Play “Find the Hidden Workers”


Play “Find the Hidden Workers”
Find the Hidden Opportunities
Open the page to play “Find the Hidden
Workers.” Learn how Career & Technical
Education prepares your child for careers
in 16 different Career Clusters.
Find these hidden workers
Tree Surgeon
Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources
Architecture & Construction
Camera Operator
Arts, A/V Technology & Communications
Business Manager
Business, Management & Administration
Education & Training
Bank Teller
Military Officer
Government & Public Administration
Health Science
Hospitality & Tourism
Child Care Worker
Human Services
Web Designer
Information Technology
Police Officer
Law, Public Safety, Corrections & Security
Robotics Technician
Marketing, Sales & Service
Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics
Transportation, Distribution & Logistics
Learn more about CTE from:
Elizabeth M. Russell, Director, Office of Career & Technical
Education Services, Virginia Department of Education,
[email protected]
Virginia PTA supports Career and
Technical Education and believes it’s
never too early to begin helping your
child plan for a career.
The Purposes of the PTA
• To promote the welfare of the children and youth
in home, school, community, and place of worship.
• To raise the standards of home life.
• To secure adequate laws for the care and protection of children and youth.
• To bring into closer relation the home and the
school, that parents and teachers may cooperate intelligently in the education of children and
• To develop between educators and the general
public such united efforts as will secure for all
children and youth the highest advantages in
physical, mental, social, and spiritual education.
Él Propósito de la PTA
• Mejorar el bienestar de los niños y los jóvenes
en el hogar, la escuela, la comunidad y el lugar
de adoración religiosa.
• Elevar el nivel de la vida hogareña.
• Conseguir leyes adecuadas para el cuidado y
protección de los niños y los jóvenes.
• Estrechar las relaciones entre el hogar y la
escuela para que padres y maestros puedan
cooperar en forma inteligente en la educación
del niño.
• Desarrollar entre los educadores y el público
en general esfuerzos comunes que aseguren
a todos los niños las mayores ventajas en su
educación física, mental, social y espiritual.
Learn more about Virginia PTA from:
Stella Y. Edwards, Education Chairman, Virginia PTA
[email protected]
“Find the Hidden
Help Your Child
Learn About Careers
Career Education in
Elementary School?
It’s not too soon!
How can you help your child?
1. Learn about the opportunities
your child will have in Career &
Technical Education.
2. Encourage your child’s curiosity.
Help your child learn through play.
Take an interest in computers and
3. Introduce your child to careers
and the world of work around
Every child,
many possibilities
Career & Technical Education

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