27th - Saint Mary`s Catholic Church


27th - Saint Mary`s Catholic Church
Saint Mary Roman Catholic Church
1000 North Jefferson Avenue, Goldsboro NC 27530-3141
Rev. Alex Gonzalez, Pastor
Deacon Webster James
July 27, 2014—Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Saturday Vigil
5:00PM English
7:00PM Spanish
Sábado ~ 5:00 PM En Inglés
Sábado ~ 7:00 PM En Español
10:00 AM English
1:00 PM Spanish
Domingo ~ 10:00 AM En Inglés
Domingo ~ 1:00 PM En Español
9:00 AM Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday
lunes, martes, jueves, viernes
7:00 PM jueves en Español
No Mass on Wednesday
No hay Misa los miércoles
Holy Days 9:00 AM and 7:00 PM No Vigil Masses
Adoración al Santisimo 9:00 AM y 7:00 PM
First Friday Adoration begins after morning Mass
and ends with Benediction at 5:30 PM.
Todos los viernes primero de mes de 10:00 AM a5:30 PM
New members may register by calling the parish
office (weekdays from 8:30 AM to 4:00 PM).
Mission Statement
Saint Mary is a diverse Catholic community working
together to live the Gospel, grow in faith through the
Eucharist, and share our gifts in service to others.
Landings is designed to help people return to
Mass and the Sacraments.
Call the office for information.
Saint Mary Roman Catholic Church
Mass Intentions and Readings
for July 26 to August 3, 2014
Office (Oficina): 919 734-5033
FAX: 919 580-0730
[email protected]
Web: www.saintmarygoldsboro.org
Rev. Alex Gonzalez, Pastor…..ext. 27
Deacon Webster A. James...….ext. 29
Director of Faith Formation
Mrs. Carole Sears……………...ext. 34
Liturgy Coordinator
Mrs. Debbie Gambella,
Parish Secretary…………....…ext. 10
Mrs. Kathy Hennessy,
Parish Secretary…….....…......ext. 26
Mrs. Tracey Davis,
Parish Bookkeeper…..…...…..ext. 28
Mrs. Elvira Ponce,
Hispanic Ministry………...…..ext. 22
Mrs. Vicki Ellis,
Choir Director, 10:00 AM
Mr. Philip Eubanks, Organist
Mr. Mike Nault, Organist & Choir
Director, 5:00 PM
Mr. Van Tran, Sacristan
Office: 919 735-1931
FAX: 919 735-1917
[email protected]
[email protected]
Mrs. Lynn Magoon,
Principal…………………........ext. 33
Mrs. Anne Marie Gambella,
Admn. Assistant………….......ext. 11
Mr. Harold Jones,
Supervisor………………….….ext. 31
Mr. Larry Jones,
Assistant………...………….....ext. 31
Chair Hank Daniels,
Vice-Chair John Marguglio
Secretary Sharon Thomas
Finance Council Chair John Heeden
Kevin Bacon, Steve Balli, Sheila Covar, Anne Hurrey, Joseph Jones, Paula Long, Phyllis Radford, Donna Stevenson, Gene Seward.
Goldsboro, N. C.
Sat. 7/26
Jeremiah 7:1-11; Psalm 84:3-6a, 8a, 11; Matthew 13:24-30
Anna Kuczynski, dec by Kuczynski Family
Spanish Mass
1 Kings 3:5, 7-12; Psalm 119:57, 72, 76-77, 127-130; Romans
8:28-30; Matthew 13:44-52 [44-46]
Josephine Bannon, dec. by Lois & Chuck Gray
Pro Populo
Mon.7/28 Jeremiah 13:1-11; Deuteronomy 32:18-21; Matthew 13:31-35
Dorothy Morris, dec. by Roberts Family
Tue.7/29 Jeremiah 14:17-22; Psalm 79:8, 9, 11, 13; John 11:19-27 or Luke
Rita & Baltazar Castillo, Sr., dec. by Jim & Elena Cobb
Wed.7/30 Jeremiah 15:10, 16-21; Psalm 59:2-4, 10-11, 17-18; Matthew
No Mass Today
Jeremiah 18:1-6; Psalm 146:1b-6ab; Matthew 13:47-53
Associate Members of SVDP by St. Mary SVDP Society
No Spanish Mass this evening
Fri. 8/1
Jeremiah 26:1-9; Psalm 69:5, 8-10, 14; Matthew 13:54-58
Shirley Burbidge, dec. by Students & Staff of Saint Mary School
Sat. 8/2
Jeremiah 26:11-16, 24; Psalm 69:15-16, 30-31,33-34; Matthew
Dorothy Nezballa, dec. by Jim & Monica Rollins
Spanish Mass
Isaiah 55:1-3; Psalm 145:8-9, 15-18; Romans 8:35, 37-39;
Matthew 14:13-21
Elizabeth Cloete, dec. by Cloete Family
Pro Populo
Sacramental Life
Penance and Reconciliation
Saturday ~ 4-4:30PM and by
Baptisms are during Mass the third
weekend of each month. Preparation
is required before scheduling the time
and date.
Contact the Deacon six months in advance of the ceremony.
Sacrament of the Sick
If you wish to receive the sacrament of
the sick during a prolonged illness or
before surgery, please call the office.
If you wish to receive communion
from a Eucharistic Minister due to
illness, age, or handicap, please call
the office. These visits are made after
the Mass has been celebrated.
Altar Flowers may be given in
memory of a loved one or in honor of
a person or event. You may make arrangements for flowers by calling the
Parish Office at 734-5033 ext. 10 or
The Sanctuary Lamp
For the week of July 27 to August 2
Church Lamp:
will be lit in Memory of Roberto
Reyes, Sr. by the Rayes Family
Chapel Lamp: If you would like to
reserve the Church or Chapel Lamp
for a special intention or in honor or
memory of a person please, call the
Parish Office at 919-734-5033.
Bulletin Deadline:
10 working days before
Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Cookies, Cookies
How those airmen at SMJ Air Force
Base love those homemade cookies!
The local USO is delighted that we
have continued to support the Cookie
Program through the summer
months. So remember to just drop
your cookies off any Monday at the
Parish Office during regular business
hours. The USO Coordinator will
pick up the cookies and take them to
the Base. Where the airmen will get a
little taste of “home”.
SVDP Would Like To Wine
and Dine You...
On Sunday, August 3rd the Society
of St. Vincent de Paul will be holding
a Membership Drive Dinner. Any
Parishioner who would like to know
more about the Society and the work
they do is invited to attend. This will
be a Spaghetti Supper with all the
trimmings. Join us in the Cafeteria at
4:00PM on August 3rd and enjoy a
wonderful dinner and some very interesting information on the Society
of St. Vincent de Paul
Help Wanted Saint Mary School
is looking for someone with strong
bilingual skills to teach grades 6, 7,
and 8 Spanish approximately 5 hours
a week. Please contact Mrs. Magoon
for more information at 919-735-1931
ext. 33 or [email protected].
July 27, 2014
Parish Calendar
Sunday, July 27– 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time
* Spanish Language Choir Practice
after 10:00am Mass
after 1:00pm Mass
Monday, July 28
* K of C Directors Meeting
Tuesday, July 29
* Perpetual Novena
* Legion of Mary
Wednesday, July 30
* Health Care Fair for High School
9:00am to 3:00pm
Thursday, July 31
* 10:00am Choir Practice
* No Spanish Mass tonight
Friday, August 1-First Friday
* Exposition
* Benediction
* Spanish Language Choir Practice
Saturday, August 2
* 5:00pm Choir Practice
Sunday, August 3-18th Sunday in Ordinary Time
* Spanish Language Choir Practice
* SVDP Recruitment Dinner
after 10:00am Mass
after 1:00pm Mass
First Friday Change in Hours
of Exposition
Note that we will be making a slight
change in our hours of Adoration on
First Fridays. We will begin at
10:00am as usual but will have Benediction at 5:30pm.
Even though we are in summer mode
remember Jesus is still there waiting
for you to come and spend some one
on one time with Him. Plan a mini
vacation for yourself...come and
spend some quiet time with Jesus on
Friday, August 1st.
“If we are to know our Lord, we
must go to Him. Listen to Him in
silence before the Tabernacle.”
~Pope Francis
Offertory Report
Do you know a 3 to 5 year old child
who would like to “Rock” with us
here at Saint Mary’s Pre-School?
Call the School Office at 919-7351931and let us know about them. We
have 3 day & 5 day openings.
July 13
Over (Under) $ 536.70
Second Collection July 27: Family
Life Center
Saint Mary Roman Catholic Church
Treasures From Our Tradition
In our thoughts and prayers:
Pray for the intentions of those in
nursing facilities, the homebound, the
chronically ill, and those who are critically ill.
Please remember in a special way the
following parishioners who have requested your prayers:
Ralph Bailey, Jesse Brickhouse, Judy
Cordeiro, Lee & Sarah Davis, Marjorie Dixon, Elaine Evans, Agnes Harris, Bill Irvine, Joan Jones, Bertha
Kish, Erma Lawrence, Denise Lewis,
Dorothy Lewis, Billie Myers, Verna
Mullinax, Wilbur & Mary Perry, Benjamin Raposa, Natalie Ulrey and Terry Williams.
If you would like your name included
in the Prayers for the Sick in the Bulletin please contact our coordinators
for “Prayers for the Sick”, Gloria at
919-734-3810 or JoAnn at 919-7367266.
Please also remember in your prayers all of our parishioners who are in
the military especially those who are
By the dawn of the fourteenth century, the sacrament of confirmation was
ripe for a rescue, since vast numbers
of the faithful never received it, and
when it was celebrated, it was done
so in isolation from baptism and Eucharist. A bishop named William Durandus set out to reclaim this liturgy,
but he had a creative touch and added
some things into the mix that had
never been thought of before. One
was a slap. Oddly, he replaced the
kiss of peace at the end of confirmation with a slap on the cheek that endured to modern times. This "wakeup call" was related in his imagination to a custom in the military,
wherein ceremonies of knighthood
and investiture involved a symbolic
wound as a sign of willingness to suffer.
Within every congregation today
there are people who have memories
of fretting through their confirmation
liturgies, anxious to know how enthusiastic a slap the bishop would bestow. Durandus loved symbolism and
had a reason for every ritual and practice, but his creative spin on the celebration shows how sadly adrift confirmation was from its anchorage in
baptism, how far off-course from its
home port of the eucharistic community.
--Rev. James Field, Copyright (c) J. S.
Paluch Co.
Baptism Congratulations
As we say our prayers daily let us
remember the Intentions of Pope
Francis. For the remaining days of
July the intentions the Holy Father
request we remember are:
Sports. That sports may always be
occasions of human fraternity and
For Evangelization
Lay Missionaries. That the Holy Spirit may support the work of the laity
who proclaim the Gospel in the poorest countries.
Welcome to our Parish Family
Sebastian Robert Zamudio, son
of Pascual and Shannon Zamudio
who was baptized here on May
25, 2014.
Goldsboro, N. C.
Diocese of Raleigh
Diocese launches new video series,
"Raleigh to Rome" - a weekly Catholic news brief of local and global Catholic news hosted by Billy Atwell.
Watch and subscribe to the Raleigh to
Rome You Tube channel.
Women of Wonder One Day
Saturday, August 16, 2014 8:00 AM –
3:00 PM St. Michael the Archangel
Church in Cary, NC
Keynote Speaker -Johnnette Benkovic,
Renowned National Speaker and host
of Women of Grace Show EWTN
Guest Speaker –Amy Daniels, Director, Office of Formation and Discipleship, Archdiocese of Atlanta
Mass Celebrated by Rev. Msgr. David
D. Brockman, Vicar General, Diocese
of Raleigh
Includes lunch, vendors, optional confession. Tickets on sale for $40 per
person at St. Michael the Archangel
parish office or on-line at
www.stmcary.org under “event registration” tab.
Tickets available now through August
8th. No tickets will be sold at the door.
For more information contact Mary
DiSano at [email protected] or
4 Stages of Marriage are: (1) Ro-
mance, (2) Disillusionment, (3) Misery, and (4) Awakening. Many marriages experience the first three stages,
but those that end in divorce never
make it to the fourth stage of Awakening. Don’t give up without learning
about this vital part of marriage. Contact Retrouvaille if your marriage suffers from Disillusionment or Misery.
For confidential information or to apply to attend the program beginning
with a weekend on September 12th call
800-470-2230 or email:
[email protected] or visit the
web site at www.retrouvaille.org.
You are invited to follow the Diocese
and Bishop Michael F. Burbidge on
twitter @RaleighDiocese and
@BishopBurbidge. Diocesan tweets
include current news items. Bishop
Burbidge’s tweets include daily reflections and reports.
Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
About Liturgy
Sunday collection and responsibility as parish community: Each
Sunday a collection is taken up. Most
of the money goes to the necessary
financial obligations of the parish—
salaries, building upkeep, programs
and services. It is good to remind ourselves regularly, in addition to these
necessary costs, that some of our gifts
each Sunday must be set aside so that
others less fortunate than us can share
more equally in the treasures of this
earth. Yes, each parish community
has financial obligations; but each
parish community also had people obligations. We witness to where our
treasure really lies when we make
some of our resources available to
those less fortunate than we.
St. Mary is fortunate to have an active
St. Vincent de Paul Society (only 1 of
3 in our Diocese) and you can always
fulfill your obligation to those less
fortunate than you by assisting SVDP
with their work or you might be interested in joining the Society and helping on a more personal level. If you
would like more information on the
Society of St. Vincent de Paul the St.
Mary Conference meets on the 2nd
and 4th Tuesday of each month at
6PM in the 6th grade classroom. You
are always welcome to join a meeting
and the members of the Society will
be happy to answer your questions
about the work they do here in Wayne
“We think sometimes that poverty is
only being hungry, naked and homeless. The poverty of being unwanted,
unloved and uncared for is the greatest poverty. We must start in our
own homes to remedy this kind of
~Mother Teresa
Respect Life
MLK Jr.’s Niece Explains
Why We’re Not ‘Free at Last’
By: Cortney O’Brien 6/27/2014
Martin Luther King, Jr.’s fight for civil
rights is not over, insists his niece Dr.
Alveda King. Speaking at the 44th
annual National Right to Life convention in Louisville, KY. King explained
that she is continuing her uncle’s legacy because the presence of abortion
shows that not all of us can enjoy that
freedom for which he fought.
King, the Director of African American Outreach for Priests for Life, insisted that her uncle was pro-life. Indeed, many of his quotes suggest he
cherished the right to life: “We must
all learn to live together as brothers or
perish as fools.” A post-abortive mother herself who had “secret abortions”
her family didn’t know about, King
explained how her views on abortion
gradually evolved.
“First I was saying ‘save the babies!’
But then I finally realized I was a victim. It’s not just the babies—it’s everyone.”
King’s fight for the vulnerable and
helpless has led her on a number of
different projects, such as Pro-Life
Freedom Rides and even going to the
clinic of convicted murder/abortionist
Kermit Gosnell to expose the atrocities in his “House of Horrors.”
King also took an opportunity to respond to the Supreme Court’s unanimous decision in McCullen v. Coakley
to strike down pro-life buffer zones,
which would have prevented pro-life
sidewalk counselors from coming
within 35 feet from abortion clinic
entrances. King wouldn’t have hesitated to take her fight for the unborn to
these clinics and stand up for prolifer’s free speech.
“I was ready to lay down and go to jail
July 27, 2014
to end the buffer zone law.”
One of Dr. King’s pro-life specialties is
engaging in African –American outreach. King has sent letters to the Congressional Black Caucus, encouraging
legislators to consider unborn children
as part of their constituency. She gives
a simple, yet powerful reason for her
advocacy: “Black children are in danger.”
In addition pro-abortion activists, the
media is also worthy opponent to the
cause King is championing. For instance, the major TV networks all but
ignored the important Gosnell case
and have given pro-life gatherings lessthan-adequate coverage, while offering several minutes to Wendy Davis’s
pro-abortion filibuster and the subsequent protest in Austin that follow last
summer. But, King insisted the media
can no longer ignore the growing prolife movement, especially considering
its significant presence in DC this
“They cannot deny the hundreds of
thousands in DC at the March for
Near the end of her presentation, King
played a video of her and Father
Frank Pavone discussing their project,
Rights 50.com, to recognize the 50th
anniversary of the Civil Rights Act.
They are hoping to expand those
rights to unborn children.
Saint Mary Roman Catholic Church
Goldsboro, N. C.
Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
July 27, 2014
Over 250 young people, preschool through grade 12 will sign up this fall to learn more about
Jesus and the Catholic faith. Unfortunately at this time at least 100 of these students do not
have a catechist to teach them. You can help them learn and grow by becoming a catechist
for Faith Formation. Classes are held each Sunday from 11:30 AM to 12:30 PM in the school
and will start this year on August 25th. As you nurture the faith of our children and teens,
you will learn and grow as well! Those who are catechist often remark that they get so much
from teaching and that the experience of being a catechist deepens their own faith. We provide you with training, materials, and support.
If interested or for more information, contact Deacon Webster at 919-734-5033 ext. 29 or
Kathy Hennessy at 919-734-5033 ext. 26 or email [email protected].
Iglesia Católica Romana Santa María
Goldsboro, N. C.
Bartolomé de las Casas, el gran defensor
de los indígenas, nació en Sevilla, España en 1474 y falleció en Madrid en el
año 1566. Su larga vida fue dedicada a
la presencia española en América.
Bartolomé llegó a la Nueva España para
XV Años
encargarse de una Encomienda.
Si cumples y/o deseas celebrar tus XV
Después fue ordenado sacerdote y reciaños en los primeros 6 meses del año te bió a cargo una encomienda de mineros
invitamos a inscibirte para la preparaamerindios. Poco a poco su corazón
cristiano le abrió los ojos a las injusticias
Padre John Alexander Gonzalez
españolas en América.
919 734-5033 ext. 27
∗ Estar bautizada
Por eso se hizo fraile dominico e hizo
Bautismos—Elvira Ponce 919-252-0768 ∗ Haber hecho la primera Comunión varios viajes a España en defensa de los
∗ Iscribirse con 4 meses de anticiderechos humanos de los amerindios
ante los reyes de España, los cuales le
∗ Asistir a la preparación
dieron tierras en Venezuela y Chiapas
para poner en práctica su teoría humanBautismo: Asistir a la preparación, pa- ∗ Donación
ista acerca de los indígenas.
dres y padrinos y
Abogado Certificado en Migración Hasta el fin de su vida este fraile y
fijar la fecha con el sacerdote.
El ministerio social católico tiene un
teólogo dominico luchó por los derechos
abogado autorizado y reconocido para
Confesión: Sábados de 4:00pm a
de los nativos americanos, buscando
casos de migración si usted necesita al- convencer a los reyes españoles y a los
Para enfermos en el hospital o en casa gún servicio comuníquese con:
Papas que la conquista no favorecía la
Jim Palmer 252-355-5111
evangelización de los pueblos. Gracias a
(habla español)
con la parroquia.
sus esfuerzos se abolió la esclavitud
2717 Memorial Blvd., Greenville
indígena y se instituyó el diálogo, en
Unción de los Enfermos: Si usted
lugar de la espada, como instrumento de
quiere recibir el sacramento por enferconversión.
medad u operación favor de comunicár- EL GRAN PREMIO
--Fray Gilberto Cavazos-Glz, OFM,
de nuestra cultura– se tiene la costumbre Copyright (c) J. S. Paluch Co.
Comunión para enfermos: Si tiene alde preguntarnos a nosotros mismos y de
gún familiar en el
preguntarles a los demás qué haríamos
hospital o en casa que desee recibir la
si ganamos. En la primera lectura de
Se necesita ayuda
hoy, Salomón ciertamente se gana el
Saint Mary School está buscando a alcomuníquese con la parroquia.
premio mayor. ¿Qué premio podrá ser
guien perfectamente bilingúe para dar
más grande que tener a Dios todopode- clases de Español en los grados 6, 7, y 8
Matrimonios: Iniciar la preparación
roso ofrecerte lo que quieras?
con seis meses de anticipación.
aproximadamente 5 horas a la semana.
De todas las cosas que podemos pedir,
Para mayor información, favor conSalomón escogió pedir sabiduría y le fue tactar a Mrs. Magoon al 919-735-1931
Platicas Pre-Bautismales
concedida. ¿No sería bueno preguntarext. 33 o
nos que pediríamos si Dios nos hiciera
[email protected].
∗ Asistir a las pláticas, padres y paesa oferta? En realidad Dios nos hace
esa misma oferta cada día, al darnos
∗ Traer copia del acta de nacimiento otro día de vida, un poco de los bienes
del niño (a).
de la tierra, algún don o talento, un lla∗ Traer copia del acta de matrimonio mado a la bondad, algo de la voluntad
de los padrinos.
divina. Cada uno de esos bienes es un
∗ Llenar una solicitud por niño.
“premio”. Debemos detenernos y exa∗ Estar registrados o registrarse en la minar lo que vamos a hacer con nuestro
premio: ¿guardarlo o usarlo con egoísmo, o ponerlo al servicio de la proclamación del Evangelio?
Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
∗ Estar bautizado.
∗ Haber hecho la primera communion.
∗ Ser mayor de 15 años.
Misión de la Parroquia Presentación de 3 Años
La parroquia de Santa María
es una comunidad católica y
diversa que trabaja unida
para vivir el evangelio, crecer en fe por la Eucaristía y
compartir nuestros talentos en servicio a
∗ Solicitarla 2 meses antes.
∗ Estar bautizado (a).
∗ Donación
Decimoséptimo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
27 de julio de 2014
Lecturas De La Semana
Jeremías 13:1-11; Deuteronomio 32:18-21; Mateo 13:31-35
Jeremías 14:17-22; Salmos 79 (78):8, 9, 11, 13; Juan 11:19-27 o
Lucas 10:38-42
Miércoles: Jeremías 18:1-6; Salmos 146 (145):1b-6ab; Mateo 13:47-53
Jeremías 2:1-3, 7-8, 12-13; Salmos 26 (25):6-7ab, 8-11; Mateo 13:1017
Jeremías 26:1-9; Salmos 69 (68):5, 8-10, 14; Mateo 13:54-58
Jeremías 26:11-16, 24; Salmos 69 (68):15-16, 30-31, 33-34; Mateo
Domingo: Isaías 55:1-3; Salmos 145 (144):8-9, 15-18; Romanos 8:35, 37-39;
Mateo 14:13-21
Principio Y Fundamento
El hombre ha sido creado para alabar, hacer reverencia y server a Dios
nuestro Señor.
~San Ignacio de Loyola
Felicitaciones a Daniela Barrientos Ibarra, hija de Juan Daniel Barrientos Mendez y Diana Ibarra Hurtado se bautizo aquí 24 de mayo de
Felicitaciones a Esperanza Vega
Avila, hija de Antonio Vega Avila y
Elena Avila Reyes, se bautizo aquí
el 24 de mayo de 2014.