Saint Mary`s Santa Maria


Saint Mary`s Santa Maria
Saint Mary’s
Catholic Church
Iglesia Católica
March 20, 2011
Santa Maria
Second Sunday of Lent
And he was
transfigured before
them; his face
shone like the
sun and his clothes
became white as
This is my beloved
Son, with whom I
Am well pleased.
Jesus saying, “Rise,
and do not be
Ahí se transfiguró
en su presencia de
ellos: su rostro
resplandecía como el
sol y sus
vestiduras se
volvieron blancas
como la luz.
“Este es mi Hijo
muy amado, en
quien tengo puesta
mi predilección.
Y les dijo:
“Levántense, no
tengan miedo.
Segundo Domingo de la Cuaresma
Mens’ Bible Study
Is being held on Mondays at 6:00p.m.
Second Sunday of Lent
St. Mary’s Church, Sterling, Illinois
Office Hours-Staff
Monday-Friday 9:00 am – 4:00 pm
Phone: 815-625-0640
Parish Pastor: Fr. Don Ahles
Parochial Vicar: Fr. Juan Ayala
Parish Secretary: Donna Blum
Hispanic Secretary: Janie Atilano
Shut-In Ministry: Sally Kellen
Pastoral Associate: Jane Olson
Business Manager: Marilyn McBride
Deacon: John Kellen
Deacon: Jim Lopez
Deacon: Larry Zitkus
St. Mary School/Phone/ (815) 625-2253
Principal: Tom DePasquale
Religious Education/Phone/625-6688
Director: Gerry Williamson
Secretary: Dianne Williamson
Weekend Mass Schedule:
English: Saturday 5:00 pm
Sunday 7:00, 8:30 & 10:00 am
Spanish: Sunday 11:30 am
St. Mary’s Website
Mass Intentions
Monday, March 21
8:30 am Joel Francque
Tuesday, March 22
7:15 am Liv.&Dec. Members of
Alberto Ruiz Family
8:30 am Kenneth & Bernice Fritz
Wednesday, March 23
7:15 am Souls in Purgatory
8:30 am Catherine Taylor
Thursday, March 24
7:15 am Martin Onken
8:30 am Margaret Kane
Friday, March 25
8:30 am Linda Harms
Saturday, March 26
8:30 am Emigdio & Emilio Gomez
5:00pm St. Mary Parishioners
Sunday, March 27
7:00 am Lori Saunders
8:30 am Tim Conneely
10:00 am Joseph Z. Gonzalez
11:30 am Salome Flores
For Your Information
Sterling deanery
Communal penance
March 23, 7:00 p.m.
St. Catherine, Prophetstown
March 30,7:30 p.m.
St. Mary, Oregon
April 5, 10:00 a.m.
Newman High School
at Sacred Heart, Sterling
April 7, 6:30 p.m.
St. Mary, Morrison
April 10, 4:00 p.m.
Immaculate Conception, Fulton
April 10, 4:00 p.m.
St. Patrick, Dixon
April 12, 7:00 p.m.
St. Mary, Polo
April 19, 7:00 p.m.
St. Mary, Sterling
Stations of the Cross
Wednesday, March 23:
2:15 p.m.- in Church, with St. Mary
Middle School students, Gr. 6
6:15 p.m.- in the Chapel with RCIA
Friday, March 25:
9:00 a.m.- in the Chapel, following the
8:30 a.m. Mass
2:30 p.m.- in Church, with St. Mary
Students of Gr. 3
6:00 p.m.- in Church, in Spanish
You are encouraged to attend any of
the above Stations.
Religious Education
Class schedule
March 23 No classes/Spring Break
March 30 All classes meet
Have you changed your phone
system to a cell phone only?
Have you changed your name, address?
Are you or someone you know in the
hospital or homebound? If you answer
yes to any one of these questions, then
please call our parish office at 815-6250640. You belong to our parish family
and it is important that we can update any
changes you have made.
Calvary Cemetery
March 21-26
Second Sunday of lent
Loving God,
There is so much darkness in my life
and I hide from you.
Take my hand and lead me out of the
shadows of my fear.
Help me to change my heart.
Bring me to you truth and help me to
respond to your generous love.
Let me recognize the fullness of your love
which will fill my life.
Free me from the darkness in my heart.
Lenten Mission
You are invited to our
Lenten Mission program
held in St. Mary Parish
Center, continues each
Monday during Lent, after
the 8:30 a.m. Mass and
will conclude about
The program consists of
listening to CD’s by Matthew Kelly, a
well-known speaker who has given talks
at the Catholic Mens’ Conference in
DeKalb and parishes throughout the
Diocese. There is no charge.
This Week
K.C. Fish Fry
K.C. Fish Fry
St. Mary’s Knights of Columbus are
hosting a Fish Fry on every Friday
during Lent, including Good Friday,
from 5:00-7:00 p.m. in Bales Hall, of the
Parish Center.
Baked or Fried Fish Dinners are $8.00
for adults; $4.00 for children’s portions.
Carry-outs are available by calling 6320561 between 5:00- 6:30p.m.
Collection Report-Fiscal Year
March 12-13, 2011
Required Amount
Envelope Collection
Loose Collection
$ 667.50
Children's Collection
Total Collection
Over (Short) of Required
Required Amount
Envelope Collection
Loose Collection
Children's Collection
Total Collection
Over (Short) of Required
Year To Date
$ 29,237.82
Members Contributing
New Consolidated Loan Total $158,008.87
Observer Bill:
Tithe: Our 8% tithe of $939.31, for March 13
has been given to Combined International
Appeal. This week’s 8% tithe will be given to
PADS. Next week’s tithe will be given to the
Caring Place.
Liturgical Schedules
Saturday, March 26
5:00 pm Judy Dirks, Raul Trujillo
Sunday, March 27
7:00 am Helen Musyl
8:30 am Terry McGinn, Roberta Dillon
10:00 am Audrey Dekker, Nancy Gehrke
Eucharistic Ministers
Saturday, March 26
5:00 pm Deacon, Maureen
Roberts, Flora Whitman,
Howard Craft, Joan Kreps
Sunday, March 27
7:00 am Laura Everson, Paul Hess,
Dennis DeLanghe
8:30 am Deacon, Makenzie Sterk, Beth
Sterk, Beth Summers, Sally
10:00 am Deacon, Jennifer Williams, Judy
Valdez, Heather Smith, Julie
Altar Servers
Saturday, March 26
5:00 pm Gaby Dorsey, Amy
Ryan, Kate Ryan
Sunday, March 27
7:00 am John Beien
8:30 am Quentin Larson, Linnea Larson,
Kaylie Matera
10:00 am Victor Francque, Agustin
Tavares, Drew Burger
Helpers of God’s Most
Precious Children
This is a weekly prayer group that meets
After 8:30a.m. Mass every Thursday, in
the chapel, to pray for the end of abortions
and for those who are ill.
All Day Lenten Retreat
Fr. John Corapi will give a Lenten retreat
“From the Agony to the Victory,” on
March 26, 2011 at the NIU Convocation
Center in DeKalb, IL. The Sacrament of
Reconciliation and Adoration of the
Blessed Sacrament will be available
throughout the day. The day will
conclude with Mass celebrated by Bishop
Doran and concelebrated by Fr. John
Corapi. Proceeds will benefit Catholic
Charities programs. Tickets are available
at or call NIU box office
at 1-800-745-3000.
Summer Lunch Program
“Let’s Feed Our Children” free lunch
program will be held this year. A
planning meeting will be held March 22 at
10:00 in the United Way Building, 502
First Ave., Sterling. Can you volunteer
this summer? Call the Parish Center if
Please Remember in Your
Those who have removed themselves
from God.
Those who have died this year.
St. Vincent DePaul
This weekend is designated to help St.
Vincent DePaul fill their pantry. They are
accepting contributions of non-perishable
food items or paper products of any kind.
If you forgot to bring your donation this
week, and you would like to donate, bring
your donation to the parish office, 9a.m.4:00 p.m., Monday thru Friday.
Through your continued support St.
Vincent’s is able to help families of our
community. Monetary contributions are
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Second Sunday of Lent
Our soul waits for the Lord
—Psalm 33:20
Waiting can be full of tension or full of
joyful anticipation. It depends on who we
think we are waiting for.
Are we waiting for one who comes to
judge and condemn us or one who comes
to judge and condemn us or one who
comes on liberate and fulfill us?
The one who comes promises that he is
coming to give us life in all its fullness.
May our waiting reflect the joy that is in
that promise.
Weekday Mass Intentions
We need Weekday Mass Intentions, call
the Parish Office 625-0640 ext. 13.
Go Out to Encounter God
There are many ways to embark on travel. People travel for a great variety of reasons:
vacation, tourism, business, pilgrimage, or to seek a better life somewhere else, just as
many people have done here in the United States. But people normally do not leave
their house because they feel a call from God or because they believe that they will find
God in a new place. There are, on the other hand, ways to make interior journeys: coming out of ourselves, making an inner journey to find God. When you do this internally,
in prayer, many times God grants the grace of contemplating his beauty and his glory.
We know we have been in the presence of go when the experience is accompanied by
peace, calm, joy, and fortitude. It is not the splendor of a moment,
but the certainty that, even if like the disciples, we will have to come The gift of
down and take care of our obligations and face the difficulties of life, Abundant
God is present with his light and his power. It is the certainty that,
even if getting out of ourselves and our own ego involves sacrifices
and giving up our own comfort to go up to the mountain, the land God promises is much
more abundant. It is the certainty of knowing yu are where you should be: with God.
And that means in love with others, in giving yourself to the service of others, in the
creation of abundant life around you and in receiving the gift of abundant life God gives
For Reflection
How much time do I spend in prayer? Which of my habits and comforts is God asking
me to leave behind so I can meet him? Hat are my resistances? Have I had the experience of meeting God and feeling is protection, his presence, and power?
Segundo Domingo del Cuarema
Teléfonos 626- 5735 / 625- 0640
Página de Internet:
Ministros para el fin de semana del
27 de Marzo
Lectores: Blanca Ibarra, Erika Uresti
Ministro de Eucaristia: Ruben Cisneros,
Mariana Rosas, Jorge Camacho, Josefina
Camacho, Longinos Ambriz
Monaguillos: Alberto Baca, Erik Hernandez,
Jose A. Castro
Acomodadores: .Adrian Ibarra, Jose
Camacho, Carlos Garcia, Juan Trujillo
Clases de Preparación Para Bautismo
Las platicas serán el 7 de Mayo las 2:00pm
a las 4:00pm, en el Centro
Parroquial. Por favor de no
traer sus niños.
Unicamente para los papas
y padrinos.
Los Bautismos:
Para los papas y padrinos
es obligatorio asistir a las clases. No habra
bautismos si no recibe la preparacion
bautismal. Por favor programe su bautismo
llamando al Centro Parroquial con Janie.
Presentaciones de niños en la Iglesia
Si usted quiere presenter su niño o niña en el
templo, unicamente las presentaciones serán
el cuarto domingo del mes durante la misa o
despues de misa.
Matrimonios y Quinceañeras:
Hacer cita con el sacerdote por lo menos 6
meses antes de la fecha deseada. Favor de
no hacer planes antes de tener la fecha
confirmada con el sacerdote.
Sábados de 4:00 a 4:30 pm, o por cita en la
oficina del Padre.
Acompáñenos en la oración al Santísimo
Sacramento todos los martes de 9:00 a.m. a
7:00 p.m. en la capilla.
Bautismo & Presentaciones
No habrá bautismo y presentaciones
de tres años durante la Cuaresma.
La limpiezo anual 21 de Marzo hasta el 26 de
Marzo. La decoraciones se pueden reemplazar
después del 26 de Marzo. Hay un limite de solo una
Salir Al Encuentro Con Dios
Hay muchas maneras de ir de viaje. Se puede salir de casa literalmente, para pasear,
para turismo, para peregrinar a un lugar sagrado, o para emigrar, como muchos de
nosotros. Pero normalmente la gente no deja su tierra porque siente que es una llamada
de Dios, o porque crea que en el nuevo lugar va a encontrar a Dios. También hay, por
otra parte, una manera de hacer viajes interiores: de salir de nosotros mismos, de hacer
un camino interior para encontrarnos con Dios. Cuando se hace esto internamente, en
oración, muchas veces Dios concede la gracia de la contemplación de su belleza y de su
gloria. Se sabe que se ha estado en la presencia de Dios cuando a la experiencia la
acompaña la paz, la alegría, la serenidad y la fortaleza. No es un resplandor de un
momento, sino una seguridad de que ese Dios que nos ha llamado a estar con Él no nos
abandona nunca. Es la seguridad de que, aunque, como los discípulos, tengamos que
bajar de la montaña y atender a nuestras obligaciones, y enfrentarnos a todas las
dificultades que nos trae la vida, Dios está presente con su fuerza. Es la seguridad de
que, aunque salir de nuestra propia tierra, nuestro propio yo, implica sacrificios y renuncias a nuestra propia comodidad para subir a esa montaña, la vida prometida es mucho
más abundante. Es la seguridad de estar donde se debe: con Dios, que significa en el
amor a los demás, en la entrega al servicio de los demás, en la creación de vida
abundante a nuestro alrededor, y en el recibir el regalo de vida abundante que nos da
Para La Reflexión
¿Qué tiempo le dedico a la oración? ¿De cuáles de mis costumbres, hábitos y comodidades me pide Dios que salga para encontrarme con Dios y de sentir su protección, su
presencia y su fuerza?
Calendario Semanal
Catecismo Para Marzo
Marzo 23 no clases
Marzo 30 clases
Estaciones de la cruz
Miercoles, Marzo 23:
2:15 p.m.– en la iglesia, con estudiantes de
Santa Maria
Viernes, Marzo 25:
9:00 a.m.– en la capilla, sigente de la 8:30
a.m. Misa
2:30 p.m.– en la iglesia, con la estudiantes
de Santa Maria
6:00 p.m.– en la iglesia, en español
Estan invitados a participar en cualquierde
estos cervicios
Primera comunión retiro
Retiro para los niños de la Primera Comunión
Será el sábado 9 de abril, 2011 en Bales Hall,
9:00a.m. de la mañana a las 12:00 de la
medio día.
Por Favor!
Es muy importante que su familia esté
registrada en nuestra iglesia de Santa
María. Favor de llamar a Janie al 6250640 ext. 43 o 626-5735 en la oficina
Bautismo & presentaciones
No habrá bautismo y presentaciones
de tres años durante la Cuaresma.
Invitación Para Pescado frito
Los “Caballeros de Colón” nos
invitan a comer los viernes
durante de la cuaresma, de 5:00
a 7:00 p.m., en el Centro
Parroquial. Pueden ordenar
para llevar al 632-0561 de las
5:00-6:30 p.m.
Normas Para La Cuaresma
El ayuno debe ser observado por todos los
mayores de 18 años hasta los 60 años de
edad. En un día de ayuno, una comida
completa es permitida o dos comidas ligeras
durante el día. No es permitido comer entres
las comidas, pero líquidos, incluyendo leche y
jugos si son permitidos. Personas menores de
18 años, enfermas, o mayores de 60 no están
obligadas al ayuno.
La abstinencia debe ser observada por todos
los mayores de 14 años. En días de
abstinencia no es permitido comer carne.
Nótese que cuando la salud o la habilidad
para trabajar puedan ser perjudicadas, la ley
no obliga a estas personas.
(Mujeres embarazadas y personas
enfermas no están obligadas al ayuno y
la abstinencia).
Habrá Confesiones durante la Cuaresma en la
iglesia los Jueves a 6:00-7:00 p.m.
P a r i s h
D i r e c t o r y
Directorio Parroquial
Office Hours/Horario de Oficina
Monday-Friday 9am-4pm/Lunes-Viernes 9am-4pm
Phone/Teléfono: 815-625-0640 • Fax: 815-625-1684
Phone/Teléfono ..............................................................815-625-0640
Pastoral Staff/Personal Parroquial
Pastor/Párroco, Fr. Don Ahles .................................................. ext. 11
Associate Pastor/Párroco Asociado, Fr. Juan Ayala ……..…ext. 12
Deacons/Diaconos: John Kellen, James Lopez, Larry Zitkus .. ext. 26
Parish Secretary/Secretaria Parroquial, Donna Blum ............ ext. 13
Business Manager/Contador, Marilyn McBride ....................... ext. 25
Pastoral Associate, Jane Olson ............................................... ext. 20
Ministry to the Sick and Shut-in/Visitas a Enfermos, Sally Kellen
Hispanic Ministry/Ministerio Hispano, Janie Atilano . 626-5735/625-0640 ext. 43
Religious Education/Educación Religiosa
Office Hours/Horario de Oficina
Monday-Friday/Lunes a Viernes 9:00am-4:00 pm
Phone/Teléfono ..............................................................815-625-6688
Director/Directora, Gerry Williamson………...…………………...ext.44
Secretary/Secretaria, Dianne Williamson…...……………………ext.14
Two (2) years of religious education are required before a child can receive
Holy Communion and/or Confirmation. / Para recibir la Primera Comunión
o Confirmación, los niños deben completar 2 años de doctrina.
St. Mary School/Escuela Santa Maria
Phone/Teléfono ........................................................... (815) 625-2253
Principal/Director: Mr. Tom DePasquale
Weekend Mass Schedule/Horario de Misas
Saturday/Sábado 5:00 pm • Sunday/Domingo 7:00, 8:30 & 10:00 am
Sunday/Domingo (En la Iglesia) 11:30 am
Weekday Mass Schedule/Horario de Misas—Capilla
Monday - Friday 8:30-chapel/Lunes y Viernes 8:30 am -Capilla
All the masses are in English./Todos las Misas son en Ingles.
The Sacraments/Los Sacramentos
Saturday/Sábado 4:00-4:30pm
Communal Penance Services in Advent & Lent.
Please call the parish office for the arrangements. Held on the First
Sunday of the month. Please call the Parish Center four months prior to
the birth. / Los bautismos son el tercer Domingo de cada mes. Llama al
Centro Parroquial cuatro meses antes de nacimiento.
Couples should contact the parish priest at least 6 months in advance.
Arrangements can not be made on the phone. Persons must be at least
19 years old. / Las parejas deben comunicarse con el sacerdote, al
menos con 6 meses de anticipación. Las fechas no se arreglan por
teléfono. Las personas deben tener al menos 19 años de edad.
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Documentos relacionados

Saint Mary`s Santa Maria - St. Mary`s Catholic Church

Saint Mary`s Santa Maria - St. Mary`s Catholic Church Parish Secretary/Secretaria Parroquial, Donna Blum ............. ext. 13 Business Manager/Contador, Marilyn McBride ........................ ext. 25 Pastoral Associate, Jane Olson ....................

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Saint Mary`s Santa Maria - St. Mary`s Catholic Church

Saint Mary`s Santa Maria - St. Mary`s Catholic Church Pastoral Staff/Personal Parroquial Pastor/Párroco, Fr. Don Ahles ...................................................ext. 11 Associate Pastor/Párroco Asociado, Fr. Juan Ayala ……..…ext. 12 Deacons/Di...

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