Charisletter - San Antonio Catholic Center For Charismatic Renewal


Charisletter - San Antonio Catholic Center For Charismatic Renewal
Archdiocese Catholic Center for
Charismatic Renewal
1707 South Flores Street
San Antonio, TX
Phone (210) 226-7545
Fax: (210) 212-9330
... woe to me if I do
not preach the Gospel! 1Corinthians
PERMIT No. 1310
Y hay de mí si no
predicara el Evan-
Catholic Center for Charismatic Renewal Newsletter
1707 S. Flores, SA, TX 78204
E-mail: [email protected]
Volume 7 Issue 10
October 2007
(F.U.E.L. For The Journey- Family Event)
Guest Speakers: Michael & Erica Rodriguez
Topic: “Catch
The Wave of The Spirit”
(Go With The Flow) More on PG 3
Saturday Oct. 20th 6:30–9pm
St. Vincent De Paul Catholic Church Parish Center
4222 South West Loop 410 San Antonio, 78227 (Exit Valley Hi Dr.)
A Gift For You (Life In The Spirit Seminar)
9:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Seminario Vida en El Espirtu en el CCCR
9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Discipleship, continued: Community Building Charisms, Fr. Bob Hogan, CCCR
09:00 a.m. to 4 p.m.
07:00 to 9:00 p.m.
09:00 a.m. to 12:00
7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. A Gift for you: Claiming your promises at St. Mark the Evangelist
6:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Evening of Renewal and Revival at St. Vincent De Paul Parish Center
6;00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. Concierto con Jesus en St. Henry’s
9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Discipleship, continued: Prayer Life & Planning, Fr. Bob Hogan, CCCR
Claim your life-long gift of promises (2007 Series)
Vida en El Espiritu Santo. St. Joseph’s Church in Del Rio, Texas
Begins October 17th
Healing Mass at the CCCR
Wednesday Nights 7-9 PM
Healing workshops/Taller de Sanacion. CCCR
Inside This Issue From
Christopher Hall #202
St. Mark the Evangelist Catholic Church
From the staff
1602 Thousand Oaks Drive, SA.TX 78252
2:00 p.m to 5:00 p.m. Asamblea Carismatica at the CCCR
Prayer Meetings @ CCCR
Sponsor: The Spirit and The Word Charismatic Community. Info: Mrs. Frankel 490-7820
7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Healing Mass at St. Cecilia
Charismatic Discipleship
Prayer Group Info
“ASAMBLEA Carismática”
Committee Memo
Octubre 28, 2007 de 2-5PM
Bob & Anita Rice
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
7:00 PM
WHERE: St. John the Evangelist Ave. K and 21 St., Hondo, TX
CONTACT: 830-741-2236
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
WHERE: St. Jerome 7955 Real Road SA. TX
7:00 PM
CONTACT: 648-2694
Healing Workshops
Capilla del cccr 1707 s. flores
Misa y platica con padre ruben Garcia
Tema: la fe
Coro: Julio Duarte y juan jose Delgado
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
7:00 PM
WHERE: San Juan de Los Lagos Shrine 3231 El Paso St.
CONTACT: 210-492-0492
Informes: Carla ayala 734-3696
Volume 7 Issue 10
Most Rev. Thomas J.
Flanagan, DD Auxiliary
Bishop of San Antonio and Liaison for
Father Bob Hogan, BBD
Associate Liaison/National Service
Committee Member
Page 2
Volume 7 Issue 10
Tree of Life
Rosbel Hernandez Director Liaison
Misa de Sanación Bilingüe
Oct.10 7-9 p.m.
From The Staff
In 1970 at the age of seventeen I made a
commitment to follow Jesus as my Lord and
Savior; to be his disciple. I knew that I did
not have the strength to follow Jesus with
my own power. I needed the Holy Spirit as
my Advocate (Counselor, Love-Renewer,
Power from on High). I was prayed over to
be baptized in the Holy Spirit. Jesus became
more real. Scripture came alive. I sensed
the presence and guidance of Jesus and the
Spirit. I was given power to enable me to
overcome my fears day by day through the
love of God poured into my heart through
the Holy Spirit (Rom 5: 5). I began to have
more honesty and courage to face my weaknesses and sins, so that I could continue to
be transformed into a new creation in Christ.
I started a journey as a “charismatic disciple,” a Spirit-led disciple of Jesus.
I am excited to be working with
Bishop Tom, Ros, the Service Committees, and all of you who have
experienced renewal in the Spirit.
Please stay in contact with us at
the Center. I have been seeking to
contact all the Prayer Group leaders. If I have not talked with you
yet, please give me a call at the
Center. We want to support the
prayer groups and help you to continue to grow. If you have been
blessed by the Charismatic Renewal, ask the Lord how he wants
you to support the Center with your
time, talents, and financial support.
Attend the monthly Renewal Days
and bring a friend.
The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Truth who
leads us into all truth. He is the best
teacher who gives us a powerful desire always to learn more about Jesus and his
ways. I hope that you have not lost your
hunger to learn and be discipled! For the
Charismatic Renewal to have its full impact
in the life of the Church (Renewing the grace
of Pentecost in the life and mission of the
Church; being a reminder in the Church of
the role of the Holy Spirit in all aspects of
Catholic life), we need to be united with our
bishops and priests who are the continuation of the 12 apostles (Lk 6: 12-16, 9: 1-6).
We need the leadership role they have from
the Lord. We need to build good relationships with them and seek their guidance.
We need our deacons who are the continuation of the 7 servants, filled with the Holy
Spirit and wisdom (Acts 6: 1-7). We need
trained charismatic disciples who continue
the mission of the 72 disciples sent by Jesus
(Lk 10: 1-11). We need united, persevering
intercessors like the 120 gathered in the
Upper Room before Pentecost (Acts 1: 1315).
We started the course on
“Charismatic Discipleship” on September 29. It will continue on October 6 and 27 (9 am. to 3 pm. at the
Center). This course is important
even if you have been involved with
the Charismatic Renewal for many
years. It is important to show our
pastors that we have received
training from someone who is a
certified teacher and college instructor. You will receive resources
to help you grow personally and to
know how to develop and work with
groups. If you missed the first
class, you still are invited to attend
on October 6 and 27. Pray for Holy
Spirit renewal! Continue to be discipled! Seek ways to strengthen
your prayer groups. Be united with
our bishops, priests and deacons.
We can help. Stay in touch.
Father Bob Hogan, BBD Associate Liaison
CCCR Chapel 1707 S. Flores St.
Vida en
El Espíritu
St. Joseph
Del Rió, Texas
Oct 06, 2007
Carmen Solano &
Deacon Efraín
Page 7
Presentando a un cantante unico, Abigail. El se ha
dedicado a llevar su testimonio de vida a quienes le
desean escuchar, lo mismo lo hace en un gran estadio como en un salón pequeño o en algún hogar. No
importa si es cerca o lejos de su natal Guatemala,
ha recorrido muchos países. Para él no hay distancia, no hay tiempo, solo su voz, sus recuerdos, su
inspiración, su canto y su fe... en Dios.
Oct. 10 CCCR 9:30am
Oct. 11 CCCR
Escuela de Formación de Lideres
Sabado Octubre 13 y 20
9-12 A.M.
Mini- Conferencia Católica Carismática
Sanación de la familia en El Espíritu Santo
St. Jude’s Church Hall, 130 South San Augustine St.
Viernes Nov. 9th, Sabado Nov. 10th, Domingo Nov. 11th
Bolleto $10/Info: Sylvia Lopez 932-2075
Oct. 16 San Judas7pm
Info: Sonia Deras,
Musica- Alex García de Houston
Predicadores: Manuel Capetillo– Torero y actor transformado
por el Espiritu Santo
Omar Maytorena– Predicador Mexicano
Informes: 734-3696
God is so good! A couple of weeks ago, Anita and I were in adoration at St Matthews in San Antonio. I had my head
bowed in prayer. I happened to look up at the Blessed Sacrament and noticed that there was a shadow being cast between the two altars; the one where the Blessed Sacrament was sitting and the other where the tabernacle was sitting.
When I saw the shadow I was reminded of the scripture in Acts 5:15 which says, “They even carried out the sick into the
streets, and laid them on beds and pallets, that as Peter came by at least his shadow might fall on some of them.”
Just then, the woman who was assigned to remove our Lord from the monstrance before Mass came and stood before
the tabernacle. As she stood there, the shadow of the monstrance fell upon her lower back. As she genuflected, the
shadow ran up the full length of her spine to the top of her head. As she stood back up, it once again ran the full length
of her spine to the top of her lower back.
The thought came to me, “Boy if that lady had a bad back she sure doesn’t have one anymore.” As it turned out, she
came and sat right in front of me for Mass. I tapped her on the shoulder and told her that I wanted to tell her something
after Mass.
30th @ 7:00 PM
When Mass was over I told her what I had seen and she got this stunned look on her face and said, “Oh my word, I have
an extremely bad back and I noticed that as I walked up and down the stairs to serve communion I didn’t get that sharp
stabbing pain in my back that I always get. And even now I have no pain in my back at all!
Well, it has now been several weeks since that happened. I saw her this morning at Mass and asked how she was feeling and she said, “Still NO pain!”
Info : 533-7109
Written by: Dr. Bob Rice
Volume 7 Issue 10
Page 6
Evening of Renewal and Revival
CCCR HEALING TEAMS, should attend this workshop.
Those persons wanting to be Healing Team Members must attend at least 8 Healing Ministry Workshops during the year.
SÁBADO, 13 de OCTUBRE 2007 - 9AM - 12PM
"Pedro fue y preguntó a Jesús: - Señor, cuántas veces deberé de perdonar a mi hermano, si me hace algo malo? Hasta siete veces? Jesús contesto: No te digo hasta siete veces, sino hasta setenta veces siete" (Mateo
ATENCION: TODOS SON BIENVENIDOS: Enviten a los amigos. Todos los Miembros del Ministerio de Sanación deben de
atender estos talleres.
Todos los que desean ser Miembros Capacitados al Ministerio de Sanación e imponer manos en las funciones del centro
Católico CARISMÁTICO tienen que haber atendido cuando menos 8 talleres de Sanación .
is published monthly for the
Archdiocese of San Antonio
Most Reverend Thomas J. Flanagan
Auxiliary Bishop and
Liaison for Charismatic Renewal by
Catholic Center for Charismatic Renewal
1707 South Flores Street
San Antonio, Texas 78204-1926
E-mail: [email protected]
Phone: (210) 226-7545
(210) 226-7546
Fax: (210) 212-9330
Rosbel (Ros) Hernandez
Director, CCCR
Zulema Maldonado
Office Manager/Administrator
Thank you for your kind support.
If you need a book table for
your Life in the Spirit Seminar,
let us know 3 weeks in advance. We will gladly provide
the books you need.
Bookstore hours:
Mon-Fri 9:00 am to 3:00 pm
Fr. Bob Hogan, BBD
Associate Liaison
Rev. George Montague, SM
Rev. Einer R. Ochoa
Deacon Robert Garza
Archdiocesan Healing Ministry
Pedro & Nelda Palacios
Carla Ayala
Archdiocesan Youth Ministry
Rudy & Delfie Garcia
Newsletter Staff
Rosbel Hernandez
Zulema Maldonado
Hazme Volar, Canal 15 del CTSA (por cable)
Topic: “Catch The Wave of The Spirit”
" Peter asked… "Lord, if my brother keeps sinning against me, how many times do I have to
forgive him? Seven times?" "No, not seven times," answered Jesus, "but seventy times
seven. "(Mat 18: 21-22)
Fanning the Flame– live program on CTSA (Channel
15), every 3rd Monday of the month at 8 PM. Join the
hosts, Michael and Erica Rodríguez On October 15
Dr. Bob Rice will be the guest speaker. Tune in, see
how this Pentecostal pastor fell in love with the Eucharist and converted to Catholicism.
Speakers: Michael & Erica Rodriguez
Volunteer Staff
Laura Montoya
Maria Onzon
Olga Martinez
Sonia Deras
Beatrice Koenig
Book Ministry
Santa Garza
Pedro Wolfe
Cesar Salinas
(Go With The Flow)
See: (Ps. 51:10-11, Lk. 12:12, 1 Cor. 1:7)
Music Ministry: Marina Garcia & “One Heartbeat”
Witness: Cindy Villareal
Saturday October
6:30–9pm with fellowship to
Page 3
(F.U.E.L. For The Journey- Family Event)
SAT. OCT. 13 9AM to 12Noon CCCR Chapel
CHARISLETTER is a ministry of the Charismatic Renewal;
we will gladly advertise your announcements. Donations are
accepted to defray the cost of the newsletter.
We gladly send free copies to Pastors to make announcements as needed.
CHARISLETTER is mailed to all who wish to receive it. An
annual donation of $10.00 is suggested. Additional donations
to support the ministry at CCCR are gratefully accepted. Send
contributions and/or requests to be placed on the mailing list
to: CCCR, 1707 S. Flores Street, San Antonio, TX 78204.
Phone (210) 226-7545. All contributions are tax deductible.
DEADLINE: News or calendar items to be considered for
publication in CHARISLETTER must be submitted by the
15th of the month prior to publication.
Volume 7 Issue 10
Juan & Margarita Diego les invita que sincronicen a este
programa carismático cada segundo jueves del mes a las 7
de la noche. Hagan sus llamadas al programa que es en
Prayer Groups at CCCR Information
Mondays 7:00 pm
Flame of Love (English)
Tuesdays 9:30 a.m. to Noon
“Upper Room’ Prayer Group
Location: St. Vincent De Paul Catholic Church Parish Center (4222 South West Loop 410 San Antonio, 78227)
(Handicap Access & Security)
Prayer Group Leader: Isabel Martin
Bilingual - Info. 674-8141
CCCR Chapel
The Martin Family Music Ministry
The Children’s Ministry ages 3 to 11 brings a delight to the
evening activities. The Teen Ministry rounds out the family atmosphere along with the great food and fellowship
that is provided by the host parish family. So mark your
calendar and come for a lively evening of Praise, Worship,
and Sharing. Receive Fire Unto Every Life! Event Coordinators: Lolly & Adrian Bancker For Info Call: 210-6557724
Martes 7:00 P.M (Espanol)
Miercoles, 7:00 p.m. (Bilingue)
Tree of Life Prayer
Formacion, Ministerio de Sanacion
Carla Ayala—Info. 734-3696
Capilla/Chapel del CCCR
descrube el regalo
Leader: Eleanor, 4321609
de sanacion
Healing Mass Every Second
A Special Prayer of Thanksgiving goes out to the Host Parish Family of St. Paul Catholic Church, last month’s sponsor.
Notice: If your Prayer Community or Parish Representative
would like to host an Evening of Renewal and Revival
please call Lolly Bancker for more information on this
MUCH NEEDED ministry @ 655-7724/ 823-1345
Jueves 9:30 a.m. (Español)
Grupo de Oración: Sala Alta
Líder: Rosie Chavarria
Rudy Zamora
Praise, 9:30; Mass at 10:30
CCCR Chapel—Mass & Anointing
of the sick 2nd Tuesday of the
with Bishop Tom Flanagan
Helen 264-5364
Thursday 7:00 P.M. (English)
The Word and The Spirit
Prayer Group Leader.
Info: 923-2505
Capilla del CCCR
Info: 535-4332
CCCR Chapel
Friday 12 Noon
Healing Mass, CCCR Chapel
Infor: Laura, 333-6913
Friday 7-9 PM , Chapel
Youth & Young Adults
Info: Rudy & Delfie
Course on Charismatic Discipleship, Led by Fr. Bob Hogan, BBD
Two more Saturdays Left. Time: 9AM to 3PM Location:CCCR 1707 S. Flores
October 6, 2007
1) Community, Building Charism
2) Stirring up the Charisms for Prayer Groups and Daily Life
October 27, 2007
1)Prayer Life (personal and group)
2)Yearly Planning for prayer groups (discernment)
Bring lunch, drinks provided. Everyone supporting the vision of Catholic Charismatic Renewal is encouraged to attend.
Volume 7 Issue 10
Page 4
Healing Masses and Special Services †
Mondays: St. Brigid Catholic Church (6907 Kitchener)
First Monday of each month at 7:00 PM
St. James Catholic Church (907 W. Theo)
Last Monday of each month at 5:30 PM
St. Ann Catholic Church (210 Ann Street)
First Monday of each month at 6:00 PM
St. Mary Magdalen’s Catholic Church (1710 Clower)
Every last Thursday of each month 7:00 PM
Tuesdays: St. Vincent De Paul Catholic Church (Chapel)
(4422 W. Loop 410)
First Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m.
St. Jude Church, 1st Tuesday, 7 p.m. Fr. Roney Cardoso
St. Cecilia (125 W. Whittier Street)
Last Tuesday of every month, 7:00 p.m.
Holy Family Church (152 Florencia) Third Wednesday
of each month at 7:00 PM
St. Lawrence Catholic Church (236 E. Petaluma) Every 3
Wednesday of each month at 7:00 PM
Thursdays: St. Philip of Jesus Church
(131 Bank) at 6:00 PM & every last Thursday Children’s
Healing Mass
Seminario Vida en El Espíritu
Jueves, 4 de Octubre
Sala Alta (grupo de oración del Jueves)
Capilla del CCCR 9:30-12:00.
Vengan a tomar agua del manantial
de Jesús .
Información- Rosie C. 923-2502
Sunday, HEALING SERVICE Our Lady of Lourdes
Vision and Mission
Archdiocese of San Antonio
Catholic Center for Charismatic Renewal
Renewing The Grace of Pentecost In the Life and Mission of The Church
To stir into flame the grace of Pentecost within and beyond the church, to broaden and deepen the understanding that baptism in the Holy Spirit is the Christian
inheritance of all, and to strengthen the Catholic Charismatic Renewal.
Visión de el Movimiento Católico Carismático
Renovando la gracia de Pentecostés en la
vida y misión de la iglesia
CCCR Tree of Life Prayer Group CCCR Chapel
Second Wednesday of Each Month, 7:00 p.m.
Siete semanas.
Fridays: St. Dominic's Catholic Church
(5915 Ingram Rd.)
First Friday of Each Month, 7:00 p.m. to 4:00 a.m.
CHARISMATIC MASSES: St. Jude Catholic Church
(130 S. San Agustin)
1st Tuesday of each month with Fr. Roney Cardoso 7 PM
Grotto, (5700 Blanco Rd) 2-4 p.m.
CCCR Chapel (1707 S. Flores)
Every Tuesday at 10:00 AM. Religious articles, salt,
water and oil will be blessed.
Volume 7 Issue 6
Dear friends in Christ, may God’s love and grace
abound in your life, family and prayer communities. As
we fulfill our service to our Lord, in the power of the
Holy Spirit, we are called to pray and love one another
as we faithfully build up the body of Christ.
At the Charismatic Center, we are about the “Father’s”
business planning for our community. The service
committee met on Sept. 11, 2007 to discuss months
of charismatic events. We discussed plans for the
Catholic Charismatic Conference to be held on March
7th and 8th, 2008 at St. Mary Magdalen Catholic
Church. Please mark your calendar.
We invite all of you to attend the “Charismatic Discipleship” course presented by Fr. Bob Hogan on Sept.
29,Oct. 6th and 27th. What a blessing! God is calling
us to grow in the Spirit as we follow our Lord, Jesus
Christ and minister to His people. Please attend and
know that God has a plan for each of you in the building up of our community.
Our annual fundraiser, “Concierto Con Jesus, will be
held on Oct 26th at St. Henry’s Hall. You are invited to
attend an evening of fun, dining and Christian music.
See you there!
We thank you for your participation and support of our
Charismatic events. We are truly blessed by your generous contribution and ministries that keep us working
in anticipation of the many blessings God has for us.
Praise God, now and forever.
Rebecca Rocha: Service Committee Chairperson
MISIÓN: Agitar hasta en llama la gracia de
Pentecostés dentro y más allá de la iglesia,
extender a lo ancho y profundizar el entendimiento que el bautismo en el Espíritu Santo
es una herencia Cristiana de todos, y fortalecer la renovación Carismática Católica.
Page 5
Ministry teams available Through the
CCCR. Call 226-7545 for information
and booking.
Jesús & Evelyn Ramos: Maestría en
teología y tiene formación en la renovación carismática a todo nivel, especializando en la formación de líderes. Jesús y Evelyn traen un ministerio completo de música,
alabanza y enseñanza basada en la Biblia y
los documentos de la iglesia.
Pedro Gama tiene el don de música y
tiene formación en ese ministerio. Esta dispuesto a servir en los grupos de oración para compartir su testimonio o dar temas, como sea necesario. También tiene experiencia y canta todas las partes musicales de la
misa. Llamar al: 645-6019
Eleanor Huron, Catholic Lay Evangelist
The Knights of Columbus invite you to experience the Holy Family and the LOVE they
continue to share with us. Enjoy a relaxing and peaceful weekend tucked away in the
beautiful Hill Country setting of Camp Tecaboca. There will be plenty of good food,
Christian fellowship, great music, and Spirit-filled speakers. Bring a friend, father,
son, brother. All are welcome and you do not have to be K of C. When: Oct. 26-28,
2007; Camp Tecaboca is 1 ½ hour from S.A.
Cost is only $80.00 prior to Oct 12 and $90.00 from Oct 13 to check in on Oct. 26th.
For more information contact the Retreat Director, Deacon Roy Amo, 210-348-6662
or [email protected] or Assistant Director Charlie Carvajal, 210-479-1295, or
[email protected]. Registration forms are available in the narthex. Don’t miss out
on this great opportunity.
experienced in all facets of charismatic renewal. She is bilingual and has had formation as leader and teacher. She and her
team do life in the Spirit and growth seminars and healing services. She is experienced as mediator in group dynamics and
problem solving. She is equally effective in
English and Spanish. Info: 432-1509.
Heavenly Sounds Music Ministry
I was talking to my 5 ½ year old son, Michael James, about heaven. He’s
familiar with death and heaven, because we always share about my 4 ½
year old nephew, Daymen, who passed away 10 years ago. We were talking about how Jesus died for us so that we can go to heaven, and that although we die here on earth, we will live in heaven forever. Michael James
sat quietly for a second and then said, “I don’t want to die. I want to go
up like Elijah.” I smiled with a peace and content that he is living the
faith as we all should.
Who is Jesus?
“God. He lives in heaven. He likes animals. He likes people. He didn’t
like bad soldiers. He didn’t know he could be a body. His body could
turn into a Jesus body. His body was gone. They couldn’t find it. It was
in heaven.” - Abram, 3 years old
Both sent by: Erica, San Antonio, TX
*** Please send your stories to Erica Rodriguez – [email protected]
Praise & Worship with the full orchestra/
band sound. Bilingual— Holy Mass, Conferences, retreats, missions, Rosary w/music.
No Fee. Love offerings may be sent to the
CCCR. Music Director: Frank Garcia, 4943562
Rosie Chavarria, líder del grupo “Sala
Alta” en el CCCR tiene experiensa a todo
nivel de la renovación Diocesana. Su formación es extensiva ya sea en Ingles u Español. Además de retiros, seminarios nueva
vida y crecimiento, tiene experiensa en resolver problemas entre los grupos de oración. Info: 923-2502.

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