April 17, 2016 The Joy of St. Agatha Family 17 de Abril de 2016 La


April 17, 2016 The Joy of St. Agatha Family 17 de Abril de 2016 La
April 17, 2016
The Joy of St. Agatha Family
17 de Abril de 2016
La Alegría de Nuestra Familia
his Sunday celebrates Jesus as “the Good Shepherd.” When announcing this Jubilee Year of
Mercy, Pope Francis focused on Jesus’ “lost
sheep” parable in Luke. “[Who] among you,” Jesus asks,
“having a hundred sheep and losing one of them would
not leave the ninety-nine in the desert and go after the
lost one until he finds it?” (Luke 15:4). A reasonable answer? “No responsible shepherd who wants to keep the
job!” Yet Jesus considers one lost person supremely important and suggests blaming the shepherd. The sheep
didn’t “go astray,” the shepherd “lost” it. Thus, “when
he does find it, he sets it on his shoulders with great
joy” (15:5). That tender image of Jesus adorns the simple cross Pope Francis has always worn, the Good Shepherd gently carrying the lost sheep home on his shoulders. During this Jubilee Year of Mercy, may we, who
once were lost ourselves but now are found, join Jesus in
seeking, finding, and gently carrying home at least one
precious lamb.
—Peter Scagnelli, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co., Inc.
ste domingo se celebra a Jesús como “el Buen
Pastor”. Cuando el Papa Francisco anunció este
Año Jubilar de la Misericordia, se meditó a Jesús
en la parábola de Lucas de “la oveja perdida”, “¿Qué
hombre de ustedes, si tiene cien ovejas y una de ellas se
pierde, no deja las noventa y nueve en el campo y va tras
la que está perdida hasta que la encuentra?” (Lucas
15:4). ¿Cuál sería una posible respuesta? “Un pastor responsable que quiera cuidar su buen nombre”. Sin embargo, Jesús considera a una persona que esté perdida, sumamente importante y sugiere culpar al pastor. La oveja
no “se extravió”, el pastor la “perdió”. Así que “al encontrarla, la pone sobre sus hombros, gozoso” (15:5).
Esa es la imagen compasiva de la cruz pectoral que usa
el Papa Francisco, el Buen Pastor llevando sobre sus
hombres a la oveja perdida a casa. Durante este Año Jubilar de la Misericordia, que nosotros, que también nosotros estuvimos perdidos pero fuimos encontrados, unámonos a Jesús a buscan, encontrar y llevar con cuidado a
casa al menos a una oveja perdida.
—Peter Scagnelli, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co., Inc.
Save the Date: Parish Picnic will be on
Sunday, July 17th, 2016.
-Alfio Mazzei
-Alicia Jimenez Bravo
-Andres Luna
-Arlasha Allen
-Barbara Harvey
-Bonita Sanderlin
-Camille Jones
-Carlos Antonio Vasquez
-Christina Paul
-Damacio Horta
-Dulce Maria E. Saviñon
-Dustin, Gabriel,
Carmelo, and Jorge
-Devina Molette-Ford
-Dominique Barksdale
-Edwin Raland
-Edwin Rivas
-Elsa Perez
-Elvia Herrera
-Ethel Lamirault
-Feliciana Escobedo
-Fredia Sanderlin
-Gabriel y Miralda Tahan
-Giovanni Garcia
-Gladys Green
-Glen Arellano
-Gloria Sanguillen
-Guadalupe Morales
-Irene Romo
-Jack & Michael Stokes
-Joan McLaughlin
-Juan Madariaga
-Juan Moreno
-Juanita Orozco
-Juanita Rubalcava
-Julia Ureña
-Linda Guillian
-Lisa Gallardo
-Lorraine Duperon
-Lucy Rodriguez
-Margaret Alexander
-Maria Jimenez
-Maria Luna
-Mariana Reynoso
-Marlene Debora
-Michelle Porter
-Miguel Alfredo Piliado
-Nicole Michelle
-Norma Barker
-Nyniece Micheaou
Anote el día: Nuestro Día de Campo Parroquial será el domingo, 17 de julio de 2016.
-Oscar Barbosa
-Pam Terry
-Peggy Anderson
-Penelope Mendoza
-Rafael Segura
-Ramon Jimenez Andrade
-Ramon Reyes
-Raymond Almeida
-Rene Jacques Hunton
-Rev. Francis Cassidy
-Ricardo Morales
-Rita N. Ashe
-Robert Johnson
-Rosa Diaz
-Rose Thierry
-Sophie Demarcos
-Sergio Villanueva
-Sevarina Legaspi
-Silvia Esquivel
-Sylvia Smyles
-Timothy Akens
-Teri Lanham
-Terry Ally Sr.
-Virginia Gadison
“If people would do for God what they do
for the world, my dear people, what a
great number of Christians would go to
Heaven! But if you dear children, had to
pass three or four hours praying in a
Church, as you pass them at a dance or in
a cabaret, how heavily the world would
press upon you.”
- St John Vianney
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To build and foster a Christian Community that offers
the opportunity to experience God’s unconditional love
and acceptance to all who come into contact with it.
Construir y alimentar una Comunidad Cristiana que ofrece
la oportunidad de experimentar el amor incondicional de
Dios y la aceptación a todos con quienes nos encontremos.
hen I get home at night and call my dog's
name, he comes running because he
recognizes it. This is the intimacy Jesus
describes in today's Gospel. Such is the intimacy Jesus
seeks with all who believe in him.
In the second reading we hear how the Jews
of Antioch could not accept the truth about Jesus and
how salvation is given to all. They could not be
inclusive. We know that Jesus opened his arms wide
and accepted all as did the Apostles, and as does the
Church today. God's love is inclusive of all. If
God is that welcoming, can we be any less?
It is hard to believe we at the middle of
April already. This year is just flying past us. Just
want to remind you that our Parish Festival will
be coming soon, early June. The ticket committee
will be out and about next week-end with the
raffle tickets and you will soon see our candidates
outside of Church as well. I hope that you will be able
to support them by purchasing tickets to help them
win and in the long run, help the Church.
uando llego a casa le llamo a mi perrito y viene
corriendo hacia mí cuando me reconoce. Ésta
es la intimidad que Jesús nos dice en el
Evangelio, y esa es la intimidad que Jesús nos pide a
cada uno de nosotros.
Have a blessed week,
Sr. Karen Collier
Que tengan una semana bendecida,
Hermana Karen Collier
Join the Plus $1 Club
Están Invitados al Club Más $1
A few parishioners have started the Plus $1 Club
where they have increased their weekly donations to +
$1. For example, one parishioner generally would donate $30 a week, now he is donating $31 a week. The
operation of the church is covered by your donations,
and a creative idea such as the $1 Club could bring up
the church collection and allow us to continue the
work and mission of our church. Thank you for your
Algunos parroquianos han comenzado el Club de Más
$1 donde han incrementado sus donaciones +$1. Por
ejemplo, un parroquiano siempre ha donado $30 a la
semana ahora dona $31 a la semana. Como saben, los
gastos de la iglesia son cubiertos por las colectas dominicales, una idea creativa como el Club Más $1 es una
buena manera de incrementar nuestra colecta y así seguir con la misión y le trabajo de la iglesia . ¡Gracias
por considerar esta idea.
“As each one has received a
special gift, employ it in
serving one another as good
stewards of the manifold
grace of God. “
- 1 Peter 4:10
En la segunda lectura escuchamos cómo los judíos no
pudieron aceptar la verdad de la salvación de Jesús.
No pudieron incluir a todos. Sabemos que Jesús abrió
sus brazos y aceptó a todos, así como los apóstoles y
la Iglesia de hoy. El amor de Dios incluye a
todos. Si Dios nos invita a todos, ¿podríamos
hacer lo mismo?
Es difícil creer que ya estamos a mediados de
abril, se va muy pronto el tiempo. Recuerden
que nuestro Festival se aproxima en junio. El
equipo de la rifa estarán vendiendo y
repartiendo boletos de la rifa. Espero que nos puedan
ayudar comprando y vendiendo boletos.
Sunday, April 10, 2016
Online Giving
Sunday, April 3, 2016
Online Giving
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"Que todos, como buenos
administradores de los
múltiples dones de Dios,
pongan al servicio de los demás el don que recibieron"
-1 Pedro 4:10
Faith Sharing Group
Meditation Group
This faith sharing group will
continue to explore and discuss the
book "Faith Beyond Resentment:
Fragments Catholic and Gay" by
James Alison. This group is open to
everyone interested in sharing their
experiences. We would like to extend a special invitation to those in
our community that are struggling with feeling God's
love because they may be from the LGBT community
or have a child, friend or sibling who may be from the
LGBT community. All Are Welcome!
We are offering a 6 week, one hour a week evening
course on Christian Meditation. This group exists for the
sole purpose of support and encouragement for continuing
a daily meditation practice in one's own life. The teaching is
based on that of the World Community for Christian
This group will meet on Tuesday's from 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
in the Pastoral Center Conference Room starting Tuesday,
April 19th.
To RSVP or if you have any
questions please contact: Lucy
Palermino at (323) 402-0797 or by
email: [email protected]
This group will meet on Sunday's from 11:30 am
to 1:00 pm in the Pastoral Center Conference Room
starting Sunday, April 17th. If you have any questions
please contact Gilbert Dorado at (323) 397-7347 or by
email: [email protected].
For any general questions or if you
would like to facilitate a faith sharing group please contact: Gilbert
Dorado at (323) 397-7347 or by
email: [email protected]
Year of Mercy Group
New Testament Reflection Group
This group will read, discuss and reflect on the book
entitled "BE MERCIFUL" by Bill Huebsch. In calling us
to reflect on the traditional works of mercy, Pope Francis
stands in the very center of the Christian message. He has
asked the whole church to reflect
on the Spiritual and Corporal
Works of Mercy as a way of making mercy real in our everyday
This group will meet on Thursday's
from 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm in the
Guadalupe Room starting Thursday, April 21st.
To RSVP or if you have any questions please contact: Natalie Roberts at (925) 818-6816 or by
email: [email protected]
Come join us as we reflect and share on the New
Testament. We are called to encounter God in the
Word as it holds the keys to knowing HIM intimately.
This group will meet on Thursday's from 7:00 pm 8:30 pm in the San Martin de
Porres Room starting
Thursday, April 28th.
To RSVP or if you have any
questions please contact: Gina
Johnson at (818) 466-4048.
For any general questions or
if you would like to facilitate
a faith sharing group please
contact: Gilbert Dorado at
(323) 397-7347 or by email:
[email protected]
St. Agatha’s Youth Ministry Updates
The Youth Ministry would like to give thanks to everyone that came and supported our
TAIZÉ prayer this past Friday. A very special thanks to Gilbert Dorado.
You can now follow us on Instragram and Snapchat for
more activities and announcements to come.
Instragram: @st.agathasyouth
Snapchat: stagathayouth
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Support our sponsors in the back of the bulletin.
Thanks to them our bulletins are in full
color! If you know a business that would like
to advertise, please call or email:
Enrique Reyes,
(323) 935-8127, [email protected]
Apoye a nuestros bienhechores atrás de este
boletín, gracias a ellos, tenemos un boletín
a color. Si conoce un negocio que podría
patrocinar, favor de contactar a:
Enrique Reyes
(323) 935-8127, [email protected].
Clases de Ingles Para Adultos en
Cienega Elementary
Eat Pray Move Health Survey and Health
Screening is Coming to St. Agatha's
¡Venga a estudiar con nosotros! ¡Gratis!
Hable en ingles con los maestros de sus hijos.
Ayude a sus hijos con su tarea. Prepárese para el trabajo
o para la entrevista de ciudadanía.
On Sunday May 22, 2016, from 8am to 12noon, there will
be a FREE follow up Health Screening and Health Survey
for participating congregants at St. Agatha’s in the Parish
Hall. Please drop by to find out if you and your child are
eligible to participate. The event is FREE and voluntary.
St. Agatha's is collaborating with RAND and Los Angeles
Metropolitan Churches (LAM) on this study to help support healthy eating and exercise environments at church
and in the community. More details to come.
Lunes, miércoles y jueves, de 11:30 am—2:15 pm
y martes, de 10:30 am—1:15 pm, en el salón 9.
¡Inscríbase ahora! Para mas información
llame al (323) 732-0153.
Cienega Elementary 2611 S. Orange Drive
Los Angeles CA 90016
Have fun and move your feet to the beat at a Zumba
class Thursday evenings, at 6:30 pm in the Guadalupe
Room. All experience levels are welcome. $3 suggested donation. See you there! ChooseMyPlate.gov
April 30— OPEN
Thank you Gricelda and the
Youth Group for the entire donation of the meal, Carole for chips
and soup. Mr. Rincon brought 8
boxes of organic white potatoes
in the produce this week. Azalie
and Lisa peeled and cut the potatoes for French fries, John D
fried the potatoes, Catherine and
Zachary put them in the boats to
serve and Jennifer served them
to the guests. These were a big
old hit on a cloudy rainy afternoon. The guests must have put
the word out that we were serving fries we had a lot of breathless runners coming in for "some
of those potatoes". Our new
volunteer, Chris, has taken over
ownership for the prep, set and
Linda F and Family
clean up on Saturday. We are
grateful to God our provider for
blessing our outreach ministry
with these saints and wingless
Venga a divertirse y a moverse al ritmo de la música en
la clase de Zumba, los jueves a las 6:30pm en el salón
Guadalupe de la iglesia Santa Agatha.. Sugerimos una
donación de $3. ¡Nos vemos allá!ChooseMyPlate.gov
April 23— 8:30 & 10 AM Choirs Contact:: Yvonne Shoulders
Sixth prize:
GIVING. For those who wish to
begin the day sitting on the Placita Area and enjoying the atmosphere, we will have the area
set up.
On May 8th, from 8am-2pm, we
will have a Mother's Day Bake
Sale and Raffle. The proceeds
will be used to sustain the ministry and to provide for the ministries up coming events in the
church; Graduation reception for
the class of 2016 and the reception for the St. Agatha’s Diamond Elders on September 25th.
Raffle items are:
First prize:
Second prize:
Third prize:
Thank you for praying with us
Fourth prize:
each day for all of God's famGOLD ROSARY NECKLACE
ily. Through our faith we have
Fifth prize:
5 Page | www.stagthas.org
been able to accept that we are
all not the same but that we
share the same heavenly Father
each other with love, dignity and
respect. We pray that the warriors who are storming heaven's
gates with prayers for unity and
peace everywhere on earth touch
the souls, hearts and stimulant
hope for the receivers of your
actions. ALL OF US CAN
LIFE. Amen
Please continue with all the
prayer warriors everywhere to
storm heavens gates with prayers
for unity and peace everywhere
on this earth Amen
Best Buy Card
Dinner for two at Ugo
Restaurant in Culver City
Please help us sell our Raffle Tickets. They are NOW
available. Our Raffle is the biggest fundraiser during
our International Festival.
Thank you for your continuous support.
Por favor ayúdenos a vender boletos. Nuestra Rifa es lo
que más recauda fondos en nuestro
Festival Internacional.
Gracias por su apoyo continuo.
Save the Date:
Our International Festival will be on
June 10, 11, and 12, 2016
Anote el día:
Nuestro Festival Internacional
será el 10, 11 y 12 de 2016.
Booth Sponsors
□ $25.00
□ $50.00
St. Agatha’s International Festival
June 10, 11 and 12, 2016
□ $75.00
□ $100.00
□ $200.00
Patrocinadores de Puesto
□ $300.00
□ Other______
NAME: ____________________________________ TELEPHONE: ___________________________
ADDRESS: ______________________________________________________□ Check □ Cash
If you are a sponsor your name will be
placed on a booth the day of the Festival
 Bring your donation after mass
 Mail or bring your donation to the office
Checks: St Agatha Festival
Si usted es un patrocinador su nombre se
pondrá en un puesto el día del Festival
 Traiga su donación después de misa
 Envíe por correo o traiga su donación
Cheques: St Agatha Festival
6 Page | www.stagthas.org
Pastoral Staff Directory
Saturday April 16 ╬ Sábado 16 de Abril
5:30 p.m.
Our St. Agatha’s Parish Family
Sunday April 17 ╬ Domingo 17 de Abril
Pastoral Office (323) 935-8127
(323) 743-8127 (text messages)
St. Agatha's Web: www.stagathas.org
Acts 13:14, 43-52 / Rv 7:9, 14b-17 / Jn 10:27-30
7:00 a.m.
Manuel Antelmo Ramos García
- A petición de su esposa y hijos
7:00 a.m.
Brenda Cordero (Cumpleaños)
- A petición de Fátima y la familia Cordero
8:30 a.m.
Toribia Garcia †
- Requested by Florina Garcia
8:30 a.m.
Derik Cayetano †
- Requested by Florina Garcia
10:00 a.m.
Marcus Jacques (Happy Birthday!)
- Requested by parish family
10:00 a.m.
Bob Reimann (Happy Birthday!)
Sr. Karen Collier
Parish Life Director
Ext. 227
[email protected]
Fr. Ernest Pathi
Student Priest
Ext. 223
[email protected]
Dn. Ricardo Recinos
Parish Deacon
(323) 935-1308
[email protected]
Enrique Reyes
Parish Business Manager
Ext. 224
[email protected]
Teresa Amezcua
Director of Faith Formation
(323) 933-0963
[email protected]
Gricelda de la Cerda
Youth Ministry
Ext. 240
[email protected]
Emmanuel Montenegro
Ext. 221
[email protected]
Eddie Hilley
Music Ministry Director
(323) 935-2853
[email protected]
- Requested by family and friends
10:00 a.m.
Jeannine Martinez †
- Requested by the SHARE Ministry
10:00 a.m.
Leanore Frazier †
- Requested by Marilee Frazier (Choir Member)
12:15 p.m.
12:15 p.m.
Juan Manuel Madueño †
Mario Efraín Valdez Reyes †
- A petición de Teresita Velarde
12:15 p.m.
Otilia Manzo †, Estanilado Manzo †,
Benjamín Manzo † y Rosa Díaz †
- A petición de la familia Manzo
5:30 p.m.
Our St. Agatha’s Parish Family
Monday, April 18 ╬ Lunes 18 de Abril
Acts 11:1-18 / Jn 10:1-10
Dulce maria E. Saviñon
(Health & Well being)
6:30 p.m.
- Requested by Alejandra Jimenez
Pastoral Office Hours
Monday - Friday • Lunes - Viernes
10:00 am – 12:00 pm & 1:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Saturday • Sábado
9:00 am - 12:00 pm & 1:00 pm - 5:30 pm
Tuesday, April 19 ╬ Martes 19 de Abril
Acts 11:19-26 / Jn 10:22-30
6:30 p.m.
Mass Times / Tiempos de Misa
Nuestra Familia Parroquial
Wednesday, April 20 ╬ Miércoles 20 de Abril
Acts 12:24—13:5a / Jn 12:44-50
8:00 a.m.
Anita Cormier & Company (Safe Travels)
- Requested by Anita Cormier
Thursday, April 21 ╬ Jueves 21 de Abril
Mon: 6:30pm (En) Tues: 6:30pm (Sp)
Wed: 8:00am (En) Thurs: 6:30pm (Sp)
Fri: 6:30pm (Bl) Sat: 5:30pm (En/Vigil)
Sun: 7:00am (Sp), 8:30am (En)
10:00am (En/Gospel) 12:15pm (Sp) 5:30pm (En)
Confession / Confesiones
Acts 13:13-25 / Jn 13:16-20
6 30 p.m.
Servicio de Comunión
Saturday/Sábado: 4:40pm
Friday, April 22 ╬ Viernes 22 de Abril
Acts 13:26-33 / Jn 14:1-6
6:30 p.m.
Our St. Agatha’s Parish Family
Next Sunday Readings
-Fifth Sunday of Easter
April 17, 2016
Acts 14:21-27 / Rv 21:1-5a / Jn 13:31-33a, 34-35
Submit a bulletin Announcement
[email protected]
[email protected]
7 Page | www.stagthas.org

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Bulletin, May 15, 2016

Bulletin, May 15, 2016 Check in at St. Agatha’s Facebook Page! Save the Date: Parish Picnic will be on Sunday, July 17th, 2016. -Alfio Mazzei -Alicia Jimenez Bravo -Andres Luna -Arlasha Allen -Barbara Harvey -Bonita Sand...

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