dave Filip (+) by Family
May 31st, Sunday, The Most Holy Trinity
7:30 am Eduardo Fontanilla (+) by Lilia F. Gimena
Theresa Diane & Anthony Louis (+) by Terry Colley
9:00 am For All Our Parishioners, Living & Deceased
10:45am Priscilla Akuechiama (+)
by The Holy Family Nigerian Catholic Women
Special Intention by Chukwuemeka Ume-Ezeoke
12:30 pm Miembros de Moviemento Familiar Cristiano,
Vivos y Difuntos
Sandy Martin Castillo (+) by Carole Updyke
5:30 pm Lourdes Lustana (+) by Tom & Looie Reyes & Family
Rodelio Lustana (+) by Tom & Looie Reyes & Family
Sanctuary Candle Intention
May 25 - 31, 2015
In Loving Memory of
Bernice Rychlik
By Doretta Rychlik
The Body,
though one,
has many parts
BCMG is sponsoring a Zydeco Dance Satur day J une
20, 2015 in the Parish Hall Time 8:00 pm to 12:00 midnight. Proceeds will benefit the Building Fund.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament...will be Fr iday,
June 5th, after the 8:45 am Mass in the Chapel. Benediction will be at 7:45 pm. All are invited to spend some
time in prayer & reflection in His presence.
A Healing Mass with the Sacrament of the Anointing
of the Sick for those facing a ser ious illness will be
held Tuesday, May 26, 2015, at 7:00 p.m. in the Chapel.
We all need healing of body, mind, soul and spirit. Please
come pray with us and for one another. Refreshments will
be served after the Mass. Everyone is invited.
Fathers Day Flowers...Remember your father or
grandfather on Father’s Day, June 21st, with a carnation
on the Altar in his honor or memory. The Altar Society
is selling carnations for $2.00 each; white for the deceased and red for the living. Envelopes are available at
the entrance to the Church. You may drop your envelope
in the collection basket or bring it to the Parish Office
during the week. Please make checks payable to Holy
Family Altar Society.
Gift Shop news ...Great News! The Gift Shop is open
this weekend. We have gift cards, unique religious jewelry, statues, prayer books, etc. for Confirmation students.
St. Agnes Academy is offering a great two week summer enrichment program called “Be the Change” for
6th & 7th grade girls wo do not have the financial means
to attend a private catholic school. The program will be
from 8:00 am until 5:00 pm each day, June 8th - 19th.
Please visit or call Debbie Sieck at 713-219-5442 for more information.
Who will be the next Mister and Miss Holy Family
King and Queen? Calling all gir ls and boys belonging
to Holy Family Parish, ages 4 – 17, grades Pre-K -12th.
Fill out your application and turn it in to the CCE office
or the Rectory. Deadline for the application is Sunday,
May 31, 2015. Watch the bulletin for the 1st Parent
Meeting date.
Holy Family Needs Your Help...We have appr oximately 80 pieces of stained glass from our repaired windows.
We seek your ideas as to how best to use these pieces of
glass. Please call the Parish Office with your ideas.
Pope Frances said, “A good Catholic doesn’t meddle in
politics. ‘That’s not true. That is not a good path. A
good Catholic meddles in politics, offering the best of
himself - so that those who govern can govern. But what
is the best that we can offer to those who govern?
We thank all members of Holy Family who have recently run for elected positions and we congratulate
those who won their races. May all continue to evangelize the Word of Christ through thoughtful and just
If you wish to make an announcement, such as birthdays, anniversaries,
sick, etc., submit a written note no later than Monday pm to the office.
Please, no advertisements.
Please pray for the sick of our Parish especially: U.S. Tr oops and civilian per sonnel over seas; Fr . Phi; Deacon
Alfred Abrams; Johnnie Baiamonte; Sheila McCabe; Bertha Silva; Liana Mikulenka; Michael Oparaji, Sr.; Robert Miller; Ron Carter; Mary Lou Reumont; Betty Bath; Eddie Borrego; Lindy Halloran; Ruben Velasquez; Veronica Lyon;
Pete Guajardo; John Delome; Frances Castillo; Alice Boroski; Carl Anthony Cangelosi; Pat Trail; Edwin Fos; Israel R.
Carranza; Charles Ferro; Deacon Jim Wright; Dr. Octavia Kennedy; Vernita Guillory; Stacy Lynch; Vince Mulle; Reynaldo Taupo; Melvin Carron; Deacon Gerald DuPont; Idalia Tenoria; Joseph Patriarca; John Guidry; Ricky Martinez;
Charles Clark; Sally Vu; Bonifacio Figueroa; Fr. Ken Decker, CSB; Isabel Guajardo; Eva Guevara; Arthur Hauptman;
Bernice Buri; Martha & Alvin Kocich; Alfonso Austria; Greg Alquiza; Mary Nieto; Mary Rios; Joseph LaCour; Sam
Campbell; Magan Rychlik; Beto Mendoza; Bill Bates, Jr.; Julius Dumapit; Linda Delgado; Rosie Capalad; Tommy Hill;
Ed James; Elizabeth Battle; Alejandra Mandujano; Kenneth Frazier, Sr; Mary Soza; Jose Angel Garcia; Frank Golemi;
Naty Piguerra; Kenneth Pumphrey; Isabel G. Cruz, Jr; Gilda Salazar Herrera; Bob Wise; Mary H. Ortiz; Lee Rychlik;
Henry Miranda; Julio Gonzalez; Terry Mirelles Bornhill; Brian Andrew Hickey; Joe Morales; Larry Morales; Fred
Nemec; Joey Salinas; Jean Harris; Christine Spray; Agnes Sampson; Justin Rodriguez; Basil Rojas; Sandy Melchor;
Alejandro Mandojano; Lois Guillory; Isabelita Bernardo; Esther Rodriguez; Dorthea Scaglione; Rafael Torres; Ron
DECEASED: Elizabeth Marek
May her soul and the souls of all the faithful departed rest in peace.
Teach me Wisdom,
Knowledge and
281 499-4612
CCE Activities…
Sunday, May 24th
Memorial Day Weekend
NO CCE Classes or Baptisms
Monday, May 25th
ALL Parish Offices Closed- Memorial Day
Sunday, May 31st
10:00 am English Family CCE & Groups I & II Centennial, Assembly, Meeting Room &
Rooms 2-12. Last Class
1:30 pm
Spanish Family CCE & Groups I & II
Parish Hall, Centennial, Assembly, Meeting
Room & Rooms 2-12. Last Class
6:30 pm
High School Confirmation Rehearsal Students & Sponsors meet in Church
St. Vincent de Paul Shoe & Sock Give Away...Par ents
of CCE children are invited to obtain a School Payless
Shoe Voucher for back-to-school shoes & socks for children of all ages. Come by the St. Vincent de Paul Office
on Tuesdays or Thursdays from 10:00 am until 1:00 pm
during the months of May and June. Items will be ready
for pick-up in the middle of August.
Family CCE for English & Spanish...last class will be
May 31st. This will conclude our Sunday Family CCE
program for the 2014/15 year.
Please remember to register your children for the next
school year that will begin in September 2015.
CCE Parents, CCE Fees Are Due...a reminder to those
parents who still need to pay their CCE Fees, please do so
by the end of May and avoid a “Past Due Notice”. For
balance information please call, 281-499-4612
Living in God’s Kingdom...2015 Vacation Bible
School will be J uly 6-9, 2015, 5:30 pm until 7:30 pm,
Monday - Thursday. Open to students entering Kindergarten through students having completed 5th grade.
Cost is $10 per student. Adults, Jr & Sr High Youth are
needed as volunteer helpers. Please call the CCE Office
to volunteer, 281-499-4612.
AYC (Archdiocesan Youth Conference)- This confer ence is open to all youth in grades 9th-12th, this includes
incoming 9th graders and outgoing seniors. This year's
theme is “Become One”, 1 Peter 3:8-9. The conference
will be from Friday, July 31st - Sunday, August 2nd, 2015
at the Hilton Americas Hotel in Downtown Houston. The
total cost for the weekend is $195 which includes registration, meals, conference and t-shirts. We will have
fundraiser opportunities but you need to sign up in the
CCE office with a deposit of $75 to be a part of them.
For registration information please call the CCE Office,
make a donation to help send our youth to this conference, please call the CCE Office. Thank you!
Attention H.S. Students: Upcoming AYC Diocesan
Youth Conference July 31 - August 2nd here in Houston,
Tx. If you need help with finances for that weekend, please consider helping in the fundraisers offered by
the CCE Office. We are planning a Bake Sale on June
7. Students helping and participating will be able to share
in the proceeds from the fundraisers for the conference. We are also accepting donations from the parish as
sponsors for these students. Cost is $195.00 per person.
For more info please call the CCE Office at 281-4994612.
Reminder…. High School Confirmation will be Monday, June 1, 2015 at 7:00 pm. Rehearsal will be on Sunday evening, May 31st, at 6:30 pm.
Graduation Mass will be Sunday, June 14th at the
10:45 am and 12:30 pm Masses. Graduating Seniors are
asked to wear their cap & gown. Cake & punch reception
in the Assembly Room following those masses.
Please mark your calendars for these important events!
Welcome to the Newly Baptized: Rodolfo Vences, Jr:
Parents, Rodolfo & Maryuri J. Vences; Godparents,
Javier & Yesenia Vences. Daniela Celeste Romero
Cortez: Par ents, Daniel Romer os, J r & Mar ia de J esus
Cortez; Godparents, Ricky Orteaga & Luz Cortez
Romero. Kelly Naomi Ayala: Parents, Ruben Ayala Garcia & Rubicel A. Padron Garcia; Godparents, Jaye Comier & Roxana Perez. Paulette Ophelie Panzeri: Parents,
Calude R. Panzeri & Amairiany Amador; Godparents,
Raul Amador Portocarrero & Hope C. Whitten.
... and Treasure
Extraordinary Ministers Of Holy Communion
5:30 pm Sat
7:30 am Sun
9:00 am
10:45 am
12:30 pm
Altar Servers
5:30 pm Sun
Zen Badavi
Dave Gallagher
Josefa Maghuyop
John Parris
Monica Medina
Mary Lemos
Anthony Thaliachary
Margie Villarreal
Regina Flores
Beverly Svoboda
Sr.Ancilla Uchendu
George Thomas
Wilton Broussard
Rose Garcia
Catherine Inoma
Inger Louis
Adelaida Reyes
Roberto Maldonado
Vicky Melendez
Edgar Gonzales
Ana Cortez
Benito Salazar
Gloria Gutierrez
Martha Riley
Gloria Espinosa
John Pyle
Kevin Riley
Rudy Cruz
Jim Keenan
Marilyn O’Laughlin
Guillemo Garza
Maria Ramsey
Rani Thaliachary
Lucio Avellaneda
Kathleen Mitchell
James Thurmond
Marina Beltran
Alfreda Broussard
Thresiamma George
John Kunnakat
Karisue Nelson
Emma Maldonado
Petra Enriquez
Gloria Almeida
Graciela Martinez
Mario Ponce
Guadalupe Betancourt
Guillermina Darino
Gretchen Pyle
Gwen Reinke
5:30 pm Sat
7:30 am Sun
9:00 am Sun
10:45 am Sun
12:30 pm Sun
5:30 pm Sun
Elva Moore
Debbie Colvin
Nicky Watson
Mona Washington
Maria Diaz
Teena Watson
Joycelyn Barnes Reese
Gloria Batiste Roberts
Francis Akah
Brian Tave
Martina Torres
Mary Gobencion
5:30 pm Sat
William Barre
Michael Stuckert
G’iona Collins
Eric Anumnu
Shawn Loyola
Jenna Llamas
Daryl Tenio
Chismidi Okpara
Jheripye Reyes
Albert Gomez
7:30 am Sun
9:00 am Sun
10:45 am Sun
12:30 pm Sun
5:30 pm Sun
Sat 5:30 pm
Sun 7:30 am
Sun 9:00 am
Sun 10:45 am
Sun 12:30 pm
Sun 5:30 pm
Henry Machala (Lead)
Michael Barone
John Ferro (Lead)
Gilbert Colunga (Lead)
Jose Velasquez (Lead)
Wen Guerra
Homero Flores
Darian Tenio
Rizzy Reyes
Carl Mouton
Bob Mejia
Joe Macias
George Thomas
Fabian Yanez (Asst)
Jimmy Williams
Financial Support For
Church Operations
Total For April 2015
Need Monthly/Operations
Faith Direct (EFT)
Donations, All other
Monthly Total
Cumulative Year to Date 07/14 - 04/15
2nd Collections for:
Building Fund
St Vincent DePaul
Catholic Home Missions
Holy Land Collection
April Building Fund Pledge Payments/
Donations $21,578
Current Parish Mortgage Balance
2015 DSF Goal
2015 Parish Lenten Project Total as of
April 2015: $33,049
Have you signed up with Faith Direct
yet? With Faith Direct, you can make
your offertory contributions, as well as your
Building Fund contributions, to Holy Family Parish using your credit/debit card or
bank account. Please enroll in this program
by picking up an enrollment form from the
church office, or by visiting to enr oll secur ely on
line. Our parish code is TX364.
Growing Together in Christ Capital
Campaign/Increased Sunday Offertory
… it’s not too late to make a pledge.
Pledge cards are in the pew racks and at the
entrance to the church.
Check out our new &
improved web site,!
Bulletin Advertisements: Patr onize the sponsor s who adver tise in our bulletin, thank them for their suppor t . To advertise on the back of
the bulletin please contact J. S. Paluch Co. Inc. 1-800-833-5941.
Holy Family Church #003462
1510 5th Street
Missouri City, TX 77489
281 499-9688
Gail Hutchins
MSPublisher 2013
Adobe Acrobat 9.0
Windows Vista Business
Hp Laserjet 2100
Wednesday 12:00
May 24, 2015
1 through 8
If not received by Wednesday 3:00 pm, please call Parish Office, 281 499-9688.
Or Gail’s cell phone, 281 851-6568
Archdiocese of Galveston Houston
Rev. Sunny Joseph, OSH, Pastor
R e v . J o y J a m e s , O S H , P a r o c h i a l Vi c a r
O b l a t es o f t h e S a c r e d H e a r t
Growing Together in Christ
Creciendo Unidos en Cristo
S u n d a y M a ss e s
Daily Masses
Saturday Vigil.……5:30 pm
M o n d a y … …… . . …. . 8 : 4 5 a m , 1 2 : 1 0 p m
Sunday…7:30 am, 9:00 am,
T u e s d a y … … … … … 8:45 am, 7:00 pm
1 0 : 4 5 a m , 1 2: 3 0 p m (Español),
Wednesday………..6:30 am, 8:45 am
5:30 pm.
T h u r s d a y … . . . … …. . 8 : 4 5 a m ,
7 : 0 0 p m (Español)
S a t u r d a y 4 : 0 0 p m - 5 : 0 0 p m . F r i d ay … … . . . . . . . . . . . . 6: 3 0 am , 8 : 4 5 a m
O r a ny t i m e b y a p p o i n t m e n t - S a t u r d a y … . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 : 4 5 am
Rosary after 8:45 am Daily Mass
C a l l t h e C CE O f f i c e w e e k days, 9:00 am-4:00 pm.
Anointing of the Sick
(281) 499-4612
Call (281) 499-9688
Contact the Parish Office at least
H e a l i n g M a ss 4 t h T u e s d a y of
six (6) months prior to the wedding
each month - 7:00 pm
date. (281-499-9688). Please attend the information session every
1st Sunday of the month at 4:00
F i r s t F r i d ay , 8 : 4 5 a m M a s s u n p m i n t h e P ar i s h O f f i c e .
til 8:00 pm Benediction, Chapel
Other Services
Welcome Home!
PPaarriisshh O
Gail H
u ttch
c hi ns,
d mimin
n i s tistrator
in s,AAd
iouuss Ed
Fr. Biondi Library &
a n d aa Pe
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Religious Articles Sundays
Hiissppaanniicc M
After all Masses
G eorg
e o r g iin
n aa RRo
r oro
Muussiicc M
Quinceaños contact the CCE
D r .. A
n d r ee LLaCour
Office, (281) 499-4612
incceenntt ddee PPaauull
Non-Catholics who wish to join SSoocciieettyy ooff SStt.. V
David Perez
Mar ilyn O’Laugh lin
our faith community RCIA
Yoouutthh M
(Rite of Christian Initiation of
Je a n e t te V el asq u e z
Adults) is a process to welcome Melissa
F i n a n c eHagen
Dianr raenl lc eG rC
o voeusn, cCihl a i r m a n
you into our faith, contact the
T( 2er
r y) 7Mo
5 0 2Ch a i r ma n
CCE Office, (281) 499-4612
Religious Education contact the P a s t o r a l C oouunncciill
John Louis, Chairman
CCE Office, (281) 499-4612
( 2o8r1a) P
4 9e 9r a- 3l ta
1 5,6Ch a ir w o ma n
Society of St. Vincent de Paul
(281 ) 844-6087
(281) 499-6246
Our Parish Vision Statement: O u r p a r ish vision is t o
b u i l d u p o n , t o n u r t u r e a n d t o e x h i b i t t h e v i r t u es o f f a i t h ,
hope and charity to all in the spirit of unity through one
fai th , o n e f a mily .
D e c l a r a c i ó n d e la M is i ó n P a r r o q u i a l : L a m i s i ó n d e n u e s t r a p a r r o q u i a e s c o n s t r u ir e n n u e s t r a t r a d i c i ó n , a l i m e n t a r y
m o st ra r las vi rtud e s d e f e , esp er a n za y car idad co n e l
espíritu de unidad basado en una fe, una familia.
[email protected]
May 31 2015
The Most Holy Trinity
Theologians throughout the Christian centuries have spilled much ink (and, on occasion, some blood) in describing
and defining the mystery of the Holy Trinity. One of the earliest, most poetic, and beautiful descriptions comes from St.
Augustine in De Trinitas, wherein he describes the Trinity as One (the Father) who loves, One (the Son) who is loved,
and One (the Spirit) who is love. And these three Ones are also one Three.
It might be wisest for us to leave the technical wranglings to the academic theologians, and focus on the fact that the
three Persons of the Trinity are indeed persons; they are best known and understood in their love for each other and for
us. We are made in the image of those loving persons, and our best relationships are lived out in the context of love. Truly loving relationships are inexhaustible mysteries to be lived in joy. If this is true of our human relationships, how much
more so is it true of our relationship with the Trinity. And how much more does it call upon us to be joyful, loving witnesses of the holy mystery of the One in Three. This is the mystery to which we were called when we were chosen to be
God’s own, baptized with water in the name of the Holy Trinity. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
First Reading — The Lord is God in the heavens above and on earth below (Deuteronomy 4:32-34, 39-40).
Psalm — Blessed the people the Lord has chosen to be his own (Psalm 33).
Second Reading — You received a Spirit of adoption, through whom we cry, “Abba, Father!” (Romans 8:14-17)
Gospel — Baptize them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit (Matthew 28:16-20).
The English translation of the Psalm Responses from the Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved
The Most Holy Trinity;
Julian Calendar Pentecost
Ninth Week in Ordinary Time;
St. Justin
Ss. Marcellinus and Peter
Wednesday: St. Charles Lwanga and Companions
St. Boniface; First Friday
Saturday: St. Norbert; Blessed Virgin Mary;
First Saturday
Domingo: La Santísima Trinidad;
Pentecostés en el calendario juliano
Novena Semana del Tiempo Ordinario;
San Justino
Martes: San Marcelino y san Pedro
Miércoles: San Carlos Luanga y compañeros
Viernes: San Bonifacio; Primer viernes
Sábado: San Norberto; Santa María Virgen;
Primer sábado
31 de Mayo La Santisima Trinidad
Una de las más antiguas, más poéticas y más hermosas descripciones de la Santísima Trinidad se halla en le libro
De Trinitate, por san Agustín. Allí, el santo describe a la Trinidad como Uno que ama (el Padre), Uno que es amado (el
Hijo) y Uno que es el amor (el Espíritu Santo). Y esos tres Unos suman Uno solo.
Tal vez lo mejor para nosotros sea dejar las dificultades técnicas de este misterio a los teólogos profesionales, y
enfocarnos en el hecho que las tres Personas de la Santísima Trinidad son precisamente personas; se les conoce y se les
comprende en su amor mutuo y en su amor hacia nosotros. Hemos sido creados a imagen y semejanza de esas tres Personas
amorosas, y nuestras mejores relaciones se viven en el contexto del amor. Las relaciones verdaderamente amorosas son
misterios inagotables que se expresan en una profunda felicidad. Y si esto es así en nuestras relaciones humanas, ¡cuánto más
lo será en nuestra relación con la Santísima Trinidad! Y, ¡cuánto más somos llamados a dar un testimonio alegre y amoroso
de este sagrado misterio de los Tres que son Uno! Este es el misterio que fuimos llamados a vivir cuando fuimos escogidos
como hijos de Dios, bautizados en el nombre del Padre, del Hijo, y del Espíritu Santo. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
Primera lectura — El Señor es Dios en los cielos y en la tierra, y no hay otro (Deuteronomio 4:32-34, 39-40).
Salmo — Dichoso el pueblo escogido por Dios (Salmo 33 [32]).
Segunda lectura — Somos hijos de Dios, herederos también; herederos de Dios (Romanos 8:14-17).
Evangelio — Jesús les dice a sus discípulos que vayan y hagan discípulos de todas las naciones (Mateo 28:16-20).
ACTS - Adoration – Community – Theology - Service
We continue to seek members of our parish family who
would like to serve on an ACTS retreat team. The only
requirement is that you have already lived an ACTS retreat. Visit to find an upcoming
retreat that fits with your schedule. For more information,
please contact Edna Martinez, 713-480-5887.
An ACTS retreat is a three day and three night Catholic
lay retreat presented by fellow parishioners. Talks and
activities during the retreat focus on Adoration, Community, Theology, and Service, from which the ACTS acronym is derived. The retreat is designed to help the participants enter into a new or deeper relationship with our
Lord and our fellow parishioners.
ACTS - Adoración, Comunidad, Teología y Servicio
Vengan a descubrir, renovar, y reforzar su relación con
Dios Padre. Pronto se llevara acabo nuestros retiros de
ACTS. Los participantes saldrán de nuestra parroquia el
jueves por la tarde y regresaran el domingo a la misa de
español de 12:30pm. El costo es de $190 por participante e incluye todo: transportación, comidas, y hospedaje.
El costo se puede pagar en abonos en cuanto se entregue
la forma de inscripción con depósito de $50.
Retiro de Hombres: 25 - 28 de junio
Para mayor información, se puede comunicar con:
Rafael Sanchez: 281-785-1482 / Jesus Cantu: 832-2754720
Retiro de Mujeres: 6 - 9 de agosto
Para mayor información, se puede comunicar con:
Laura Cantu: 832-275-4724 / Pilar Salas: 713-515-2126
Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion News...If
you are not serving as an Extraordinary Minister of Holy
Communion, Holy Family Parish needs your service! We
are in need of approximately 20 new extraordinary ministers. The procedure is simple. Call the parish office and
make an appointment to meet with a priest or deacon for
approval to become an extraordinary minister. Then attend a two-hour training session with many other happy
people. Finally, you will be scheduled to serve or you
may volunteer to serve at any Holy Family Mass.
All current Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion: Next Sunday, June 7, is the Solemnity of the
Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ. All EMHCs will
be blessed at the end of each Mass and receive a small
gift. This is “thanks” from a grateful parish for all you do
to serve Holy Family.
Mass Intentions
June 1 - 7, 2015
June 1st, Monday, St. Justin, martyr; Mk 12:1-12
8:45 am Eugene Gerla (+) by Tobi Garner
Patricia & Anthony Kao (+) by Patricia Kao
12:10 pm A. T. Chacko (+) by Family
Deceased Arriaga Family Members by Elicia Arriaga
June 2nd, Tuesday, St. Marcellinus & Peter, martyrs;
Mk 12:13-17
8:45 am Salome Guerrerro (+) by Bong & Ruby Mira
Deceased Lopez Family Members by Elicia Arriaga
7:00 pm Edith Wright (+) by Elicia Arriaga
June 3rd, Wednesday, St. Charles Lwanga & Companions,
martyrs; Mk 12:18-27
6:30 am Rose Marie Valco (+) by Elicia Arriaga
8:45am Virginia Medrano (+) by Elicia Arriaga
June 4th, Thursday, Weekday; Mk 12:28-34
8:45 am Francisco Pena (+) Elicia Arriaga
Thanksgiving by Randy & Angie Alas & Family
7:00 pm Joe A. Cerda (+) by Rosie Velasquez
Judy Connolly (+) Elicia Arriaga
June 5th, Friday, St. Boniface, bishop & martyr;
Mk 12:35-37
6:30 am Adrianna Mendoza (-) by Elicia Arriaga
8:45 am For All Souls in Purgatory by Rosa Gonzalez Family
Altar Society Members, Living & Deceased
June 6th, Saturday, Weekday; St. Norbert, bishop
Vigil, The Most Holy Body & Blood of Christ
8:45 am Jacob Kottoor (-) by Ann Kottoor
Godwin N. Iloka, Sr. (+) by Franca Okonkwo
5:30 pm Linda Morales (+) by Husband, Joe Morales & Family
Uvaldo & Manuel Canales (+) by Arturo Canales
June 7th, Sunday, The Most Holy Body & Blood of Christ
7:30 am Rosamma Varghese (+)
by Augustine Mattakkat & Family
9:00 am Beatrice Ferro (+) by Clarence & Josephine Duran
Josephine Hornisher (+) by Carol Lynn & Mike Baird
10:45am For All Our Parishioners, Living & Deceased
12:30 pm Miembros de Adoracion Nocturna,
Vivos y Difuntos
Miembros de Inmaculada Concepcion,
Vivos y Difuntos
5:30 pm Mary & Frank Maiorka (+) by Family
Leona de los Reyes (+)
by Tom & Looie Reyes & Family
“Do not think that love in order to be genuine
has to be extraordinary. What we need is to
love without getting tired. Be faithful in small
things because it is in them that your strength
lies.” ― Mother Teresa
The Body,
though one,
has many parts
BCMG is sponsoring a Zydeco Dance Satur day J une
20, 2015 in the Parish Hall Time 8:00 pm to 12:00 midnight. Proceeds will benefit the Building Fund.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament...will be Fr iday,
June 5th, after the 8:45 am Mass in the Chapel. Benediction will be at 7:45 pm. All are invited to spend some
time in prayer & reflection in His presence.
Gift Shop News...Thank you for shopping Holy Family -- we were able to give another $3,000 to the building
fund, bringing our total amount contributed in one year to
$10,000. We have many fine gifts for graduation, Confirmation, weddings and Father's Day. Please make Holy
Family your first place to shop.
To know what is right and not to do it is the worst
La peor cobardía es saber qué es lo justo y no
St. Agnes Academy is offering a great two week summer enrichment program called “Be the Change” for
6th & 7th grade girls wo do not have the financial means
to attend a private catholic school. The program will be
from 8:00 am until 5:00 pm each day, June 8th - 19th.
Please visit or call Debbie Sieck at 713-219-5442 for more information.
Who will be the next Mister and Miss Holy Family
King and Queen? Calling all gir ls and boys belonging
to Holy Family Parish, ages 4 – 17, grades Pre-K -12th.
Fill out your application and turn it in to the CCE office
or the Rectory. Deadline for the application is Sunday,
May 31, 2015, Today! Watch the bulletin for the 1st Parent Meeting date.
Holy Family Needs Your Help...We have appr oximately 80 pieces of stained glass from our repaired windows.
We seek your ideas as to how best to use these pieces of
glass. Please call the Parish Office with your ideas.
Fathers Day Flowers...Remember your father or
grandfather on Father’s Day, June 21st, with a carnation
on the Altar in his honor or memory. The Altar Society is
selling carnations for $2.00 each; white for the deceased
and red for the living. Envelopes are available at the entrance to the Church. You may drop your envelope in the
collection basket or bring it to the Parish Office during
the week. Please make checks payable to Holy Family
Altar Society.
If you wish to make an announcement, such as birthdays, anniversaries,
sick, etc., submit a written note no later than Monday pm to the office.
Please, no advertisements.
Please pray for the sick of our Parish especially: U.S. Tr oops and civilian per sonnel over seas; Fr . Phi; Deacon
Alfred Abrams; Johnnie Baiamonte; Sheila McCabe; Bertha Silva; Liana Mikulenka; Michael Oparaji, Sr.; Robert Miller; Ron Carter; Mary Lou Reumont; Betty Bath; Eddie Borrego; Lindy Halloran; Ruben Velasquez; Veronica Lyon;
Pete Guajardo; John Delome; Frances Castillo; Alice Boroski; Carl Anthony Cangelosi; Pat Trail; Edwin Fos; Israel R.
Carranza; Charles Ferro; Deacon Jim Wright; Dr. Octavia Kennedy; Vernita Guillory; Stacy Lynch; Vince Mulle; Reynaldo Taupo; Melvin Carron; Deacon Gerald DuPont; Idalia Tenoria; Joseph Patriarca; John Guidry; Ricky Martinez;
Charles Clark; Sally Vu; Bonifacio Figueroa; Fr. Ken Decker, CSB; Isabel Guajardo; Eva Guevara; Arthur Hauptman;
Bernice Buri; Martha & Alvin Kocich; Alfonso Austria; Greg Alquiza; Mary Nieto; Mary Rios; Joseph LaCour; Sam
Campbell; Magan Rychlik; Beto Mendoza; Bill Bates, Jr.; Julius Dumapit; Linda Delgado; Rosie Capalad; Tommy Hill;
Ed James; Elizabeth Battle; Alejandra Mandujano; Mary Soza; Jose Angel Garcia; Frank Golemi; Naty Piguerra; Kenneth Pumphrey; Isabel G. Cruz, Jr; Gilda Salazar Herrera; Bob Wise; Mary H. Ortiz; Lee Rychlik; Henry Miranda; Julio
Gonzalez; Terry Mirelles Bornhill; Brian Andrew Hickey; Joe Morales; Larry Morales; Fred Nemec; Joey Salinas; Jean
Harris; Christine Spray; Agnes Sampson; Justin Rodriguez; Basil Rojas; Sandy Melchor; Lois Guillory; Isabelita
Bernardo; Esther Rodriguez; Dorthea Scaglione; Rafael Torres; Marcella Guzman; Soledad San Miguel; Emma
Wexler; Esperanza Trinidad; Marie Don LeVu; Perla Ferrer; Mamie Mercatante
DECEASED: Sesaria Linares; Kenneth Frazier, Sr
May their souls and the souls of all the faithful departed rest in peace.
There are plenty of “treasures” in our tradition that if
resurrected today would cause anxious moments for bishops! Many concern marriage. There was a time when the
church “consecrated” both virgins dedicated to prayer
and charity, and brides dedicated to husband and family.
Virgins were blessed in the sanctuary of the church, and
brides in the sanctuary of the home. The custom of blessing the bride in the marriage chamber was standard in
England, Ireland, Spain, and France until the eleventh
If the groom (the groom’s side planned the wedding)
chose from the full menu of liturgy, there would be a
blessing of the bridal room, solemn evening prayer on the
eve and morning prayer on the day of the wedding, a
blessing at the church door of the spouses, and then in the
church for the wife alone during Mass, and Communion.
After the feast, a priest would represent the bride’s father
in presiding over the legal process by which the bride
transferred from her father’s clan to her husband’s. Some
enduring customs hearken back to these days when marriage was seen as a contract between men (the bride’s
father and the groom) and was not so much about living
out one’s baptismal call, and certainly not about the
equality of the spouses in Christ. Happily, this baptismal
focus has been restored and unhelpful customs set aside
by today’s marriage rite.
—Rev. James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
A Day of Healing and Hope with Immaculee Ilibigiza
at the Catholic Charismatic Center on Saturday, July 25th,
9:00 am until 5:00 pm. The Day will include Immaculee’s witness of the power of prayer, miracles of the Rosary and inspirational music. Ms. Ilibigiza’s testimony is
a remarkable one of faith and forgiveness amid unspeakable tragedy. The key to her message is her personal devotion to Our Lady of Kibeho, Vatican approved Marian
apparition, who appeared to warn the people of Rwanda
of the “rivers of blood” to come.
Preregistration is required, please visit
Or call Ann Martinez, 713-236-9977 ext 16. The Catholic Charismatic Center is located at 1949 Cullen Blvd,
Houston, TX 77023.
Immaculee’s promise: “No one will leave this retreat the
same as when they came.”
THIS SUMMER...Sign up for fr ee (beginning, inter mediate and advanced) Spanish classes this summer, offered through Learn Spanish Ministry. Classes will be
held at St. Laurence Catholic Church, Monday and Thursday evenings from 7:00-8:30 pm and are open to priests,
deacons, religious, missionaries and those active in parish
ministries. Classes will be June 8-August 3. For more
info, to register or to volunteer as a teacher, contact Adriana Gutierrez, Learn Spanish Ministry Coordinator at
-265-5419 or [email protected].
Marcos, Mateo y Lucas nos relatan los eventos de la
Ascensión de Cristo al cielo. En estas narraciones Jesús
envía a “los Once y los que estaban con ellos” (Lucas
24:33), es decir, a todos los discípulos. La misión que
Jesús nos confía es de ser sus testigos y llevar la Buena
Nueva del perdón de los pecados desde Jerusalén a todas
las naciones y a toda la creación. Esta predicación debe
ir acompañada del Bautismo, para que así, las personas
que escuchen el mensaje tengan la oportunidad de
aceptar en su vida al Señor Jesús.
Por su parte, Jesús envía a los discípulos a bautizar a
todas las personas en el nombre de la Santísima Trinidad.
Es Dios entero, Padre, Hijo y Espíritu Santo actuando en
la vida de toda persona bautizada, así como en la
persona misionera. Hoy día estos misioneros son los
papás y mamás que traen sus niños para ser bautizados.
A ellos Jesús les exige: “Enseñen [a sus hijos e hijas] a
cumplir todo lo que yo les he mandado” (Mateo 28:19).
También les promete su ayuda diciendo: “Y yo estoy con
ustedes hasta el fin del mundo” (Mateo 28:20).
—Fray Gilberto Cavazos-Glz, OFM, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
Important Notice: Help us keep our pews clean! If
you must eat or drink during Mass, please eat in the Narthex or feed infants & children in the Cry Room. Food &
Drink are NOT permitted in the church or the chapel.
Please deposit all gum in the trash cans located outside
the church and chapel.
The Catholic TV Network, America’s Catholic Television Network, is now available to cable and satellite
providers in our area. Please help provide this upbeat,
youthful and exciting Catholic network and a powerful
resource to the people of our area and the entire nation.
To help, simply visit as an easy way
to petition your cable or satellite provider.
Vintage Fitness Class...low impact and str ength tr aining classes are offered weekly for adults on Mondays and
Wednesdays, 10:30 - 11:15 am in the Assembly Room.
No charge, bring yourself and a bottle of water. All are
Teach me Wisdom,
Knowledge and
281 499-4612
CCE Activities…
Sunday, May 31st
10:00 am English Family CCE & Groups I & II Centennial, Assembly, Meeting Room &
Rooms 2-12. Last Class
1:30 pm
Spanish Family CCE & Groups I & II
Parish Hall, Centennial, Assembly, Meeting
Room & Rooms 2-12. Last Class
6:30 pm
High School Confirmation Rehearsal Students & Sponsors meet in Church
Monday, June 1st
7:00 pm
High School Confirmation Mass (students
meet in Parish Hall at 6:00 pm)
Tuesday, June 2nd
7:30 pm
English Baptism Preparation Class - Meeting
Room A/B
Sunday, June 7th
8:00 am
AYC Youth Bake Sale Fundraiser - after all
morning Masses - Courtyard
1:30 pm
Spanish Baptism Preparation Class - Meeting
Room A/B
2:00 pm
Spanish Group Baptisms - Church
St. Vincent de Paul Shoe & Sock Give Away...Par ents
of CCE children are invited to obtain a School Payless
Shoe Voucher for back-to-school shoes & socks for children of all ages. Come by the St. Vincent de Paul Office
on Tuesdays or Thursdays from 10:00 am until 1:00 pm
during the months of May and June. Items will be ready
for pick-up in the middle of August.
Family CCE for English & Spanish...last class will be
May 31st. This will conclude our Sunday Family CCE
program for the 2014/15 year.
Please remember to register your children for the next
school year that will begin in September 2015.
Living in God’s Kingdom...2015 Vacation Bible
School will be J uly 6-9, 2015, 5:30 pm until 7:30 pm,
Monday - Thursday. Open to students entering Kindergarten through students having completed 5th grade.
Cost is $10 per student. Adults, Jr & Sr High Youth are
needed as volunteer helpers. Please call the CCE Office
to volunteer, 281-499-4612.
AYC (Archdiocesan Youth Conference)- This confer ence is open to all youth in grades 9th-12th, this includes
incoming 9th graders and outgoing seniors. This year's
theme is “Become One”, 1 Peter 3:8-9. The conference
will be from Friday, July 31st - Sunday, August 2nd, 2015
at the Hilton Americas Hotel in Downtown Houston. The
total cost for the weekend is $195 which includes registration, meals, conference and t-shirts. We will have
fundraiser opportunities but you need to sign up in the
CCE office with a deposit of $75 to be a part of them.
For registration information please call the CCE Office,
make a donation to help send our youth to this conference, please call the CCE Office. Thank you!
Attention H.S. Students: Upcoming AYC Diocesan
Youth Conference July 31 - August 2nd here in Houston,
Tx. If you need help with finances for that weekend, please consider helping in the fundraisers offered by
the CCE Office. We are planning a Bake Sale on June
7. Students helping and participating will be able to share
in the proceeds from the fundraisers for the conference. We are also accepting donations from the parish as
sponsors for these students. Cost is $195.00 per person.
For more info please call the CCE Office at 281-4994612.
Reminder…. High School Confirmation will be Monday, June 1, 2015 at 7:00 pm. Rehearsal will be on Sunday evening, May 31st, at 6:30 pm.
Graduation Mass will be Sunday, June 14th at the
10:45 am and 12:30 pm Masses. Graduating Seniors are
asked to wear their cap & gown. Cake & punch reception
in the Assembly Room following those masses.
Please mark your calendars for these important events!
CCE Parents, CCE Fees Are Due...a reminder to those
parents who still need to pay their CCE Fees, please do so
and avoid a “Past Due Notice”. For balance information
please call, 281-499-4612
Welcome to the Newly Baptized: Guadalupe Reyes:
Parents, Felipe H. Reyes & Angela Ugalde; Godparents,
Timothy Morales & Stephanie Castro.
Valeria Rodriguez: Par ents, Abr aham & Anna Rodr iguez; Godparents, Francisco & Tayde Rodriguez.
... and Treasure
Extraordinary Ministers Of Holy Communion
5:30 pm Sat
7:30 am Sun
9:00 am
10:45 am
12:30 pm
Altar Servers
5:30 pm Sun
Mandy Blanco
Mary Helen Hoelscher
June Anderson
Jacqueline Harleaux
Ledie Amon Leavings
Sandy Laran
James Thurmond
Ijeoma Akuechiama
Pat Duplechain
Hope Groves
Caroline Okpara
Mary Paul
Jose Cruz
Rosie Rodriguez
Benito Salazar
Jesus Cantu
Guadalupe Betancourt
Alba Martinez
Guillermina Darino
Edna Kemavor
Gwen Reinke
5:30 pm Sat
7:30 am Sun
9:00 am Sun
10:45 am Sun
12:30 pm Sun
5:30 pm Sun
Elva Moore
Angie Perez
Bill Long
Renee Lovelace
Alba Martinez
Lilian Ekwealor
Joycelyn Barnes Reese
Mattie Ford
Peter Udeh
Michelle Sanchez
Maraceli Baron
Mary Gobencion
5:30 pm Sat
William Barre
Michael Stuckert
Katie Brent
Eric Anumnu
Joseph Udeh
Chinyere Akuechiama
Nirmal Joseph
Maria Enriquez
Lizbeth Maldonado
Malcolm Bailey
Isla McCann
Albert Gomez
7:30 am Sun
9:00 am Sun
10:45 am Sun
12:30 pm Sun
5:30 pm Sun
Brenda Carlyon
Dave Gallagher
John Parris
Laurice Rochard
Jessie Gibson
Mary Lemos
Crescy Lobo
Judy Ikwuagwu
Rafaela Laran
Delores Uhyrek
Mary Guerrero
Walburga Bullock
Helen Fadri
Catherine Inoma
Chinwe Osondu
Doretta Rychlik
Luz Cruz
Edgar Gonzlaes
Jeanette Velasquez
Santiago Romero
Laura Cantu
Ana Cortez
Kathy Mroczkowski
Gloria Espinosa
Ugo Nweke
Sat 5:30 pm
Sun 7:30 am
Sun 9:00 am
Sun 10:45 am
Sun 12:30 pm
Sun 5:30 pm
Henry Machala (Lead)
Michael Barone
John Ferro (Lead)
Gilbert Colunga (Lead)
Jose Velasquez (Lead)
Wen Guerra
Ronnie Brent
Justine Udeh
Munachi Akuechaima
Carlos Enriquez
Jose Melendez
Brisa McCann
Carl Mouton
Bob Mejia
Joe Macias
George Thomas
Fabian Yanez (Asst)
Jimmy Williams
Financial Support For
Church Operations
Total For April 2015
Need Monthly/Operations
Faith Direct (EFT)
Donations, All other
Monthly Total
Cumulative Year to Date 07/14 - 04/15
2nd Collections for:
Building Fund
St Vincent DePaul
Catholic Home Missions
Holy Land Collection
April Building Fund Pledge Payments/
Donations $21,578
Current Parish Mortgage Balance
2015 DSF Goal
2015 Parish Lenten Project Total as of
April 2015: $33,049
Have you signed up with Faith Direct
yet? With Faith Direct, you can make
your offertory contributions, as well as your
Building Fund contributions, to Holy Family Parish using your credit/debit card or
bank account. Please enroll in this program
by picking up an enrollment form from the
church office, or by visiting to enr oll secur ely on
line. Our parish code is TX364.
Growing Together in Christ Capital
Campaign/Increased Sunday Offertory
… it’s not too late to make a pledge.
Pledge cards are in the pew racks and at the
entrance to the church.
Check out our new &
improved web site,!
Bulletin Advertisements: Patr onize the sponsor s who adver tise in our bulletin, thank them for their suppor t . To advertise on the back of
the bulletin please contact J. S. Paluch Co. Inc. 1-800-833-5941.
Holy Family Church #003462
1510 5th Street
Missouri City, TX 77489
281 499-9688
Gail Hutchins
MSPublisher 2013
Adobe Acrobat 9.0
Windows Vista Business
Hp Laserjet 2100
Wednesday 12:00
May 31, 2015
1 through 8
If not received by Wednesday 3:00 pm, please call Parish Office, 281 499-9688.
Or Gail’s cell phone, 281 851-6568

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