el dia del patriota - Holy Cross Catholic Church


el dia del patriota - Holy Cross Catholic Church
H o ly C r o s s C a t h o l i c C h u r ch
3 7 7 3 C h a m b l e e T u c k e r R o a d , A t l a n t a , G eo r g i a 3 0 3 4 1
Mailing Address: 3175 Hathaway Court, Atlanta, GA 30341
P h o n e : 77 0 - 9 3 9 - 35 0 1
w w w . h o l y c r o s s a t l a n t a. o r g
F ax : 7 7 0 - 72 3 - 7 0 1 3
September 10 & 11, 2016
Holy Cross Parish is a Franciscan
faith community of Our Lady of
Angels Province in the
Archdiocese of Atlanta. Find out
more about Our Lady of Angels
province at www.olaprovince.org.
We are here to serve.
La Parroquia de Holy Cross es
una comunidad de fe Franciscana
de la Provincia de Nuestra Señora
de los Ángeles, en la Arquidiócesis
de Atlanta.
Conozca más sobre nuestra
Provincial en
Estamos aquí para servirles.
Our parish staff/Nuestro personal
Fr. Jude Michael Krill OFM Conv.
Parochial Vicars
Fr. Gary Johnson OFM Conv.
Fr. Abelardo Huanca OFM Conv.
In Residence
Fr. Reto Davatz OFM Conv.
Rev. Mr. Bernardo Buzeta
Director of Faith Formation
Barb Garvin
Coordinator of Elementary Faith Formation
Aida Buzeta
RCIA – English
Cindy Durham
Linda Smith
RICA – Spanish
Rev. Mr. Bernardo & Aida Buzeta
Coordinator of Youth Ministry
DeAnna O’Brien
Youth Minister
Peter Le
Director of Music Ministry
Gail Goodman
Business Manager
Beth Butler
Gregg Watson
Pastoral Associate
Monica Robles-Frias
Administrative Assistant
Yrene Lorenzo
Sacramental Secretary
Penny Lampe
Custodial Maintenance
Zlatko Halimic
24th Sunday in Ordinary/240 Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
Nunca olvidaremos
We welcome you to Holy Cross Parish and hope you enjoy your experience here. If you
would like more information about our parish or would like to pickup a registration form, please
visit our Welcome Desk located in the narthex. You may also visit our website at
Plan to join us! There is a place for everyone at Holy Cross.
Bienvenidos a la Iglesia de Holy Cross. Esperamos que disfruten su experiencia aquí. Si
desean más información sobre nuestra parroquia o les gustaría recoger un formulario de
inscripción, por favor visiten nuestro Escritorio de Bienvenida en el vestíbulo. También pueden
visitar nuestro sitio de internet en www.holycrossatlanta.org. Planeen unirse a nosotros!
Hay un lugar para todos en la Iglesia de Holy Cross.
From our Pastor/De Nuestro Párroco
Gente Buena de Holy Cross,
Vivimos en una cultura de celebridades. Muchos
de nosotros ponemos un gran interés en la vida de
los actores, músicos, políticos, figuras del deporte,
y chefs famosos. Debido a nuestro gran interés en
estas personas, existen muchas empresas que nos
proporcione información acerca de su vida personal
y gran parte de lo que informan no es favorecedor.
¿Por qué es que no estamos tan interesados en las
"buenas" cosas pero nos gusta lo "malo"; las fallas,
los comedores de empresas, las malas decisiones,
etcétera. ¿Puedes creer que ese fulano fue a
rehabilitación? No es ese político un idiota total
para engañar a su esposa? Te enteraste de aquel
actor hizo un berrinche? No puedo creer que ese
jugador sea tan estúpido como para usar esteroides.
Es un tarado!
Estamos llamados a amar. Mi conjetura es que,
rara vez es el amor el motivo cuando expresamos
nuestra desaprobación a los que nos han hecho
daño de alguna manera. La justicia propia? A
menudo. ¿Venganza? En algunos casos. Hacer
daño a ellos o hacerles sentir terrible por lo que han
hecho? La mayoria del tiempo. ¿Pero amor?
Probablemente no muy a menudo. "No, sino por la
gracia de Dios, que vaya", dice John Bradford y
tiene un buen punto. Muchas veces las cosas por las
que estamos descontentos con respecto a otros, son
exactamente las mismas cosas en las que fallamos
demasiado. En la práctica, esta es una de las cosas
más difíciles que estamos llamados por Jesús a
hacer. Amar y no juzgar, darnos cuenta de nuestros
propios defectos y faltas, y trabajar en ellos, en
lugar de ser rápidos en señalar los puntos débiles de
los demás. A estar interesados en lo bueno y no lo
Algunos trabajos de reparación muy necesaria
en las Ventanas de nuestra iglesia se ha completado
y evitará que el desgaste destruya la madera. En
nuestra reunión reciente sobre las finanzas,
terminamos el año fiscal en el negro (de nuevo!) ...
Sinceras Gracias a todos! Nuestro estado financiero
estará disponible para todos en breve. Los frailes
estarán presentes en la convocatoria de Sacerdote
de ATL esta semana, un tiempo para que todos los
sacerdotes de la diócesis se reúnan con nuestro
Arzobispo y trabajen, compartan, oren y aprendan.
Recen por nosotros como vamos a orar por todos
ustedes! Padre Calixto se quedará a cargo de la
fortaleza de lunes a jueves. Bendigan su corazón
Padre Jude Michael
Good People of Holy Cross,
We live in a celebrity culture. Many of us
take great interest in the lives of actors, musicians,
politicians, sports figures, and celebrity chefs.
Because of our intense interest in these people,
many businesses exist to provide us with
information about their personal lives and much
of what they report is not flattering. Why is it that
we aren’t so interested in the “good” stuff but we
like the “bad” stuff; the failings, the mess-ups, the
bad decisions, etcetera. Can you believe so-andso went into rehab? Isn’t that politician a total jerk
for cheating on his wife? Did you hear about the
actor who threw a tantrum? I can’t believe that
player was stupid enough to use steroids. What a
We are called to love. My guess is that, rarely
is love the motive when we express our
disapproval to others who have wronged us in
some way. Self-righteousness? Often. Revenge?
In some cases. To hurt them or make them feel
terrible for what they have done? Much of the
time. But love? Probably not too often. “There,
but for the grace of God, go I” says John Bradford
and he has a good point. A lot of times the things
we are unhappy with regarding another are the
exact same things that we fail at too. In practice,
this is one of the most difficult things we are
called by Jesus to do. To love and not judge. To
realize our own faults and failings and work on
them, instead of being quick to point out others
foibles. To be interested in the good stuff and not
the bad!
Some much needed repair work on our
Church windows has been completed and will
prevent weathering from destroying the wood. At
our recent finance meeting, we ended the fiscal
year in the black (again!)….sincere thanks to all!
Our financial statement will be available to all
shortly. The friars will be attending the ATL
Priest convocation this week, a time for all the
priests of the diocese to meet with
our Archbishop and work, share,
pray, and learn.
Do pray for us as we shall pray
for all you! Fr. Calixto will
be holding down the fort
from Monday thru Thursday.
Bless his Bolivian heart!
Fr. Jude Michael
Parish Registration:
Welcome to Holy Cross. If you would like to become a
registered member of our parish family, you may pickup a
registration form from our Welcome Desk or from the parish
office. When completed, you may drop it off at the parish
office, mail it in or hand it to one of our Welcome Desk
volunteers. Registration forms are also available at
Registración en la Parroquia:
Bienvenido a la parroquia de Holy Cross. Si desea ser un
miembro registrado en nuestra familia parroquial, debe
completar el formulario “Registración Parroquial” ubicado
en el escritorio de bienvenida o en la oficina de la
parroquia. Al completarlo lo puede enviar por correo,
entregarlo en la oficina parroquial o en la mesa de
bienvenida con uno de los voluntarios. El formulario
también esta disponible en: www.holycrossatlanta.org.
Monthly Parish e-newsletter:
Did you know that you can receive updates about parish
¿Sabía usted que puede recibir actualizaciones sobre las
activities, events and funeral notices directly to your
actividades y eventos de la parroquia directamente en su
email? To receive updates simply go to our website,
www.holycrossatlanta.org, and look for the envelope on the correo electrónico? Para recibir actualizaciones
right hand column of the webpage. Subscribing is easy and simplemente vaya a nuestro sitio web,
www.holycrossatlanta.org, y busque por un sobre en la
safe. Mailings will be done at the beginning of the month,
columna derecha de la página web. Suscribirse es fácil y
except for important notifications and reminders.
seguro. Las actualizaciones las recibirá al principio de cada
Homebound? Do you know a parishioner who is
mes, a excepción de las notificaciones y recordatorios
homebound due to illness, or is elderly and would like to
receive Communion? Please contact Eileen Anandappa at ¿Encerrado en casa?
¿Conoces a un feligrés que no pueda salir de su casa
debido a una enfermedad o por su avanzada edad, y le
Bulletin Submission Information:
gustaría recibir la Comunión? Por favor, póngase en
Bulletin content must be received in the parish office no
later than Friday at 9:00am of the week prior to publication. contacto con el Fr. Abelardo Huanca al 770-939-3501 Ext.
Please email your submissions to
[email protected] .
Envío de información para el Boletín:
El contenido para el boletín debe ser recibido en la oficina
Altar Flowers
The altar flowers may be given in memory or honor of loved parroquial a más tardar el Viernes a las 9:00am una
semana antes de su publicación. Por favor envíe sus
ones. To schedule your altar flower intentions please call
presentaciones a [email protected].
Martha Murphy at 770-934-1464.
Flores para el Altar:
Las flores del altar pueden ser dedicadas a una intención
especial tal como cumpleaños, aniversario de muerte o de
matrimonio etc. Si desea hacer su donación por favor
comuníquese con Monica Robles de 9am - 1pm de lunes a
viernes, al 770-939-3501 Ext 223.
Parish Staff Contact Info / Nuestro personal
Parish Office Tel. 770-939-3501
Faith Formation Office Tel. 678-689-2819
Fr. Jude Michael Krill OFM Conv.
[email protected], Ext. 237
Parochial Vicars
Fr. Gary Johnson OFM Conv.
[email protected], Ext. 224
Fr. Abelardo Huanca OFM Conv.
[email protected], Ext 225
Director of Faith Formation
Barb Garvin, Ext. 233
[email protected]
Coordinator of Elementary Faith Formation
Aida Buzeta, Ext. 235
[email protected]
RCIA – English
Cindy Durham, 404-713-9117
[email protected]
Linda Smith
[email protected]
RICA – Spanish
Rev. Mr. Bernardo Buzeta
Aida Buzeta, Ext 235
[email protected]
Coordinator of Youth Ministry
Deanna O’Brien, Ext.232
[email protected]
Youth Minister
Peter Le, Ext. 201
[email protected]
Director of Music Ministry
Gail Goodman, Ext. 228
[email protected]
Business Manager
Beth Butler, Ext. 226
[email protected]
Gregg Watson, Ext. 242
[email protected]
Pastoral Associate
Monica Robles, Ext. 223
[email protected]
Administrative Assistant
Yrene Lorenzo, Ext. 234
[email protected]
Sacramental Secretary
Penny Lampe, Ext. 252
[email protected]
Custodial Maintenance
Zlatko Halimic, Ext. 239
Parish News
Do you think you hear God calling you to
share your faith with the young church?
God does not call the qualified, he qualifies the called.
Teaching and Assistance is available to help you be a
good Catechist to the young church. All it takes is a
desire to share God’s love and a willingness to step
outside your comfort zone and share God’s love.
How Do Adults Continue
to Learn About Their Faith?
Sunday 11:45 - 6th and 7th (First Communion classes)
For additional information and to set up an interview to
learn more about these opportunities contact:
Aida Buzeta 678 689-2819 ext 2 for grades 4th or 5th
DeAnna O’Brien 770-939-3501 ext 232
for grades 6th or 7th
Please join us for a Conversation about Adult Faith
Learn about:
Qualities of a mature faith
Sharing faith stories in groups
Value of listening & reflecting
How we learn through talking with others
Sacramental classes in 7th and 8th12 Grades (Sundays or Wednesdays)
ALL are invited!
Catechists earn 2 hours credit toward certification
Saturday September 17 at 10-12 a.m.
Monday September 19 at 7-9 p.m.
Room 7-8 Education Building
For more information contact:
Aida Buzeta 770 939-3501 ext 235
Interested in assisting with Middle School on Sunday nights
Contact DeAnna O’Brien 770 939-3501 ext 232
Interested in working with our growing high school program
Contact Peter Le 770 939-3501 ext 201
RSVP Linda Smith [email protected]
Dear Holy Cross family,
I am overwhelmed by all the love and support
that was given to me from the Holy Cross
community during the illness and death of my
beloved Dad, Robert McKinnon.Thank you to
all who sent a card, posted a facebook
message or email, or most importantly, prayed
for him and us. The prayers held us up through
it all. My Dad's funeral was a fitting tribute to his
life and his faith and we thank each of you who
could be at Corpus Christi Church to share in
the funeral Mass with us. I graciously and
humbly thank you all for everything. We are so
blessed to be part of the Holy Cross family.
With much love and gratitude,
Theresa O'Donnell
Register online ALLEMBRACE.COM
The route is completely wheelchair and stroller accessible.
The non-competitive walk will last about 45 minutes
followed by a short prayer service and butterfly release.
Coffee & Donuts Ministry
We invite you to join us
Sunday, September 11 & 25
Stop by the Parish Hall for doughnuts
immediately following the 7:30 & 9:00am Mass.
This is a great way to meet other families
in the Parish and build community!
Mass Intentions/Intenciones
Sunday/Domingo 9/11
Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
5:00pm Vigil
Viu Vu , Virginia Hahn 
Regina Bienkowski 
6:30pm* Vigilia Leokadja Zielinkski
Don Carlino 
Johnny Ricketts , Mike Daunt 
Leokadja Zielinkski 
Leokadja Zielinkski 
Maria Buzeta 
For the people of Holy Cross/
Por la gente de Holy Cross
Monday/Lunes 9/12
Josephine Egbuonu
Tuesday/Martes 9/13
Memorial of Saint John Chrysostom
Rob & Kelly Thompson
Wednesday/Miércoles 9/14
Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross
All Souls
Leokadja Zielinkski 
Thursday/Jueves 9/15
Memorial of Our Lady of Sorrows
Maegan Larios
Friday/Viernes 9/16 Memorial of Saints Cornelius
Clare Winter 
George Hobson 
In Thanksgiving
Saturday/Sábado 9/17
Dan Sweeney 
5:00pm Vigil
Olivia & Jerome Adler 
Paul Adler 
Sister Jeanette Adler OSB 
Regina Bienkowski 
In Thanksgiving
6:30pm* Vigilia For the people of Holy Cross/
Por la gente de Holy Cross
Guadalupe Barrera Soberanis 
Sunday/Domingo 9/18
Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Bob McKinnon 
In Thanksgiving
Michael Daunt 
Thomas Kunnanah 
Susan Diane Levondowski 
Leokadja Zielinkski 
Olga Della Pia 
Blanche Compton 
Cindy Steele 
*en español
 deceased
Por favor
recuerde en
sus oraciones:
Dr. Susan Tepping, Jan Oliver. Jean
Costello, Joe O’Connor, Joe Smith,
Mary O'Neill, Nancy Pedro, Dr. Dan
Ebersbacher, Paul Stull, Mary Lu
Christiansen, Betsy Hein, George
Hopson, Claudia Whaley, Connie
Bleicher, Jeannie Ranalli, John J.
Millin, George Kovacich, Delores
Hall, Karen Marah, Maya Wright,
Glenda Youngblood, John Joseph,
Betty Spencer, Teodolinda
Hernandez, Sheila Noone, Jim
Bergman, Denise Tripoli Nicolson,
Kerri Brown, Aleyda Reticker, Marion
Van Sertima, Petronilla Rickaby,
Gloria Barco, Rick Odenkirk, Jenny
Westerbeck, Margie Smith, Beverly
Cash, Leroi Basilio, DeAnna
Thomas, Salin and Henry Bllings,
Deli McCarthy, Martin Steiner,
Margherita Maresca, David & Ahas
Crawford, Richard Garvin, Ed Zerrer,
Randy Sharp, Diana Kahres, Dolores
Kolvenbach, Glenda Rogers, Joan
Bjork, Tom Melvin, Andy Aguilar,
Hemona Samuel, Noreen Mastriani,
Edith Leisen & Sue Weiss.
If you would like the name of a loved one
added to our published prayer list, please
call the church office at 770-939-3501, or
email your request to
[email protected].
Individuals will be kept on our prayer list
for six weeks.
Por favor, llame a la oficina parroquial a 770939-3501 si desea poner a un familiar en la
lista de oraciones, también cuando la salud
de alguien mejore o si ellos necesitan ser
removidos de la lista. También nos puede
mandar un mensaje por correo electrónico a
[email protected].
Parish News
Al igual que Jesús pertenecemos al mundo
viviendo no para nosotros, sino para los demás.
New RCIA Classes
Have Begun
10:30 a.m., Room 7-8
(Religious Education Bldg.)
Are You Curious About he Catholic Faith?
God created us out of love, and wants us to freely love Him
in return. After our first parents sinned, the Father
continued in His plan to draw us into full relationship with
Him. This plan was accomplished by sending His only Son to
free us from the slavery of sin and reconcile us to Himself.
Are you interested in learning more about the Catholic
tradition? Holy Cross RCIA will share the truths of the
Catholic faith and the fellowship of our Church family.
September 30, October 1-2, 2016
Do you live with the self-condemnation of abortion?
Do you think there is no forgiveness?
Do you live with anxiety, fear, panic, and depression?
“O send out thy light and thy truth; let them lead me, let them
bring me to thy holy hill and to thy dwelling!” – Psalm 43:3
Good News! God desires you to be healed and whole.
He wants you to be joyful again. Good News! We can
“You move us to delight in praising You; for You have formed us
for Yourself, and our hearts are restless till they find rest in You.”
– St. Augustine, “Confessions”
Come to our next Rachel’s Vineyard Retreat,
September 30, October 1-2, 2016. PATH (Post Abortion
Treatment and Healing) will be facilitating a weekend long
retreat where broken hearts can be rebuilt, renewed,
redeemed. Give yourself the gift of Freedom and God's
For information about joining the class, come to Room 7-8 at
10:30 a.m. or contact Cindy Durham:
(404) 713-9117 or [email protected]
For more information visit our website at:
Or call: 404-717-5557
Parish News
Our Lady’s Rosary Makers of Holy Cross will be distributing rosaries and accepting
donations for our ministry at all Masses on Sunday, September 18th.
Our rosaries are being distributed to groups, ministries and missions.
For information please contact Noemi Joseph at 404-553-4168.
El grupo de elaboración de rosarios de Holy Cross estará distribuyendo rosarios
aceptando donaciones para nuestro ministerio en todas las Misas el
Domingo 18 de Septiembre.
Nuestros rosarios han sido distribuidos a grupos, ministerios, y misiones.
Para mas información comuníquese con Noemi Joseph al 404-553-4168.
2016 - 2017 Year of Holy Cross Women's Club will begin on Monday, Sept.19, from 7 -9 pm in the Parish Hall
with a Kick Off PARTY meeting. You won't want to miss it. ALL women of the parish are invited.
A brainstorming team has been enthusiastically meeting for the last few weeks to come up with fun and new
ideas for Women's Club this year. Come be part of the excitement! Bring your friends!
Our first meeting will include dinner and wine, prayer, entertainment by our own Caroline Camick, discussion
of events planned for the year, volunteer opportunities, and time to socialize
and meet new friends.
Being part of Women's Club gives you a chance to:
* Get involved in your parish
* Meet women who share your faith, struggles, challenges, and joys
* Enjoy fun activities with other women and families
* Pray with and for those in need
* Be of service to our community
* Share your gifts and talents with others
* Begin planning for the Parish-wide Square Dance on October 29
If you can come to the meeting on Sept 19, please RSVP to Theresa O'Donnell
@ [email protected] so we know how many tables and how much food
to provide.
For more info or to share ideas, contact Co-Presidents, Theresa O'Donnell,
[email protected], or Dee Dee Werner770-344-7244
Stewardship & Parish News
September 17 & 18 Second Collection
Friends of St. Martin de Porres
Friends of St. Martin is a Holy Cross ministry
dedicated to feeding the homeless and needy in the
Atlanta area. This is an all-volunteers non-profit
ministry funded by the generosity of
Holy Cross parishioners.
Because of the Labor Day holiday,
the September 3 & 4 offering and second collect
offering amount will be reported in our next bulletin
Thank you for your continued generosity!
Gracias por tu generosidad.
September Second Collect
Segundo septiembre Collect
September 17 & 18
Friends of St Martin/Amigos de San Martín
September 24 & 25
ARCH - Saint Vincent DePaul Society
ARCO - San Vicente De Paul Sociedad
17 septiembre y 18
de Segunda Colección
Amigos de San Martin de Porres
Los Amigos de San Martín es un
ministerio de Holy Cross dedicado
a la alimentación de las personas
sin hogar y a los necesitados en el
área de Atlanta. Es un ministerio de
voluntarios sin fines de lucro y
depende de la generosidad de los
feligreses de Holy Cross.
In the First Reading from the Book of Exodus, God speaks to Moses. In the midst of revealing to Moses what the
Israelites have done and how they have violated His trust in them, the Lord says, “I see how stiff-necked this people is.”
As is often the case in Holy Scripture, the term “stiff-necked” has a basis in agriculture, and one with which we may not
be familiar.
Farmers at that time used the term “stiff-necked” to describe an ox or horse which did not respond to directions. When
an animal like that would not move and resisted direction, the animal tended to stiffen and
freeze, thus the term “stiff-necked” for one who is stubborn and uncooperative.
God may consider us to be stiff-necked at times, might He not? In spite of the Lord’s appeals
to us to trust Him and to follow Him, we sometimes stiffen and resist. Usually we do that
because following the Lord may prove uncomfortable for us. God’s terms for us and His
expectations of us may sometimes seem unreasonable and even impossible.
Yet, that is the challenge of living stewardship as a way of life. It is not always easy, and it may
put us in positions where we feel uncomfortable and even vulnerable. Moses pleads the case
for his people to God and the Lord responds to Moses’ plea, his prayer, and Scripture tells us
“So the Lord relented in the punishment.” We do need to trust the Lord, and we do need to
pray to Him, as He will respond with love and mercy.
Grounds Ministry needs helpers:
We are blessed with a beautiful campus thanks to the
efforts of our parishioners. Won’t you consider giving
a few hours one Saturday morning per month and help
us maintain the church grounds? If you want more
information on how you can help us, please contact
Gregg Watson at [email protected]
or call 770-939-3501 ext. 242.
Knights of Columbus Breakfast
Sunday, September 18
Join us for breakfast after the 7:30am &
9:00am Masses. Come hungry!
Deje que los Caballeros de Colón
le sirvan
El Domingo 18 de
Los Caballeros de Colón
estarán sirviendo un
desayuno caliente
después de las misas de
7:30am y 9:00am.
El Ministerio del Jardín necesita ayudantes:
Hemos sido bendecidos con unas instalaciones
hermosas, gracias a los esfuerzos de nuestros
feligreses. Si desea colaborar un sábado al mes con un
par de horas en la mañana y ayudar a mantener los
jardines de la iglesia, puede ponerse en contacto con el
Sr. René Hernández al 770-939-3501 ext. 242.
Parish News
The Joy of Hobbies is a club for
people with every, any,
and no hobbies!
If you like to knit, sew, or just
want to connect with fellow
parishioners, you are welcome!
Join us at our opening on
Wednesday, September 14 from 10:00a.m to
12:00p.m. in classroom 9/10.
Contact Carole Kissel for more information:
Roundtable Discussions, plus DVD Study
Doors of Mercy:
7:30 - 9:15 pm
Tues, Sept 20 - Nov 15
Thurs, Sept 22 - Nov 12
7:30 - 9:15 pm
(No classes during Holy Wek)
Tues, Jan 3 - May 9
Thurs, Jan 5 - May 11
La Alegría del Pasatiempo es un club para personas
con uno, dos, ó ¡ningún pasatiempo!
Si te gusta tejer, coser, o simplemente quieres
conectar con otros feligreses, ¡eres bienvenido!
Únete al club este Miércoles 14 de Septiembre
de las 10:00a.m. a las 12:00 p.m en el salon 9/10.
Para mayor información, contacta a Carole Kisser
al 770-934-1736.
Holy Cross Catholic Church
The Story of God's Mercy is long and
fascinating. In Luke, we encounter the Savior
who has arrived. But the Savior was promised
long before. In Doors of Mercy, we learn about
this promise, and how God prepared a people
to receive Him over thousands of years.
Discover why this period in history is a
special “time of Mercy”
Prepare to receive the graces of this
Extraordinary Jubilee Year
Experience a closer relationship with God
and fellow parishioners
Explore how God shows mercy to His people
– from Adam and Eve to the Israelites to the
early Christians to the faithful today and
learn about the Covenants of the Bibles
Create an action plan to bring mercy to
others each week
COST: $65 for the two-part study if
registered by Sept. 4 ($70 after)
Includes Study Guide. No refunds.
Scholarship assistance is available.
$25 per person for the 8-week Doors of
Mercy Study ($30 after Sept. 4) and
$40 per person for the 18-week Luke Study
Additional materials you will need: A Bible
(New American Bible or Revised Standard
Version – Catholic Edition recommended) and
The Catechism of the Catholic Church (both
available online).
Questions and requests for scholarship
assistance should be addressed to:
Tues Study – Teresa Vigil at (404) 805-1656 or
[email protected]
Thurs Study - Cindy Durham at (404) 713-9117
or [email protected]
General Information / Información General
Parish Office/Oficina Parroquial: 770-939-3501, 9am-4pm
Faith Formation/Formación en la Fe: 678-689-2819
Mass Times/Horario de Misas
Monday - Saturday/Lunes a Sábado:
Burmese Mass (1st and 3rd Sunday)
Saturday / Sábado
5:00pm Vigil
6:30pm Spanish/
Vigilia Español
7:30am, 9:00am, 11:30am,
1:15pm Spanish/Español
3:00pm Burmese
After 9:15am Mass or
by appointment.
Después de la Misa de las
9:15am o con cita.
Parish Office Hours/Horas de la Oficina Parroquial
Monday - Friday/Lunes a Viernes:
9:00am - 4:00pm
Hearing-Impaired Devices
Available at all weekend Masses:
Personal hearing devices are available to
assist those attending liturgies.
If you would like to use one,
please visit the Welcome Desk.
Baptism Under 6 Years of Age
Parents are required to be members of the parish for at least six months and are
required to complete a preparation program. NEXT CLASS WILL BE SEPTEMBER
24th AT 9AM. Call the parish office to reserve a space in the Baptism class, held
quarterly. Baptisms are celebrated on the third Saturday of the month at 11:00 am.
(No baptisms during Lent)
Marriage: This sacrament requires completion of a marriage preparation
program (generally five to six months in length), as well as other notifications. You
must also be a registered member of the church for three months before securing a
calendar date for your wedding. Please contact the parish office for more information.
Anointing of the Sick: Parishioners must notify the parish office to receive a
communion visitation or anointing by a priest in the home or hospital.
Bautismos para niños menores de 6 años: Las charlas o pláticas
Bautismales son el primero y segundo miércoles del mes (puede variar según
calendario parroquial). Los bautismos se celebran en grupo el tercer sábado de
cada mes a las 12pm. Requisitos: Los padres deben estar registrados en la
Parroquia 3 meses mínimo antes de la celebración del Bautismo, asistir a 2
pláticas y entregar acta de nacimiento del niño/a. Los Padrinos deben asistir a 2
pláticas bautismales y presentar constancia de elegibilidad como padrino
“Sponsor Letter” firmada por el párroco de su parroquia. Todos los documentos,
junto con el formulario “Registro Bautismal” deben ser presentados en la primera
plática. Para más información, en la mesa de bienvenida puede encontrar el
formulario y fechas de las celebraciones. (No hay clases bautismales durante
Cuaresma Febrero 10 a Marzo 20)
Presentaciones (No es un Sacramento): Para niños y niñas de 40 días o de 3
años de edad. Completar el formulario “Solicitud de Presentación” para el jueves
anterior a la Presentación. Los niños de 3 años deben estar bautizados.
Matrimonios: Como requisito deben completar una preparación matrimonial
y ser miembros de la parroquia por no menos de 6 meses. Para mas información,
comuníquese con Monica Robles al 770-939-3501, ext. 223
Unción de los Enfermos: Si tiene un familiar enfermo o conocido, puede
llamar para que el Sacerdote o un Ministro Extraordinario de la Comunión lo visite.
Para mas información comuníquese con el Fr. Abelardo Huanca al 770-939-3501,
Ext. 225. Lo visitaremos y oraremos por él.
The next two English speaking
baptismal preparation classes will be
Saturday, September 24, 2016
from 9:00 – 11:00 am and
Saturday, November 19, 2016
from 9:00 – 11:00 am.
Rooms 9-10 in the School of Religion.
For information and to register for the
class, please call Penny Lampe
at 770-939-3501 ext. 252
or email her
at [email protected] .
Bereavement Support:
The Holy Cross Bereavement Support
Group meets the first Tuesday of the month
at 1:30pm in the Assembly Room. Holy
Cross hosts this support group for the
recently bereaved or anyone having
difficulty with the loss of a loved one. Being
with others who are walking the same path
of loss is a help to many. If you are
interested in being part of this new group,
please drop-in to our meeting or contact
Al or Elaine McNeil at 770-935-4993.
Families in Faith - The Challenge of the Word
September 11th is one of those defining moments in the life of Americans. It takes its place among other
hallowed dates: the bombing of Pearl Harbor, and the assassinations of President John Kennedy and Rev. Martin
Luther King Jr. Ask those alive at that time where they were, what the weather was like, who was with them,
and they are able to tell you. Such experiences form us as a people, but it is a deep sorrow that such communal
moments--so strong that they mark our psyche--are moments of great violence and often terrible carnage.
How does our faith and the good news of the Gospel help us understand and live in the face of such
tragedies? How does mercy, so much a part of the Scriptures and the very nature of God, live in these times?
There is no one easy response. Certainly the Scriptures offer comfort for those who have lost loved ones. We are
reminded that God cares for his creation, holds it in the palm of his hand, raises up the fallen on the wings of
eagles, drawing them close to his eternal life. We hear from the great prophets that God hears the cries of the
widow and orphan, that he hears the voice of the afflicted and that he will act to bring justice. Time and again
we are reminded that our God is not impotent. He acts on behalf of his people, that he will destroy all evil.
Still, amidst this comfort is the challenge of the Word. In passages hard to hear and nearly impossible to
embrace, we are told, vengeance belongs to the Lord, turn the other cheek, love your enemy or at the very least
forgive those who have wronged you, and do good to those who hate you. It can seem utter nonsense and
impractical to take this path, yet we cannot cling to the comfort of God's holy word without receiving its
How we live this challenge as a nation founded on Judeo-Christian values and as faithful disciples of Jesus is
the call of the Gospel. How we remember and what we do to honor those who died is a window into our trust in
God and our desire to be disciples of his beloved son, Jesus. Hatred, anger, and resentment, while certainly
natural responses fail to accept that God has another way. As we gather Sunday morning, may the memory of
this day and other days of tragedy, cause us to turn not to ways of violence and hatred but to God who makes all
things new, who even now is wiping away all tears, raising up the dead to new life and calling us to his kingdom
of justice and peace. May our allegiances be to him as we live in God's mercy, sharing this mercy with all. In
this struggle may our hearts know his joy and peace.
Louanne Bachner

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