St. Clement of Rome Catholic Church
St. Clement of Rome Catholic Church
St. Clement of Rome Catholic Church On West Esplanade Avenue between Cleary & Richland Avenues Volume 35 Number 1 January 3, 2016 PARISH CENTER 4317 Richland Ave. Metairie, LA 70002 Phone: (504) 887-7821 Fax: (504) 454-3906 E-mail: [email protected] PRIESTS Rev. Luis F. Rodriguez, Pastor Johnston, Parochial Vicar Rev. Matthew Peter P. Finney, Parochial Vicar DEACONS David Caldero Carlo Maniglia Robert Pendzimaz Ian Bozant, Intern EUCHARISTIC ADORATION MASS SCHEDULE Our adoration chapel is open 24 hours SATURDAY VIGILfor one4:00 daily. To volunteer hourpm each SUNDAY 8:00 am week, contact the Parish Center. 10:00 am Noon RECONCILIATION / CONFESSIONS 6:00pm pm Wednesday 5:00 – 5:45 MISA EN ESPAÑOL 2:00 pm Saturday 3:00 – 3:45 pm MONDAY-SATURDAY 8:15 am or by appointment TUE / WED / THU 6:00 pm PASTORAL CARE OF THE SICK DEVOTIONS Please notify the Parish Center when a Novena to Our PerpetualorHelp— parishioner is Lady in theofhospital unable after both Masses to Tuesdays attend Mass. Divine Mercy Chaplet—Mon-Sat—7:30 am Holy Rosary, 7:45 am (Cry Room) BAPTISMS Holy Hour—1st 8:15 Children underFridays sevenafter years of am ageMass are Hora Santa—Primeros viernes—7:00 pm baptized on the first and third Saturday of each monthADORATION after the 4:00 pm Mass. EUCHARISTIC Our adoration chapel is open Center 24 hoursto Please contact the Parish daily. To volunteer for one hour each week, schedule an appointment. contact the Parish Center. MATRIMONY RECONCILIATION / CONFESSIONS Contact a parish priest or deacon at Wednesdays 5:00 – 5:45the pm desired least six (6) months before Saturdays wedding date. 3:00 – 3:45 pm or by appointment FUNERALS PASTORAL CARE OF THE SICK Please contact the Parish Center Please notify the Parish Center when a making thehospital final arrangements before parishioner is in the or unable to with funeral home. attendthe Mass. BAPTISMS Children under seven years of age are baptized on the first and third Saturday of each month after the 4:00 pm Mass. Please contact the Parish Center to schedule an appointment. MATRIMONY / WEDDINGS Contact a parish priest or deacon at least six (6) months before the desired wedding date. FUNERALS Please contact the Parish Center before making the final arrangements with the funeral home. PARISH STAFF Cynthia Bird, Operations Manager Kevin Fountain, Maintenance Technician Claire Gallagher, Youth & Young Adult Minister Louis Hackett, Music Director Theresa Laughlin, Administrative Assistant Mickie Morris, Faith Formation & Evangelization Coordinator Gail Stromeyer, Technology Coordinator Patricia Swonger, Office Assistant VISIT US: Twitter@St Clement of Rome PARISH SCHOOL 3978 West Esplanade Ave. Metairie, LA 70002 Phone: 504-888-0386 Fax: 504-885-8273 Dr. Patricia Speeg, Principal Kimberly Downes, Assistant Principal NEW PARISHIONERS — WELCOME! Registration forms are available on the table in back of church or on our website. Facebook “St. Clement of Rome Parish” LOOKING IN THE RIGHT PLACES BUSCAR EN EL LUGAR CORRECTO “Appearances can be deceiving,” as the saying goes. As we celebrate the epiphania, the “appearing” of the eternal Word of God on earth, this is still true. What rapturous foresight must have filled Isaiah as he wrote the words we hear today. How, for four hundred years, they must have filled the hearts of the people of Israel with hope for the day when God’s glory would shine on them. How deceived some must have felt when the glory of God came to them in the lowliest and humblest of human lives. We have many expectations about how the divine presence will appear among us. But we can also set ourselves up, through these expectations, to miss the divine glory when it truly appears. We get caught up in looking for the star, forgetting that the star is not the divine sign, the babe is. It may take a persistent journey for us to come upon the true appearance of God’s glory in our lives: Jesus Christ. “Las apariencias engañan” dice el refrán. Al celebrar la epifanía, la manifestación del Verbo de Dios eterno en la tierra, el refrán sigue siendo cierto. ¡Qué sublime premonición debe haber sentido Isaías al escribir las palabras que hoy escuchamos! Por cuatrocientos años, cómo habrán llenado los corazones del pueblo de Israel con esperanzas de que llegaría el día en que la gloria de Dios se derramaría sobre ellos. ¡Qué desilusionados deben haberse sentido algunos cuando la gloria de Dios les llegó en una vida humana de las más bajas y humildes! Tenemos muchas expectativas de cómo la presencia divina va a manifestarse entre nosotros. Pero también podemos exponernos, por culpa de esas expectativas, a perder de vista la gloria divina cuando se nos aparece de verdad. Nos entretenemos buscando la estrella, y nos olvidamos que la estrella no es la señal divina, sino el bebé. Puede que tengamos que persistir en el camino antes de llegar a encontrarnos con la apariencia real de la gloria de Dios en nuestra vida: Jesucristo. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. Parish Calendar News Monday/Lunes, January 4 7:30 am Divine Mercy Chaplet (Cry Room) 7:45 am Rosary (Cry Room) 8:15 am MASS 7:00 pm Monday Night Disciples (Seton) 7:00 pm Bear Den #2 (Seelos) 7:30 pm Grupo Mariano (Drexel) Tuesday/Martes, January 5 7:00 am Men’s Prayer Group (Seton) 7:30 am Divine Mercy Chaplet (Cry Room) 7:45 am Rosary (Cry Room) 8:15 am MASS 6:00 pm MASS 6:30 pm Girl Scout Troop (Seelos) 6:30 pm Cub Scout Den Leaders (Padua) 8:30 pm Men’s Basketball (Gym) Wednesday/Miércoles, January 6 7:30 am Divine Mercy Chaplet (Cry Room) 7:45 am Rosary (Cry Room) 8:15 am MASS 8:55 am School MASS 2:30 pm Young Elders (Vosbein Hall) 5:00 pm Confessions 6:00 pm MASS 7:00 pm RCIA (Seton) 7:00 pm Legion of Mary (Drexel) 7:30 pm Ensayo—Coro Latino (Padua) 7:30 pm Boy Scouts (Vosbein Hall) Thursday/Jueves, January 7 7:30 am Divine Mercy Chaplet (Cry Room) 7:45 am Rosary (Cry Room) 8:15 am MASS 9:00 am St. Anthony Ministry (Padua) 4:00 pm St. Anthony Food Distribution (Padua) 6:00 pm MASS 7:00 pm CYO Meeting (Seton) Friday/Viernes, January 8 7:30 am Divine Mercy Chaplet (Cry Room) 8:15 am MASS 8:45 am Holy Hour (Church) 2:30 pm Daisy Troop (Padua) 3:15 pm Brownie Troop (Seton) 7:00 pm CYO Jr. High Lock-In (Gym) 7:00 pm Hora Santa (Church) Saturday/Sábado, January 9 7:30 am Divine Mercy Chaplet (Cry Room) 7:45 am Rosary (Cry Room) 8:15 am MASS 3:00 pm Confessions (Church) 3:30 pm Rosary (Church) 4:00 pm MASS Sunday/Domingo, January 10 8:00 am MASS 10:00 am MASS 12:00 pm MASS 2:00 pm MISA 4:00 pm Confirmation Session #5 (Vosbein Hall) 6:00 pm MASS Please pray for the protection of all our troops who are stationed in the Middle East, especially for: Eli Arnold,Tyler Brewer Astin, Drew Bouysou, Thomas P. Brewer II, Christopher Aaron Dugas, Ian Erickson, Eldhen Fajardo, Ed Gussman, III, Dimian A. Lozano, Chris Munguia, Troy A. Pridemore, David Sowell, Soldiers 3/4 Marines, Carlos Macías, Daniel Nelson, Luis Antonio Betancourt CYO / Calendar of Events Sunday, Jan. 3—General Meeting 7:00-9:00 pm (Parish Center) Thursday, Jan. 7—Mission Trip Info Meeting 7:00 pm (Parish Center) Friday, Jan. 8—Junior CYO Kick-off Party 7:00-11:00 pm (Gym) Sunday, Jan. 10—Confirmation Session #5 4:00 pm (Vosbein Hall) Friday, Jan. 15— Mardi Gras Ball 8:00-11:30 pm (Gym) Thursday, Jan. 21—Pro-Life Night 7:00 pm (Parish Center) Sunday, Jan. 24—General Meeting 7:00 pm (Parish Center) All 8th -12th graders interested in joining our CYO are invited to check out the updated “Youth Ministry” section on the website for more information on events or to sign up. Information is also available in all foyers of the church. For any questions on any of these events, call Claire at 887-7821 or email her at [email protected]. Thank you! Thanks to all who purchased Christmas king cakes for our CYO fundraiser. Your generosity helped to fund our winter CYO retreat! And there is a time for healing / Y hay un tiempo para sanar Those who are sick are asking the Lord that they may regain their strength. May they find comfort as a result of our prayers, especially: Ernie Aponte, Ann Bileci, Millie Belin, Armand Bellanger, Sr., Bruce Bivona, Clarence Blanchard, Kathleen Brown, Catherine Cabibi, Luke Cartozzo, Rayford Chatelain, Cheryl Chaucer, Betty Cutrera, Libby Delesderine, Lana Duke, Doris Fourcade, Christina Fowler, Diane Gambino, Betty Gaiennie, Elizabeth Gaiennie, Carol & Brian Gassen, Juanita Genovese, Glenn Geraci, Weston Golden, Joan & Cindy Haro, Xochilt Rodriguez-Jacoby, Christina James, Perry Juneau, Sybil Joseph, Karen Kocke, Marie Labella, Anna Landreneau, Tommy Lawler, Elsa Lecke, Wayne Levet, Yvonne Lovecchio, Chris Mandella, Danny Mack, Anne Maginnis, Juanita McDonald, Giovanna Montalbano, Gloria Moreau, Beverly and Charles Murray, Martin Narcisse, II., Faith Noullet, Mickey Palmisano, Arthur & Janet Picou, Kitty Perre, Joyce Rabel, Lilean Schenck, Ann Schneider, Shirley Schneider, Morris Schneider, Sherri Schneller, Martin Stokes, Pam Tillman, Kleo Tonglet, Susan Turgeau, Anna Upton, Patricia Vezina, Albert Voltolina, Joyce Wagner, Terry Wagner, Joel Warren, John Washington, Dana Welch, Ricky Welch, Jack Westholz, Cephas Williams, Kristian Williams, Nathan Williamson Ecclesiastes 3:1,3-5 Symbolon: The Catholic Faith Explained This religious ed program for adults features 20 video and discussion sessions that bring together some of the most trusted Catholic teachers in the world to guide you through the breadth and richness of our Catholic faith. There are 20 sessions that will be held in 2 parts: (1) January thru the end of March; (2) September thru the end of November. Weekly day and evening sessions. Info & signup sheets in the bulletin and at all church entrances. Sessions run for 1 ½ hours and no homework is required!!! For more information please visit our website, pick up a form at any church entrance or contact Mickie at the Parish Center. Saturday/Sabado, January 2 4:00 pm Peter Catalano †, Rita Kelly Hernandez †, Paul Bernard Schmitt †, Pauline Harrison †, James Olsen, Robert White †, Sr. Juliana Danos †, Sr. Mary Grace Danos †, The Jacobs Family, Daisy Saia, Danny Mack, John-Paul Ruiz, Joseph Hogh, Jr. †, Marshall & Leonie Knight †, Margie DeNoux †, Joseph T. Roche, Sr. †, Marie Tusa † Sunday/Domingo January 3 8:00 am All Parishioners 10:00 am Howard Zeringue †, Helen M. LeBourgeois †, Dale Evans †, Elaine Gros †, Randy Foulon †, Claire Fulham †, Giuseppe Augello †, Iolanda Vincenti †, John Nguyen †, Claire Tatum-Palestina †, Marilyn Middleton, Philip Maniglia †, Charles & Rosemary Tusa †, Lisa Tusa †, Dr. & Mrs. Jack Andonie, Mr. Barron † 12 noon Robert E. White, Sr. † 2:00 pm Luz María Figueroa, María de Lourdes Rodríguez 6:00 pm Phil Sison Monday/Lunes, January 4 8:15 am Ashleigh Santos † Tuesday/Martes, January 5 8:15 am Rose & Phil Gardner † 6:00 pm Ferdinand & Audry Frank † Wednesday/Miércoles, January 6 8:15 am Kamryn Pearse 6:00 pm Clifford Long Family Living & Deceased Thursday/Jueves, January 7 8:15 am Tina Hanley † 6:00 pm Clifford Long Family Living & Deceased Friday/Viernes, January 8 8:15 am Carol Dares † Saturday/Sábado, January 9 8:15 am Claire “Cookie” Fulham † KINGLY GIFTS This day in many parts of the world is called Three Kings Day because of today’s Gospel reading about the visit of the three kings or magi to see the child Jesus. The church’s name for the day, Epiphany, is based on a Greek word that means “to reveal” or “make visible.” Here, the child Jesus is honored not by his own people—and certainly not King Herod—but by strangers from afar. Only Matthew’s Gospel tells their story. There are not many details about the magi, but pious legends have built up around them over the centuries. A modern version is the operetta Amahl and the Night Visitors, which used to be seen on television at this time of year. The Jewish hope for centuries had been that a Messiah, God’s Anointed One, would be sent to the Jewish people to save them from their sins and deliver them from their enemies. But here we see that God reveals the Son not just to the Jews but to the Gentiles, people like us who are also seeking a Savior, one whom they recognize with joy. We have expected the Savior all through Advent; we have celebrated the wonderful gift of his birth during Christmas; and now, in this new calendar year, what gifts will we present to him in return? New Year’s resolutions often include a decision to work off all those the extra pounds that we have gained from all our feasting and celebrating. That is all well and good as far as it goes, but why not resolve to do something extra for those you love and something more for the community in which you live? Show the love of God that is at work in your heart, or as Saint Francis of Assisi is thought to have said, “Preach the gospel at all times. When necessary, use words.” 2016 CYO MISSION TRIP All current 8th-12 graders and their parents are invited to an informational meeting on Thursday, January 7 to find out more information about our summer mission trip to San Antonio, Texas, June 20-26. The meeting will be at 7:00 pm in the Parish Center’s Seton Room. Come here about this wonderful opportunity for service, fun, and fellowship! SACRED HEART DEVOTIONS Copyright © 2009, World Library Publications. All rights reserved. OUR WEEKLY OFFERING December 20………………………..$34,288.42 We would like to thank all who generously support our Parish. Agradecemos a todos los que apoyan generosamente a nuestra parroquia. On Friday, Jan. 8, we will have a Holy Hour in church immediately following the 8:15 am Mass (from 8:45 until 9:45 am). This holy hour will conclude with Benediction by 9:45 am. The Adoration Chapel will be closed during this hour. PRAY FOR VOCATIONS The best way of supporting our New Orleans Seminarians is by praying for them. Please pray this week for: THIEN THE NGUYEN TODAY’S READINGS First Reading — Rise up in splendor, Jerusalem! The LORD shines upon you and the glory of the Lord appears over you (Isaiah 60:1-6). Psalm — Lord, every nation on earth will adore you (Psalm 72). Second Reading — The mystery has been made known that the Gentiles are coheirs, copartners in the promise in Christ Jesus through the gospel (Ephesians 3:2-3a, 5-6). Gospel — Magi from the east arrived, saying, “Where is the newborn king of the Jews?” (Matthew 2:1-12). The English translation of the Psalm Responses from the Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved. The Epiphany of the Lord Rise up in splendor, Jerusalem! Your light has come, the glory of the Lord shines upon you. Isaiah 60:1 SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES Sunday: Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Epiphany of the Lord St. Elizabeth Ann Seton St. John Neumann St. André Bessette St. Raymond of Penyafort READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: 1 Jn 3:22 — 4:6; Ps 2:7bc-8, 10-12a; Mt 4:12-17, 23-25 Tuesday: 1 Jn 4:7-10; Ps 72:1-4, 7-8; Mk 6:34-44 Wednesday: 1 Jn 4:11-18; Ps 72:1-2, 10, 12-13; Mk 6:45-52 Thursday: 1 Jn 4:19 — 5:4; Ps 72:1-2, 14, 15bc, 17; Lk 4:14-22a Friday: 1 Jn 5:5-13; Ps 147:12-15, 19-20; Lk 5:1216 Saturday: 1 Jn 5:14-21; Ps 149:1-6a, 9b; Jn 3:2230 Sunday: Is 42:1-4, 6-7 or Is 40:1-5, 9-11; Ps 29:14, 3, 9-10 or Ps 104:1b-4, 24-25, 27-30; Acts 10:34-38 or Ti 2:11-14; 3:4-7; Lk 3:15-16, 21-22 Come and spend an hour with the Lord! Adorers are needed on Friday 6:00 pm Please contact the Parish Center at 887-7821. LITTLE MINUTES Little drops of water, little grains of sand, make the mighty ocean and the pleasant land; so the little minutes, humble though they be, make the mighty ages of eternity. Julia A. Fletcher Carney Living Stewardship Now Kingly gifts . . . . . . for God: Love God, receive the sacraments, pray, study God’s word. . . . for the Church: Serve in a parish ministry, contribute to the offertory, support the missions. . . . for your community: Recycle, conserve natural resources, vote. . . . for family and friends: Make time for children, keep an open door, relax together. . . . for yourself: Eat good food, exercise, develop your abilities, and be thankful! Copyright © 2009, World Library Publications. All rights reserved. LECTURAS DE HOY Primera lectura — ¡Levántate y brilla, Jerusalén! La gloria del Señor amaneció sobre ti (Isaías 60:1-6). Salmo — Que te adoren, Señor, todos los pueblos (Salmo 72 [71]). Segunda lectura — El misterio de que los gentiles son coherederos, socios en la promesa en Jesucristo, se ha dado a conocer a los hombres (Efesios 3:2-3a, 5 -6). Evangelio — Vinieron unos Magos de Oriente preguntando: “¿Dónde está el rey de los judíos que ha nacido?” (Mateo 2:1-12). La Epifanía del Señor ¡Levántate, brilla, Jerusalén! ¡Tu luz ha llegado, la gloria del Señor brilla sobre ti! Isaías 60:1 LOS SANTOS Y OTRAS OBSERVANCIAS Domingo: Lunes: Martes: Miércoles: Jueves: La Epifanía del Señor Santa Isabel Ana Seton San Juan Neumann Beato André Bessette San Raimundo de Peñafort Salmo responsorial: Leccionario I © 1976, Comisión Episcopal de Pastoral Litúrgica de la Conferencia del Episcopado Mexicano. Usado con permiso. dos los derechos reservados. LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA Lunes: 1 Jn 3:22 — 4:6; Sal 2:7bc-8, 10-12a; Mt 4:12-17, 23-25 Martes: 1 Jn 4:7-10; Sal 72 (71):1-4, 7-8; Mc 6:3444 Miércoles: 1 Jn 4:11-18; Sal 72 (71):1-2, 10, 1213; Mc 6:45-52 Jueves: 1 Jn 4:19 — 5:4; Sal 72 (71):1-2, 14, 15bc, 17; Lc 4:14-22a Viernes: 1 Jn 5:5-13; Sal 147:12-15, 19-20; Lc 5:12-16 Sábado: 1 Jn 5:14-21; Sal 149:1-6a, 9b; Jn 3:22-30 Domingo: Is 42:1-4, 6-7 o Is 40:1-5, 9-11; Sal 29 (28):1-4, 3, 9-10 o Sal 104 (103):1b -4, 24-25, 27-30; Hch 10:34-38 o Tit 2:11-14; 3:4-7; Lc 3:15-16, 21-22 ¡Ven a pasar una hora con el Señor! Se necesitan adoradores los viernes a las 6:00 pm Si puede comprometerse a esta hora semanalmente, llámenos al 887-7821. HORA SANTA El próximo viernes, 8 de enero, tendremos una Hora Santa en español a las 7:00 pm en nuestra iglesia. Comenzaremos con la exposición del Santísimo y concluiremos con la Bendición del Santísimo a las 8:00. ¡Todos están invitados a adorar a nuestro Señor con esta devoción de los primeros viernes! La corresponsabilidad vivida ahora Regalos reales. . . . . . para Dios: Ama a Dios, recibe los sacramentos, ora, estudia la palabra de Dios. . . . para la Iglesia: Sirve en algún ministerio parroquial, contribuye al ofertorio, mantén las misiones. . . . para la comunidad: Recicla, conserva los recursos naturales, ejerce tu derecho al voto. . . . para la familia y amistades: Dedícale tiempo a los niños, mantén tu apertura, relájense juntos. . . . para ti: Come alimentos buenos, haz ejercicio, desarrolla tus habilidades y ¡sé agradecido! Copyright © 2009, World Library Publications. All rights reserved. REGALOS REALES En muchas partes del mundo el día de hoy se conoce como la fiesta de los Reyes Magos pues, como nos dice el evangelio de hoy, los reyes o magos vinieron a ver al Niño Jesús. El nombre que la Iglesia le da a este día, la Epifanía, proviene de una palabra griega que significa “revelación” o “hacer visible”. En este relato escuchamos que quienes honraron al Niño Jesús no fue su propia gente—y ciertamente no el rey Herodes—sino extranjeros le janos. El Evangelio de san Mateo nos cuenta su historia. No existen muchos detalles acerca de los magos, pero sí muchas leyendas piadosas por el correr de los siglos. Una versión moderna es la opereta Amahl y los Visitantes Nocturnos, que antes la ponían por televisión durante este tiempo del año. La esperanza de los judíos por siglos era que el Mesías, el Ungido de Dios, sería enviado al pueblo judío para salvarlo de sus pecados y librarlos de sus enemigos. Pero aquí vemos que Dios revela a su Hijo no sólo a los judíos sino también a los paganos, personas como nosotros que buscan al Salvador y que se alegran al reconocerlo. Estuvimos esperando al Salvador durante todo el Adviento, hemos celebrado el maravilloso regalo de su nacimiento en la Navidad y ahora, en este nuevo año civil, ¿con qué regalos corresponderemos? Las resoluciones de Año Nuevo incluyen a menudo hacer ejercicio físico para rebajar esas libras extras que ganamos durante las festividades y celebraciones. Todo eso es muy santo y muy bueno pero, ¿por qué no tomar la resolución de hacer algo extra por las personas que amamos y por la comunidad en que vivimos? Demuestra el amor de Dios que mueve tu corazón o, como dicen que dijo san Francisco de Asís: “Predica el evangelio siempre y, cuando sea necesario, usa las palabras”. Copyright © 2009, World Library Publications. All rights reserved. BUENA DISPOSICIÓN Una buena disposición es una virtud en sí misma, y es duradera; el peso de los años no la deprecian, y el amor que se funda en ella perdura Ovidio hasta el fin. OREN POR LAS VOCACIONES La mejor forma de apoyar a nuestros seminaristas es orar por ellos. Por favor, oren esta semana por THIEN THE NGUYEN “We Cater to Cowards” Lakeside Shopping Center in Metairie (Second Floor) Call (504)88-SMILE • Same Day Appointments • Emergencies & Walk-ins Welcome • Most Insurance Plans Accepted (Including Medicare Supplements) • In-House Denture Lab WE’LL SEE YOU.....TODAY! FOR A COMPLETE LISTING OF OUR SERVICES, 12 LOCATIONS AND DOCTORS VISIT: 515146 St Clement of Rome Church (C) For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-438-8931 McKenzie’s your Tree Co. Licensed & Fully Insured 456-1300/897-5585 5000 W. Esplanade Ave. 10% Discount 454-5007 4801 Veterans 889-1550 • Gas Testing • Water Heaters • Underslab Repairs • Video Inspection • Fire Hydrant Installation & Repairs • Storm Drains Tree Care and Landscaping Family Owned and Operated M-F 8:30am-6pm Sat 9am-2pm, Sun-Closed • Packaging Services • Mailbox Services • Copying / Finishing • Office Supplies HOME AUTO FLOOD BUSINESS Greg Brown Parishioner/Agent 101 W. ROBERT E. LEE, #303 Stephen Berry, Owner Over 50 Years • Heating • Welding Experience • Sewer & Drain Cleaning PLUMBING & AIR CONDITIONING Office - 200 N. Woodlawn Ave. • Shop - 4414 Flamingo St. 504-833-1164 WWW.CTTRAINA.COM BAKERY FLORAL WINE • Building Maintenance • Underground Water Mains CATERING PRODUCE 710 Veterans Blvd. 834-8216 BUTCHER SEAFOOD DELI Open Daily 7am-9pm Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise. Prices begin at $1045 per couple which includes all port fees and taxes. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 If You Live Alone You Need LIFEWatch! 24 Hour Protection at HOME and AWAY! ✔Ambulance Solutions as Low as ✔Police ✔Fire EE Shipping ✔Friends/Family FR FREE Activation Frostea’s Caffe Best Bubble Tea in Town $1a Day! ntracts NO Long Term Co CALL NOW! 800.393.9954 an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA PHO • Salads • Vietnamese Cuisine 3400 Cleary Ave. Met. Ph. 888-9600 M-Sat 11am-8pm Sun Closed PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE PUSH TALK ................. 24/7 HELP ................. $19.95*/Mo. + 1 FREE MONTH ➢ No Long-Term Contracts ➢ Price Guarantee ➢ American Made TOLL FREE: 1-877-801-8608 *First Three Months Coffee House & Cafe Following Jesus Every Day: GOSPEL MEDITATIONS FOR DAILY LIVING Ninety days’ worth of Gospel verses and reflections including a meditation, a prayer, a simple activity for the day and a related verse from the Old Testament. Ideal for Lent and Eastertime, or for any time of year! Open Early - Close Late LUNCH & DINNER OPEN 7 DAYS 4301 Clearview 885-4845 TONY BORDLEE, Agent 3312 Cleary @ Vets 455-6557 800-566-6150 • The Latest Books from Christian Author JENNY LYN ~Miss Julia’s Front Porch~ ~Thoughtful Moments~ e avabook ilab s le Available through and Contact for book signing: [email protected] 515146 St Clement of Rome Church (B) For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-438-8931 & AIR CONDITIONING GENERAL HEATING Frank W. Lagarde, Jr. Attorney at Law 4141 Veterans Blvd., Ste. 212 LASIK Cataract Care Diabetic Eye Glaucoma Retinal Disease Family Eye Care 504-488-0826 $25 OFF Service Call $100 OFF Installation 885-3332 GREG & RICK RAYMOND EXPERT JEWELRY & WATCH REPAIRS * CUSTOM DESIGNS FOR OVER 45 YRS * ALL WORK PERFORMED ON PREMISES 504-443-2440 4103 WILLIAMS BLVD., KENNER METAIRIE (504) 888-2600 MANDEVILLE (985) 845-3400 Licensed in LA REALTOR CHRISTOPHER CAZENAVE (c) 504.296.3812 • (o) 504.889.8950 [email protected] 500 Clearview Pkwy., Metairie, LA 70001 WEBRE LAW FIRM, A.P.L.C. Gerald P. Webre, Parishioner Your Neighborhood Law Firm for 48 years 2201 Veterans Memorial Blvd. (504) 831-2120 Attorney at Law Wills • Successions • Personal Injury • Notary Public SUNRISE OF METAIRIE 3408 Clearview Pkwy. Federico’s Family Florist (Veterans & Clearview) [email protected] 815 Focis St. Metairie, LA 70005 (504) 837-6400 3732 West Esplanade Ave S, Metairie, LA 504.889.9777 (504) 888-0622 ✹ Trained staff available 24-hours a day ✹ Daily physical fitness, creative, social, learning and spiritual activities, scheduled group trips and resident-sponsored clubs for a variety of interests ✹ 3 delicious meals per day ✹ Monthly wellness visits ✹ Weekly personal laundry ✹ Weekly housekeeping and daily trash removal Joshua J. Jones, D.D.S. Larry Federico Owner/President Kenny Thone Co-Owner/Vice President [email protected] S T. A N T H O N Y ’ S Healthcare and Rehab Center 2727 Houma Blvd., Suite B • Metairie, LA 70006 Ph: 504-454-0864 • Fax: 504-454-2181 6001 AIRLINE DR., METAIRIE, LA 70003 504.733.8448 FAX 504.733.1917 St. Clement Parishioner & School Parent Advanced Planning Available Serving All Cemeteries 504.835.2341 1600 N. Causeway Blvd. ST. CLEMENT OF ROME CHURCH (USPS 0425-210) is published weekly by ST. CLEMENT OF ROME CHURCH — 4317 Richland Avenue, Metairie, LA 70002-3097. WHY IS IT Subscription is $2.00 per year. Periodical Postage Paid at Metairie, LA 70009-9998. EDENBORN SHELL Certified Technicians • Brake Tags Touch Free Car Wash 3534 Edenborn Ave · 456-7377 POSTMASTER: Send address changes to ST. CLEMENT OF ROME CHURCH — 4317 Richland Avenue, Metairie, LA 70002-3097. CARL BRONDUM, JR. Licensed & Insured Electrician “No Job Too Small” 833-4026 • 455-4161 JOHN MONTALBANO PLUMBING & HEATING 114 Colby Street 833-6500 Lic #3655 Jimmy Tarleton III • Terry Tarleton Auto • Business • Home • Life • Flood Leave it to Good Hands People 454-0008 4323 Division St. At W. 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