St Anthony Catholic Parish | Phoenix AZ.


St Anthony Catholic Parish | Phoenix AZ.
St. Anthony
R o m a n
C a t h o l i c
C h u r c h
9 0 9 S 1 s t Av e n u e • Ph o e n i x , A Z 8 5 0 0 3
Ph on e ( 602) 252 - 1771• Fax ( 602) 258 - 4714
February 28, 2016 — Third Sunday of Lent
28 de Febrero — Tercer Domingo de Cuaresma
Mass times
Sunday Mass:
7:00 a.m. Spanish
9:00 a.m. English
11:00 a.m. Spanish
1:00 p.m. Spanish
Tuesday-Saturday Mass:
6:00 p.m. Spanish
(During the summer at 7:00 p.m.)
Parish Office Hours
Tuesday - Friday:
9am to 1:00pm & 2pm to 6pm
Office Closed:
Saturday, Sunday and Monday
Rev. Julio Lopresti, IVE
(602)253-6129 Ext. 16
Rev. Rolando Santoianni, IVE
(602) 252-1771 Ext. 22
Rev. Alexis Moronta, IVE
(602) 253-6129 Ext.18
Dcn. Jesus Morales
Servants of the Lord and the
Virgin of Matará:
P: 602 324-3579
Mother María de Foy
Sister María Mater Dulcis
Sister María Madre de la Sabiduria
Sister María de la Adoración
Office Personal:
Secretary: Anna Alicia Novoa Ext. 15
Finance Office: Mary Lou Brown Ext.11
Facility Maintenance: Juan Enriquez
[email protected]
Community entrusted to the Institute of the
Incarnate Word/
Comunidad Confiada al Instituto del Verbo Encarnado —
Friday after Mass or by appointment
(Viernes después de Misa o por cita)
Perpetual Adoration In the Chapel:
24 Hours / 7 Days a Week
Adoración Perpetua En La Capilla:
Las 24 Horas Los 7 Días de la Semana
Catechism Office:
Sister María Madre de la Sabiduría
Ext. 28
Email: [email protected]
Marriage Preparation Office:
Oscar and Iris Guerrero
Ext. 19
Legión de María (Lunes 5:00pm):
Beatriz Contreras
(602) 332-8747
Grupo de Oración (Miércoles 7pm):
Pablo Pérez
(602) 796-0642
Encuentros de Promoción Juvenil (Viernes 7pm):
Hector Legarreta
(623) 206-3424
Sociedad Guadalupana (2do Domingo del mes):
Marta Rentería
(602) 318-1485
Crusillo Movement/Moviemiento Cursillo:
Armando Lopez
(623) 847-0628
Apostolado de Respeto a la Vida:
Fabiola & Martha Hernandez
(480) 388-1657
St. Vincent de Paul Pantry
Tues. & Thurs. 9am-11am
(602) 716-0122
Niños menores de 7 años de edad:
 Presentar el acta original de nacimiento
Padrinos mayor de 18 años:
 Soltero/a; con sacramentos de Bautismo,
Comunión y Confirmación. Presentar el certificado
de Confirmación.
 Si es casado/a; presentar el certificado de
matrimonio por la Iglesia Católica.
 $60.00 por niño y $40 por el segundo hermano.
Próxima fecha de Bautismo:
 23 de Abril (inscripción antes del 31 de Marzo)
 28 de Mayo (inscripción antes del 29 de Abril)
de Fiestas” ♫ ♪
Rentamos el Salón Parroquial
para Bodas, Quinceañeras, Aniversarios,
Reunión Familiar, o cualquier otro evento;
llame a la oficina para mas información.
Precios Accesibles
(Hacemos descuentos para miembros activos.)
Salón de Fiestas San Antonio
Reserva tu fecha al 602 252-1771 ext. 15
Domingo: Ex 17, 3-7/Sal 95, 1-2. 6-9/Rom 5, 1-2. 5-8/
Jn 4, 5-42 o 4, 5-15. 19-26. 39. 40-42
Lunes: 2 Re 5, 1-15/Sal 42, 2-3; 43, 3-4/Lc 4, 24-30
Martes: Dn 3, 25. 34-43/Sal 25, 4-9/Mt 18, 21-35
Miércoles: Dt 4, 1. 5-9/Sal 147, 12-13. 15-16. 19-20/
Mt 5, 17-19
Jueves: Jr 7, 23-28/Sal 95, 1-2. 6-9/Lc 11, 14-23
Viernes: Os 14, 2-10/Sal 81, 6-11. 14. 17/
Mc 12, 28-34
Sábado: Os 6, 1-6/Sal 51, 3-4. 18-21/Lc 18, 9-14
Domingo siguiente: 1 Sm 16, 1. 6-7. 10-13/
Sal 23, 1-6/Ef 5, 8-14/Jn 9, 1-41 o 9, 1. 6-9. 13-17.
Sunday Collection / Colecta Dominica Feb. 21
Plate Collection:
Food Sale:
Thank you for your generosity!
¡Gracias por su generosidad!
St. Anthony Roman Catholic Church
La Corresponsabilidad Vivida Ahora
“El pecador que se arrepiente de su vida pecaminosa
pudiera desesperarse al reconocer la multitud de sus
pecados, si no conoce cuán bueno es Dios, cuán
misericordioso, compasivo y siempre dispuesto a
perdonar”. —San Bernardo de Claraval (1090–1153)
Living Stewardship Now
Charity Development Appeal
“A man turning from an evil life is bound to be
rendered desperate by the knowledge of his sins, if he
does not know how good God is, how kind and gentle,
and how ready to forgive.” —Saint Bernard of
Clairvaux (1090–1153)
Requested By:
De parte de:
Sab. 27 6pm + Manuel Angel Veleta…………….……..Su Familia
Dom. 28 7am Por los fieles de San Antonio y su comunidad
9am +Monica Quiroz………………...………..Her Family
11am +Leo Lopez…………..Maria Carmen Garcia Lopez
1pm +Maria Cuevas y +Clemente Real……….....Graciela Real
Mar. 01 6pm +Ramona Moya…..…..…….………..Guadalupanas
Mier. 02 6pm +Guadalupe Flores…………………...…...Sus Hijos
Jue. 03 6pm En agradecimiento a San Antonio…....Diego Angel
Vier. 04 6pm +Maria Esther Canchola ……….………..Su Familia
Trusting in the mercy and love
of our God who walked among
the poor, the vulnerable and the
outcast, we voice our own
petitions, asking for what we
need, and for the needs of our
brothers and sisters all over the
world, saying, "Lord, help us to
be instruments of your peace."
For pregnant women, mothers, grandmothers and all women around the world entrusted with caring for and nurturing
others, that they receive the support and resources they
need. We pray to the Lord.
For our own community of faith, that we protect and uphold
the rights of young people to learn and grow in safe,
supportive environments. We pray to the Lord.
Each time we encounter a suffering person, we encounter
Jesus in disguise. The Catholic Relief Services Collection
(CRSC) funds six catholic agencies that serve the disguised Jesus in our suffering brothers and sisters around
the world. His disguise might be that of those suffering
from natural disaster, those displaced by violence or war
or those migrants searching for a better life. Your support
of this collection is an opportunity to help Jesus in disguise.
Special Collection For Next Sunday March 6th
The Catholic Relief Services Collection
Office of National Collections (202) 541-3400
With your gift to the CDA, you heed the
Pope’s call to be an instrument of God’s
mercy. Even though the economy is improving, demands on agencies and programs
continue to increase. Through the Charity
and Development Appeal, your gift will go farther and help
more people. It can help more than one parish, more than
one program and more than one agency. If you have already completed a pledge or made a gift online, thank you
for your support!
May the message of mercy reach everyone, and may no
one be indifferent to the call to experience mercy. Pledges
can be made by completing a pledge card or online at Thank you once again for your support of
the wonderful work of the Charity and Development Appeal!
Observances for the Week of February 28st
Monday: Leap Day
Thursday: Katharine Drexel, Virgin
Friday: Casimir; Day of Abstinence
Next Sunday: 4th Sunday of Lent
©Liturgical Publications Inc
Church Weekly Schedule from
Feb. 28th— March 5th
Legion of Mary (Hall Conf. Rm.)
Prayer Group (Hall)
Holy Hour (Chapel)
Taller de Oración (Sótano)
Friday: Youth Group EPJ
R.E. Classes
Congratulations to Our Quinceañera!
Claudia Evette Adame & Odalis Jimenez
Rosa Francisca Lara
Congratulations on their 50th Anniversary
Pedro & Maria Juana Godinez
In Need Of Prayer/
Oremos Por Nuestros Hermanos
Mary Lucero, Anthony Anderson, Ruth Penttacost, Padre
Juvenal Perez, Vicente Bracamonte, Emilia O’Grady,
Juanita Taddie, Guadalupe Flores, Rhiannon Ramon, Vianney Grado, Enrique y Christina Gandarilla,
Ruby & Louis Cruz, Pilar Gonzalez, Valle Family,
Rodney Benton, Ernie Quiroz, Manuel Cardenas, Martha Angelica Galindo,
Richard & Olga Yanez,
James Alfredo Valenzuerla, Ashley Chavez,
Antionette Chavez, Benjamin Gonzalez.
Phoenix, Arizona
"La penitencia del tiempo cuaresmal no debe ser sólo
interna e individual, sino también externa y social.
Dispuso el Concilio Vaticano II que: "Ha de tenerse
como sagrado el ayuno pascual; ha de celebrarse en
todas partes el Viernes de la Pasión y Muerte del Señor y aún extenderse, según las circunstancias, al Sábado Santo, para que de este modo se llegue al gozo
el Domingo de Resurrección, con elevación y apertura
de espíritu." (SC n. 110).
Abstinencia: Todos los viernes de Cuaresma debe
guardarse la abstinencia de carne. –Ayuno: el miércoles de Ceniza y el viernes Santo solo se debe comer
una comida fuerte al día. La ley eclesiástica obliga a
guardar abstinencia a los que hayan cumplido catorce
años de edad y a practicar el ayuno, a todos los mayores de edad (18 años), hasta que hayan cumplido 59
Stations of the Cross every Friday during
Lent after the 6:00PM Mass. There will be
confessions during mass every Friday.
Feb. 12th:
Feb. 19th:
Feb. 26th:
March 04th:
March 11th:
March 18th:
The Young Messiah
Come to this Faith
Based Premier Movie
Be a part of this exciting Valley-wide, faithbased premiere event of The Young Messiah
on March 10, 2016 at Arizona Center AMC in
central Phoenix. Tickets are $15 and include
the film and meeting the film’s producer. Enjoy
this faith-based event as we take over Arizona
Center AMC theaters. We hope to inspire parishes, schools and other faith-based organizations to come together for this event. Proceeds
from the ticket sales will go towards Catholic
Charities programs which benefit Veterans,
Victims of Domestic Violence, Foster Care
Children, and more. Please show your support
and buy your tickets today! Visit to learn more.
R.C.I.A. (R.I.C.A.)
Youth Group / Grupo de Jóvenes
Pro-Life / Pro-Vida
Prayer Group / Grupo de Oración
ABSTINENCE: The law of abstinence requires a Catholic 14 years of age until death to abstain from eating
meat on Fridays in honor of the Passion of Jesus on
Good Friday. During Lent abstinence from meat on
Fridays is obligatory in the United States as elsewhere,
and it is sinful not to observe this discipline without a
serious reason (physical labor, pregnancy, sickness
etc.). FASTING: The law of fasting requires a Catholic
from the 18th Birthday [Canon 97] to the 59th Birthday
[i.e. the beginning of the 60th year, a year which will be
completed on the 60th birthday] to reduce the amount
of food eaten from normal. The Church defines this as
one meal a day, and two smaller meals which if added
together would not exceed the main meal in quantity.
Such fasting is obligatory on Ash Wednesday and
Good Friday. The fast is broken by eating between
meals and by drinks which could be considered food
(milk shakes, but not milk). Alcoholic beverages do not
break the fast; however, they seem contrary to the
spirit of doing penance. Those who are excused from
fast or abstinence Besides those outside the age
limits, those of unsound mind, the sick, the frail, pregnant or nursing women according to need for meat or
nourishment, manual laborers according to need,
guests at a meal who cannot excuse themselves without giving great offense or causing enmity and other
situations of moral or physical impossibility to observe
the penitential discipline.
4 A | St. Anthony Roman Catholic Church
La Campaña de Caridad y
Desarrollo 2016
Con su regalo a la CDA, usted
atiende al llamado del Papa a ser
un instrumento de la misericordia
de Dios. Aunque la economía está mejorando, el trabajo de las agencias y los programas sigue aumentando. Por medio de la Campaña de Caridad y Desarrollo, su donación llegara
más allá y ayudara a más personas. Puede ayudar a más de una parroquia, a más de un programa y a más de una agencia. Si ya hicieron su
compromiso o donaron en línea, muchas gracias
por su apoyo.
La palabra del perdón pueda llegar a todos y la
llamada a experimentar la misericordia no deje a
ninguno indiferente. Las donaciones se pueden
hacer por medio de tarjeta de donación o en línea
en ¡Gracias de nuevo por su apoyo
del trabajo maravilloso de la Campaña de Caridad
y Desarrollo!
Phoenix, Arizona

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