mass schedule - Corpus Christi Catholic Church


mass schedule - Corpus Christi Catholic Church
Saturday Vigil - 5:00 PM
Sunday - 8:00 AM, 11:00
AM & 5:00 PM
Holy Days
Vigil Mass 7:00 PM
Holy Da Mass
8:30 AM & 7:00 PM
Except—Ash Wednesday,
Christmas & New Year’s
Daily Masses
Monday, Thursday, Friday
8:30 AM
Tuesday—6:30 PM
with Confession from
5:30 PM until 6:20 PM
Wednesday—12:15 PM
Eucharistic Adoration
following Mass with the
Divine Mercy Chaplet at
6:45 PM ending with
Benediction at 7:00 PM
Con essions
Saturdays 3:30-4:30 PM
or by appointment
Mission Statement
Sharing the treasure of our
Catholic Faith and centered in
the Eucharist, we at Corpus
Christi Parish strive to be true
disciples of Christ to all.
Liturgy of the Day
Liturgia del Día
Today marks the seventh and final
week of the Easter season. Throughout
these weeks we have contemplated
different facets of the new life of the
Resurrection. Today Jesus prays that
we may all be one. As we continue
with our celebration today, let us make
that prayer our own, so that all
Catholics, and indeed all Christians
will be one in our Lord Jesus Christ.
Hoy comienza la séptima y última
semana del tiempo de Pascua. A través
de estas semanas hemos contemplado
diferentes facetas de la nueva vida de
la resurrección. Hoy Jesús ora para que
todos seamos uno. Al continuar con
nuestra celebración de hoy hagamos
nuestra esa oración a fin de que todos
los católicos, es más todos los
cristianos, seamos uno en nuestro
Señor Jesucristo.
The Ascension of the Lord
May 8, 2016
Whether you are a new parishioner or just visiting, we hope you feel welcomed and hope you will join us in our many parish
activities. Registration forms are available in the vestibule, parish office, and online.
Please complete a registration form, drop it in the collection basket, or return it to the parish office. Office hours are Monday to
Thursday 9 a.m. until 4 p.m. and Friday 9 a.m. until Noon. Visitor envelopes are in the church vestibule.
We are glad that you have joined us in our celebration today!
Office Hours : (Mon-Thurs.) 9:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M
Friday 9:00 A.M. to 12:00 P.M.
Tel: (803) 359-4391 Fax : (803) 359-8885
Email: [email protected]Website
Pastor: Rev. Raymond J. Carlo Ext.3 [email protected]
Deacon Dale Palmer 
Deacon Coleman Parks [email protected]
Deacon Jack Crocker [email protected]
Director of Faith Formation: Scott KramerExt.5
[email protected]
Director of Music: Dr. Charles Renick (803) 422-2681
Parish Secretary: Maria Coller Ext. 4 [email protected]
Director of Operations: Gerry PrestiaExt. 6 [email protected]
Director of Finance: Susan Kantra Ext. 8 [email protected]
Director of Community Life: Tom Jones Ext.7
[email protected]
Director of Youth Ministry: Gordon Oswald (803) 727-5441
Altar Servers Coordinator: Jimmie Taylor  Ext. 6
Due to privacy laws, Father may not know that
you or a family member have been hospitalized or moved into a
nursing home. Please e-mail the parish office at
[email protected] or call (803) 359-4391 to let him know.
Community Contacts
Birthright of Columbia………....….(803) 765-0165
Corpus Christi Assistance Ministry.(803) 359-6927
Catholic Charities-Midlands.............(855) 377-1357
LICS………………………………...(803) 957-6656
[email protected]
His House( dispatch (803)791-0557).(803) 957-1052
Family Shelter……...………..………(803) 771-7040
Home Works……………………..….(803) 781-4536
Lexington Medical Center……….... (803) 791-2000
St. Francis Catholic Shop……..…....(803) 561-9733
Organizations/Ministry Contacts
Altar Servers—Jimmie Taylor
Altar Society —Barbara Lux—803359-3377
Apostolate of Healing—Deacon
Jack [email protected]
Assistance Ministry—Maryann
Schaum—359-6927 open Tuesday
thru Friday 9:00 a.m. until Noon.
Food drop-off box available 24-7.
Bible Study —Fran Jones —803-315
CGA (50 plus) - Jeannette Munnett
803-808-7559 —2nd Wednesday of
each month in the parish hall starting
in September and ending in May.
Children’s Liturgy—Joan Boineau
& Angie Crouch
Christ Renews His Parish (CRHP)
—Joan Patrick 803-449-4031
Christ Renews His Parish Men’s
Retreat—Corbett Lewis–
[email protected]
Eucharistic Adoration—Dan
Goering, Tom Jones—Eucharistic
Adoration following Wednesday—
12:15 P.M. Mass ending with
Benediction at 7:00 P.M.
Finance Council—Wade Fisher
Hispanic Ministry—Claudia Garcia
[email protected] and
Ana Andrew—[email protected]
Knights of Columbus Council—
CraigViers [email protected]
Officers meet on the 2nd Thursday of
the month at 7:00 p.m. and Council
Members meet 3rd Thursday of the
month at 7:30 p.m. in the parish hall.
K of C 4th Degree—
John Wankowski —
[email protected]—Meet on the
fourth Monday of the month at 7:00
Mary— Christine
every Tuesday at 3:00 p.m. in the
parish hall.
Mass Greeters - JoDee Douda– 803
Men of St. Joseph - Tony Mancini [email protected]
Parish Pastoral Council - Mark
Svrcek [email protected]
Prayer Line—Betty Peterson—
R.C.I.A.—Joshua Gehling—
[email protected]
Respect Life—Dan Goering 803-808-2225
Ushers—Al Stevens— 864-445-1133
Women’s Group (CCCW)
Ruth Chapman — 803-600-9032
Meet on the second Monday of the
month at 6:30 p.m. in the parish hall.
Young Family Gathering- Bill &
Kim [email protected]
Youth Ministry—Gordon Oswald 803–727
The Ascension of the Lord
Parents wishing to have their child
baptized must contact the Parish
Office at 359-4391. Baptismal
Preparation is held on the 1st Tuesday
of each month at 7:00 p.m. in the
Old Church. Sponsors are required to
MAY 8, 2016 - Music LITURGY
Saturday Vigil 5:00 p.m.
 Joseph Fosky
By Dolores Fosky
Sun. 8:00 a.m.
 Stella Reininger
By Ron & Linda Hoover
Sunday 11:00 a.m.  Helen Rease
By Alison & Cris Isiminger & Cheryl &Tony
Sunday 5:00 p.m. Betty Stover
Couples who are planning to get
married in the Church should contact
the Pastor at least 6 months before
their wedding date.
Preparation with Pre-Cana is required.
The sacrament is administered the 2nd
Wednesday of the month during the
12:15 p.m. Mass, and by appointment
with the Pastor.
—R.C.I.A.— Rite of
Christian Initiation of Adults
Interested in becoming Catholic? If
so, the R.C.I.A. process is the BEST
place to be. For more information,
please contact Scott Kramer at
[email protected].
Come join us each Wednesday after
the 12:15 p.m. Mass ending with
Benediction at 7:00 p.m. To sign up
for an hour, please call Tom Jones at
359-4391 x24.
Pre-school aged children are welcome
to participate during the Liturgy of the
Word on Sunday at the 11:00 a.m.
Mon. 8:30 a.m.
By Marie Boyce
Lorraine Button
Tues. 6:30 p.m.
By Vicky Reese
Inge Davis
Wed. 12:15 p.m. Teresa Corbin
By Marvin & Emy Douda
Thurs. 8:30 a.m. F.Van Kiercek
By Knights of Columbus-Council 11325
Fri. 8:30 a.m.
Harold Jumper
By Sandra & Fred Williams
Service Music:
Entrance Hymn - 886
Immaculate Mary
Kyrie 260
Glory to God 261
Alleluia 262
Offertory Hymn - 524
Alleluia #1
Holy 263
Memorial Acclamation 264
Amen 267
Lamb of God 269
Communion - 941
Eat this Bread
Recessional Hymn - 546
Go to the World
Note: denotes a deceased intention
Sunday, May 8
Happy Mother’s Day
Acts 1:1 11 Ps 47:2-3,6-9 Eph 1:17-23 or Heb 9:24-28;
10:19-23 Lk 24:46-53
Monday, May 9 - Acts 19:1-8; Ps 68:2-3ab, 4-5acd, 6-7ab;
Jn 16:29-33
Tuesday, May 10 - Saint Damien de Veuster, Priest Acts
20:17-27; Ps 68:10-11, 20-2; Jn 17:1-11a
Wednesday, May 11
Acts 20:28-38; Ps 68:29-30, 33-35a, 35bc-36ab;
Jn 17:11b-19
Thursday, May 12 Saints Nereus and Achilleus, Martyrs;
Saint Pancras, Martyr
Acts 22:30, 23:6-11; Ps 16:1-2a, and 5, 7-8, 9-10,
11; Jn 17:20-26
Friday, May 13 Our Lady of Fatima
Acts 25:13b-21; Ps 103:1-2, 11-12, 19-20ab;
Jn 21:15-19
Saturday, May 14 SAINT MATTHIAS, APOSTLE Acts 1:15-
17, 20-26; Ps 113:1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 7-8; Jn 15:9-17
6:15 PM
High School Youth Grp.
Monday, May 9
Tuesday, May 10
11:00 AM
Book Club
3:00 PM
Legion of Mary
7:00 PM
Teen Talk
Wednesday, May 11
11:00 AM
CGA End of Year
12:15 PM
Mass *Followed by
Eucharistic Adoration
6:00 PM
Middle School Youth
6:15 PM
Women’s CRHP
7:00 PM
Thursday, May 12
7:00 PM
Doors of Mercy
Friday, May 13
Saturday, May 14
11:30 AM
Corpus Christi
Women’s Group
Fashion Show
3:30-4:30 PM Confessions
The Ascension of the Lord
May 8, 2016
Misas en español - A Las 1:00 PM
Si alguna vez nos hemos desanimados por
no poder entender adecuadamente el plan
salvífico de Dios y mucho menos ponerlo
en práctica y compartirlo con los demás, la
lectura de hoy del libro de los Hechos debe
servirnos de consuelo. Después de tres
años de haber estado recibiendo instrucciones diariamente y de
compartir una amistad fiel; después de la Pasión, la Cruz y la
Resurrección los discípulos todavía le hacen la pregunta incorrecta
a Jesús: “¿ahora sí vas a restablecer la soberanía de
Israel?” (Hechos 1:6). No les toca a ustedes conocer tales cosas, les
responde cansadamente Jesús. Quédense en Jerusalén y esperen el
Espíritu Santo (cfr. 1:7–8).
Pero Jesús añade: Ustedes “serán mis testigos” (Hechos 1, 8). Por
eso “dos hombres vestidos de blanco” preguntan: ¿Qué hacen
mirando al cielo? Jesús va a regresar (cfr. 1:10, 11). Mientras tanto,
no busquen a Jesús en los cielos pacíficos, sino en las calles mucho
menos pacíficas, o sea en lo que el Papa Francisco llama las
“periferias”. Sirve a Jesús en todos los que encuentres allí, que son
miembros del cuerpo de Jesús (Efesios), todos redimidos por la
sangre de Jesús (Hebreos).
Lucas nos dice en el Evangelio de hoy que después de la ascensión
de Jesús los discípulos “regresaron a Jerusalén, llenos de gozo, y
permanecían constantemente en el templo, alabando a Dios” (Lucas
24:52–53). En los Hechos, Lucas añade que hasta Pentecostés los
apóstoles “solían reunirse de común acuerdo para orar en
compañía. . . de María, la madre de Jesús” (Hechos 1:14). Cuando
el Papa Francisco promulgó este Año Jubilar de la Misericordia
dijo que María modeló toda su vida según “la misericordia hecha
carne”. Francisco dice también que cuando María escuchó cómo
Jesús perdonaba a sus verdugos ella entendió que la misericordia
del Hijo de Dios no conoce límites y alcanza a todos sin excepción.
Desde ahora hasta Pentecostés debemos pedir al Espíritu Santo la
gracia de poder practicar esa misericordia incondicional y
reconciliadora en nuestra vida.
Pregunta de la Semana
¿Cómo me desafía el imitar el perdón incondicional de Jesús, el
“misterio de Dios hecho hombre”?
Mayo (May) 8th Mothers Day (Día de las
Junio (June) 12th -
Julio (July) 10th -
Agosto (August) 14th -
Septiembre (September) 11th
Octubre (October) 9th -
Noviembre (November) 13th -
Diciembre 11th (December) Nuestra Seňora de
Claudia Garcia— [email protected]
Ana Andrew—[email protected]
On June 5th, 2016, Parishioner
Dan Goering, who is a sacristan
at Corpus Christi, and a lay
Franciscan, will be leaving for a
14 day mission trip to Uganda
with “To the Nations,” a nonprofit missionary group dedicated to helping the needy around
the world. The group includes, a doctor, nurses, a priest and
30 laypersons who plan to take 1000 sets of clothing to the
orphaned and impoverished boys and girls in Uganda. While
there, the missionaries will build two houses (very basic-no
running water or electricity) for the boys and girls of the
community. The doctor and nurses participating will give
vaccinations and minister to the sick. The entire group will
bring compassion, comfort and prayer to inmates in both
men’s and women’s prisons.
The missionaries have raised money to feed 1000 children a
day during the trip, but need an additional $2,000.00 to
continue providing one “regular” meal per week to the
children for one year after they leave. Your donation (any
amount is appreciated) will help to provide basic sustenance
to these children.
DONATIONS will be collected outside the church by the
Knights of Columbus after each Mass on the weekend of May
14th and 15th.
Thank you.
The Ascension of the Lord
May 8, 2016
Corpus Christi Celebrates First Holy Communion
Last Saturday, April 30, 2016 Corpus Christi parish celebrated our First Holy Communion Mass with 51 students
receiving the Eucharist for the first time. Father Ray and the Religious Education Office would like to thank the
parents and guardians of the children for their support and cooperation in helping to prepare our young parishioners
for this most holy sacrament.
Additionally, we express our most sincere gratitude and appreciation for all of the hard work, time and dedication of
our First Holy Communion volunteer teachers, Betty Peterson, Carmen Wilson, Colleen Freeman, Amy Jenness,
Sheila Willems and Olivia Gindlesperger.
Congratulations to the following students:
Fernanda Bacerra, Rafael Cardenas-Lopez, Ileana Castro, Gabrielle Chmura, Cole Cionek, Aiden Contreras,
Anthony Contreras, Larry (Trace) Crumpton III, Daniel Daley, Adriana Dunat, Patrick Eggen, Thomas Emerson, Jordan Fryer,
Benjamin Gassaway, Hennelly Gavin, Aidan Gindlesperger, Madelyn Gomez, Morrison Gomez, Ava Grant, Patrick Gray, Peter
Ioveno, William Austin Ipock, Christine James, Samantha James, Raymond Kastner, Josie Layson, Theodore Ludwig, Campbell
Martin, Evan Meador, Sofia Motta, Alessandro Motta, Brady Murphy, Kevin Nguyen, Dakota Orze, Jakub Orzechowski, Devin
Pappacoda, John Andre Quesada, Anthony Rico, James Risk, Ronan Roberts, Margaret Robinson, Timothy James Root,
Susannah Scharpenberg, Xavier Shaw, Delbert Siuhi, Robert Joseph Sottosanti, Zachary Stiles, James Strainer, Abbie Vest,
Edwin Tate Welch and Michael Wilson.
Next Book Club will meet on
Tuesday May 10, 2016, at 11:00
a.m. in the Parish Hall.
For additional information,
please call Vicki McClure
(803) 785-0109
Saturday May 21, 2016
From 6:15-10:00 PMGreat
opportunity to meet new people and
hang out with
old friends!!
For Information - Contact
Nikki Martin: [email protected]
(803) 808-7342 (Please leave message)
Ann-Marie Lewis: [email protected]
Birthright of
Birthright volunteers will be
Mother’s Day weekend. Please fill the baby bottles
with coins, cash or checks and return the Birthright
baby bottles on Father’s Day. The funds will enable
Birthright to offer positive assistance and aid to
pregnant girls and women who contact Birthright for
Thank you for caring,
Hank Chardos
Executive Director and Co-Founder
Returning a portion of what has been freely given.
Offertory Sunday May 1, 2016…$20,318.50
Available Banking Online through your Bank and Online
Givin is available on
Corpus Christi’s website
View Our Parish Supporters @
© 2016 Diocesan Publications, inc.

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