pm - St. Mary`s Catholic Church


pm - St. Mary`s Catholic Church
St. Mary’s Catholic Church
1600 East Avenue R-4, Palmdale, CA 93550
Tel. 661-947-3306 • Fax 661-947-8687
Parish Office Hours
Monday: 12:00PM-7:30PM, Tuesday-Friday: 8:00AM - 7:30PM, Saturday: 8:00AM-12:00 noon, 1:00-3:00PM
Associate Pastor: Fr. Sengol Rajan
[email protected]
Pastor: Fr. Vaughn Winters
Associate Pastor: Fr. Xavier
[email protected]
[email protected]
Associate Pastor: Fr. Roberto Barco
[email protected]
Deacon: Elvys Perez
[email protected]
In Residence: Fr. Tomas White
Deacon: Ed Caputo
[email protected]
[email protected]
St. Mary’s School
273-5555 [email protected]
Office of Religious Education
Office Hours: Monday-Friday 7:30 AM-3:00PM
273-5554 FAX: 273-5525 [email protected].
Religious Gift Store
Sat. 9 AM - 1 PM & 4:30 - 9:00 PM
Sunday 8:00 AM - 7:00 PM
Office Hours—Horario de Oficina
Religious Education Office Hours
Mon. through Wed. 11:00 AM to 7:30 PM
Thursday 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM. Friday from 8:00 AM to 12:00 noon
Sunday Mass Schedule/Horario de Misa
Saturday Evening Vigil: 5:30 PM
Sunday: 7:00 AM, 8:30 AM, 10:30 AM, 5:30 PM
Saturday 4:00PM - 5:30PM & 6:30 - 7:00 PM
Sábado 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM y 6:30 - 7:00 PM
Misas en Español: Sabado 7:30 PM
Domingo 12:30 Mediodia y 3:00 PM
Weekday Masses/Misa Durante la Semana
Monday Through Friday: 6:30 AM & 8:30 AM
Saturday: 8:30 AM
Holy Days
6:30 AM, 8:30 AM, 6:00 PM (English)
Dias Santos
7:30 PM (Español)
Saint John Paul II Mission
At Lake Los Angeles School
16310 East Avenue Q
Palmdale, CA 93591
Contact Jackie Hull 264-9166
Sunday Mass:
8:30 AM (Bilingual)
Miracluous Medal: Mon. 6:00 PM
Morning Prayer 8:15 before 8:30 AM Mass
Adoration/Adoración: Wed. 6:00-7:00PM & Fri. 9AM - 6:00PM
Our Lady of Perpetual Help Novena Wed. 6:30PM
Rosary: after the 6:30 AM & 8:30 AM daily Mass
Right to Life Rosary: Friday 12:00 noon
Sta. Maria de Guadalupe Rosario y Misa cada 12 del mes
7:30PM (excepto Sabado y Domingo)
Our Lady of the Desert Mission
35647 87th St. East
Littlerock, CA 93543
Contact: 965-6139
Sunday Mass:7:00 AM, 8:30 AM
10:30 AM (English)
Adoration/Confession: Fri./Viernes: 7-8 PM
Acton/Agua Dulce Mission
At High Desert Jr. High School
3620 Antelope Woods Road
Acton, CA 93510
Contact: Lisa Smith
(661) 618-9196
Sunday Mass
8:30 AM (English)
Welcome to St. Mary Catholic Church!
February 22, 2015
Un Mensaje del Padre Vaughn,
Hello - I invite all parishioners to participate in
this survey - the Vatican is seeking input from
around the world in preparation for the upcoming
synod on the Family. In preparation for the Synod
of Bishops to be held in October 4–25, 2015 on “The
Vocation and Mission of the Family in the Church
and Contemporary World,” the Vatican has asked
the world’s bishops for a “broad consultation.”
Hola - Invito a todos los feligreses a participar en
esta encuesta - el Vaticano está buscando la opinión
de todo el mundo en preparación para el próximo sínodo sobre la Familia. En preparación para el Sínodo
de los Obispos que se celebrará en 4-25 octubre 2015
sobre "La vocación y la misión de la familia en la
Iglesia y Mundo Contemporáneo", el Vaticano ha
pedido a los obispos del mundo para una "amplia
In order to facilitate the response from the Archdiocese, we have established an on-line survey that enables Catholics to respond to a set of questions that
the Vatican has proposed for reflection.
The survey can be accessed on our home page:
or directly at:
Pastors, academic leaders, leaders of Catholic agencies and organizations, leaders of religious congregations and lay movements and ecclesial associations, are asked to distribute this consultation as
widely as possible. Individual as well as organized
group responses are acceptable responses to this
Responses are to be made by Monday, March 9 in
order to be included in the report that the Archdiocese will present to the United States Catholic Conference.
Thank you for participating and sharing your
voice ! In Christ, Father Vaughn
Lv 19:1-2, 11-18; Ps 19:8-10, 15;
Mt 25:31-46
Is 55:10-11; Ps 34:4-7, 16-19; Mt 6:7-15
Wednesday: Jon 3:1-10; Ps 51:3-4, 12-13, 18-19;
Lk 11:29-32
Thursday: Est C:12, 14-16, 23-25; Ps 138:1-3, 7c-8;
Mt 7:7-12
Ez 18:21-28; Ps 130:1-8; Mt 5:20-26
Dt 26:16-19; Ps 119:1-2, 4-5, 7-8; Mt 5:43-48
Gn 22:1-2, 9a, 10-13, 15-18; Ps 116:10,
15-19; Rom 8:31b-34; Mk 9:2-10
Con el fin de facilitar la respuesta de la Arquidiócesis, hemos establecido una encuesta en línea que permite a los católicos a responder a una serie de preguntas que el Vaticano ha propuesto para la reflexión.
La encuesta se puede acceder en nuestra página principal:
o directamente en:
Pastores, líderes académicos, líderes de agencias y
organizaciones católicas, líderes de congregaciones
religiosas y movimientos laicales y asociaciones
eclesiales, se les pide a distribuir esta consulta lo más
amplia posible. Individuales, así como las respuestas
del grupo organizados son respuestas aceptables para
esta consulta.
Las respuestas deben ser hechas antes del lunes 9 de
marzo en el fin de ser incluidos en el informe que la
Arquidiócesis presentar a la Conferencia Católica de
los Estados Unidos.
Gracias por participar y compartir su voz usted! En
Cristo, Padre Vaughn
Lv 19:1-2, 11-18; Sal 19 (18):8-10, 15;
Mt 25:31-46
Martes: Is 55:10-11; Sal 34 (33):4-7, 16-19; Mt 6:7-15
Miércoles: Jon 3:1-10; Sal 51 (50):3-4, 12-13, 18-19;
Lc 11:29-32
Est C:12, 14-16, 23-25;
Sal 138 (137):1-3, 7c-8; Mt 7:7-12
Viernes: Ez 18:21-28; Sal 130 (129):1-8; Mt 5:20-26
Sábado: Dt 26:16-19; Sal 119 (118):1-2, 4-5, 7-8;
Mt 5:43-48
Domingo: Gn 22:1-2, 9a, 10-13, 15-18; Sal 116 (115):
10, 15-19; Rom 8:31b-34; Mc 9:2-10
Welcome to St. Mary’s
ACCW (Archdiocesan Council Catholic Women)
President: Mime King
Spiritual Advisor:
Ladies join other Catholic Women for a
Thursday, March 19, 2015
Knights of Columbus Hall
719 West Avenue M, Lancaster, CA 93534
9:00 A.M.
10:00 A.M.
Call to Order
Speaker: Rev. Francis Benedict, O.S.B.,
Abbot Emeritus St. Andrew’s Abbey
11:30 P.M.
Mass – Celebrant: Rev. Francis
12:00 P.M.
Luncheon – Charge $25.00 per person –
Reservations: Deadline, Thursday, March 12, 2015 –
Make checks payable and mail To Barbara Ballman, 715
West Avenue H8, Lancaster, CA 93534. (NOTE: Allow
5 days for postal service) For information Call Barbara
at 661-942-2080.
1:30 P.M.
Directions: Take Hwy. 14 to Avenue M, turn to righ
(EAST) past 10th street turn thenturn left into Knights of
Columbus Hall.. Parking is in front or back of Hall
Carmelite Sisters of the Most Sacred Heart of Los Angeles invite women of St.
Mary's parish
to participant in our annual women's retreat on April 17-19, 2015. Sacred Heart
Retreat House is located in the beautiful serene grounds in Alhambra. This year's
retreat master: Rev. John Henry Hanson, O.Praem, retreat theme:
“Lord, I Was Born For You”
~St. Teresa of Avila
(Celebrating 500th Birthday 1515-2015)
Comfortable over night accommodations (includes 5 delicious meals and
snacks): $180 to $260
Saturday only (includes 3 meals and snacks): $65
Transportation arrangements will be coordinated by your parish Captains
Please make your reservation before March 29, 2015.
Contact Rose Medina-661-733-3685 or Diana Luna-Schulz-661-644-6202
February 22, 2015
Un mensaje del Padre Roberto,
Para casi todos nosotros el águila es una de las aves favoritas, por
sus alas extendidas en majestuoso vuelo, por la pose orgullosa y
elegante de su cabeza, es decir, que para todos o para la mayoría
de nosotros es objeto de admiración. El águila es una de las aves
de mayor longevidad. Llega a vivir aproximadamente setenta
años. Pero para llegar a esa edad, alrededor de su cuarta década
tiene que tomar una seria y difícil decisión.
A los 40 años, ya sus uñas se volvieron tan largas y flexibles
que no puede sujetar a sus presas de las cuales se alimenta. El
pico alargado y su punta se curva demasiado y ya no le sirve.
Apuntando contra el pecho están las alas, envejecidas y pesadas
en función del gran tamaño de sus plumas y ya para entonces,
volar! Se le vuelve difícil, casi imposible.
Entonces tiene dos alternativas, dejarse estar y morir o
enfrentar un doloroso proceso de renovación que le llevara
aproximadamente 150 días. Este proceso consiste en volar a lo
alto de la montaña y recogerse en un nido, próximo a un paredón
donde ella no necesite volar y se sienta más protegida. Entonces
una vez encontrado el lugar adecuado, el águila comienza a
golpear la roca con el pico, hasta arrancarlo! Luego espera que le
nazca el Nuevo pico, con el cual podrá arrancar sus uñas Viejas
inservibles. Cuando las nuevas nazcan y comienzan a crecer, ella
desprende una a una de sus Viejas y sobrecogidas plumas…y
después de todos esos largos y dolorosos cinco meses, de heridas,
cicatrizaciones y crecimiento logra realizar su famoso vuelo de
renovación, renacimiento y festejo para vivir otros 30 años más!
San Benito decía respecto de la Cuaresma “aunque la vida del
monje debería tener en todo tiempo una observancia cuaresmal,
sin embargo, como son pocos los que tienen semejante Fortaleza,
los exhortamos a que en estos días de cuaresma guarden sus vidas
con suma pureza y a que borren también en estos días santos todas las negligencias de otros tiempos. Lo cual haremos
convenientemente, si nos apartamos de todo vicio y nos
entregamos a la oración con lágrimas, a la lectura, a la
compunción y a la abstinencia”
Claro! Nosotros no somos monjes ni tampoco podemos vivir
las cuaresma todo el año!, no tenemos la Fortaleza para vivirla!
Pero también es verdad que la Cuaresma es necesaria! Así como
para el águila era necesario esconderse en su nido! Sin este
periodo de renuncias nuestra alma puede volverse rutinaria, vieja
y ya jamás rejuvenecer! Por ello, este tiempo litúrgico que la
Iglesia nos propone, no es para hacernos la “vida a cuadritos”,
imposible, sino que la oración y los pequeños sacrificios que uno
realice, nos ayudan a fortalecer nuestro espíritu, a darle más
fuerza y soportar, luego, los grandes vuelos que tengamos por
delante en nuestras vidas, vuelos que no estarán exentos de
dificultades y tentaciones, vuelos que nos llevaran, si Dios quiere,
al vuelo definitivo de la eternidad, al abrazo amoroso con El.
Cuantas uñas largas e inservibles tengo en mi vida y que es
necesario arrancarme? Cuál es mi lista de vicios o de pequeñas
cosas que puedo ofrecer a Dios? Sería muy positivo, si no lo hemos hecho aún, trazarnos algunos objetivos, sencillos y claros,
para estos 40 días de Cuaresma y ponerlos delante de Dios en la
oración. Así podremos renovar nuestra alma y de esta manera,
como las águilas, podremos ser también objetos de admiración,
pero no de cualquiera, sino del mismísimo Dios! Hasta cualquier
otro momento y que Dios nos bendiga a todos!
St. Mary Catholic Church
February 22, 2015
St. Patrick’s Day CelebraƟon
March 22,
3748 Nickels Ave
Acton, CA
5:00 PM to 9PM
Cor ed beef and cabbage, Irish soda bread, desser s and coffee
No host bar: Wine, Sodas, Water, Irish beer and Special Homebrew
♫ Music, dancing and singing ♫
Tickets: Adults-$15, 12 and under-$8,
Seating is limited so make your reser ation
Sponsored by
St. Mary’s Acton/
Agua Dulce Mission
early-call Jim at 269-1883
A Message from Fr. Roberto,
For most of us the eagle is a favorite birds, wings outstretched in majestic flight, the proud and elegant pose of her head, ie, that for all or most of
us is admired. The eagle is a bird of increased longevity. Can live about seventy years. But getting to that age, around its fourth decade must take a
serious and difficult decision.
At age 40, and his nails grew so long and flexible that it can not hold their prey which it feeds. The elongated beak and its tip is too curved and
no longer useful. Pointing to his chest are the wings, aged and heavy due to the large size of their feathers and by then, fly! It will become difficult, almost impossible.
Then you have two alternatives, lie down and die or face a painful process of renewal that will take approximately 150 days. This process
involves flying to the top of the mountain and collected in a nest near a wall where she does not need to fly and feel more protected. Then once I
found the right place, the eagle starts to hit the rock with its beak, to start it! Then expect to be born the new peak, with which you can start your
nails useless Viejas. When the new born and begin to grow, she exudes a one of its Old and overawed feathers ... and after all those long and painful five months, from wounds, scarring and growth fails to perform his famous flight of renewal, rebirth and celebration for live another 30 years!
San Benito said regarding Lent "Although the monk's life should be around long a Lenten observance, however, as there are few who have
similar Fortaleza, we urge that in these days of Lent save their lives with great purity and also deleted in these holy days all the negligence of another time. Which conveniently will, if we turn away from all vice and give ourselves to prayer with tears, reading, compunction and abstinence "
Of course! We are not monks nor can we live the Lent all year !, we have the Strength to live! But it is also true that Lent is required! As for
the eagle was necessary to hide in her nest! Without this period of resignations our soul can become routine, rejuvenate old and ever! Therefore,
this liturgical season that the Church proposes, is not for us "life checkered" impossible, but prayer and small sacrifices you make, help us
strengthen our spirit, to give it more strength and support then we have the largest flying ahead in our lives, flights not exempt from difficulties
and temptations, flights take us, God willing, the final flight of eternity, the loving embrace with Him.
How many nails long and useless in my life and the need to rip? What is my list of vices or small things I can offer to God? It would be good
if we have not already, set ourselves some goals, simple and clear, for the 40 days of Lent and put before God in prayer. So we can renew our soul
and thus, like eagles, we can also be objects of admiration, but not for everyone, but of God himself! So any time and God bless us all!
Welcome to St. Mary’s
February 22, 2015
St. Andrew’s Abbey Lenten Retreat Special
Join us for a delicious
Pancake Breakfast
Sunday March 1st
9:30-12:30 in the Parish Hall
$5 per person
Includes: pancakes, sasauge, eggs, juice,
milk or coffe
All proceeds go to AV Women’s Clinic
Donations of baby bottles, baby food, formula
or cash would also be appreciated.
Sponsored by: St. Mary’s School 8th Grade
February 8th , 2015
Palmdale $ 13,787.50
Littlerock $ 2,455.00
Lake LA $ 551.00
$ 1,882.50
Saint Mary School
Entrance Exam: Believe
it or not this is the time of
year to enroll for the 2015 –
2016 school year. When
considering the best education for your child, please
consider the faith filled environment and challenging curriculum of Saint Mary School.
Saint Mary Catholic School provides:
* Strong Academic Foundations that last
*An Environment that Nourishes the Soul
*A Curriculum that Enlightens the Mind
*Teachings that Excite the Imagination
The Entrance Exam for acceptance in the 2015 – 2016
school year is on Saturday, March 21, 2015. Please
call 661-273-5555 to schedule an entrance exam time.
Take some Ɵme alone this Lent to retreat from the world and
reflect, pray, and contemplate Our Lord’s Passion, Death, and
Glorious ResurrecƟon. You are invited to join the BenedicƟne
Monks in their daily schedule of prayers, Mass, and meals.
Lenten Special prices (per night):
Monday ~Friday
$50 single; $90 for 2 persons shared ($45 per person); includes 3
Our regular private retreat (per night) prices are as follows:
Monday ~ Friday
$75 single; $125 for 2 persons shared ($62.50 per person); includes 3 meals.
*Lenten Special Prices only valid for private retreat stays during
the following dates:
Monday, February 23rd, 2015- Wednesday,
April 1 , 2015.
**Lenten Special Prices not valid on retreats scheduled for future
dates past April 1st, 2015.
New Hall;
Monday March 2nd to
Wednesday March
4th, from 7:00 -9:00
Divine Word Father
Jesu will be back with us for the month of
March and is offering a three day Lenten
Mission for our parish! Lent is a unique
gift and precious time of getting closer to
God and to one another, a time of
self-transformation, leading to greater
gratitude and generosity towards one
another. No wonder the Church calls it a
'Season of Grace'. We will conclude with
the Holy Eucharist every day.
Come to the Mission and receive
Grace upon Grace. Be Blessed and
St. Mary Catholic Church
“Uniting children with their
mothers and fathers in prison”
February 22, 2015
"Uniendo los niños con sus madres y
padres en la cárcel"
Queridos hermanos y hermanas en Cristo:
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ:
Queridos hermanos y hermanas en Cristo:
Once again, I ask your support in the Get
on The Bus program. St. Mary’s will be
sponsoring the Father’s Day bus to California Men’s Colony
Prison in San Louis Obispo, CA for our Antelope Valley
children and their care givers to visit their fathers/immediate
family members in prison on Saturday, May 30, 2015. On
February 28 and March 1, St. Mary’s will take up a dollar
collection at the end of each mass to raise the necessary
$4,000 to send our bus.
Get On The Bus is an annual, free trip that brings children
from across the state of California to visit their moms or
dads in prison for a special visit. Research shows that maintaining contact through visits helps kids deal with anxiety,
anger, fear and shame over the separation. And, when children are provided with visitation, their grades improve, they
act out less frequently and they’re less likely to drop out of
This may be the only day each year these children will get
to see their parent. Get on the Bus provides each child and
their caregivers with pre-trip assistance with prison visiting
requirements, breakfast and snacks, lunch and special activities with their parent inside, dinner, and opportunities for
Get on the Bus springs from the philosophical and practical
aspects of the Restorative Justice movement, which works
toward shifting the focus of the criminal justice system from
punishment to healing.
There are several ways that you can help. In addition to our
dollar collection the last weekend of February, we are in
need of the following items:
Travel Bag items (activities, snacks, etc.)
New teddy bears 12”+
Donate Baked Goods/Purchase Baked Goods from Knights of
Columbus Fish Fry
Money Donations
Get on the Bus is a non-profit organization. To learn more
about the program, please visit
For further information regarding our bus, please contact
Diana Cardenas, (661) 406-0868 or by email at [email protected].
Thank you so much for your love and support.
Diana Cardenas
Una vez más, les pido su apoyo en el conseguir en el programa de autobús. Santa María será el patrocinador de bus Día del Padre a la prisión de Colonia de los hombres de California en San Luis Obispo, CA para nuestros hijos
de Antelope Valley y sus cuidadores a visitar a sus padres /
familiares directos en la cárcel el sábado, 30 de mayo de 2015.
En febrero 28 y 01 de marzo, Santa María tendrá una colecta
de dólares al final de cada masa para elevar la necesaria $
4,000 a enviar nuestro bus.
Get On The Bus es un viaje anual, gratuito que trae a los niños
de todo el estado de California para visitar a sus mamás o los
papás en la cárcel por una visita especial. Las investigaciones
muestran que mantener el contacto a través de visitas ayuda a
los niños a sobrellevar la ansiedad, la ira, el miedo y la
vergüenza por la separación. Y, cuando los niños se proporcionan con las visitas, sus calificaciones mejoran, actúan con
menos frecuencia y son menos propensos a abandonar la escuela.
Este puede ser el único día que cada año estos niños tendrán la
oportunidad de ver a su padre. Get on the Bus ofrece cada niño
y sus cuidadores con la asistencia pre-viaje con prisión visitan
requisitos, desayunos y meriendas, almuerzo y actividades
especiales con sus padres en el interior, la cena, y oportunidades de asesoramiento.
Obtener en los muelles de autobuses desde los aspectos
filosóficos y prácticos del movimiento Justicia Restaurativa,
que trabaja para cambiar el enfoque del sistema de justicia
penal de castigo a la curación.
Hay varias maneras que usted puede ayudar. Además de la
colección de dólar el último fin de semana de febrero, estamos
en la necesidad de los siguientes elementos:
Artículos Bolsa de Viaje (actividades, bocadillos, etc.)
Nueva osos de peluche 12 "+
Donar Productos horneados / Compra de productos de panificación de Caballeros de Colón Fish Fry
Donaciones de dinero
Get on the Bus es una organización sin fines de lucro. Para
obtener más información sobre el programa, visite Para más información con respecto
a nuestro autobús, por favor póngase en contacto con Diana
Cárdenas, (661) 406-0868 o por correo electrónico a [email protected].
Muchas gracias por su amor y apoyo.
Diana Cárdenas
St. Mary Catholic Church
February 22, 2015
Vigil Location: Right-of-way outside Planned Parenthood
Clinic (open Mon-Fri 8:30am-5:00pm) 533 East Palmdale
Boulevard, Suite 533-A1, Palmdale CA
Póngase de parte de la vida durante un testimonio público pacífico de 40 días en la vía pública delante del local: Planned
Parenthood (Lunes-Viernes 8:30am – 5:30pm) 533 East
Palmdale Boulevard, Suite 533-A1, Palmdale CA
Join us for fellowship and prayer on our:
1)Kick-Off Rally February 15th ; 2)Mid-Campaign Rally
March 8th; 3)End of Campaign Rally March 29th.
Time: All 3 events will begin at 3:00 pm.
Location: Poncitlan Square in Palmdale (Sierra Hwy. and
Palmdale Blvd.) We will be walking a 1/2 mile to the Abortion clinic singing our prayer to end abortion and then walking back to the Poncitlan Square.
Únase a las marchas: 1)Inicio de la Campaña-Febrero 15,
2015; 2)Mitad de la Campaña-Marzo 8, 2015; 3)Final de la
Campaña-Marzo 29, 2015.
Hora: Los 3 eventos darán inicio a las 3:00 pm hora pacífico.
Localidad: Plaza Poncitlán en Palmdale (38315 9th St. East
Palmdale, CA.) Caminaremos 1/2 milla a la clínica de aborto,
cantando y rezando el mensaje para ponerle fin al aborto, luego
caminaremos de regreso a la Plaza Poncitlán.
Bring a positive pro-life message to every corner of our city
through media efforts, advocacy, public visibility, as well as
providing women with information about our local CareNet
Women’s Resource Center 44733 N. 10th Street West in
Lancaster (Ph.# 661-729-4277); website: or
Women's Clinic of the Antelope Valley1334 E. Palmdale
Blvd. Ste. E., in Palmdale (Ph.# 661-947-0400), as alternatives to abortion.
Lleve un mensaje pro-vida positiva a cada rincón de nuestra
ciudad a través de iniciativas en los medios, promoción proactiva y visibilidad pública, ofreciendo información acerca de
CareNet Women’s Resource Center 44733 N. 10th Street
West en Lancaster (Ph.# 661-729-4277); pagina de internet: o Women's Clinic of the Antelope Valley 1334
E. Palmdale Blvd. Ste. E., en Palmdale (Tel. 661-947-0400),
como alternativas para el aborto.
Learn how you can “speak up for those who cannot speak for
themselves” right here in the Antelope Valley by contacting
us. Phone: 661-524-6763 Email: [email protected]
Entérese de cómo puede alzar la voz por los que no pueden
hablar por si mismos, justo aquí en el Valle del Antílope.
Tel: 661-524-6763 / Email: [email protected] o visitando la pagina de internet:
St. Mary Catholic Church
February 22, 2015
Spring Boutique and Bake Sale
Sunday March 8th
After every Mass
Our Spring BouƟque and Bake Sale will be here before you know it,
on March 8th
Anyone interested in having a Boutique table please call (661) 285-5142 and LEAVE A
MESSAGE for Angie. Reservations must be made by February 28th.
Bakers are can bring their bake goods to the
New Hall on Saturday, March 7th from 2pm to 5pm.
We thank everyone for their past participation.
Knights of Columbus Lenten Fish Fry
St. Mary’s Church New Hall
Lenten Fridays from 5:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
or sold out
February 20 & 27, March 6, 13, 20, 27!
Proceeds benefit the church building fund!
$7 – Fish Dinner includes Chowder
$4 – Grilled Cheese and Fries
Coffee, water, and punch are included with
the purchase of a dinner.
(Menu and availability subject to change)
Take out is available.
Desserts by $$$ Donation to support Get
On the Bus please!
We would appreciate baked goods
donations to help this worthy cause.
Los Caballeros de Colon Venden
Pescado Frito
Durante la Cuaresma
En Nuestra Iglesia de Santa María en el salón nuevo
viernes de 5:30 pm a 8:00 pm
(o hasta que se termine la comida)
Febrero 20, 27, Marzo 6, 13, 20 y 27 !
Los ingresos benefician del fondo de construcción de
la iglesia!
$ 7 - Cena de pescado, incluye ensalada de repollo.
$ 4 - No Pescado Cena; Sándwich de Queso y Papas
Café, agua, y el ponche se incluyen con la compra de
una cena.
(menú y disponibilidad sujeta a cambios)
Ordenes para llevar estarán disponible.
Postres de donación para apoyar Get on the Bus, por
Agradeceríamos donaciones de postres horneados
para ayudar a esta noble causa.
St. Mary Catholic Church
Sunday Masses
Sat. February 21st-Saint Peter Damian
5:30 PM †Guadalupe Valenzuela
7:30PM †Francisco Antonio Terrazas
Sunday February 22nd-Frist Sunday of Lent
7:00 AM †George
8:30 AM †Adrian Flores & Leonor Trujillo
10:30 AM Marily Guevara (25th Birthday(
12:30 PM †Francisco Ordaz
3:00 PM †Alfonso Gomez & Alfonso Cera
5:30 PM Christina M. Cordero (4th Birthday)
7:00 AM †Antonio Reyes
8:30AM †Hernando & Alba Echeverri
10:30 AM †Pedro Sandoval
Lake LA
8:30 AM Lopez Family (Special Intention)
February 22, 2015
Weekly Mass Intentions
Mon. February 23rd
6:30 AM Analyse (Birthday)
8:30 AM Christian Sarmiento (Thanksgiving)
7:30 PM †Alejandro & Maria Julieta Valencia
Tues. February 24th
6:30 AM Antonio (For Conversion)
8:30 AM James Buendia & Felicidad Jenkins (Thanksgiving)
7:30 PM †Genoveva Lopez de Correa
Wed. February 25th
6:30 AM Gavin (Birthday)
8:30 AM †Teresita Santos
7:30 PM Ramiro Noriega (Healing)
Thurs. February 26th
6:30 AM †Luis Flores
8:30 AM †Jean Indart
7:30 PM †Emilia Cime
Fri. February 27th
6:30 AM †Marina Cabantagan
8:30 AM †Celia Ang
Sat. February 28th
8:30 AM †Bertha Barcenas
8:30 AM †Geraldine Distaso
The RCIA is the Catholic Church’s was of extending an invitation to
those who wish to know more about the Catholic Church.
El Rito es el proceso a traves del cual la persona se convierte
en miembrode la Iglesia Catolica Romana. El proceso esta
relacionado con informacion total de la persona acerca de:
Creer junto con la Iglesia com comunidad (formacion doctrinal).
Vivir junto con la Iglesia como comunidad (formacion practica).
Orar junto la Iglesia como comunidad (formacion Liturgica).
Servir junto con la Iglesia como comunidad (formacion apostolica).
El programa de RICA esta destinado a servir a:
Los no bautizados que desean aprender mas acerca de la religion
Aquellos bautizados en otra religion que les gustaria ser Catolicos.
Aquellos bautizados Catolicos, pero que no han completado los
Sacramentos Iniciacion o que no han sido educados en la Fe.
Por favor de llamar a Cesar o Alba Noriega al 661-272-1509 o Blanca Alcantar al (661) 265-7510. Los reunions son los domingos a las
10:30 AM en el salon del Sagrado Corazon.
RCIA is for…
those who wish to be baptized.
baptized Christians who wish to explore entering into full communion in
the Catholic Church.
those baptized Catholics who wish to complete their Sacraments of initiation, Confirmation and Eucharist.
The first step in the process of RCIA is to attend an Inquiry session.
2015-2016 Inquiry sessions meet on Sundays at 11:45 AM (after 10:30 AM
Mass) until 12:45 PM in the Holy Family Room (behind the church adjacent to
the new hall). There is no need to call or register. You are welcome any time!
For questions or for more information, please call or e-mail Steve or Mary
Rose Toll (661) 944-3588 or [email protected] or Debbie Castillo
(661) 538-1985.
UNBOUND Prayer Ministry
“Picture a locked door. Opening that door represent liberation from spiritual
bondage. This door has five locks, each requiring a key. As a believer in
Christ, you have all the keys you need to be free” (Unbound, pg. 53. Deliverance is removing the power of the lies so that we can hear the voice of our
Father that has always been speaking deep within. Knowing the Father
through the Son is our place of deepest freedom: it is where broken humanity
is healed. The “Unbound” book can be purchased in the church gift
shop. Please contact Celia Cedillo (661) 618-3990 to get more information and/or schedule an appointment.
Working Together To Prevent Child Abuse
February 22, 2015
VIRTUS® Protecting God's Children™ Program
Protecting God's Children Adult Awareness Session is a three-hour training
that helps clergy, staff, volunteers and parents to understand the facts and myths about child
abuse; how perpetrators operate; and how caring adults can take five important steps to keep
children safe. The parent session also stresses monitoring of computers, cell phones and other
technology that perpetrators use to gain access to children and young people.
Protegiendo a los niños de Dios. (VIRTUS) Este taller es requerido para todos lo voluntarios de la Parroquia incluyendo
Educación Religiosa, Programas organizados por la Escuela Santa Maria, todos los ministerios de la Paroquia. Cualquier
grupo que se reuna en la Iglesia. Los voluntarios que no lo tomen no podran seguir ayudando en sus ministerios hasta
que lo puedan tomar.
More information: Archdiocese of Los Angeles information:
Fingerprinting-all clergy, paid parish/school personnel and volunteers who work regularly in a supervisory role with
children or youth must be fingerprinted. In the Parish we all work near children-All Saint Mary’s volunteers must be
fingerprinted. Each site has duplicate forms that the applicant can fill out on site. One copy is kept by the operator
and one is for the applicant’s record as a proof.
For addiƟonal fingerprint informaƟon please visit:
Child abduction: taking action
A recent study of the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children® revealed that 83% of children who escaped
their would-be abductors kicked, yelled, and pulled away to escape. Teach your child these and other abduction prevention skills, such as: Asking for permission before changing plans; asking for permission before approaching or
getting into vehicles with anyone; recognizing the tricks would-be abductors use, such as offering rides or asking for
help; telling a trusted adult whenever anything or anyone makes them uncomfortable. When it comes to keeping your
child safe, YOU are your child’s best resource. The more you know about abduction prevention, the better protected
your child will be. Use your knowledge to make conversations about personal safety a regular part of your family’s
routine. For more information, visit:
Secuestro de menores: tomando acción
Un reciente estudio del Centro Nacional de Niños Perdidos y Explotados reveló que 83% de niños que escapan de sus
secuestradores patearon, gritaron y se alejaron para escapar. Enseñe a su hijo estas y otras habilidades para prevenir el
secuestro, como: Pedir permiso antes de cambiar planes; pedir permiso antes de aproximarse o meterse en vehículos con
alguien; reconocer los trucos que posibles abductores usan, como ofrecer llevarlos o pedir ayuda; decirle a un adulto de
confianza cuando algo o alguien los hace sentir incómodos. Cuando se trata de mantener seguro a su hijo(a), USTED es
el mejor recurso para él o ella. Mientras más usted sabe cómo prevenir la abducción, mejor protegido estará su niño(a).
Use su conocimiento para que las conversaciones sobre seguridad personal sean parte de la rutina familiar. Para más información, visite

Documentos relacionados

Tel. 661-947-3306 • Fax 661-947-8687 St. Mary`s

Tel. 661-947-3306 • Fax 661-947-8687 St. Mary`s Misas en Español: Sabado 7:30 PM Domingo 12:30 Mediodia y 3:00 PM

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