34th Sunday in Ordinary Time Feast of Christ The King


34th Sunday in Ordinary Time Feast of Christ The King
21250 Hesperian Blvd. Hayward, CA 94541 | 510.783-2766 | www.saintjoachim.net
November 22, 2015
34th Sunday in
Ordinary Time
From the Pastor’s Desk:
In the 1920s, a totalitarian regime
gained control of Mexico and tried to
suppress the Church. To resist the
regime, many Chris!ans took up the
cry, "Viva Cristo Rey!” (“Long live
Christ the King!”) They called
themselves "Cristeros." The most famous Cristero was a
young Jesuit priest named Padre Miguel Pro. Using various
disguises, Padre Pro ministered to the people of Mexico City.
Finally the government arrested him and sentenced him to
public execu!on on November 23, 1927. The president of
Mexico (Plutarco Calles) thought that Padre Pro would beg
for mercy, so he invited the press to the execu!on. Padre
Pro did not plead for his life, but instead knelt holding a
crucifix. When he finished his prayer, he kissed the crucifix
and stood up. Holding the crucifix in his right hand, he
extended his arms and shouted, "Viva Cristo Rey!" (“Long
live Christ the King!”) At that moment the soldiers fired. The
journalists took pictures; if you look up "Padre Pro" or "Saint
Miguel Pro" on the Internet, you can see that picture.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Cardinal Igna!us Kung was consecrated the bishop of
Shanghai, Vietnam, in 1949, shortly a&er the Communists
took over China. The Chinese government pressured him to
align his loyal!es to the "Chinese Catholic Patrio!c
Associa!on." But he refused, choosing to remain loyal to his
Church’s chain of command. In 1955, the authori!es
brought him and 200 other priests to a stadium in Shanghai.
The government ordered them to "confess their crimes."
Instead, Kung shouted "Long Live Christ the King! Long Live
the Pope." Shortly therea&er, he received a life sentence,
where he spent the next 30 years in prison, most of the !me
in solitary confinement. When he was freed in 1987, he
came to the United States with his nephew and se*led in
Stamford, Connec!cut. He went to his eternal reward on
March 12, 2000.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------As the body of Abraham Lincoln’s body lay in state for a few
hours in Cleveland, Ohio for mourners to pay their tribute, a
black woman in the long queue li&ed up her li*le son and
said in a hushed voice: “Honey, take a long, long look. He
died for us, to give us freedom from slavery.” Today’s Gospel
gives us the same advice, presen!ng the trial scene of Christ
our King who redeemed us from Satan’s slavery by his death
on the cross.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Susan C. Kimber, in a book called Chris!an Woman, shares a
funny piece of advice she received from her li*le son: "Tired
of struggling with my strong-willed li*le son, Thomas, I
looked him in the eye and asked a ques!on I felt sure would
bring him in line: 'Thomas, who is in charge here?' Not
missing a beat, he replied, ‘Jesus is, and not you mom.’ "
Nota de nuestro pastor:
En la década de 1920, un régimen totalitario ganó control de
México y trató de suprimir a la Iglesia. Para resis!r el
régimen, muchos Cris!anos tomaron el grito, "Viva Cristo
Rey!" Se llamaron "Cristeros". El Cristero más famoso fue un
joven Sacerdote Jesuita llamado Padre Miguel Pro. Usando
varios disfraces, el Padre Pro ministraba a la gente de la
ciudad de México. Finalmente el gobierno lo arrestó y lo
sentenció a una ejecución pública el 23 de Noviembre de
1927. El Presidente de México (Plutarco Calles) pensó que
Padre Pro pediría misericordia, por lo que invitó a la prensa a
la ejecución. El Padre Pro no suplico por su vida, sino que se
arrodilló sosteniendo un crucifijo. Cuando terminó su oración,
besó el crucifijo y se puso de pie. Sosteniendo el crucifijo en
su mano derecha, él extendió sus brazos y gritó: "Viva Cristo
Rey!" En ese momento, los soldados dispararon. Los
periodistas tomaron fotogra%as; Si usted busca "Padre Pro" o
"San Miguel Pro" en el Internet, usted puede ver esa foto.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------El Cardenal Igna!us Kung fue consagrado Obispo de
Shanghai, Vietnam, en 1949, poco después de que los
Comunistas tomaron China. El gobierno Chino lo presionó a
alinear su lealtad a la "Asociación China Católica Patrió!ca."
Pero él se negó, eligiendo permanecer fiel a la línea de
mando de su Iglesia. En 1955, las autoridades lo trajeron
junto con 200 otros Sacerdotes a un estadio de Shanghai. El
gobierno les ordenó "confesar sus crímenes". En cambio,
Kung gritó "¡Viva Cristo Rey! ¡Viva el Papa". Poco después,
recibió una sentencia de cadena perpetua, donde él pasó los
próximos 30 años en prisión, la mayor parte del !empo en
confinamiento solitario. Cuando fue liberado en 1987, llegó a
Estados Unidos con su sobrino y se establecieron en
Stamford, Connec!cut. Se fue a su eterna recompensa en el
12 de Marzo de 2000.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Cuando el cuerpo de Abraham Lincoln se quedó en el estado
por unas horas en Cleveland, Ohio para que los dolientes
rindieran su homenaje, una mujer negra en la cola larga alzó
a su pequeño hijo y dijo en voz baja: "Amor, sostén una
mirada larga, larga. Él murió por nosotros, para darnos
libertad de la esclavitud". El Evangelio de hoy nos da el mismo
consejo, presenta la escena del juicio de Cristo Nuestro Rey
quien nos redimió de la esclavitud de Satanás con su muerte
en la Cruz.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Susan C. Kimber, en un libro llamado Chris!an Woman,
comparte una pieza diver!da de asesoramiento que recibió
de su pequeño hijo: "Cansada de luchar con mi pequeño hijo
obs!nado, Thomas, yo le miraba a los ojos y le hice una
pregunta que estaba segura lo haría reaccionar: 'Thomas,
quien está a cargo aquí?' Sin perder el ritmo, él contestó, ' es
Jesús y no tú mamá.' "
Readings for the week of
November 22, 2015
Dn 7:13-14/Rv 1:5-8/Jn 18:33b-37
Dn 1:1-6, 8-20/Lk 21:1-4
Dn 2:31-45/Lk 21:5-11
Dn 5:1-6, 13-14, 16-17, 23-28/
Lk 21:12-19
Dn 6:12-28/Lk 21:20-28
Dn 7:2-14/Lk 21:29-33
Dn 7:15-27/Lk 21:34-36
Next Sun/Dom:
Jer 33:14-16/1 Thes 3:12--4:2/
Lk 21:25-28, 34-36
Sunday—Nov 22nd
Hospitality Sunday Coffee and Donuts
a%er all the Morning Masses in the
Thursday —Nov 26th
Thanksgiving Day 10 AM Bilingual
Thursday —Nov 26th
Thanksgiving Day The Rectory and
Faith Forma"on Offices and the School
are closed. There are no mee"ngs or
ac"vi"es here besides morning Mass
on this day.
Parish Office
Parish Fax
Parish Email
offi[email protected]
Parish Office Hours
Monday-Friday 10 AM-7:30 PM
Bilingual available T,W,F 4-7:30
Saturday 10 AM-4 PM
Bilingual available 10 AM-4 PM
Sunday 9 AM-4 PM
Bilingual available 12 PM-4 PM
Rev. Joseph Antony Sebas"an,
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,
and Friday
10 AM to 12 PM
5 PM to 8 PM (with appointment)
lunes, martes, miércoles, y viernes
10 AM a 12 PM
5 PM a 8 PM (con cita)
Rev. Stephen Ayisu, SVD
Parochial Vicar
Monday, Wednesday Thursday,
and Friday
10:00 AM to 12:00 PM
5 PM to 8 PM (with appointment)
lunes, miércoles , jueves y viernes
10:30 AM a 12:00 PM
5 PM a 8 PM (con cita)
Ariel Mayormita
Music Director/
Director de Música
Phone Ext. #223
[email protected]
Flor Herce
Pat Ludwig
Administra!ve Assistant
Faith Forma"on Office
Oficina de Formación de Fe
Glenda Aragón
Director of Faith Forma!on
[email protected]
Abraham Gonzalez
Faith Forma!on Coordinator /
Youth Minister
550-6878 /
[email protected]
Bertha Cruz
Administra!ve Assistant
St. Vincent de Paul
Office hours
1:30-3PM ONLY
San Vicente de Paul
Gary Enos President
St. Joachim School
Escuela de San Joaquín
Armond Seishas
Sandra Garzon
School Secretary
St. Joachim Pre-School
Marisa Melgarejo
No te pierdas esta
“El Hecho
Conferencista: Luis Fernando Castañ eda
Conferencista Internacional preparado
en el Centro de Estudios Guadalupanos
en la ciudad de Mé xico con Monseñ or Enrique Salazar
Martes 01 de Diciembre, @ 7pm
En el gimnasio de la Iglesia de San Joaquı́n
21250 Hesperian Blvd. Hayward, CA
Angelica Campos
Rita Marie Betance
Arsenio S. Reyes, Jr.
Mehrunissa K. Serang
Michele Lozano
Joselino M. Alejandrino
Edward Boris
Georgie Dwonch
Duyen Corbridge
Ann F. Kishimori
Angel Delval
Felix Chavez
Vivienne Malig
Shelia Bacallo
Anita Z. Ruedas
St. Vincent de Paul
Food offering for next
Peanut Butter, Jelly or
Crema de cacahuate,
mermelada o galletas
November 15, 2015
The Plate Collec"on
EFT Collec"on
On Line Giving
TOTAL for the WEEK
Dona"on amounts not
available at press "me
For centuries,
many cultures have
celebrated their agricultural harvests. The Romans
had a harvest fes!val called Cerelia, which honored
Ceres, the goddess of agriculture, grain and fer!lity.
Our word cereal comes from her name. The fes!val
was held each year on October 4th with offerings of
the first harvest fruits going to Ceres. The
celebra!on included music, parades, games, sports,
and a feast. The American Thanksgiving celebra!on,
created by Pilgrims to commemorate a boun!ful
harvest in the New World, although a holiday in the
U.S. is just another workday for the people of Rome. A few years ago an American Peter Purpura who was studying at the
Va!can described his Thanksgiving as follows: On the morning of Thanksgiving Day, I walked to the top floor of my
seminary. From its terrace, which has a view of Saint Peter’s Basilica and beyond into the Eternal City of Rome, the sights
and sounds of the streets below looked like any other day. The people were rushing to school and work, while the families
of my fellow American seminarians were busy preparing turkeys and desserts on the other side of the Atlan!c. I was
pleased not to have to go outside the walls of the seminary our “American Island” and into this beau!ful city where
everything was as normal as any typical day in Rome. Our seminary community does its best to make the students feel at
home and invites other Americans to share the day with us as they, too, spend the holiday away from family and friends in
the United States. This year our seminary community of nearly two hundred people welcomed another one hundred-fi&y
Americans to celebrate. We began the day with a Mass of thanksgiving in the seminary chapel. It is in this chapel that my
fellow seminarians and I pray daily for our family and friends. There was a true spirit of prayer as we li&ed our hearts and
minds to God in thanksgiving for all that he has provided. A&er Mass we con!nued our celebra!on in the dining hall.
Guests sat at tables each designated for a par!cular state in the United States. First came pasta, then the tradi!onal dishes
of turkey, stuffing, and pumpkin pie. A&er the meal, it has been our tradi!on for a student to prepare a small speech about
the blessings of our country. This year as always, the speech reflected on the inten!on of our founding fathers and how we
have tried to fulfill their hopes for our na!on. Following the speech, the Ambassador of the United States, who represents
the United States and the President to the Va!can, read the President’s Thanksgiving Day Proclama!on. It was touching to
hear the words of our president speak of the importance of Thanksgiving and the need to thank our God for all he has
done. Peter Purpura wrote: I am especially thankful to the Lord for allowing me to celebrate this holiday in a wonderful
country that knows it not, but in a giving community that knows it well. Sources: About.com, Sadlierreligion.com
A Thanksgiving Poem:
For each new morning with its light,
For rest and shelter of the night,
For health and food, for love and friends,
For everything Thy goodness sends.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson
Everyday Stewardship
When you begin to see all that is around you as gi%, you cannot help but give thanks. You
give thanks for the obvious: life, family, and love. But you also give thanks for the smaller things: a ride, a gesture, and a
prayer. And you begin to realize that all ac"ons of thanks, whether it is directly to God in prayer, or it is to a person who
has been kind, end up glorifying God. For it was God that created all things and any acknowledgement of that goodness
glorifies the Creator.
Everyday stewards can find it easier to be op"mis"c in this crazy world because they see life as so precious and all that
works in concert to sustain it as good. The gra"tude expressed and experienced by a person provides a pathway to hope
when it all seems hopeless, and to love in the face of hate. Tracy Earl Welliver, MTS © 2015 Liturgical Publica"ons Inc
November 21-28, 2015
Saturday 4:30 PM
Leonida Onnie Hilario †
Saturday 6:00 PM
Isabel Enriquez † (7 meses aniversario)
Silvia Segura † ( 7 meses aniversario)
Francisco Silva Miguel †
Lina Correia †
Paula & David Cruz †
Federico Magallanes † (1st aniversario)
Antonio & Luz Diaz de Lopez †
Gonzalo Calderon †
Harry Chirip † (6 meses aniversario)
Sunday 7:30 AM
Jesus Or!z Miranda †
Maria Nguyet †
Sunday 9:00 AM
Amalia Cardenas & Catalina S.Garcia
Erlinda Grafil Salamida †
Gud Or!le Naz †
Tuesday 7:00 AM
Maria Nguyet †
Sunday 12:15 PM
Valerie Balubar †
Rommel Araneta †
Tuesday 8:30 AM
Angelita D. Ferrer † (anniversary)
Sunday 2:00 PM
Cecilia Ventura (cumpleanos)
Lucina Gonzalez (90th cumpleanos)
Regnaldo Ventura (cumpleanos)
Rogelio Renteria Veliz family
Wednesday 7:00 AM
Walter Fernandez † (12th anniversary)
(intencion especial)
† (aniversario)
(14th aniversario)
† (3rd aniversario)
Ramona Gu!errez
Maria Gonzalez †
Margarita Duenas
Familia Zeremeno Meza
(intencion especial )
Roman Arriola †
Alejandrina Jimenez †
Wednesday 8 :30 AM
Catalina S. Garcia †
Conrado P. Salta †
Wednesday 7:00 PM
The Community of St. Joachim
Sunday 6:00 PM
Calletano Estrada †
Thursday 10:00 AM
Rogelio Renteria Veliz family
(special inten"on)
Monday 7:00 AM
Maria Nguyet †
Friday 7:00 AM
Aniceto Robles † (anniversary)
Monday 8:30 AM
Remedios B. Mercado (birthday)
All Souls in purgatory
Lily Mon!libano ( † birthday)
Friday 8:30 AM
Pete P. Omega (birthday)
Virgilio P. Omega († birthday)
Sunday 10:30 AM
The Community of St. Joachim
Thanksgiving Mass
Saturday 8:30 AM
The Community of St. Joachim
Hospitality Sunday
Thursday — November 26th
10: 00 AM ~~ Bilingual
You are welcome to bring your bread, wine
or other non-perishable dinner items
to be blessed at this Mass.
A%er ALL Morning Masses
In the Hall — be sure and thank the Knights
for se'ng it up and making sure that
everything is ready for you to enjoy!!